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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? see saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. the verdict with serhii rudenko every
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weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. well, dear friends, we are returning to ether, now we will talk about money, more precisely about pensions, and here our viewers write their speculations as to why this collection is moving so hard say that maybe people are waiting for some salaries. and some payments, maybe yes, dear friends, really, if you compare, for example, our last monday, then things were our last monday, when we were working on the air, much better than now, now we are gradually approaching the mark of 30 00 hryvnias , this is what we accumulated this morning, and uah 25,000 remains, so that we have 9,000, 900,000 of the 4 million needed. 9000, that's still closer to
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the first million, i hope so you will find a couple of hryvnias there, which will not hurt to donate, i remind you once again that they do not have to be huge amounts, but they must be, because you need constant support for the collection, and the collection is huge, and it is very difficult to collect it, everyone is a little yes volunteers agrees that now it has become worse again with the gatherings, i understand that - people are scared by some kind of mobilization and so on, but dear friends, well , who but us, who but us will help our army, and it really needs those quadricycles, which will help save life and will help evacuate military wounded from the battlefield, well, besides all that, these atvs will deliver ammunition to... the front line, and with these
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ammunition they will destroy muscovites two in one for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, join, any please, i am begging you, we are grateful for each one. hryvnia and our military is especially grateful, and i hope that while i was talking, we already have a surplus of uah 1,000. i hope that we will still get close to the 9,000 hryvnias mark, of course, that's what we wanted i would like to end our broadcast with this, you have one and a half hours left for this, but let's not rush ahead, at least we will be grateful for every hryvnia that brings this collection of ours closer. andriy pavlovsky, meanwhile, is an expert on issues. of social policy and people's deputy of the verkhovna rada of the eighth convocation , mr. andriyu, i congratulate you, i congratulate you and our audience. mr. andriy, let's talk about pensions and the interesting fact that the conditions for
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retirement will change in ukraine, i wanted to ask you, tell me please, people like us, people who are already 40 plus, and some are under 50, we... if we live, of course, we will receive a pension, you will receive a pension, but the question is how much it will be, yes, will it be to have enough of it for life in this matter, well, in general, i would not advise young people like you to gamble with the state in pension games, and you need to take care of your old age, start thinking already. now something, if there is an opportunity to save now for such a situation, in which sooner or later we all come to old age, then it would be possible
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postpone, you know, but we have a war here, our own challenges, some gatherings, and this is also a challenge, because we have to help the army, and besides all that , we have our... parents, grandparents, who also need our help, so that they are on their pension, it is difficult to live in ukraine, well, what can i say, then in such a situation you have to live with what is today, today, and there already as god will provide, as religious people say, eh, look, we are now we have a war, and in ukraine the issue of pensions... it has always been difficult, but since there is a war now, and many people left, young people also left abroad, uh, how will it be with pensions in the coming years, because pensions are not taken out of thin air, as it will be, because
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businesses are closing now, because some are afraid that they are mobilized, and others simply go and mobilize and close their businesses accordingly. well, of course, all this complicates the future of pension provision in ukraine, especially since the basic basis of pension insurance in ukraine remains the joint pension system, and it is effective when somewhere around four working people receive one pensioner, we are already close. to the point where one working person actually has one pensioner, if there are two or three pensioners for one working person, then it is clear that this pension system will not last, it will simply
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collapse, and therefore the prospects, unfortunately, for now are like this, until the war, well, ends war. the reconstruction of ukraine will begin, i hope that those who left ukraine, especially young people, will return to their homeland to restore and rebuild it, and then it is clear, there will be employers who will have what work to offer, will pay the appropriate contributions. to the pension fund, including and gradually in a natural way, this issue will be resolved now, in fact, pensions are paid at the expense of the help of europeans, americans, as i understand it, since all tax money is sent to the needs of defense first of all,
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accordingly, is that money enough, or can there be a situation where we won't have enough help and we won't be able to pay pensions, is that it? on the contrary, reindex in in such a case, pensions are still given to us in layers, i apologize for the slang of euros and dollars, let's raise pensions, why not? you correctly noted that the state budget for this year is formed in such a way that all revenues to the state treasury go to security issues, and in fact the entire social sphere, including the payment of pensions in our country at the expense of external revenues, that is... the account of assistance to those the united states, the european union, canada, some other
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countries, we actually maintain all the social sphere, and by the way, er, the pension budget fund, it is actually half subsidized, but half of all income of the pension fund is a direct transfer from the state budget, that is... really, thanks to the help of our partners, we can pay pensions on time, just as in may, it happened to provide other social benefits, yes that we should thank our partners and let's hope that they will not leave ukraine in trouble in the future, there is a huge amount of shadow money in ukraine, there are even suspicions that it is this... this zone, the gray zone, where money circulates, it is only increasing because people are very often afraid now,
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for example, men who don't want to be mobilized, or employers who don't want their workers to be mobilized, which is also very often now i think, they actually, you know, the government, while some of the government's recent actions do not contribute to the improvement of the economic situation there, the investment situation, as they say and so on, well, pay attention... well, what are the statements of the same yes danylo hetmansov, the head of the tax committee, that taxes in ukraine will be significant increased, or statements of the national bank that transfers from the bank cards of individuals will be limited, and the amount will be limited and the number of transfers will be no more than 30 per month from one's bank card. do and many other things that do not
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contribute to economic life, to maintaining it at a more or less normal level, that is, the government must somehow change its own priorities, review them and do everything to support precisely, well, first of all, small and medium business, because what is done last... lately it is actually already finishes, yes, finally kills small and medium-sized businesses that will not be able to survive, for example, you mentioned the same mobilization, now in the verkhovna rada there is a bill that if an entrepreneur, an employer, wants to submit an application for the reservation of his own, as a qualified employee, then he must for it , uah 20,000 per month to... pay additionally to all taxes and fees that are already paid, and so on, and this is just such an amount that
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it will be difficult for small and medium-sized businesses for each employee, even before additional taxes to pay 20 thousand hryvnias each, and many such examples can be given, and there are still really shadowy areas, customs have not yet been put in order, in other areas we are still spending. billions of funds for the construction of these so-called roads, and we see that in all regions there, tens of kilometers from the front line, they are laying asphalt or tile, well, it is unclear, instead of using this money, for example, to build the same fortifications, and on the example of the kharkiv region, we all saw it, well , what is not... rational the use of budget funds, you just know, i just spoke with oleksiy honcharenko,
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a deputy, and he says: i will not vote for economic armoring, because it is a tax, so it will be like a ransom for the rich from the war. well, to be honest, i am 100% sure that knowing how the legal system exists in ukraine, all the really rich people have already paid off or will pay off in any case, if they, if they don't want to, then only they will do it in black well, it will be reflected later in the declarations of the same sooner or later there are employees of tsk, or it will not be reflected, somewhere there they will rewrite it so cunningly that it will be imperceptible how, and - and what is it talking about... in fact, you say that 20 00 is a lot, for example, to pay, but it was would be 20 00, which can be stretched to the wall, this is the first, and the second, well, okay, not 20, there are 10, 15, how much is needed in order to actually enable medium and small businesses to keep their personnel, because now small businesses, well, the problem is actually glaring,
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because the companies simply do not have employees, they have all gone into hiding, well, not all, of course, just look, if people are hiding, but they are legally registered, they can also be taken, for example, to the front, regardless of how old they are, i mean, there are 27 plus all the way forward, but this the most highly qualified employees, well, 25 to be exact, but very often these are highly qualified employees, without whom the company simply cannot replace them with 19-year-olds, it cannot, well, there is a problem, the deputies do not think about it, they want to play populism. well, let's count on pensioners and their votes, but the pensioners will not go to war, they are already 60 plus, well, i agree with you, but this is precisely the art of public administration for our officials, the same deputies, how to find that solution, but we just faced
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the fact that simple there are no solutions for complex...problems, you remember here, offices of simple solutions and everything else were very popular there at one time, but we see during the war that, unfortunately, unfortunately, there are no simple solutions, and here it is very a difficult decision, how to find, so as to satisfy the mobilization, and so that qualified people stayed to work, to support the economy, so that, because we... understand that the army depends on the economy, if there is no economy, then we will not be able to maintain defense, these are interconnected things, and here we must always find optimal solutions, here's how to find them, for this you need professional, qualified managers and so on, managers, but how
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qualified they are, you and i see this every day. mr. andrii, thank you very much for the conversation. andriy pavlovsky, expert on social policy, people's deputy of the verkhovna rada, previous convocations, but now, gentlemen, the time has come to allow ukraine to use western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, just now, just now , it would be for that, it would be great, but not just now such a statement is precisely about the time to allow ukraine hit the territory, do it, said nato secretary general jen stoltenberg in an interview with the economist publication, according to him, the need to cancel the restrictions is particularly acute now, because. fighting continues in the kharkiv region and the line of contact actually coincides with the border line. which countries are still trying to prevent escalation and why this strategy is wrong, we will tell in our next article. let's see. february 25, 2022. the second day of a full-scale invasion. the millerovo military air base in the rostov region is on fire. and
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who did it? - asked sarcastically on the page of the air force command. ssu this was almost the first attack by the armed forces of ukraine on enemy territory. according to journalist yuriy butusov, he was hit by a tactical missile system point u. then the aggressor lost several boards, airplanes and helicopters. from the first days of the great war, the defense forces did not hesitate to strike on the territory of russia, and the enemy, who planned to capture kyiv in three days, suffered losses. but the means of defeat were running out. and the western partners, who after the retreat of the russians from kiev finally decided to supply ukraine with weapons, established a strict taboo, no strikes on russian territory. we believe that the equipment and facilities that we provide to ukraine, and that other states provide to ukraine, should be used for return ukrainian sovereign territory.
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in his conversations with mr. umirov , minister austin speaks as best he can. use these tools. we believe that it is within the ukrainian territory. in the summer of 2023, the washington post newspaper reported that russian volunteers who raided the belgorod region a month earlier allegedly used tactical vehicles provided to ukraine by the united states and poland, and carried rifles made in belgium and the czech republic. official brussels then even started an investigation and turned to of ukraine. the defense forces continued to strike enemy territory with drones of their own production. airports, military bases, oil storage facilities, and in the last six months, oil refineries.
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once, drones even flew to the kremlin. but the ban on the use of western weapons, in particular long-range missiles, which exceed ukrainian drones in both speed and power, remains in force. and this significantly weakens the armed forces. the laws of war say that when the enemy concentrates forces for an offensive, it is necessary to dilute them warning strikes, but ukraine has no right to do so, and that is why the russians felt confident in the belgorod region, preparing for an offensive in the north of the kharkiv region, and now they are not afraid of the strikes of the armed forces of ukraine, concentrating in the area of ​​the city of suja in the kursk region and creating a threat to sumy. president zelenskyi has repeatedly asked the event to revise the strict rules. which significantly weaken ukraine. i do not believe that there should be any bans, because this is not about the offensive of the ukrainian army using western
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weapons on the territory of russia. it's protection, that's right just like the pre-emptive sanctions we were all talking about before a full scale invasion. it's the same thing, it's a warning. there are certain developments in this matter, but so far they are minimal. the baltic countries and some others. other allies strongly support the authorization to strike russia with western weapons. the germans are categorically against it. the head of the foreign affairs committee of the french parliament, jean-louis bourlanche, appealed to the government to lift the restrictions. and great britain, if not the first, has actually already done it. good news, the minister of foreign affairs of the kingdom david cameron brought to kyiv at the beginning of may. ukraine has such a right. just as russia strikes inside ukraine, you can totally understand why ukraine feels the need to make sure it defends itself. however,
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the key word in this matter is the united states. it is the largest supplier of weapons to ukraine. during a recent visit to kyiv by us secretary of state anthony blinken, he was asked why the us still hasn't revised its approach? blinken answered evasively. we did not encourage or create opportunities for out-of-bounds shots of ukraine, but in the end ukraine has to decide for itself how it is going to fight, or how it will wage a war to protect its freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity. according to the new york times, blinken supports the lifting of restrictions on strikes at least on border russian territories, but within the biden team from this. there is no question of unity. the us president himself has so far taken an extremely cautious position, saying that it is necessary to follow red lines in order to avoid
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a direct conflict with moscow. the debate continues pressure on the white house is increasing. a group of congressmen from the republican and democratic parties appealed to us defense secretary lloyd austin to reconsider the ban. the speaker of the lower house of congress also spoke out against restrictions for ukraine. mike johnson. on may 22, at a hearing in the house of representatives, the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, republican michael mccaul , even showed a map of russia with marked zones where american attack missiles could reach, if the united states had the courage to authorize such strikes. administration the president, his adviser jake sullivan limited the use of weapons so that ukraine could not defend itself and fight back. russia, that is why i would give consent to the use of long-range and short-range radio systems of judges, as well as hymars. there, as you tie the hands of ukrainians. however, so far the official position
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of the usa, in particular the pentagon, is the same as at the beginning of the great war. it is impossible to hit russia with american weapons. at the press conference following the results of another ramstein this week, defense minister lloyd austin avoided answers about whether ukraine can, with the help of american air defense systems, shoot down planes that bomb kharkiv from russian territory. the us continues to play a dubious game called de- escalation. according to some military experts, it is precisely because of this strategy that ukraine and its allies missed the chance to inflict a strategic defeat on russia in the fall of 2022. as president zelensky noted. western decisions are delayed by a year, and these delays cost lives and territories in the country. gasoline
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