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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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chas noviny on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. he was preparing the capture of krasnohorivka. in donetsk region, the security service detained the russian. agent , slovysnyk tracked the locations of ukrainian defenders, as well as monitored firing positions, he wanted to transfer the collected data to the occupiers for the further advance of the enemies in the kurakhiv direction. fortunately, law enforcement officers abducted the informant in time, he faces life imprisonment. a new record, a ukrainian intelligence drone attacked the enemy's radar station in orsk, orenba. which regions of russia. it
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is located at a distance of more than 1,800 km, the ukrainian pravda publication writes about it with a link to the sources of hungary. i would like to note that this is a new target range record for kamikaze drones. another body was found in a destroyed construction hypermarket in kharkiv. currently, 16 people are known to have died as a result of the russian attack. another 44 people were injured, the chief said. serhiy bolvinov of the investigative department of the regional police, according to him, during the night specialists identified the identities of two more victims, bodies may still remain in the building. rescuers continue the search operation. let me remind you that on may 25, the occupiers shot at construction hypermarket of the city with two aerial bombs. and in sumy oblast, as a result of enemy shelling, a fire broke out in the residential sector. this was reported in the state
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emergency service. the russians hit the border settlements of shostkinsky district, due to the threat of repeated shelling, the rescuers had to eliminate the fire in two stages. fortunately, no one was hurt. the enemy attacked antonivka in donetsk region. two people died, one was injured. there is also one dead and one wounded in krasnohorivka, - said the head of the regional military administration. there are also victims and victims in the chasovoyarsk community and in siversk. in selidovo, 11 private houses were damaged as a result of shelling. three people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. the russians targeted the residential quarters of several settlements. 12 private houses were damaged, said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the occupiers also hit the admin. a building and a point
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of impregnability, a dilapidated farm building, storage facilities and a car. supplies are replenished, at least 17 units of armored vehicles and a convoy of trucks moved towards russian rostov from voronivsk region. this was reported by petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol. according to him, the equipment is most likely headed for the berdyan direction in zaporizhzhia, so the russians are trying to strengthen this area. the front the oryol region of russia was attacked by drones. two drones fell on the territory of a gas station in the city of livny. this is stated by the local authorities, allegedly damaged part of the facade of the administration building. one person died, three others were injured. and by the day of emergency medical care , no doctor will save 1,150 russians. and in general. since
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the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, more than 502,000 occupiers have suffered eternal torment, and a lot of enemy equipment has also turned into ashes, just last day ukrainian... defenders destroyed nine tanks, 15 armored combat vehicles, 28 art systems, 55 cars, rocket salvo fire system, one anti-aircraft vehicle and seven units of special equipment. forever landed 42 enemy drones and 12 cruise missiles. the general staff reminds that all data are approximate. and so that the enemy's expenses only increase, i am asking you to join our urgent collection. an operational off-road vehicle is needed to perform tasks by reconnaissance units in active combat zones. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, there is no way without a car at the front. the vehicle carries personnel, ammunition, and drones are launched from them. she has already been found and transported to ukraine. currently, they are repairing
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and equipping it, all that remains is to buy it and transfer to the front. in general, our goal is uah 300,000. together with you, we are already at the finish line, on the accounts. we have more than uah 290,000. i am sure that thanks to the caring viewers of espresso, we will be able to close this collection before lunch. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. a record aid package. spain will allocate more than one billion euros in military support for ukraine. this is reported by the spanish media with references to sources in the government. the new package is expected to include missiles in the anti-aircraft system. the transfer of aid must be announced today during the working visit of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. a new large-scale protest against the law on
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foreign agents took place in georgia. this is reported by local media. protesters staged a freedom march before the country's independence day. students, teachers, politicians, public took part in the march. activists, let me remind you that president solomet zorabishvili promised a pro-russian law on foreign influence, but the georgian parliament is preparing to override her veto. 28-year-old roman romanchuk from poltava won on all-ukrainian teacher of the year competition. he has been teaching geography for five years and is constantly thinking about how to interest students. he prepared for the competition throughout the school year. our journalist anna morozova asked about the secret of success. that is, what area are we circling? luts, this is the luts region, this is the volyn region, rivne-rivne region, and uzhhorod-transcarpathia region. roman romanchuk from poltava conducts final geography lessons this academic year.
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he recently returned with a victory in the teacher of the year contest in the geography category. congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. according to the results, among the best 11 geography teachers, roman scored the highest number of points. these tests are aimed at checking you, how you design research activities, your ability to see how you can develop tasks for practical work using internet resources, check your pedagogical competence, your pedagogical skill, how you conduct a lesson. the final took place in ternopil. poltavets pulled out. fish with the topic of the geographical shell, after preparation, development, research and lesson presentations for the sixth grade. honored teachers and scientists of ukraine highly appreciated the geographer's abilities and awarded him the victory.
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i used all the assets that i had during all this time of working at this institution, which is more than five years, that is, at the competition i used everything that i really use with my students. the 28-year-old geographer admits that his secret of success is his sincere love for children and his profession. do you think that the chomskyi region is on the brink as of the 15th year, right? military operations began, the territory was significantly occupied. pupils of roman stanislavovych is respected and loved by his teacher for his openness and sophistication. in my opinion, he is very polite, understanding, he can... explain a topic if you did not understand, even if you did not understand three times, he will still explain, tell, and you can also talk to him about everything, because he is modern a teacher, a geographer, an adept of modern developments that allow not just to tell a given
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topic, but to involve in practical work, there are various technologies at the competition demonstrated such a technology of pixel art, when you create a picture with pix... and when students answer questions, some specific sector of these pixels is revealed, and then, when they have answered all the questions comprehensively, a whole image is formed from. schoolchildren are also prepared for such forms of work. i like to draw tables, they contain a lot of status information, which can be well remembered thanks to the fact that you write them in a notebook, it later helps in other lessons. the most interesting lessons were the ones i remember the most, it was in zum, when we were still in the eighth grade, we were told a lot interesting information, and i was interested to listen to roman stanislavovych, for example, about animals, about financial resources, according to roman, he is not
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going to stop when he has reached his goal, in the plans for the next teaching competition. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. for now , this is all the news i have as of this hour, my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting for you on the air, wait and don't switch. dear friends, we are back on the air, this is our final hour in the marathon on espresso, olesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we will hold it for you, thank you for your donation, the amount of today's morning collection has increased a little more, and that makes me happy, thank you for responding to my appeals and to andrii, and andrii, are you calling? as usual, what do you call people to do, well, i call on them to donate, we are actually collecting those atvs
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in order to forge them, the collection has been going on for quite a long time, you can actually see this, if you see it, these are wounded fighters, they are being loaded onto such quads, and it's the best way to get off the battlefield quickly, now and us we use, they use the armed forces of ukraine, they are now widely enough, and we are collecting for such atvs, we have already collected almost a million, we still need a little more. and there will be a whole set of atvs, we will take them away, they will save lives. our viewers asked for a qr code and privatbank card number. actually, on this ad, there is privat under monobank. so, or go to our youtube broadcast, there are also all the necessary details. record, scan, take photos. and donate. it doesn't matter how much it matters that your donations will be and 36,000. that's how you and i are today. collected in the morning, despite the fact that this collection is moving a little hard, nevertheless, for these 36 00 i am extremely grateful to you,
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in the meantime we will talk with artur kharetonov, the president of the public organization liberal democratic league of ukraine, we will talk about what is happening in the east and what impact it will have, of course, on ukraine. mr. arthur, welcome, good day. actually, china has conducted two days of aggressive military exercises around taiwan, and they say that in june it may to attack could this really happen? so far it's hard to judge really. that is, it is obvious that china plans to continue all kinds of provocations, but at the moment it looks like a typical gray zone tactic for the prc, when they direct all efforts to intimidate democracy, it works not only in relation to taiwan, china is also doing this around the border with india and the philippines , and in japan, and in a certain way in russia. provocations also apply to this concept, because now the russians and chinese
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are working together. forecasts have not changed. the pentagon predicts the 27-35th year, but it is necessary always keep in mind that xi jinping is a completely crazy dictator, just like putin, and when he wants to do it, well, that 's up to him, but so far china is following its calculations, its plans, and those plans don't look like it's going to start directly soon. taiwan is already receiving modern aid, modern technology from the united states. mcfaul recently met precisely with representatives of the government of taiwan and taiwan, and he emphasized that the help that the neighboring states are providing now to taiwan, just now, unlike ukraine, this is the most modern, most advanced weapons of development, which only the pentagon has at its disposal. why is taiwan more important? for america, and for now it's a little, a little hard to say exactly what taiwan is getting,
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because we do have reports that patriot systems are being sold there, or there are some exchanges of drone development, but first of all , taiwan's military industry itself is quite developed, that is, taiwan, of course, that as a leader in the field of semiconductor production, including the most modern ones, it can afford to have those partnerships, well, which ukraine does not have, because the economy is built differently, but here it is not necessary to say who is more important, who is more or less important, here one must look in relief at all security. conjuncture, and it is such that any actions of the autocracy, be it russia or china, they are connected, and any successes of china, they affect the successes of russia, we see the information that we have currently about the critical dependence of the russian military-industrial complex on the prc, about 90% of microelectronics that go from china to russia, so when the united states decides whether
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another decision, they make it in a complex , taking into account all threats and that... the security of ukraine is the security of taiwan and vice versa, that is, we need to look at it the way the united states looks at it and understand that everything is interconnected , so it is a very good sign for us that taiwan is receiving support, this support, if we talk about the finances that were allocated, it was somewhat much lower than the aid to ukraine, in terms of amounts, but this is very important precisely in the prospectus of supporting the security of indo- the pacific, that is, all of us, or not will china be able to support russia at the same time to wage war in ukraine and at the same time start a war in taiwan? it is certainly possible, because russia is integrated into the system of both the chinese military industry and chinese politics, and the latest appointments in the kremlin show how much xijin ping is in charge of the process, and because
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he is directly connected to the assassination of bilous, the new minister with china, was responsible for chinese investments before appointed. but here it is important to understand that china is preparing russia, russia for its successors wars, and this goes beyond the russian war in ukraine, that is, there is now information from the national intelligence of the united states that russia is planning to participate in the war for taiwan on the side of china, to block the straits, in the same way, the russians are preparing for war with japan, are preparing to participate in dealings with north korea, all moderated and orchestrated by the prc and sponsored by the prc. therefore, everything goes to this, another question is what will happen to the russian war in ukraine when china is ready to start a big war, first in the indo-pacific, and then it will probably grow to the whole planet? er, so maybe we are somewhere in 1935, and then our war, which seems to us to be central to the whole world,
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is, relatively speaking, the second italo-ethiopian war there in 1935. year in africa, which was only a prologue to the great war that followed in the whole world? i don't really like such parallels, because, after all, we are now in the 21st century, and many of us draw on the experience of previous centuries, well, at the same time, you can draw on the experience of the first world war, not only the second world war, but also the korean war , and many other warriors, where something can be emphasized as a lesson for yourself, but such a humanity as now has never been. and therefore it is impossible to say that the war in the pacific is completely inevitable, this is what the pentagon constantly emphasizes, of course, these risks exist, but steps are being taken to contain the prc, and the containment of the prc is the containment of russia, in the economic aspect , in the military aspect, and in the political aspect, and we often do not notice many nuances that go
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beyond the boundaries of our processes, and this is fair, but these actions are there, these steps are also... certain successes, therefore, i still really want to believe that a way will be found to prevent this, but how to prevent it is to do everything to cut off and cut off all opportunities for the development of the prc and its allies, that is, russia, iran, and the dprk. a big mistake can be to try to separate russia from china, from iran, to think that they somehow exist separately. the last time kissinger did that, we were at the point where we are now. we have the china that exists, the china... that verified the russian invasions to ukraine, which provides absolute support to the russians. well, nato secretary-general jen stoltenberg warned china against helping russia, does this warning somehow scare china, stop it? well , this is one of the statements, but you have to look at the complex of actions, as i said,
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numerous restraints of the prc have been applied, thanks to which china is in the biggest economic crisis in 30 years. foreign investment has fallen by 87%, for the 23rd year this is a disaster, that is , china has not seen this since 1991, if not earlier, and this is certainly indicated, and when we have the statements of the secretary general of nato, or any high-ranking democratic leader, it is about the fact that china's role in the russian war against ukraine is now being revealed, because these trends have appeared since april 20, when the deputy secretary of state. kurt kemble of the united states said that america will disclose these facts in order to exert wider pressure on the prc, on the eve of a major round of negotiations and. which can begin, and actually he emphasized that in the future they will reveal these details, well, i say, we have the facts, if before america avoided such statements, although everything
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i knew that 90% of microelectronics for russian missiles, tanks and all other developments comes from china, 76% of machine tools for the manufacture of weapons go from china to russia, they have a turnover of 240 billion, no nitrocellulose and supplies. massively from china, and here you can simply list and list, russia and the russian war continues thanks to china, this is the position of the state department, and this is exactly what nato is voicing. nowadays, they are simply trying to say that if china seeks to restore its economy at the expense of relations trade with europe, it will not happen until the russian war in ukraine is over. you know, the economist, who is famous for his forecasts and also for his knowledge of his mistakes, they once made a forecast for... on, on , years, which would not come true at all, and in connection with that, not so long ago, they talked about , remembering the 14th year, in the 14th year, not so
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long ago, it was already 10 years ago, but i just remember this issue, and where they said that in the 14th year, everyone was afraid of war , no one wanted war, and everyone tried to avoid war by all means in 1914, nevertheless the great war, as it is called... in europe, it came and it took millions of lives, and then it happened again in '39, and do you think the same conditions are now in place when we can say that we are entering, as yaroslav rrytsak says, probably in a decade of great warriors, which will be impossible to avoid, i am an economist, an economist made such a forecast, i will add literally two words. a few years ago, maybe even 10 years ago, a forecast was made that china would soon enter a very serious the problems are economic, at the time it seemed unrealistic, because china was at
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its peak, it would seem, but they predicted that all those bubbles would gradually burst, and they also wrote that xijin ping understands that he has a small window opportunities, when he can still forcefully remain such a world hegemon. and this will push both ding ping and china to take some aggressive steps, and in particular to a possible attempt to occupy taiwan. as for the latter, here it is worth looking at the situation in a slightly different way: firstly, china is this a factory country that democracy has created, and unfortunately, that factory has become a factory of murder. and the problem is that, if earlier chinese leaders still tried to somehow restrain the development of their own people there. some of his infrastructure and other things, now everyone's priority, if the old crazy autocrat is, of course, external expansion, there is support for soldiers, and he is absolutely deliberately going
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to see that people in other states die, he doesn't care, well, that is, he is absolutely crazy, this is very it is important to understand and japanese think tanks emphasize that it is necessary to correctly understand the prc, that it is an unconscious state, it is mad, that is why , of course, it will strive for it. as for the entry of humanity into the war phase, well, of course, everything is leading to this, there are many directions for a big collision, this taiwan, this front china sea and the philippines, this is of course the arctic, the russian arctic, which is actively being explored by the chinese, who are building a network of their ports there , and of course this is also a dustbin, and there may be a big problem there, but the question here is that in the history of mankind there have never been inevitable processes, just were. systemic mistakes, now many people, in particular in the united states, are trying to make sure that such mistakes are not made, but here the question is not
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not to support escalation, or to control it too much, but what actions to take, and in a strategic perspective, well, now we see such a phenomenon as the death of globalism, and globalism as such no longer exists, globalism has led to what we have today, when russia and china are integrated. into economic arteries, and everyone suffers from it. now, if globalism remains, it is primarily for the democratic world. autocracies are building their own systems, autocratic, alternative, democratic, which will provide them with resources, financial systems, and well, this is the space, the anti-sanctions space, and it can be called why the chinese there give russia access to some of their payment systems, or in indonesia there are calls to involve the system. peace and the russian payment system, well, such processes do not exist, that is, i would not make such fatal predictions for humanity, although of course not
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it all hangs, but i would think how ukraine, along with all other democracies, can do to prevent the worst- case scenarios, how to defeat all these autocrats in the least bloodless way, the most bloodless way, high-ranking american officials said in an interview with nbc news about that the white house is preparing for possible provocative military action by north korea at its request. the us election, again, now we read about russia helping north korea develop a spy satellite, could it really be some kind of military conflict again, everything that the dprk does together with russia is sponsored by the prc, these are absolutely obvious things, when in 23 we had a surge of russian activity in pyongyang, shoigu and the rest went there, russians to
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north korea, always together with they were high-ranking chinese officials, xi's inner circle, but this focus was in the regional media, not in the ukrainian media, so we all thought that it was only russia, it was a triad, it was a regional alliance that they were forming, forming in response to those alliances , which formed by america in recent months, this is a coalition of the usa, south korea, japan, which has never been in history, this is a new coalition of the usa, japan, the philippines. which is now expanding, well, the chinese people's republic is actively planning to make its own copy, because the chinese, like the russians, never invent their own, they only copy, and everything leads to conflicts, and of course, that russian diplomats, in particular the russian embassy of the dprk, they announced the institutionalization of this union, the holding of the first joint exercises, the dprk refr, and from january 1, 26, both the russians and
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the chinese announced that by the 75th anniversary of their relations, and this includes the relations of the russian federation, the people's republic of china, the russian federation, the dprk, the dprk, the prc, they will increase their relations, and this will be in october, and what they plan to do, we do not know yet, it may to form a new coalition, some new formal union, expansive, but here it should not be considered somehow separately from the prc, everything that the dprk does, including with the participation of russia, is always verified by the chinese, well, in our case , shizenpin... once at the peace summit in switzerland, russia will try to organize about it writes the policy of an alternative meeting and to involve the brics countries there, will it be possible and what will it mean if india and brazil really take part in such an alternative meeting? well, i know that it seems that the leadership of india has already confirmed participation in the peace summit, and actually the next one... j7, and
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it is difficult to imagine that someone from the j7 summit flew to moscow, but it is still difficult to comment on the statements of politicians, because in recent days there have been many of various kinds information from bloomberg about biden, and reuters, and the politician himself writes about the situation around brics, so far there is no confirmation, but we see chinese activity in this region. and then, when the shangri-la security summit will take place in singapore, extremely serious for ukraine as well, and it will be already this week. xi will convene the leaders of the arab states, that is, there will be egypt, and tunisia, and bahrain, and the emirates, and it is certain that there will be talk about the peace summit, there will be talk about brics, which is expanding, because we know that new states have joined there , but if van really will be in
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moscow at this time. because russia seems to be presiding over there and in brics in the 26th year, well, that will be great indicative, and it is difficult to say how negative it is in the future and, that is , how much it changes into a negative run, but it is hardly good, i think for now we should refrain from such detailed comments on this matter, because we do not understand what is happening, this is still information in the media. china has repeatedly said that it seems to be in favor of... for peace negotiations and a peace agreement between russia and ukraine, but at the same time all the interests of all parties must be taken into account, and what is the real interest of china now, what is it otherwise, as you say, supports this war by all material means? china's interest in the russian war in ukraine.


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