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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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will really be in moscow at this time, because russia seems to be presiding there, and in brics in the 26th year, well, it will be very telling, and it is difficult to say how negative it is in the future, and, that is, how much it changes in negative run, but it is hardly good, i think it is worth refraining from such detailed comments on this matter for the time being, because we do not understand what is happening, this is information in the media so far, he has said more than once that he seems to be in favor of peace negotiations and for a peace agreement between russia and ukraine, but at the same time the interests of all parties must be taken into account, what is the real interest of china now, which one way or another, as you say, supports this war with all material means? the interest of the prc in the russian war in ukraine, it differs from years, in the 22nd year, the prc wanted...
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to use the russian war in ukraine as a way to push america out of the indo-pacific region, then they hoped that the usa would completely focus on europe and would leave his associates in the pacific region, this did not happen, on the contrary, america became much stronger in the region itself indo-pacific, and this directly affected russia, because, as i said, russia is dependent on the prc, russia received permission from the prc to wage war. everyone did what stalin did with korea, and during the korean war, when he wanted to push america out of europe, to prevent it from entering eastern europe, that is, into ukraine, with the consequences of the second world war. currently, the prc wants to make the most of everything that is happening in order to break the rules-based international order, achieve the victory of autocratic systems, the victory of this union, to keep russia, because the russian federation'. will be like a vassal state, and these
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are not my words, many high-ranking democratic leaders, and the head of the cia, and ursula fondelein, and macron even said this, well actually build these systems to contain russia and then use it all for a big war, so the task of the prc is terrible, of course they want to see democracies lose, they ... for collective democracy, but a lot is being done to prevent that, and i have high hopes that this summer, it will be rich in good news. mr. artur, thank you, artur kheretonov, president of the public organization liberal-democratic league of ukraine, we talked with him about china, north korea, let's cut to the chase. pause, then we will
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talk about europe and everything that is happening there, what effect it will have on ukraine and on russia's war against ukraine. stay with us. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with with the matryk topper, you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order toper matrik for... comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matric, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in which you can hide your topper will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite a functional thing. you can use it both while relaxing and while working at home, the topper itself is quite easy take out and spread out. a topper from the factory means
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dear friends, we are returning to ether, and this is our final 20 minutes on espresso in marathon, las vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work in this studio for. and have wonderful, good news for you: you and i collected 38 00 for this morning, let me remind you that we are collecting for atvs that will help evacuate our wounded soldiers from the front line, and also help deliver ammunition to the front line, i have a really good one for you the news except we're already close to 38,000 in our gathering today and i've made up my mind. not to miss, but to miss, what we accumulated on the private card, and she, here is her qr code and card number, they are indicated below the qr code and the card number of the monobank, right there, on that card on we
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had 265,590 uah of private individuals this morning, and together with the amount that is in the monobank, which is much easier to track, because the data on... for private individuals, we take exactly the military of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar, and they tell us how much money there is. well, if you add one amount and the other, then we, dear friends, have already collected the first million with you, and from the second million we already have 150 00 with a small tail. thank you for this and congratulations to both us and you. now the task is to recruit us. million, and this will already be half of the required amount, and in total we need as much as 4 million. while we are talking with our guest, you can still make a donation if you want to have the details of the private bank, they are under our youtube broadcast in the description, written down. we are that sometimes we are waiting for lyubov kulenko, the executive
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director of the ukrainian center for european policy, and we will talk with her about what is happening in europe, how it will affect us, for example, the prime minister of italy, giorgia maloni, opposed the ukraine used western weapons to attack russian territory. somehow i am saddened by her statement, i will say this, the president of estonia, whose name is alar karis, visited finland in neighboring finland, who has been to, for example, tallinn, he knows that tallinn, from tallinn to helsinki. goes by ferry, but you can also fly by plane, and then it is very interesting, because the plane takes off and immediately lands and you can already enter helsinki, i was just in tallinn, it is very close in the northern capital of these two countries, that's what i wanted to say , that he gave an interview to the local publication karis, and said that we
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will bring putin and russia to their knees, and only then can serious discussions about ending the war in ukraine begin. he said that for this to bring russia to its knees, very, very serious sanctions and very, very powerful aid to ukraine are needed, and to be honest, if... the united states, to be honest, russia would not have existed a long, long time ago, i think that it would not have existed somewhere in the year 53, there would be no knees in russia, there would be nothing for it to stand on, it would have been a long time since there would have been no russia, well, unfortunately, estonia is a very small country, but which helps us a lot, you know that in terms of the country's gdp and the aid that the country provides to ukraine, estonia is in the first place with a huge again, it's a shame that estonia doesn't have an incredibly huge gdp, like
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, for example, the united states, but honestly to say, this is also a good, good example for us, instead of looking at the example of countries like estonia and taking examples in the report, for example, for reforms, we look at what happened, for example, to russia, when we reform, for example , the law on mobilization, just see if it is not similar to the russian law on mobilization, it has already been said 100-500 times that... people, we cannot defeat russia if we act with its same methods, well, it seems that it is not going well , the russians meanwhile continue to advance, there are reports today that they managed to capture non-taylovo and non-taylovo, this is such a village, a very small village in donetsk region, but, nevertheless, their progress is slow and they are paying. a very high price, the zelenskyi president said that, for example, for this kharkiv offensive, they paid
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with huge casualties eight to one, for every ukrainian wounded or dead defender there were eight muscovites, which in principle is not a bad indicator, of course, here, well, here we are today they said, he also repeated that the russian army spends 24,000 per month on this war, even if you believe shoigu, who you can already not believe... because he is not even the minister of defense, it is not known who is in russia, then he said that russia was recruiting up to 30,000 a month, that is, you know, 3,000 should have been in surplus, but i think that he was certainly lying, nevertheless, this is the situation we have, and there is also good news from spain, this country is preparing to send ukraine missiles for patriot air defense systems and 19 leopard 20 tanks. a4, this is all within the framework of earlier the announced aid package, and all this will be
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needed in order to defend our sky and in order for our military to be able to destroy moskal, well, somehow, one step forward, two steps back, this is how we dance in that war, in fact, lyudbov akulenko, the executive director of the ukrainian center for european politics is already with us, ms. lyubov, we congratulate you . good afternoon, ms. lyubov, we have such different statements, but actually we want to talk about the mood in europe regarding the fact that ukraine could still strike with western weapons on russian territory, as ukraine requests, and so far we see that some politicians for, others against, what restrains those who are against and why they don't listen to those who... for their arguments, and to be honest, i am researching
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more ukraine's accession to the eu, and i am more concerned about this question, how open europeans are to us to accept or not to accept, and regarding your question, why are the europeans not ready to give us weapons now, ah, so that we can shoot at the territory of russia, ah... well, i think that the question is that yes, as they did not want and were not ready to accept us in the eu for a long time, if we are honest, then by examining this one topic, there was never any willingness to accept us, and probably, if it wasn't for the war, they would n't have accepted us either, it's such a structure, which, you know, is like a huge elephant, which is very, very difficult to turn around and make some strategic decisions, i think that from the point of view of... the military question, the situation there is the same, they are still not all aware of
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the threats, and the only awareness came to them when the election campaign began in america, literally there recently, literally somewhere within a year, we are all watch, the potential arrival of trump is a cold shower for europe and the understanding that they have to protect... themselves, rely only on themselves, but the problem of europe is that they have always given this problem to america, and even if now northern europe, in particular. are ready to increase their ammunition and develop the military industry as much as possible, then there are some processes that cannot be launched in one day or two days, it is necessary, it takes time, it takes several years, and help is needed even now. i think the issue is that not everyone has fully realized that they will have to do theirs
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the first realization that you will have to defend yourself and rely on your own strength. and this process must be started, the second issue is for them to mature to the point that we are their neighbor, we are the east, we are like the gate that holds back this influx, and if they do not want this influx to spill over to them, then we must allow us shoot on russian territory, because this war will be impossible to win if it is fought on our territory, it seems to me that this is their biggest problem, plus they... constantly a-a rely on - polls and the opinion of their society, it is very important for them. in many european societies, these pacifist attitudes, for example, especially in germany, why scholz, maybe scholz as a politician would be more decisive, but he is a difficult stretch, on the one hand he
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understands the risks, on the other hand he looks at the mood in society, i i think that... in many countries it is the same, in many countries they support ukraine, they support ukrainian refugees, but so far there is no such readiness and understanding to the end that friends, you, europe are left alone with this problem, and the only one who protects you is ukraine, accordingly, be kind and ready to act as you should act according to the rules of war, and not according to the rules of diplomacy, well, that's how i would comment. such a european infantilist, and orban said that in fact no one believes that russia can attack nato, and this is all talk, because we see that they can't do anything even in ukraine, and what would they do anyway against our countries, but from this he made a very strange conclusion that he would like to change the fifth
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article of nato, so that the hungarians would not have to fight in any case outside the borders of their country. i really don’t understand here, that is , each for himself, well, i think that he is probably referring to macron’s statements to send troops to the territory of ukraine, they all think that it will be exclusively on the territory of ukraine, and it is up to them god forbid, let the story with the organ come to an end, since we can see that discontent is growing, it was even earlier, but it was only in the capital, and we will see, in general, how the story with orban will end, because he is actually the only such pro-russian politician in europe, although, following other politicians and other news, one gets the impression that orbán's game
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is specific, no one knows what he says when he meets other politicians. yes he has to play some kind of game for putin, but what does he really think inside about this, i think he is well aware of the russian threat, because he is not a stupid politician, all he does is he does that in their there was cheap gas so that he could stay in his position for a long time and that's all, but i think that now the situation is such that potentially, god forbid, it will not help him in hungary either. it changes, politics changes. now, from the point of view of the europeans and our entry, why i always talk about our entry, because this is our second front, the invisible front that we don't see, but if we are not successful on this front, it is a more strategic front , a political front that will make us part of
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europe, and the border of europe will pass, god forbid, on... our eastern border, when we win back all our territories, these processes that are happening now, they are also worth watching, because now the european union retains this desire and commitment to receive us, for example, i recently spoke with colleagues from holland, who note that their government has changed and that their, the new government, it will also be pro-ukrainian . but this government will be very strict from the point of view of ukraine's evaluation of reforms in the field of fundamental rights and freedoms in the field of democracy, such as anti-corruption, law reform, reform of public administration, law enforcement institutions, media reform, and so on and so forth further, that is why we have a challenge, because now in
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june, most likely, i hope that if they were able to break orbán in december, then they will break it now, because i think it is not beneficial for him that during his tenure in the council, hungary , why everyone reminded him about ukraine, it's easier for him to get rid of us now to open up. have already approved this official morning and that the negotiations have already begun, accordingly, the political dances with the introduction end, the political dividends here end, from the month of july, in fact , such boring technical work already begins, when there with the european, from the ukrainian side , experts are sitting down, analyzing which legislation has been adopted, which has not been adopted, what we understand, what we do not understand, and the work will go on, and for me it is like... the last chance to carry out these democratic reforms correctly, which we have not been able to hold since the 90s. why this is the last chance and why the europeans can
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force us to do this, because for them these reforms are the most important, no other chapters are opened until we show progress in these chapters and this chapter will be closed the latter, so this process should be followed and believed. and to demand from the authorities that, no matter what, that we carry out the reform of democratic institutions in order to become a full-fledged, normal member of the eu there and prove to them that we are not hungary, not poland, not bulgaria, not romania, therefore that when these countries joined, the european union was not so picky about these fundamental reforms, now they have changed their mind and they are very sympathetic to us, but every year... when you talk to them, they say no mercy for fundamentals, that means no concessions in the field of fundamental reforms, that is, they will all be tough, especially northern europe, it
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helps us, they are the most ready to help us, well, i think that they will be the first to ask us, and what do you have with the reform in in the field of fundamental rights and freedoms, do they have any comments now, we have a few more minutes left, there can be no comments, because the official process will start only when the so-called bilateral screening is completed, this means that when the official evaluation is completed european side of our legislation, it will start after june 25, they will already have the right to do it officially, because now they are having an explanatory screening, they are telling what it is and how it is, it can last a year, it can last two, and... after, well, but nothing prevents ukraine from carrying out the reform of democratic institutions right now, i think that now they will be silent, they always follow the procedure, they understand that we are at war, but
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when the screening ends, in a year, in two, that's when i think more will start already serious conversations and hints at the reform, where are the results, thank you lyubov kulenko, executive director of the ukrainian center for european policy, was with us, dear friends, thank you for being with us, thank you for the 40,000 that you donated today , and you and i, let me remind you, have already passed the mark of one million of our required four. thank you for that. we'll be back on the aether tomorrow at 7:10, and the aether espresso continues, so stay tuned. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and you want to have a beautiful, a well-kept plot. there is a solution, garden trim recors from rozpakuy tv, hurry up to order at a special price, only from 999 uah. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful.
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12:00 pm
kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio for news time on the espresso tv channel. the european union introduced sanctions against viktor medvedchuk. this was reported in the ministry of foreign affairs affairs of the czech republic to the former people's deputy of ukraine, who. suspected of treason, prohibited entry and transit through eu member states. the department also noted that three organizations working in moscow were added to the pre-sanctioned list. in particular , the internet portal voice of europe is the so-called propaganda mouthpiece of the kremlin, which is used to influence the european population. prepared the capture of krasnohorivka in donetsk region. security service.


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