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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the european union introduced sanctions against viktor medvedchuk. this was reported to the ministry of foreign affairs of the czech republic, hence the former. the people's deputy of ukraine, who is suspected of treason, is prohibited from entering and transiting through eu member states. the department also noted that three organizations working for moscow were added to the sanctions list. in particular , the internet portal voice of europe is the so-called propaganda mouthpiece of the kremlin, which used to influence the european population. the security service was preparing the capture of krasnohorivka in donetsk region. detained
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a russian agent, the intruder tracked the locations of ukrainian defenders, and also monitored firing positions, wanted to transfer the collected data to the occupiers for further enemy advance in the kurakhiv direction. fortunately, law enforcement officers abducted the informant in time, he faces life imprisonment. another body was found in a destroyed construction hypermarket in kharkiv, now it is known about 16 people who died in... as a result of the russian attack, another 44 people were injured, serhiy bolvinov, the head of the investigative department of the regional police, reported. according to him, specialists established the identities of two more victims during the night. there may still be bodies in the building. rescuers continue the search operation. let me remind you that on may 25, the occupiers targeted the construction hypermarket of the city with two aerial bombs. we have it in sumy oblast.
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a fire broke out in the residential sector as a result of enemy shelling, the state emergency service reported. the russians hit the border settlements of shostkinsky district. due to the threat of repeated shelling, the rescuers had to eliminate the fire in two stages. fortunately, no one was hurt. the enemy attacked antonivka in donetsk region. two people died, one was injured. there is also one dead and one wounded in... - reported the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin. there are victims and victims in the chasovoyarsk community and siversk. in selydovo , 11 private houses were damaged as a result of shelling. finally at home, the large family managed to evacuate to the territory controlled by ukraine. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the kherson military administration, announced this. seven children are raised in the family. the youngest.
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was born already in the occupation, now the girl is nine months old. thanks to the efforts of volunteers, the whole family is now safe. restrictions on electricity supply until 12 o'clock at night have been introduced throughout ukraine, ukrenergo reported. people were urged to consume responsibly. also yesterday , the nuclear unit of one of the nuclear power plants was connected to the power grid. now he is gaining power, but ukrenergo plans to repair the cheeks. nuclear units, this is necessary for an uninterrupted supply of electricity during the heating season. the prime minister of italy giorgia maloney does not want ukraine to use western weapons for strikes on the territory of the russian federation. the official, the official, responded to the call of nato secretary general jens stoltenberg to lift the ban on kyiv. according to moloney, the alliance must be very careful when it comes to such topics. simultaneously. the italian premier added that
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nato must remain firm and not signal concessions to russia. a new large-scale protest against the law on foreign agents took place in georgia. this is reported by local media. protesters staged a freedom march before the country's independence day. the event was attended by students, teachers, politicians, and public activists. let me remind you that president solome zorobishvili is wearing cotton wool. passed a pro-russian law on foreign influence, but the georgian parliament is preparing to override its veto. it is difficult to reassess the skills of first aid in the conditions of war, because in in critical situations, every second counts and the right actions can save lives. let's see in the story how the people of belarus learned to stop bleeding and perform artificial respiration. oleksandria park. halyavina and a lot
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of people, but they all gathered here not just to rest, to learn the basics of providing first aid, which in the current conditions is extremely important without... the valuable three-hour course was organized by the belotserk medical college. for convenience, the territory was divided into zones. basic life support and stopping critical bleeding. in general, to intensive almost 200 citizens joined. as a doctor and a former student of a medical college and medical university, i know that the skills and knowledge of first aid, well, were given such a formal meaning. yes, and young people mostly do not have these. knowledge and, of course, skills, in the given conditions, and i think that in the coming decades, having such a neighbor, having such a background, every generation has, well, it is, as they say, a must have, yes, this knowledge must be, everyone must possess it absolutely generation,
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of course, instructors from the emergency center of medical care, they not only told, but also demonstrated everything on a mannequin, then on themselves, for example, they made up a story, they noticed a motionless man in the park, in order to transfer the patient to a stable lateral position, there is a certain technique, what we do, one hand, okay , we withdraw one hand in this way, we take the other in a lock, we bring it under the shock of the patient, this way, then with the free hand, absolutely correctly, we bring the knees at a right angle, we create such a lever for ourselves and in one movement, pressing on this lever, let's return the patient to the arm that was placed under the hook, arthur. has been working in the emergency room for seven years and no one understands the importance of providing first aid, as the man says, during this period he had to solve various problems, from simple cuts and road accidents to childbirth at home, but the work after another attack was probably the most memorable
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a russian, on october 10, help came, of course, in our time, you need to know, of course, how to put turnstiles and all these banal things. tsa oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and to enemy losses were increasing, we urge you to join the urgent collection. our soldiers need a reliable off-road vehicle to complete missions. a reconnaissance unit in active combat zones. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, without cars at the front, they don't care. the suv carries personnel, ammunition, and drones are launched from them. the required car has already been found. it was transported to ukraine, it is currently being repaired and equipped, all that remains is to buy it back and hand it over to the front. in general, our goal is uah 300,000. thanks to you, our viewers espresso, we are already at the finish line and have more than uah 291,000 in our accounts. there is
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still a little left to close this collection. i am asking each of you to join. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. look for espressa on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ateru, all program releases and special projects that can be seen only from us, as well as a short video on a hot topic in the shorts section, subscribe, comment your important thoughts to us, be there every day. to find out more interesting and relevant information, stay tuned for updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you tomorrow. take care,
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congratulations, friends, on the air of the politclub program on the espresso tv channel, with you. portnikov and these two hours of conversation about the most important, most urgent problems of our present, about trends, about what awaits us in the future. of course, i want to start this program with sincere words of sympathy to all those kharkiv residents who are now saying goodbye to their loved ones and friends. yesterday in the evening, when we were here on the air, we learned about new strikes on kharkiv. before there was an attack on the epicenter, our colleagues were also working, talking about it, in the evening during our broadcast there was an attack on residential areas in the center of kharkiv, the problem is that the russians, these criminals, in
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principle recognize the fact of such attacks , they talk about the fact that they were there destroying military facilities located in residential areas, so incredible... tsinis. i would like to ask the prosecutor of the international karimkhan criminal court. maybe i'll see him someday. so how does it happen that, let's say, prime minister israel beh or the leader of hamas are indicted for actions against the civilian population, and president vladimir putin receives only one suspicion from the international criminal court, a suspicion related to his participation in the deportation ukrainian children from the territory of our country to the territory of the russian federation, but the question arises, what is happening in kharkiv now, what happened in buch at one time, what is happening... in many other ukrainian cities and towns, this is not
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a crime that deserves the attention of an international criminal tribunal, only these crimes attract attention, which can be met with applause by participants of various demonstrations under palestinian flags in european capitals or in the united states, on the campuses of the united states, and ukrainians do not deserve that people who kill methodically and do not hide it. in fact, lest they also receive their suspicions, we are talking not only about a relative of vladimir putin, it can be said, the transformation of the entire state into a bandit organization, into a mafia, in this mafia, one gives orders, others diligently carry out, many remember asking, can you imagine if vladimir putin provides the order to use nuclear weapons, there are already several people there. goes along the chain, they will definitely stop him, but they will not even bat an eye, they will stir, you know,
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will they carry out this order, or will they be happy to write in telegram channels that finally our bomb got to where it was supposed to go necessary, to a military facility, i think that if there is no such realistic attention of the international community to what is happening in... ukrainian cities, to this systematic, i would say, destruction of kharkiv. why, it is also clear why. because there is an idea of ​​depopulation of the territory of ukraine. because vladimir putin was disappointed in us as potential subjects. muscovite rulers were always disappointed in their potential subjects. i do not see anything new in this. the whole history of moscow, from the time of the ancient principality. this. history disappointment in those whom they want to capture, they are all the time for
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reasons that are completely incomprehensible to me, this is some kind of mental illness that is similar to schizophrenia, they wait for applause when they kill, rape, rob, then there is no applause, well, they start to expel, i already repeatedly gave this example that the first principality that was actually annexed by moscow was the grand principality of ryazan, and what do you think from... immediately the people of ryazan were expelled from their lands, well, imagine the practice from the middle ages, when there was no television, the internet, telegram channels, which could tell about military facilities in terrible quarters, i think that they simply killed them, put muscovites in their place, destroyed the capital of this principality, the ancient ryazan, moved the center to a new city, which was called ryazan, it is modern. center in the russian federation, but this is not a massacre, as you understand, and this is how they created such
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a fake, you understand, such a game of imitation, i will say such a game of imitation, there is a constant message from vladimir putin that he just wants peaceful negotiations with us, ot he just can't eat, he wants to negotiate peace so much, there is such a simple question, if you want peace so much, why are you killing the civilian population, what do you want to achieve by this, it's just... it's ordinary cannibalism or the instincts of such a bandit who has possible , you know, that's why i'm doing it, because i can, it's possible to get to kyiv or to the dnipro or to lviv only with the help of ballistic missiles, so ballistic missiles will be used, and kharkiv can be reached by everything that flies and burns, well, it means that this city will be methodically destroyed, and what's interesting? they always announced that this is a russian city, one of the pillars of the russian world, that there
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is a russian-speaking population living there, who are simply horrified when they start speaking ukrainian, and they have been saying this for literally 100 years in a row, like the troops of general denikin, they entered kharkiv and happy kharkiv residents, oh, what happiness, we can now speak denikin language with you. the ukrainians forced us to speak with them in the ukrainian language, my god, what horror we had, incredible trials, well, the danish people, they at least did not destroy these... residents of kharkov, well , because they really, after all, dzinikin was not a barefoot man, like putin, some kind of general, they really believed that this city was in the russian empire, its residents should be respected, they seem to speak the same language , what's the problem, what's the matter, how is it superimposed on this amazing myth that they
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create about the russian world, if they want to kill everyone in this russian world, well... it's like grozny, when we think about this the second chechen war, which took place after when putin enthroned the world in the kremlin, those were the carpet bombings of grozny, not only on grozny, you know, we know little about them, just small cities, but apart from the tragedy of grozny, which simply wiped the face of the earth as it is now they destroy kharkiv, then they built some new city, so to speak, they destroyed the city. and there are other chechen towns and villages, and they also said that it is ours, we cannot agree with the independence of chechnya, because it is our russian land, well, again, it is so strange if it is yours russian land, why do you want to destroy it all together with the population, these are the same type of citizens of your russian federation, well, by
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the way, this is the same as what we see now, when they ... do not react to strikes on military facilities, who are in the occupied ukrainian territories, immediately start, that is, throwing themselves into hysterics, when some strikes are carried out on the territory of belgorod oblast, other russian regions, and when in crimea or in the donbass, well, it’s okay, i can already say that these are russian political technologists who worked for this stupid yanukovych, they divided ukraine into a state of three types, remember, the first type, the east. the south, the second grade - this one, like - the center, the third grade - the west, and i see that this is this concept, it actually works in russia, in russia, in russia, they divide everyone into several grades, here is the first grade, the best simply, i would say a sign of quality, it means, like muscovites, one and a half
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st. petersburgers, also residents of such... as it were , the second capital, this is putin’s homeland, it is generally something so lucky, how lucky they are to be born in the same city with putin, the second the first category is the residents of the russian-populated, that is , russian, russian-populated regions of the russian federation, there in central russia, the third category is the inhabitants of siberia and the far east, ethnic russians, then we have the fourth category, what they call natsmen, natsmen. this means the fourth grade - these are the residents of the republics of the russian federation, well, of course, they are the first to be mobilized, the first to be used as cannon fodder, we do not feel sorry for them, let them all die there, we will only be glad. the next type is this residents of the so-called new russia. what is new russia? well, this means donetsk, luhansk,
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kherson, zaporizhzhia regions and crimea, the new russia, they are, therefore, propagandists now russian. they say that there is, that means, this original russia, and there is a new one, well, you can strike at the new one, please, there are no problems, here in this plan, well, that means that the fifth grade is already there too, and so on further, and so on, there you can simply realize how these people generally live in some distant middle ages. it is very surprising that they are in it like that are, and they think that everyone else is, well, this is a huge problem that exists now in the perception of reality by these people, and we have to tell you that this is so real, obviously the middle ages, the middle ages we are witnesses of,
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which, which, which we all are , and you and i are in this middle age because the russians want to drag us there, there is no international law, there is no law, there is only what putin wants, and there is absolute indifference to human life, every foreign territory can to declare your own, you can destroy this territory absolutely calm and cold-blooded, it must be difficult to understand this logic? when you live in the 21st century, but the problem is that they don't live in the 21st century, our russian neighbors, they don't see any sense in being there, so we wonder what they are doing. that they are actually trying to depopulate the ukrainian region, why is this intimidation of the residents of kharkiv, they want people to go to the worlds, from the east and south to the center, from the center to the west,
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from the west to europe, an empty territory is needed, why, and what happened ? take a look please look at the demographic map of the russian federation: in most of the territory no one lives and has never lived, well, someone will say: oh, it's cold there, the climate is there, well, i'm sorry, well, it's cold in many places. there are no caribs in norway either, but the issue is that they simply did not give the opportunity to develop to those people who lived there forever, they destroyed all the areas with large human settlements, they destroyed the existing statehood, here is the whole logic, which, which exists in this situation, laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a time light stress, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminost uro -
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analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for using a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. dictation with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we continue the political club program. with you is vitaly portnikov, and our guest is roman bezsmertny, a ukrainian politician, diplomat, former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to belarus. greetings mr. roman. good evening, well, you understand why putin destroys so cold-bloodedly. kharkiv, mr. vitaly, we have all witnessed these days what is called
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a performance in the political classification. and in it, in this damn thing the classics have such a concept of performance, it is to accompany it with real actions. so, if you combine what happened in minsk, where lukashenko and putin were actors of the performance, then in this situation it was very clear that something similar would happen, what happened. in kharkiv, because the combination of these things establishes, well, not just fear, but it indicates intentions, moreover, this combination of events in minsk and the tragedy in kharkiv is, as it were, absolute proof that we became participants in the exercises even the day before using, no, wrongly said. with
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the simulation of the use of non-strategic, that is , tactical nuclear weapons and possible probable offensive actions in the area of ​​sumy and chernihiv regions, and so on, that is , this is what is described in the textbooks regarding the component of information-informational psychological warfare and real events on the front line in war conditions. therefore, from my point of view , these are, as it were, completely understandable, connected things, and as for, say, a direct strike on kharkiv, well, you understand perfectly well, and i perfectly understand that for the moscow führer, where to throw bombs, well , he has a very wide choice, because he is not concerned with any moral positions and
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so on. this is a person with a dislocated psyche, for whom the goal is to eliminate the state and the people, and in this situation he will not stop before using any tool, except, let's say, the tool that is scary for him, and therefore it is no accident that i touched on the topic of exercises for simulating the use of nuclear weapons, because... more and more often it is no longer a performance, it is no longer blackmail, it is simply a demonstration of his own fear, and from here he compensates for it with the very things we saw in the kharkiv tragedy. and tell me, mr. roman, do you understand the meaning of vladimir putin's visit to belarus, what did he want to find there? well, if you and i were asked the question that
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leonid kuchma acted in the role of... performance actors, how would we look at it, yes, here we saw performance actors, let's say, lukashenka and putin, here they also gave an instruction, that in order to add argumentation, let there appear a board with inscriptions that testifies to the fact that a legitimate one will appear here and there, well , yanukovych is there in gomal, that is, everything turned out here, and... what were they doing there, well, who does not know what two old men of such an age are doing in minsk, at such a time at night, well, they are busy there and so on, that's easy to say, let's put it this way, we can say that putin still did not abandon his attempts to somehow involve belarus in a more active participation in the war.


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