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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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if you and i were to ask the question that leonid kuchma acted as performance actors, how would we look at it, yes, here we saw performance actors, let's say, lukashenka and putin, here they also gave instructions that in order to add argumentation, let a board with inscriptions appear there, which indicates that a legitimate one will appear here and there, well, there in gomel. yanukovych, that is, everything turned out here, and what were they doing there, well, who does not know what two old men of such an age are doing in minsk at such a time at night, well, they are busy there and so further, it's easy to say, let's put it this way, we can say that putin still did not abandon his attempts to somehow involve belarus in a more active participation in the war. well
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, there is nothing to attract there, because there are actually no weapons left, no ammunition left, and where there are several polonaise complexes, which were created there on the basis of joint projects of china and belarus, they cannot cause any threat to ukraine, all the talk is about tactical nuclear weapons , apart from talking behind themselves , they have absolutely nothing, that's why all this makes up in a single chain, to create an informational threat so that ukraine, reflecting on this, and not reacting, will further stretch its troops along the northern and eastern borders, well, as it seems to me, from the point of view of even achieving the goal, increasing tension, ahead of certain political actions , combined with the fact that on the second day there, lukashenko began talking about the legitimacy of the ukrainian president. it
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just creates a picture for those who are frightened, for those who do not understand what the moscow führer and this bubbly dictator are playing at, in principle, if we talk about all these conversations about negotiations, well, mr. vitaliy, it is not for me to tell here, because starting from the forgery in routers, where there are references to as many as five sources who would like... to be unknown, and again mentions of tayyip recep erdoğan's plans, right here passages about some acts and agreements that were reached back in february march 2022, and the attack on kharkiv just shows the falsity of these things, i completely agree here with the conclusion, with the conclusion of the world war institute, that ... this fakeness
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is aimed at one thing, because it acts only on the partners of western ukraine in order for them to be frightened and reduce aid, only i always did not understand the principle of the totalitarian mechanism, coercion by force to act, when in a democratic society any coercion causes a backlash, a reaction resistance, but well, if only... it is very difficult to understand psychologically dislocated people, especially those who live in the world, as angela merkel said, invented by them themselves. this means, in principle, that putin will play this truce exclusively there until the summit in switzerland, and then he will return to the rhetoric of continuing the war. from my point of view, yes, as discussed. theses, as well as the theses of nuclear
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blackmail, they will have a wave-like character, will be removed from the agenda, appear, combine with events and these meaty attacks on the front, but talk about the fact that the moscow führer, under certain conditions, can to sit down at the negotiating table, unless it is help for ukraine, unification. forces of the european united states of america will force him to take such a step when he has no other option left, although you do you remember very well when he said the thesis: why do we need a world where we are not there, that's why an idiot is an idiot, how will he act in this situation, well, except as i said at the beginning, his level of fear will be such that he is forced will be under the pressure of the course of facts certain there to the friend.
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of the third front, the unification of all efforts will get him nowhere, although i have little faith even in such a scenario on the part of the moscow führer. and do you think that... there are generally enough forces to continue such a war for a long time? i belong to those who are not believes, moreover, i do not believe that the russian economy is capable of waging a long-term war, because this thesis, which was born two weeks ago, that the replacement and appearance of bilousov is a fact of betting on a long-term war, i do not accept them, because it it's not the fact of bilousov's appointment, it's... the expulsion of shoyug, or the appointment of patrushev as an assistant to the president of russia and his appointment as secretary of the security council, well, it's about as if yermak was now sent as a guard to the president's secretariat, and
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everyone would talk about the importance of this position, so i i do not see an opportunity in the scheme of power and schemes the tour that was built in russia has some role, some defining role of belousov, so the thesis about longevity from my point of view, which is associated with belousov, is false. in this situation, there are more imitation and performance things than reality. actually, the thesis here is that these people live in a world that they invented for themselves, it very, very accurately reflects the course of events. another thing is that... i am more concerned about the reflection of the west because the crisis was born in the west, not in ukraine, and under the current conditions, it is only evidence that the pressure it is necessary to strengthen from all sides, and discipline in the implementation of sanctions, including
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the continuation of sanctions against china, iran, they are very important, but, as you can see, no one will listen to us here, as you think, so... when we hear now that the baltic countries and poland, they are quite seriously, i would say, worried about the possible consequences of this cautious help from the west. ukraine, and even warn that if there is a strategic breakthrough in russia, they will send their troops to the territory of ukraine. as far as possible take seriously? you see, according to the relevance of... events and information about the course of events in ukraine, and the current course of events on the border, belarusian-polish, belarusian-lithuanian, belarusian-latvian, it is obscured, and there is no such thing every day that there are no
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provocations on border, that is, these provocations are perceived as a fact of high probability, i am not saying there a statement about the possibility. in the direction of dancing there and so on, that is , all this for the baltic states, especially for poland, is evidence of a high probability, that what's more, this is fueled by a number of conclusions of analytical centers, diagrams, with pictures, there are statistics, add to this the fact that nato's decision to create an eastern wall, especially an eastern... border, especially in the baltic states, has not been implemented , even by half at the moment, it is clear that this creates a very serious anxiety on the part of these states, their societies, and if we also add the fact that they have emptied their arsenals by handing them over to ukraine, then it is obvious
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that there is something to think about, and this anxiety will grow in these countries, but to talk about that at the moment, at the moment... belarus can become such a platform, this is to exaggerate the factor of the role of belarus in this situation, because neither the available forces, nor ammunition, nor even any actions that would be planned, logistical for that , there is no serious russian strike force there, but definitely an information attack, it leads to colossal anxiety, especially in these countries that know what the soviet is... what do you think, here is what for the first time in, i b said, in recent years, the president of ukraine met with journalists from the countries of central asia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and uzbekistan, to what extent does this really affect the point,
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the public position, the point of view of the residents of these countries, is it possible to change, let's say, the position of the authorities in the central az... countries, addressing the media, the citizens of these countries states, should i laugh right away or start answering the essence of the question, well, start answering, you can laugh. well , from my point of view, this is a waste of time, because the situation in most of these countries in terms of the influence of society on the government is minimal, and moreover, the role of these dictatorships, it is growing, even in a country like kazakhstan, despite the fact that the president himself is a person who was brought up, let's say, in some... democratic frameworks, but what is important here is that these countries are now
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being worked on quite a lot by the british the government, and there is some progress there from the point of view of the movement of these countries, especially in the part regarding the role of this eye of the needle through which the führer of moscow pulls the camel. in the form of dual technologies there, let's say , components for weapons and so on, in this plan we need to work, so to speak about this interview that was given to orda and the journalists who were present there, of course, it is important for the part that is interested, let's say the sphere of politics, that wants to know about it... but, unfortunately, such a part society in these countries, states,
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it is very, very small, because, therefore, to talk about the serious influence of such factors in the information age, and in general, from my point of view, similar things should be done, a dialogue should be conducted, and i would in this regard i would advise to use more diplomatic representations of ukraine. and what would should always be, let's say, a channel that would inform the societies of these states, but unfortunately, if we take practice, including the first persons of diplomatic missions, they very rarely appear on the airwaves in these countries, appear in media, appear among, let's say, today's electronic mass media, and moreover, i can tell you... that as i listened to the president in this interview, i kept wondering if he was weighing what part of
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the information, some of the theses he speaks are hardly understood in principle by those to whom this interview is calculated, that is, the point is that these societies live by their own tradition, their own habits, their own concepts, their own content, and... speaking, let's say, the anxieties of a ukrainian, they cannot be pierced, well, life has turned out so that i happened to be in these countries at the beginning of my adulthood, i understand the kazakh very well, i have seen him for a long time, and i roughly realize how much of his life he can give, well, in order to devote to an international problem, you will object to me, you will say, well unlikely? it applies to people in general and it only applies specialists, but the fact is that if in
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ukraine a politician, the president, he is forced by force, ah, let's say this, the scheme that has developed, to somehow respond to the mood of society, then in those countries we are talking about, these things very rare, if they happen there periodically once or twice every few years, or even decades, well, this is not the case when they will... somehow reflect, well , look, the president of kazakhstan, kasym dzhomar takayev, recently visited yerevan , met with prime minister nikol pashinyan, we understand that this is an act, the truth, which is dictated by the understanding of this new situation that is now taking shape in the post-soviet space, and before that the same takayev celebrated his 70th anniversary in the company of xijin ping, and there was a china central asia summit, where, as we understand, russia was not invited , that is, they are also making movements there now that would seem... still unheard of in the recent past, you understand
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, if, relatively speaking, nursultan nazarbayev knew that some post-soviet politician there was out of favor with yeltsin or putin, he would go there i would never fly in my life, you know, the other day i watched the materials of the meeting of the president of kyrgyzstan with representatives of the security agencies of the cis countries, read his speeches, then inquired about the speeches of these forces. brave grandfathers, about what they said there, and all this smelled so much of sovka mold that from my point of view, yes. ah, yes, if you take, well, in particular the president of kazakhstan, he is capable of a certain step, i did not accidentally name him as one of those who are capable of such things, but one must understand the dependence of kazakhstan and all these countries on russia, if i for example i will touch on the issue of hydrocarbons there and from the whole
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sphere, let's say, which is connected with oil, with gas, then... neither such, nor its environment, nor the entire sector, nor the government, they cannot take a step in order not to to ask moscow how they should act, as of today, pashinyan is in a situation where he has nowhere to go, he has only one guide left in the world, that is paris, and the way they treated him from moscow, they do not even treat enemies in a situation, in to which he ended up, therefore a... understanding, let's say, the role of all participants in this process, these actors of international relations, we can say that central asia and the caucasus are currently such a piece that is being played out in the interests of major geopolitical and continental players, what can come out of this, well, as we see today
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, georgia has been taken over by russia, armenia on today... it is being debated what the final will be, this is still a big question. azerbaijan has already made up its mind, it has a blind guide, it is turkey, and it must also be understood here that azerbaijan has a big question mark, because it is unlikely that erdogan is capable azerbaijan should be led along some kind of road, at least not darkened, not a dead end, and what concerns the five central asian... these states, they should solve their problems, which smack of feudal-level problems, and not modern ones, and so on you have such and such, let's say, overdrinking, with which you have to somehow get along, and even in the central asian states, those who gave hope, well, in particular, as the president of kyrgyzstan, they turned
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into ordinary peasants, the regimes that they mastered in these states . but on the other hand you see, they are solving the issue that the ukrainian elite has been dreaming of solving for years, they have established special relations with china as a guarantor of their sovereignty. as for china, yes, temporarily they decided something, but conditionally speaking, let's say this, ah, let's ask whether the president of kazakhstan or the president of uzbekistan, who know that in concentration camps together with uighurs from... . there are uzbeks, kazakhs, tajiks, i am not talking about the situation of tajiks and uzbeks there with afghanistan and so on, but they are aware of the problem at all, when they go to the fact that they are messing with the xi jinping, and at the same time, among the 40 million who are in concentration camps in
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china, hundreds of thousands of the same kazakhs in ... and so on, what is the price of all this , and how their own citizens will look at them. as for, as you understand, all the projects that were talked about before, and there is one belt, one road, they have already come to fruition, yes, at the moment, china has really invested somewhere around 300 billion funds in these countries, but these roads, these communications, they did not lead the situation anywhere, they simply stalled. as a result of the fact that russia's aggression against ukraine began, a deadlock occurred, now these countries are in debt, with the seizure of the gold and currency reserves by china, because these resources were allocated only under the fact that virtually all the capital stored in the national banks of these countries, and how should they
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be in this situation now, there are huge problems, are there any? there is a solution, it is to bet on the civilized world, but does the civilized world accept this challenge and this pass? come on let's look at the results of the visit of lord david cameron, the british foreign minister to this region, so far it has been completely fruitless, except that the situation has been scanned, they have agreed to negotiate and nothing else, nevertheless, both iran and for... a storm from the south militants from and the taliban from afghanistan, it is growing, i am not saying all that is connected with the so-called state of kharosan. which hangs over these states and simply uses them in its terrorist actions, please tell me, but when the president addresses
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the world leaders in his address, simply to the president of the united states and to the president of the people's republic of china, in fact as equal world leaders and calls on them to come to switzerland, is that the right approach? well, from my point of view, i wouldn't advise doing that. and through whom to put the president of the united states of america with the president of brazil there and others, this cannot be done , but, as you understand, i am far, far from being listened to in the company of the president, what and how to him speak, it seems to me that this is not the case, i am convinced that it is impossible to do so. it seems to me that this is the picture of the world in which the united states and china are now. are on equal terms and have equal opportunities to influence moscow, china may have even more opportunities, that is, in our minds, many representatives of the ukrainian political elite, including those people
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who are in power, you said here absolutely correctly, but not in mine heads, not yours, yes, but many people, well, so be it, they have this picture of bipolar education, i don't i understand very well what to do with it, they believe in it, you understand, well, if they believe, then who is to blame for it, we will not change them, they will continue. continue to believe in this world that they have built in their heads, well, it will end, at least it is bad for them personally, because it is impossible to solve the problem by following this path, because the influence is actually the opposite, and when they tell me that beijing affects führer moskovskyi, i just don't understand, well , it's obvious that history was not taught. textbooks at school were smoked, he instituted uro, lectures from the stories were passed over, or maybe the teachers were those who did not convey what needed to be conveyed, well, that's it again, it's not our
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problem. tell me, in principle, if we are talking about these diplomatic efforts that are currently being made by both kyiv and moscow, kyiv regarding the peace summit in switzerland, moscow regarding the brics ministerial meeting in moscow, there will be two polar documents that will be. to propose an end to the war, what will it all end with? well, brics is not today's thing, it was planned a year ago, as it will take place in parallel the sco summit in a few weeks, that is, these are things of moscow's geopolitical game, again moscow's, not china's, by the way, this was discussed during the last meeting between putin and xi jinping. to what extent will these be declared excluded items? in words, yes, but if... we talk about documents that can be accepted, then in principle, and what these documents can mean for both sides, let's
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ask the question like this, and at least if we talk about the civilized world, then he will understand , that brics, highways and so on, they are moving along the road from which evil will crystallize, and there it is obvious, it is clear that india is superfluous. a member of this circle, but due to the problems that exist in india, they will be there for some time, but it was already seen during the previous summit that without introducing a single currency for settlements, they have stopped in their development, as for the summit in switzerland, no matter how beautiful, meaningful, even ultimatum documents were adopted there, neither the führer of moscow. the red chinese dictator, but no, the iranian ayatollahs, they will not accept, as you understand, this is to be fulfilled, moreover, i
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i expect that they will laugh at certain provisions, at the participants of this form, at the number of these participants, and so on, i would recommend, especially to the ukrainian side, that they find people on this forum, and participants and representatives from certain... who would, well demonstrated the true position that the world should now take in relation to both the führer and the entire axis of evil, and the essence of this position should be reflected in the unification of forces, the formation of a joint command, in the formation of a defense-industrial complex, common on the principle of division of labor and certain functions, and planning and... strategies and tactics for defeating the führer, because in fact, if you look, including the axis of evil, the hopes of iran and china, then they
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completely go to... which is dictated by moscow. thank you, mr. roman. the immortal novel was our contact with ukrainian politicians and diplomats. and now let's talk about what is happening in germany, in europe serhiy sumleny, german political scientist, director of the initiative center. european sustainability, mr. sergiu, glad to see you. good evening, thank you for inviting me. well, let's try to understand what the ideas of the german political elite are now, in principle, about what in the russian-ukrainian war, but today there was a recent publication by spiegel that estonian deputies warned their german colleagues that if aid to ukraine is insufficient and russia makes a strategic breakthrough and the very existence of the ukrainian state is called into question, then poland and the baltic countries will introduce its troops on the territory of ukraine in order to prevent its complete disappearance from the political map of the world. i understand, that this is exactly what the federal chancellor fears, that this war will become a nato war and
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turn into world war iii. with all the consequences, but maybe then he should be more active? well, to put it briefly, the perception of the german political elites regarding what is happening in the russian-ukrainian war is very fragile, and in fact they absolutely either do not want or are unable to see either the level of challenges or the level of responsibility of germany, here we are we can see that germany has completely and finally switched to... the format of preparing for the elections, first in the european parliament, which will be held on june 9, and then the elections to the bundestag, which will be held in september of next year, and in this pre-election debate, in principle , there is no city for ukraine at all, except, therefore, attempts to instrumentalize ukraine, and in such a way that ukraine has one of the most
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inconvenient ones, namely... like pushing ukraine to any so-called peace with russia, that's the problem, we see that chancellor scholz repeats at every meeting that meetings with voters, female voters, i mean, i emphasize that it means that it is impossible to give ukraine neither long-range weapons, nor to allow ukraine to strike on the sovereign territory of russia, its... supporters from the ruling circles of the spd, the social democratic party insist that only such a path is the responsible path of an adult political elite to peace and to stability, everything else will suddenly lead to a nuclear apocalypse, and even there, well, there are some absolutely shameful things in them, so they fall out of the mouth, as we say, here is the general secretary of the spd, kevin künart, that is, in fact, the chairman
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party yesterday, he was on the air of one of the largest talk shows in germany, maischbeg, and the host asked him what the format of her talk show was, in fact, very pro-russian, she asked him what the general line with the dpn was, that in to freeze the conflict or to help president putin, and künart unexpectedly immediately... answered yes to both, because there is no contradiction between these two goals, that is, even if it was his, shall we say, mistake, he there, i don't know, he was worried or something, he was tired, that's in in principle corresponds to what the spd is doing, it is actually helping putin, uh, that means finding some way out of defeat, and other political parties in the coalition. of the government,
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that is, the greens and liberals, they are not ready to put scholz under enough pressure to win, in fact, everyone is now waiting for the first election to see what the result will be and to instrumentalize it further in the next election, and so far will happen, ukrainian, ukrainian dependence on western weapons from german side does not receive help, but what if there is some joint? the will of the allies, how will germany act in this situation, who will have the last word in europe? well , look, first of all, if we take the formal aspect, then the commander-in-chief of the german army in peacetime is the minister of defense, that is, the chancellor has no relation to the bundeswehr at all, the mandate for the use of the bundeswehr by germany's foreign borders is given by the bundestag, not by the federal chancellery, but by the high command...


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