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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm naiomelynyk and it's time to learn about the main news. at this hour, already on the 16th, the number of dead in kharkiv has increased, 45 people have been injured. the regional prosecutor's office informed about the consequences of the russian terrorist attack on the construction hypermarket in kharkiv. the expertise established the data of 13 people. as the spokesman of the department dmytro chubenko said, the search operation was complicated by the large area of ​​the store. mayor ihor terykhova appealed to world leaders to provide kharkiv with modern anti-aircraft systems. defense,
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to protect the skies above the city, and also called on international partners to urgently provide military assistance for the defense of civilians. let me remind you that on may 25, the occupiers targeted the kharkiv hypermarket with two aerial bombs. russians wounded a 69-year-old woman in the dnipropetrovsk region, the national police reported. during the day, the enemy struck with drones and covered the nikopol, myrivska and marganitsa communities with fire from heavy artillery ... shells destroyed private homes, a shop, a medical facility, gas stations, power lines and cars in the field. in general, law enforcement officers recorded more than a hundred destructions. you can take revenge on the russians with a donation. espresso tv channel asks to join the urgent collection. a reliable off-road vehicle is needed for reconnaissance missions in active combat zones. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, it is almost impossible without a car at the front.
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personnel are transported by suvs, ammunition is launched from them, and drones are launched from them. the required car has already been found and delivered to ukraine. it is currently being repaired and equipped. it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. we have more than 29,200 in our accounts. remember, every donation is important. there is damage. night attack of ukrainian drones on the russian radar station in orenburg. regions were successful. satellite images of the consequences of the attack were made public by the project of the scheme . a journalist's source confirmed to the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense that the drones hit the voronish m station, located 1,800 km from the border with ukraine. analysts assume that dark spots can be seen in the photos from may 27, probably traces of a fire. i will note this radar is designed to detect ballistic... and cruise missiles, spot
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targets, it is capable at a distance of up to 600 km. none of the parties has officially commented on this attack. ex-chairman of the supreme court in sevolod knyazev was stripped of his jewelry, the term of his judicial obligations was extended, but without an electronic bracelet. the corresponding decision was made by the panel of judges of the higher anti-corruption court, the transparency movement reports. according to their data, the princes, as before, must arrive at the court with the first requirement not to leave ukraine and refrain from communicating with witnesses, but the vaksu board decided to remove the bracelet, because knyakov complained about the power outages, allegedly because of this the device is ineffective and also has a bad effect on his health. let me remind you that in may of last year , the ex-head of the supreme court was caught accepting a bribe of almost 3 million. the security service of ukraine
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reported the suspicion to the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, oleksiy kryvoruchka. he participated in the preparation and planning of a full-scale russian invasion, and now he is responsible for arming the army of the aggressor country. personally coordinates the supply of cabs and iskanders, with which the occupiers hit our civil infrastructure, since the perpetrator is on the territory of the russian federation , continues. complex measures to bring him to justice, the official faces up to 15 years in prison. an important visit, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , has arrived in spain, where he will sign a bilateral security agreement, hold talks with prime minister pedro sanchez and heads of chambers and factions of the spanish parliament. as zelenskyi notes, they will also talk about continuation defense cooperation, preparation of new.
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military aid, training of the ukrainian military, also the ukrainian leader will have a separate audience with his majesty king philip vi. strong support, germany will provide humanitarian aid to ukraine in the amount of eur 60 million, announced the minister of foreign affairs of germany, annelena berbock. she noted that in order to ensure peace, it is necessary to support ukraine in all spheres, the official also reminded that russian terror is aimed specifically at people and ordinary life in ukraine. so now there is such support especially necessary. reject georgia's parliamentary committee did not support president zorobishvili's veto of the law on foreign agents, so the final approval of the bill may take place tomorrow at the session, georgian media reports. let me remind you that about a week ago , the head of state solome zorabishvili promised
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a scandalous bill, which is a copy of the russian one. according to her, this law contradicts the georgian constitution and is an obstacle to european paths. the adoption of the document in two readings provoked protests that are still ongoing. it's hot in russian volgograd. a large-scale fire broke out in an unfinished residential complex. black smoke was seen by residents of different areas of the city. the previous cause of the fire was the elevator. at first it caught fire, then the fire spread to other elements of the new building. victims are not reported. it is difficult to overestimate the skills of first aid in the conditions of war, because in critical situations every second counts, and the right actions can save lives. how the white church people
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learned to stop bleeding and to do artificial things breathing, let's see. oleksandria park, a lawn and many people, but all of them... gathered here not just to rest, to learn the basics of first aid, which is extremely important in the current conditions. the free three-hour course was organized by the belotserk medical college, for convenience the territory was divided into zones: basic life support and stopping critical bleeding. in total , almost 200 citizens joined the intensive. as a doctor and former student of a medical college and medical university, i know. what exactly the skills and knowledge of the first medical aid were given such a formal importance, and the youth mostly do not possess this knowledge and skills, of course, in the given conditions, and i think that in the following decades, having such a neighbor, having such
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a background, every generation has, well, this is, as they say, masthev, yes, this knowledge should be, absolutely all generations should possess it, of course, instructors from the center. they not only told about emergency medical care, but also demonstrated everything on a mannequin, then on themselves, for example, invented a story that in the park noticed a motionless man, in order to transfer the patient to a stable lateral position, there is a certain technique that we do, one hand, well, we take one hand away like this , we take the other in a lock, we bring the patient under shock like this, then with the free hand , absolutely correct, let's sum it up. at a right angle, we create such a lever for ourselves, and in one movement, pressing on this lever, we return the patient to the hand that was placed by the doctors. artur has been working in an ambulance for seven years and understands the importance of providing first aid like no one else of medical care, as the man says, during
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this period i had to solve various problems, from simple cuts and road accidents to childbirth at home, but the work after another attack was probably the most memorable. russians on october 10, 2022, photos with arthur then flew around the world. we practiced with everyone who came, the correctness of compressions, where to press, with what frequency to press, how to press, how to carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs in patients who need resuscitation measures, which devices are used for this. belotserki people willingly participated in exercises on applying a turnstile. wounds and other things, they say, the event was really useful. i once attended a similar event, i wanted to remember, to update my knowledge, because now there are many new, well, novelties in medical care, medical care is included for the first time, it is interesting, because
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we live in such a time, now it is relevant for us, and well you need to be on topic, medicine, it is a part of our life, i learned a lot of new things, all... the most basic first aid needs, came, of course, in our time you need to know, of course, how to put turnstiles and all these banal things. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, white. church. the news team is working, i tell you, see you at 3 p.m., meet my colleagues, marto liyarnyk and antin borkovskii, later in the office. with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the lives of many ukrainians changed forever.
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the stratum did not miss these changes. the national scout organization of ukraine, which has been engaged in patriotic education of youth for more than a century. according to the organization itself, already more than 530 plastonians were mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces to defend their land from the enemy. the plastons who remained in the body understood that their task was to help their friends and the military approach. victory, when such a situation arose, we began to pay attention to the defenders and directed all our forces there, and the platoon soldiers who went abroad, they also made volunteer centers in different countries, in different cities, and then we began to help the military, who still turn to us to actively help to the military, plastrons unite with other public organizations, plastronist alisa tells that their smoke got along with the cave cats, and now together they sew kikimora, nets and prepare
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trench candles for our soldiers. we are opening collections for military platoons, personally, we have already closed three collections for the needs of military platoons from smoking, collected for night vision devices, a telephone, a generator and something else, but there is so much of it that i will not name everything now. all plastuns are involved in charity and in... our power military to provide them with everything they need, from clothing and equipment to technical means. the most difficult part of volunteering is the assembly, because most often the equipment requested by the military platoon is needed yesterday, and the assembly can be closed for weeks. volunteers open their own meetings, which we all know, charity funds very often help out, for example, when a volunteer has to collect conditionally for a thermal imaging druan for several weeks, as at the present time. but here we had the zhivago charity fund, which was approached by a platoon from the donetsk direction,
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he needed a thermal imaging drone and actually a charity fund and helped. thanks to this cooperation, the platoon fighters at the front received a modern quadrocopter, which will help them more effectively perform combat tasks and save the lives of their comrades. this drone has already been delivered to the military, and it has begun to perform combat missions. we are a soldier of special operations forces, we want to thank the all-ukrainian charitable fund uzhivago for providing funds for the purchase of this mavic 3 enterprise thermal imaging drone, it will help us at night to detect, to correct and confirm the defeat of our enemy, together to victory, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory! this story is just one example of how ukrainians unite before. threat of the enemy, supporting each other. plastons that educate the next generation and charitable foundations that
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help our defenders, they all contribute to our common victory. so join in, follow the link on the screen or look for a layer in social networks, and until we can overcome it together. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, continues information day of the espresso tv channel, 2:2 p.m., in the next hour, we will first of all analyze the situation on the front line, intense fighting is going on at the approaches to the temporal ravine, counter-defense forces are counterattacking in the vovchansk and starytsi districts of kharkiv oblast, the national guard reports. the russians will not leave. attempts to capture chasivry in donetsk region, hellish battles are being fought there. in the direction of kharkiv, units of the defense forces
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repelled the attacks of the russian invaders in the areas of the villages of lybtsi and ternova. well, about this and about another we will now speak with vladyslav seleznyi, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff in 2014-17. glory to ukraine. mr. colonel, we welcome you. friends, i congratulate you. words. kharkiv, kharkiv region and. 70 km to the northeast of kharkiv oblast, that's how i quote the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, so this is the direction, sir. colonel, what is your vision of what the enemy has in mind, how serious is the concentration of their forces? should we expect that the enemy will act rationally from a military point of view, after how he attacked the north of our kharkiv region with relatively small forces, it is probably not inappropriate that we now know that in the territory of the kursk region, which borders our sumy region and partly with the kharkiv region, the enemy
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concentrated about 10, maybe 12 thousand of his soldiers in order to , which... would in the future attack our borders and positions, but these resources are not enough, not that we can take control of our, our glorious city of sumy, this is not enough to even occupy our border so-called gray zone, because not is a secret that the first eight, maybe 10 km from the state border line, that is the gray zone, it was impossible for the ukrainian defense forces to create engineering fortifications there, and therefore this territory is actually... controlled by small observation posts of the ukrainian defense forces, it is partially occupied, and the first one is a powerful line of defensive formations begins at a distance of 8 - 10 km, therefore , the resources that the enemy has accumulated in the territory of the kursk region will, to a certain extent , be sufficient in some areas of the front to seize individual lines and positions, but it is obvious that the ukrainian
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artillery will take up the matter, which will also be able to use the same artillery component that is handed over to us by the western, in particular, the american partners, because... we have the right to use artillery on our territory , which will, of course, transform additional enemy resources , which the enemy is likely to use on the territory of the sumy region in ashes, ashes. ashes will turn into enemy slag, enemy armored vehicles, enemy weapons, it is obvious, whether it will succeed in such a provocation by the russian army, again, i emphasize that this is not about military expediency, but about political decisions that russian generals have to implement. because it is obvious that in the opinion of russian senior military officials such a practice would be appropriate, why? because in this way the russians will create the most favorable conditions for the actions of the russian occupying forces in the eastern part of the russian-ukrainian front. it is about the kramatorsk direction, pokrovsky, the direction to kurakhov, that is where vorokh is now
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focuses all its main efforts, and it is important for the enemy army there that we do not transfer our additional strategic level reserves and resources there, so i think that it is most likely on auxiliary directions, and it is not only about the north of the kharkiv region , perhaps the prospects for sumy oblast, as well as for the south of zaporizhia oblast, the enemy will intensify its efforts so that the ukrainian general staff will be forced to use at least part of our strategic reserves in order to block all enemy trespassing on our territory. mr. vladyslav, continuation of the topic: institute for the study of war. says that russia is accumulating forces on the border with kharkiv and sumy regions, we have heard warnings that the enemy may try to attack sumy region as well, but now we do not see any active actions, but there is a certain concentration of russian reserves on the territory of their own federation , and i would like to ask you, are you currently observing any dynamics towards the strengthening of their presence, or are
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we currently not talking about the fact that the enemy may carry out some kind of attack in the direction of... sumy. let's face it, if a month ago our intelligence reported that the enemy had somewhere between 10-105 personnel in the kurt region, then we heard information from a representative of our guru that the enemy was transferring units of the 44th rank corps, he is a part of the leningrad military district, several echelons, there were about one and a half dozen soldiers with personnel, armed equipment, and weapons, they should have moved. on the territory of the kursk region, to strengthen the grouping of the enemy army there. as far as i know, this process is still ongoing, personnel are being moved, concentration is taking place at certain boundaries and positions on the territory of the kurt region, and how quickly they will be involved in offensive actions on the territory of sumy oblast, it is difficult to predict, i repeat once again, the number of personnel , which is equal to nearly 12 thousand
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people, expect large-scale changes in the territory. of our sumy region in our border area is not worth it, but again, i emphasize that the enemy can resort to such provocations to divert our resources, that is, the question will not be about real practical steps related to the occupation of our territories, but in order to maximally stretch our strategic reserves and resources, and the enemy can resort to such provocations, in principle even now, that we see on the territory of our border area in sumy oblast, the enemy is actively using its sabotage and reconnaissance groups, which literally do not penetrate our borders, the enemy... is actively using its mortars and artillery to target our border vorak uses the aviation component again and again, striking our border with guided aerial bombs. ago. to talk about sumy oblast as a relatively calm part of the front, it is probably not worth doing so here now. mr. vladyslav, this weekend we saw various statements by world politicians regarding whether
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ukraine should give permission for the use of western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, and in fact after zelensky’s statement that the enemy is now accumulating its resources there, we understand that now is the moment when ukraine, more than ever , simply demands from its allies and partners to allow the use of weapons. of the russian federation in order to prevent them from advancing, to prevent them from doing so. well, actually stoldenberg said that ukraine should be given permission. in the states they are now thinking about it, but at the same time in italy, for example, in other countries they are saying, well, what should be thought about this issue. do you think that this situation, which now looks quite serious on the northern borders of our country, can force or to push our partners anyway yes... the green light, actually it is convenient to delay making relevant decisions when your country is several thousand kilometers away from the aggressor state, i
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mean the position of our italian partners and friends, but when the enemy is in refuge to our borders and we have to reflect on the preparation of an enemy army that is absolutely guaranteed to invade our territories, well, it seems obvious to me if our intelligence reports that it knows exactly the places ... the concentration of personnel and enemy armored vehicles, so why not strike pre-emptively to disrupt enemy plans, but we do not have that option due to the intransigence of some members of the european union and the north atlantic alliance, and this is a serious challenge that parity on the battlefield can be about , because every time we have to get appropriate permits for the use of weapons, of course, we have something to reproach our western partners with, although we also need to look at ourselves, because in fact what... for 25 years, while i served in the ranks of the armed forces, our army was like that, a whole bunch that was absolutely not interested
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in ukrainian society, we disarmed, we sold off weapons, we reduced our defense potential, the result of which was the event of february 2014, when the enemy captured crimea, captured sevastopol, occupied part of some districts of luhansk and donetsk regions, and even now we are... recovering from that insidious blow, and even now we are working on increasing the volume of production at our defense-industrial enterprises of the complex, is everything going well in that process? unfortunately, no, there are not enough resources, there are not enough administrative and management decisions, there is not enough will, including at the state level, and in order to transfer our country to the rails of wartime, because working at half capacity, to achieve success on the field battle is impossible, the enemy did not hide his... army encroachments, and he dreams of destroying ukraine as a state, and ukraine as a constituent community of peoples of the world, and therefore we have no other option than to rally, unite and
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plow until the seventh sweat, because otherwise, otherwise we will all perish. mr. colonel, well, speaking of the tragic events in kharkiv, in the kharkiv region, we simply cannot avoid the criminal logic of the enemy, such as the attack of two cabs on a supermarket. yes, this is an atrocity, an atrocity squared and an atrocity cubed, but what do you think they wanted to achieve, maybe they had one or another socio-psychological intention, well, besides demoralization, yes, because the first cap left, and the second went to catch up in order for them to convince themselves that they achieved their criminal goal. ah, to assume that the enemy was targeting some other object is probably not worth it in this situation. on the one hand , we know that kabi is in good hands. to a certain extent, it is similar to the russians, the combat radius, the settlement radius can be anywhere from up to 250 m, and on the other hand, of course, when
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two cabs aim at the same point, it is a deliberate and defiant violation of the rules and regulations of driving hostilities, that is, the enemy deliberately aimed at a civilian object where civilian personnel are located, in order to to kill as many kharkiv residents as possible, for what purpose, in order to sow panic and chaos in this not... but place, because despite many years of bombardment, the hockey people are holding on, whose resistance, the enemy does not even have a ghostly chance of occupying this the regional center, the enemy needs it, it is needed in order to, by sowing panic and chaos, force the less than 400,000 residents of this border town to leave as far as possible, creating a corresponding load on our infrastructure, on our logistics, creating a correspondingly dominant mood. throughout ukraine, and in order to implement this mission, they create such things, malicious things, they shoot kabama at the epicenter, they fire missiles at
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the complex. c300, c300 residential quarters, they kill, first of all, civilian residents of our country, our kharkiv, children, elderly people, women, in order to sow chaos and despair, i doubt whether this will help them, but that is, taking into account the kharkiv experience and so-called unattainable goals, but they still go to these crimes against humanity, so the use of to supermarkets, your forecasts that... before the preparation by the enemy, the use, god forbid, of course, but tactical nuclear weapons, so they conducted the appropriate training, we understand that even neutral, so to speak, potential allies, but not detected russia, that is, brazil and china, told the russians ugh, don't do it under any circumstances, but the russian logic, it's kind of a bit unpredictable, yes, you're absolutely right, and i think i'm probably,
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first of all... or have those trainings on the use of nuclear components been completed, or are they yet continue, and secondly, we must understand that evil that goes unpunished will never stop, but will multiply exponentially, and it is obvious that when the president calls on world leaders, including joe biden and siziping, to directly intervene in the process preparation and implementation of president zelenskyi's peace plan, he is right, because if we go one by one, if everyone is for themselves, we will definitely lose in this confrontation, besides , the world remembers such a process. they took place last century somewhere inside, when he came to power in germany adolf hitler, it seems that now there is a certain takaization of adolf hitler under the name of putin. yes, mr. vladyslav, we understand that the situation is serious and that the threats coming from the russian empire in the face of putin should not be taken lightly. vladyslav seleznyo, wax expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, has been working on
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our airwaves since 2014, by the way, we will now go on a short break, but we have already mentioned about, mr. vladyslav mentioned about china, about brazil, and actually, i want to say a few words about the peace summit. we know that ukrainian diplomacy is currently working to ensure that as many countries as possible are represented there. well, bloomberg writes that the european union is currently working on moving to a peace conference with the participation of russia after the peace summit, and this may happen already in the fall. this is how bloomberg writes with reference to his own sources and actually says that a peace conference can be held, as it were, in saudi arabia in the fall after the peace summit, to which the russian the federation, as you know, is not started. well, let's take a short break now, two minutes, and we'll get back to you, wait. tired of heavy and bulky saws,
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