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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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so wait for them, and antin and i tell you until tomorrow, we will see each other in this studio, at the same time, take care of yourself, and all the best to you. greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm anna yavomalnyk and this is news. three people were killed, and six more were injured as a result of the russian attack on posnihoriv residents in the mykolaiv region, the head of the region, vitaly kim, said. among the injured are a 17-year-old girl and a boy. during the day, russia fired a rocket at the city, a fire broke out in a coffee shop, a car shop, and a tire. installation,
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the blast wave damaged the car wash self-service, fire fighters extinguished the fire. kharkiv is again under enemy attack. according to preliminary data , the occupiers hit five victims in the industrial zone of the kholodnohirsky district. the mayor also informed about the arrival of the shevchenkivskyi district near residential buildings. details are being clarified. and unfortunately, the number of victims in kharkiv has increased due to an enemy strike on a hypermarket, it is already known that 18 people died, five more are considered missing - reported the head of the region oleg synygubov, 48 people were injured, the data of 13 dead people was established by the examination, this 10 store employees and three visitors. mayor ihor terikhov appealed to world leaders to provide kharkiv with modern air defense systems to protect the sky above the city. and also called on
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international partners to urgently provide military assistance for the defense of civilians. let me remind you that on may 25, the occupiers targeted the kharkiv hypermarket with two aerial bombs. a teenager was bullied. three residents of the kupyan district will be tried in absentia for torturing a minor and for working for the enemy during the occupation of kharkiv region, as inform the regional prosecutor's office. during the capture of the community, the traitors went to work for the so-called police. in russia, in the summer of 2022, attackers kidnapped a 16-year-old boy and took him to a torture chamber in kupyansk, where he was held for more than two weeks. they put a gas mask on the child's head, forced him to squat and run, also beat him, and instead of drinking water, he gave him technical water. in this way, the collaborators tried to get information from the 16-year-old boy about pro-ukrainian people and military personnel in the region, accused announced wanted every russian
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crime can be avenged with a donation. espresso tv channel asks to join the urgent collection. a reliable off-road vehicle is needed for reconnaissance missions in active combat zones. it is almost impossible for our soldiers to work in difficult conditions without cars at the front. suvs transport personnel, ammunition, and launch drones from them. the required car has already been found and delivered to ukraine. it is currently being repaired and equipped. remained to be redeemed and transferred to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. not enough only 1500. i am sure that we will be able to do it today. remember, every donation counts. spain allocates 1 billion euros for military aid to ukraine, another 5 billion euros are planned to be provided by 2027, president volodymyr zelenskyi said after meeting with spanish prime minister pedrosan. the leaders of the countries also signed
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a bilateral security agreement. this is already the tenth country that concluded a similar agreement with ukraine. let me remind you that today the head of state is on a working visit to spain. plans a meeting with the heads of the chamber and factions of the spanish parliament, as well as a separate audience with king philip i. his majesty personally met zelensky at the madrid airport. the european union has officially adopted a new one. the sanctions regime against russia for violating human rights - the press service of the council of the eu reported. the first sanctions were applied against one legal entity and 19 individuals. thus, the federal penitentiary service, as well as some prosecutors and representatives of the russian judicial system, responsible for the conviction of the opposition politician oleksiy, came under restrictions navalny. their assets will be frozen and they will be banned from entering the eu countries.
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more than 1 million hryvnias were stolen for the repair of the school shelter. in kryvyi rih , six officials were informed about the suspicion, including the head and accountant of the department. children of one of the rayrads of the city, the director of a sports school and contractors told the national police that, according to the law enforcement officers involved, the involved parties indicated in the documents the inflated cost of building materials and received an extra million from the budget, those arrested face up to 12 years in prison. to members of an organized group, the police reported a suspicion, they are charged with possession of someone else's property, by means of... using a person's official position and official forgery. precautionary measures, detention with the right to deposit more than uah 450,000 bail for each of the suspects were chosen. attacks on the railway infrastructure were being prepared. the
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security service of ukraine detained fsb agents in odesa. the organizer of the criminal network turned out to be an ex-activist of the so-called antimaidan. he involved his close relative in cooperation. forehead'. had to take pictures in the region railway objects and send the coordinates by the russian curator. in addition, the head of the agents personally administered a group of supporters of the so-called novorossiya in social networks and called for the seizure of power in ukraine . in front-line slovyansk, law enforcement officers kidnapped a drug network whose members sold psychotropic drugs. substances, three men and a woman told the prosecutor's office of the donetsk region. they managed to earn more than half a million hryvnias from the sale of medamphetamine and salts. wholesale they received parties from the kyiv region. during the search, psychotropic drugs and bank cards were found in their possession. the perpetrators were detained,
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and three of their apartments were also seized. evacuation in donetsk region in krasnohorivka, the police crew of bilangola rescued an injured man. during the russian shelling, a fragment hit the chest near the heart and hit a lung. on the way, the crew warned the medics that they were transporting a serious patient, so they were already on standby at the hospital. that day, russian troops were relentlessly hitting the city, said v the national police, the law enforcement officers were able to remove the civilian bodies of three victims who died. charity gala concert in memory of the tisyk flower. so the organizers decided to thank the doctors who saved more than one life of our soldiers. our correspondent kateryna oliynyk is in the national drama theater named after maria zankovetska. katya, my congratulations and tell me and our audience which performers have been invited and what they expect from the concert. i congratulate annaev, i congratulate all the viewers
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of the lviv tv channel, a really small hall the theater is filling up. at 5 p.m. the concert should start, in particular , many lviv singers have been invited, including sofia fedina, orest tsimbala, bohdan stelmakh, nazar savko, the vatra vocal-instrumental ensemble and many others. i would like to note that this charity gala concert is dedicated primarily to our doctors, therefore , according to the organizers, 80% of all tickets were distributed to patients, as well as doctors of lviv regional hospitals, as well as doctors of the first and second medical association of lviv. and in general, the concert has a charitable purpose purpose all part of the collected funds will be transferred, i'm sorry, part of the collected funds will be transferred to the purchase of a mammograph in
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the lviv hospital, which takes care of treating patients with cancer. so there will be another concert today at 8:00. the same one, dedicated to the memory of kvitka tsysyk. let me remind you that kvitka tsysyk is a ukrainian singer, an american singer of ukrainian origin. so today, all singers will perform songs from kvitka sisyk's repertoire. for now, this is all the information, annoyeva, i give you the floor. thank you for the information and the work of kateryna oliynyk, espresso correspondent, about the atmosphere at the concert in memory of the tsysyk flower. finally, the head of the regional military administration oleg synigubov informs that one woman was killed and 11 people were injured as a result of the russian strike today. they hit the industrial zone of the kholodnohirskyi district, the mayor also informed about the arrival of the shevchenkivskyi
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district, next to residential buildings. the details of the attack are being clarified. here's the news for the moment, i'll see you at 6 p.m., the espresso team is working on the final. you can always read more about what is important on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, see you at 6 p.m., stay close. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the matrik stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface, order a topper for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes to convenient packaging, which is easy enough to remove.
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see this week in the collaborators program. how do mariupol traitors build careers under the occupation? the sister city of st. petersburg gave mariupol to create an alley? but which of the former ukrainians? of law enforcement officers became the city's pseudo-mayor. we are part of russia, the city of mariupol, the city of russia. on tuesday, may 28 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives? two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two o'clock. the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished
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guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. are there any villages in the kyiv region that he can reach? eyes closed, his car is always loaded with only the necessary things, these are building materials, products, fodder for animals and medicine. he goes to those whose homes have been destroyed by russian shelling, or to those people who have lost everything. he knows every story, every problem, and every face. he can always help to listen and bring everything that... what is needed, is he a gypsy? ruslan horovy is visiting me today, ruslan,
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hello, hello, thank you very much for inviting me, it is very strange to listen like that, when you know, they are formulating something about you, it is so very strange, really strange, i will definitely introduce you to our guests again, for those who don't know although i am sure that there are very few such people in our country. ruslan horovy is a volunteer, director, writer, musician and a wonderful person, thank you very much, why a gypsy? it happened completely by accident, the fact is that when i started all these walks in the kyiv region, in the de-occupied territories, ah,... i contacted several volunteer headquarters, then each of them accumulated something somewhere in the district, it was possible to take medicine there, to take something else there and to give it to people, so i went to one of these warehouses and saw a hat lying there, a hat near garbage, i say that these are girls, you made a hat here, which you threw away, he says, a lot of
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very strange things came here from italy, and in particular this hat, and we looked where it was, who it was good for... and threw it away, i picked it up, looked at a nice german hat and thought that a german had made a hat, sold it to an italian, the italian was walking in front, then decided that without this hat we would not win, took it, sent it to us, and the girls took it and threw it away, i say no, i i will adopt a hat, she says, take it, we have ball gowns here, i can give it to you, so i put on that hat, and she still rides in my car, and literally at the same moment, on the same day or the next day, at one of the roadblocks, we were stopped by a person whom i had known since the 15th or 14th year, he says: oh, mountaineer, why are you driving here, mowing under a gypsy, and i looked like this, and that's how gypsy, gypsy, gypsy stuck, and i realized that it's easier that way so that no one, no one remembers that last name, no one remembers names, everyone has people, and that's how you say gypsy, gypsy, she quickly became
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recognizable, and my friends and i said that we go to a gypsy camp. we climb wherever we can, we help as much as we can, there are three of us, kostyak, olena nechayeva, she is more involved in the military, roman gurzhii, he is our minister of gypsy affairs, because he has a medical education and can distinguish there, you know, potassium cyanide, but no potassium cyanide, so that we don't feed something to someone, well, look, we've known you for 10 years, i know that your war started back in 2014, right? but look, i want you to remember exactly february 24, 2022, what you did on this day and did you even expect it to be exactly as it happened? i must say that lyudmila and i, my wife and i, were probably more prepared than most ukrainians, we
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knew that there would be an invasion, we were preparing, we had prepared documents for both me and her to take the child abroad, because we didn't know how it was going to happen, but at the same moment it turned out that no matter how much you prepare, you can't be prepared for what happened, we didn't interrupt our lives, but we had some things collected, we they understood that if something happens, there is a certain, certain algorithm of actions, four days before that, i flew to ireland with film performances, i showed a film about the donetsk airport there and talked about it. that something will happen , we don't know exactly when, but it 's clear, eh, well, when such an army is gathered near the border of your country, you know it, as in again, we will quote what we know, yes, if there is a gun in the first act, it will definitely shoot early, so we talked about it, moreover, on february 23, 22-23, i i have been spending many years in kharkiv, this is
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the anniversary of the death of my grandfather, of that tragic march in the 15th year, during which... four people died from booby traps and explosives planted by russian mercenaries, and i was always moment was in kharkov, i was at events, at events about the anniversary, we again raised the issue of the name of the school named after dani didik, nothing came of it, and on the night of the 23rd to the 24th i was returning from kharkov, i came, i also took the little one, i say people, rest a little, because she... was with the little one for several days, and he took her away to myself, i went to bed, and already around four o'clock, how many children were there at that time, four, four years, four years before the move, and somewhere at the beginning of five o'clock mykhailo bondarenko called me, he is my friend, the producer and says , that's it, the russian tanks have passed through the passages, are going to kharkiv, the battles are already going on, the war has started, i
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put my eyes down and heard the first sounds of explosions from gostomel, where the helicopter was coming. when the planes came in, everything started what started. lyuda packed her things, the child, and began a very difficult journey to the west, because we did not have a car, but she was driven by completely different people people, she talks about it all the time, it's absolutely her story, which i think will have to be recorded somehow, because it's very, very, very interesting, what we were like. they say that people have changed there, now a little, how attentive we ukrainians were to each other, i say, you see in me, i don't want to tell it, it's too much. a very, very interesting story, she will tell it herself one day, but it is a story of gratitude, how ukrainians helped ukrainians, especially those that were with difficult options, like
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our child, well, there were nuances, what about me i went to the police station, i went to the police station , and they didn’t take me, i don’t know how, there were so many people in the galisiiv district who wanted to get weapons that i couldn’t push through, well, it’s true, it really true, i was standing. on one day, the second day, and they told me that i don't need a zocom yet, we 'll call you, we'll call you, i realized that it's useless, they won't take me anywhere for now, and i started doing what i know, i to help, to help people, i realized that in kyiv, people on the floors were actually held hostage older people, many people were left without help, social workers saved their own families, that's exactly what i wanted to ask you about, because since 2014, you've been more to... and boarding schools, here you can say, a volunteer has repurposed himself and you started helping civilians in particular, well
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, if the army didn’t need my help at that time, didn’t need such a massive one, here you have people in front of your eyes who need help, it’s impossible to help everyone, but the main thing is not to miss those about whom you know, you remember that first person you i met someone who needed help, she is my neighbor in... there is an older woman in the apartment, who was handled by the social service, and i realized that she was not there, no one was there, i went to her, she gave me another friend of hers , and one more, and already there in 3-4 days i was laughing that i already had the 80th level of grandmothers in kyiv, they laughed at me so much, that is, of all the grandmothers of kyiv, now who could i, who could i, i ran, ran, yes, they are such specific jokes, one said ruslan, don't worry, you're not the only one, the other one will write you a house, it will be... well, it's absolutely another cosmos, these are people, if they start to trust you, it’s simple, because in principle , older people, they are preserved in themselves, they
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don’t want to see other people, i had to say 300 times that i am jealous of svetlana, like who, who, who to call, but then they relax, they let you in, and you can't even entrust it to anyone anymore, because they only know you, they only answer the phone, and even when they are already over 20, you understand that i just even physically run all pharmacies, take food, you don't have time, and i didn't drive a car, v i was right, i used to turn right a long time ago, but i never drove a car, because i am not comfortable with my eye, i don’t have an eye and it is inconvenient for me to drive a car, but as practice has shown, it is convenient and inconvenient, sit down and drive, i took a car, at first they just called me, they said, you can take a car from there, get in and help, i got into that car, then another car and started helping these... grandmothers and at the same time there were such chats in telegram, we started taking people out, we started taking people out from the supports, where they could reach and take away
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to the stations or to relatives, who needed where, well, it was like that, like four people, go pick them up, once i went to take them there, like that, there were seven or eight trips a day, who looked where, but how did he end up in the kyiv region and started to help, and then our promotions began, and i had people with whom... i maintained, when they were in occupation, a certain connection, there were people who simply could not leave, these are my acquaintances, friends, i am not in i lived in space, this is my kyiv region, i was at someone’s cook’s house there, for example, in the village i was with a small i rested several times in the summer before the great war, and then i realized that there, there were people, there some tragic events reached me. on er borodyanka, then they took the cook back there, to zagalka, i saw all this while the military were doing their business, clearing the territory, taking away the bcs
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that were thrown by them, and i talked to the people, we bring them water, food, just he physically brought them to their senses a little so that they, they wanted to talk, communicate, because they were scared, they experienced something that cannot be simply described, well, people lived peacefully. by the way you made us, i’m not going there, my house here is completely destroyed by kukuma, it says only the refrigerator is left, vadim and vitalik are killed, my god, they are neighbors, yes, yes, one house is two houses away and one is four houses away the second house, how old are they, well, one is 46, the other is 33, and why were they killed, well, what were they killed for, how do i know, they were tied up. well,
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during these two years, you saw a lot in fact, and is there any such story, which you were most impressed, which you remember constantly, and here, for example, you know how it happens in our lives, you seem to be pushed back constantly by your memory, and you think that you are in the right place, at the right time, in order to help this person or these people, well, i don't think so, i wouldn't have helped, someone else would have helped, there are no irreplaceable people, it just happened, but... i very often have before my eyes a frame when in the kharkiv region, is it a goat's lop, or were there somewhere, when i go out to the central street and there are nailed phones cell phones to the tree, well, they took them from people, they just nailed them with sticks, then people come out and i tell them the news, now we are with you in the de-occupied village of kozacha lopan, i want to show you something, look...
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these are local phones, which were taken away, and there is nothing to do here, they nailed to, nailed to trees, everything that can be broken was broken here, the new post office, pharmacy, everything you see, was destroyed here by the russians, although in fact they are here, this their... their places where they, where they lived, are still very strong some impressions, i once talked to a teacher of junior classes in one of the villages, if in my opinion it was andriivka, i could be wrong, and she or lypivka is somewhere there, and she told that she was a teacher of junior classes and told about her students who they were killed and told that they buried him here, and they are already adults, well, about former
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students who... what kind of fellow villagers, who were killed by the russians, it already seems like my schoolchildren, five of them were killed young, but here, here, here lie two young ones, this is mine, wait, here is one, here is another, and even he is russian, he is, well, from russia, his parents are from russia, even his here, and now here, here, i don’t know, this is... they are demining, yes, yes, yes, yes, but i will ask, here, here, you see , they burned all the surrounding, and here lies a little person, my friend, oh, my relative, we don’t know, we can’t get here, you see, here is a strip of landmines, where she is buried there, god knows, it’s like that, of course, a terrible story, in fact, to be completely honest, if i didn't write down these stories at the time, i just didn't write them down, i went back
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to... home and in order not to somehow go crazy from what i saw, i just wrote it down every day and put it on the internet, as therapy, and that's all, it cleared my head a little, i could drive on tomorrow, see it again, again write it down and throw it away, if i didn't do it, then i would n't have answered you at all, i am now , after a long time has passed, and all these stories have turned into a book, memories, you know, just such a fixation, so essay that i saw, i open, i wouldn't do that to you... she blocks in order to erase all these bad memories, it's just not, well , one of my acquaintances told me that they experienced a very terrible thing, when in front of the child's eyes , another child died, and one was injured, then they were in the basement, they were sitting there, the policemen came, well, there were many things, and this boy hardly remembers it, he kind of knows what it was, but
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he doesn't remember the details... he remembers, blocked, blocked, blocked, well, just don't go crazy, it's such scary things, that you can't do it, no matter how much you tell, you can't, c everyone has their own things in front of their eyes, how many tortured butches, my god, it's us even we put up blocks, it's very hard to believe, especially being very far away, it's very hard to believe, you know, i once had such a terrible experience... scary inside , mentally, i stood on the shore of the pacific ocean and saw whales, look, and i know that at this very moment people are being killed, my memories have not gone anywhere, i think, how can you convey to a person here on the beach, here is walking there someone is a dog, yes, there is someone there , a couple is kissing, here are whales, here is a beautiful life, which in
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us with...


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