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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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knows what it was, but he doesn't remember the details, blocked, blocked, blocked, well, why not just go crazy, these are such terrible things that you can't do it, no matter how much you tell, you can't, in everyone has their own things in front of their eyes, how many tortured people, my god, it's us, even we put blocks, it's very hard to believe, especially being very far away, it's very hard to believe, i once had such a terrible experience, terrible internally, mentally, i stood on the shore of the pacific ocean and saw cats, look, and i know what this one is people are being killed at the very moment, my memories have not gone anywhere, i think, how can you convey to a person here on the beach, here someone is walking a dog, and there someone is kissing a couple, here there are whales, here it is beautiful. they are being killed, how
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can you explain it to them, this is not believed, i myself do not believe that this is possible, i myself force myself to believe, because this, well, cannot be reality, you understand, and i also see my purpose in this, travels and talks about it all the time with education, look, when you come, you yourself talk about the fact that... you most often you meet people who are in a crisis, in a difficult situation, they may have completely lost their home, they may have lost their relatives, loved ones there, where do you find these necessary words, what words do you say to them in general, and what to do in general in this crisis , in a difficult situation, when it seems that the brain is turned off and nothing works, usually a person in such circumstances does not need to say anything, he needs to be able to listen, that
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is enough, this is simply enough, simply for the person to tell you everything himself, to express himself, do not lie, no one to give advice, and then, then some bridges are imposed on a person, a person does not need unnecessary words of support, a person needs the eyes of a person who will simply, simply listen and understand, that's all, mostly i don't say anything, i just listen, sometimes tactilely very often ... people hug, people who have experienced terrible, terrible things, hugs are important for them, hugs in general are something invented by people, i probably haven't come up with anything cooler, and i can't tell you, that is, no kisses, no, nothing is transmitted the way hugs convey, hugs have such a spectrum of sensations in hugs that it's just incredible, i've already... thought about it, that i
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probably, well, you can, you can count 100 degrees, what hugs are like, they are so different, and so much is conveyed that you don't need words, nothing, sometimes it can, the body can tell, how you treat a person, what you feel, that you really worry about it, yes, hugs, hugs - this, it is very strong thing, and sometimes people need this, people after terrible things, i... they react that their life has changed literally in an instant? we are all different, we are all different, we all react differently, it just seems to us that we, as they said that all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way, so is unhappiness, everyone has his own, that one can perceive a plus - the minus for another is simply fatal, i know a person who was in the house when it flew in, in front of her eyes everything went wrong... damn
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the dog, the house, he says, i don’t even live, i don’t even have photos of my parents, i have there is nothing, i don’t have it, i don’t have it, i don’t seem to have it, and the person is already so old, and he can’t start over, no no ho, well she, it just living to his age, he says, i drink, yes, i drink, i drink a little for myself, but he says, well , yes, we need to help those who are possible, who can still get up, i won't get up anymore, but that's not ... that they, he does not need help, sometimes just sit, give him a pack of cigarettes, just yes there, well, yes, we all, some will survive, some will not survive mentally, but you should not help the one you like, but to those who need help, this is the main rule, i don't like a lot of things about people in our country, but it doesn't matter, it's necessary to help, and that's it ask for this help you speak of broken. broken homes of ukrainians, where
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people turn most often and how to help them, because i think that we volunteers cannot master all that, because the community, it is not so big, and people are running out of funds, right, and not everyone can already help, as before, where to turn, where to go, when you see what you advise them? in any case, i always say to whoever i'm talking to, anything that can make your life easier in the long run should to be done, contact the local administration, even if it seems to you that they are not doing anything there, the state is always inert in all matters, but little by little... there are some applications that are in effect there, you can apply for some kind of recovery, for some compensation, don't be afraid of anything when they tell you that oh, now they will give and then they will take away, well, there is some kind of charity, or this house is only for three years or something, there are things that you do not fully understand, because
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i say, take whatever is given to you for one simple reason, for it to be though somehow an element of legality, sometimes they say that this house does not belong to you, well, for example, or for 3 years, or something else, some kind of help, because in a different way, in the legislative field, it may not be possible to issue it, because it does not matter i say, don't refuse, take everything, because everything that can make it easier for you in the future must be done, of course, that something has been restored somewhere, something has been partially restored, something cannot be restored, that's why they gave some kind of temporary housing, everything is very poor. in all regions differently, in kharkiv oblast there are battles, i was in kherson oblast, i also have villages that i do not leave from the moment we broke through there, and before the flood, and after the flood, and during the flood, we used to drive along the railway tracks in a jeep to reach
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the railway bridges, well there, but people live, and i say, you have one life, live, you need help, write, we can do something, we block, we come, there are people. what do they most often need, what do you carry most often is that in the region, it is very, very difficult, see how you can compare a person who simply cannot physically, where to buy the right powder and something close to the line of battle formations, and compare a mother with three children, whose husband was taken away by the katsapas, because they said he was a foreigner, he is sitting somewhere in russia, he is not even... , then they take their own, military personnel , well, there is logic, he is unknown where, or it is known where there in bryansk region, somewhere in a colony, he does not return, she has three children, what status does she have, there is no work, because
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at one time she was in kyiv region they destroyed everything you can, a mother with three children, find it a part-time job or whatever, the finish line. she has the same needs, here are three girls, there i am alone, i am carrying shampoos all the time, what, well , it is impossible, well, three girls and mom, well , please, yes, the other one has smaller children, i need diapers, they don’t have time , the washing machine broke down, the refrigerator burned down, or it was burned from the beginning, these are all completely different, i just know that we are approximately a gypsy camp, well, approximately 200 people, 200, once 250, once 170, i’m just thinking here that someone has already climbed out. we find new ones some things, there are old, distant villages where two people were left, one person, there was a car dealership there before, they went once every two weeks, they bought bread, grew everything else, they are now left alone, there is no one there, no doctors , no, i'm not talking
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about the post office, the store, anything, and she won't go anywhere, even if her pension drips onto the card, so i don't know how she can cash this money. and then you just have to physically bring the food, because she won't give you her card, and rightly so does, because there are many fraudsters, many other things, and it seems like a forest around, and how she is 70-80 years old, she who survived, goes, chops that firewood, that's why we also bought firewood for them, brought it there by cars, yes, but whether it was possible that you were asked to turn to the authorities there, to the state bodies, so that they would somehow help and react, the average messenger grew up with the understanding that the state, well, the officials should not be trusted, it is true, we left the soviet union together , where it is better that you don't stick out, because you will definitely be imprisoned for something, article would be found, there would be a person, it went from
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a scoop to an independent ukraine, because these leaders, which we inherited, they did not fall from space, that's all, until now, very ba... a lot of things, this , this is a scoop that sits deep in us, even sits deep in us, because you and i have absolutely grown up, even if we change these people. but we understand them, what will never be clear to an american or to an englishman in our narratives, we perceive it very easily and clearly, you understand where to get money for this everything, where do you take, where do you look for funds in order to help people? i try not to collect money, we will all donate somewhere, everyone, everyone, including me and my family, we will all donate, but there are needs, there are needs of the army, there are needs of the de-occupied territories, we came up with something. i have such a scheme, everything that we sell books
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abroad, completely for a penny from performances, it all accumulates, it goes to needs, everything that is sold there in ukraine, it is shared, something goes to development, well, at least to print some books, and something will come again we just make money, because there are no other options, i understand very well that the country's economy is broken, we are not getting richer, so where will the money come from? to earn money here in ukraine for a jeep, even for one, which we, well, khlozva earned, tell me, we need to go, it turns out, if i still have the opportunity to leave, since as i say, they don’t take me to fight, so i i travel all over the world as much as possible and earn there with my books and my performances, i try not to donate, but to earn, then i can dispose of this money, and that’s it of course since i started. go abroad with performances not during the great war, much earlier, and i already have a large pool
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of friends there who support me, who support me, so i can still reach out from time to time, just quietly, listen , i don't have enough there, help me, that's all, this is how i take the money, let's transform the culture into an opportunity, an opportunity to close. where it is necessary, and it should be said about our t-shirts , we also transform them, today i was impressed, i think, one, one t-shirt, because a person, a person will impress you, it’s like that here, it’s so beautiful, i think, i’ll come, and you and i are now the same, we have one lyudmila, yes, i saw that we have just olive oil, you have champagne, it’s me i believe that her admirers also made a huge contribution, precisely to those, for those. people who, perhaps, did not know at that moment where to shelter themselves, how, how, towards,
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well, something must be done, and when this poem appeared, even before the song, many people understood ukrainian women , that oh, here it is, we must, we must at least support ourselves, we must to at least mentally repulse the enemy, because the poem is brilliant in that it is not a bow, it is just that... speech: as much as you do, as much as you will get, don't touch us, and you will have nothing, you will do as much as you want, you are walking across ukraine , so many of your kind will lie in the house, only half of the world, the black evil will strike you, as the witch will say, i will paint an easter egg, i will rock a lullaby, mother. i will leave your beloved without children, this is a very important line in this poem, he
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wrote to her very, very hard and for a long time, because no matter how much i keep her at a distance from information, well, she is an adult, she saw how bucha hid, how irpin rose, how she saw all these, all these things that i tried, i never told her about it, but... she lives in the ukrainian space and saw everything and she, it all became sublimated in her and this poem was written for a very long time, soon all this will change, that when they return, i will do everything possible to give them more opportunities for creativity, because now she is very limited that's it, let's just say hello and wait, people, you too, i'm waiting in ours studio, and we will communicate with you, this is very important, because any creative personality has, you see, and now it
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happened, besides the fact that the child, and the child in us has certain nuances from the darusius, so it needs more attention , than the average child, the war also took and scattered everything, and in fact it is very difficult for her in isolation, it is very difficult for her, i understand her very well that she has to return despite everything, because she does not assimilate, she. a woman, she wants to live in ukraine, it is not hers, it is imposed immigration, not a choice, it is a choice without a choice, absolutely, this is because , ruslanchyka, i will have this for you. question, look, i want to ask you about an experience you had during a war, a full-scale invasion, that you would never want to have in your life, what was that experience? and this complex is exactly what
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living during a war is when your whole family is somewhere far away. i never wanted to, i'm very social and in terms of family too, i'm so very social, so there's always a lot of me, i'm everywhere, yes, but also for me alone it's hard, it's very hard for me alone, that's why i'm always possible and so between people, because i can at least somehow balance like that, for me, i would never want to wish anyone that the family was torn apart all over the world and you could only in telephone video to see your relatives. this is a terrible experience, i would absolutely do without experience, hiding my friends, i would do without it, i don’t need it, it’s very scary when, when you hide younger than yourself, it means you haven’t finished, god forbid children, how can you give up odikom, god forbid parents hide
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own children, hiding friends, it's a terrible experience that... "this, this, this is not our choice, we simply have no other options, me, but i would, of course, without him, and i would wish everyone in this life, never have such an experience, war is so stupid, but you see, as practice has shown, no generation lives without war in this world, so this is terrible, we have never lived, in fact, no generation has lived without war here we have to ask ourselves, what do you live for, the most important question, here is the answer, what do you live for, all then, i i know what i live for, absolutely, absolutely, i live to make as many people as possible ukrainians, not according to a passport, but in fact, for this i do everything i can,
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theater, music, books, i will do anything, so that ukrainianness as such, it sprouts in people. i come from a completely united family, my ukrainian language is something that i converted myself, i grew up in a russian-speaking, russian-speaking family, in a russian-speaking environment, i myself, i myself converted myself, and i really want, i want to do it for others . ruslanchyk, i want to end our interview with your words, if you allow, yes? well, let's try. in the last two years, i understood the main thing about... to be a gypsy, you need to have a lot of friends in the world, to be able to earn money and easily share it, to be able to gypsy things that lie idle, but can bring someone benefit, well, you have to climb there , where necessary, not only where possible, and i thank you very much for that, thank you, thank you, thank you for this
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interview, and thank you for being what you are, a real gypsy. thank you for inviting me glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, tingling numbness or creeping ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active substances duolgit antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to the usual activities of anxiety. helping your nervous system. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. find out how to prevent the enemy from discording us in the special topic on demographic challenges. exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against
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my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to contribute by donating to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of the cold ravines in the direction. on february 25, 2022 , the second day of a full-scale invasion, a military airbase is on fire
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millerovo in the rostov region. and who did it? asked sarcastically on the page of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine. this was almost the first attack by the armed forces of ukraine on enemy territory. according to journalist yuriy butusov, he was hit by tactical rockets. complex, then the aggressor lost several ships, planes and helicopters. from the first days of the great war, the defense forces did not hesitate to strike on the territory of russia, and the enemy, who planned to capture kyiv in three days, suffered losses, but the means of destruction were running out, the enemy adapted, and the western partners, who after the retreat of the russians from kiev, they finally decided to supply weapons to ukraine, established a strict taboo, no strikes against the russians. territory we believe that the equipment and facilities that we provide to ukraine, and that other states provide to ukraine, should be used
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to return ukrainian sovereign territory. minister austin, in his conversations with mr. umirov, talks about how best to use these tools. we believe that it is within the ukrainian territory. in the summer of 2023 , the washington post reported that... what russian volunteers who raided the belgorod region a month earlier allegedly used tactical vehicles provided to ukraine by the united states and poland, and carried rifles made in belgium and the czech republic. official brussels then even started an investigation and turned to ukraine for clarification. pipets! the defense forces continued to strike enemy territory with drones of their own production. airports, military bases, oil storage facilities, and
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in the last six months, oil refineries. once, drones even flew to the kremlin. but the ban on the use of western weapons, in particular long-range missiles, which exceed ukrainian drones in both speed and power, remains in force. and that. significantly weakens the armed forces. the laws of war say that when the enemy concentrates forces for an offensive, they must be thinned out with pre-emptive strikes, but ukraine has no right to do this, and that is why the russians felt confident in the belgorod region , preparing for an offensive in the north of kharkiv region, and now they are not afraid of the strikes of the armed forces, concentrating in area of ​​the city of suja in the kursk region and creating a threat to sumy. president zelenskyy has repeatedly requested the event. review the strict rules that significantly weaken ukraine. i do not believe that there should be any bans, because this is not about the offensive
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of the ukrainian army with used weapons. western weapons on the territory of russia. it's a defense, it's just like the pre-emptive sanctions we were all talking about before a full scale invasion. it's the same thing, it's a warning. there are certain developments in this matter, but so far they are minimal. the baltic countries and some other allies are hot support the permission to hit russia with western weapons. the germans are categorically against it. chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the french parliament. appealed to the government to lift restrictions, and great britain, perhaps the first, has actually already done so, the kingdom's minister of foreign affairs david cameron brought good news to kyiv in early may. ukraine has that right, just as russia strikes inside ukraine, you can totally understand why ukraine feels the need to make sure it defends itself.
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however, the key word in this question is for the united states is the largest supplier of weapons to ukraine. during a recent visit to kyiv by us secretary of state anthony blinken, he was asked why the us had not yet revised its approach, blinken replied evasively. we did not encourage or create opportunities for strikes outside of ukraine, but in the end ukraine has to make decisions for itself as it chooses. to fight, or how to wage war in defense of our freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity. according to the new york times, blinken supports lifting restrictions on hitting, at least on the russian border territories, but within the biden team there is no unity on this issue. the us president himself has so far taken an extremely cautious position, saying that it is necessary to follow red lines
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in order to avoid a direct one. conflict with moscow. the debate continues, the pressure on the white house is increasing. a group of congressmen from the republican and democratic parties appealed to us defense secretary lloyd austin to reconsider the ban. speaker of the lower house of congress, mike johnson, also spoke out against restrictions for ukraine. 22 in may hearings in the house of representatives , the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, republican michael mccaul even showed a map of russia. with marked areas where american atakams missiles could reach if the us had the courage to authorize such strikes. the administration of the president, his adviser jake sullivan, limited the use of weapons so that ukraine could not defend itself and retaliate against russia. that is why i would approve the use of long-range and short-range radio systems of referees, as well as hymars. then like you, tie ukrainians' hands. however, so far
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the official position of the usa, in particular the pentagon, is the same as at the beginning of the great war. it is impossible to hit russia with american weapons. at a press conference following another ramstein this week, defense minister lloyd austin avoided answering the question of whether ukraine could use american air defense systems to shoot down planes bombing kharkiv from russian territory. the us continues to play a dubious game called de -escalation, according to some in the military experts, it is because of this strategy that ukraine and its allies missed the chance to inflict a strategic defeat on russia in the fall of 2022. as president zelensky noted, the military decisions of the event are delayed by a year, and these delays cost ukraine human lives and territories.
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the training of russia and belarus, which putin and lukashenka will work out against. which russians did the eu impose new sanctions on, and how many billions of euros does spain allocate for our country? the news editorial office will tell you about the main things for today. anayeva melnyk is with you. congratulations. i'll start with the situation in infamous kharkiv. the head of the regional military administration oleg sinyohobov informs that one woman was killed and eleven people were injured as a result of the russian attack today. they hit the industrial zone of kholodnohirsky district.


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