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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. well, there could have been much more victims in the kharkiv epicenter. an unexploded russian ammunition was found nearby. the third is controlled air bomb, literally 80 m from the construction hypermarket. fortunately, it did not explode. so. by a miracle, literally by a miracle, he did not fly to this hypermarket under construction, where dozens of people died, thank god, as they say, he did not fly, but that does not make it easier, yes, because the enemy has a sufficient number of these guided air bombs, to stop them can only timely allocation of additional aviation and air defense systems to hit the enemy on the approach, in particular, it is not about ... shooting down guided air bombs, the matter
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extremely complex, and about the downing of russian aviation on an industrial scale, so to speak. well, now let's talk about money and the visit of the imf, shall we? today , representatives of the imf came to discuss risks for the economy of ukraine. ivan us, the chief consultant of the national committee, the national institute of strategic studies, will be in touch with me now. glory to ukraine, sir. ivan, glory to the heroes, congratulations to the studio, congratulations to all viewers of the tv channel. well, the imf team came to kyiv to discuss the risks. yes, we are we understand that, well, the conversation about money is not only about, you know, greedy representatives of international monetary institutions, and, you know, about generous ukrainian officials, so to speak, and, because very often it can happen that the generosity of ukrainian officials, officials... aimed at
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the implementation of certain objects, may not suit the auditors from the same imf, well , i am, you know, ironic, simplifying, but, but what did the imf staff come with? well, first of all. you know, after all, when the imf allocates a program to a country aid, they set certain indicators to monitor the extent to which the country fulfills what, by the way, the country itself said it would do, because ukraine somehow got the idea that this is what sometimes, as they say, the imf was holding in quotation marks , there he sets the conditions, and we have to do what he tells us, in fact the situation is a little different, the practice is that the delegation makes its proposals to the international monetary fund and says that please give us money, and we will do this, that, and that will allow us to return that money to you, and the imf is looking at ukraine's proposals and says: either we accept or we don't, but if they do, then in fact
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ukraine will be the initiator of all these steps that will have to be taken, and that's why the imf is just looking at how we do what we... what we will do, it can be reviewed , i will tell you right away, that is, ukraine can explain what you know, we thought of doing certain things there, but we are not able to do it, at the same time we will do something else, here is the rationale please, the ibf accepts it, that is this is a live discussion, there is no clear, let's say plan, do something, what was promised, and that's all, and not a step aside, in fact, it can be, and now, because the entire cooperation with the imf has been lost. this does not mean that the entire amount was allocated to you at once, er, the amounts are divided into so-called tranches, and in order to receive the next tranche, ukraine must demonstrate what success has been achieved, what steps have been taken, whether there is any progress at all, or whether ukraine is just standing still in place, and after that the representatives of the imf
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will most likely return to poland, as it was last time, and there a decision will already be made regarding the fate of the next tranche for of ukraine. well, look, that is, on the one hand , i understand what the representatives of the international monetary fund came with, yes, that is, their favorite song, it is not new specifically, but it, but it is beautiful and traditional, that is, to bring certain social tariffs to the denominator market, that is, at one time they provoked even very specific protest actions in latin america in this way. that's how they brought de facto populists to power, well, that's an old story, i want to believe that the imf made certain conclusions, but from the second on the other hand, mr. ivan, yes, it’s not a secret either, we are starting to be morally prepared for the fact that due to certain reasons , the electricity tariff has something to do, to increase, where
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the price of electricity increases, this entails an additional increase and the rest consumer goods indices, do you think there are any? perspectives, well, explain to the representatives of the international monetary fund that, dear financiers, with all due respect to you, well, but our population is richer, well, what, what exactly, well, it has not become richer in the near future, and here are the relevant ones, you know, it's better to postpone drastic movements for later, right, because the mood of the population is not as optimistic as it can be seen, for example, in a telethon? well , of course, this is a dialogue, the main thing is to explain it in a reasoned way. another question, you know, i always remind you that taxes have never been raised since the beginning of a full-scale war, and more than 2 years have already passed, and not all countries that found themselves in the situation of ukraine,
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they have been waging a full-scale war for more than two years on its territory, no took a similar step, so a certain increase in taxes is still expected. at least, because even if there was no war, i think it would be time to do it, as for the real argument, then the government should first talk to the representatives of the international monetary fund in the context of what you know, let's look at history, the history of the first world war, when germany took part in this war, it was one of the sides, but no one captured berlin then, nor... germany lost in the first world, because the economy it could not withstand it, and now a similar increase in tariffs for the same electricity can greatly undermine the economic potential of ukraine, because not only citizens, but also enterprises, legal entities will pay more, so their
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business will not be as efficient, maybe in this context indeed , the wind is better for now... at least the increase in electricity prices will be mined, the military levy will most likely be raised, but as for other taxes, we will look here and there, at least if... for the military, i think society will not have complaints about electricity, then it is quite possible that there will be such complaints and here, again, this is the art of negotiating with the international monetary fund, to explain to him that you know, yes, you are absolutely correct in saying things, but if you do that, it will increase the risk that ukraine will not drag out this war, and there will be a defeat, and if ukraine will be defeated, then you know, no one will... look, what is happening with the dollar, yes, that's it crossed a certain kind of
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barrier, the dollar is already worth, well, bans, as if it was forbidden to voice how much it costs, well, it’s not that much, well, but it grew, again there by a couple of pennies, but what is happening with the dollar and how much do we control this process, well, on the other hand , i understand that our ministry of finance and so to speak, the people who control the budget, they are interested in... so to speak, lowering the hryvnia exchange rate a little so that we get a little more of the ukrainian cash supply, and so on. well, look, first of all, let's recall the law on the budget of ukraine for the current year, what is the average rate there laid 40.8. now, tell me if even once, and we have already reached the end of may, the fifth month of the year, the official rate of the hryvnia reached the mark of 45. and this is the average rate for the year, yes, by all means, this does not mean that it is necessarily
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should be such that in the end it is not exactly 4.8, this means that the calculated revenues of the state, taking into account , of course, revenues from exports, which may not be so good now, but not so good not because ukraine is somehow is doing badly, and because the prices of leading agricultural products... let me remind you that ukraine has three main sources of its exports, namely corn, sunflower oil and wheat. and so , by the way, it turns out such an interesting story that for four months of the current year, exports in money increased by 1%, and exports in physical terms, that is, in kilotons, metric tons, increased by 38%, that is, this situation is precisely because. .. prices fell significantly for corn, wheat a little less, but sunflower oil also fell, and here
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is ukraine, selling for well, not even a third, 38%, significant, in my opinion, the addition of goods to our exports increased these flows physical, but we will receive less in money, but nevertheless, when the budget was planned, there were calculations at which average exchange rate the state would receive more money. thank you, thank you, mr. ivan, just remind me what was the indicator prescribed for the hryvnia relative to the dollar, 4.8, 40.8, 4.8, until we crossed this figure, we will be calm, thank you, i have to go on, ivan the main consultant of the national institute for strategic studies was in contact with us at our studio, simply, of course, they talked about the negotiations with the representatives imf, well, they talked about our... beautiful and proud currency, meanwhile, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, this
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is important, i.e. news, now listen carefully, dear tv viewers, gave french instructors access to the training centers of the armed forces of ukraine, i quote now commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general syrskyi. therefore, i welcome the initiative of france to send instructors to ukraine to train ukrainian military personnel, by me, that is, by them. the documents that will allow it have already been signed the first french instructors will soon visit our training centers and familiarize themselves with their infrastructure and staff, and sirskyi expressed hope that the rest of our partners will join the french initiative. this is actually extremely important and an important signal from our pre-regional general staff, so there are a lot of cabals, the general staff told now what is happening in the north. kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, 10 took place in this way, 10 combat
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clashes took place in the kharkiv direction, while some of the battles are already ongoing a long time. the total losses of the enemy since the beginning of the day in manpower amount to 137 people with the dead. a tank of the occupiers was destroyed , four units of cars and equipment each, in the kupinsky direction, russian troops tried nine times to break through our defensive lines, so close. ten occupiers were killed, so what, dear tv viewers, yes, the premiere of the film invasion, operation danube is now taking place in the capital's cinema. our special correspondent dmytro didora is at the event, he is with us live. glory to ukraine, dmitry, congratulations, and i understand that if you are at this premiere, this film is extremely important. tell me, please, what is the essence and what is the importance of this film? slava antin is the hero, and i congratulate our
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viewers of the tv channel. indeed, the film is extremely important, because it is... a political thriller about the events of 1968 in czechoslovakia, when soviet tanks invaded there to suppress the national idea, but the people themselves did not put up with what was happening to them in ukraine, and the authors of the film believe that this is such a direct reference to what is happening now and in ukraine, i consider this a premiere. which is taking place, today there is a pre-premiere screening in the zhovtyn cinema, they consider it very important for the ukrainian people, as well as the support given to us by our partners, in particular this film is a co-production of ukraine, the czech republic and lithuania, they helped us shoot it, it is also here money and state cinema, provided
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us with these funds, and the premiere is taking place, the ukrainian premiere with the support of the czech embassy in ukraine and. of the czech center in kyiv, why is it important to watch this film? i think that the producer will tell you better than me the performer of the main role of the film. there is such a phrase that history teaches what it does not teach, unfortunately, i am afraid that it will happen this time, but what we have to convey it, if we have such an opportunity, and this is helped by the neighboring nations, which are the same in different ways experienced, although luckily for them it is far from what ukraine is experiencing now, that is obvious. we really saw very, well, strange, not strange, but real parallels between our situation and that situation in prague in 1968, and even the words that
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the screenwriter once wrote in the script, they were very similar words another character who... a special military operation against ukraine. filming began before the full-scale invasion began. the first footage was shot in buchi, near kyiv. we all know what happened to this city later, when russia announced a full-scale invasion of ukraine, and the actors noted, including the lead actor, that sometimes... it was difficult, when we were filming in other countries, it was difficult to perceive airplanes , civilian planes in the sky that just flew over the countries also noted that even at such an interesting moment was to play the then general secretary of the soviet union brezhnev and reveal his real
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essence, so that what he was was not a comical, anecdotal character, but what he really was. precisely in the period of 1968, when russian tanks invaded czechoslovakia, if you want to ask me when the premiere will take place on the big screens, i will answer on may 30, so everyone who likes political thrillers, who wants to learn about the events of those times, i already advise you to buy a ticket , since the hall is full today, i am sure that it will also be full on the first days of the premiere. out in theaters antine, that's how it happened, the pre-premiere screening of this film took place. thank you, dmytro, well, here is dmytro didora, our brilliant journalist who knows how, can even intrigue me, yes, that is, i wanted to see this movie, well, there is quite a lot of work to go to the cinema, well, but, that is, to find out which one in fact, there was brezhnev, well, it
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is extremely interesting, well, on the other hand, it would require then, perhaps, a critical assessment of whether there was, to what extent the image was convex there. but the characters, were they taken into account, so to speak, certain processes that were a little deeper than it seems at first glance, in particular, how the communist elite of czechoslovakia behaved at that time, how, for example, the ukrainian soviet party nomenclature behaved, how the ukrainians behaved in the ranks of the soviet army, yes, well , because 20 years after the second world war took place, after which, so to speak, they started with bayonets. and to trample freedom with tanks, well , let it be, that is, a liberal blow of the wind in czechoslovakia, well, but also ukrainian, ukrainian. these took part in that unworthy soviet, that unworthy soviet action, although, of course, the responsibility lies with the politburo and the soviet
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generals, well, but, but, but, extremely interesting film, thanks once again to dmitry didora, and now, dear tv viewers, extremely , here is literally the key story, that is, this is an international section that will, well, in a few days there will be manifested at the swiss peace summit, and the second point... is the permission to use the weapons of our partners, friends and allies on military facilities on territory of the russian federation, so we understand that the story about the bombardment of our civilian cities was controlled, controlled, well , many tons, if the sums are summed up, what those cabs were, well, these are tons of explosives that russia directed our cities, that is, on the kharkiv supermarket turns out to have flown three. cabs, so two of them exploded, i light the memory of the dead. well, it's time to allow ukraine to strike russia with western weapons,
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nato secretary general jens sto stoltenberg said in an interview with zaekonomi. according to the words stoltenberg, the need to cancel the restrictions is especially acute now, because the fighting continues in the kharkiv region and the contact line actually coincides with the border line. which countries are still trying to prevent the so- called escalation in quotation marks, and why is this strategy wrong? see in our next material, let's watch together, and then we'll see each other again. on february 25 , 2022, the second day of a full-scale invasion, the millerovo military airbase in the rostov region burns. and who did it? the page asked sarcastically the command of the air forces from... this was almost the first attack by the armed forces of ukraine on enemy territory, according to journalist yuriy butusov, it was carried out by
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the point u tactical missile system. then the aggressor lost several planes, planes and helicopters. from the first days of the great war, the defense forces did not hesitate to strike on the territory of russia, and the enemy, who planned to capture kyiv in three days, suffered losses, but the means of defeat were running out, the enemy... and the western partners, who after the retreat of the russians from kyiv finally decided to supply ukraine weapons, established a strict taboo, no strikes on russian territory. we believe that the equipment and facilities that we provide to ukraine and that other states provide to ukraine should be used to return ukrainian sovereign territory. in his conversations with mr. umirov, minister austin speaks as best he can. to use these means, we believe that it is within the ukrainian territory. in the summer of 2023, the washington post newspaper reported
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that russian volunteers, who had raided the belgorod region a month earlier, allegedly used tactical vehicles provided to ukraine by the united states and poland, and carried rifles made in belgium and the czech republic. official brussels then even started an investigation and turned to ukraine. according to the clarifications, pipets, the defense forces continued to strike the enemy's territory with drones of their own production, airfields, military bases, oil storage facilities, and in the last six months also oil refineries, once the drones flew even to the kremlin, but the ban, which... until the use of western weapons, in particular of long-range missiles, which exceed ukrainian drones in both speed and power, remains in force, and this significantly
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weakens the armed forces. the laws of war say that when the enemy concentrates forces for an offensive, they must be thinned out with pre-emptive strikes, but ukraine has no right to do this, and that is why the russians felt confident in the belgorod region, preparing for an offensive in the north of kharkiv region, and... now they are not afraid of strikes zsu concentrating in the area of ​​the city of suja in the kursk region and creating a threat to sumy. president zelenskyy repeatedly asked the west to review the strict rules that significantly weaken ukraine. i do not believe that there should be any bans, because this is not about the offensive of the ukrainian army using western weapons on the territory of russia. it's a defense, it's just like the pre-emptive sanctions that we...we all talked about before a full-scale invasion, it's the same thing, it's a warning. there are certain developments in this matter, but so far they are minimal. the baltic countries and some others. other
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allies strongly support the authorization to strike russia with western weapons. the germans categorically against. the head of the foreign affairs committee of the french parliament, jean-louis bourlange , appealed to the government to lift the restrictions. and great britain, perhaps not the first, has actually already done it. the minister of foreign affairs of the kingdom, david cameron, brought good news to kyiv at the beginning of may. ukraine has such a right. just as russia strikes inside ukraine, you can totally understand why ukraine feels the need to make sure it defends itself. however, the key word in this matter is the united states. this is the biggest arms supplier to ukraine. during a recent visit to kyiv by us secretary of state anthony blinken, he was asked why the us still hasn't revised its approach? blinken answered evasively. we have not encouraged or
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created opportunities for strikes outside of ukraine, but ultimately ukraine must decide for itself how it is going to fight, or how it will wage war, to defend its freedom, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. according to the new york times, blinken supports lifting the restrictions for strikes at least on the russian border territories, but within biden's team there is no unity on this matter, the us president himself has so far taken an extremely cautious position, saying that it is necessary to follow the red lines in order to avoid a direct conflict with moscow. the debate continues, the pressure on the white house is increasing. a group of congressmen from the republican and democratic parties appealed to us defense secretary lloyd austin to reconsider the ban. the speaker
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of the lower house of congress also spoke out against restrictions for ukraine. mike johnson 22 in may hearings in the house of representatives , the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs - republican michael mccaul even showed a map of russia with marked zones where american missiles could reach, if the united states had the courage to authorize such strikes. the administration of the president, his adviser jake sullivan, limited the use of weapons so that ukraine could not defend itself and fight back. russia, that is why i would give consent to the use of long-range and short-range radio systems of the referees, as well as hymars, then, how do you tie ukrainians' hands. however, so far the official position of the usa, in particular the pentagon, is the same as at the beginning of the great war. it is impossible to hit russia with american weapons. at the press conference following the results of another ramstein, this week defense minister lloyd
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austin avoided answers about. whether ukraine can use american anti-aircraft systems to shoot down planes that bomb kharkiv from russian territory. the us continues to play a dubious game called de-escalation. according to some military experts, precisely because of this strategy, ukraine and its allies missed the chance to inflict a strategic defeat on russia in the fall of 2022. as president zelensky noted , the military. the decisions of the event are delayed by a year, and these delays cost ukraine human lives and territories. but the key story, yes, is that the west is helping ukraine. well, of course, i would like much more, but if it were not for this help, well , unfortunately, we would be in an understandable situation, but for now, i will finish communicating with you, dear tv viewers, and on
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at your doorstep here is my beautiful and intelligent colleague roman chaika. glory to ukraine, romko. i will be glad to see you on the air, for today i say goodbye. good evening, we are from ukraine. perhaps serhiy is signing autographs on his new book, perhaps he is busy today in... i will be your serhii rodenko, roman chaika, and i am very pleased to be with you in the evening, we will try to sum up the rather christened from the point of view of the geopolitics of the statements of the day, and we will certainly start with the security, military and international component, if our guest, who is a retired lieutenant general, will help me in this.


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