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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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the initiative to close the skies over europe, that it is necessary to form their respective forces, they see what happens to ukraine when this kind of hostilities are conducted, when the enemy carries out airstrikes from what you listed and missiles, and ballistics, and cruise missiles, and shahed , that is, barrage munitions, various of this kind for... special and this must be fought, but when the question became, the one that we asked actually from the first days of the war, to close the sky of ukraine, let's do it together, so then they will not everything will fly to you that is acting on us, then they are afraid of what we are talking about now, that this may provoke the russians, and they threaten to send the germans...
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to them, that is, their bridges, on which they will beat the russians, for example, if it means that the germans will hand over their tauruses to the british, the british have given permission to hit objects on the territory of the russian federation with their storfschedl, then they, if it will be, the russians have drawn their red line that they will then hit british objects objects fruit to the fact that they will use nuclear weapons and so on, mr. igor, but look, in this case, these red lines have already turned into brown many times, and in addition to the angry tweets of the eternally drunk dmitry medvedev, there are some practical real threats to the same germany, britain, and even now sweden has given the go-ahead to use their military aid for strikes on the territory of the russian federation on... there was no such thing, and the usa
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knows this very well, how many times they have talked about these lines, they are already laughing at them, there are no lines, for russian, at least they don't risk doing anything openly against nato countries. i would, well, first of all , i agree with you, secondly, i say that you are not there, there are still some brown ones left, our defenders erase them completely. and we see that there are further threats if things do not go well, but, but there are different policies in the vicinity of the same president of the united states, there is the wing of sullivan, who is afraid of everything and manages to conduct security issues in such a way, as we see, there is another the wing of austin and blinkin, and it is in the struggle that politics is born alas, the inhibitions that... are carried out
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by the leadership of the united states, of course, mr. igor, let's return to this european initiative, if it really worked, it would mean that it is one or more patriot batteries, in the area ryasheva, or polish rzeszow, could absolutely cover deep enough in the western region of ukraine from hypersonic and. those missiles, adding the power of aviation, is there anything else, let's see, we would not be against not only, that is, ballistic missiles and corvettes, but also to shoot down shaheds, and why not, means yes, they have f16s, they don’t give, they don’t remove the flaps to start our-16, let them shoot down the f16s, they are not flying over the western ones yet, that is , now the idea is to... train our
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troops, that’s what they did it in the past, let's say, and it's quite expensive, we remember, and we thank them for the fact that our military was trained on the territories of great britain and in other european countries, but probably now they think that it's expensive, it is necessary and possible to cook directly at the landfills, well, the lviv large one and this landfill. er, i was there almost from the beginning war, let's say, until they started shelling us, as it now turns out, this kgb major helped them, gave them maps, gave hints and beat and people died there, in connection with this, that's how it should be, if training is conducted at training grounds, in the west, then it should be closed, because well... we had the opportunity, we
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saw how they affect it, tagore, but you actually already mentioned that it is cheaper to teach not at a distance, well, really the logistics are more complicated, we already have a prece... when syrsky signs the first documents as well french instructors arrive in training centers of ukraine. there is a precedent, there may be others, other instructors, to what extent and how much it will strengthen us, look, these are organizations, that is, the goal for the current time is to cover the training of our troops in the west of ukraine, but we do not have enough means, and... but which are in poland, romania, well, in general , you can use there german, any french, italian means of this kind, which will not be on the territory of ukraine, because they are also afraid that the russians will help to perceive it as the use of troops
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directly, well, since the submissions and they are reacting specifically to the russians in order to say that this is extremely and so on, but on... it means that the troops are being trained in our western territories, for example, and this is technically implemented by the petrio samti complexes there, they have a range of 150 km, at medium high altitudes 160 km, the planes are raised, and we agree that it does not happen that they flew into the territory of poland, you can beat it, we give consent to our over our territory, thus... the potential of anti-hail anti-missile defense in the western part our country is increasing, like this, this is the western part, we can move and whether to the contact line or the eastern, let’s say regions, it’s not enough, look, this is the western
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part, here at least the scheme is clear, if it works, for now we are waiting, how is it everything will work out, i mean poland, great britain. canada, estonia are those who have already openly supported such an idea. let's talk about the northeast, because there are reports of ballistic missiles flying in, and the s-300s, which follow a ballistic trajectory from belgorod, and the cab just to this day zelenskyy said up to 300 guided aerial bombs per month, that's the intensity. in this case, if we receive from. the same as from the swedes and as from the british, that with all our weapons you can pound the territory of the russian federation, do we remove this threat, or can we, for example, reach their airfields with these means, which are from sweden and britain, well and
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all the support logistics, where their planes are based, can we destroy their launchers that are firing at us with... for example, the same s-300s that they have a lot. i would say that it is possible to start it. you said well that it is to act on prejudice, that is, to hit their airfields, the planes at all airfields, before they take off. this is very good, and it should be included in this defense system, for example, which is around haikov. but that's not enough, all things being equal , you won't beat everyone, someone will always take off. we remember that it is 75 km from the border, and now they have advanced towards kharkiv, we remember, and this wedge is already 26 km from khaitov, and if they eat this buffer zone it will be possible to expand, let’s say, bypass these
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wedges or take them, god forbid, and advance further to a distance of 20 km from kharkov, that is , this is the range of action of intensive artillery, and then kharkov... will be under such artillery influences as we have now kherson is located, uh, that’s why the question is as follows, you and i have discussed the issue regarding the actions of, say, stormshedl and archer, but now it is necessary to consider that the americans say that they do not approve of the application, but the responsibility of ukraine, i think , we are not afraid to take on ourselves. responsibility, and we need a couple of patriots near kharkov, but not just a patriot, well, here is a machine that will knock down ballistics there and work there, but they do not have a very fast maneuver, the russians made a reconnaissance system over kharkov from
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unmanned reconnaissance vehicles, such, for example, as orlan, so to cover the patriots we need an irst system and a system there. bar skynex to shoot down these aircraft, and why is it so important, because they are scouting and will be immediately attacked by iskanders. shots on e positions starting or placement of patriot batteries, you see, and therefore, if we do not do this, then in a week or two they will scout and beat our patriots, who will be given to us, because they have now formed reconnaissance and strike complexes, which means that at the present time online , objects are scouted by aerial vehicles, from their space with...
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for example, whatever it should look like, it's called eshelinova. it is very good that you perceive it this way, i would really like the audience, it is also true, to understand what the conversation is about, so we need patriots not to they were hunted by the russians, and in order that those su-34s, which we did not finish off at the airfields, which flew into the air with cabs, and what they do, fly from the airfields, accelerate, reach an altitude of 11 km somewhere there, these are better conditions, and without reaching the borders with ukraine
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, these cabs are allowed to fly, with such approaches as we are talking about, these cabs can fly up to 70 and even say 90, we just told our viewers about this and explained how this is possible to resist, but this is already the air space of the same russian federation, we don't have much time left. sir, mr. igor, but there is one video that i would like to ask you, as a specialist, to analyze, it is being dispersed today by the fighters of the russian zmi, this is a video in which their russian k-52 helicopter, well known as an alligator, we have them too already more than one was burning, launching a missile, as the russians claim, it is nothing but kh-59, kh-69, well, accordingly, in... in the comments, i have already seen certain comments of military experts who say that if this true, this is very bad news for us. or
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it is really possible to launch the kh-59 x69 winged aircraft from a helicopter, what we are shown in this picture. look, before that, until now, this was done with tactical aviation, meaning the kh-59, and then the modernized version, the kh60. ninth, it was also there the 34th court, they say from other aircraft, but the planes were launched, here as if, if it is really so, but well, trust their propaganda, well, what you see, it does not give you the possibility to say with certainty whether it is true or not from what i can still see, i cannot say unequivocally, it is very important responsible, if so, from the point of view that they have new opportunities to ... to strike, and this only suggests that the americans should go further decisively to
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lift the ban on the use of the f16 and the swedes to give us the opportunity to provide gripene, because it is not necessary with spoons, as they do with tea spoons, and in terms of weapons and approaches related to providing, so they mean we have at the end of last year, now he will tell. that should appear in the summer, almost before the fall, these f16s are being moved, but right away let us not be bored in the perception that it can be, well, no more than six f-16s, what is being talked about, the number is there, everything is there, of course, it is difficult, you see, it is definitely a struggle, no one says but there are no limits to improvement, and that's why we had to start yesterday, we can see how difficult it is without this, without those planes. which are not only the long arm of anti-aircraft defense, but also light attack aircraft that
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operate on ground targets, which and look, we see that this is not only a problem for us, i see that the military also veterans, well, retired generals in the states say, oh my god, these f-16s could have been in ukraine two years ago, here is such a statement today, and we understand that this is some kind of logic, but we have to... that's it, what do we have, and we do have, for example, good news today, as they say, from the king of spain himself, who met our head of state and the president, a big package. aid is one billion 130 million euros, and this is only now, and there will be another 5 billion by the 27th year, well, this is not about homeopathy anymore, it is about large volumes, these volumes are breaking, look, the nuance is that we are collecting about seven batteries, and we really took into account that there are
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opportunities in greece and spain to provide... for example, in spain not only and not so many missiles, we really need them for the patriot, because it is a valuable , but consumables, but there is a possibility, that’s where spain and yes russia, which is there, so to speak, something there will somehow strike some blows at spain, and that they would also hand over the patriot, but the greeks said that they can’t, that’s how they like russians since ancient times, just not even patriots, but old' the technique of the same strysta and the tenth arrow and to pass it on, because well, this love will not be broken in any way, even though there is what the russians create, and the greeks remain in rose-colored glasses, and here in spain, that is , there are petrias that could dates and they would be included in these seven, which we desperately need
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yesterday and which were previously agreed upon, well, but we would definitely thank you, if they... handed us the axis of these missiles or cartridges to the spaniards, we would also thank you, missiles to, say , there will be a patriot, so far nothing has been heard about the spanish patriot, maybe there will be some conversation there was, well, until they decided on it, mr. igor, thank you for the professional analysis, retired lieutenant general igor romanenko was with us, by the way, now he has his own fund, we will close the skies of ukraine, we are just talking about it.. . about the sky of ukraine, if everything that was planned and needed did not happen in portugal, then it may be possible on may 28, that is , tomorrow, because zelensky will go there after spain to portugal, let's see what will be in the portuguese package, and we meanwhile, in the program verdict, we will talk a little with
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on the other hand, about the same events, because we have two guests at once. political technologist taras zavhorodniy and political scientist serhii taran. mr. taras, mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good day, glory to the heroes. well, let's start with the enemies of the battle, we just talked about the battles of air defense and missiles and bombs, now we will talk about the battles of peaceful formulas and different, as they say, many summits of good and different. as of this very minute , we know that already more than 100 countries will come to the peace summit to the peace conference in switzerland, and there will be a ukrainian formula peace, besides that there will be an anti-forum, which, i don't know, anti-peace or whatever, that's what i understand, russia and brazil are playing some kind of game, and
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today they added a third one, it's somewhere in the fall, where... they say that ukraine and russia should also be there, there will be several forums and in general, what do they want to get out of all this, who will start, mr. taras, let's start, because we already started this conversation with you only yesterday, well, look, to be honest, i was quite skeptical about the peace summit that ukraine is preparing, so what meeting, but what from... around it from russia and china, it says that they are still seriously considering this thing, they understand the diplomatic consequences of everything that will still happen after this summit, because as you know, it was so frivolous, well , we talked and so on, yes, but the fact that china
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and brazil jointly made some kind of statement there, by the way, partly coincides with what will be discussed in person. of peace precisely in relation to nuclear security and other issues, but here it should be understood, again, in we are often confused when china talks about sovereignty, indivisibility and nuclear security, it is china that is more concerned about itself, because when it talks about indivisibility and unity, it usually means taiwan, and regarding nuclear security, they have to intervene in this question, because... which is also not because of great love for ukraine, but because of the danger to oneself. why? because china is afraid that in the case of the theoretical use of nuclear weapons in... and they are categorically against this, they understand that it will drastically worsen the situation with them why, because japan and south korea
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are pressuring the united states of america to get their own nuclear weapons. their technological base for this has long been ready. there is plutonium, there are also rockets and everything related to this. and that's why they understand that the emergence of two nuclear states, even such as japan, which, by the way, confirmed. their commitment to the defense of taiwan, it will dramatically worsen their situation. second, we see the fuss of russia, they are starting to gather the foreign ministers of the brics countries and trying to create another such, you know, another such peaceful the conference, uh, to demonstrate some special position, and that's very well actually, it means that , however we feel about this peace summit. it will have an effect and we will have a long-term effect. and then, why is there a commotion in russia now? we see, you know, also from some circles of the west there
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about various korean scenarios and other scenarios, peaceful conflicts. russia is in a great hurry. russia is in a hurry, because i posted an interview on facebook with such a famous energy analyst who predicted what else. at the beginning, as soon as the war started, that because of the sanctions in russia , the energy sector would begin to break down even before the strikes of ukrainian drones, they would begin to have disruptions in technological cycles and many other things, and in the fall, in the fall, they would have problems in the energy sector, which we will see already , the whole world will see that they will be a very weak position, so they start this, you know the movements, let's negotiate quickly, peace and so on. and this is again due to the strikes of ukrainian drones, which you can already see, these sbu drones already fly to novorossiysk, this is a very, very painful topic for the russians, because
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oil is exported through novorossiysk, it is a port that does not freeze, oil goes there to india, china and many other countries, and that is why they sign very much and when it is dumped there again over there in bloomberg that someone is going to do something with saudi arabia. this, i am sure, is the information war of the russians, they want to blur the effect of this summit, which will still take place, to try to show that they are ready to negotiate, i believe that this is a lie, while putin is in power, the war will continue, mr. serhiy, i'm sorry, but actually, ex-prime minister kasyanov says, staff reshuffles and everything putin is doing is actually a war for years. to exhaustion, here, mr. taras says that they are in a hurry, because the window of opportunity is not so big and there will be catastrophic weapons
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in the very infrastructure of russia, you see, just two two different things, or are you also considering all these things that then, after the global peace summit, they will sit down with the russians in saudi arabia and discuss something there so that it would be negotiations about...ukraine and russia is somehow there in the eye, is it just an informational and psychological game and the influence of our western allies so that the cracks go away, or is it a strategy? well, unfortunately, it does not happen that wars end during the meetings of some countries that are gathering somewhere, they will meet, talk, and the war will end the next day. this has never been and never will be. the forum that is being held in switzerland is rather political. a forum in order to bring pressure on the russian federation, primarily the countries of the global south. so it turned out that during the sanctions that the west announced against
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the russian federation, russia sometimes managed to avoid these sanctions due to the position of the global south. well, we see it, and it is actually important, precisely these countries of the global south, although they are divided and not united, but they still represent a certain position, it is important to drag them to the side of good. that's what this forum is for, that's why we actually see this struggle for the widest possible representation on this forum, first of all for the countries of the global south, well, in the grand scheme of things, we're fine we understand that if, for example, china wanted peace in ukraine, then china would do it very quickly, it would simply stop buying russian oil, similarly, india would very seriously contribute to peace, if it really wanted it, if stopped buying i am leading to this, so now we see the main battle against the background of this preparation, the main
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battle, who will go there? and who will agree with the position that russia is evil, everything it does is evil, and the west and those countries from the global south that are involved in this, will obviously represent the position of good, that is, it is happening around this. i think that a serious conversation about the fate of the war in ukraine will happen very soon, but it is not connected with switzerland, but with the united states. when the election campaign is over there, and... i think that trump most likely, well at least we see, according to the latest sociology, he can, has every chance to become president, he will have such a window of opportunity to have his say in the attitude before the russian-ukrainian war, and therefore, a window of opportunity will be opened for some geopolitical, i wouldn’t even say negotiations, trades, and everyone understands this, russia also understands this, and the united states also understands this, only they are currently engaged in elections and not to that, and of course
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this ... are understood by other countries that would like to play a serious diplomatic role in the world, so now everyone is ahead of the curve and declares the desire for their formulas, the desire to participate in this peace in ukraine, and of course ukraine must prepare for this, because we must be ready for any scenarios, i emphasize any scenarios that you see, that is, mr. serhiy, whether it will succeed in russia, for example, thanks to such cunning games around various peace formulas. uh, the split in the global south, india is going, the chinese are not going, and so on, will they actually manage to force some kind of bad, bad scenario for ukraine. well, look, i don't believe that any kind of peace with russia will be possible as long as putin lives, that's at least. we must understand that all these diplomatic maneuvers are only maneuvers, we do not need them to be taken seriously, we must take them as mere rhetoric to be listened to. but it is necessary
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to understand the most important thing, the most important thing is that the current russia in its current state will still wage war under any agreements, but on the other hand, i will repeat, ukraine needs to be ready for any scenarios, because war , it 's not only happening on the front line, it's happening in the economy as well, we see how important it is in terms of sanctions, it's happening in the diplomatic offices and in all these points ukraine needs to find its arguments, understanding, i repeat, that russia will not put up with us under any... conditions, i think, if i answer your question, if this happens, and there is such a created appearance of a freeze, a temporary conflict, then then there will be another intrigue, how ukraine will use this time of this conditional truce, whether it will be arming and mobilizing society, in no case, well, to put it mildly, we must not relax, on the contrary, strengthen our defense, then there will be chances that at least a new round of war
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will take place as soon as possible, or will happen, or we can assume then that if something is suddenly agreed upon there, that it will be peace and nothing needs to be done, as it seemed to us in 1991 , therefore then the intrigue will be different, how ukraine will use the time it will get from the conditional truce, but there should be no illusions about the fact that there will be peace with russia, we just have to also understand that the rhetoric of the west will be used, well there they will use the word peace, freezing, they will say it because they understand it that way. they know their history, the history of their countries, the history of europe, they will use it, we must take part in it, because we have no way out, we must play this diplomatic game, but not build any illusions, and all our the effort should be in how we will use the opportunities that theoretically may appear to us, if this happens and some geopolitical current is imposed, well , in general, i believe that another
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scenario is possible, that trump... see that you cannot negotiate with putin and will continue to support him ukraine is even more than biden, and this should not be ruled out, we can see what kind of evolution is currently taking place in the circle of trumpists, who until recently were against aid to ukraine, and now they are in favor, so i repeat, all scenarios will be possible, the worst for us , what can happen now is to be ready for one scenario that we draw in our heads, this will be the worst, because the geopolitical situation is much more complicated than it may seem. mr. taras, can you try now to sum up the interim results of a sufficiently global game for big money, i have specifically russia in the foreign fields. they will not be able to disrupt the summit, we can already see that, but this whole game, perhaps, is not even to prevent this summit from happening, but to make it appear to as wide a circle of people as possible.


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