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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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another scenario is excluded, that trump will see that it is impossible to negotiate with putin and will continue to support ukraine even more than biden, and this should not be ruled out, we can see what evolution is now taking place in the circle of these trumpists, who until recently were against aid ukraine, and now they are in favor, so i will repeat, all scenarios will be possible, the worst thing that can happen to us now is to be ready for one scenario that we draw in our heads, this will be the worst, because the situation... the political is much more complicated than it may seem. sir taras, can you try now to sum up the intermediate results of a sufficiently global game, for big money, i mean specifically russia on foreign fields. they will not succeed in disrupting the summit, we can already see that, but this whole game, perhaps, is not even so that this summit will not take place, but so that as wide a circle of people as possible will appear. more than some
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ultra-right and ultra-left over there, whom you can invite to the st. petersburg forum or give them money for their party, faction or for the election campaign, now we already see that certain things have gone, at least, for example, on defense theses, when, for example, the british, the swedes say they gave you weapons, beat the russian-fascist occupier, but the hysteria in italy? we saw literally yesterday, in fact , we are categorically against, against and so on, that is, this is the dividing line, will they be able to recruit people who will start shouting at a high level, that listen, there is some formula, let's let it they will sit down, we will stop for a start , we will stop providing them with financial and armed assistance and everything, and peace will come, the same things have already been said, not at the level of some there the kitchen
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has the number of such increased at the level of the already high political kitchen? well, look, there are two tracks here, we should not confuse diplomacy and the implementation of these, these things. i always, you know, have this phrase: a kind word and a gun can be achieved more than a kind word. here are kind words, yes, kind words are diplomacy, you know, a framework, there is peace and everything that is connected with it, but implement it. this is possible only through specific actions, and we must understand that the more strikes on the territory of the russian federation from the side of ukraine with ukrainian weapons, the better it will be for us, we should not hope that someone will decide something for us, they will decide, but not at our expense, we must turn the board over, in principle, ukraine is already doing this, in order to make decisions not at our expense , and at their expense, for example, is there anything to fear... this is the united states
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of america, they will fear chaos in russia, they will fear that, in general, by the way, they have always played for the integrity of russia, so that we have no illusions , yes, the last 100 years, and this is also a dependency, these are also dependents, are there any in ukraine the ability to organize chaos in russia, yes, well, at least the technological one, strikes on compressors, oil refineries, already flying targets, on railways and so on, so... this is when moscow loses the opportunity to pump out resources from the regions and sell them to the west, this is a real collapse of the economy, and look what is happening, now, if you look at the map of russia, it was always built to sell everything to europe, they lived like this for 400 years, they pumped out resources from siberia and sold them to europe, and here moscow was needed , as the center that held regions, and now the situation is that moscow is not needed, if you cross...
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the main arteries, then yes, regional elites, sorry, they can supply oil and gas to china themselves, and china is nearby, and moscow is not needed in this case, why here you still have to understand these things that are interesting to us, the stronger we are, the more we will implement these things, by the way, there was an interesting dialogue about the change of the united states of america, here was the case in the congress, where the republicans called a hearing damn . such passages sounded there that had never been heard before sounded mcfaul, who was in charge there, he asked blinkin, he asked: on what basis did you forbid ukraine to strike on the territory of russia? congress did not prohibit it. and you know, in the american political system, self-government is one of the branches of government, this is a very difficult accusation in reality. and mr. blinkin, notice... he didn't tell old
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sharmanka about this, about this, about nuclear escalation, and mr. selivan sounds again, this is a russophile group that... is playing on the side of russia, and look, today, i further say that how can we, how can ukraine change, here is today's news that the hurivians have installed long-range surveillance stations in voronezh, vorsk, yes, 1,800 km, and this is nuclear infrastructure, ukraine is showing the united states of america that all these tales about nuclear weapons, the use of nuclear weapons, are bullshit. and it doesn't make any sense, that's one thing, further about trump, look, we have to understand, we don't know what trump will do, but understand that the world loves the strong, that's one thing, but we know for sure what trump will do, that's 99% sure, he will remove
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restrictions on drilling and exports of american oil and gas, the construction of lpg terminals, will remove restrictions on this stoney oil pipeline. imposed by biden, this means that there will be much more oil supply on the market, and this means that the question here is where russia will send its oil, if ukraine does not have time to cut off their export oil pipelines, the question here is not what india buys and china, here the question is that ukraine should do everything to prevent them from having the opportunity to export their oil and export their gas, well, with one exception. american companies that they pump kazakh oil through the territory of russia and through the cpc, they have an exception, let them pump, there is how much the government of the united states of america actually paid for the subscription so that ukraine would not touch this oil well, but the logistics there are quite complicated, there is
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the same novorossian port is also involved, we will have to be careful here, but you drew one of the likely scenarios, and i, mr. serhiu, listen. already in whether one or more scenarios cannot understand absolutely how the office of simple solutions was in saakashvili yes in in my head, the office of simple solutions sounds like this: they give it to us immediately, because they have, well, at least there are 150-200 f16, they give us a lot of atacoms and everyone loudly talks about weapons in front of them, as they said today in nato, the weapons have been handed over to the armed forces of ukraine. does not become ukrainian, and how they will apply it is their business, this is the second simple solution, the third simple solution from one of the scenarios that you have drawn for us, if one way or another they come to some kind of ceasefire, then in an adhoc mode, like
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this was made for very old neutrals countries, such as finland and sweden, immediately accept the territory controlled by the ukrainian government into nato. automatic launch of the fifth article, everything, as miho saakashvili would say, here is the office of simple solutions and three simple solutions, and where are the problems? i will tell you what, in my opinion, will be the biggest problem, the biggest problem, if ukraine engages in a long-term war of attrition with a country that has five times the population, which, by the way, this country does not feel sorry for, its can be mobilized, although i don't know, at least every tens of thousands, nothing to kill this does not happen to anyone, and a country where there is no right to private property, and where it is very easy to mobilize any resources for military production, if ukraine enters a war of attrition for up to years, for many years with such a country, i think that will be the worst case scenario. all the rest - these are options, not the best, no, but at least, well
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, you can vary there, you can look for some kind of solution, for example, you voiced the so-called german option, which means that theoretically ukraine could be included in... nato, but of course, the territory it controls ukraine, well, like germany at one time, the western one, was in the civilized world, the eastern one was supposedly occupied by the soviet union. and then, years later, when favorable geopolitical conditions appear, germany was able to unite, well, in the same way that ukraine will one day be able to unite, when favorable geopolitical conditions arise, well, for example, when russia collapses, or at least russia suffers some losses are huge. and for example , putin will leave his post for natural reasons, this is a possible scenario, there is also a korean scenario, we know it, there it is the same as with the german scenario, only ukrainian ukraine is not a member of nato. that is, there are other scenarios, but all i am calling for is
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that we avoid any simple solutions, because any simple solution is a simplification, and geopolitics, especially the complex one that ukraine has fallen into, is definitely not simplification, this... we need to take into account a lot of nuances, for example, i believe that the west did not take into account the nuance that it constantly calculates, by the way, that it will be very easy for russia to mobilize people, because there is a totalitarian regime. in the west, as they say, well, how can they mobilize people there, they will go to protests, they cannot accept that they are being sent to the oboi, well, they measure it by themselves, in russia it can be done, or for example, i believe that the west to some extent underestimated the position of the global south in terms of purchasing energy resources in russia, or, for example, underestimated the greed of their own campaigns, private companies, western ones, it is their spare parts that are sometimes still found in those missiles. who fly to ukraine, they didn't calculate that in the west, no miscalculated, therefore we need to calculate all
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things, and the scenarios that you voiced, they can also be on the agenda, i generally believe that in ukraine we must now fight, now for the preservation of our own state and fight for this the state was a member of the euro-atlantic european structures, this should be a task for us, and the task of restoring the territories should definitely be on the agenda as well, but we should have no illusions. and simple decisions that it will happen, well , literally tomorrow, mr. sergiu, that's what you said about certain common denominators, which is precisely the preservation of our independence, well, about one of the rather resonant aspects of this, i also wanted to ask you at the end of the program, look, we talked about the fact that russia is either implementing putin's plan there in the buffer territories on the north of the ukrainian lands, as a response to the raids by russian volunteers, against putin,
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to kurshchyna and belgorod region, or implements another front in order to actually move from the north, diverting both forces and resources and , in principle, continuing the line the front, there a lot of problems would appear, which were loudly and created. a temporary special commission, it's about that, it's about sovereignty and security, and when it was created, it was all good at first, that it was created, and then immediately bad, when they started to look and analyze who is there in this commission will work, well , the scandal continued, we were talking from the very first second, and how two russians from opzh were suddenly in the fence. commissions with access to state and military secrets,
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one left, it was the abortionists who were exchanged for him, instead of him, in my opinion, will be razunkov, what could have been done from the very beginning, another opzhpzhist and russian-american anatoliy burmich sits somewhere quietly in a corner, maybe scribbles something in a telegram to the fsb's uncle, liza bogutska. well, i think that they will also make some kind of movie about her, not only about maryana , it is right, she was also changed, but why was all this done, why is so much cringe, stupidity and everything else happening on such sensitive and important things , it is being torpedoed, they just want to bury it without starting or whatever, well, you see, it is very difficult talk about some democratic. and the process in peacetime, and it seems to many, probably in power, that wartime
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gives the opportunity to do anything, although this is not the case, and, for example, those things that we see in the same way with freedom of speech in ukraine , to me are also very strange, because, well, for example, in israel, which is very fond of being called an example, there is not a single telethon, and you can talk about a lot of things, as long as it does not touch on the details of the military operation, so really we see that a lot things are happening inside us, gently saying... not in the best case scenario, and we see a lot of violations of democratic procedures, and we see it in a lot of places, let's say, not only where you said, and this, by the way, if there was such a tension, what could happen with the country, if it gets involved in this long-term war of attrition, so at least we should return the democratic mechanisms, by the way, i repeatedly said on your broadcast a year ago and immediately when the great war began, that it would be wise for the authorities from the very the beginning, the very... beginning to create a government of national trust, where all the representatives of the party would enter, and they would take
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political responsibility for whatever happened later, and it would be easier now, the authorities would now have more maneuverability, because they would refer to the position of a broad government, and having this government of national trust, it would be possible to avoid issues, for example, criticism of the government during the war, well, because then whoever from the opposition criticizes, it is themselves, so it was necessary to adopt the right ones at the time. solutions that would save those minimal mechanisms that are necessary for a country to exist even when there is war. well, unfortunately, we didn't make such decisions at the time, and we have the consequences now, and that's why... it's important to get out of this clinch, because actually, well, we see that restrictions on freedom of speech and democratic mechanisms can harm the national security, can harm national interests, and we see this in many examples, including how a new wave of aggression began in the kharkiv region, mr. taras, what do you say, well, what what a reshuffling, they haven't started work yet,
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scandal is already catching up with scandal, one landscaper is gone, the other is still sitting, what about that temporary special commission of the verkhovna rada, it will never get to the truth, what is there with the fortifications, what is there with the army of drones , what is there in other northern regions? well , look, our tsc has always had such a recommendatory character, you know, the system is characterized by an unerring reaction to a mistake, if you raised it, let them expel the security guards there, well, but we don't... we have to hope that it is so, you know , will be work as a recommendation mechanism, it will work, in a different way, you know, we better ukrainians should concentrate on this, concentrate on the production of our weapons, why demand the government to lend the military industry, demand an increase in the state order for the military industry, reduce
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spending on unnecessary things, because here the question is whether there is such a margin of safety, which... russia is talking about, not a fact, as she says, if ukraine, defense lines are also needed, billions have been written off for them, no, no, defense lines, no , ukraine, tactics of ukraine there should be a deaf defense and hit on the territory of russia, that's the only way you i mean tsk is created to check if we're real what it will check because i'm just commenting on what we 're being told in the west about the korean scenario, germany, that’s all... there is intelligence, i’ll tell you why, because germany, germany and the korean option became possible only after the death of stalin, after all, there are still american troops in korea and in germany, which allow , so something happened with our connection, mr. taras,
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you are back already, so you took a little break, americans. american troops are still there, further to join nato, the soviet union, if we talk about germany, exchanged the neutrality of austria at the time, because it actually forced germany to join nato. i don't believe that ukraine will join nato in parts, this is pure intelligence, because as long as putin is in power, he will never allow it, because there will be a question, what are the borders of ukraine, and it will turn out that the dependence... of joining nato depends entirely from putin, because it will be necessary to negotiate with him, whether they could, or have putin's ability to attract people is theoretically possible, but if they could do it so painlessly, then they would have done it a long time ago, because they had a question about who will work in the military industry, who will work, including fighting, because it is necessary to arm
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the people, it is necessary to do all this, that 's why they are in a hurry, again, why ... they know here, and immediately out of goodwill in the west they begin to tell us, the group of selivan burts wants to save russia from the chaos that can arrange ukraine, strikes on railways, strikes on compressors of oil and gas, oil and gas infrastructure, they can't change that either, because it's either all imported, or the production of the mykolaiv factory is now our project, and that's why, why the beating. and that is why all these intelligences begin here, stories that we will accept in nato as truths, this is a lie, frankly, it will never happen, because without the borders of the 91st year, and we must understand that now we need to concentrate on a full negotiating position when there is rockets, when there are weapons and to poke, poke around russia, and then
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the question will still arise, and again, if upon arrival trump, that he will lower the price of oil, it may even fall to... it remains to be seen what will happen to the russian economy, in which negotiating position it will be, and ukraine can exchange here the opportunity to create a big problem for the western world in the form of chaos in russia, in order to solve a small problem in their eyes, the borders of 1991, admission to nato and cancellation of debts, it is necessary to bargain and set such conditions, but this can only be done with one's own weapons. the korean war ended when stalin died. unfortunately, putin is still alive healthy, unfortunately, doesn't drink or smoke, unlike yeltsin, yes, and we have to take that
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into account, and that's why any talks he starts now will be, the sole purpose, the sole purpose, to stop the arms supply in our country, they want to do, as it was in the 14th year, they are just starting negotiations, in the west, various good wills immediately appear, which... even say, let's give peace a chance, an embargo on the supply of weapons to our country and the next blow will be, well, we already passed it in the 14th year and so further, we have two more minutes, mr. serhiy, so that, on this thesis that mr. taras spoke about, it is logical that comrade selivanov and this pro-russian regional committee will always be afraid of all kinds of things, even bush said at one time do not leave, sit in your soviet union and... what will happen now in the coming months, we understand that the intrigue will continue until the end of the election campaign in the us for the kremlin, what will be done sooner,
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at least create chaos in the border areas on russian territory for the armed forces of ukraine , will the russians manage to start a mechanism of chaos in ukraine, because we see how they work and intensify their actions, including relying, if... not on agents, then simply on ipso and on useful idiots, well, i would not like to say that russia will succeed, i would like to emphasize what russia should not do, that is, russia should not deploy any strategic successes on the front now, i think if we reach a more or less stable front line, then we can talk and about deaf defense, and about the supply of weapons to ukraine from the west, and about sanctions pressure on the russian federation, which , unfortunately, has not yet produced those results. which we expect, so it is very important now that the borders are stabilized, at least until the fall, if the situation remains approximately as it is now until the fall, then
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at least the new administration of the white house will have, so to speak, a chance to start from scratch, will clear lines, they will be outlined at the front, they will not move, then there will be an opportunity to start something, but at the same time, at this time, it is very important for ukraine in this time should be devoted to... so that the west begins to fully understand that the war in ukraine is their war, it is not ukraine's war only, because if something bad happens here, it will also be bad for them, i think , that such an understanding is not yet fully present in the west, so by the way, it is important that western instructors find themselves openly on the territory of ukraine, because when they are threatened by russian missiles, where are the components. western campaigns, then it will have a completely different resonance in those countries where these components will come from, so it is important for us now to prove to the west as widely as possible that this is their war, and then the terms of any
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negotiations, which i repeat, will not end in peace, at most it is a freeze for a while, or any other things will the most favorable for ukraine, mr. serhiy, and we also heard your vision, to understand that the supply of weapons to the west should remain under any circumstances, no matter what happens there? thank you very much for the detailed analysis and, as they say, from all sides we had time to look at this moment in to our history, i want to thank teras zavhorodnyi polytechnologist, serhiy taran, political scientist, who were our participants in the verdict program, thank you for your attention. there are discounts represented by may's coco discounts on voltaren forte 20% in psyllany, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts, coco discounts
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of may on funny style are 15% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchenko with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in to the company of beloved presenters, thank you. line to chechnya for information on culture news natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the upcoming event, as well as distinguished guests
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of the studio, andrii parubiy. people's deputy of ukraine, he was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. hello. this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. live inclusion. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. get up to the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from
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volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized unit armed forces brigades. let's stick together. greetings, friends, with you is vitaly portnikov, our interlocutor is oleksandra matviychuk, human rights defender, head of the center for civil liberties organization, awarded the nobel peace prize and laureate of the vasyl stus prize. hello ladies, good evening. let's start with the report of the state department of the united states, which is dedicated precisely to human rights in ukraine, there
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are a lot of serious pro... against russia, which could be predicted, but there are also remarks against ukraine, but it seems to me that these remarks, it is necessary to understand that there is still the most important thing, how should we do this , if you want work on errors, because it is just a statement of facts, obviously, and we have to do this work on errors, understanding the context, we are sandwiched between two logics, logic war and the logic of democratization, and it is difficult to balance between these logics. therefore, these facts, which are presented in the report, should be viewed not as mere criticism, but as something that needs to be corrected, for example, considerable attention is devoted to the topic of freedom of speech, and it is clear that freedom of speech - this is not an absolute right, it can be limited during war due to security considerations, but it can only be limited proportionally, and when at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, for example, a
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number of tv channels were you'. kicked off the air and deprived of the right to speak, our human rights organizations and the center for civil liberties, the kharkiv provesna group and a number of others made a statement that this is a disproportionate interference in freedom of speech, so it is not surprising that this report contains criticism of the telethon , because that solution, which were adopted in the 22nd year and could be relevant in that context, well, with a change... the text in the 24th year needs to be revised, well, here it is very important to understand, you know, where decisions are really made that are justified by the needs of the war, which are also can be right, which can be wrong, and where is the solution, where war is used to strengthen the monopoly of power, how to tell the difference? and this is not distinguished by the fact that we climb into the heads of the executors or adopters
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of these decisions, which is impossible to do. we spend test, for example, when we talk about freedom of speech, there is a three-step test that is used in practice, for example, the european court of human rights, it talks about three components, is there a legitimate goal, and here they will say, yes, it is war, it is a security consideration, whether these restrictions achieve the protection of this goal and the last, extremely important and component of this text, whether these restrictions are necessary in a democratic. and quite often here is this proportionality, that yes, the state can pull a blanket over itself, but no more, than is necessary, even in the conditions of war, it just fails. here it is very important to realize how much we are now in a situation, if you will, of a selective right, and how society perceives it? because by and large we talked about it even before the war.


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