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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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exit you ask me what to do with her? well, i, i'm not a psychologist. i, it is difficult for me to answer this professionally. well, i know only two things. the first thing is that the same commander-in-chief of the upa, roman shukhevich, said that we fight not because we hate those who are in front of us, but because we love those who are behind us. and the second thing is that i already see how this hatred is in the rear, how people who cannot reach the russians,... not on the battlefield, they begin to pour out on those whom they can reach, that is, on themselves, and i i can already see how this hatred, which is being cultivated, is fragmenting ukrainian society, and it seems to me that we in the rear, if we are not already in the trenches, need to be kinder to each other somehow, because everyone is sick, everyone is tired, don't you see how the war was fought with a person, and how your word can hit this person, instead we will observe... we have in
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social networks, well, not just a parade of these aggressive comments, but very dangerous trends that can tear apart the social organism, and this, when you you see, sometimes they attack, this was the last case a paramedic, kateryna na pseudo-bird, who survived in azovstal, went through captivity and then... they began to reproach her that she did not look like what people wanted her to look like, she wrote a post that she was reproached for her weight, and you just think, lord, we don't need putin either, what are you doing, get off of her, right away it's very important to understand how fundamentally this is social, i would say disappointment, just disappointment in a long war, people just don't... . expected that it would be so long, they
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one way or another, they are disappointed in the fact that they are forced to live through a long war, even if they understand the inevitability of this, as it will be reflected in the post-war part, you said at the beginning of the war that for you victory is not just the restoration of territorial integrity, but also the completion of democratic transformation state, but now there is such an inconvenient question, whether it will be possible to do all this, to complete the democratic transformation, to create... a real society of united people in the conditions, if we do not succeed for a long time restore this territorial integrity, so we will be forced to do it in the existing conditions, because we cannot predict the future, but the future is also not written in advance by anyone, this means that our generation must do everything dependent and carry out these democratic transformations , so that future generations, if we fail to do so, restore the territorial integrity of the 1991 border.
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it was easier to do it, we have to look and play long, build long strategies, and what war does, it narrows that horizon, so that we can't plan the next months, we can't plan a week, we can't plan for our day, we don't understand what and when will happen, and this ambition for a long strategy is also a resistance, because we say that no matter what, we know that one day we will restore it, one day we will return to these borders, and now we are taking... certain intermediate steps, i will give an example so that it does not sound abstract, i am a pupil of ukrainian dissidents, a lot of my personal the role of fate was played by evgeny sverstyuk, he is a philosopher, writer, prisoner of soviet political camps. i read a lot of memoirs of ukrainian and russian dissidents, and i thought about this issue, because from the point of view of the short-term perspective, well, they looked like those who lost... lost, because the movement was crushed,
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some people were killed, some people ended up in the soviet gulags, there was no mass support, there was no mass support, destinies were destroyed, families were divided, that is, from a short-term perspective, they lost, but now we, in 2024, we know that we have restored our independence in the 90s, only because in the 60s this group of people fought, so... this is laying down a long strategy and sowing seeds that will germinate, well , this is super important, but what should come first, an effective state or an effective society in such a situation, is it not necessary to distinguish? i think that an effective society is interested in an effective state, well, we can't pay three times, but we can't, but now a lot of things in the army are covered by volunteer things, we have grown powerful volunteer funds, they...
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they are already buying such weapons, well, they started with mattresses in the 14th year, yes, with some socks, and now they are already buying some unreal ones. difficult mechanics, although in fact it should be done by an efficient state for our taxes, obviously, what i am getting at is that paying three times is not unreasonable, we are doing it temporarily now, an efficient society is very interested in the state becoming efficient, so that we started paying once, but already, you know, to be exactly on target. thank you, mrs. oleksandra, our interlocutor was defense attorney oleksandra matviychuk, thank you to everyone who was with us on this broadcast, which vitaly portnikov conducted for you, i wish you all the best, friends, victory and peace! there are discounts represented by
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may's coco discounts on estizifin 15% in psyllium, bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's
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make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. club: every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio
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good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, the great evening
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of the espresso 15:6 tv channel has begun. during the next two hours, i will inform you about all the most important events of the day. there are quite a lot of events. important information arrived from kharkiv, so a blow to the epicenter. in kharkiv , 11 victims were identified, four body fragments were found, seven people are considered missing. this was reported in the prosecutor general's office. at this time , 14 people have been killed and 44 injured. in addition, 11 victims have been identified, including a 12-year-old girl and her mother , seven people are considered missing. in any case. unfortunately, there is a feeling that the enemy is committing more than one war crime, because what they committed in kharkiv falls under the relevant articles, and important news from ha from the donetsk front,
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intense fighting is going on at the approaches to the temporal ravine, i am quoting the representative of the national guard of ukraine ruslan muzychuk, he will appear on the air in just a couple of minutes. of my colleague serhii from gurts, but i will quote an important message from ruslan muzychuk, the enemy exerts a fire influence on the ravine by using mortars and artillery fire to carry out. in the majority of assaults , infantry groups are used, so what, my colleague serhiy zgurets must be somewhere, yes, who will shoot military results of this extremely difficult era. glory to ukraine, serhii, glad to see you. slava antin, i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our military column, we will talk about new strikes by the armed forces against russian missile attack warning systems, why and what the consequences are. about weapons from spain against the background of the official visit of the president of ukraine to this country and about
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the situation on the front line, how our guard is fighting the enemy and what the situation is like in different areas of the front, about that in a moment. so, the russian federation was left without one more missile attack warning station. we are talking about the station voronezh m, meter range, which is located near orsk, orenburg region, 1,800 km from the current front line. now we see a photo of what this station looks like, and some media refer to sources in gur that it was drones of the main intelligence agency that struck this radar on may 26, and this is actually a record range of use. domestic strike drones, but in fact there are even
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satellite images of planetlabs, which show the consequences of the strike on may 26, the resolution of the satellites actually does not yet allow us to assess the consequences of this strike, but let me remind you that this is not the first strike on the sprn systems, literally... on may 3, it became known that the voronezh horizon station was hit dem near armavir, and this indicates that the ukrainian side gives the impression that extremely sensitive objects of the russian federation, while these are, relatively speaking, objects that are designed to detect ballistic missiles, these stations are included in the russian warning system about rocket attack, they... have the ability to detect satellites of ballistic missiles there at a range
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of up to 600 km, and according to the height there were data up to 400 km. formally, these are ordinary legitimate targets, which , conditionally speaking, ukraine can destroy, this is according to one logic, because, conditionally speaking, there were even assumptions that these stations of the voronezh dmm, which was in armavir, are partially covered by it. and maybe even can see atakams being used or f16 or there other purposes, but in any case i will say that this is all speculation and for now we we are talking about more pragmatic versions that concern the use of strikes on these stations, because relatively speaking, we know that these sprn eyes significantly reduce the effectiveness of the russian warning system about... a russian attack, and actually they are defined by russia as objects that will be hit attacks
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may cause the russian federation to retaliate, even with nuclear weapons, because it is , relatively speaking, an encroachment on their sanctity, on strategic nuclear weapons and entering the loop of control over these nuclear weapons, but because what versions can there be, why russia reacts so... painfully and what versions can there be of the use of our long-range drones against these extremely sensitive objects. well, let's start from the simple to the complex: firstly, the withdrawal of the russian air defense system, if such strategic objects are not defended, then we can see, we can expect that russia will drag the air defense systems to protect these objects, and this means exposing others sections of the front. the second is actually. these blurring on the ukrainian side of those red lines which is trying to paint the russian federation with
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the use and bet on tactical or strategic nuclear weapons, in fact this step is not easy for it, it is quite sensitive, but probably ukraine is quite deliberately moving in this direction, so that it is even possible to force our american partners to make such a change, that is, let us stop strike at russian nuclear facilities, which you are so worried about, you will finally give us the opportunity to carry out strikes with your weapons on legitimate facilities on the territory of the russian federation your attacks themselves. the third version is actually that these are such coordinated actions. because we know that the russian federation is militarizing space, has launched several satellites that, in fact, potentially, in nuclear equipment, can threaten the grouping of american satellites at low orbital altitudes, and there was an attempt by the american side to pass a un resolution on
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the non-use of space for military purposes, but in april literally... russia did not support these resolutions. conventionally speaking, these actions can also be considered coordinated. well, actually the history of russia's exercises with tactical nuclear weapons and the attempts of the russians to intimidate both europe and the usa with their nuclear warheads, and in fact all these components are coming together and we can say that this is such an asymmetric, multivariate response from the ukrainian side with strikes on in russian sprn. it is clear that there will be a continuation of this story, but in any case this is a new page in the destruction of russian military targets and not only in terms of the range of the use of drones, but also in view of the sensitivity of these enemy objects, so that we will wait for the continuation of this new story, then we will talk about the fact that the president is now in spain, there was, at least
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the media announced that there will be a ee... transfer of a number of military samples to ukraine, the mass media announced that it is about a package worth almost 1 billion dollars, which will include a number of samples of weaponry from spain, it is about tanks, and missiles for air defense systems, and ammunition, so far we do not know when the official the announcement of these... packages, but in any case, the mass media is already reporting, and there, of course, it says the same, first of all , supplies, which are badly needed on the front line, and then we will talk about what exactly is happening on the front line, where these shells are desperately needed, and there, of course, we need trained, well-prepared units and brigades, in particular, these are the brigades
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of the national guard, which are fighting in the hottest areas of the front, and now we are joined by the press officer of the national guard. ruslan muzechuk of ukraine. mr. ruslan, congratulations glad to see and hear you on the espresso channel. good evening, i greet you. first of all, i would like you to describe in more detail the situation near the time of the yaru, because our host has already announced that the national guard brigades are conducting combat operations in this area as well, what exactly is happening there, what is the situation there, how are the guardsmen acting in this area of ​​the front? now. we see that for a long time, the yar has remained one of the directions, one of the points where the enemy is concentrating quite large efforts, and here the assault actions continue, constant, of course, that first of all we we are talking about infantry groups, those who are trying to storm from the flanks in
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the ivanovo area, in particular, of course there are frontal attacks, and we can see that the enemy is quite active here... using drones, using artillery in order to create for themselves , let's say, favorable conditions for the advance of the infantry and to inflict damage on those positions, on those defense structures, where the tasks of our servicemen, units of the defense forces are being carried out, and of course, at the same time, we see a fairly large number and use of aviation, this and cabs and the work of attack aircraft as well upon application. strikes, in general, along the entire front line, we see that the enemy is trying to use aviation quite densely, even starting from the border, from the north of kharkiv oblast, and ending with the time ravine. our units of the defense forces are getting their positions, of course, here an effective component from our side is also
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aerial reconnaissance in order to understand and detect in time the possible advances of the enemy, to understand... er, let's say, the forces and means that he can bring closer to the front line, to the battle line on this area, and of course, this is starting from the work of artillery, starting from the work of our units of shock, unmanned aircraft systems in order to destroy equipment and hit warehouses, strikes on enemy logistics warehouses. mr. ruslan, now we see, by the way. drone video from one of your units and would like to ask you about the operation of the national guard special operations center. omega, because this unit is operating right now in the kharkiv direction, what is the peculiarity equipping the training of this unit and how does it
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affect its application on the front line? first of all, the units of the special purpose center, our special forces, are groups of, let's say, military personnel who perform not the task of positional defense, but... this is such a maneuverable component, if you can say so, which strengthens the defense of the main forces, these are brigades, battalion groups that receive defense lines, and they also strengthen those directions where the enemy is most active, now we see that in kharkiv oblast one of our units is really working, and its fighters use precisely fpv unmanned aerial vehicles quite effectively. drones, other drones that use ammunition, carry out drops, and this work is quite effective, even during, let's say, when
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the enemy intensified his attempts to storm the border crossing in the kharkiv region, on may 10-11, then even the omega national guard special forces units in this direction on the first day, they destroyed about 10 units of armored vehicles, precisely thanks to the use of fpv drones and... later, groups also worked here, which drones were used, snipers and assault groups were employed, which, let's say, carry out counterattack actions, and conduct, sometimes in areas where the enemy is trying to advance, they neutralize the infantry, engage in shooting battles in order to prevent the enemy from realizing these tasks, of course , what we see now is that the enemy is trying to disguise his equipment. in plantings, in the forest, let's say so, in forest strips, well, with the onset of spring, the greenery allows, let's say so, to try to hide, mask and equipment, and even certain
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some groups of infantry are trying to advance along the forest strips, trying to use them as cover, but at the same time , our special forces have already learned to detect the signs of camouflage of such equipment and use it accordingly. appropriate drones, and other units that brigades, battalion groups strengthen this direction, this is usually the use of artillery, the use of mortars in order to inflict fire damage and deter attempts to storm, attempts by the enemy to carry out assault actions, in particular in the direction of the settlement of liptsi, and also those hostilities, the enemy's attempts to exert pressure in the vovchansk region, sir. in addition to combat operations, the national guard is also responsible for counter-subversive measures and measures to strengthen the border, so what does this mean in
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practice when it comes to the northern border with the russian federation? in general, what should be understood here is that in the border areas, in particular in the north, and it is not only there, sumy and chernihiv regions, there are units of the national guard. together with the border service, the security service, they periodically conduct joint e-e training as well carry out counter-sabotage measures, which are aimed at detecting attempts to infiltrate subversive-reconnaissance groups along the border, to identify a possible, let's say, arrangement of certain positions in order to understand, in general, the operational situation that is taking place along the border. because, again, that, for example, we also involve special forces, other units that perform tasks here, and, let's say, this
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work is quite active for e near the border, it makes it possible to understand to get up-to-date information about the state of affairs that is happening at the border, of course, which we also analyze, exchange data with other services in order to... have a complete picture, because it is quite important here to understand what is happening beyond the border line, which there, the situation is relative to the strength of the enemy’s means, which he can also tighten up, concentrate, and increased attention in order to even understand the use of the enemy’s artillery, because we understand that there are striking distances at which this or that artillery works remedy, it applies for now. to the border of sumy oblast and to understand the situation, to counteract such attempts of the enemy to bring artillery close to the border line in order to
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strike. in the populated areas of our state, i would like to inquire how the training of junior commanders, sergeants, coordination of units takes place in the national guard, are there any, relatively speaking, methods and experience that are different from what happens in the armed forces, what is the highlight of such a high level of training of the national guard brigades, first of all i must note that... even recently , much has been done to ensure that we have interoperability with other units, because during martial law, our units, in particular the assault guard brigades, perform tasks under the leadership of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, i.e. we are talking about a unified management system for all units of the defense forces that carry out the task on the battlefield, and secondly, a really significant attention is now being paid to ...
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strengthening the capabilities of the brigades precisely in terms of their training and preparation for conducting hostilities, taking into account the current situation, the tactics of the enemy, the technical means that the enemy uses along the entire front line, during the last months, we even, i will say this, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion , the number of exercises in the national guard increased fourfold. i.e. different exercises, different units, starting from individual training, training of crews of combat vehicles, tanks, battleships, of course, this is also training as part of a unit, combat coordination after servicemen pass basic military training, do they undergo training, let's say, before leaving for combat missions, and also more than 10 countries
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now... which countries in europe that help in the training and training of our servicemen, this is again the sergeant corps, because the role sergeants , it is now quite important, it is, let's say, the first line of commanders, which is in direct contact with the soldiers, performs the task on the front line at the positions, and even abroad in 2023, with the help of partner countries, we managed to prepare those... programs , which were offered to us, more than 350 non-commissioned servicemen, and of course, now an important direction is directly unmanned aviation systems, the use of drones of various types, starting from the operational-tactical level and ending with ordinary fpv drones. you mentioned drones, is the national guard planning to follow the example of the armed forces and create
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such a separate vertical. management and application of unmanned systems, now we can say that in the state, the state in general develops the forces of unmanned systems, develops directions and technical and directly those, let's say, and vertical structures in order to effectively apply them in the armed forces, and accordingly , a vertical has already been created in the national guard, which concerns... the use and application of unmanned systems of various types, and as for the state as a whole and in the armed forces and forces in the system of defense forces, of course we are talking not only about aerial vehicles, not only about unmanned aerial vehicles, in general about unmanned systems, this is also those that can be used, let's say both on land and on water, even in the national guard we are currently talking about those that are used in the air, accordingly
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we have now created. is already vertical and in the divisions , divisions have been created that use drones for conducting and aerial reconnaissance , as well as divisions of strike unmanned systems that directly carry out combat tasks to impress the enemy's manpower, equipment, logistics, well, of course, i will not go into detail, but is important here providing precisely... training on various aircraft so that our fighters can use them effectively and qualitatively on the battlefield, taking into account the fact that now there is a very, very large number, let's say, of various drones, various ones that are also produced in ukraine, and which are directly made up of our units, some independently, those who offer a volunteer, so understand which...


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