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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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there were also representatives of the international monetary fund, yes, that is, their favorite song, it is not new specifically, but it, but it is beautiful and traditional, that is, to bring certain social tariffs to the market denominator, that is, they once provoked in this way in latin in america, even very specific protest actions brought de facto populists to power, well, but this is... history, i want to believe that the imf made certain conclusions, but on the other hand, mr. ivan, it is not a secret either, we are being morally prepare for the fact that, due to certain reasons , the electricity tariff has something to do, to increase, where the price of electricity increases, this entails an additional increase in the remaining indices of consumer goods. in your opinion, there are some prospects, well, to explain to the representatives of the international monetary fund that, dear...
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financiers, with all due respect to you, well, but our population is richer, well, what, what exactly, well, it has not become richer in the near future, and it is better to postpone such, you know, groundbreaking movements for later, yes, because the mood of the population and yes, not quite as optimistic as it can be seen, for example, in a telethon, well , it is definitely a dialogue, the main thing is to explain it in a reasoned way. another question, you know, i always remind you that we have never raised taxes since the beginning of a full-scale war, and more than two years have already passed, and far from all countries that found themselves in the situation of ukraine, they have been fighting a full-scale war for more than two years war on its territory, did not take such a step, therefore, nevertheless, a certain increase in taxes is expected, at least because even if there was no war, i think it would be time to do it. as for the actual
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argument, the government should first of all talk to the representatives of the international monetary fund, in the context of what you know, let's look at history, the history of the first world war, when germany took part in this war, was one of the parties, but no one berlin did not capture then, and germany lost in the first world, because the economy could not withstand it. and now a similar increase in tariffs for the same electricity is very possible greatly undermine the economic potential of ukraine, because not only citizens, but also enterprises, legal entities will pay more, so their business will not be as efficient, so maybe in this context it is really better to postpone for the time being, at least the increase in electricity prices, the military levy. ..
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they will raise it for everything, but as for other taxes, we will see here, at least, if there are no complaints about electricity in the society in terms of the military here, i think, it is quite possible that there will be such complaints, and here, again, this that is the art of negotiating with the international monetary fund, to explain to him that you know, yes, you are absolutely correct in saying things, but if you do this, it will increase... the risk that ukraine will not drag out this war, and there will be a defeat, and if there is a defeat in ukraine, then you know, no one cares, look, what is happening with the dollar, yes, well, they have already crossed a certain barrier, the dollar is already worth, well, they took it away, it was forbidden, as it were, to announce how much it is worth, well, it's not much there, well, but it grew up, again, it's like that for a couple of pennies, but so what happening to the dollar and how much we control it. well, on the other hand, i
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understand that our ministry of finance , so to speak, the people who control the budget, they are interested in, so to speak, lowering the hryvnia exchange rate a little so that we get a little more cash stock , ukrainian, and so on. well, look, first of all, let's recall the law on the budget of ukraine for the current year, which average rate is set at 40.8, now tell me, is it? shrush, and we have already reached the end of may, the fifth month year, the official exchange rate of the hryvnia reached the mark of 48, and this is the average exchange rate for the year, yes, by all means, this does not mean that it must necessarily be such that in the end it is not exactly 4.8, it means that the state's revenues are calculated, taking into account , of course, revenues from exports, which may not be so good now. but not so good
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, not because ukraine is doing something bad, but because the prices of leading agricultural products, and let me remind you that ukraine has three main sources of its. export, it is actually corn, sunflower oil and wheat. and so it turns out, by the way, it is such an interesting story that for four months of the current year, exports in money increased by 1%, and exports in physical terms, that is, in kilotons, metric tons, increased by 38%. that is, this situation is precisely because the prices fell significantly for corn, wheat a little less, but... on the sunflower, oils also fell, and here is ukraine, selling at, well, not even a third, 38% , which is significant in my opinion the addition of goods to our export increased these physical flows, but we will receive correspondingly less money, but
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nevertheless, when the budget was planned, there were calculations, at which average exchange rate the state will receive more money, thank you, thank you, sir, just remind me what the indicator was prescribed... for the hryvnia against the dollar, 40.8, 40.8, 40.8, until this figure was crossed, we will be calm, thank you, i have to go on, ivan u was with us in contact with our studio, the chief consultant of the national institute of strategic studies, of course, we talked about the interruptions with the representatives of the imf, and we talked about our beautiful and proud monetary unit, meanwhile, the main one. the commander of the armed forces of ukraine, this is important, i.e. news, now listen carefully, dear tv viewers, gave french instructors access to the training centers of the armed forces of ukraine. i am quoting, now the head of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general kairskyi. so, i gladly welcome france's initiative to send
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instructors to ukraine to train ukrainian military personnel, by me, that is, by them. documents have already been signed that will allow the first french instructors soon. visit our training centers and familiarize yourself with their infrastructure and staff, and sirskyi expressed his hope that the rest of our partners will join the french initiative, this is actually extremely important and an important signal from our sub-regional general staff, so the general staff told a lot of people now what is happening in the north of kharkiv and kharkiv region, so it happened on the 10th. .. 10 combat clashes took place in the kharkiv direction, while some of the battles have been going on for a long time. the total losses of the enemy since the beginning of the day in manpower amount to 137 people with the dead. destroyed the tank of the occupiers four units of cars and equipment, in
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the kupinsky direction russian troops tried nine times to break through our defensive lines. yes, about a dozen occupiers were killed. well, dear viewers. yes, the premiere of the film "operation danube invasion" is currently taking place in the capital's october cinema. our special correspondent, dmytro didora, is at the event. he is with us live. glory to ukraine, dmitry, congratulations, and i understand that if you are at this premiere, this film is extremely important. tell me, be kind, what is the essence and what is the importance of this the movie glory to the heroes antin, i also congratulate our viewers of the tv channel, the film is really extremely important, because it is a political thriller about the events of 1968 in czechoslovakia, when soviet tanks invaded there to suppress
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the national idea, but the people themselves did not put up with what was happening in them in ukraine, and the authors of the film believe that this is such a direct reference to what is happening now in ukraine as well, and i consider this premiere, which is taking place, today there is a pre-premiere screening in the october cinema, considered very important for the ukrainian people, as well as the support provided to us by our partners, in particular, this film is a co-production of ukraine, the czech republic and lithuania, they helped us shoot it, there is also a game here. and the state cinema provided us with these funds and the premiere is taking place in ukraine with the support of the czech embassy in ukraine and the czech center in kyiv. why is it important to watch this movie? i think that the producer and the performer of the main role of the film will tell you better than me. there is a
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saying that history teaches what it does not teach. unfortunately, i'm afraid that will happen this time, but what... that we have it to convey, if we have such an opportunity, and this is helped by the neighboring peoples who have experienced approximately the same thing, although fortunately for them... it is far from what ukraine is experiencing now, it is obvious, we really saw a lot, well, strange, no strange but real parallels between our situation and that situation in prague in 1968, and even the words that the screenwriter once wrote in the script, they were very similar words of another character who announced a special military operation against ukraine. the shooting of the film began even before the beginning of full-scale
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invasion, the first footage was shot in buchi near kyiv, we all know what happened to this city later when russia announced a full-scale invasion of ukraine, and the actors noted, including the lead actor, that it was sometimes difficult to talk about when they were on... filming in other countries, it was difficult to perceive airplanes, civilian airplanes in the sky that just flew over the countries, they also noted that it was even such an interesting moment to play the then secretary general of the soviet union brezhnev and reveal his real essence, so that what he was not comical an anecdotal character, and what he was really like in the period of 1968, when russian... tanks invaded czechoslovakia, you want to ask me when the premiere will take place on the big screens, i will
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answer: may 30, so everyone who likes political thrillers, who want to learn about the events of those times, i already advise you to buy a ticket, since today the hall is full, i am sure that it will also be in the first days of the premiere, there will be a full sellout in the cinemas, antin, this is how it happened, the pre-premiere screening of this . about the film, thank you, dmytro, well, here is dmytro didora, our brilliant journalist who knows how, can even intrigue me, yes, that is, i wanted to see this movie, well , there is quite a lot of work to go to the cinema, well, but, that is, to find out , who was actually brezhnev, well, it is extremely interesting, well, on the other hand, it would require then, perhaps, a critical assessment of whether there was how prominently the characters were depicted, whether certain processes were taken into account, so to speak. which were a little deeper than it seems at first glance, in particular, how she behaved
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the communist elite of czechoslovakia at that time, at that time, how, for example, the ukrainian soviet party nomenclature behaved, the way ukrainians behaved in the ranks of the soviet army, yes, well, because 20 years after the second world war took place, after which, so to speak, they began to trample freedom with bayonets, machine guns and tanks, well, that kind of thing... let it go, that is, the liberal wind blowing in czechoslovakia, well, but also ukrainian, ukrainian boys took part in that unworthy soviet, in that unworthy soviet action, although, of course, the responsibility lies with the politburo and the soviet generals, well, but, but, but, an extremely interesting film, thanks once again to dmitri didora, and now, dear tv viewers, extremely, here is literally the key story, that is... this is the international growth that will be, well, in a few days there will be manifested at the swiss
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peace summit, and the second point is the permission to use the weapons of our partners, friends and allies on military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, so we understand that the history of the destruction of our civilian cities is controlled, controlled by many tons, if i sum up what those cabs were, well... these are tons of explosives that russia sent to our cities, that is, well , it turns out that three cabs flew into the kharkiv supermarket, yes, two of them exploded, i'm bright memory of the dead, well, the time has come to allow ukraine to strike on the territory of russia with western weapons, nato secretary general jens sto stoltenberg said in an interview with zaekonomi, according to stoltenberg, the need to cancel the restrictions now. extremely sharp counterattacks continue in the kharkiv region and the line of contact actually coincides with the border line, which
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countries are still trying to prevent the so- called escalation in quotation marks, and why is this strategy wrong? see in our next material, let's watch together, and then we'll see each other again. on february 25 , 2022, the second day of a full-scale invasion, the military... the millerovo air base in the rostov region is on fire. and who did it? asked sarcastically on the page of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine. this was almost the first strike by the armed forces of ukraine. on enemy territory, according to the journalist yuriy butusov was hit by a to tactical missile complex. then the aggressor lost several planes, planes and helicopters. from the first days of the great war, the defense forces did not hesitate to strike on the territory of russia, and the enemy, who planned to capture kyiv in three days, suffered losses, but the means of destruction were exhausted,
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the enemy adapted, and the western partners, who after the retreat of the russians from kyiv to ... decided to supply weapons to ukraine, established a strict taboo, no strikes on russian territory. we believe that the equipment and facilities that we provide to ukraine and others states provide to ukraine, should be used to return ukrainian sovereign territory. in his conversations with mr. umirov, minister austin talks about how best to use these tools. we believe that it is within ukrainian borders. in the summer of 2023 , the washington post newspaper reported that the russian volunteers who raided the belgorod region a month earlier allegedly used tactical vehicles provided to ukraine by the united states and poland, and carried rifles made in belgium and the czech republic. official brussels even then
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started an investigation and appealed to ukraine for clarification. pipets, the defense forces continued to strike enemy territory with drones of their own production. airports, military bases, oil storage facilities, and in the last six months, oil refineries. once drones even flew to the kremlin. but the ban on the use of western weapons, in particular long-range missiles, which... ukrainian drones both in terms of speed and power, remains in force, and this significantly weakens the armed forces. the laws of war say when the enemy is concentrating forces for an offensive, it is necessary to dilute them with pre-emptive strikes, but ukraine has no right to do this, and that is why the russians felt confident in the belgorod region, preparing for an offensive
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in the north of kharkiv region, and now they are not afraid of the strikes of the armed forces concentrating in the area of ​​the city. in kursk oblast and creating a threat to sumy. president zelenskyi has repeatedly asked the event to review the strict rules that significantly weaken ukraine. i don't think there should be any bans because this is not about offensive of the ukrainian army using western weapons on the territory of russia. it's a defense, it's just like the pre-emptive sanctions we were all talking about before a full scale invasion. it's the same thing, it's... a warning. there are certain developments in this matter, but so far they are minimal. the baltic states and some other allies strongly support the authorization to strike russia with western weapons. the germans are categorically against it. the head of the foreign affairs committee of the french parliament, jean-louis bourlanche , appealed to the government to lift the restrictions. and great britain, perhaps not the first,
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in fact, it already did. david cameron brought good news to kyiv at the beginning of may. ukraine has that right, just as russia strikes inside ukraine, you can totally understand why ukraine feels the need to make sure it defends itself. however, the key word in this matter is the united states. it is the largest supplier of weapons to ukraine. during the recent visit to kyiv by us secretary of state anthony. blinken, he was asked why the us still hasn't revised their approach. blinken answered evasively. we did not encourage or create opportunities for strikes outside of ukraine, but in the end, ukraine has to decide for itself how it is going to fight, or how it will wage a war in defense of its freedom,
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sovereignty and territorial integrity. according to the new york times blinken. supports lifting restrictions on strikes at least on border russian territories, but there is no unity within biden's team on this issue. the president of the united states himself still occupied an extremely cautious position, saying that it is necessary to adhere to red lines in order to avoid a direct conflict with moscow. the debate continues, the pressure on the white house is increasing. a group of congressmen from the republican and democratic parties appealed to the secretary of defense. usa lloyd austin with a request to review the ban. speaker of the lower house of congress, mike johnson, also spoke out against restrictions for ukraine. may 22 hearings in the house of representatives. the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, republican michael mccaul, even showed a map of russia with marked areas where american atakams missiles could reach, if the us had
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the courage to authorize such strikes. the administration of the president, his adviser jake sullivan, limited the use of weapons so that ukraine could not defend itself and retaliate against russia. that is why i would approve the use of long-range systems. and short-range radio systems of judges, as well as hymers, where, like you, tie the hands of the ukrainians. however, so far the official position of the usa, in particular the pentagon, is the same as at the beginning of the great war. it is impossible to hit russia with american weapons. at a press conference following another ramstein this week, defense minister lloyd austin avoided answering questions about whether ukraine could shoot down us air defense systems. planes bombing kharkiv with bombs from russian territory. the us continues to play a dubious game called de-
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escalation. according to some military experts, it is precisely because of this strategy that ukraine and its allies missed the chance to inflict a strategic defeat on russia in the fall of 2022. as president zelensky noted, the military event decisions are delayed by a year, and these delays are costly. human lives and territories. but the key story, yes, is that the event provides aid to ukraine. well, of course, we would like much more, but if it were not for this help, well, unfortunately, we would find ourselves in an obvious situation. well, but now i'm finishing communicating with you for today, dear tv viewers, and my beautiful and intelligent colleague, roman chaika, is standing on the doorstep of your homes. glory to ukraine, rom. i will be glad to see you on the air, for today i say goodbye to you
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evening, we are from ukraine, see this week in the program collaborators, servants of not god, kremlin, which of the priests promotes russian peace among children. this conversation, as i said, it is desirable that it was not the last, but how did it go? stole icons and ancient books from kherson. find, remove and return these church shrines. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets , went to serve the rashi occupiers. a priest from dnipropetrovsk received five years behind bars for supporting russia's aggression against ukraine region we are talking about oleksandr liunagov from kryvyi rih, the abbot of the church of saint john the merciful parish of the dnipropetrovsk diocese. uoc according to the sbu, during his sermons he justified the full-scale invasion of the russian federation and the seizure of part of the territory of ukraine. he called during personal conversations with
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people to go to russia or to the temporarily occupied regions of our country to help the russian troops, and he himself was waiting for the capture of dnipropetrovsk region. in september 2022 , he was detained. during the searches , mobile phones that the priest were seized used to impose kremlin propaganda. and so, on february 13, he received his sentence for worshiping the kremlin star, and today's program is about those who serve russia in the river, but, unfortunately, are not yet sitting in a ukrainian prison. the kremlin's propaganda machine is very active in the temporarily occupied territories. television, newspapers, telegram channels, campaign leaflets, all of this is now set to turn as many people as possible away from ukraine, so that schools disappear in the occupied territories. mood and there were opinions that russia is there for a long time, that there is a future with russia, that the kremlin spends millions of dollars on this, but in addition to the media
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, there is also the church and priests, which the rashists actively use to impose the necessary narratives. the neoführer 's servants perform the assigned tasks, during the service or personal communication with believers, using their authority, they glorify the so-called army of liberators, they call. side with the occupiers and help them, they emphasize that ukraine has abandoned the people, and russia here and distributes humanitarian aid and some wooden rubles. meet maksym tarasenko, the rapper of the kremlin. before the full-scale invasion, he was the secretary of the kherson diocese of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, often acting as the official position of the church in various conflict situations. in such grief, the church should be with people, and we try to do so. we have it in the ukrainian orthodox diocese of kherson. but when russia came to our land and started shedding ukrainian blood, this priest decided to be next to the invaders. with the occupation
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of kherson. region, maksym stayed in kherson, quietly fed up for a few months, and then began to appear frequently in the stories and headlines of washed-up russian media. today , the russian orthodox church honors the memory of the holy equal-to-the-apostles grand duke volodymyr. with the occupation, maxim developed a new hobby: collecting items of church use, including icons and old church books. the russians steal them from other churches. or even from private collections of residents of the kherson region, and then taken to tarasenko in temple. the little non-priest rubs his hands, smiles at the camera and thanks the occupying power. we once again thank the law enforcement officers. for the fact that they hand over to the diocese everything they get in the course of their investigative operations.
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they should return to the church. and this is a huge thank you. let's call a spade a spade, for example, not a search operation, a robbery, and return not to the church, but to father maxim's private collection. in the next video, he modestly talked about material value. law enforcement authorities were able to find these church shrines, which may have been stolen earlier. exclude. to return all this, both icons and books, they constitute historical, spiritual, and certain material value. after the de-occupation of kherson, tarasenko disappeared and later appeared in crimea. instead of atoning for his sins of treason, viryan miska continues to wash away. i hope we will be able to see him again, but not on the screens of zombies, in
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the dock. openly. mykola kanyuka, the abbot of the temporarily occupied skadovsky proteriary, also promotes peace saint sergius church. in his peaceful life, he baptized ukrainian children, married young couples, and prayed for peace. now his prayer is for another peace, russian. when russian tanks entered skadovsk and occupied the city, he decided to leave it to the beasts in order to later impose kremlin ideas on them. that in their prayers, our families, our relatives and ours'.
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ideas for children, here is a video where he gave a lecture for the seventh grade of school number od in skadovsk, in which he talked about human honor and loyalty. i wonder how he knows about all these qualities? this conversation, as i said, it is desirable that it not be the last, this time. and that this conversation should come not only from church officials, that this topic should also be raised in society, by parents. better give this pope a lecture on treason and a corrupt soul. according to the media , taras kanyuka, together with the priest mykolay, decided to betray ukraine and his son, who also serves in the church of st. sergius in skadovsk. here he is talking to the camera about the united people of ukraine and russia. we say again, we are one nation. triune, me i would even say that it is united by this kyiv baptismal font. father and son
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did. their choice, now they will have to answer not only before god's judgment, but also earthly judgment, and years in prison for treason are guaranteed to them. he called for shelling of ukrainian cities, assured that kherson is russia forever. meet gennady shkil, born in 1966. before the full-scale invasion, he was an anti-priest, abbot of the saint seraphim church in the city of gola prystan , kherson region. as a clergyman, he led his tik-tok. where he answered the questions what is a sin and what is not. when the great war began, he posted a video where he said that he was mistaken for peace in our country. giving peaceful times to our country, let's pray for peaceful times to come soon. already later, the school will pray for another country, the one that kills, tortures and destroys. when the city of gola pier was occupied, he stayed and at first called for help.


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