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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EEST

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not only before god's court, but also earthly, and years in prison for treason are guaranteed to them. he called for shelling of ukrainian cities, assured that kherson is russia forever. meet gennady shkil, born in 1966. before the full-scale invasion , he was an anti-priest, abbot of the saint seraphim church in the city of gola prystan , kherson region. as a clergyman, he led his tik tok where he answered the question of what sin is. and why not, when the great war began, he posted a video where he said that he was mistaken for peace in our country. gift peaceful times in our country, let's pray for peaceful times to come soon. already later , the school will pray for another country, the one that kills, tortures and destroys. when the cities of gol prystan were occupied, he stayed and at first called to help each other and keep good in the heart, he also emphasized that it was not the ukrainians who started it. the war
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russian troops passed through us on the first day. we are now, as it were, in the rear. you and i did not start this war and we will not be able to end it. but over time, the topic of the video priest changed, as did his position. in in may 2022, the school celebrated victory day together with the occupiers. on this holiday, pip visited with his sons, who had gregorian ribbons and tricolors. later, at the forum we, together with russia, which was held in kherson, shkil stated that in... 30 years , ukraine was turned into a failed project, and the priest called the occupation a positive phenomenon. allegedly, russian troops liberated the city of kherson from the west. before that, he urged believers to go to the church of the moscow patriarchate. you can always find the uoc temple and go there, if you are in the village or on in western ukraine, of course, it is more difficult, because there many churches were captured, if not by the uniates, then by the peceushniks. but it is better to go once a month...
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to the church where christ is present than to visit the meeting place of the ungodly every week. in the summer of the same year, the collaborator submitted documents to obtain a russian passport, and in october 2022 he fled the parish in the bare harbor of the kherson region to russia. he posted a video confirmation of his departure on his social networks, explaining that he was leaving in connection with the evacuation to the territory of the russian federation. in addition, shkil assured that he did not betray anyone, because departure from the kherson region to the stavropol... region is supposedly legal movement on the territory of the russian federation. so that our haters don't say that i ran away because an evacuation was announced. that's how, he said that the ukrainian army will never enter kherson, that he is not always russian, he himself gave a drapak from our armed forces, because he understood that he had spoken and made himself suspicious, and her school would definitely be handed over. this was a program of collaborators and i, olena kononenko, if you have information about the kremivskyi za... write
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to us at this e-mail address or simply at facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. judicial reform and ukraine's path to the eu are under threat. if there is a failure of any european integration for us, we will find ourselves in this limbo. but why does the supreme court leave unscrupulous judges in their positions? what did you buy and sell for? greetings, this is the judicial control program and as always we are talking about the main reform on which the direction depends our european prospects. how is the new judiciary being formed in ukraine and is it really possible to talk about a total renewal with confidence? experts notice alarming symptoms that may threaten the entire reform. about all this. today, but first
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traditionally to the news. the company of the wife of the head of the kyiv district court of odesa, serhiy chvankin, bought an apartment in maidama for $310,000, or almost uah 12 million. according to, the apartment was purchased by the company of the judge's wife, nela golubeva. in dimia , the salary of a lawyer and a teacher the odesa law academy does not allow such expenses as the salary of the judge himself. according to the register of companies. florida golubeva opened a company in the usa a year ago in february, and in less than a month the company purchased 105 m2 in miami, a few hundred meters from the coast of the atlantic ocean. previously, the public integrity council in its conclusion about the judge's non-compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics noted that the fortunes of chvankin and his family are of dubious origin. meanwhile, the press service of the kyiv district court of odesa published a refutation of information about the purchase of an apartment in miami. noting that
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the property was purchased on credit for 30 years, however, the credit agreement was never published in court. also, in the statement of the pre-service , the alleged threat of lawsuits against journalists can be traced. news about the real estate registered to the firm "judge chvankin's wife". the higher qualifications commission continues to conduct interviews with candidates for the post of judge and with current themis employees, assessing their integrity and professional competence. and although this is already an updated composition vkks, which was formed with the participation of foreign specialists and taking into account high international standards, experts and public activists notice a decrease in the quality of conducting evaluations, the commission is increasingly turning a blind eye to inconsistencies. we have reloaded the highest quality in the panel of judges by 100%. expectations from them, and this is not only the expectation of ukrainian society, because the request for the purification of the judiciary, it has been very relevant since the days of the maidan, since the revolution
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of dignity, and we have only just started this process, or resumed, let's say, the qualification evaluation of judges, which began back in 2015, with a new body that was supposed to finally... fire unscrupulous judges, and it all started as if it was not bad, but now the percentage of cases, the percentage of judges with regard to which the decision was negative, the public integrity council , that is, recognized them as unscrupulous, regarding which the higher qualification commission of judges agreed, today only 38%. of the more than 110 judges who have already passed the qualification assessment, at least 62 had negative findings from the public integrity board, and more than... half of them the higher qualification commission, despite their dubious integrity, recognized them as suitable for the position and sent only 22 to dismissal, that is, in two-thirds of the cases, the higher qualification commission of judges throws into the trash, all
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those facts and all those things that were found about judges, their dishonesty, their of property, their previous decisions and so on, this is a bad number, but a catastrophic trend, because if it continues, then there is every chance that in a few months, not even years, vkks will reach the numbers of the previous supreme court of justice koz'yakov, who was actually dismissed for the failure of the judicial reform, when only 15 of the 3,000 judges who passed the qualification assessment were dismissed . dnipropetrovsk region serhiy babiya. in 2018... babiya's wife bought a toyota chr car for almost uah 800,000. babii says that part of the amount for him was allegedly given to his wife by her mother, and he paid the rest. but for some reason, the judge did not indicate a gift in the declaration mother's, nor his own. it was said, i give my mother the old one, and she helps me and you
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50-50 50-50 to buy a new one. all. in 2013 , serhii babiya's wife purchased shares of the public joint-stock... ebrd for almost uah 110,000. according to the foundation, at that time it had no official income, the judge did not report such shares or income from their disposal in any of the annual declarations. my wife purchased these securities with her own funds, i had nothing to do with this transaction, so what did i buy it for, but sold it, well ok, where did she get these funds? here. in this matter, the wife always had her own free funds. the public council of integrity draws attention to the connections of judge serhii babii with the acting people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, a member of the verkhovna rada committee on legal policy oleksiy demchenko. in particular, together they were
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the founders of a law firm and even jointly own an office with an area of ​​111 m2 in dnipro. i stopped my participation in the fellowship. with demchenko continued episodically, according to the formal sign i i am a member of the working group of the ukrainian parliament on the issues of proper financing of the judiciary, which was created by the decision of the legal policy committee headed by mr. demchenko. from 2018 to 2021, the judge and members of his family traveled to russia several times. according to the public council of virtue, at least six times babii handed over the ko'. with the aggressor country and returned to ukraine in less than a week. babiy himself explains this by the rules of border registration and allegedly incorrectly entered information into the system. the judge's file includes information nabu, and the airport of departure is dnipro,
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the airport of arrival is sharmer, and the section of the border is russian. have you crossed the border with the russian federation? no. not an intersection? did not cross. this explanation is complete. satisfied the vkk. in february 2022, serhiy pabiy tried to become a member of the supreme council of justice. the ethics council thoroughly studied his biography and found him unscrupulous. ethical. the council, which was engaged in the reform of the supreme council of justice, which with international experts, admitted that, more precisely, it did not give a recommendation on the criterion integrity, recognized as unscrupulous, in fact, the judge. the higher koliv commission of judges at the qualification evaluation says: everything is great, great judge, you can continue to work until the end of your days, in the updated, reformed judicial system of ukraine. often, the higher qualification commission of judges turns a blind eye to the judges' removal of drunken drivers. themis officials use a common scheme of prolonging the case, and then simply
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closing it because the time limit has expired. this is a well-known evasion scheme to avoid responsibility for drunk driving. as a result, we have accidents, fatal ones, including, literally not so long ago, there was a story about an 18-year-old girl who was killed by a drunk pokidyok, sorry, while driving, who was not taken away by a judge six months before. despite all this. the higher commission of judges is new, recognizes them as virtuous. thus, the supreme court of appeals retained the judge of the solomyansky district court of kyiv, ada pedenko, who, according to the calculations of the civic council of virtue, actually granted amnesty to 21 drunk drivers, and the judge of the slavyansk district court of the donetsk region, alina honcharova, who imprisoned about 100 cases for drunk driving. judge goncharova, who has more than 50% of the cases she had on drunk driving. wings according to the statute of limitations, that is, it means that most of the cases that you consider under this category, you
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consider so badly that they are closed and the time limit simply expires. last year, in november, the higher qualification commission of judges and the public integrity council agreed on a joint list of markers that indicate non-compliance of a judge or a candidate for the position of judge with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics, as well as the principles of their application. however, vkks is similar. decided to ignore the agreements, drunk driving are indicators written in black and white in the criteria jointly agreed by the highest commission of judges and the public integrity council, which are indicators of dishonesty, i.e. both bodies agreed that if there are such cases, it is dishonest , the decision is opposed to the decision of the same body. if this trend continues, the entire qualification assessment and hence the overall purge judicial systems of ukraine will be under threat. qualification assessment of judges is one of the priorities. reloading the vkks
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was one and number two was about downloading the vkks ivrp with seven points that we needed to fulfill in order to obtain candidate status and open negotiations on joining the eu. that is, in fact, if this reform fails, everything goes to that, then there will be no european integration for us, well, that is, we will be limbiz in this. to be simply an infinite number of years in the status of a candidate and we will surpass the turkish language simply because of this parameter, which has been there for 25 years. so, currently, the quality of the work of the higher qualification commission of judges depends on whether the judicial reform will continue in ukraine, and thus the path to the european union. and for today i have everything. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or. to this email address. see you in exactly a week. marks to be removed from
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the military record for free departure from the country. not enough now. if earlier certain categories of ukrainians could cross the border during martial law, new rules apply after may 18. all of them are military. bound citizens must renew their military registration documents. over the past few days , the border guards refuse to cross the border every day, well, about two hundred and 250 men who do not fall under, in general, under the category of pass. it is also necessary to understand that the changes in the legislation to the law of ukraine on mobilization preparation and mobilization clearly... determine that determining whether
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a person is subject to deferment and its proper registration is up to territorial centers, recruitment and social support centers, border guards exclusively check the presence of this document with the appropriate markings directly at the broks point. men between the ages of 18 and 60 will have to update their personal data, including reserved persons and non-military personnel. parents of three or more minor children, and if the husband does not live with his children, he must provide evidence that he supports them, arrears of alimony payments for more than three months. removes the right to delay and cross the border. with matching package documents, those who are raising at least one child on their own will be able to leave ukraine. data must also be updated for women with medical and pharmaceutical education who did not receive a summons for mobilization, or voluntarily registered for military service. at the same time, certain categories of people can cross the state
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border without a military registration document. they allow to drive those who are in the bases, respectively, it is the base way there, which concerns the departure of motor vehicle drivers, they also issue, without restrictions , railway workers who carry out transportation, the same applies to those volunteers who also appear in this database. in the near future, they may return to normal. clear rules for crossing the border for certain categories of citizens, however, lawyer oleksandr pavlichenko warns that until this happens, those who accompany a person with a disability, and even some drivers, will have to update their military registration documents. in cases where it is about disabled people of the first group, when there are such obvious
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circumstances, they pass people who may belong to this category, but this will... say yes, these are temporary exceptions until a new version of the cabinet of ministers resolution is adopted, which should replace resolution number 57 on the procedure for crossing the state border, and there will be clear instructions, because today we see that the legislation is implemented, but implemented, well, with certain reasonable restrictions, students aged 18 to 22 years old who are studying in institutions of higher education on a full-time bachelor's or master's degree, medical, pharmaceutical or veterinary direction. for this, they also need to obtain a military registration document with a mark from the tsc, a certificate from an educational institution, a report card with high scores and
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confirmation of knowledge of a foreign language. the new procedure will not affect military service citizens of ukraine. who live abroad, problems may also arise at the checkpoint for people with wanted status, if such a situation arises, it is most likely, or indeed a person who is wanted and is wanted, then there are reasons cause and law enforcement agencies to accompany , in accordance with the tsk, to verify personal data, in case... that the person will have a paper document, a military registration document with a mark that he is allowed to travel abroad, that he can be grounds for reservation or release from mobilization at this time, conscripts must update their military registration documents within 60 days after
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the law comes into force, i.e. by july 16. if this is not done, then the violators will have to steal. case to pay a fine, so lawyers call do not wait for the new norms of the mobilization law to come into effect and update personal data in a timely manner. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. with you is vitaly portnikov and these two hours of conversation about the most important, the most... urgent problems of our present, about trends, about what awaits us in the future. of course, i want to start this program with sincere words of sympathy to all those kharkiv residents who are now saying goodbye to their loved ones and friends. last night when we were on
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the air here, we learned of new strikes on the kharkiv, before there was an attack on... the epicenter, our colleagues also worked, talked about it, in the evening during our broadcast there was an attack on residential blocks in the center of kharkiv, the problem is that the russians, these are criminals, they are basically admit the fact of such strikes, they talk about the fact that they destroyed military facilities located in residential areas, such incredible cynicism, i would like to ask the prosecutor of the international criminal court karimkhan, maybe i will see him someday, that's how so it turns out, let's say there, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, or the leader of hamas, are being charged. for actions against the civilian population, and president vladimir putin receives only one suspicion from the international criminal court, a suspicion related to
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his participation in the removal of ukrainian children from the territory of our country to the territory of the russian federation. but the question arises, what is happening in kharkiv now, what happened in buch at one time, what is happening in many other ukrainian cities and towns, this... is not a crime that would deserve the attention of the international criminal tribunal, only these crimes attract attention, which can be met with applause, participants of various demonstrations under palestinian flags in european capitals or in the united states, campuses of the united states, and ukrainians do not deserve that people who kill methodically and do not hide this, in fact, so that they also do not get these... their suspicions, it is not only about vladimir putin, it can be said, the transformation of the entire state into gangster organization, on the mafia, in this
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mafia, one gives orders, others diligently carry out, many people, i remember asking, can you imagine if vladimir putin gives an order to use nuclear weapons, there are already several people going along the chain, they will oblige him they will definitely stop, but they won't even... move an eye, you understand? will carry out this order, or will they be happy to write in telegram channels that finally our bomb got where it needed to be, in a military object, and i think that if there is no such realistic attention of the international community to what is happening in ukrainian cities, to this systematic, i would say, destruction of the khark. why is it clear why? because there is an idea of ​​depopulation of the territory of ukraine. because vladimir putin was disappointed
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in us as potential subjects. well, moscow rulers were always too disappointed in their potential subjects. i do not see anything new in this. the whole history of moscow, from the time of the ancient principality. this is a story of disappointment in those they want to capture. they. all the time for reasons that are completely incomprehensible to me, this some kind of mental illness that is similar to schizophrenia, they expect applause when they kill, rape, rob, then there is no applause, well, they start to expel, i have already repeatedly given this example that the first principality that was actually annexed by moscow was the grand duchy of ryazan , and what do you think, the people of ryazan were immediately expelled from their lands, well, let's imagine the practice in the middle ages, when there was no television, internet, telegram channels in which you could talk about military facilities in residential quarters, i think that they them they simply killed, put
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muscovites in their place, destroyed the capital of this principality , the ancient ryazan, moved the center to a new city, which they called ryazan, it is a modern regional center in the russian federation, but it is not ryazan, as you understand, and that’s the way it is.. . created such a fake, you understand, such a game of imitation, i will say, such a game of imitation is the constant message of vladimir putin that he simply wants peace negotiations with us, but he simply cannot eat, so he wants to agree on peace, there is such a thing simple question, if you want peace so much, why you? killing the civilian population, what do you want to achieve with it, it's just plain cannibalism or instincts. such a bandit who has the opportunity, you know, that's why i do it , because i can, he
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can get to kyiv or to the dnipro or to lviv only with the help of ballistic missiles, so he will use ballistic missiles, but he can get to kharkiv to everything that flies and burns, well, it means that this city will be methodically destroyed, and what is interesting, they announced all the time that this is a russian city. one of the pillars of the russian world that lives there the russian-speaking population, which is simply horrified when they start speaking ukrainian, and they have been telling it for literally 100 years in a row, like general denikin's troops, they entered kharkiv and happy kharkiv residents, oh, what happiness, we can now talk with you in the denikin language, otherwise the ukrainians forced us to speak with them in the ukrainian language, my god. what a horror we had, incredible trials, well , the danes, at least they didn't destroy these residents of kharkiv, well, because they really
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after all, dinikin. was not barefoot like putin some kind of general, they really believed that this is a city in the russian empire, its inhabitants should be respected, it is as if they speak the same language, what is the problem, what is it, how is it imposed on here this myth is amazing, which they are creating a pro-russian peace, if they want to kill everyone in this russian peace, well, by the way, it’s like with grozny, but when we... think about this second chechen war, which took place after putin sat in the kremlin on the throne of the world, that's what they were carpet bombing of grozny, not only not grozny, you understand, we know little about them, just small towns, but apart from the tragedy of grozny, which were simply wiped off the face of the earth in the way that kharkiv is being destroyed now, then they built some new city, so to speak, destroyed godermes and other chechen towns there are yowls, and they also said, this is on...
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we cannot agree with the independence of chechnya, because it is our russian land, well, again, it is so strange, if this is your russian land, why do you want to destroy it all together with the population, it the same type of citizens of your russian federation, by the way, this is the same thing that we see now, when they do not react to strikes on military facilities located in the occupied... it's hysterical, when some strikes are carried out on the territory of belgorod oblast, other russian regions, and when they are in crimea or donbas, well, that's okay, i can already say that these are russian political technologists who worked for this tyrannical yanukovych, they divided ukraine to the state of three varieties, remember, the first grade is the east-south, the second grade is the center, the third grade is
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the west, and i see that this is the concept, it actually works in russia, in russia, in russia, they divide everyone into several grades, here is the first grade, the best, i would simply say, a sign of quality, that means, like muscovites, the first and a half, st. petersburgers, also residents of such, as it were, the second capital, this is putin’s homeland, it is generally something so happy. how lucky to be born in the same city as putin. the second type is residents of the russian population, that is, russians russian-populated regions of the russian federation in central russia. the third type is the inhabitants of siberia and the far east, ethnic russians. then we have the fourth grade, what they call natsmen. natsmen this means that the fourth class is the inhabitants of the republics of the russian federation. well
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, it's clear, they are the first to be mobilized, the first to be used as aromatic meat, we don't feel sorry for them, let them all die there, we will only be glad. next, the variety is the inhabitants of the so-called new russia, what is new russia? well, that means donetsk, luhansk, kherson, zaporizhzhia regions and crimea, the new russia, they, so the russian propagandists now say that there is, so this is the original russia, and there is... er, new, well, you can strike at the new one, please, there are no problems, here in this plan, well, it means that the fifth grade is also already there, and so on, and so on, there you can simply realize how they generally live in some distant middle ages, these people, it is very strange that they
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they are in it, but they think... that everyone else is, well, this is a huge problem that exists now in the perception of reality by these people, and we have to tell you that this is a real, obvious middle ages, the middle ages we are all witnesses of, and we are in this middle ages with you, because the russians want to drag us there, the international one. there is no right, there is no law, there is only what putin wants, and there is absolute indifference to human life, every foreign territory can be declared as its own, you can destroy this territory with absolute calmness.


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