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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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you see, well, yes, if they believe, then who can blame them for it? we will not change them, they continue to believe in this world that they have built in their heads, well, it will end, at least it is bad for them personally, because following this path, it is impossible to solve the problem, because the influence is actually the opposite , and when they tell me that beijing influences the führer, moscow... i just don't understand, well, it's obvious that they didn't teach history, the textbooks at school were smoked, the institutes skipped history lectures, or maybe the teachers there were those who did not convey what should have been conveyed, well, this is it again, these are not our problems, tell me, in principle, if we are talking about these diplomatic efforts that are currently being made by kyiv and moscow, kyiv regarding the peace summit in switzerland , moscow regarding the meeting of ministers. brics in moscow, there will be two
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polar documents that will propose an end to the war, how will it all end? well, brics is not today's thing, it was planned a year ago, since the sos summit will be held in parallel in a few weeks, that is, it is a matter of a geopolitical game moscow, again moscow, not china, by the way, this was discussed during the last meeting between putin and xi jinping. as far as it will be declared excluded things, in words yes, but if we talk about documents that can be accepted, then in principle, and what these documents can mean for both sides, let's ask the question like this, and at least if we talk about the civilized world, then he will understand that brics, shoos and so on, they are moving along the road from which you are. evil, and there it is obvious,
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it is clear that india is an extra participant in this circles, but due to the problems that exist in india, they will be there for some time, but it was already seen during the previous summit that without introducing a single currency for settlements, they stopped in their development. as for the summit in switzerland, no matter how beautiful the agreements...even the ultimatum documents were accepted there, neither the führer of moscow, nor the dictator of red china, nor the ayatollahs of iran, they will not accept, as you understand, it is subject to implementation, moreover , i expect them to laugh at certain provisions, over the participants of this form, over the number of these participants and so on, i would recommend, especially to the ukrainian side, that they... find
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people and participants and representatives from certain countries at this forum, who would, well, demonstrate a real position, which the world must now take in relation to both the führer and the entire axis of evil, and the essence of this position must be reflected in the unification of forces, the formation of a joint command, in the formation of a defense-industrial complex, common on... the principle of division of labor and certain functions and planning and strategy and tactics for defeating the führer, because in fact, if you look at the axis of evil, the hopes of iran and china, they are completely on the fairway dictated by moscow. thank you, mr. roman. roman bezsmertnyi , a ukrainian politician and diplomat, was in contact with us. and now let's talk about what is happening in...
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germany in europe serhiy sumleny, german political scientist, director of the initiative center european sustainability, mr. serhiy, it's nice to see you, good evening, thank you for inviting me, come on let's try to understand what are the ideas of the german political elite about what is happening in the russian-ukrainian war, but today there was a recent publication by spiegel about the fact that estonian deputies warned their german colleagues that if the aid to ukraine is insufficient and... russia will make a strategic breakthrough and the very existence of the ukrainian state will be called into question, then poland and the baltic countries will enter their troops on the territory of ukraine to prevent its complete disappearance from the political map of the world. i understand that this is exactly what the federal chancellor fears, that this war will become a nato war and turn into a third world war with all the consequences, but maybe then he should be more active? well, to put it briefly, the idea of ​​the german political elites regarding what is happening in russia. which war
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is very perishable, and in fact they are absolutely either unwilling or unable to see either the level of challenges or the level of responsibility for germany, that is. we see that germany has fully and finally switched to the format of preparation for the elections first in the european parliament, which will be held on june 9, and then the elections to the bundestag, which will be held in september next year, and in this pre-election debate, in principle , there is no place for ukraine at all, except, therefore, attempts to instrumentalize ukraine, and ... such as ukraine has one of the most inconvenient problems, namely, to push ukraine to any so-called peace with russia, and here is the problem, we see that chancellor scholz repeats at every meeting that
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meetings with voters, female voters, i i mean, emphasize that, then, you can't to give ukraine even small-scale weapons. nor allow ukraine to strike on the sovereign territory of russia. his supporters from the ruling bodies of the spd, the social democratic party, insist that only this way is the responsible path of an adult political elite to peace and stability, everything else will lead suddenly to a nuclear apocalypse, and even there, well, some absolutely shameful things in them , so they are falling out of the mouth, as we say, here is the general secretary of the spd, kevin künart, that is, in fact the head of the party, yesterday he was on the air of one of the biggest talk shows maishbeg's germany, and he was asked by the presenter, who is actually very pro-russian in her
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talk show formats, she asked him what the general line with the dpn is, is it to freeze the conflict or is it , to help... president putin, and kunart unexpectedly immediately answered her, yes, both, because there is no contradiction between these two goals, that is, even if it was his, let's say, mistake, he was there, i don't know, worried or something, he was tired, this basically corresponds to what the spd does, this in fact, helping putin means finding some way out of... after defeat, and the other political parties in the government coalition, that is, the greens and liberals, they are not ready to put scholz under enough pressure to win, in fact, everyone is now waiting for the first elections, in order to see
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what the result will be and to instrumentalize it further in the next elections, and until this happens, ukrainian, ukrainian, this dependence on western weapons on the german side. does not receive help, but if there is some common will of the allies, how will it act in in this situation, germany, who will have the last word in europe? look, first of all, if we take the formal aspect, then the commander-in-chief of the german army in peacetime is the minister of defense, that is, the chancellor has no relation to the bundeswehr at all, the mandate for the use of the bundeswehr by foreign forces... is not the federal chancellor, but the commander-in-chief is the minister of defense pistorius , who is quite a hawk, although of course he is such a social-democratic hawk, that is, you know, we thank god for what we have, he is such a social-democrat we have a hawk, so scholz is useless here,
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but in fact, in fact, that is, despite the fact that in germany formal things have their influence, in fact scholz... usurped power in these cases and using the text of the basic law of the constitution, which means says that the chancellor provides a general framework for the government's policy, but he interprets it in such a way that he must control everything that concerns important moments, the war between ukraine and russia is an important moment, so if he manages everything there, that is, in fact, of course, the bundeswehr neither at the... material and technical level, and even less at the personnel level, in this war, if the consent of scholz is needed, it is needed, will not participate, but what you mentioned, whether poland and the baltic countries can push, this is a really good moment
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because we know that the only thing that works on scholz is unlimited, massive pressure, it worked with leopards, it worked with artillery, but now it doesn't work because... pressure is not enough, because the government parties refused to pressure, so if now, let's say, poland, latvia, lithuania, estonia will send at least a battalion of their armed forces into ukraine, then scholz will be forced to act, and germany will choose in his person, will choose the path that germany under scholz has chosen for many years, that is, not to be a leading country, but to move in the general fairway one or two steps beyond the leaders. tell me what happened to the alternative for germany, that even marine le pen decided to get rid of it? well, you know, it's like in the old joke that if someone survived there,
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then from the gestapo for cruelty, that's the same this is exactly what happened here, but marie le pen, she, marine le pen, she, in principle, spent quite a lot of time demonstrating her, her skepticism about the alternative for germany, despite all lipen's connections with moscow, despite the loan from a russian bank, and so on, because well , the alternative for germany is... on, let’s say, french, on french scales, it is too, too right-wing and neo-nazi, even in certain circles, that is, there are leaders who can officially be called neo-nazis by decision court, there are people who are in the internal in the adn chats, let's say, they directly said that they want a civil war in germany, they want to see piles of corpses on the streets there, they want... there to do their physiological needs on these corpses and so on and so
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forth, but od constantly gets into scandals , and the latest scandals are scandals of an espionage nature, which means receiving money, allegedly from the russian embassy, ​​and espionage, collaborators of the adn faction on china, again, le pen also had her connections with moscow, but here... such density scandals, it obviously has its consequences, but not for adn is a problem, i.e. it is not a problem for the adn , the adn is currently the second most popular party in germany, the first is the christian democratic union, the second adn, in certain regions of germany it is the first most popular party, i.e. we are talking primarily about the eastern regions, thuringia, saxony, saxony, angelt and the problem is that we have... in september, on september 1 , elections in several regions of germany. germany is a federal country, that is
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, the regions elect their own parliaments, the parliaments appoint the prime minister or prime minister, and these regions, they have a substantial influence on the state policy of germany, including foreign policy, although according to the constitution they do not have such competence, but due to such a balance and balance of interests, they actually have this influence. and here we have... a good risk that in thuringia we will have a prime minister, or the head of the shadow government, and a person who controls 40% of, let's say, the parliament there, a person whom the court allowed to be called a neo-nazi, and who openly uses slogans, say national, real nazi times of hitler, which means organizations, and who made it his own. political creed, that is, it is not something that he is inclined to, and here, but this
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is not his focus, no, this is his focus, he consciously does it, and this is the problem, because if the adn will not even form governments in turing or in sexsoni, english or wherever, she can easily block the political process there, and most importantly, if you have 38% or 35% of voters, women voters vote for adn, adn turns into the largest party in the region, but... forced to go to the opposition, because absolutely everyone, from the communists to the christian democrats, that is, the conservatives, do not want to bring them to power, then the voters want to see themselves deceived, they see that their political will is not fulfilled, and this radicalizes them even more. you are not at all scared by this meeting of the leaders of the right-wing parties, which took place in the far-right parties, let's be precise, which took place in... during a special event of the vox ultra-right spanish party, where everyone was either with their own participation or in
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video mode, but there were representatives those of the far-right forces, which as a rule absolutely cannot find a common language among themselves, at one and the same meeting of marine le pen and george melena, there is no danger of such a union of the far-right, fock calls it an international, and the question arises, what will happen to ... of ukraine, because i read in the madrid edition of el pais that polish former prime minister matisz morawiecki, who represented the law and justice party at this meeting, actually... no one was interested in his slogans of support for ukraine, despite that, there are pro-moscow people, not pro-moscow people, they are just not very interested in it, and no, i am, well, that is, how, well, of course, it causes a certain uh, some kind of concern, but to me, i would be afraid of completely different things, me it scares me that we will have chancellor scholz
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for another year and a half, at least, but it scares me about such things, it scares me that president biden... has a person who actually determines american policy towards the russian-ukrainian war, like jake salevan , such things scare me, it scares me that china can start an operation there against taiwan, and the situation will completely get out of control, because all the right-wing radicals at this meeting, well, it is obvious that there are a lot of pro-russian characters, but there is nothing new in this, it is such a moment and... with the kishenkovs, that means, right and left the ussr still had it for years and decades, that is , we can still see it there since the 1960s and 70s, and the support of all these circles there, that is, from there, from the palestinian liberation army to there,
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the irish army, and in germany, too, and... this is a problem that has its impact only if we don't have an answer to the main challenge, and the main challenge is moscow's aggressive policy, but conditionally speaking, if in may 22nd of the year ukraine was handed over all the weapons that ukraine would need and russia would receive a decisive defeat sometime before october, and not a half-defeat, there in kharkiv, in chernihiv, partly, then in november. in kherson, then the situation would be completely different, and russia would not have the strength to mobilize all its agents and supporters, and to mobilize its support in iran, china, north korea, and so on, and you to rebuild a new war economy, and then
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start this operation of sabotage in countries, that is , to blow up warehouses there, there in ours, well, look, if we have in germany from... it is regularly from the action of sabotage, which obviously can be connected as - less with moscow, well , last week they accidentally found explosives and a detonator near an oil pipeline, that is, near heidelberg, there is a huge nato base, there was something there, some explosives with detonators were there, so this happens regularly, that is, if we do not gave moscow the opportunity to put pressure on us from everyone sides to provoke. estonia, by the fact that they are removing these border markings there, means provoking sweden, by the fact that they published some for, means, their demand to change the fairway in the baltic sea, then they withdrew it, then there was nothing in it, all these legal radical parties, they have their influence only to the extent that we
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allow them to use our problems, economically, economically and otherwise. character, b, as far as they have this connection, as antaeus had a connection, that is, with gaia, with the earth, that is, as far as they have communication with moscow. if these two factors are not present, then their influence is absent. adn would never have its 30 or so percent if the chancellor of germany demonstrated that germany can be a leader in the world, in europe, like a sword and defeat a totalitarian regime. if germany were such a leader that poland, the czech republic , etc. would follow, then all those who want a great germany there, which they respect, which means they can demonstrate leadership, did not vote for adn, but for sdpn so, now scholz is trying to capture the votes of the adn, by what he bends even more to moscow, thinking that in this way he can capture
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the votes of the adn, this is a completely false and unpromising, unpromising strategy. but you are not afraid that the right-wing faction in the new european parliament will be so serious that they will change the very face of europe in this situation? well, fortunately, the european parliament is a very neutered body, it does not have a legislative initiative, of course it has its powers, there is, say, a vote for the candidacy of the head of the european commission, there is the confirmation of commissioners, but even all of them, the parliament itself does not... no, it does not propose, that is, what you say, of course, this is an objective process, and it is not safe, indeed, the voices of radical parties are increasing in the world. and in europe exactly, but again, what makes them stronger, people don't, can find why they can
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trust the traditional parties, the democratic parties, if you want, let's say, i can speak for germany, in germany, the social contract between the state is clearly broken and the population, meaning, of course, that the state is an instrument of the population. that is, the format of the existence of the german state, which was formed precisely by the population after 75 years of the german democratic state, and now on may 23 we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the german basic law, it is violated, because the social contract was that we pay a lot of taxes, we delegate many of our rights in germany to the state. well, for example, from the fact that a person cannot change his name freely, because the state does not allow you to manage this process, it ends with the fact that there in you can't work on sunday, or there are other
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points, that is, taxes are high, there is no such liberalism in the lasifer format, it is also not there, but a very safe life, a very large social insurance, and the state is so worried. you're treated like you'll never end up in poverty and nothing will ever happen to you, but now it turns out that it's not working, that poverty is actually increasing, the danger is increasing with the level of hard drug use there, and you see it on the streets of berlin , when people, if it not san francisco yet, but it's moving in that direction, so shootings and knives are becoming... daily, and of course the yellow media over there is blowing it up, of course it's so little, you know, it's hard to compare the level of danger in berlin with the level of danger in kharkiv, let's say so, but all the same, people
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feel it, and they don't feel that state institutions are working, that is, of course, it sounds funny, but when a person cannot in a reasonable time get the opportunity to issue a new one there, let's say a passport , or register. at the address of residence, if this person does not have much of a strategic vision there, there are no moral restrictions on voting against the adn, then he votes for the adn simply so that everyone up there can see that he is dissatisfied, that is, it is such a big fool, it means that they are showing these elites, well, this is how trump was in his time and so on, and this is the problem that the radicals, they really address... her speeches to real problems, and despite the fact that, of course, their recipes , they'll never work, but whatever people see only after they
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vote for radicals. thank you, mr. serhii, serhii sumlennyi, a german political scientist was in touch with us, and now to the republic of lithuania, the second round of the lithuanian presidential election has just ended, gitanas nauseda, the current president, and prime minister ingrid šemonite, were fighting for the position of president. in the second round, viktor chernyshuk, lithuanian journalist, head of the public organization ukrainian house in lithuania, is in touch with us. congratulations mr. viktor. congratulations. well, that means 49% of lithuanian citizens, registered voters voted in this second round. there are no results yet, i think they will be soon. how do you generally perceive this? no, there are already results. president gitanas neuseda received 83% of the votes, 14%. received ingrida chuvanite from about 867 ballots, one can say so from 1895 polling stations, well, in
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principle, the trend is already clear, we can say, mr. viktor, that hytenos neosed was re-elected for a second term, taking into account this ratio, right? i wouldn't be in such a hurry, because you know lithuania very well, and now, well, you can say that... still small towns and villages have been counted, and big cities and medium-sized cities, there are not even any data yet, well, i understand, but if you take into account the trend, i don’t mind, yes, to some extent , but this trend was also in the first round, during the first round, i don't think there will be any such intrigue or any, i don't know, surprise. everything was as planned, they predicted that after all nauseda would be president for a second term, there was
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another intrigue. it's all about the fact that he accumulates strength, which, to a certain extent, reflect somewhere, well, i don't know, half a million inhabitants of lithuania, and for lithuania - this is a lot, who look not to the west, to the east, that is, they are sympathizers of russia, clearly such, it was the first time in lithuania that there were candidates who... were openly for russia, yes, but these candidates, as far as i understand, they will not be, they are not, the supporters of these candidates are unlikely to have their candidate in the second round, however, that's what the problem is , they said that their candidate is then, well, that is, so as not to vote for shomonite as for a representative of conservatives, yes, yes, they will not vote for it, this is a fact, and
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therefore... it is important that he has such a part of the electorate, but for president zelensky, we remember that in the 19th year , he could also obviously count on that part of the electorate that voted for pro-russian candidates, but his position was also very different from the position of the same yuri boyk, even the pre-election position, as we can see from the last statements to the seat. understood that, after all, this part of the electorate is very important for him, as he said, that it is necessary to to talk to them, and this was a compliment in that direction, and i think that it is not only vaitka who is such a zhimaitais, he is a more disguised person in his views, but it only looks, and i honestly do not understand if you think so about it
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you say as if this is a new phenomenon, it has never happened before, and again, well, i apologize, but viktor uspassky's labor party has always been a party that was one way or another connected to russian narratives, the president of lithuania , rolanda spaksa, lost his office, he impeachment was announced, due to the fact that v he had contacts with a dubious russian businessman, after which he resumed his political career and even became a member of the european parliament, not in the communist party of lithuania. which later became the labor party, all the time they found some people who were one way or another connected to moscow, if i look at the 30 years of lithuania's restored independence, i see it all the time from the first to the last day, that something new happened, a lot people, i think, such frank, no-no, vitaliy, such frank supporters after all, we did not have putin, there was no war, because the situation itself has changed completely, you
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know, you understand that... lithuania is now one of the leaders, one might say, of the european union and nato, which is constantly pushing to support ukraine, the european union in one way, and nato in another, but those people are not, and we have never had such a thing before. well, look, after all, candidate vaitkos got votes in the first round. first of all, in, let's say, in the russian-speaking environment, where specialists worked at the nuclear power plant, it was always a city with even not with the russian-speaking, it is incorrect, the definition with the russian population, with people who moved to lithuania already after 1940, you do not have such a large population, it is also the border with belarus, where the polish
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population lives. it is called by some the polish-speaking belarusian population, it is such a complex, i would say ethnic history, but it is an opportunity to play on the sentiments of national minorities or, on the contrary, on the sentiments of people who watch russian television until now, well , russian sources of information, it is not such a serious split precisely in the traditional one to the electoral audience of lithuania, well, there is a split, you know, what is the point that... to visagines and shalchenenko, which you just mentioned, was added, this region is very large, it is called, it is the whole of western lithuania, it is western lithuania, and they voted for people who are exactly against, oppose aid to ukraine and are more or less pro-russian.


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