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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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greetings, time of news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. volodymyr zelenskyi will visit belgium on an official visit. the president plans to sign a security agreement, local media reported. the head of state will also meet with king philip i, prime minister and minister of defense of belgium. they will discuss military support for ukraine. the enemy attacked the kholodnohirsky district of kharkiv. a 47-year-old woman died, another 12
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people were injured. the occupiers hit two industrial enterprises with aerial bombs. about this the national police said. currently, the victims are in the hospital. two controlled aerial bombs. the previous one is umpb d-30 air bombs. today they, the russians fired at industrial facilities with them. two enterprises turned out to be pipers, one is engaged in the production of sweets, the other is an enterprise for the production of agricultural machinery. there was no military facility, no military personnel at these enterprises, this is another war crime. the police have already identified 14 people killed in an enemy attack on a hypermarket in kharkiv. persons of two the men were identified immediately after the shooting, another twelve with the help of a dna test.
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unfortunately, the three bodies have not yet been identified, the national police informed about this. four people are still considered missing. let me remind you that on may 25, the occupiers targeted the construction hypermarket of the city with two aerial bombs. as a result of the attack, according to the information of the regional military administration , 18 people were killed and 48 others were injured. they will be frightened by the discovery. on the second front, russia will launch an information campaign about an alleged new attack on ukraine and by belarus, this is reported by the center for combating disinformation. according to their forecasts, in the next few weeks, refia's leadership will make a number of provocative statements with threats. in this way, the enemies will try to exert psychological pressure on ukrainians and cause mass panic in society. the
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invasion film operation danube will hit the big screens on may 30. the film directed by petr nikolaev in the political thriller genre was created in cooperation with three countries: ukraine, lithuania and the czech republic. the film tells about the events of 1968 in czechoslovakia, which was invaded soviet tanks to suppress national liberation. moods the film was produced with the support of the state film agency of ukraine and the czech film center. the most interesting thing was to play gensech brezhnev in such a way that it was not, was not a joke, because we are used to treating him anecdotally, here things are not, no hee-hee-ha-ha, he... he is talking to the czechs there, he says we
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are you we will not let such people go, it is difficult for ukrainians, of course, it was probably important to watch this film before, but now it is not too late, because history repeats itself all the time, if we forget the same moments, then this story can happen again, and that is very important, at least for now. the legendary voice of ukraine across the ocean. a charity gala concert in memory of kvitka tsysyk was held in lviv. 80% of the tickets went to doctors free of charge. so the organizers decided to thank the medics who saved more than one life of our soldiers. sofia fedyna, nazar sovko, bohdan stelmakh, ores tsymbala, vocal-instrumental ensemble vatra and other lviv performers performed on the stage of maria zankovetska theater. part of the proceeds from ticket sales the organizers will go towards... the purchase
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of a mobile mammograph at the lviv oncology regional treatment and diagnostic center, you know, kvitky is our legendary singer... of ukrainian origin, i think she deserves a hero of ukraine, she has done so much for the ukrainian song, she raised it to heaven, and the condition for all participants was one more song that must be from the repertoire of vvitka tsysyk. we will end the concert with these two beautiful songwriters and chervonut, and i thank god that i am involved in this and will be able to fulfill them. 28-year-old roman romanchuk from poltava won the teacher of the year competition at the all-ukrainian competition. he has been teaching geography for five years and is constantly looking for ways to interest students. he prepared for the competition throughout the school year. our journalist anna morozova asked about the secret of success.
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that is, which areas are we circling? lutsk. this region of luts is our volyn region, rivne-rivnenskaya and uzhhorod-zakar. roman romanchuk, from poltava, conducts the final geography lessons this school year, he recently returned with a victory in the teacher competition of the year in the geography nomination. congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, according to the results, among the best 11 geography teachers, roman scored the highest number of points. these tests are aimed at testing you, how you project research and search activities into yours. see how you can develop tasks for practical work using internet resources, check your pedagogical competence, your pedagogical skill, how you conduct a lesson. the final took place in ternopil. poltavets drew lots with the topic geographic shell, after preparation,
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development, research and presentation of a lesson for the sixth grade. honored teachers and scientists of ukraine highly appreciated the geographer's abilities and awarded him the victory. i used all the assets that i... had during all this time of working at this institution, which is more than five years, that is, at the competition i used everything that i really use with my students. the 28-year-old geographer admits that his secret of success is his sincere love for children and his profession. what do you think, why in the donetsk and luhansk regions as of the 15th year provided, yes? hostilities began, the territory was largely occupied. roman stanislavovych's students respect and love their teacher for his openness and sophistication. in my opinion, he is very polite, understanding, he can explain the topic if you did not understand.
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even if you don't understand three times, he will still explain, tell you, and you can talk to him about everything, because he is a modern teacher. geographer. an adept of modern developments that allow not just to tell a given topic, but to involve in practical work, there are various technologies in the competition demonstrated such a technology of pixel art, when you create a picture from pixels and when students answer questions, a certain sector of these pixels is revealed, and then, when they have given a complex answer to all the questions, a whole picture is formed. schoolchildren also respond to such forms of work. i like to draw tables, they have a lot of statistical information, which you can remember well thanks to the fact that you write them in a notebook, it later helps in other lessons. the most interesting lessons were the ones i liked the most remembered, it is in the zum, when we were still in
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the eighth grade, we were told a lot of interesting information, and i was interested in listening to roman stanislavovych, for example, topics about animals, about financial resources. courses , according to roman, are not going to stop unachieved, the next pedagogical competition is planned. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov from poltava for espresso tv channel. we have another joint victory, together with our viewers we closed the preliminary collection of uah 300,000 for an suv for reconnaissance subdivisions thank you for your strong support. well, it's time for a new collection of the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation. they are asking to donate drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are the eyes in the sky that keep an eye on security and provide the ability to confidently move forward during
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both assault and reconnaissance, and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. each of your donations - an important contribution to the support of defenders on the front line. in general in general, the goal is uah 2.5 million. we invest in our victory. i wish you health. we, soldiers of the 100th brigade art intelligence. please you to join our gathering for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, to learn more interesting and relevant information, follow updates on our website, and also in our social networks, we will see you in less than an hour, my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air, don't switch.
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estoy muy bien
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also, congratulations to everyone who watches the espresso tv channel, thank you for joining our telethon, together with you today we will follow the events of the country and the world, and of course, at the front and near-front territories, now we let's start with our traditional roll call, the 825th day of heroic resistance continues for the ukrainian, ukraine, ukrainian state, which is fighting for independence in our time, so what, gentlemen, no i know if our first guest is already with us, please tell me, he is, roman vlasenko, the head of the north-donetsk district military administration, mr. roman. i greet you, good morning, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. roman, i do not know, with the past
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holiday, whether it would be appropriate to congratulate the people of north denmark, may 26, and the day of the city, yes , this sunday was the day of the city, i do not know , what mood do you have after this sunday, how was this day celebrated in general, well, really, it is not so much a holiday as it is defined... on the date in severodonetsk 90 years since its foundation jubilee, the military administration held certain events, they were mostly in a limited form, they congratulated the military, distributed souvenirs in the form of fpv for the units of the north donetsk brigade and the luhansk terror defense forces, the activists noted. volunteers, employees of the communal infrastructure of severodonetsk, it was a small
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cultural event with children, pupils, educational and cultural institutions of the svirodonetsk community, so we can say that certain such activities were carried out, but it was not a holiday in the classic form. and what about that sometimes in the occupied city, were there any events there too? well, according to my information, too. there were no large-scale festivities there, there was a certain program for children, and what they were very proud of there was that in the tents where they distributed humanitarian aid and fed the people of north don, there was a sweet table on the occasion of the holiday , and they gave sweets after tea, and so in the principle of any activities and large-scale celebrations is not fixed, uh, that is, in 10 years it will be... 100 years already severodonetsk, what do you think, where will severodonetsk be and how will it be
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to look in 10 years, well, all our hopes and hopes for the strength of the defense of ukraine, the world community that supports ukraine, and we really hope that in 95 and 100 years we will determine in severodonetsk under ukrainian law, what is the news now? of severodonetsk itself, and how, how the city is currently living under occupation, well , there is no news from what can be said, this is the first , after all, everything is burning in... kokol severodonetsk, the fires continue, they are very large-scale, in principle, on the territory of the entire luhansk region , burning not only around severrodinsky, burning around kryminoi, burning in troitsky, burning in stanytsia, in navaydar, the occupation administration was even forced to introduce a state of emergency, because in some cases fires
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spread even to populated areas, houses are burning, cars are burning. in this sense, the konsai region is not visible from these fires, and the weather is just right for the fact that these fires will continue, the power of the occupation administration is not enough, that north donets, then again, two main problems, this is the shortage of personnel and the lack of of normal work for local borders'. residents , problems with medicine, problems with the internet, all this remains relevant, and if we take the svirodonetsk district as a whole, then the events surrounding the nationalization, let’s say so, of property, real estate, local residents who cannot record their presence today there in lysichansk continue in
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the border region, their property is taken away, from the news about... movement, there are new regulations of the occupation administration regarding leaving the occupied territories, now the pressure on local residents is increasing and they are implementing various restrictions on returning to the occupied, temporarily occupied territories, and in many cases, a whole such information campaign is taking place, regarding the fact that the local oppressors, if they are now you'. on territories under the control of the governments of ukraine, they will not be allowed back, and there have already been such cases. i saw a video of what it looks like now, probably not the entire kremin forest, but somewhere some area where there were active hostilities, and this, and it’s simply terrifying, that is, it’s not even the results of fires,
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the results, as i understand it, of endless artillery duels and... and shelling and war, in fact, it shows how intense this war is, and cruel, extremely, as it is now under flint, what, what is the situation there, maybe you know, well, if in principle in three directions distribute, then kremin is now less active than belogorivka and the kupyan direction, namely grekivka and nevske, active combatants. the actions of bilaghorivka are active combat operations, in the kreminsk direction, in the lymansk direction the situation is more or less under control, they are trying to press in the terni district, but our guys are holding there confidently defense, the forest is being destroyed, the ecology is being destroyed, the damages are insane, and additionally there are
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also fires, and this is probably the only case in the luhansk region today. where fires are precisely the cause of these fires, active hostilities, in other cases it is still simply a human factor. well, thank you very much, mr. roman, roman vlasenko, he was with us, the head of the severodonetsk district military administration, in fact, we congratulate all the people of severodonetsk on that holiday, a little sad and not even a little, but maybe a sad holiday, but we wish, i mean the day of the city 90... years old, i will remind you that severodonetsk turned this sunday, we really hope that i don't know, maybe not in 10 years, as soon as possible the city will return to the control of the ukrainian state and the people who were forced to temporarily emigrate from their city will be able to return home. well, in the meantime, we will go
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on a short break and then visit odessa, find out what has happened there in the past day. with faith in the future, persistently, every day we make efforts to win and realize our dreams, overcome difficulties and obstacles to forge your victory. this is exactly what the films of the rivne international film festival city of dreams are about from june 5 to 8 in rivne, chamber and organ music hall. come and see. plantain bam and oskad are available in pharmacies.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are in somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we will tell you the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events a day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. an unusual look at the news.
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, even better we will have a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some on the border of kyiv. and beyond, what the world dreams of, well, norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. your place is waiting for you. the light stays on, for dinner, what you love, a warm
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bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you. you are always in front of my eyes, behind they cry for you, they pray for you, we didn't give up, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how difficult victory is, and we... will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home,
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when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. well, well, we're going back and... we'll be in touch now, odessa will be in touch with us, we'll talk about what happened there during the day, here, we'll keep an eye on it, we'll find out what news there is in odessa, also later let's visit kharkiv, of course, yes, and we already have odessa in contact with us by us, now i will tell you who mrs. valentina schultz, mrs. valentina, i congratulate you, congratulations, congratulations, good morning. good morning, deputy of the odesa district council, we are joined by a volunteer, mrs. valentina, what news from odesa, i know that it seemed like the day was calm,
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there were no shellings, so indeed, in odesa there is light, there is sun, and an air alarm today it wasn't, so the people of odessa had the opportunity to get some sleep and go about their business with a smile today, so today. thank god, calm down, that's great news, that's great to hear, have a good day, good night, we hope that the day will be like this and today will be calm, in the meantime, what, what other interesting news, at least you had, please tell me, share, well, interesting news, i don’t, well, how much interesting, odesa, as always, unfortunately... became famous for its military commissars, and so yesterday the state bureau of investigation reported that they detained
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one of the employees... of the regional territorial recruitment center, who had been working since july 2023, for changing the information of men , and at the expense of what with the dbr, as far as i can tell, got rich, got richer by more than a million dollars, and now the investigation is ongoing, and my husband. has been declared a suspect and investigations are currently ongoing. 138 men, so far, according to the sbi, have gone through this procedure, paying this military commission from 4.5 to 700 dollars. of course, it's a good way to become a dollar millionaire nowadays, but i wonder what happens to those people who
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paid for it. they will somehow find them now, or they have been abroad for a long time, we don't know, well, i think that's what we're talking about we will find out, because it is still an electronic system, i think that now the investigators will start to upload the data of these persons, and i think that they will have to go through the vlk again, these are those who remained in the country, but what will be the next procedure for those , who went abroad, i'm honest... i'm not a lawyer, i don't know, but i think that the authorities will still find a legal way to bring these men back to the country. another resonant story was also related to tsk, it already has its own, its own kind of ending, which is related to the editor of the economic department of ukrainian pravda, a well-known ukrainian publication founded by
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heorhiy gongadze. dmytro denkov, i know dmytro in kyiv, i met him more than once at various events, and we were neighbors, once, when i worked in public, somewhere on the neighboring floors were our editorial offices, and dmytro went to his parents, like us found out, and his parents are in odesa oblast, somewhere in odesa, in some village, and somehow it happened that he had to... cross the border zone on the way to his parents, i don't really know what it looks like, i i understand that he was not traveling through moldova, nevertheless somehow he had some contact with the border guards, which, if you believe the editors themselves, sevgil musaeva wrote about it, this is the editor-in-chief, he was immediately stopped, his phone was taken away, and there was no contact with him at all for a day, here, and then
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... they accused him of not updating his data in the tcc, it turned out that he had updated his data in the tcc, and that was not true, well, but the fact that in the end, in the end, dmitry decided to join the armed forces of ukraine, and it turned out that he was just about to mobilize himself and even knew the military unit, where it would go, but there was, so to speak, an unpleasant aftertaste or aftertaste, after this whole story, because ms. musaeva, the editor-in-chief of ukrainian pravda, writes. about what i will tell you now, what about the fact that, in fact, the way he was detained, the way he was detained, that they took away all the means to call someone, she writes that he simply did not get in touch since sunday evening, it became a great stress for parents who were waiting for their son, wife and colleagues, imagine that the editor does not get in
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touch for several hours. without warning, especially since with the ukrainian truth, we remember its history, heorhiy angadze was also kidnapped , his head was cut off, we remember this whole story, and we could not find out, and she writes like this, it should not happen , this is a shameful, i am quoting sevgil now, an absolutely shameful practice that must stop immediately, which hurts people even more and destroys trust and respect for the tcc and the state, in general, such cases definitely do not play. do not help motivate people, well, that's the story in a word, did it have a serious resonance in odesa? yes, indeed, this story, as you said, a person crossed the border, we have such a transit zone in the odesa region, and to get there now, well, because of shelling, because some roads are dangerous now for movement, and to get to. ..


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