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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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the high-voltage cable was half a city without electricity again, well, we have news like this, let's say so, there is nothing funny yet, but how do people react to this news, they make decisions to evacuate, leave, panic, fright, questions, of course, they ask i, almost everyone, will have an attack, there will be no attack, what to do, the suitcases will be packed or not , i say... girls, i say, everyone should have suitcases, for girls, i say, i emphasize, for girls, suitcases are possible , must be collected, but the boys, they must know where should they turn for places to hand out weapons, it ’s all simple, it’s all about panicky moods, not panicky, well, in short, there are traffic jams in the city, uh, for the city of sumy, it’s, let’s put it this way, it’s not the city of kyiv, it’s not lviv , this is not a large metropolis, but an ordinary one. a regional place,
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therefore, if there are traffic jams, i understand for myself that this is the case, there is no panic, people are working on the ground, mr. volodymyr, now the state criminal investigation department has opened a criminal case, they are investigating whether the kharkiv region, which president zelensky previously called, was ready as an example of preparation for a possible offensive, and then it turned out that they were still not fully prepared there, or i don't know, well, at least the russians managed to advance quickly at once, but what about sumshchina, are you able to? it is necessary to carry out some investigations now before everything is fine, well, as far as i know, the control over the construction of the fortification is carried out by the security service, the ministry of defense, and the regional military administration, there is control, let's say, enough control it is enough and construction is being carried out, well, in such gigantic steps in my opinion, and and in time it really considers the scale.
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volodymyr artyukh, the head of the sumy regional military administration, addressed the residents of the region, after they had a big meeting with the kyiv leadership, what did mr. volodymyr artyukh say, and what can you say, did he reassure the residents? well, i believe that he is providing such information at the moment, and the spokesman of the state border service, mr. demchenko... precisely announced that there are no groups of offensive groups as of today, the defense council was on that last week, such a conclusion was drawn before this, so i think that we take it as an axiom for the time being, well, i say for today, but we will see what the situation will be tomorrow, our situation is dynamic as 100%, look at us it turns out to be a row of sujja, it is in orkostan, it is a boarding station, there , of course, in the direction. bryansk, tula, it all
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goes from there, let's say, weapons and manpower to this station, then it is already distributed in directions, in different directions, so it can be like a service reconnaissance is looking there, there is a cluster there at the moment, then for a day or two they are no longer there, because they have dispersed, well , as for the length, as i remind you once again, 560 km is just rubbish, so for now i confirm the conclusion of the defense council the sumy regional military administration, there are no strike groups, we roughly understood what the russians’ goal might be when they invaded the kharkiv region, but again, and there it is kharkiv, these are the directions and, for example, others, and with regard to the sumy sumy oblast, which here can be the target of the russians if they plan go over borders, well, also nightmares, also
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to pull forces and means away from their main direction, this is of course donetsk, well, this is pi, this is the side where the donetsk chasavyar is, these are the directions, the limansky direction, so i believe that their main goal is disperse our forces, distract, make the maximum, well, alarming fire, they did as they did, they do it that way, and similarly, the actions of the drg are also one of the means for... realizing their goal, from diverting forces and means from the main direction of their attack . life on sumy, how does buden look like? well, for example, look, that week, at my invitation, we organized a charity auction, guests came from the city of kyiv, as well as the star konstantin hrubych and the singer pianoboy, cultural events are held there, artistic events are held.
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performances, concerts are held, if there was a war, of course, it is very unfortunate, but cultural cultural events continue, because, well, life goes on, no matter what. well, mr. volodymyr, as with electricity now, there will still be questions as to how much electricity there is, well there are real blackouts, but i’m very glad that they exist, there are schedules, but they are not always fulfilled from the point of view that when there is a schedule, but there are no blackouts, that’s why, well, everyone is ready for these real blackouts, but there are that's right. the city council decided that it would be better to have light in homes and villages than by trolleybuses. at the moment , trolleybuses run in limited quantities and on
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batteries without, well, you understood, not using the trolleybus line, so such also by means of electricity remains in the residences of sumy residents. thank you. mr. volodymyr, thank you for the conversation, volodymyr bitsak, the deputy chairman of the sumy district council, was with us, we talked about what sumy region is currently experiencing, er, where the russians are also threatening to invade. in the meantime, dear friends, i want to give you a little report on how our congregation is moving, and it is somehow moving a little slowly, so let's remind you what kind of congregation this is, if anyone has not yet memorized those words of mine, if not someone did not memorize. everyone requisites collection of 4 million uah, that's how much we want to collect for atvs, these atvs are needed by our army from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, what are they needed for? and here is the actual answer to you on the screens, they are needed in order to evacuate wounded soldiers from the battlefield and
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thus save their limbs, thus save their lives. and the quad bike can perform another mission, it can deliver ammunition to the front line itself, so this... the amount is necessary, we need it for that, it is necessary to collect it as soon as possible in order to we could hand it over so that the fighters already had these atvs, could use them and could protect their lives. i am asking you very much, help me as much as you can, you have seen on your screens two qr codes of monobank, there was also a private bank, and there are card numbers as well, here we are again, we will show them to you. qr code of privatbank, it is scanned if you have it. privat-24 application, there is a scanner function, the qr code of monobank, which is on top, it is scanned more easily, simply with the help of the phone camera, and during our broadcast this the qr code will be in the corner and the card number is also indicated here, so far there are eight of us,
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no more, we have already collected 9 00 this morning, i hope that you will donate a little more, and the collection will be a little more, because i see that it goes on a bit... but the military doesn’t have time, time, every life and every second is important, and actually quad bikes can save these lives, so we have further, we have a long way, friends, we are going to pause, let's come back, serhii zurets will be with us next, let's talk about this flight to luhansk, the locals say, to me our viewer from the calf wrote, which is waiting. upon the arrival of the ukrainian army , a person cannot leave there, but he cheers for ukraine, says that it should be very, very loud and he is even very happy about it, they showed footage, talked about it with petro andrushchenko, while you were talking to the poles, and mr. petrok said
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that it most likely flew to some aviation academy there, something there for cadets, in short russian, uh, for russian pilots or someone there. well, i don't know if there are such pilots, maybe there was something else there, maybe helicopters, something else combat, well in short, it flew in, they don't report any casualties, or where it fell, or what was on fire, so what, but somewhere on the outskirts and at locations they show that this is exactly it, this was definitely a target, so on a military object, dear friends , now we go on a break, come back and continue. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. find out how to prevent the enemy from discording us in the special topic on demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov. corruption in landfills. large-scale investigation of crimes against
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ecology and citizens. interesting stories and quality analytics. with the country. in the center of the main events. buy at press outlets. probitargin. i remember, the morning will be without a hangover, camera, your country from... is located in the area where during the great patriotic war the leg of a soviet soldier stood, and we will not leave this area to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera . hyalera - victory over... above the heartburn there are discounts presented by koko may discounts on eden 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. with
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faith in the future, persevering, every day. we make efforts to win and realize your dream, overcome difficulties and obstacles to forge your victory. this is exactly what the films of the rivne international film festival, city of dreams, are about from june 5 to 8 in rivne, chamber room. and organ music, come and watch, ukrainian and foreign feature films and documentaries, there are discounts, we present coco discounts of 20% for 100% in the pharmacies of psyllium, bam and oskad. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, gave a lift to the bc, gave a lift to the boys. atv is the way from zero to our life at this stage of the war,
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an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv. hello, how are you there? it's normal, slowly. so we got a total of nine new tanks. guess? now turn on the video from... zok, i 'll give you a tour, but come, we 'll stay here for another two weeks, i'll take you for a ride, and not only on a tank, right here near the station in grozhovka, i'll tell you that you're visiting a student, you'll be let through , well yes, student, that's my call sign, right here near the sun in the grozivka, i'll tell you that you will be admitted to the student, yes, nine there, yes, nine there. student, today you do not
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observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy hears, be careful. well, dear friends, we are coming back, thank you, our collection has moved a little and already 14 thousand, i will tell you, during this morning we collected with you, and those who did not have time to scan the qr code or write down the card number, will be able to do so while we are talk with our serhiy zgurets, military expert, director of the information and consulting company defense express, talk about what is happening on the front, what is happening around our war, mr. serhiy, not ours. of russia against ukraine. mr. sergey, good morning to you. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our
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viewers. actually, i wanted to ask you about luhansk, because even ukrainians who remained in the occupied territory, but cheer for ukraine, happily write me messages about what was loud and what they hope that a lot, quote katsapni destroyed everything that could fly there. and what kind of object could it be and was there really a lot of that katsapna? well , let's wait for confirmation, in any case, we know in advance that an attack was made on luhansk, there is a high probability that atakams missiles were used, and the object is the luhansk military school there, where in particular there could be either personnel, or the storage of military equipment, i think that soon enough we... have satellite data, we will be able to draw more detailed conclusions, but we understand that now throughout the occupied
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territory, ukraine has intensified its work with the transfer of rockets, because the enemy's goals have been known for a long time, but the limited means of impression did not allow us to translate this data into practical work, now we see that these actions on the ukrainian side have intensified, what will actually affect the ability... to provide the enemy with offensive actions? and the syrian commander-in-chief, the general, said that france seems to be already sending. instructors to ukraine, here, however, are the defense ministers of both countries and ukraine and france at the moment so they disproved this, this statement, they said that it seems that negotiations are still underway, nevertheless, this is the story, how many of those instructors there can be, what they will
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do, how much it will help us and where they will be at the front on the very directly. in fact, the story is quite interesting and important, because we remember that in march there , france first announced the possibility of sending instructors to the territory of ukraine, the president of france spoke about it there, and now with general syrsky after, together with omyorov, after the conversation with their colleagues, did the following message that all the preliminary conditions have been created for the french... structurers to appear in ukraine, we know that over the course of two years, france trained somewhere around 10,000 ukrainian military personnel on its training grounds, these exercises were directed there to several components , in particular , the mastering of the french equipment that was handed down to us, we remember
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the caesar howitzer, the training of personnel at the commander level. companies to the battalion and tactical training, all this was carried out on the territory of france, but there are two limitations here, this is due to the small number of french training grounds, which are designed for the needs of the french army itself and the remoteness, because redeployment takes time each time, and in fact there was a proposal from france that it is necessary, relatively speaking, not to ignore any lines there , which the russian federation is trying to draw there and increase effective. on the training of the armed forces, because this year it is an extremely relevant issue, and i think that this step, which was carried out by syrsky, wrote that, in principle, it will, to be honest, an additional push for the french side, relatively speaking, i think it will be inconvenient for them to first declare, and then talk about the fact that we are not ready there, in particular, for
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the relocation of our instructors in ukraine, what they can do in ukraine, the same is said about... engineering training, possibly increasing the efficiency of repairing french equipment, again training tactical units, but where exactly, we understand that this creates certain risks for western countries, and russia will definitely take advantage of this federation, so this indirectly raises other issues, in particular the protection of the same training grounds where the ukrainian military will be trained together with foreign instructors, if we speak. in particular, there about western ukraine, then a parallel question immediately arises, whether then the air defense umbrella of the countries of poland or other countries there begins to cover these training grounds, so i think that this message of silsky is quite timely, because it in one way or another violates a number of mutual relations related issues that concern the real participation of instructors measures to increase the effectiveness
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of our personnel training and b again raises the issue of air defense and participation. nato countries in creating protected airspace over ukraine, if not over this country, then at least in certain designated areas. western media write that a number of countries, including poland, the baltic countries, and great britain, are already supporting the idea of ​​creating such an anti-aircraft warhead with the participation of aircraft and nato countries on the territory of ukraine. and as if even france, but against, categorically, so far berlin and washington. in fact, in any case , it is important that this discussion takes place, we know yesterday's results of the nato parliamentary assembly, where it was stated on the one hand that it is necessary to use western weapons for strikes against the russian federation without restrictions, and one way or another this
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suggests that nato countries should be more actively involved in the process. defense of ukraine, because by not helping ukraine, in one way or another, they create a systemic and long-term threat to themselves, and therefore, precisely the issues related to, on the one hand , the use of western weapons by the russian federation, and on the other hand, the creation of a zone protected from russian missiles, i think that is extremely relevant and will be brought up repeatedly at the meeting. it was even known that ukraine had already prepared a number of such proposals that will be announced there at the nato summit, but i think that they should be implemented before the nato summit, which at least at the contractual level and the issue of the use of air defense systems measures to protect individual areas ukraine is completely lying on the surface, because we know about cases of russian missiles flying
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into poland and moldova, these flights of cruise missiles planned by russia had a provocative and clearly defined nature, we saw how poland at first ignored, then decided to make changes with its patrols , raising their f-16s. but we must go further, we know that a number of patriot complexes are located in regions adjacent to ukraine, in the regions on the territory of poland, and the actual implementation of joint tasks to repel the russian attack is what was in the common interests approaches of ukraine and nato countries. but this is exposed to certain fears of a number of countries, in particular germany, spain, that this, relatively speaking, means that nato units are involved in combat. and this is the limit that some countries, in particular germany, will be afraid to cross, but on the other hand, we understand that germany is going the other way, increasing the number
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of air defense systems that it transfers, either independently, or looking for funds to purchase these systems fpo and transfer it to ukraine, so germany's approach, relatively speaking, combines this dualism, and he far from the worst in comparison with the usual rejection there, as spain or other countries do. here are these, while the west somewhere is procrastinating, somewhere is afraid, we see that these countries are evil, they are quite, so bravely acting and helping russia, here iran has supplied russia with the newest guided aerial bombs kvaem, that’s what it’s called qam5, if i call it correctly , we can only show it, some good guy specially filmed it all in kursk region. where that heavy drone fell, such a drone, and what is its correct name there, and the code is mahadger 6, this one
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kosmohadger 6 fell, a heavy drone, a really big one, and there are those super km5 aerial bombs, the most modern and the best iranian ones, they are already being transferred here so that they can bomb ukraine, well actually eh... this is a video, and then there were publications in bild picked up by the ukrainian media, it was said that this is the first transfer of km5 missiles there for this mohajer 6 drone, but if our readers read defense express, i hope that this is what is happening, then we described the situation when such a mohajer 6 was shot down in october last year , fell into the water near odessa near odessa and then they pulled out this unmanned complex and that 's it. there were also km5 missiles, in fact we already had these missiles then, my ukrainian side studied them, these missiles
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have been in service with iran since the 19th year, and they were supplied to the russian federation just last year and they tried to use them even last year to use, these missiles, as stated, they have a television guidance system there, that is, the drone flies at the expense of its optical... station from the podtre, it looks at the target, and the operator is somewhere remote is trying to control this disembodied complex and this missile, so for now we know that several drones with these missiles were shot down, we do not have any fact of the use of these missiles, which in fact is possible to say that these are rather advertising approaches or there are demonstration approaches fly ahead of the real capabilities of russian operators using these drones with iranian missiles, but in any case the trend is really important that the axis of evil is rallying, using iranian drones, trying to get there
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will receive north korean missiles, so these are really the threats that should be offset by ukraine's help, primarily in armaments and, in particular, in means of air defense. and how realistic is it that russia can sign an arms exchange agreement with sudan and what it can get from sudan. well, sudan has a kind of defense industry, it really produces such a number of samples of equipment that are not perfect, but there, as i think, there are things related primarily to explosives with powders, even russia has signed a similar an agreement with syria in the munitions industry, and syria supplies, in particular, cases for russian projectiles there, or will supply, so i think it is quite likely that this component... russia is very interested now, because they cannot increase the production of ammunition, despite the fact that some foreign companies and analytical companies say that the russians will
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produce 4 million ammunition this year, these are completely incorrect data, russia will not produce more than 2 million ammunition, but these indicators also depend on where russia is will find gunpowder and explosives, so i think that now russia is running along not only the axis of evil, but other countries that partially do not understand or understand the situation, but can go with the economic profit offered by the russian federation, but actually such exchanges of weapons or the signing of some agreements, that russia sometimes takes, receives, that weapon. what does this say about the russian weapons themselves, about their stockpiles? well, here, first of all, what actually, according to estimates, according to calculations from various structures, it is said that with the current with a stockpile of weapons, russia can conduct hostilities of such intensity, as are currently taking place on
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the territory of our state. two years, but on the other hand, it is in different categories, then we are talking about the fact that there are fewer tanks there, ammunition seems to need to be increased, and they are now looking for opportunities for this, at the same time, the pace of production of rocket weapons has increased, so according to different indicators, the capabilities of the russians are different, but in any case we understand that russia has transferred and is transferring its economy completely to military rails. it just one way or another due to the increase in the production of weapons, and now we have such a pursuit of the defense and industrial complexes of the russian federation, european countries, the united states, including ukraine, where the pace of weapons production will depend on the course of hostilities on the battlefield, so i really hope that this trend is understood by our western partners, european partners who are trying to stir up the defense industry, primarily in the field of ammunition production, and this is already
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affecting the battlefield, in particular with transmission various volumes of different projectiles for our armed forces, but in any case we are entering the format of a war of attrition, where the capabilities of the economy and defense industry will significantly affect the nature of hostilities. well, we still have literally two minutes left, even less, what is the situation at the front right now, how has the picture changed overnight? well, we are talking about the fact that the number of combat encounters in principle fluctuates. within about 100, 100 combat clashes per day, and this is somewhat less than in the period when russia started these attacking and actions in the kharkiv region, and now we see that there are two directions that are most active for the enemy, this is precisely the pokrovsky direction, this is to the west of avdiyivka and combat operations around chasy yar, there the enemy is now trying to break through, but including. ..
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the use of armored vehicles, but i will say that the ukrainian defense is actually quite effectively built now, although there are indeed some tactical advances of the enemy, in particular, the general staff mentioned in an earlier report about certain tactical advances of the enemy in the kupinsk area without detailing them, ee media zone, which concerned primarily vovchansk, north of kharkiv, then... there, in particular, in the same areas near liptsi, there were counterattacks from the ukrainian side, which indicate that the advance in this area has actually stopped, but combat operations primarily in the very north of vovchansk, so in any case the situation is difficult, but now the enemy's fervor has become much less. mr. serhiy, thank you, serhii zgurets, military expert, director of the information consulting company defense
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express, read it to... it's all about the war, dear friends, and now we honor the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were taken by russia's war against ukraine with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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