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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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by defense express, read it to know everything about war. dear friends, now we observe a moment of silence to honor the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were taken by russia's war against ukraine. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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economic reservation in ukraine, how to preserve social justice, but at the same time give business opportunities to earn, because it is necessary to replenish the budget and maintain the army, or is this format an attempt to "pay off for the rich, will the poor serve? what do you think write in the comments what to do so that the economy works and there is someone to serve in the army. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha and we are starting. economy booking is a difficult question, but the time has come for an answer. these are the words of people's deputy, chairman of the economic development committee, dmytro natalukha. currently, both the government and the parliament are working on the reservation process. the ministries regulate the criteria. for enterprises and workers,
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people's deputies are looking for answers to a difficult question, according to them, and here it is proposed models of the so-called economic reservation. one group of people's deputies proposes to reserve a certain percentage of the company's employees, paying for them an additional special fee of uah 2,000. the management of the enterprise independently determines who to book, and another model of the authorship of the cabinet of ministers and the president's office, they offer booking to those who have... a salary of more than uah 35,000. another model is proposed by the head of the tax committee, danyla gidmantsev, whose option can be booked by companies without tax debts and those who meet the tax requirements workload and salary. and here it is worth adding that the head of the servant of the people faction, davyd arahamiya, recently spoke about economic armoring. and prime minister denys shmyhal himself said that the government is developing a new reservation mechanism. the criterion will be
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paid taxes or the salaries of employees, but the chairman of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stefanchuk , is skeptical about the idea of ​​reservation from mobilization for money, interfax ukraine reports. i will be able to answer this question only after i see the concrete implementation mechanism. i have very doubtful, because i know there are very few countries where it would work, but for that i have to familiarize myself with it, because i have been in politics for a very long time, and before that i have been in the ... university sphere for a very long time to believe the good headlines. i want to read the whole book. economic reservation is actively both supported and criticized, those who support emphasize the need for a budget in taxes, because international aid cannot be spent on weapons and military salaries. the deficit this year reaches about 40 billion dollars. and opponents of the idea of ​​economic reservations criticize both the approach to recruiting in the defense forces and the idea itself, for example , for... deputy commander of the third separate
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assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine maksym zhorin and war veteran yuriy gudymenko, previously called such an initiative "war for the poor". discussions about economy reservation are going on in the council, among experts and the public, and now we will try to collect arguments for and against, and you, dear viewers, express your opinion in the comments below this video. dmytro natalukha, chairman of the committee, joins the broadcast of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on economic development and oleg synyutka, people's deputy of the european solidarity faction. gentlemen, congratulations, thank you for joining. good day, thank you, thank you, dmitry, let's start with you, you are in general in favor of economy booking, what are your arguments? congratulations, congratulations, thank you, yes, i have very simple arguments, the first is the predictability of business in conditions of war, and thus, due to the predictability of business, the preservation of the funding of the armed forces of ukraine, which occurs from taxes, which business pays. and the accumulation of additional
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funds that need to be directed to the armed forces of ukraine, that is, it is about giving business the opportunity to plan. its activities in order to continue paying taxes, and it is about the possibility of allowing businesses to pay an additional military levy in order to increase the funding of the armed forces. according to your calculations, this is 200 billion hryvnias per year of the military levy, as you previously stated, and mr. olezh, what do you propose, how to provide the army with people and the economy with money? more this law was not even adopted in the first reading. draft law, and people, already citizens of ukraine, perceive it as a draft law that provides for how to buy off the army, and in fact we must set ourselves very clearly today, and what tasks we want this draft law to fulfill, because the first
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task, which before the country, before the armed forces, before the government, i hope, it is a question of the number of military personnel that we can involve in the defense of the country. obviously, this bill is not only not solves this issue, on the contrary, it will demotivate those people who today decided to take up arms and defend the country. the second issue is the growth of the economy, it is very doubtful that such a bill will stimulate the growth of the economy, because i understand that with such bills, those who are engaged in the gambling business, those who... engage in lotteries , are the first to receive such reservations , and are they necessary for the economy? it seems to me that everyone, even a student of the faculty of economics, will say that definitely not, because the drivers of the economy are definitely neither lotteries nor the gambling business. the third question is a question of social justice. well, it seems to me that every person who hears
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even about such a bill will also say about it that the government wants to divide society into poor and rich, this is unacceptable, because after all, the constitution. of ukraine says that the protection of the homeland is the duty of every, i emphasize, every citizen of ukraine, and it is really a debatable question, and whether this draft law or law will supplement, if it will be supported in the verkhovna rada, the budget of ukraine. so, i want to say that this is not where the authorities are looking for funds, because these are all the proposals of the authorities on increasing taxes, on alleged economic reservations, in fact they are some kind of extortion payments. for rich people, this is definitely not the resource where you can find additional funds for financing the armed forces of ukraine, because you need to look first of all in order to fight corruption in ukraine. if we are talking about rules for business, then it is really necessary to establish fair rules for
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business, and for this it is necessary to stop these atrocities that are taking place today on the part of the tax authorities, the sbi, and control bodies, because the more... they come today with various inspections to enterprises, the more the opinion is strengthened in society that dear friends, and why did you vote in the draft law on mobilization, reservation of law enforcement officers, state officials and so on, that is why the search for resources for the budget is definitely necessary, because today we already have almost 94% of the debt from the gross domestic product of ukraine, but we should not look there, we should look... in overcoming corruption, mr. oleg, thank you for your opinion, mr. dmytro, here are some aspects that mr. oleg said, and this is also social justice, and very often, of course, from people it sounds like the rich will be in the rear, and work, and the poor will go to serve, one more point, but will
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this really replenish the budget, and do you have any calculations that are so specific that you can say that yes it will definitely be at least at a minimum, and well, also one more moment relatively. that the system is not working very well, if everything worked, and there , on the other hand, the business might work, and on the other hand, if there was a fair mobilization there, then maybe there would be no problems in the army with personnel, what do you say to all these arguments ? katerina, i will say that trying to find justice in war, well, it's childish, i'm sorry, war itself is unjust, from the very beginning, from the very beginning, the fact that ... some people's property is destroyed, some people's property is not, some have family members die, some don't, it's impossible to make it fair, the war is on is not fair in its essence, so if we really want to delay, talk about,
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any issue that needs to be resolved during martial law, we will appeal to the argument of justice, it is the easiest from the point of view of populism, to cover everything up. the story of whether it is fair or not or unfair, but in my opinion we need to talk about efficiency, because this war is not won at the expense of fairness alone, but at the expense of efficiency, and therefore ... these completely artificial arguments of the enemy that are sent, including by our enemy, regarding the fact that only the poor are fighting there, well, there are examples of mr. kozhemiaka there, dmytro basov there, volodymyr dogtyarev there, after all , serhiy zhuikov is there, yes, these are very wealthy people from the list forbes who fight, plus those fighters who fight on the front lines, receive competitive wages, well, it's that simple. contempt and artificial manipulation regarding, regarding the fact that there is a war for the poor,
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a lot of different people are fighting, the question is completely different, the question is how to give an opportunity defense forces to continue to do this effectively at the expense of the economy, and if there is no understanding that without the economy it is possible to mobilize at least 2 million people, but there will be no resources for this, well , this means that it is not understanding very basic things about how... in general , wars are fought, the state functions and the economy functions. the issue is that war is always math, it's always numbers, in the long run, it's just that, and it's a matter of resources. yes, of course, there are other additional sources of these resources, they are also working on this. but the idea is that if we don't give predictability to the companies today, regarding the further conduct of their activities at the expense of critical employees who are on the ground, they will... begin to close, we are already seeing it, unfortunately, this is a trend, and this the trend continues further when
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chief engineers are mobilized there, when chief technologists are mobilized there, without whom the enterprise cannot continue to function, and not just an enterprise that, i'm sorry, i don't know, produces cookies there, although even such the enterprise is important, and such enterprises that produce drones, such enterprises that produce rebs, they mobilized a leading engineer in the morning, in the evening they already... have to think about reducing production volumes, and here it becomes a very simple question, yes, pragmatic, it may not be fair, but it is pragmatic. should we mobilize three or four people from this enterprise to the army and thus reduce the production of drones by 10-20-30 pieces every month, or should we give these people the opportunity to continue working for in their places and increase the number of drones at this enterprise. this is the nature of the question. it is necessary to discuss, and not just tell something that is fair and unfair, and we will talk
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about specific examples, on the example of cities, where city leaders are already talking about such problems, but a little later, i will only add about justice and injustice, there things that do not depend on the ukrainian authorities there, and despite the fact that the armed forces are working, they are not always there, not all missiles, relatively speaking, they can shoot down, yes, but there are things that depend on the government, and society feels these moments very much, especially when there is information and... news about how someone is getting rich, someone who has access to, for example, tsk or something else, of course, society is outraged by this, which is why such parallels arise. mr. olezh, i have a question for you, i will give you a quote from andriy, andriy dligach, he is a ukrainian entrepreneur and public figure, he said on the air of ukrainian truth that economic reservation is the key to the survival of business and maintaining defense capability, what do you say to that? what you you will say that it is really necessary to take this money somewhere, somehow replenish the budget. we all know it is a fact that even the armed forces of ukraine cannot be paid from
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the budget provided by the western partners, it must be done from the internal budget, that is, it must be money earned by ukrainian business, and where is it take, if you're against economic reservation, well, if i hear arguments that economic reservation will help companies that make drones, that make slaves, then i... as a person who has managerial experience, a person who headed the regional state administration in 14-15 years, i know for sure that there are completely different resources and ways to book exactly such employees in order not to harm the defense industry, and here we just have to accept a non-corrupt, correct management decision, for this there must be professional managers, and when we see that the ministry of... economy books fawbet, which is engaged in the gambling business, then we
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understand that this is nothing but corruption and lobbying of completely different interests, and not for drone manufacturers, because drone manufacturers do not earn enough to pay 20,000 from each worker they currently have, and regarding the discussion about fairness, i would like to advise the government representatives to be more often ... on the front lines, and come not accompanied there in order to show them the right pictures with the right people, but to really go to those people who are in okop. who have long since lost the sense of fear, because they have seen death, and who are able to speak the truth, that is what i want to say that i have not seen people who die for money, i have seen people who are ready to give their lives for an idea, including the idea of ​​ukrainian statehood and fair ukrainian statehood, and forgive me if you
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do not understand what society should perceive and our state, and war, and protection of parents. act as a value, as a fair value, then it is very difficult to make the right management decisions, mr. oleg, and where to get the money, where to get the money, the idea that ukraine should survive, what to fight for, that is clear, but where to get the money, there is some do you have an alternative as an opposition, as a politician, who is against economic reservation? yes, of course, i believe that, first of all , it is necessary to reduce those expenses, which we are talking about not only during the period of full-scale aggression. we spoke both in the 21st year and during the formation of the budget for the 22nd year, you remember how the budget is adopted, the deputies from european solidarity and some other factions are sitting, and the hall is empty, where no one at all wants to hear any arguments, and when we say: please close the financing of a single marathon, because you fund oligarchic channels,
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please stop funding penguins for a billion hryvnias, i'm not kidding, this is the government. today demonstrated that 11 million last year, 11 million dollars, i am talking about dollars even, not about hryvnias, it finances research accordingly, and how doppelgangers live and develop, this greatly helps the country's defense capability, and 17 eggs were bought, right, which was violated by nabu and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office regarding embezzlement of uah 713 million by vukrenergo, and by energoatom... which purchased rubber boots have you heard your examples, mr. dmytro, and what do you say about it, maybe it is really worth cutting costs somewhere in order to find this money? look, it is definitely necessary to constantly make reductions, but these are parallel processes, well, that is, i simply do not understand, there is no single magical source that
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will allow during a war and a lack of resources to take and at the same time simultaneously fill the budget, i am talking about others. there is such an association, the technological forces of ukraine, it is an association of producers of innovative means, weapons, etc., which are also used by the defense forces, and all the others, so their first point, i wrote here specifically so that it can be seen that the reservation of employees of private defense enterprises is currently the biggest problem of the industry, this is before whether the manufacturers of bro drones need reservations or not, and er and er... to the fact that not only these industries, but also for most of the others, the reservation of armor is the number one critical issue for them right now: not access to capital, not the sales market, not e scaling of production capacity, but the opportunity not to lose one, one, two, three critical employees, at the expense of whom
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such innovative enterprises today also produce drones. and rebs, and thermal imagers and everything else. yes, dmytro, so make a management decision on the promotion of these podrypyu, i'm listening, i don't want to transform. dmitry, i would like to clarify further, you are closer to the authorities, so to speak, perhaps you can say, and which, to which model of economic reservation are more inclined, your colleagues there are in the majority, maybe you will convince your colleagues there in the opposition in this, if there is in that the need for votes, and from your point of view, that is... it is a fact that it will be economic reservation, because there are a lot of statements, you know, and there is the impression that , after all, this has been felt somewhere, and somewhere it is already being discussed at such a level that it certainly cannot be avoided, then it cannot be avoided, and what format of economic booking can work in ukraine and when? look, i sincerely hope we don't
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avoid it, because if we can't carry out this plan, i think we we will just lose. a very large number of taxes due to which the defense force is obtained, i personally support the model when the business itself determines who exactly it wants to ban in which positions, because in my opinion, economic harrowing is a test of maturity, a test of the maturity of both society and the state in general, when we simply have to answer the question, are we ready to start treating our businesses and entrepreneurs like adults, and give them a chance. the authority to make these decisions themselves, that is, to remove the state from the process reservation of employees and leave it to business, and then we will remove all these scandals, which my colleague, mr. olesh, is talking about. he also mentioned profbet and everything else, eh, precisely because it is not the state that will determine who will be booked, but the enterprises themselves, this is
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the first position, and the second position, according to the calculations of various experts, the shadow reservation market ranges from seven 100 million to 2 billion dollars a year, ee this is exactly what you are talking about, what we see in the news with ... enrichment is illegal certain moneylenders, constant, unfortunately, interception at the border at the border at the border of people who are trying, that is, it is a large shadow market, which, again, according to the estimates of various experts, amounts to from 100 million to 2 billion dollars a year, and this is a big problem, which cannot be overcome at one point, but this problem is primarily due to the fact that the central... decision in the reservation process is played by the state, but in our opinion, it is necessary to move away from this, from giving businesses the opportunity to determine who is
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a critical employee for them , and give him an opportunity to keep this critical employee in place, this does not mean that reservation is a way to save everyone from war, that is not the goal of this bill at all, and it is physically impossible, because there is that reservation for uah 20,000 per month for. .. per employee, for example, it will not allow most businesses to book more than three or four people there, but this is exactly the idea, that is, we should ban only critical employees, without whom businesses cannot continue their work, the language is not it is about booking there 100% of the staff and even 50% of the staff, that is, there will be a quota for each enterprise in this case, since we have already talked with you about how the booking is now done, i would like to suggest that you listen to ... stories from dnipro and ivano-frankivsk, there is already a lack of workers due to mobilization, let 's listen, in fact today we have more than
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300 workers of communal enterprises, some are mobilized, some are in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, unfortunately, seven of our workers have already died, and of course there is a big problem get employees to different enterprises. most of all today there is a need for drivers, drivers. buses, trolleybus drivers, we are trying to hire more women for trolleybuses now, but for bus drivers, well, it is somewhat more difficult here, let's say, to attract female bus drivers, there is also a big problem with tractor drivers, a big problem with those who work on cleaning equipment, in the winter period time or the snow has to be cleared, in the summer time it is just time to clean the city, clean the roads, squares , etc., and let's say with these... workers there is a big, well there is a big problem, let's count we cannot find a sufficient number, today there are about 170 vacancies in our enterprises,
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we try to somehow motivate people in different ways, to communicate, well, but today there are a large number of people, especially for such work, which requires physical exertion, well, we cannot find them, or let’s say , this is quite problematic. and it's difficult around the city. before the war, we used to have about a thousand units of rolling stock there, now we have them, i'm talking about bus traffic, now there are about 650-600, and that is, we look at the passenger traffic, well, the total number 314 people mobilized for bus companies. ugh, that is, 314 people have already been mobilized for 600 buses, how to solve the problem for the manager, well, i have a big question,
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yes, there is 50%, that is, if we are 50% of the service personnel, let’s put it roughly, locksmiths, mechanics, electricians, we will submit these lists, then there won't be enough drivers, well, apparently that's how it's done, some companies, well, with... well, there is a question, yes, let's use female labor there, somehow attract more women, but we understand that there are areas of activity, where women will find it very difficult to find themselves in these professions, because, first of all, they are physically difficult, well, i see very few female mechanics there, another separate problem. topic about layoffs, meaning they don't understand that they're going to be working here if we don't give them understanding about roaming, meaning we they just start laying off
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like... if they lay off, it could lead to global, yeah, that's the numbers, and, of course, it can stop this or that sector of the economy. colleagues, please respond briefly to sorry, the broadcast time is running out, please, mr. oleg, first you, then mr. dmytro? when i hear that proposals are being made to partially reserve staff, i understand that they are being proposed by people who have never encountered a real work organization. business and do not have communication with business, because even we just heard from the representatives, tell me, please, who to book, a driver or a locksmith, and without a driver and without a locksmith , a public transport car or bus will not go to the line, the only thing with i am the truth i agree with mr. dmitry that here the state has all the powers and there is no need to experiment with investment nannies without investments, with white lists of enterprises without
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taxes, there are completely... other tools for allowing the economy to develop, and here i would simply ask the representatives power should not be divided into the government, the opposition, white business, black business, really hold this discussion and the first thing that should be taken away is the issue of corruption, the second thing that should be taken away is the issue of deregulation, the third thing that should be done, we really need to enter foreign markets, but not in the way that our colleagues from germany ask us: what about you are raising money for the reconstruction of the country, so the reconstruction is still far away, let's better raise money for the armed forces of ukraine, we are naked, mr. dmytro, be please react, well, here is a very simple reaction, you see, we are talking about drivers, proslyusers, well, someone could say, well, these are precisely the professions that can be relatively quickly replaced there by the same women in the position, but
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then this person would blame... but that he treats the equality of professions unfairly and so on and so on, so this issue is very difficult, but one thing is clear in my opinion, but without the economy there will be no war, and if we do not come to terms with the idea that the economy is also important , of course, the priority is the armed forces of ukraine and the replenishment of their personnel, but an equally important priority should be to give the opportunity to... enterprises predicted to work in order to continue paying taxes, then we will have transfers, so economic reservation is precisely about the possibility of us, as a state as a whole, continuing our war against. thank you, gentlemen , for your participation and discussions, people's deputies dmytro natalukha and oleg synyutka were guests of svobodaranok, we talked about the prospects of economic reservation, arguments for and against, i heard, thank you for the conversation, how
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kyiv's partners can... strengthen ukrainian defense, about the sending of french instructors to ukraine between ukraine and france, discussions are currently ongoing, the ministry of defense of ukraine informed about this, however, together with the general staff of the department has already started preparing the necessary documents in order not to waste time on this when the decision is made, the ministry of defense explained. such an explanation was made there after the french ministry of defense did not confirm the sending of french instructors to ukraine, as previously stated by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. ukrainian head, in particular. said that he has already signed the documents that will allow the first french instructors to soon visit training centers in ukraine, familiarize themselves with their infrastructure and personnel. syrsky noted that it was france's initiative. and in the french ministry of defense, in response to the request of the afpi agency, they explained that this issue is being studied and the deployment of exercises in ukraine has not been confirmed. it is known that sending french military personnel, in particular instructors, to ukraine was one of the issues discussed at
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the conference convened by french president emmanuel macron. support of ukraine in february this year. by the way, nato is discussing the possibility of taking the sky under protection over western ukraine. the initiator of the so-called extended air defense is poland. however, there is no final decision on this issue yet. this is written by the bild publication. according to the publication, some nato countries are ready to extend their support to kyiv and act directly on the territory of ukraine. in particular, poland, canada, lithuania, france, estonia and the united kingdom are in favor of expanding such support. but germany and the united states. oppose meanwhile, china is preparing a fleet to invade taiwan. civil vessels and ferries are planned to be used for crossing of armored vehicles in the course of a possible future invasion, all because china has a shortage of military landing ships, journalists of the telegram publication write about this. the article states that similar ships for the mass transportation of troops through the taiwan strait will be suitable if the coastal defenses are destroyed first.


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