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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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nor by french president emmanuel macron of a conference in support of ukraine in february of this year. by the way, nato will discuss the possibility of taking over the protection of the skies over western ukraine. the initiator of the so-called extended air defense is poland. however, there is no final decision on this issue yet. this is written by bild. according to the publication, some nato countries are ready to extend their support to kyiv and act directly on the territory of ukraine. in particular, poland, canada, lithuania, france, estonia and great britain but germany and the united states oppose it. meanwhile, china is preparing a fleet for an invasion of taiwan, civilian ships and ferries are planned to be used to ferry armored personnel carriers during a possible future invasion, all because china has a shortage of military amphibious ships, according to the journalists of the telegraf publication. the article states that similar ships for the mass transportation of troops through the taiwan strait will be suitable if the coastal defenses are destroyed first.
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taiwan. and last week, china held two-day large-scale military exercises around taiwan. this was the third complex of exercises around the island in the last two years. the ministry of defense of taiwan called the chinese exercise a provocation that violates peace and stability in the region. beijing has not controlled the region since 1949, but considers it an integral part of its territory. the exercise was held three days after the inauguration of taiwan's new president, lae tsing. china didn't... call him a dangerous separatist once, it was a quote. oleksiy yezhak joins our broadcast, expert of the national institute of strategic studies. welcome to our broadcast. thank you, mr. oleksiy, for joining. i congratulate you. so china can attack taiwan already this summer, are such prospects quite real or not? it seems to me, not yet, but the estimates that it will happen, well, it may be technically ready in the 27th year, it seems more likely to be true. i'm thinking now. what's happening is this kind of
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ramification and china's response to, well, really draconian import tariffs on chinese electric cars to the united states. that is, everything that the media write about, including these concerns, let's just say, they are not based on something serious, according to your opinion. this is serious, china is preparing, preparing to one day restore what they consider territorial integrity. well, it could happen, but it doesn't seem like right now, in principle, too many indicators are saying that china needs more time, although on the other hand, we are now seeing a situation where, for example, the front of a global war, it is so to speak, the resources of both western countries and eastern countries are stretched are distributed between europe, between the far east, in principle it was the same during since
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the korean war in the 1950s, when nato was reacting to what was happening, happening on the korean peninsula, so these concerns are real, the tension there is constantly real, but it is still in such a gray area. oleksiy, and it depends on the elections there, for example, on some negotiations that are taking place between the leaders of western countries there and china , including on some tension, can this tension decrease in such a way that the possibility of... escalation, it will be reduced as well, well, it seems not yet, because now all these steps are escalating and escalating around, various statements, exercises, movements, shelling of china, a merchant ship of the philippines with canisters, all this is happening constantly, and this is precisely part of the negotiations, such a forceful escalation of the negotiations until it passes. to
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war because, well, it looks like china isn't ready right now, but it's constantly coming, and in principle, the end of such a clear end that you can forget about escalation altogether, its does not exist, most likely in the long term there will be such a situation when constant trade negotiations will be accompanied by such a constant, constant hint of a military escalation, and in the event of a real escalation of china's attack on taiwan, how will this ... affect the russian- the ukrainian war, well, relatively speaking, maybe china will not have many resources to somehow support and help russia there, for example, and the usa will again have insufficient resources to support ukraine, as official kyiv would like, well, now it seems to me, no one would want such a war between china and taiwan, because the consequences are too unpredictable, but it seems that china also does not want ... such already unpredictable
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consequences, but ramifications, such preliminary signals are already coming, in principle, all that we are now we hear about air defense, about... the use of western weapons against targets in russia, all this is related to how and when western weapons can be used by the armed forces of taiwan, because the situation is similar in many ways, two nuclear countries - china and russia, nuclear, well the nato nuclear alliance, the nuclear united states, and in general here are all these considerations, it is possible that these are... parts of the same process, that is, will attention to the russian-ukrainian war decrease at all, is there such a risk , that it will go to a completely different level, and ukraine will remain, well, not one on one, but in such a rather difficult situation, i think, in
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terms of the media, this can be the case, but in relation to political processes and military processes, i i think the same thing will happen that i said that when in... the 50s at the same time, processes were taking place in nato's preparation for war, because it was believed, and at the same time , there was a war on the korean peninsula, because western leaders believed that this was part of the same process, which the former soviet union and china were trying to stretch the forces of the west, that's why i think now it won't be the same, the attention is the same, although we... attention can, of course, be distributed differently. we have already seen this as an example, we probably saw the escalation in the middle east, how the topic of ukraine really is in the media, it moved to long-term plan in the period of exacerbation then. now let's talk about the russian-ukrainian war directly. and in your opinion, these conversations about the fact that nato
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can probably close the sky over part of ukraine, over the west of ukraine, they can lead to specific results, will you dare to make such evasions? well, now it is more concrete than what happened in 22nd year, when ukraine simply called, and there were restrictions, we felt, then we understood that there are great political and ethnic restrictions. now the process is longer real, because it is moving, including reforms within nato, an increase in defense capabilities, and a stronger joint air defense is being built there, and of course it cannot end exactly at the border, there is... a discussion that this new joint european air defense, it can still control, say, 70 km deep into ukrainian territory, this is one part of the discussion, the second part of the discussion is that the training of ukrainian troops, well, it is possible
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to conduct it effectively on the territory of ukraine, and such training must be protected, including by forces nato, if these are nato instructors, if these are units. nato conducts training on the territory of ukraine, they must be protected. this is the second part of the discussion. after all, there is a part of the debate that concerns how safe it is to deliver military aid. currently , the logistics to the border with ukraine in poland are broken, and then other mechanisms are activated there, it would be more effective if, if these logistics ended on the part of nato in ukraine, and this also requires countermeasures. there are other considerations, of course. request from the ukrainian side and now was finally very important from a legal point of view, there was a precedent related to the defense of israel from a major iranian attack, no one considered the shooting down of iranian missiles over the territory of iraq when they were flying to israel
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from the side of the ukrainian coalition, there are not only western countries, but also arab countries , no one considered, did not consider it a war with iran. it 's just that the missiles were shot down, so now it's more or less real, but i think we can hear the first concrete results only at the nato summit. there are countries that are against even such an option, well, yes, the ukrainian authorities really started to call for such cooperation, after everyone saw how israel cooperates with israel, helps to defend itself against an attack by iran, but... about of foreign instructors in ukraine is not yet clear, there are also many conversations, but it is not clear whether, for example, there is still a positive agreement with the same france and whether with other countries, as far as this is a real prospect, it can be made somehow easier so that foreign instructors could to train the ukrainian military
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directly on the territory of ukraine. if we talk simply about instructors, well, an instructor has come to a corps or a company and is teaching something. new and interesting, it happens all the time, it's just below the level of such radars that record foreign military presence, now it 's about more, that's about... the deployment of such training centers in ukraine is possible, such as, for example, in germany, grafenghor is huge , well, there is such a brigade- level unit, and in order to teach ukrainian brigades of this level, let's say at the yeriv training ground, it is necessary to deploy large units of our partners, that is , not just instructors, there must be large units that provide such training, they must be protected. including a means of air defense, we heard more, well
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, the statement of the united states, they said that this is unacceptable for them, this may be, but already after the end of the war, although i understand that other countries see other options, and this is a question still being discussed, here we are the last ones the other day we hear from the head of nato there, calls to give permission to ukraine to shoot down, hit russian military ... facilities in russia with western weapons, we hear that there are discussions in washington, blinken has returned from kyiv and is persuading like biden, and germany opposes this, in your opinion, will it be possible to convince washington and berlin, in particular specifically, and in order for such liberalization to take place, in order for ukraine to be allowed to do more than it does maybe now with these western weapons, that what more can be done - that's for sure, and certain restrictions on certain types
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of weapons will be lifted, well, let's say, tactical ones, i do not rule out that we will simply see on the battlefield that such restrictions simply do not exist, and as for the use of long-range weapons of the united states, germany, this is a more complicated issue, it does not depend on the position of the leaders, it is connected, well, i would say so, the protocol of relations between nuclear countries. and this is a broad process. oleksiy yezhak, expert of the national institute of strategic studies with us at connection unfortunately, the connection was interrupted. however , we had time to talk about and, first of all, the probable permission for ukraine to strike with western weapons on the territory of russia military facilities, foreign instructors, and also about the possibility of closing the sky, at least partially in... ukraine's nato partners, in alliance thank you to the expert, thank you to our viewers
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for being with us during this topic, you can comment and write what you think, will there be more permits for ukraine to use western weapons, will there be more here is such concrete cooperation between ukraine and partners. and then to the important news of this issue. i would like to remind you that morning freedom is with you every day from 9:00 a.m. on weekdays on tv channel. and also on radio svoboda's youtube channel. the head of the luhansk regional military administration , artem lysogorod, said that the explosions in occupied luhansk thundered in the area of ​​the former sturmaniv higher military aviation school and the nearby aircraft repair plant. he wrote about this in his telegram, reposting a video from one of public he writes that more than a year ago, the occupying forces conducted a bench test of the engine there for the first time since the 14th year. i will note that about the explosions in the occupied area. russian and ukrainian publics wrote yesterday. the leader of the so-called
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lpr group controlled by moscow, leonid pasichnyk, confirmed them and blamed ukraine for this. officially, the armed forces have not yet commented on the situation. but russia admitted for the first time that it receives ukrainian journalist viktoria roshchyna on its territory. this was announced by the head of the national union of journalists of ukraine, serhiy tomilenko. according to him, to victoria's father. volodymyr roschyn received a letter from the russian ministry of defense, which stated that his daughter was detained and was in the territory of the russian federation. this, as tomilenko says, is the first official response of the russian state authorities to repeated requests to them, victoria's relatives, about the whereabouts of the woman. according to the head of the national union of journalists of ukraine, earlier also the international committee of the red cross confirmed to the native victoria, that she is in captivity, however... representatives of the organization did not have access to her. victoria rozshchyna disappeared
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in august 2023, when they left through the territory of poland and russia to the occupied russian-ukrainian territories, later the father of the journalist reported that the security service of ukraine confirmed that victoria was detained by russian authorities. i noted that earlier in march of the 22nd year, the russian military was already detained in the mortar when trying to get into the occupied mariupol. so this is the freedom of the mornings, such was this release in be sure to respond to the comments, share your thoughts, subscribe to the radio liberty channel, we are on various social networks, and be sure to be informed once in the morning... with us every weekday from 9 o'clock on the air of the tv channel on the youtube channel of radio liberty, watch freedom in the morning and together with experts we will discuss the important topics of the day. kateryna nekrecha was with you, i and the whole team have a free morning, we wish you a peaceful day and see you soon.
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a kemel orthopedic mattress instead of a full one pay only half of the cost of the mattress. dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio today we work until 12 o'clock, join our air with your views, join in front of the tv screen or look for us on youtube, watch from your gadgets, join also with your hryvnias , already almost 20, hryvnias for this morning, you and i collected for quad bikes, for which we need as much as 4 million. i remind you that we have already started to collect the second million, because we already have the first with you, and we will be grateful if you do not stop, and if you throw in the amount of hryvnias there, it doesn't have to be large amounts, don't worry if you have 10 hryvnias there, and you think, well, how can you donate 10 hryvnias, 10 hryvnias are also needed, imagine how many people there will be
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he will donate a lot of 10 hryvnias each, and it will be a considerable amount, meanwhile we will talk with volodymyr aryev, the people's deputy of ukraine, who is joining us. good day, good day, mr. volodymyr, you are in the parliamentary committee on digital transformation, i think you will be fine too to ask for your comment on this topic, our colleague, journalist, editor of economic pravda, ukrainian pravda, yes, dmytro, was detained while trying... to visit his parents in the odesa region, the parents live in a settlement close to you can get there if you go to some kind of transit zone near the moldovan border, so dmytro's sleep was delayed, because they said that it was because he had not updated his personal data in the tcc, but dmytro, as it turned out, had updated your data in the tsc, so
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using this is actually a reserve plus amulet there he updated his data and everything was fine with him, nevertheless he was detained, the data was transferred, the phone was taken away, that's it, there was no contact with him for a day at all, the parents were in shock, the editors wrote, wrote a statement to the police , it turned out that he is a tc, here, and now he joins the armed forces of ukraine, the question here is the following, this, this, since a lot of attention was drawn to this, to this story, because journalists are public people, now people are just now saying what they say our viewers can tell. and what do you say only about him, such stories a lot, but since journalists are public people, accordingly, it goes into the public sphere, and this story, in essence, seems to me to have hidden the problem that, in fact, maybe i am not doing those registers. with that flow of information and, accordingly, they do not justify what they should justify, then the person updated, nevertheless received such and such and
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such and such detention, well, first of all, not only the registers do not cope, but directly and precisely the tsk system itself turned out to be completely unable to accept the number of citizens which... also applies to recruitment centers, due to the fact that the reserve is a plus, it updates the data, but for example, when information appears that a person is wanted, then you can only remove a person from the wanted list directly, that is, he simply the system of oberig plus is not affected in any way, in fact it only shows that the reserve... this application was developed very quickly, in a very short time, not only that, as it turned out later, the codes that were used were simply copied from
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the school program, and for the next meeting committee on issues of digital transformation, we summoned the deputy minister of defense, who is responsible precisely for digital issues, we also asked relevant questions to the government about how these funds were allocated, from which budget these funds were allocated, whether a competition was held for a software developer and there are a lot of questions, because , for example, the ministry of digital transformation did not understand at all where these funds for the development of the reserve plus application came from, but there is a question right there. in the same way that people simply will not be able to physically, that is physically in 60 days, which were provided for in the law,
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which was voted for by the monomajority, together with opz, there and several other factions, and they simply will not physically be able to update this data, and then they will be subject to fines, and the fines will then be quite, quite large, therefore, today , together with my colleagues, i am registering... the continuing bill proposes to extend the deadline for clarifying data in the tcc, and to expand it from 60 to at least up to 150 days, and why up to 150 days, i believe that during this time we will demand from the government and from the ministry of defense to do electronic applications in such a way as to relieve tck and all issues that can now be resolved. only with a personal visit to the assembly center could it be solved online, and there were no such strange
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and, frankly, shameful stories, when a person simply disappears, when people are grabbed there, and it would be possible to translate it into a normal , civilized channel, actually it could be started in in a civilized way, but here you see for yourself, they really wanted to show... how we are digitized, but as a result it turned out that digitization is only on paper, in in reality, behind the beautiful facade of the new potemkin village, the same old sukh principle is hidden, when you have to come directly and do something there directly, even just giving information about yourself. your colleague, actually under the post of sergilia musaeva, the editor-in-chief of ukrainian pravda, wrote and described this whole story with an employee of ukrainian pravda, who manages the economic truth, ms. iryna
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gerashchenko wrote about what they will propose, you will propose to discuss it on to the conciliation board, i understand that european solidarity will propose this, what do you think, will these proposals be taken into account and will the people's elected officials discuss the very issue that the tsc is unable to cope with... data processing and therefore these 60 days are critically short and therefore very many people in the end then i don't know if they will pay fines or what? we have a lot of different information about how everything happens in practice, we just warned that it will be so and that the office of simple solutions, as well as haste, are good, probably when catching insects on the appropriate the size of a... dog, but when it concerns issues related to mobilization, and which in turn are directly related to the security of the state, then thoughtful and
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not chaotic decisions are needed here. what will we do now , the chairman of the verkhovna rada, stefanchuk, will have a meeting with the leaders of the factions regarding the situation surrounding the implementation of the law on mobilization, and it is clear that european solidarity will make its proposals, in particular, as i said, there will be a bill that extends the time frame to clarify the information, and in parallel we will, this is no longer a question. not legislation, by-laws, to demand from the government that the ministry of defense, together with the cabinet of ministers, still develop all the regulatory framework necessary for people to be able to calmly, absolutely, without coming in person, update all the necessary information, and the personal challenge was to blame , and not and not as a rule specifically to clarify the data, to update the database,
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because otherwise it’s just... the system won’t cope, look, the tsc can accept, depending on how it works, there from 20, i heard up to 70 people during , during the day, and they don't work every day yet, all these conversations about the fact that they work at night and around the clock, it remained talk, there are simply not enough people in the tcc, that's why i'm just physically here , there is no such possibility to hold in two months the number of people to those who are outside the boundaries... environment, yes, clarification of data, those who will simply be put in the conditions that they did not stand in line, did not make it, no, and no, did not make it simply because of physical inability tsk to miss, forced to pay simply, well fines of many thousands, so we will talk about whether they will listen to us, as usual, this is a big question, we have literally two minutes left, your colleague in the parliament,
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zheleznyak says: about the fact that there could be a hole of 700 billion in the budget, according to is connected with a difficult situation in the economy, a decrease in aid, a greater increase in costs for, for example, mobilization, because it is necessary to arm, clothe the mobilized, and so on and so on, uh, at the same time, at the moment, the law on mobilization seems to only worsen the business activity and increases the number of e-e shadow economy, e, will there be any here? countermeasures that can be adopted, tax increases, this is good , maybe some will be economically, after all , mobi economic, economic reservation, what are the considerations of the parliamentarians, we literally have a minute, only transparent and well, if very briefly, well, first of all, no you have to suffer from idiocy, and once again do everything in a state,
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bring everything into a state of chaos, as the government does, the most important thing now is to do everything to the maximum so that you can understand the rules absolutely transparently booking, that is, if today, for example, it is not possible to book even employees of enterprises that, on the order of the state, enterprises of the state defense order , carry out repairs of equipment and workers who repair equipment directly. they are simply being mobilized today, well, this is probably stupidity, but at the same time, the employees of the kryvyi rih circus, for some reason, are booked, and then there will be no scandals, as with the booking of the faf, heads and so on, and therefore it is simply a matter of transparent booking and a clear system, which we have already talked about repeatedly said, then they can really do all this, the only thing is not to worsen
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the situation at least. cardinally, but for this we need to have a serious discussion not only with the faithful, but with specialists, including, thank you, volodymyr aryev, the people's deputy of ukraine was with us, and now we are watching the latest news from kateryna shirokpoyas, her selection is already ready, and she is ready to tell us. greetings, colleagues, i will quickly talk about the most important thing in a moment, do not switch. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio kateryna shiropoyas works. attack on a hypermarket in kharkiv. the police identified the father of eight-year-old mykhailo. the boy and his mother came the day before to take tests for a dna examination. the body
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of the deceased was identified at night. the man was an employee of a hypermarket.


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