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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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of such active work in this direction, and the activities that are being done now, these are almost always public organizations, yes, and that is why here really, i confirm that this problem continues to be relevant, it cannot be said that kyiv is still the center of russification, but ukrainization in kyiv is quite slow, so we propose, together with the city authorities and public organizations, to be more active in this... direction. mr. andriy, what to do with those children who left with their parents fleeing the war abroad, and to on february 24, 2022, they were russian-speaking, they went to other countries, where they had to learn another language, the language of the country in which they found themselves, some learned at least some asian languages, some continue to use google translator and communicate, and even more so... it angers the residents of those countries,
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for example, there are ukrainians who live in ireland, receive help there, for two and a half years, and still have not learned even elementary words in english, they continue to use the help of this google translator, and of course the irish don't care much about it the likes, because they say, at least some basic respect should be given for the fact that you get help here, got a roof over your head, got... some, some peace and quiet, and with that, abroad, with russian-speaking children are ukrainian-speaking children, we have discussions here, at least someone here makes a comment that please don't speak russian, there is a video showing that somewhere, for example, in odesa, children recently stood and sang some russian song i heard a song, for example, my favorite, well, it's clearly not the ukrainian language, and there ukrainian-speaking... they
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end up in classes with russian-speaking children, well, because they are all ukrainians, and in the end they become russified under the influence of these children, and sometimes such situations occur that ukrainian-speaking children, being, for example, in poland, begin to speak russian, although they did not know this russian, precisely under the influence of their peers from mykolaiv oblast or somewhere from other regions where the russian language was widespread, so you... you are now describing sociolinguistic situations when a child from in a certain dominant language, for example, ukrainian, gets into the environment of another language, and we can watch how the language behavior of this child changes. unfortunately, in ukraine, sociolinguistic research, and even more psycholinguistic research, that is, research into how people react to different languages, how these languages ​​function in society, and such research...
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unfortunately, there are very few. ukraine, it seems that for these 30 years we have done research in any direction, except for such a living, applied sociolinguistics. it is very big the problem, that is, we studied our ukrainian language so far, one might say, detached from the real everyday language that we hear on the streets of, for example, kyiv. therefore , unfortunately, there are very few such studies, there are many of them in other countries. if we talk about... about your situation, which is what you are describing, well , here my recommendation will actually be very similar, that those children who have now left ukraine, for them the ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of education and science should think and create such centers of ukrainianness or the ukrainian language, culture, in which, in these cells, children could gather at least once or twice a week and still try. practice, more
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actively practice your ukrainian language, this, uh, it happens somewhere, again, and again, it is sporadic and so quite chaotic, that is, where there are active public organizations that undertake the organization of this, such and such meetings are happening, uh, but can you say that it is systemic, no, no, you can't, so uh, well, the answer will be the same, that is, we will not be able to this sociolinguistic situation so quickly change. in one day, this is absolutely impossible, but what we can do is to investigate it in great detail, because the situation you described, i also know about such situations, and if we, together with you there, for example, voiced such numbers , that let's say 80% of children who left ukraine are subject to russification in european countries, and these are not just words, but the results of a certain study, it would be very serious, it seems to me an argument for more active. the creation of such centers
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of the ukrainian language, and such arguments so far no, that is, we have many stories of various private ones, yes, but we do not see such a systematic and scientific work, including. therefore, i will essentially say the same recommendation that it should be a more systematic , scientific and practical work on creating such environments. let's talk about it, and maybe those who need to hear it will eventually hear it and act somehow. mr. andriy, thank you. andriy kovalev, founder of the public organization splinna mova, talked about the rollback of the ukrainian language in ukraine, which now all mark, let's take a short break, come back and continue, we still have 20 minutes ahead of us. ether, stay with us. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon. and with toper matryk, you will forget that
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turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. dear friends, we are coming back, these are our last 15 minutes on the air with andrii saichuk, with lesia vakulyuk, and you... have the opportunity to donate so that we already have 40,000 for today collected, for this morning we actually have 200 hryvnias allocated from this, 38 00 is for this morning, thank you, who, with those who have already contributed and thanks to those who will just contribute, still has an opportunity for this, i want to tell you that we have already passed the mark of 1,200,000 and we already have 1,229, hryvnias out of the 4 million required, so please donate, and we... are talking to viktor shlinchak, the head of the board of the institute of world politics. mr. viktor, we welcome you.
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greetings, colleagues. mr. viktor, well, there are literally less than three weeks until the summit peaceful in switzerland as well, and president zelenskyi already says that more than 90 eyes of different countries have agreed to participate, but his main efforts now are to drag out, so to speak, the countries of the global south. in your opinion , but, but also decreased, decreased, the bar of expectations decreased, only three points out of ten remained, only those are planned to be discussed, this is energy security, there is security and the exchange of prisoners, in your opinion, how successful can it still be be this summit, what can we expect from it, and maybe you too have you seen bloomberg, i think he wrote that maybe this summit will be only a prelude to the next meeting, where it seems that the europeans with... hope to drag russia and ukraine to the same table of transition already sometime in the fall?
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too many questions at the same time, let's start with the summit, you are right, now with 10 points, the president said that they will focus on three: this is nuclear security, this is food and sea delivery, and humanitarian issues, this is the first ... the exchange of prisoners of war, i think that these three points can really be signed by all the countries that will come to summit, because these issues affect all states, no one wants a nuclear war to break out tomorrow, and the world will cease to exist on that, just as no one wants hunger in one or another part of the planet . and the humanitarian issue is a moral issue, so i think that
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there will not be any major objections here either, for us, the main goal, as i understand it, was for as many countries as possible to come to this summit, so that at this summit indeed, ukraine sounded like the initiator of the possible. uh dialogue and possible negotiations, and not in the context in which the russians sell negotiations, because the russians convey, sell negotiations to the whole world, actually as a sweet piece of candy, with which they lure many leaders and many countries, but at the same time, we understand that that when they talk about eh... um that unsigned document that was allegedly discussed in
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istanbul, it was about, first of all, about the capitulation of ukraine, i.e. the reduction of troops, rejection of nato, possible, possible accession to the eu, again , it is not known when, and actually everything it would push ukraine to capitulate either... in the current conditions, or there in a year or two, when russia will gain more power and will be able to really walk this way to kyiv in three days, so it is clear that such a statement of the question is unacceptable, and in the end, when western leaders and western societies hear about any negotiations or peace talks. initiatives of russia, we still need to take them into account, that we perfectly understand
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how such initiatives can end, as regards the conference that is allegedly being announced now, and in saudi arabia, in to saudi arabia, you know, today i re-read the history of 1938, when in fact the european countries, the soviet union, the west were ready to give the sudetenland to the germans. german to the germans and in fact in this plan to give such a gift, to offer such a gift to hitler, in the hope that hitler would not advance further, as history shows, it was
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a huge mistake, then it was called the munich conspiracy, and actually it became... the beginning of the second world war wars, to people who offer similar things, similar conferences, it is necessary to re-read history very well and understand the consequences of such things, i support the president here, that really, until we beat the russian federation to the teeth and hands, until then it will carry. further this mantra that ukraine should share some lands there, already have new realities, understand that crimea will never be recaptured, will never return to ukraine, donetsk and luhansk and so on, because russia feels only, maybe, can
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only react when she feels. strength, now she feels weakness of the european union, now it feels the weakness of the united states of america, and it filigreely tries to fuel all this, mr. viktor, now our allies are divided, some are in favor of giving ukraine the opportunity to strike with western weapons on russian territory, others stand their ground and say, what is not, and actually these are just the... the key ones, which, on which it depends, whether it happens or not, what can be a tipping point, can that tipping point be, whether we will eventually get weapons, but again we will be able to hit it only on ukrainian territory, for example, something flew into luhansk this night, well, first of all, i think that the latest
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terrorist acts on the part of russia, such as... flying rockets into a completely civilian object as the epicenter, they should contribute to the fact that our western partners should revise their positions. moreover, in the american strategies for the introduction of war, it is very clearly written that the americans must first destroy there... bases, supplies and so on, that is, they have very clear in the pentagon instructions about this, how we can stop the enemy now, if he concentrates, concentrates his efforts on the border, in fact, and when he strikes there, at arm's length
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from his border, but otherwise. there can be no solution, here of course we, i mean the ukrainian military industry , need to work on ensuring that we also have ukrainian weapons, and we do not ask permission from anyone, where to hit, where to aim, where to actually consider where we should consider these goals and where to hit, but for this... of course, we need time, skills, and appropriate funding, but i am sure that sooner or later we will get there. tonight, kyiv time, rustem umyerov, the ukrainian minister of defense, wrote on facebook that, actually, he called,
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ah, called on his partners to help. to help with the closing of the sky, again, yes, and we also know that such even, these ideas are supported, for example, by the baltic countries, poland, but it seems that, if you believe the western media, scholz is against it and against biden, why is biden showing such indecision, and can something to change, or they can still go, for example, to close the part. at least of ukraine in order to place key, key defense enterprises there and also biz business. we are not only talking about key defense enterprises, we are also talking about whether it is possible to provide ukraine with f-16s, where they should be based, imagine that several squadrons are handed over to us there, and
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then missiles actually arrive there at the airfield , it is clear that more air defense complexes are needed, and it is desirable that they are really patriots who, for... themselves with the best, of the best on the other hand, moreover, ukraine became a big advertisement for patriots in general, their price even increased during the war, and in fact, when president zelenskyi talks about the fact that we need seven patriots, i would venture to say that we need at least 27 of them, well, maybe even more, because... to cover the whole sky, to cover the territory that can be used to host the same
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f-16s, you need strong and powerful systems, it is obvious to everyone, er, will our western partners, meaning poland, romania, to cover part of the territory there, it seems to me that it still does not exist. decisions, and it is still, well, it is being discussed, and there is a feeling that this uncertainty gives putin even more opportunities to say that western countries, european countries, european leaders, that they are weak, he, i repeat, he only understands the language of strength, he does not understand some other things, this has already been proved a lot. times, and he is now on the offensive, it is already obvious, it is clear. well, there are different opinions about who is working for time, some
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believe that russia is also running out of time resources, here in your opinion, if the war continues for another year or two, then who will be stronger in this war and what does it depend on, we literally have minutes left. well, first of all, we don't know what kind of situation he is in. the russian economy, because the statistics are now closed, we can look at some of the balance sheet documents on how offsets and calculations are carried out, but you know, there is a ukrainian proverb: while the fat person is growing, he will lose weight, the thin person will die, and in this case it is necessary to first of all, think about how we can strengthen our capabilities. your capabilities, and not on how many resources russia has, as statistics now show, russia has learned to manufacture three times more projectiles
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than the entire european union, this is your answer to how ready and capable we are now to take some more radical steps. mr. viktor, thank you, viktor shlinchak, the head of the board of the institute of world politics was from... dear friends, thank you for being with us, thank you for the 39 thousand that you collected today, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk worked in this studio for you, see you tomorrow at 7:10, well , eterespresso continues, so stay, petrol trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and that's what you want... to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv, order in time at a special price, only from uah 999.
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12:00 pm
news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio kateryna shiropoyas works. ukraine and belgium signed an agreement on security guarantees. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi. the document provides for at least 977. aid, and belgium undertakes to provide kyiv with support for 10 years. let me remind you that this is the 11th such agreement for ukraine. belgium will transfer 30 f-16 fighters to ukraine by 2028. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of the country khaja lakhbib. she noted that the first fighter jets should arrive in ukraine by the end of this year.


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