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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. ukraine and belgium signed a security guarantee agreement. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi. provides for at least 977 million euros in military aid, and belgium undertakes to provide kyiv with support for 10 years. let me remind you that this is the 11th such agreement for ukraine. belgium will hand over 30 f-16 fighter jets to ukraine by 2028, the minister of foreign affairs of the country khadja lakhbib said. she noted that the first fighter jets should arrive in ukraine by the end of this year. according to the head
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of the belgian ministry of foreign affairs, the corresponding obligation will be officially formalized in the agreement on security guarantees, which ukraine and belgium will sign today. in addition, the ministry of defense of belgium will also transfer ammunition from its stocks to equip the f-16 for ukraine. attack on a hypermarket in kharkiv. the police identified the father of eight-year-old mykhailo. the boy passed with his mother the day before. to pass tests for dna examination. the body of the deceased was identified at night. the man was an employee of a hypermarket. this was reported by national police. currently, law enforcement officers have identified the identities of 16 victims. search operations are ongoing. let me remind you that on may 25, the occupiers targeted the construction hypermarket of the city with two aerial bombs. as a result of the attack, according to the information of the regional military administration , 18 people were killed and 48 people were injured. the police report about 17
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victims of shelling. three more war criminals were identified by our intelligence together with the national police, they are officers of the russian army of occupation. according to the materials of the investigation in on march 22, the perpetrators were in the snihoriv district of the mykolaiv region. in one of the settlements, the russians tortured a 53-year-old man, and later shot him dead. ukrainian special services intercepted. audio recording of the occupiers' conversation. she criticized the positions of the armed forces of ukraine and called for the killing of ukrainian prisoners. in slovyansk, the security service kidnapped an ardent supporter of the russian peace. the attacker was spying on the bases of the defense forces. tried to identify ukrainian fortified areas and firing positions of our defenders. information she passed it on to her friend, who is friends with russian soldiers. the traitor was arrested, she faces up to 12 years behind bars. the verkhovna
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rada will propose to extend the deadline for updating data for conscripts. the bill will be registered for consideration. people's deputy volodymyr ariev reported this on the espresso tv channel. therefore, they want to offer men 150 days instead of the currently approved 60 to update their data. people simply will not be able to do physics'. but physically in 60 days, which were provided for in the law, for which the monomajority voted, together with opz, there and several other factions, they simply will not be able to physically update this data, and then they will be subject to fines, and the fines will then be quite, quite large, so today , together with my colleagues, i am registering a bill that continues, proposes to continue.
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extend the deadline for data clarification in tsc from 60 to at least 150 days, and why in 150 days? i believe that during this time we will demand from the government and from the ministry of defense to make electronic applications in such a way as to relieve the tsk and all the issues that are currently can be solved only with a personal visit to the assembly center. solve online. poland should not rule out sending troops to ukraine. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radislaw sikorsky, reuters reports. however, the minister did not specify what role polish troops could play. earlier, sikorskyi stated that it is necessary to talk about the presence of nato troops in ukraine. the netherlands created an initiative to supply patriot systems to ukraine. this was reported in the defense
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the country's ministry of defense notes that, due to the delays of other countries, the netherlands wants to assemble and hand over to ukraine at least one complete patriot air defense system in short order. in the near future, for this they will provide the main components from their stocks and call on european countries to add other parts they have. from a sports career to demining. bilotserki cyclist borys hapych, despite his success abroad, went to defend ukraine with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, now serves in the third separate assault brigade, about a defender from call sign see you in our next story. member of the national cycling team of ukraine, master of sports, member of the italian club. the hero of our story changed all these majestic titles to one simple and short one - military. boris, originally from bila
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tserkva, grew up here and professionally engaged in cycling. shares after many years of sports career, he was called to become a coach in italy, but he refused and returned to his homeland. developed opened stores in his own business, the last of them was on sofiivska bozhchagivka, from where he entered to the buchansky dftg from the first days of the full-scale invasion, then a new chapter in his life called "war" began. on the 26th, i came to the registration office, like everyone else, as almost all of ukraine came to us then, all the guys who have an understanding of what slavery is and what free will is, wrote down my data, but i was not called then, because i went to... military service in sportroti, i was in the team of the ukrainian national team, i went through sportroti, as such, specifically military, military affairs, i didn’t know, it’s just that, well, they said, well, we let's call back, but two days later i came back, i
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realized that they wouldn't call back, and we created bychansk dftg. after realizing that it is no longer useful in the unit, the introduction. in the valleys of the well-known third separate assault brigade. then boris was driven by memories of how people fled from buchi, and russians killed ukrainians in front of his eyes. now, during the war, he equips defense structures, engages in demining, demining, and lays logistical routes. he claims that muscovites use weapons prohibited by the geneva convention, in particular remote mining. therefore, his field of activity is very dangerous, and he never sits without work. tells the story of one chevron, he was given it by the guys from the company for performing a dangerous combat task, the gas went behind a minefield to make a passage for his comrades. i was not sure that i would return, because, well, i assessed
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the situation objectively, i understood it, because it was night, because at that moment we were also being shelled, and i had to do it quickly and in any way possible . i did it, passed, made a passage, noticed him with a light, that's it and then the guys went along this path, and we did our job without loss, and the guys nailed it like that, of course, the last way, a painted torpedo and a night vision device, with what i used, i looked under my feet and slowly crawled, and crawled and passed, his classmate oleksandr... remembers the school years together and considers his friend a role model and a sports star of our city. our star is the pride of the white church, because he is known in sports circles, a cyclist, he represented our
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country in italy. currently, boris has come to his hometown to see his family and pass. later , he will again go to the front to his brothers from the third separate assault brigade, where together these brave soldiers will continue to destroy the staunch enemy of the russians. on the air gas, shot! olena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. in the meantime , the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling on you to donate drones and components for the 100th brigade's artillery reconnaissance. from the ussr the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary pieces. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on security and provide the ability to confidently move forward, both during assault and during reconnaissance. and most importantly, they help protect the lives
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of our military. every hryvnia of yours is extremely important, remember that. in general, our goal is uah 2.5 million. so, don't stop, donate, invest in our victory. i wish you good health, we, the soldiers of the 100th brigade of reconnaissance, are asking you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future destroy. the enemy and defend our homeland, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ether, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment us your important thoughts, be there every day. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our espresso website. tv, as well as in our social networks, we will see you tomorrow, take care!
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maybe serhiy is signing autographs on his new book, maybe your serhii roden is busy today. i will be roman chaika and i am very pleased to be with you in the evening. we will try to sum up the statements of the day, which have been sufficiently christened from the point of view of geopolitics, and of course we will start with the security, military and international , which is constantly emphasized that any military aid is provided precisely under reinforced concrete conditions, which can be verified, that this weapon... will not be used on the territory of russia federations, break these two theses and
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the defensive arc of the summer campaign is actually being built right now, both on the fronts and in the peaceful cities of ukraine, because we see that in fact there is an attempt to wipe out entire districts of kharkiv, such as saltivka, or, on the contrary, to try to hit them with guided aerial bombs. .. to the largest gathering of people, as was the case during the weekend in the recreation area of ​​kharkiv residents, or to educational and other institutions, or simply to a residential building, all this flies from the territory of russia, it flies from the territory of russia to our borders on its own planes, and all these the airfields are in one way or another strategically close to the borders of ukraine. in order to fly up, there must be fuel reserves. which logistically have to be delivered closer to the borders of ukraine so that
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the plane can be lifted, and it is at a distance of 60-70 km from, for example, kharkiv, which means 20-30 km deep in the russian federation, launch these guided bombs, in particular from belgorodchyna in the direction of kharkiv. in order to stop this massive terror in broad daylight, it is necessary to strike, at least to the depths. well, 20-30 km on these planes the airspace of russia, or, for example, on the same airfields that are within reach, in particular, to attack missiles from this range, which was given to us by the united states of america, i.e. 300 km, that is what we will now talk about with lieutenant general retired igor romanenko, mr. igor, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, well, let's start actually, probably already with what i announced, that is, about air defense simply. of ukraine, there are two of them, and the first one is about what
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kyiv requested, about what our partners from warsaw and the baltic states also supported it, some of the scandinavian ones, there is talk of a real dome over part of the territory of ukraine, i.e. the western region, and there is a discussion about it in nato, the german publication bilt writes about it, what is the problem. why is it so difficult, for example, to make such a decision, if every time the western regions of ukraine are attacked with hypersonic or cruise missiles, the f-16 of the polish air force takes off in the air, the problem is that the americans, well , from the europeans, the germans, that at the expense of this kind of actions did not begin, the russians did not perceive it as a further threat to them, if the increase in potential is threatening and did not
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lead to escalation, this is the interpretation of our western allies, the americans, and the germans, although the germans, scholz himself about a year and a half ago , it should be remembered, took the initiative to close the sky over europe, that it is necessary to form its respective forces. they see what happens to ukraine when this kind of fighting is going on, when the enemy carries out airstrikes, from what you listed and rockets and ballistic, and winged, and shahed, that is, barrage munitions, various, this kind of means, and this must be fought, but when the question became, the one that we asked actually from the first days of the war, to close the sky of ukraine, let's do it together , that means i won’t
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fly to you then, all this that is affecting us, they are afraid of... what we are talking about now, that it can provoke the russians, and they are threatening the germans, they sent them, so they bridges over which they will beat the russians, for example, if, then, the germans will hand over their tauros to the british, the british have given permission to hit the objects on the territory of the russian federation with their stormsheadle, then... they, if it will be, the russians have drawn their red lines, that they will then hit the british objects objects to the fact that they will use nuclear weapons and so on, but look, in this case, these red lines have already turned into brown many times, and in addition to the evil tweets of the eternally drunk dmitry medvedev
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, there are some real threats to... for the same germany, britain, and now sweden also gave the go-ahead to use their military aid for strikes on the territory of the russian federation, but it didn’t happen, and the usa knows this very well, how many times they have talked about these lines, they themselves laugh at them, there are no lines for the russian , at least they don't risk doing anything openly against nato countries. i would, well, firstly i agree with you, secondly speaking. that it is not you that there are some brown ones left, our defenders erase them completely, and we see that there are further threats if things do not go well, but, but there are different politics, in the vicinity of the same president of the united states, there is a wing of sullivan, who
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is afraid of everything and manages to conduct security issues in such a way, as we can see, there is another wing. austin and blinkin, and it is in the confrontation that the policy of inhibition, unfortunately, carried out by the leadership of the united states is born, of course, mr. igor, let's return to this european initiative, if it really worked, what would it mean , that it is one or more patriot batteries in the ryaszew or polish rzeszew area. absolutely could to cover deep enough in the western region of ukraine from hypersonic and cruise missiles, adding aviation power, is there anything else, let's see, we would not be against not only ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, but also to shoot down from shaheda, and why not, the means are there,
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they have f16, they do not give, they do not remove the shutters to start ours. let them shoot down the f-16s that are not yet flying in the western direction, that is, now the idea is to train our troops, this is what they did in the past, let's say, and it is quite expensive, we remember, and thank you to them for the fact that our military was trained on the territories of great britain and other european countries, but probably now they think that it is expensive. it is necessary and possible to cook directly at the training grounds, well , the lviv big one and this training ground, i was there almost from the beginning of the war, let's say, until they started shelling us, as it now turns out, this kgb major helped them, gave me maps , gave hints and beat, and there
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people died in connection with this, that's how it should be, if training is conducted on training grounds, in the west, then it should be closed, because well there was little opportunity, we saw how they influence it, yes, mr. igor, but you actually already mentioned that it is cheaper to teach not at a distance, well, indeed, the logistics are more difficult, we already have a precedent, when glaucom syrsky signs the documents and the first french instructors arrive at primary school. there is a precedent of ukraine, there may be others, other instructors, as far as it is and as far as it will settle us, looks, this is the goal of organizations, that is. the current time is to cover the training of our troops in the west of ukraine, but we do not have enough means, but what are there in poland, romania, well
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and in general, it is possible to hide there german, any french, italian means of this kind, which will not be on the territory of ukraine, because they are also afraid that the russians will help perceive it as the use of troops. directly, well, as a supply, and they react specifically to the russians in order to, that this is extremely and so on, but, it means that the troops are being trained in our western territories, for example, and this is technically implemented by complexes there petrio samti, in of them long-range 150, at medium high altitudes 160 km, planes lift, and we agree, not to happen that flew into the territory of poland, it can be hit, we give consent to our over our territories, thus the potential
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of anti-hail anti-missile defense in the western part of our country increases, we can move either to the line of contact or to the eastern, let's say regions, look, this is the western part , here at least it is clear. the scheme, if it works, for now we are waiting to see how it will all take shape, i mean poland, great britain, canada, estonia, these are those who have already openly supported such an idea, let's talk about let's talk about the northeast, because there are reports of ballistic missiles flying in, and s-300s, which follow a ballistic trajectory from belgorod, and even today, zelenskyi said to... guided air bombs a month, that's the intensity, in this case, if we receive the same answer as from the swedes
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and as from the british, that you can use all our weapons to pound the territory of the russian federation, do we remove this threat, or can we, for example, with these means, which are from sweden and britain, achieve their airfields, well and all the supporting logistics, where... their planes are based, can we destroy their launchers that are firing at us, for example, with the same s-300s, which they have a lot of. i would say you can start it. you said well that it is to act on prejudice, that is, to hit the airfields, the planes at these airfields, before they take off. it's very good, and it should be included in this one. the defense system, for example, which is around kharkiv, but this is not enough, you can't beat everyone anyway, someone will still take off, we remember that it is 75 km from the border, and now
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they have moved towards kharkiv, we remember, and the klints are already 26 km from hayk, and if they manage to expand this buffer zone, well, let's say bypass these klints or take god forbid and... they will move further to a distance of 20 km from kharkiv, that is, this is the range of action of intensive artillery, and then kharkiv will be under such artillery influences as kherson is here now, ugh, that is why the next question is, we you mean you have discussed issues regarding actions, let's say stormshedl and archer, but now it is necessary to ... consider that the americans say that they do not approve of the application, but the responsibility of ukraine. i think we are not afraid to take responsibility, and we need a couple of
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patriots near kharkiv, but not just, patriot, well, here is a machine that will knock down ballistics there and work then, but they don’t have very fast maneuvers, you can do it, over in kharkov, the russians made an intelligence system out of drones. of these devices, such as arland, so in order to cover the patriots, we need the irst system and the hypar system there, skynex to shoot down these aircraft, and why is it so important, because they are scouting and iskanders will immediately strike the positions of the starters or the placement of the patriot battery, you understand, you understand. therefore, if we do not do this, in a week or two they will scout and beat our patriots, who will be given to us, because they have now formed
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reconnaissance and strike complexes. this means that at the present time, objects are scouted online by space aircraft, these, therefore, unmanned advanced devices, such as arland, and they transmit directly, not through the headquarters for a long time, directly to the iskander complexes, and in a few minutes, they enter these coordinates there for 4-6 minutes and let them go and... of course, mr. igor, but as you described, for example, how that's how it should look, it 's called echeloned anti-aircraft defense, it's very good for us that you perceive it that way, i would very much like the audience, it's also like that, to understand what we're talking about, so we need patriots not for that , so that the russians would hunt them, and in order that everything well, those su-34s that we... didn't finish off at
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the airfields, which flew into the air with scabbards, and what they do is fly in from the airfields, speed up, rise to a height of about 11 km, these are better conditions, and without flying to the borders with these cabs are launched in ukraine, with such approaches as we are talking about, these cabs can fly up to 70 and even say 90, we just told our viewers about it. and explained how, how it can be resisted, but this is already the airspace of the same russian federation, we don’t have much time left, sir, mr. igor, but there is one thing the video that i want to ask you to analyze as a specialist, it is being dispersed today by the soldiers of the russian military, it is a video in which their russian k-52 helicopter, well known as an alligator, we have also burned them more than once,
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launches. the missile, according to the russians, is none other than the kh-59-kh-69. well, accordingly, in the comments, i have already seen certain comments from military experts who say that if this is true, then this is very bad news for us. is it really possible to launch the winged x-59-x-69 from a helicopter, what we are shown on this pictures? look, before that, until now , this was done from tactical aviation, first the х59, and then the modernized version of the х69y, there were also su-34s, they say from other aircraft, but the planes were launched, here if, if it is really so , but to trust their propaganda, and what you see does not give you the opportunity to say with certainty whether it is true or not, from the fact that so far...
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i cannot say for sure, it is very responsible, if so with from the point of view that they have new possibilities for carrying for application blow, and this only suggests that the americans should go further decisively to lift the ban on the use of the f16 and give the swedes the opportunity to provide us with gripins, because it is not necessary with spoons, as they do with tea spoons, moreover. in terms of armaments and in terms of approaches related to the provision, they mean, at the end of last year, they are now telling us that it should appear in the summer, almost by the fall, they are moving these f-16s, but they immediately give them so that we do not it was boring in the perception that it could be, well, no more than six f-16s, what is the conversation about, the number is there, that's all there is, of course it is difficult, you see, it is definitely a struggle.


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