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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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security, iskanders will visit you tomorrow, the enemy hears, be careful. this is news, eva melnyk is with you, and greetings to all viewers of espresso. ukraine and belgium signed a bilateral security agreement. today, president volodymyr zelenskyi is in brussels on a working visit. according to the text , the cooperation of the states in the defense sector, the strengthening of sanctions against russia, compensation for damages, the use of confiscated assets for the needs of ukraine and...
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our peace formula are foreseen, the document also indicated the allocation of almost a billion euros by belgium of military aid, i should note that this is already the 11th country with which we have signed a similar agreement. only on its territory, ukraine will be able to use the f-16 provided by belgium only over our land. this condition was specified in the agreement signed by president zelenskyi and belgian prime minister decro. he promised. give us 30 f-16s by 2028. the first fighter jets should take to the sky of ukraine by the end of this year. in addition, the ministry of defense of belgium will transfer ammunition from its stocks to equip the iron birds. increase the amount ukrainian military personnel, who are trained within the framework of the european mission, were offered in estonia. the minister of defense of the country khanopev believes that these... may increase to 100 thousand.
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the official reminded that the european union promised to expand the training under this program from 40 to 60 thousand people, but this is not enough to restrain the pressure of russia - believes pevkur. ukrainian defense forces shot down an enemy mine in the dnipropetrovsk region, reported the head of the region, serhiy lysak, according to an enemy drone, working in the senelnyk district. an engineer was arrested for bribery in kyiv utility company. the highway maintenance official demanded $200 per month to rent a plot on the territory of the institution. he announced the amount to the director of the road company, who needed to place an asphalt-concrete plant there. the official cost of such a lease is almost 600 hryvnias, but without regular additional payments , the 28-year-old detainee refused to sign a contract with... the suspect was served with suspicion,
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he will be tried for bribery. two men who blew up a bank in chernihiv region planned to steal more than 5 million hryvnias. according to law enforcement officers, the perpetrators were previously convicted, residents of the zaporizhia and mykolaiv regions, the accomplices prepared for the robbery in advance, dug and reinforced the underground tunnel that led to the bank's vault from the basement of the adjacent high-rise building. they set off an explosion in the room and made their way there, collecting and dismantling the floor. however, due to the devastation caused by the explosives, the thieves were unable to complete their plan and were detained by the police. in the course of authorized searches, a substance of plant origin similar to cannabis was discovered and seized from them weighing more than 10 kg. the item looks like a gun and other items as well. that may
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testify to their involvement in the commission of the specified crime, the detainees were notified of the suspicion of intentional destruction or damage to property by means of an explosion with a prior conspiracy by a group of persons and attempted theft, committed by the detainees they face imprisonment for a term of up to 12 years with confiscation of property. the illegal cigarette production line was seized by law enforcement officers and detectives of the bureau of economic security conducted searches. at the enterprise associated with the odessa smuggler vadim according to alperin, equipment for the production of cigarettes was seized from the shops. the company has a license, but illegally manufactures cigarettes with fake excise stamps, the bureau said. the case was opened for tax evasion, entering false information into documents, falsification of excise duties and illegal production of goods, - said businessman vadym alperin, who is under sanctions of the nsdc . in 2021, president volodymyr zelensky
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deprived him of ukrainian citizenship. failed attempt. failed in north korea launching a reconnaissance satellite into orbit. the rocket with the device on board exploded after two minutes of flight. initially, the cause of the accident is called a malfunction of the engine. earlier, south korean media reported that russia is helping in the construction of such intelligence satellites. fortification along the border with russia and belarus. poland presented a detailed plan of the eastern shield project. the ministry of defense of the country reports: this is 700 km of fortifications of detection and warning systems of advanced bases, logistics nodes and means of countering drones. project should become the largest defense program of this type since 1945,
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10 billion polish zlotys are planned to be spent on it. deputy minister of defense cezariy tomchyk noted that money for the program will be allocated from the beginning of next year. we want this project to start immediately and be completed by 2028, its estimated cost is about 10 billion zlotys, and this is only material costs, this is a huge investment on the scale of our country, as well as nato, it will serve as additional security for all of us, we want to that it be covered by funds from the budget of our country, as well as from european sources. and while each country is thinking about how to defend itself from russia, let us do our own thing. the espressa tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation opened a fundraiser for drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan
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to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadrocopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and enable you to move forward with confidence. both during assault and during reconnaissance, and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. every donation you make is an important contribution to supporting defenders on the front lines. the goal is uah 2.5 million. invest in our victory. the main challenges of the de-occupied territories are how to release hostages, rebuild housing and record war crimes. this was discussed today during a press conference in the capital. ours knows the details. hello, my friend, so what do the experts suggest? i congratulate anna eva, i also congratulate our viewers, special attention was definitely paid today to the release of civilians from polon, as
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said the head of the permanent delegation of the verkhovna rada in pare, maria mezyntseva, that lithuania, which is currently chairing the committee. of ministers of the council of europe supported the proposal of the ukrainian delegation to pay special attention to the release of civilian hostages, both children and adults, who are illegally staying on the territory of the russian federation. now, officially, there are more than 38 thousand such people, both children and adults, i want to remind you that the children of war website recorded, recorded. the illegal transfer of almost 20 thousand ukrainian children, and let me remind you that ukraine created a coalition of partner countries that currently help return ukrainian children, there are already 36 such countries. why exactly and what is
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the difficulty of returning civilian hostages? we will hear further. it is easier with children, because children cause a lot of empathy. everyone understands, there is no question whether it was, was the children’s choice, because it’s a stupid question, you know, but adults, our partners say, or maybe it was their choice, and it is very difficult to explain that these adults have no choice, especially the territory close to different fronts, and this a very dangerous zone where we can lose understanding of what happened, what crimes happened, plus the russian federation, and an example, so mariupol is trying to clean up its tracks. honest crimes, we also heard about the recording of crimes, this was also discussed today, they said that the creation of an office in kyiv and in geneva for the recording of russian war crimes is a special step towards the payment
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of compensation, and today it was noted that not only compensation, but and russia must be punished for these crimes, the ukrainian delegation is also working on the creation of a tribunal regarding crimes against ukrainians, they also reminded that the de-occupied territories liberated by the armed forces of ukraine should be provided with... humanitarian and informational support, so that our partners, the western partners who provide assistance, would see that russia was hiding in these territories, since, as we have already heard, in mariupol they sweep up so-called, sweep up the traces of their war crimes, this is what they talked about today at the annoyevo conference. thank you for the information and work from kyiv correspondent distresso dmytro didora on how to solve the main problems de-occupied territories. i have everything for the moment, i'll see you at 3 p.m. next, in the espresso atelier, meet my colleagues,
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marto, oliarnyk and antsyn burkovskyi. greetings to all viewers of espresso informative. day in rozpal itself, in the next few hours we will analyze the important events of today together with you, and i want to start with the recent statement of president zelensky, who says that russia wants to organize a so -called meeting place as an alternative to the peace summit. zelenskyi stated this on press conference in belgium. he added that russia is going to hold an alternative event, because of this some countries cannot decide to take part in the one proposed by ukraine, he says. zelenskyy, yes, we appeal to the world leaders, if you want peace, then let's meet at the site
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of the peace summit, it is absolutely fair that we are preparing this summit together with other partners, because the war is ours and the initiative must be ours, we are the victim, we were attacked, we are being killed, said zelensky. he also noted that all the leaders are for alternatives with their thoughts can come to the summit and freely express their vision - added the president, he also says that even those who disagree with something... will be able to speak at the summit if they want peace, and if you want war, you will come to tezbigovoske that russia wants to organize, this was a direct quote from zelenskyi, and in addition, zelenskyi essentially reprimanded biden, he said that putin will give a standing ovation if the american president ignores the peace summit, he also said this during the press conference in brussels, i let me remind you that against the background of the ruins in kharkiv, zelenskyi also appealed to...joseph biden with a request to appear at the peace summit in order to speed up peace in ukraine, and
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only time will tell whether zelenskyi's appeal actually affected both leaders, but we will actually inform you about everything that you and i need to know, and we will do it literally in a matter of seconds with our first guest, ivan varchenko, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert on national security issues, with us already to be on connection, we will analyze with him the situation at the front, and the statements, political statements of the ukrainian president, including, yesterday zelensky was in spain, signed a security agreement, today zelensky is in belgium, and it is also important what zelensky said, he stated that ukraine has intelligence data on the supply of not only weapons from the dprk and iran to russia, they are not officially talking about it yet, zelenskyi said at the briefing, iran is open to ... weapons, not only drones, but also missiles. north korea supplies artillery shells and missiles. here
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this statement was made by zelenskyi, ivan varchenko, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine and an expert on national security issues , is already in touch with us. mr. ivan, i welcome you to our air. glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. i would like to start with zelenskyi's statements that russia is organizing some kind of race as an alternative to the peace summit, and zelenskyi says. that putin will give a standing ovation if this summit is ignored by the american president. actually, how do you assess whether it is really from the point of view of practical and the absence of any diplomatic processes by the first persons of china and the united states, in fact, makes this peace summit one that will not have any practical way out. well, first of all, the summit, this is one of the maidans. which is important and useful for ukraine, it is so useful to constantly keep in touch with our partners,
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to expand the circle of these partners even without dialogue, without direct substantive dialogue, in person, not in absentia, not online, but precisely during meetings, then without such dialogue, our diplomacy, our foreign policy will be less effective, this is an axiom, now it is important to demonstrate the unity of our main partners, even... if the partners have disagreements about the depth, consequences and so on of this summit, then in principle it is the demonstration of unity that is important, let there even be unity. in the joint search for solutions, even if the paths of these solutions are different, there may be dialogues, a discussion about how to proceed, but it is important to testify that everyone is moving together, and of course, in this context, the presence of representatives of the highest level of representatives of the united states of america, it is extremely
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important, because the united states of america is our main, extremely important partner. in this case, i would not speak categorically about the representation of china at the highest , highest level, because here this situation is still in evolution, let's say, china has not yet found its only correct position, which would allow it to move there confidently and quickly in some direction don't you think china has already made it clear whose side it is on, or do you think china can still... change its political position, if we are talking about the russian-ukrainian war? china will make it clear whose boss it is on, if you phrase it in such a way that it makes it clear that it is on the side of russia, then when chinese weapons, chinese equipment will fight on the ukrainian front, at the moment there is no such thing, and this means that china is still stretching his twine,
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he is still looking for a variant of behavior, still ukrainians, ukrainians as well... russians have the opportunity to use the gains of chinese industry, using them in including in hostilities, so at the moment china has not taken a hard position towards one or another side: yes, it is closer to russia, so it proclaims russia's narratives at the foreign policy level and has already met with putin many times at the time... when he is not meeting with ukrainian representatives at the highest level. at the same time, i told you that it can be said that china has definitely made a decision. mr. ivan, look, there is still an important enough signal, we received from the state bureau of investigation. the sbi decided to initiate criminal proceedings
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against 28 commanders in connection with the breakthrough of the rashists in the kharkiv region. the spokeswoman herself. tetyana sapyan of the state bureau of investigations said on the air of the telethon that the bureau is currently investigating and finding out whether it would have been possible to avoid an enemy breakthrough during the offensive in the north of the kharkiv region. ah, i would like you to comment, in fact, she says, in particular, criminal proceedings were opened for previous qualifications, the first qualification - voluntary abandonment of the battlefield and negligent treatment of military services it is about the command of the 125th brigade and its subordinate... sections , including the 415th separate rifle battalion, the 23rd mechanized brigade, the 172nd separate rifle apparently did not properly organize the defense of positions and on the border of the kharkiv region, well, yes further, well, this is a serious statement of the state security service of ukraine, because this is what we hear now about fortifications, and there is also
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quite a lot of such scandalous information about the apparently not... proper organization and tenders that were held questionably, well, in general, how do you assess the prospects of this investigation and do you actually outline for yourself who is ultimately responsible for the breakthrough that took place in the north of kharkiv oblast, yes, and here is another key point, we understand that the sbi is an investigative story, yes, the military performed the assigned tasks in the amount in which they were. yes, we understand that if desired, any investigative... body can, so to speak, find many violations in the work of any department, structural unit , and so on, because we understand the number of instructions and so on and so on further, no one canceled, so we have two points, on the other hand, we understand if they start to judge or investigate the actions of military personnel, well, we understand what
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moral and psychological effect and consequence it can have, here is such a very complex combination, i agree with you... i completely agree with you , an extremely complex combination, and the system of penalties and incentives, the system of punishments and incentives in ukraine is very, very underdeveloped, because we are in a transit period now, when from a totalitarian system, we are only trying to form principles and the foundations of democratic functioning, including such systemic structures as the armed forces of ukraine, as a law enforcement system and as a person. who was once involved in reforming the law enforcement system, i understand how deep -rooted traditions of the day before yesterday are now, those that are part of them... are definitely not traditions that make ukraine stronger. in this case, assessing the situation there, i would like to hope, and i hope,
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that the decisions made by law enforcement agencies, including in in the field of war, they will be very, very measured, and will not look for half-wits, and in general will refrain from taking away a ukrainian fighter and commander. the desire and mood to destroy the enemy, to concentrate around the war, i hope, it remains to hope for wisdom, and in the end, where we have a large part of legal relations that is not regulated, today it is not regulated, because the circumstances dictate those things that, well, for example, distribution of machine guns at the beginning of the war, a number of things when it is necessary to engage people, and you don’t have time to issue it as a commander, and the person has already gone into battle, and now, when we are talking about sterile, for example , perhaps sometimes acceptable
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approaches, measures and standards for peacetime, then these standards absolutely cannot be applied for wartime, when a significant part of the actual normative system was not ready for those challenges that arise, well, what about... as for specific decisions, about who is right, who is guilty, i think, i hope that these decisions will be taken so as not to weaken the defense of ukraine. no, just with taking into account the fact that individual people's deputies, and politicians in general, are beginning to actively comment, almost demand a report from the commanders-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and commanders of separate areas, well, we can see this. that politicians decide, so to speak, to interfere in this extremely delicate moment, which is called personnel command, and a political order in
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the work of law enforcement agencies, we have already been through this, and it is definitely harmful to the country, and especially to the detriment of the country, when country is in a difficult situation, so in this case i sincerely want to hope that the law enforcement system will still refrain from to take a five-pointer and run, to carry out political orders, unfortunately, it is not always possible to see, unfortunately, there are unfortunate examples of the opposite, but one can only hope that people will mature, become more mature, mr. ivan, make balanced decisions, in the end , mr. ivan, of course we agree that this is such a sensitive topic, but there are also parallel processes taking place in the state, and in particular... about the new law on strengthening mobilization, the state gave 60 days for people who did not update their data to do so, but we understand that our accounting system, yes, the work of tsc and
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sp, it was not ready for such an influx of people, and in fact, now we have what is called, well, people come five times at 5 in the morning, stand in line, but they can't even update their data, well, there is such an initiative among the people's deputies that they say, maybe will have to continue. extend this time from 60 to 150 days so that all were able to update their data, because, as reserve plus showed, it does not update data, a person can only update his email and phone number, but conditionally make a reservation or update his complete data, there is a change in some family situation and the like , such an option is not available there, how do you generally evaluate the innovations of this law and how our state was prepared for this... do you really think that we should now review all these processes, perhaps extend them in time for in order to so that, well, let's say this, people
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who really, well, sincerely want to go update the data, but they don't have such an opportunity now, because the queues don't allow them to do it now, you know, well, i don't have any specific advice, universal, it is called that you must learn mathematics before doing it. legislation, i'm sorry if it sounds rude, but you need to calculate the consequences of each legislative initiative, and just as you know, there is no understanding of children's so much or so little, then it is necessary to calculate how long it will take with such and such a capacity of this or that institution, the institution is able to meet the need, this applies to tsc, this applies to... anything, service centers, the center for providing administrative services, anything, yes, the state should calculate, they didn't calculate, they didn't look at how many millions of people we have, how does
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it work now? see how fast she can do, well what, well now we have to correct the consequences, good when they are corrected and in a reasonable way, bad then, when they approach each knot with an ax again, sometimes knots can be untied rather than cut, sometimes they can not be tied, well, here in this case some advice can only be universal, and specific advice, of course, is necessary here change, otherwise we run the risk that these people will simply not get in. you know, when the city, city authorities consider the issue of launching a particular bus route there, they calculate how many passengers there will be and how many of them need to be brought from point a to point b. if there are significantly more passengers than buses, respectively, the system does not work, or vice versa, when the buses are running empty. in this case, you just have to calculate everything, and when the lawmaker, the legislator approaches and
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calculates the consequences. your steps, then there are fewer mistakes. mr. ivan, look, finally , i wanted to clarify how you assess the history of staffing units from recent prisoners, right? well, at first there was such a story that they would be so smoothly diluted throughout the unit so that they would be under proper control from the side, the tactical command. now, if the minister is to be believed little ones, separate, small, as far as i understand the division, will be formed. i don't know there, maybe at the level of a platoon or a company of recent prisoners, what do you think, in general, to what extent can this idea of ​​equipping separate units in this way justify itself or vice versa? you know, we will in no way avoid discussions, comparisons with russia, because russia has followed this path, but at the same time, comparisons with russia about how to use, at the same time, ukraine will definitely
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go its way to... involving these people, who are in prison, are serving their sentences, we understand that it is certainly necessary to do this, to give an opportunity to realize their desire, especially when there is such a need in the state, a desire to protect one's country, how the state will be able to ensure this, i am absolutely sure that here there will be, there will be attempts, there will be some wrong decisions, there will be solutions, but here in this case we will calculate all the details and all the features. ahead in a dynamic situation, in such a situation it will be difficult, you have to start with something, this is a continuation of our previous conversation, but as much as possible to calculate risks and threats, there are risks and threats both from within this environment, and reactions to the outside, so in this case i would rather agree that it is necessary to start with separate subdivisions that will be applied in separate situations, and
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so on. let's see how it will go, thank you, it is ultimately related to human psychology, thank you, ivan varchenko, a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert on national security was on our airwaves, we are now going on a short break, after it we will continue our information day, today's events plenty, so be with espresso so you don't miss anything. petrol trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, aren't they? i want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot. there is a solution. garden trimmers from unpack tv. order in time at a special price of only uah 999. corce trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult- to-reach places. near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose trimmer kors, classic
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