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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine, on there will be some katsaps on the borders of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of. mr. norman, can we imagine that? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day for help. phone survey, turn on and
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tune in, the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, 2 hours of air time, 2 hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. thank you for waiting, so what, minister of foreign affairs affairs of the republic of poland, radoslav sikorskyi, in an interview with the election newspaper, stated that it cannot be ruled out when we talk about the expulsion of the polish contingent to... support our
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troops. we have to leave putin guessing about our intentions, he replied, explaining whether poland is ready to send troops to ukraine, but in any case , minister sikorski did not specify what the role of the polish army would be. in the meantime, we will talk a little not about this, but about an equally important topic, about our national security and how, through our own culture and religion, this the russians still... try to violate national security. taras shamayda, co-coordinator of the space of freedom movement, should be in touch with us now. mr. taras, we congratulate you. good day. well, a statement appeared, in fact, a joint statement of a number of public organizations, in which these organizations actually demand from people's deputies to ban the russian orthodox church and decolonize the names of settlements. we understand that the ban on rp'. this has been said
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for a long time, but our people's deputies still cannot vote for this draft law to the second reading and delay this process in every possible way. we would like you to briefly outline your own. the main theses of this statement and which organizations in particular joined this statement and why did the idea of ​​making such a statement arise in principle? in our opinion, the russian church is a factor that directly threatens the national security of ukraine, that is , it is essentially a subdivision, it is a structure that was created by stalin back in 1943, and since then... this moscow fsb church, it is a threat to national security, as evidenced by numerous criminal cases against its leaders, and generally a direct connection with moscow. in fact, we know that according to the latest sociological data, almost 2/3 of ukrainians are in favor of
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the immediate ban of the russian orthodox church and all its structures in ukraine, and even the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe recently called on all states. to consider patriarch kirill's roc and its structures as structures of putin's regime, which is carrying out aggression against ukraine. therefore, the problem is that although the law banning the russian orthodox church and, in fact, restricting the activities of those religious organizations in ukraine that do not break connection with moscow, this law has long been prepared for the second reading, however. in fact, the monomajority, the leadership of the monomajority blocked its consideration in the parliament, already about two months soon , as the law prepared for the second reading by the committee was unanimously approved by the humanitarian committee of the parliament, but this
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project does not appear on the agenda for some reason , and similar the situation, by the way, also with the draft resolution on the decolonization of populated areas, that is... on decolonization, adopted about a year and a half ago therefore, the verkhovna rada had to remove the names that are russian imperial symbols, all kutuzovs, suvorovs, pushkins, and other communist names, from the map of ukraine by the end of april, in accordance with this law, and accordingly, also another the specialized committee on state construction approved the draft of this decision, which was developed jointly by the institute on... memory, there are many academic institutions, local councils, there are more than 330 names for renaming, so in this resolution, the verkhovna rada should simply vote on it, but it does not appear on the agenda, and we simply see, of course, and we say
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it directly in our statement, that this is such an artificial blocking, essentially by the ruling party, by the leadership of the ruling party, of the adoption of important. decolonization decisions, and unfortunately, these are not the first examples when some decisions are important for reducing russian influence, reducing the danger that russian influence exerts on ukraine, they are inhibited at the highest level of government, let's say, we remember that over a year , well, exactly a year, to be precise, the president of ukraine has not signed a law banning russian show products, for example, import into ukraine, the constitution directly obliges him to sign the law within 15 days at the most, he signed it a year later and all this year russia received profits from its show products and at the same time influenced the opinion of ukrainians. yes, yes, mr. taras, well, let's now return to the history of the uocp, so
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we understand that the structure is extremely difficult, we realize that a lot of its top clergy can be in extremely tight, maybe. even operational close ones with representatives of various russian structures, yes, from the special services, ending with some para-kremlin moments, that is, we are aware of this on the one hand, and it is a danger, that is, we understand that the security service of ukraine conducts operational and investigative activities accordingly , and so on. there is another point: we understand that even if a significant part of the leadership of that church or religious organization is connected to moscow, we understand that there is a significant... part of priests who are not in this way connected, we understand that we need to help them, and we would also like to see powerful initiatives not only of the legislative plan on the part of our parliamentarians, but also on the part of church structures, the orthodox church of ukraine,
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the greek catholic church, which would be ready to accept part of the clergy who would like to break away from moscow, but due to one or another. reasons, maybe he is afraid, or maybe he is worried about the fact that he may end up without a parish and so on, but if you take the number of uocp parishes in ukraine, it will work. very and a very large, i.e., complex decision, whether, for example, there were other feedbacks from our specifically ukrainian religious structures, you are absolutely right about the fact that this process is more complicated than just the adoption of one law or the activity of the security service of ukraine. undoubtedly, the orthodox church of ukraine is local, it should be ready to accept these people, those who are not related to russian. which are not directly a russian agency, but i will say that this process
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is taking place in one way or another, because, well, you understand that at the time of the declaration of independence, no ukrainian church existed at all, that is, all these communities, it is over there, i don't know, six or more or 700 communities of the local ukrainian church, and most of these believers are people, if they are especially people of older generations, they once belonged. to the russian church, to the moscow church, that is, these people in their mass, they have already moved to the local church, this process is constantly ongoing, including the waves that arose after the granting of the tomos, then in the 22nd year again, but it is the task of the state to facilitate this process, and here, that is, the readiness of the church must definitely be appropriate, but now it is important that the state passes a law that provides for this law, to put it very briefly, firstly, the russian orthodox church as a structure. .. patriarch kirill, it is prohibited directly from her activity in ukraine by this law, then those communities, which
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the service for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience recognizes as affiliated, well, for example, in their statutes there will be a connection indicated there or in some other things with moscow church, they will be given a short period of time, 30 days, sometimes 60 days, to break this connection, on the other hand, the law contains a simplification of the mechanisms of transition from the moscow church to the ukrainian one, i.e. those who want to break the connection connection, they will break it and they will go to the orthodox local church of ukraine, and those who do not break it, the law will deprive them, first of all, of the opportunity to use state and communal property, this is very important, huh, because as in the times of the soviet union, especially gorbachev times, as well as during the times of kuchma and yanukovych independent ukraine, the moscow church artificially received the status of such a structure that is a parasite on our national shrines. these are laurels, these are cathedrals, these are our ancient churches that belong to the state, in
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fact, they are state or communal property, and these are the structures that will not break the connection with moscow, they will be in 60 days after acquiring legality and after establishing the fact of affiliation with moscow, they will be deprived of the opportunity to use these temples, if they built something for themselves there and so on, they of course. will be able to use, then the court will decide on the termination of the activities of such communities, i.e. the whole complex of these decisions, it will certainly contribute to the transition to the ocu and the weakening, of course, of moscow's influence on ukraine, and it is very important just now, because this is a situation that similar to the situation with speaker johnson in the usa, when johnson did not make a decision on aid to ukraine for six months there, because if he had made it, it would have been voted on, but now johnson plays this role in the ukrainian parliament leadership faction of the servant of the people, because they have
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a blocking package at the conciliation council, and our statement, its main purpose is to draw attention to the fact that this faction is responsible for the fact that it must listen to the will of the ukrainian people at the conciliation council and pass a bill to the vote, and then the deputies, we are convinced, will pass the law on banning the russian orthodox church and... statutes on renaming settlements, with which the situation is exactly the same. thank you, taras shamayda, co-coordinator of the freedom space movement was on our airwaves, we are now going to a short break, after which we will continue our informative day. antin borkovskii and marta oliarnyk work for you in this studio, so we will get back to you in just a few minutes, don't hesitate. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you really want to have a beautiful one. a well-kept plot. there is a solution. garden trim recors from unpack tv. hurry up to order at a special price.
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russian attacks. yes, and a total of 45 combat clashes took place since the beginning of the day. the occupiers have been occupying the pokrovsky area since the beginning of the day suffered losses of 100 people, well, our fighters destroyed nine enemy armored cars, cars and two cars. now we will add to our conversation anatoly khrepchynskyi, the deputy general director of the company for the production of electronic warfare equipment, an aviation expert. mr. anatoly, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory, congratulations. i would like to start with attacks. near orsk, orenburg oblast, more than 1,500 km from the current front line, an attack by unknown drones was carried out on a sufficiently powerful radar of the russian federation, i would actually like to ask you what this gives us in a practical
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way, and because this is already the third, if i am not mistaken, such a station that our or... not ours some unknown drones have struck, and actually, how can this affect the work of the enemy's air defenses on its territory? well, as you can see, if we express such a relay, then the work of the enemy’s air defense is completely ineffective, and if we talk about the systems that we hit, then it should be noted here that these are early warning systems, that is, these systems provide had early warnings of the threat of the use of nuclear weapons against the russian federation, that is, ballistic missiles between... should have seen and notified the russian army, the russian military, that certain weapons were being used against them, for example, but as we can see, and... if we say , for example, about the same armavir or varonish, which is voronezh m, which is more southerly, then it looks towards china and iran. of course, there is
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a question as to why to hit such objects that, for example, are not accepted there active participation in the radar detection of any objects on the territory, on the territory of ukraine, it should be noted that we have the position of our western partners, who are very worried. regarding the use of nuclear weapons by the enemy, more precisely by russia, ah, with such strikes, ukraine shows that a slight exaggeration of the capabilities of the russian federation regarding and their statements regarding nuclear weapons, we see that they cannot even protect such strategically important objects that provide a warning about the possibility of application any nuclear weapons, and of course we must not forget that these are radar detection systems. containers that were previously destroyed, then this is true, these systems allowed the russians to see a certain section of the territory of ukraine, and this is more precisely from the right bank of the dnieper to the western borders, ah, so
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in fact these are strategic blows to the image and capabilities of the russian federation, for example, to detect anything in the airspace, well, again, we can say that we are increasingly seeing strikes on strategic objects of the russian federation, which will allow... to work more qualitatively with western -style western equipment, when we will be granted permission to do so. yes, mr. anatoly, it would be extremely important, but in any case , the russian ability to transmit information and surf the so-called radar space was fried a little, but speaking of rap, not only about the enemy, but also about ours , so we understand that the enemy was a little ahead of us both quantitatively and qualitatively in terms of... preparation for the use of electronic warfare means, when our friends and allies have joined in, the situation has improved, but it is as it is now, because
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we understand that the enemy is also learning, applying certain schemes collected by the chinese, using some additional ones, maybe chips and a bunch of other things, well, if not reveal some or the other, i don't know irritating or secret moments, how much has the situation evened out or remained disproportionate when we talk about rap? let's start with the fact that, in fact , a large number of companies that are engaged in the production of means have appeared in ukraine anti-electronic warfare, and we will show that we have companies that already produce from the system, that have their own generators, that is , their own generation, that is, when the components, these are small high-tech components there... processors, diodes, well, everything is there , all these are tools, not finished products that are assembled there, for example, from modules, so i would like to say that there is actually a positive in
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this direction from our side, but we really need to scale up, we need to attract more investment money in order to, for example, to saturate our front line with such means, we must not forget that we must look in the direction of larger... systems that would work sectorally there for 5, 20, 15 km, this would allow us to work more in the direction of the enemy rear and not even allow an enemy fpv drone or any drone to take off, well, we must not forget that, for example, future threats that may arise, and we see this, for example, now iran has handed over bombs for uavs, and that’s just resistance against these pipola is the key to success our means. we saw that bopela fell there on the territory of the russian federation recently and there were aerial bombs, so in fact we are saying that now we need to actively
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work at a long distance in order to simplify the work even in the trenches for our servicemen, and in principle these developments are , and we are now scaling them up, and there are positive elements, for example, at a recent meeting in brussels , representatives of some states already. approached us with a proposal, for example, to purchase from us the means of radio-electronic warfare and pass them on to the military, or, for example, to equip even their own products, there armor or any equipment, for example, a means of radio-electronic warfare, that is, there is a dialogue, unlike last year, when our western partners offered us a lot of things, but let's let's face it, most of such elements are imperfect, because they have not faced such a war as we have faced, and if we talk about the means of radio-electronic warfare, now a whole new means is being created, which did not exist before, that what was before that, it can suppress either mobile communication, or communication between units, or suppress capabilities there, for example, radar
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systems or navigation. if we are talking about more modern systems, in which the range in which our commercial drones fly, or even military drones that are no longer commercial, then this is a new challenge, both for us and for the enemy, and now i would say that we are actively working in this direction and already have a positive result. mr. anatoly, i would also like you to comment and analyze the statement zelenskyi, he said yesterday that russia uses more than 300 cabs a month. cabs are those aerial bombs that are now giving nightmares to all front-line cities, in particular... kharkiv, and our diplomacy is now doing everything possible to ensure that we get additional patriot systems to fight the cabs, and is it at all realistic now somehow to counteract, or without modern means of anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense is it unrealistic for us to somehow fight this now? i would point out that there is an opportunity to counteract, but it is very difficult, because, for example, it is difficult to shoot down such a number of cabs, we understand that the number of air defense systems,
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air defense missiles, the system there, for example, the same manpads are portable, this all complicates the work, taking into account the fact that this is happening on the front line, or on the border, where russia is still actively working on the ground, so of course there is a solution to strengthen, for example, airspace, it is due to the acquisition of patriot systems, which will be able to significantly improve the situation, but on in my opinion, perhaps the best solution was, for example, permission from our western partners. on the use of western-style weapons measures on the territory of the russian federation, because we can also say, for example, that the same baltimore airfield from which planes take off and hit kharkov is located at a distance of up to 300 km, that is , we are saying that we need to get permission in order to significantly thin out the capabilities of the russian federation, and this will then make their work more difficult, because the number will decrease platforms that can carry these aerial bombs, it's
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very important because... aerial bombs, they can produce a lot and equip them with winged modules to fly there for a longer distance, but the challenge is to destroy the platforms themselves and to destroy the impossibility locating planes at border bases, jump-off airfields, and a good example of how it works, we see on the territory of crimea, how atakams work, when they knock out janko and knock out bilbek and make it impossible to use the airfield even in yako. jump airfield, therefore, in fact, we are saying that the most effective measure is now available, it is countermeasures against the airfields directly, we can see that there are already certain strikes on russian airfields, there was a recent strike on a training air base where several planes were destroyed, therefore, but it was at the expense of our bpol , and we are talking about the fact that we need to use western weapons, because in the complex it will be much better and we can see, again, i will repeat the case from crimea. thank you,
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deputy anatoly hrabchynskyi. general director of the company on the production of electronic warfare equipment, an aviation expert, and by the way, on the topic of the permission to use western weapons, there is a statement by josep borel, a high representative of the eu, he says that the defense ministers of the eu countries will consider the possibility of canceling the ban on strikes against the russian federation with western weapons, well, let's remind you that at the moment there is no consensus decision on allowing ukraine to use western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, but this process has already been launched, so... we will at least hope that in the near future, it will still be possible to press this issue in our favor. ugh, important signal. well, it's not very comforting news, although from which side you look at it, so sweden was asked to wait with the supply of gripen fighters to ukraine. yes, this was announced by the minister of defense of sweden, paul jonsson. well, they asked only because now the main attention is paid to the implementation of the f-16 system.
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yes, and this is very important, i will remind you that belgium, the netherlands, denmark and norway promised to provide us with f-16 this summer. well, we are waiting. more our colleague anna yevymelnyk is ready to tell us the news, to whom we are happy to give the floor in order to find out all the most important information as of this moment. anna evo, we congratulate you, give you the floor and ask us to briefly tell you what this issue will be about. thank you colleagues for your work, i also congratulate you. this issue is about the most important team. news will tell, in particular, how many ukrainian prisoners joined the zso, stay with us, all the details will follow. president of ukraine, zelenskyi.


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