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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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f-16 systems, right? and this is very important. let me remind you that belgium, the netherlands, denmark and norway promised to provide us with f-16s this summer. well, we are waiting. our colleague anna yevymelnyk is ready to tell us more news, to whom we gladly give the floor in order to find out all the most important information as of this moment. anna eva, we congratulate you. we give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. thank you, colleagues, for your work. i also you. congratulations, in this edition , the news team will tell about the most important, in particular, how many ukrainian prisoners joined the zso. stay with us, all the details are below. president of ukraine zelenskyi. visited
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an air base in belgium where f-16 fighter pilots are trained, rfe/rl reports. the belgian air force currently has 45 such aircraft, of which 30 are promised to be transferred to ukraine. however, we will be able to use them only over our own territory. this condition is in the agreement signed by both countries. we need to focus on more than just the supply of fighter jets. we are now part of a coalition. f-16. our aircraft are used for training of ukrainian pilots. our technical team provides technical assistance to keep the planes flying in the sky. our teams teach ukrainian technicians to do this. we hold consultations with the netherlands, denmark and norway. we will be able to provide our planes already this year and then additionally in the following years. and this means that ukraine will have full-fledged air capabilities, thanks to these fighters.
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ukraine and belgium signed a bilateral security agreement, president volodymyr zelenskyi is in brussels today on a working visit, according to the text envisages cooperation between states in the defense sector, strengthening of sanctions against russia, compensation for damages, use of confiscated assets for ukraine's needs and support for our peace formula. the documents also indicated that belgium allocated almost a billion euros in military aid, i would like to note that this is already the 11th country with which... we signed a similar agreement. the minister of defense of the country hano pevkur proposed in estonia to increase the number of ukrainian military personnel trained as part of the european mission. he believes that the number can increase to 100 thousand. the official recalled that the european union promised to expand training under this program from 40 to 60 thousand people. however, this is not enough to restrain russia's pressure - he believes. pevkur
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the spresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation opened a fundraiser for drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to buy is eight improved models of maviks and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on security and provide the ability to move confidently forward, both during assault and during reconnaissance. and most importantly, they help protect our lives. every donation you make is an important contribution to supporting defenders on the front lines. the goal is uah 2.5 million. invest in our victory. i wish you health. we, the fighters of the 100th brigade of intelligence, are asking you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. 613. ukrainian
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prisoners have joined the ranks of the armed forces, they are currently undergoing several months of training, in the future they will serve in assault troops units, minister of justice denys malyuska said. he noted that these will be monolithic units without mixing with others. the minister expressed doubts about the optimality of such an approach, but added that he relies on the military in this matter. they helped conscripts. chats from ukraine. the security service kidnapped dilky in the lviv region. the organizer of the criminal scheme is a 41-year-old man who is in custody on charges of selling cocaine. he remotely engaged henchmen and coordinated their actions. such services were expensive $13,000. the extras promised to produce fictitious documents of unfitness for service and knowledge of military accounting for the applicants. after that, enter the data of the fugitives into the information. system, which gives
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the right to leave ukraine without hindrance. the law enforcement officers identified the participants of the criminal scheme and conducted searches. according to their places of stay, during which evidence of illegal activity was discovered. as of today, the organizer and another person involved in the case have already been notified of suspicion under the third part of article 332 of the criminal code of ukraine, namely the illegal transportation of persons across the state border of ukraine. matchmaking in a new way. law enforcement officers detained a woman who organized fictitious marriages for men of draft age. she offered clients to marry women with... disabilities, or mothers with many children, on the basis of which men could get a deferment from mobilization or go abroad. the attacker also promised to give instructions on how to communicate with border guards. she was caught red-handed when one of the customers passed it on $400, swasi was reported as suspicious and
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arrested. on a date with ukrainka vplav. the police detained the citizen. during the illegal crossing of the border with ukraine. earlier, he had already violated the rules of staying in our country, so he had a ban on entry for 5 years and you can't tell the heart, and the man decided to cross the dniester. now the foreigner is extradited from ukraine for 10 years. two men who blew up a bank in chernihiv region planned to steal more than uah 5 million. according to law enforcement officers, the perpetrators. previously convicted residents of zaporizhzhya and mykolaiv regions, the accomplices prepared for the robbery in advance, dug and reinforced a tunnel underground that led to the bank's vault from the basement of the adjacent high-rise building. they set off
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an explosion in the room and made their way there, dismantling the floor, but due to the destruction caused by the explosives , the thieves were unable to complete their plan, they were detained by the police. in the course of authorized searches , a substance of vegetable origin, similar to cannabis, weighing more than 10 kg was discovered and seized from them. the item looks like a gun as well other items that may testify to their involvement in the commission of the specified crime. the detainees were informed of the suspicion of intentional destruction or damage to property by means of an explosion based on a prior conspiracy by a group of persons and attempted theft. zaskoene threatens the detainees. imprisonment for up to 12 years with confiscation of property. the spanish government has officially recognized palestine as a state, the spanish minister of foreign affairs jose albarez said. according to him, it is time to make reality what has been rumored for decades
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conversations let me remind you that similar decisions were made by ireland and norway. israel condemned such actions of the countries and recalled its ambassadors. sweden allocated a new aid package for the energy industry of ukraine. the money will be directed to the urgent construction of energy infrastructure due to urgent needs. priority will be given to kharkiv, but other cities of ukraine, such as odesa, kyiv and mykolaiv, will be able to receive support , according to the website of the swedish government. they note that 43.5 million euros will be financed through the energy support fund of ukraine. more 13 million will be provided through the development program of in ukraine, this will ensure the supply of energy to critical infrastructure facilities and other institutions. almost fifty forest fires have broken out since the beginning of may in the territory of the lyman district of donetsk region. a third of them are due to enemy shelling.
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the state emergency service was notified. the fire destroyed more than 100 hectares of forest floor. rescuers had to put out fires on the territory of droboshi forestry. near the liman, as well as on the territory of the national nature park svyatia hora in kramatorsk area, in order to protect settlements from the spread of fire, park workers create mineralized strips. in total , more than 15,000 fires have occurred in the ecosystem since the beginning of the year. barrier-free for people with reduced mobility. this will soon become the main station of lviv. reconstruction plans were announced in ukrzal. this project involves the reconstruction of high platforms and the placement of elevators for unhindered access to trains and rest rooms. restoration of the tunnels is also planned. before starting work, the company will hold an open house meeting with design and architectural organizations.
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oleh sentsov's new documentary about the russian-ukrainian war will be shown at the international film festival in karlovy vary. in the czech republic, the basis of the film real, accidentally shot on a tactical camera, one of the battles near avdiivka, where the director himself took part. during the confrontation, his armored personnel carrier hit. enemy, then oleg hid in the nearest trench and organized the evacuation of part of his unit using radio communication under heavy fire. let me remind you, oleg sentsov was there a prisoner of the kremlin, he joined the ranks of the armed forces immediately after the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, as there are live broadcasts of ether, all news releases, programs and special projects. that can only be seen from us, also a short video on hot topics in
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the shorts section, share it, comment it, be there. and you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels on social networks and see you at 4 p.m. thank you anna yevimelnyk for the information and the entire news editorial staff for keeping their finger on the pulse, well , i will continue our information day and will analyze together with the guests in our studio, whom we will add online, all the most important events of today and not only that, but i want to remind you that our collection of uah 4 million is ongoing in order to purchase evacuation atvs in order to have something to evacuate the wounded and give them a lift. ammunition, so i remind you that there are no small contributions, and actually each of us can
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bring our victory closer by what will support our nation's defense forces, so please, to the best of your ability, just make your contribution now, you can do it with the qr code you see now on your screen or your bank card numbers, remember that there are no small donations, now we will talk about the finances of our kind, and about... aid, but aid to internally displaced persons, we now have the opportunity to talk with arkady petrosyan, the head of the association of young idps of ukraine. mr. arkady, i congratulate you, veteria espresso, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, have a good day. i would like to discuss with you the current situation regarding assistance to internally displaced persons. in general, how does this whole situation look now, because in march part of the idp payments were canceled, and we actually understand that... a category of people stopped receiving one or another payments, let's start with what
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the situation is now and exactly to whom these payments canceled? to date, of the 4.9 million internally displaced persons who received assistance from the state, well, there are some of them 3 million received assistance, only 500, 536 thousand receive payments for the present period, the government completely... cut payments to almost all categories of people, only people with disabilities, pensioners, whose total income does not exceed uah 9 00, receive payments, and this is a small number, and it does not solve the problems of internally displaced persons, and to date, residents of bakhmud, residents of mariupol, residents of avdiyivka, whose homes have been destroyed, legally cannot prove this fact. and that is why we were approached, for example, by the residents of bakhmut, to our association team young idps, and we developed draft law
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number 11-161, which we submitted to the verkhovna rada together with people's deputies from the european solidarity political party, this bill has already been passed by the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, according to this draft law we have created a mechanism that will help residents of bakhmut, for example, or mariupol, or well , all of them. housing, which is located in the temporarily occupied territories, to receive a housing compensation mechanism for internally displaced persons, because the state left people without payments back in march, now there is no chance to get compensation for the damage, and as we understand, the modern war, it lasts not only for the territory, it lasts for every person, and we have almost 5 million internally displaced persons in our country. and we have to understand that most of these people, especially women with children, can
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leave post-war ukraine even now, which will be a great demographic crisis and tragedy for us. mr. arkady, and if we are talking about numbers, how many ukrainians are there now, actually, who need this compensation for housing, and is there a certain number now, and actually, maybe there is some details of exactly what kind of housing, yes , is it... apartments, is it private houses, does it matter, that is, this program and this vision, actually, which is proposed now in this bill, it, it will not have any differences , it will be some... standard situation for each family, or will there still be certain, let's say, proportions and certain such algorithms for each situation? according to the position of our association, all internally displaced persons who owned property in the temporarily occupied territories, should claim its compensation. now there is an average calculation of the government, the average cost
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of housing, it is different in each region per square meter. and in this way we have to calculate the average value and people have to at least claim it, for example, residents of the kyiv region already receive compensation for destroyed housing, because the commission can physically prove that this or that house is there destroyed, among the residents, we see the destroyed bahamud there from the village, the destruction of mariupol there, but not there it is legally possible... for a commission to go there on security issues, but we understand that the housing there is unsuitable for people, and people do not have access to it, there are also no people, people who chose ukraine at the risk of their lives, left the temporary occupation, there sometimes under shelling, sometimes under humiliation at checkpoints, they do not have access to housing,
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for example, in donetsk, horlivka, luhansk, makiivka, and they also have the right and the state. must develop a mechanism today, how to either receive compensation for housing, or develop a credit program, according to which e a person will be able to buy an apartment on preferential terms, there is such a house, but only 1,700 apartments have been bought for ehousing since october 22nd, these are not only internally displaced persons, these are also doctors, these are also military personnel, and many others... others , but i will remind you that we have almost 5 million internally displaced persons in our country, and therefore such programs do not solve this problem globally. and what is the fate of this draft law now, and do you think that the monomajority will have the political will to put this draft law actually in the parliament for a vote, because
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we know that in general bills from the opposition, to put it mildly, they don't really want to... consider, well, accordingly, whether there is now a prerequisite to consider that this draft law may be stillborn, so to speak say, because the monomajority simply will not even consider it, and the draft law was supported by the committee on economic development and trade of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, then it will go to the first reading, and well, first of all, this draft law was written by 26 public organizations that support of internally displaced axes. since 2014 and we would like to look into the eyes of the people's deputies who do not support the people who lost everything in bakhmut, in mariupol, in the kherson region, in the luhansk region, in melitopol, we would like to look, and we did not then we understand what the people's deputies in the council are doing, if they are not dealing
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with the issues now, as you saw, because the issue of fortification was also ignored, only now a temporary investigator was created. commission on this matter. today, the state has two priorities. first - it is defense capability, providing for all our servicemen of our army, and the second is to help people who are affected by war. and this bill 11161 is exactly about that. therefore, using your broadcast, i want to call on people's deputies to support this draft law, as well as the public and very intelligent viewers of the tv channel. we would like to, sir. to discuss with you the innovations, yes, which may take place as early as next month, from june idps should receive a new type of assistance, we would like to ask you what it is assistance, what is its size and who can apply for it? to date, the state is developing many instruments regarding
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housing rental compensation for internally displaced persons and regarding. before the reissuance of these 200 hryvnias in tsnapah, and a major failure of the ministry of social policy, a major failure was the fact that people could not, even those who automatically applied for payments, could not obtain sufficient information at the centers for the provision of administrative services and could not reissuance even that the help that they it was supposed, that is why today it is very important to move internally. individuals understood what will happen tomorrow and that the state takes care of them, and therefore, according to our work and our research, according to the research of authoritative organizations there, humanitarian in... the main problem is housing, and today both the public and the state must work to solve the issue of housing for internally displaced persons. mr. arkady,
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people from the northern regions of kharkiv oblast have already started contacting you, where are you now actual combat operations are taking place, where the russians have intensified their offensive, are there already appeals from these people, and what kind of problems, if so, are they appealing, of course, out of fear. from the kharkiv region, and in principle, soon, i think, people from the city of kharkiv will contact us about help in evacuation, to date, unfortunately, despite the fact that the media show that everything is not so bad, there are big problems with evacuation logistics, we don't know where to evacuate people, the ministry of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories does not have enough shelters for internally displaced persons, if tomorrow, for example, i do not want this to happen, but if there are, there will be an evacuation from the city of kharkiv, we see what the situation is there, there will be a mass evacuation, i remind you that people live in kharkiv ,
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now we, i can't say what the number is, but it is hundreds of thousands of people, may want to evacuate at the same time, the state is not ready for this today, and if we are talking about other directions of the front now, not only about the north of kharkiv oblast, but in general just now and the situation... is serious enough for the time gap and the reeds are the pokrovsky direction, or are the requests now coming from people from these regions? and yes, recently we helped a family from novogrodivka to move to a safer western region of our country, requests are usually received, requests are also received after the fact regarding the processing of payments, work with humanitarian organizations, because it is not so, not so enough. means of communication between internally displaced persons and their integration into new communities, there are examples of united territorial communities,
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which work very efficiently and cheerfully on the reception of internally displaced persons, but there are, unfortunately, more such negative, ineffective examples. by the way, mr. arkady, i remembered, this story literally happened to me the other day, a woman with two children came up to me in the supermarket and asked... to give her some kind of grocery basket, because she said that she could not arrange for example, help as an internally displaced person, because she does not have registration documents, so i am interested in understanding and, if possible, those people who now found themselves in such a difficult situation, when they cannot issue that payment, and they really need it, because if we are talking about a mother with two small children, then we understand that this woman, especially if she approaches people in a supermarket, asks to buy ... for her children some kind of grocery basket, this shows that the person really has these financial problems, is it possible to have a hotline number so that such people
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understand that they are not alone with their problem, and they can turn somewhere. it's hot the line of the ministry of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories, there are hotlines of international humanitarian organizations, pipelennit and so on, there are social networks, associations of young idps, through which you can always contact us. to apply and get help from our team, we did a big marathon of legal aid for internally displaced persons worked when there was a question of benefits, worked about 500 requests, absolutely free, helped people to reissue benefits, and so there is a woman with children who was deprived of benefits, i know a man what kind of person with a disability did not prove to himself, did not prove to himself a disability... a deaf-mute man from mariupol stopped receiving payments from the state, well, i don't know, if we don't take care of these people,
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then i don't know why , then why all the government work. i agree with you, arkady petrosyan, the head of the association of young idps ukraine, was on our airwaves, but i just want to add that when i directly faced such a situation, when a woman approached me who had no money. to purchase and food for my children, of course, i responded, helped her, but i understand that there may be more than one such person around us, and it is important at such a time, if of course you have the financial opportunity to help, but on the other hand, we also we understand that the state should give such people support at the appropriate level, at least accompany them, if a person has some, i don't know, problems with documents, something is missing and so on, then the state and the ministry of social policy should create certain ones. rhythms to those people so that they at least they understood how they should act further, because it is very sad when we actually face such situations, and it turns out, it falls on
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the shoulders of ordinary ukrainians. who are simply of their own good will trying to help people who find themselves in such a difficult situation, i actually wanted the state to take such a proactive part in this process. now we are going to take a short break, after that we will continue our broadcast, stay with espresso, there is still a lot of important information for you to come, so stay with us. petrol trimmers so heavy, loud and uncomfortable. if you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trimmers unpack the tv, order it in time at a special price of only uah 999. korce trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mowing the lawn in the most difficult to reach places, near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trimming bushes and even branches, is simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic
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