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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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says: where to strike ukraine, we also have to say, and where in the event of a hypothetically possible exchange of nuclear strikes, what targets will we attack, well, for example, the new nato headquarters, and preferably on a day when everyone will be there, well seriously, i would look at it, what will happen after that, i think that the russians would not like it very much, what will happen after that, and well... against the background of all this, actually, what is it about, it is only about intimidation, and what kind of intimidation, as the russians see it, it seems to me that selov'ov was very clearly explained in this evening club of marasmatics . we must
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understand that the only way to influence this public in any way is through their fear. not before retribution, and not even before their own demise, before the unknown, the more opaque our politics, the greater their fear, they must fear, they must fall asleep, not sure they will wake up. reads and who they scare more, this is also interesting, but about creating uncertainty, well, actually they create it, they try. you know,
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hinting in such a mysterious tone that something like this will happen, if something, because something can fly into some strategic russian objects? this is at least an incentive for ukraine to strike russian territory with longer -range missiles, and if they target strategic objects, everything is possible here. you know, this uncertainty, you know, this uncertainty, anything is possible, and that anything is possible, so literally they hit, as if at a strategic object, there is another complication, they hit an object that is one of the elements of the nuclear deterrent forces, in the kuban, that's okay, the nuclear deterrent forces are already receiving strikes from ukraine, so everything is complicated here, well, it has already happened, it turns out. and what is it actually
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about? well, we are talking about radar stations that detect the very missiles that should arrive from western countries if there is a nuclear attack. for example, the publication defense express notes that this defeat of these radars is a real blow to the strategic eyes of russia, and actually this strike, it happened, and these were stations on cuba. there in barmavir, a total of three stations were liquidated, and what? and they tell only some legends literally about the fact that it was a nato plan. and this is part of the old nato plan, when, having accumulated forces, the nato forces can strike, approaching the russian border, that is, this movement on...
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they also planned to accumulate forces and strike with conventional weapons all over our missile early warning system. and just the other day they made such an attempt. they hit our facility early warning about a missile attack, which is located in the kuban. well, the effectiveness of the drone strike has been confirmed. the intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine for the station and the removal of this over-the-horizon location station in the south-south-east from the malfunction of the station, this happened on monday, may 27, in addition to the varona zhem, which was attacked in the mountains today, two over-the-horizon rlv sh, radar, well and accordingly this detection of intercontinental and intermediate range ballistic missiles is now impossible. and what, and here are only
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conversations, and someone is no longer shouting, about about there are some terrible things that are going to happen, and meanwhile it's there, they're there in the persian gulf, they 're going to find out there in the red sea, well, that's them. they are far from that, you know, and nothing, and that's all, and they just spread their hands and said: oh, ukraine hit there, so what are we talking about then? and then who should be afraid, i wonder? well, well , in general, i will tell you that, well, of course, sladkov, who talked about the fact that there is some kind of nato plan that they were preparing in order to get closer... well, this is all delusional , but i wonder how he talks at all about the goals of this war, because what he is saying gives the impression that he is saying what they are thinking somewhere, he just doesn't have the sense to keep quiet, let's just listen, because this is, you know
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, some kind of explanation of the war, which simply gives an understanding, so what is it? when we show the war and say: this, on the contrary, shows in the world that russia wants war, and it must, we want war, now, we want war, but we are fighting for peace, we are fighting for the freedom of our state, we are not we can go abroad if we have our opinion, we can't take we cannot move around the world, our planes cannot fly over a large area, we are fighting for our history,
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we are fighting for our history, this is beautiful, that is, they attacked ukraine, and they also complain that as a result of the fact that they attacked to ukraine, they can't go anywhere... fly and no one needs them, and they are thrown out all around, and now they are fighting for it, so that they are not thrown out, well, you know, it's late, well , the only option here is to leave, probably to stop leave ukraine, then yes, something will be possible talk about letting you go somewhere, but somehow not before, but that's why i showed it to you, well, besides to understand this delusion, which, it's interesting, what he's talking about now about... what turns out, here again well, the whole game, you know, to be afraid of what might happen there, well, you can also play together, well, that is, it turns out that russians now and russian propagandists are most afraid of ukrainians, you know, i sometimes like to watch russian propaganda, because it's like reading
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about the fact that we have taken over the whole world and now we are literally the scariest in the world, because we are the only ones who can scare the russians. according to feelings, all these endless actions of an escalating nature, the same conversations about strikes on historical territory, strikes on nuclear early warning systems, is it because of powerlessness and agony, or because they are ready to go to the end? how can you describe the ukrainian army now? let the ukrainian army be at the peak of its potential, and if it will... have the opportunity to hit moscow, it will hit moscow. the ukrainian army is doing everything in its power. all. if they will now have a nuclear bomb, they do not care about the opinion of the community, about the balance of power, about
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geopolitics, about nato. they will immediately use this weapon on us. instantaneous. weakness is a temporary phenomenon. that ukraine gave up nuclear weapons, fulfilled all agreements, literally eliminated even conventional weapons. and it was against us that they violated all possible agreements, it was we who found ourselves in a situation where they violated an agreement with us, violated our trust, violated promises, now they are afraid of us and tell us how terrible ukrainians are, that they
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now they can take them and bomb their brains , but we can, we can, of course we can, after all that you have done in ukraine, we can do it and we will do it, of course, as soon as we can. to achieve this, well, what can i say, because the russians simply deserved it all, but then again, well, fear is a game that can also be played by two, well, let them be afraid, after all, let them be afraid of us if they are no longer afraid of anything, let them be afraid of ukrainians, let them not know what we can do tomorrow, let them think and what else can fall from them, blow up, what obituary can they still read, after all, why not? well, again, at the end , i can’t help but mention that the second topic, which was all this time, how they were advancing on... kharkiv, so what do you think, the topic also suddenly ran out, so they were advancing on kharkiv , were advancing, and suddenly they didn’t advance, our offensive
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continues, and the ukrainians claim that they stopped us, which in fact, did they stop, let’s be more precise with the terms, they slowed down the advance, that’s probably how it will be more precisely, the assault is proceeding carefully, we are trying not to lose soldiers. in this meat grinder that opened today on the banks of the wolf river, what concerns the lipetsi, this settlement is surrounded by heights on three sides, we control two of these three sides, and today we really stopped the offensive there, because without an assault on the third side, the third of this height, we will lose people when moving forward, some call it an offensive, others an active phase, call it such a powerful blow that would lead us to the next ukrainian region, i i personally can't, because... i have serious
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reservations for the kharkiv direction. personally, in but now we see that the enemy is charging me with such a feeling that kyiv has decided to go to abank. i urge you not to wait in the coming days and even weeks for some rosy news about our great and massive advance on all fronts from vovchansk to liptsi. well , you know, after listening to this, some russian resident of belgorod or kursk can suddenly make up his mind. that we may have to wait for the advance of ukrainian troops to belgorod and kursk,
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so let them think, let them be afraid there, let them wait for the ukrainian offensive, after all, not belharad, but kursk, nothing terrible , you know, let them continue to be in this uncertainty, see you. camera, your country is located in the region where a soviet soldier's foot stood during the great patriotic war, and we will not leave this region. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine.
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5:46 pm
hello, so what? how are you there, okay, slowly, they gave us nine new tanks, guess what, turn on the video link now, i'll give you a tour, come, we'll stay here for another two weeks, i 'll give you a ride, and not only on a tank, right here near the police station in grozhovka, you say that you will be allowed to go to a student, well, yes, student, that's my callsign, right here near the police station in grozhovka. today you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you,
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the enemy hears, be careful.
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your place is waiting for you, the light stays on. for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your streets, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of
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their eyes, behind you. .. they are crying, they are praying for you, we are sorry, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how difficult victory is, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you.
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see this week in the collaborators program. how traitors of mariupol build careers under the occupiers. the sister city of st. petersburg gave mariupol to create an avenue. but which of the former ukrainian law enforcement officers became the pseudo-mayor of the city? we are part of russia, the city of mariupol, the city of russia. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborante program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets , went to serve the rashi occupiers. on february 24 , 2022, russia begins a full-scale offensive against ukraine. not the fiercest battles are conducted in mariupol? the russian army prefers to take control of the city. which in the 14th year our army threw them out like rats. the russians used multiple rocket launchers , rockets, and
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air strikes, including aerial bombs. ukrainian titans held defense for 86 days, but unfortunately, the steel walls of mariupol fell. the city has been under occupation for more than two years, teeming with ardent supporters of the russian peace, zhduns and state traitors. i will talk about some of them today. the zaporozhye court convicted him. the occupiers were sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment appointed head of the mariupol administration, they think this is all you need to know about the staff shortage and those who agree to work on their own. we are part of russia, the city of mariupol is a russian city. i hope that everything that is done in this city is for the good, and with our right choice, the city will only become better, and it will be one of the best in donetsk. he is a native of vinnytsia morgun oleg valeriyovych, he is 57. he worked in law enforcement all his life. in the summer of 2014, he
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was appointed acting head of the mariupol department of the ministry of internal affairs in the donetsk region. according to his colleagues, morgun was the first of the mariupol policemen who, in may-june 2014, provided information about dpr militants, and then directly helped them. i have a minister who knows everything, i reported every step i took, what i did. later, in the same 14th year , morgun himself was arrested for participating in a joint press conference with representatives of the terrorist dnr. everyone , all strata of the population of this half million city is interested in order in the city so that workers go to factories . after this speech, he was accused of signing a memorandum on order and security between the heads of enterprises and the city authorities. and dpr terrorists, but the prosecutor's office released morgun due to lack of evidence. having collected his children, he went to novoazovsk, which was already under the control of the so-called dpr. there, in 2016
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, morgun received a residence permit, then russian citizenship and registered in taganrog. on august 23, 2017, for participation in a terrorist organization, the zaporizhzhya court sentenced oleg morgun was sentenced to 11 years in prison. the case was considered in absentia. later in 2018 , the court of appeal of the zaporizhzhia region confirmed the decision of the previous instance and the verdict entered into force. and while in ukraine they missed morgun in his prison bed, he was building a new career in the temporarily occupied territories. in the so-called dpr, morgun managed yasenuvata, then became the head of the illegal administration of the novoazovsky district created by the occupiers. but he did not want to stay in this position for a long time. so when mariupol was occupied. but morgun returned to the city. the recovery process is in full swing. all of russia is here. we do not live in those past memories of destruction. as a faithful dog, he was immediately
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appointed to the chair of the chief of the occupation police of mariupol, and then made the head of the city administration. these are our people, they have been waiting for us for exactly nine years. in the 14th year there was a referendum here. i was the police chief at that time. thousands of people marched to cast their vote, to... join, so that the russian federation would embrace the entire donetsk people's republic. morgun has not been in the position of the head of the mariupol administration for a long time stayed in november 2023, he was appointed acting mayor of the city. the election process is underway, these are fateful dates for our city and the republic in general, because it will be a new parliament, a new body of deputies, a new municipality within the russian federation. now this for... podene is engaged in the so-called rebuilding on the bones, involving russian officials for this. accuses ukraine of the fact that it bombed mariupol and
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is preparing the city for mass mobilization. in 2023 , the page of the attorney general's office morgon was suspected of collaborative activities. after that, the case was referred to the court. he faces up to 10 years in prison. this is in addition to the 11 that were given to him in absentia for treason and switching to the side of the occupiers in the 14th year. a good term is accumulating at morgun. i believe that sooner or later he will start serving real punishment. and this is an applicant to become a neighbor of the morgue poka. vtis ivan fedorovych, born in 1987, originally from donetsk region. in mariupol, he was known as the director of the city for people company, which since 2017 has been in charge of service residential buildings. prior to that, he was involved in housing and communal services reforms. and then he worked as the deputy head of the left bank district. city for the people of mariupol came to mariupol on a competitive basis. we will work with people. we are client-oriented. when mariupol was occupied
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in... the ukrainian ivan decided to become a russian vanko. for the hospitable meeting of the occupiers in mariupol, vanka was appointed the head of the zhovtne district administration. in this position, he took care of the city's restoration and restored russian names to the streets. it was jointly with the administration of mariupol a plan of measures for the restoration of the city has been developed - these are socially significant objects. of course, this traitor was the head of the st. petersburg governor's office in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. and... after demonstrating his adaptability skills, ptits became a candidate for deputy from the united russia party. vanyushka won the election, so he took a seat in the mariupol city council and headed the faction of putin's party there. immediately , a prominent person actively works for the deadline. today, the united russia faction and i planted about a thousand bushes that the city twin st. petersburg gave mariupol to
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create st. petersburg avenue. due to the fact of voluntarily occupying a position in illegal authorities created in the temporarily occupied territories, our law enforcement agencies informed vanyka of suspicion, he faces up to 15 years in prison, but who knows, maybe instead of brick walls and metal bars, it will be much nicer for vanyushka soft and comfortable polyethylene of a black bag. the young teterina sofia mykola also received her suspicion for collaborative activities. she graduated from mariupol university state university majoring in ukrainian language and literature, after february 24 , she began feeding the russian propaganda machine with fakes. the first day of the presidential elections of the russian federation started in mariupol. voters come to the polling stations from the very morning to cast their votes for the future leader of our country. now sofia works on the rashist channel mariupol-24. in his stories, he tells about the restoration of
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the city destroyed by the occupiers, praises the russian federation and glorifies the enemy's army. at the same time, he is studying in the second year of the fake vision that the occupiers created in mariupol, the so-called kuinji university. now he is already studying russian language and literature. today, in honor of the national holiday, the constitution day of the russian federation , a quiz is being held. all details on the mariupol-24 tv channel. teterina's case has already been sent to court. for collaborative activities, traitors face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of all property. perhaps her skills in glorifying enemy power structures will somehow come in handy in ukrainian prison for such lackeys and embezzlement, the escorts will be kinder, and the supervisors will give out an extra portion of balanda. sofia, start getting used to her taste already. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to talk about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook.
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let's send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. the remains of the 18th victim of muscovites were found in kharkiv. what is the survival strategy in the occupation and why did zelensky come to portugal? this is the final news release.


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