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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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nonenko, if you want to talk about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. the remains of the 18th victim of muscovites were found in kharkiv. what is the survival strategy in the occupation and why did zelensky come to portugal? this is the wrap-up issue for...
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the espressa team talks about today's highlights. annaeva melnyk is with you. greetings to all viewers. and i will start with the russian attack on kharkiv. according to the information of the mayor igor terikhov, the occupiers dropped an aerial bomb on the territory of the kyiv district. a fire broke out near the garages. a settlement in the kharkiv district also came under enemy attack. a fire broke out on a farm there. there is no information about the victims. the remains of the 18th victim were found, a search operation is still being conducted in kharkiv at the site of the attack on the hypermarket, the prosecutor general's office reported, 16 dead have been identified, among them 12 store employees and four visitors. let me remind you that on saturday, may 25, the russians dropped two guided aerial bombs on the shopping center, injuring 50 people. there are more fires in kharkiv region. 2,000 hectares of forests, this was mainly
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caused by russian shelling - the state emergency service reports. rescuers are currently extinguishing 18 forest fires in the region, half of them have been contained. emergency workers work under constant enemy attacks. the complexity of the work is also related to the fact that many areas in the front-line areas are mined and littered with unexploded ammunition. channel espresso and the iryna koval charitable foundation opened a fundraiser for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadrocopters are eyes in the sky that provide security and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, both during an assault and during reconnaissance. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. every donation you make is an important contribution to support defenders on the front lines. uah
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invest in our victory. i wish you health. we, soldiers of the 100th brigade art intelligence. we ask you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. an important visit, president volodymyr zelenskyi has arrived in portugal, reports a local broadcaster. rtp, where the head of state is planning a meeting with the prime minister, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs and the country's military leadership. according to the broadcaster, the leaders of the states will sign a bilateral security agreement. as survive under occupation? residents of regions occupied by russia know this personally. our correspondent kateryna galko spoke with them. she is with us live. katya, my congratulations. that's what they say. indomitable
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ukrainians. i congratulate annoeva, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, so today we spoke with brave ukrainians who managed to leave the temporarily occupied territories and even more, take personal archives with them, which are extremely important in order to tell the world about the horrors that russia is inflicting on the temporarily occupied territories. talked today with mr. yevhen, a photographer from mariupol, who... lived in the city for more than 50 years, he talked about how russia gradually destroyed both the people of mariupol and the city of mariupol, he talked about how he managed to leave mariupol, for this he had to pass, of course, a lot of russian checkpoints, but he still managed to get his photo archive, and how it was possible, let's hear more about this method, they didn't look like on the hard drive... i'm done, i
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just put them there repackaged, gave them a different extension, called it something, then what name movies, that is, it looked like a hard disk to me, like a disk with movies, there on... in this one too, there were really some movies there, something there, but eh, well, luckily, well, i thought that even if they started to check, i looked at them like this, the faces of these orcs at the checkpoints were enlightened, i understood that there seemed to be no itishniks among them, an explosion happened next to me, the house was blown up, and here i am now in a few days and we will all be in the same situation, already on march 6. we also talked about how the russians continue theirs occupation policy in mariupol, kherson, zaporizhzhia, etc., because now they occupy the information space, and for this in 2023 at least 105
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mass media were created in the temporarily occupied territories, russians work there, they are brought to the temporarily occupied territories, they are given there is housing, accommodation, so that they continue the occupation... policy of the russians, there they promote narratives that ukraine is about to capitulate, or that ukraine refuses to return the temporarily occupied territories, and also that russia is great and cool and continues to rebuild, in particular mariupol, which it destroyed itself, they talked about the fact that it is important to look for ways of evacuation, but it is necessary that they be safe, this information must be opposed. attack by the russians and seek safe access to ukrainian mass media or foreign media in order to know what is really happening in the world and in ukraine. this is the information as of now, anno, so i am passing the ether to you. thank you for your work, espresso correspondent kateryna galko, about
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the strategy of resistance and survival of ukrainians in occupation yevgeny borysov, the ex-chief of the odesa regional military, was detained again . sizo was released on bail of uah 12 million, but on the threshold of the kyiv pretrial detention center he was returned, as reported in the state bureau of investigation. planned to flee abroad. let me remind you, he is suspected of illegally enriching hundreds of millions of hryvnias and deliberately evading duty. he has been in custody since july last year. already to the former military commissar was reported to be gone. in the acquisition by a person authorized to perform state functions of assets, the value of which exceeds his legal income by more than 6,500 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens. they appeared on time for service without valid reasons by a military serviceman, committed under
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martial law. he was informed of a new suspicion of organizing the legalization of illegal income, amounting to over uah 142 million. an irreparable loss, especially for ukrainian journalism, the founder and head of the interfax agency passed away at the age of 63 ukraine oleksandr martynenko. the website of the publication informed that the cause of death was not reported. let me remind you that martynenko is known for being the press secretary of president leonid kuchma in 1998-2001, and from 2002 to 2003 he was a member of the national council on television and radio broadcasting. honorably awarded. honored journalist of ukraine, espresso tv channel expresses sincere and deep condolences to oleksandr martynenko's relatives and friends. gains and losses, ups and downs. the ivan franko national academic drama theater has prepared a new one
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the play intermezzo based on kotsyubynskyi's novels. the director of the production notes that the play reflects our present. the main character meticulously looks into his life, records human losses and assets, he looks for a detail that can change the course of thoughts and events. already today, the premiere of intermet is in the theater. this play is about you and me. these stories are familiar to all of us, it is about parents and children, it is about prose and poetry in marital relations, and how this prose and poetry meet and fight with each other, it is about the loss of a loved one. human, she also, most importantly, it is about the intermezzo itself, that is, about the fact that we all need to do an intermezzo from time to time, take a break, reboot, look for more interesting videos on
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the espresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, because there are direct broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here, also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share them. comment, be close. at this moment i have everything, i tell you, see you tomorrow, i will wait for you in this studio at 2 pm, then wait for the big one. broadcast by vasyl sima. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags, not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. the cream relieves pain for a long time. reduces swelling and improves the mobility of joints, with the cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream
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rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must... win. all the most important things every thursday at 21:15 in the great lviv speaks project, broadcast on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel. my name is vasyl zema and we are starting this informative one. week and this informational evening will be a lot of conversations, today it is important to talk about information with our guests from
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the regions, today there were heavy shelling in nikopol region, there is something to talk about there, also vorokdars in kharkov, and also the plans of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, how to drag your side the global south, and more specifically the countries of latin america, well also columns from my colleagues, a lot of important information, interestingly , we will find out from oleksandr morchyvka whether the tariffs will really increase. and for which services, for which services we will have to pay more, about all this during the next hour and 45 minutes, well, about the situation at the front and all the topics that serhiy sgorets chose for himself today, which relate in one way or another to the war, he will tell you in detail now. serhiy, good evening, i would like to speak to you, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our audience, today in our in the military column, we will talk about the prospects of canceling for... harrows on the use of western weapons for strikes on military targets in russia, about new attacks
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by atakams and about the systematic shooting down of enemy aircraft with manpads. what was new in the armed forces for such a result? more on that in a moment. i will start with the fact that the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs started today in brussels. countries of the european union, devkotre, so far, at the political level , the issue of canceling the ban on the use of western has become extremely relevant for ukraine. weapons in russian targets on russian territory, the details of the final discussions are not yet known, but we know the consequences of the use of these samples of russian weapons in our populated areas, when we also talk about such cities as kharkiv and provovchansk, we see how destructive it is russian weapons have consequences and this must be countered,
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so we already know that the low countries of nato and the eu have publicly supported such weapons. changes regarding the use of western weapons, in particular britain, poland, the baltic states, the czech republic, sweden, the netherlands, some against, in particular, germany, while some european countries look to the united states, where also a number of congressmen have already raised the issue before the biden administration, so that it crosses this line, which is actually now in favor of the russian federation. in my opinion, this heated debate should end. with such a final result, which corresponds to military logic and our needs, it cannot be that the aggressor has advantages that are shaped by constraints from our partners, and it is quite obvious that the armed forces must strike and inside the russian federation, with the entire arsenal of weapons that we have, but so far
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the next strikes today, in particular there at night by atakams on... military facilities in the temporarily occupied luhansk, there is a video, and it is likely that this is the lithuanian military school there with the bases of c -300 or s-400, which the enemy also uses to attack our peaceful peaceful cities, so we are waiting for further satellite details about the consequences of these atakams attacks. there is also a number of other positive news today, including belgium. announced its readiness to transfer to ukraine 30 f-16 fighters. ukraine should receive the first planes approximately at the end of this year, although, in general, the delivery of all will stretch until 2028, in my opinion, this is too long, and i hope that
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it will actually be much faster, in turn, the netherlands announced today that they.. . will lead the initiative for the joint supply of the patriot system for ukraine, that is, the defense department of the netherlands proposes to assemble one anti-aircraft missile complex for the defense forces in such a quick and close cooperation with several partners. components from various european countries. let me remind you that we have three air defense systems of this type, one more was promised to nime. for the netherlands, in general , one more, and in general, we have a minimum need for new additional air defense systems paatriot seven units, as the president of ukraine spoke about. at the same time , the defense forces are now using various systems to shoot down enemy air targets, in particular, the 110th mechanized brigade said that
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in less than a month, it shot down seven su-25 attack aircraft of the russian air force, not all of them were shot down. documented, but also important here facts and trends, and we will now talk about this with our next guest, mykola salamakha, retired lieutenant colonel, project manager at our domestic defense and industrial company energy 2000, expert in the field of armored weapons, mr. mykola, welcomes you to to the espresso channel, good evening, i will start our conversation from the air, not from the ground about... continuing this topic related to the shooting down of russian su-25s by the 110th brigade, i know that your enterprise energia 2000 develops a number of simulators, including simulators for manpads, and one way or another, you are simply forced to know the specifics of using manpads, and the capabilities of these systems to knock down the entire
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enemy, and i would like to ask you in this segment what you testify about. a fairly significant number of 125 military personnel of this brigade were shot down, is it because manpads finally appeared, has the training improved, or has the safety of the russians improved, how do you explain it to yourself? so, all three components: the first is the saturation of the modern battlefield with means such as manpads, but it is very large, why? because in soviet... times, the motorized rifle division - this is approximately 110-120 portable anti-aircraft missile systems, but the experience of their use during training exercises. showed that out of a hundred launches, it is approximately three, maximum five hits, although the tactical and technical characteristics stated that
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the probability of an impression is from 35 to 40%, and in principle, if the manpads department works as it should work, then three launches of one unit, this is... a missed target, unfortunately, there are fewer in life, but there are manpads means on the battlefield, secondly, the level of training of manpads operators, and in those units that are training manpads operators, and directly in many brigades, which even have manpads simulators at the brigade level, be it a needle or something... perun or stiner, they allow 3-5%, as in soviet times , to prove about 10 or even 15%
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nowadays, that is, every 10th launch is still a shot down target, and where there are separate, well, let's say unique specialists in... that's about five shot down targets of a different nature, that's the same shaheds, these are attack aircraft, these are also helicopters, and there are even, well, unfortunately, they are no longer there, because that serviceman died, but he has 14 downed aerial targets, so this is the second component of success, and the third component of the russians. after all , they lost vigilance, and their superiors, especially during the increasing intensity
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of hostilities, try as much as possible to use su-24 attack aircraft of various modifications directly over the battlefield, and as soon as they cross this distant line, when confident shooting is possible. so our operators conduct launches and this leads to the loss of their planes to the enemy. now we are watching a video, this is a video that we are filmed in your company, knowing about the uniqueness of your simulators for manpads, in the armed forces, the question arises whether with the beginning of the active phase of hostilities, whether from the brigades there or from the air force or ground forces, the order for your... complexes for in order for the brigades to have better training of their operators when using manpads, the number of manpads simulators
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in the armed forces and in the state border service of ukraine and in the national guard of ukraine has increased by about an order of magnitude, this is cool, how much conditionally speaking, it must be conditionally say, to carry out training launches there using manpads or real ones, in order to have a guaranteed... conviction that this or that operator, well, 100%, or there is 90%, will be able to destroy this or that air target. the basic level starts with about 200 launches in completely different situations, so it is necessary to understand that the operator must always maintain the level of professionalism, that is, at least once every two weeks the operator must undergo a training course. during which he must carry out 20-30 launches, that is, the skills of the pilots must be maintained at an appropriate level constantly, as soon as a person stops exercising
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regularly, the chances of destroying an aerial target decrease accordingly, and you have listed drones, shahedis, guided missiles, helicopters, airplanes, i would like to clarify: regarding the eagles, are there any manpads at the disposal of the ukrainian army, which allow you to destroy such small targets, or is the eagle not a target for manpads? er, it means that if the thermal homing head captures the orlan's engine, that is, the orlan leaves a thermal trail, but there are parameters such as height, there are parameters such as range. and there is such a parameter as the angle, if orlan is already flying from the manpads operator, that's you, and the exhaust into
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it is small. whichever engine is in front, the chances drop rapidly, this is a very difficult target for manpads, the operators of arrow 10 do it much better. 3 discussed how the battlefield affects tank reservation requirements. to the tactics of use and first i would like to ask about these russian tanks, are there shells or are there tanks e barns, as they are called in different ways, is this such a trend, or is this, let’s say, a forced reaction on the part of the russian side in order to at least somehow bring the fighters or their enemies to the line of confrontation, how do you evaluate these examples that increasingly appear at
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the enemy? well, in most cases it is a one-way flight, a one-way ticket, and this is due to the fact that both the design bureau and the industry do not have time to prepare countermeasures to drones, scouts, and kamikaze drones, including fpv drones to us, and satiate ours. and our and russian tanks troops by means of radio-electronic warfare against the use of drones of various classes, and then they begin to build such and such things, that's why they do it, because the task is clearly set that you must prove, you see, in front of you is a neutral cat mine - this is a fight against with mines, then there as...
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landing forces, a few people, well, they must be brought, well, at least to a distance of less than a kilometer , so that later they would land and then try to attack our positions of one or another, or a platoon support point or an observation point or some other position, as a rule, well, very rarely, such... the instructions withstand the attack of about 10 drones, but the thing is that when such a target is detected, all the means that can be used to fight against with it, and when we talk about the use of tanks from our side, about our tactics of use, we often see videos where, speaking of language, there is one tank, rarely
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there are pairs. the use of armored vehicles, or is it also the fact that we are forced to form some new tactics for the use of tanks on on the battlefield, and whether it is time to fix these tactics in new statutes, or for now it is still too early and we have to wait until more stable views on the use of equipment, armored vehicles in such conflicts, in such a war as we are waging with by the russian federation, it means that we made the last changes to the statutes about 10 years ago, and the experience of conducting first an anti-terrorist operation, then an operation of the united forces, unfortunately did not lend itself to a comprehensive assessment, generalization, and no forecasts were made. for the future, respectively
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we have not made changes to... the statutes, well, it is not necessary to make changes to the statutes, some temporary ones are also possible.


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