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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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to form some new tactics for the use of tanks on the battlefield and whether it is time to fix these tactics in new statutes, or for now it is still too early and it is necessary to wait until more permanent views on the use of equipment, harrowing equipment in such conflicts are formed, in such a war as we are waging with the russian federation. so, we made the last changes to the statutes about 10 years ago, that is. and the experience of conducting first an anti-terrorist operation, then an operation of the united forces, unfortunately, did not lend itself comprehensive assessment, generalization, and no forecasts were made, but for the future, accordingly , we did not make changes to the statutes, and it is not necessary to make changes to the statutes, some temporary ones are possible. instructions, i.e. produce,
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issue, recommend them for implementation in the troops, we train a lot of reserve officers, we train officers for higher positions on the same courses of captains, there are different courses at academies, at training centers, unfortunately. so far, the statutes, those written in blood, are mostly still in time of the second world war, and then certain changes were made when the use of nuclear weapons was formed and the doctrine of war with the use of nuclear weapons was developed, but they are still guiding documents, and including on the basis of these documents they teach... cadets of military
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academies and schools, or rather institutes, but life shows completely different examples, life forces you to act in a completely different way, and when they try to organize interaction, there are those who teach and those who really fight, then the one who really... fights , when the one who teaches, begins to tell that it is necessary to use twos, threes and so on, but the one who is really fighting says: and we do not use them anymore, because their use only leads to losses of personnel, that is, to a great extent it's a pity that the russians, that we have an extremely large gap, that is , between the realities of life and the theory, which will...
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be formed after we win, why? because the proverb that always prepares for the last war, now it very vividly demonstrates what is happening in terms of military science and in terms of preparing for hostilities. and finally i would like to ask you about your attitude. to the actions that have been taken regarding the booking of the abrams, because there are additional grilles and dynamic protection, maybe we will now show some photos that our viewers may or may not have seen, so relatively speaking, the relevance, the necessity and the likely reaction from the americans to such an improvement of their abrams, what do you think about this, so the americans before ... release another modification of the abrams,
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calculated the probability of countermeasures against various ammunition, but, however, they did not take into account the fact that the ammunition is the same, the same cumulative grenades of caliber 72.5 mm, that is , of different generations, starting from pg7 there in, pg7 vl and for... ending more powerful, they will be attached to drones and will attack at an angle of 30-40°, in those places that are mostly not covered, these are, unfortunately, the realities of life that are now on the battlefield, and attempts to use a knife for strengthening of the armor protection of the upper front part. that's it
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a forced measure, just like trying to apply the same first contact to strengthen the lower frontal part, it is also a... a forced measure, and the fact that the metal anti-cumulative grid is made is mainly against rpgs and against the same drones or to combat rpg units that use drones of one or another type, including the use of different types of grenades and launchers that are dropped from above. but in principle it should be done, but constructively it should be done competently, it is necessary to first learn what such vogs, what are cumulative grenades, what can be used against them and at what distance
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from the main armor, here are metal structures, anti-cumulative gratings, here is why, because in the form in which it is, it will only come... come to initiation of cumulative grenades, at a certain distance, unfortunately, the distance is too small, but the distance to the main body of armor must be at least 500-600 mm, and those metal structures should not be round, they should have a cutting edge for that , to prevent the transmission of the detonation signal, which is cumulative warhead. mr. mykola, thank you very much for the explanation and for what you and your company do for the armed forces, modern simulators for various purposes are also supplied, which help our military to effectively master both ukrainian and western
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weapons. let me remind you that this was mykola salamakha, a retired lieutenant colonel, project manager at the energia 2000 company. these were the main military results of that day, and more international and economic news later in velikome. i thank serhiy zagorets, thank his guest for his work, thank you for a lot of important things information, and now we will collect it for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. i will say right away that we have collected 355 thousand, we need 630, and we want, of course, to see the light at the end of this tunnel, somewhere... to break this psychological limit, well, let's continue to work, i understand that the situation with finances in general is not easy right now to the ukrainians, well, we have to do our own thing, and each of us with the amount that we can contribute, i ask you to contribute to the closing of this collection, so we are asking you to join
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the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in solodarskyi and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air, well, of course , in any weather. day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, including tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile, repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for operational repair of foreign equipment, our goal is 630 uah. let's this week we too we will pursue and collect the maximum amount of damages that we can collect. equipment is of course a danger for the military, it is better when the equipment is on the battlefield, because the bmp can hit the enemy, the apc can transport personnel, the tank can also hit the enemy, and plus, when there is a tank, you are much more protected on the battlefield than when in you don't have a tank, you're infantry, i'm certainly not on the front right now to wax wise here, but i think these are the kinds
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of things that everyone has and can understand, so thank you very much for joining us, and we let's start a conversation with dmytro bechkov, the acting chairman of niko. of the district council. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. good evening. unfortunately, the enemy struck nikopol again with powerful blows. there is information about the victims, about the destruction, hail, artillery fire. as far as i understand, there was an attack on the 27th or on the night of the 28th . please tell me in more detail, first of all, about the shelling, about the consequences, how do you succeed, or do you fail to quickly overcome these consequences of the enemy attack? well, you can say, very difficult. to get used to it, but i can talk about what has already happened for more than a year and a half, even more, the nikopol district lives in this mode almost every day, and day and night, morning and evening, the enemy attacks nikopol, the nikopol district, our towns and villages, trying to
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terrorize here, and destroying the private sector, many victims fall , attacks critical infrastructure, and the constants every day... have attacked big business, then basically what he does all the time is try to sow chaos and terrorize our, our life, the life of our district, and we... always say words of gratitude to everyone to those who daily struggle with the consequences of this chaos, this is for utility workers and critical infrastructure workers, for all those who help to ensure that people receive certain quality services in order to quickly repair and start such necessary things for the life of our region, that is why such terror is going on and i can say , that we always say that the enemy is around the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, in which he actually created a logistic military hub. and from there terrorizes our district, terrorizes our nikopol, and of course the life of our district is very
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difficult, but we are very grateful to all residents who hold on and believe in zsu, help and support zsu. i read such interesting information today, i don't know if it applies to your community, of course we do not broadcast, and neither do you, the points where the construction of fortifications is underway, but we understand very well that the enemy... for the enemy, dnipropetrovsk oblast is just as easy a target as, say, part of zaporozhye oblast or kherson oblast or kharkiv oblast and so on, so the threat there is quite real, but i read that on they plan to optimize the construction of the fortifications, that is , to do something more with smaller forces, do you have information about whether the work is ongoing, because in any case , the fortifications, even if they are not somewhere in nikopol, in the long run they can be saved. and nikopolchno, do you know about this, or are these works at least being carried out and there are no problems with it, so that it does not happen
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as, again, the temporary investigative commission will conduct an investigation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in the kharkiv region, i do not know what happened there, but well obviously, there were certain questions, since the tsk was created in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it would be very undesirable for civilians and military personnel to die, due to the fact that somehow the fortifications were not properly done somewhere, please, well, i can tell you one such fact, i think , that from what can be said at the moment, it is about the fact that the residents of our district are gradually partially leaving, some are returning, returning to nikopol, returning to marganets, returning to the rural territory of our district, and this indicates that what is great confidence and support of the armed forces of ukraine, and people living in the nikopol district have such an inner understanding that the enemy in the nikopol region, his dirty hooves will never. will not happen, and i can say that people see with their own eyes the support, accordingly
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, the protection of the armed forces of ukraine is necessary, this is from the fact that we can talk about the protection of our region on the air, so what people plan is precisely the litmus test of this support , despite the war and daily shelling and certain of their activities regarding business, regarding further plans are appropriate, so we are trying. to help children with recovery, children try to play in competitions, travel, represent our regions in some tournaments, therefore, in principle, life despite the war, it is gradually in a limited mode, and despite all the difficulties, the region lives and is protected, an important component, well not a peaceful, conditionally normal life, and a life that has certain signs, of course, it is the presence of... for life, i say it so difficult, we are talking about water, of course, this water pipe that was pulled from the river
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dnipro after the destruction of the kakhovka hydroelectric plant, from the information i have, from people who were there in this region, the water pipeline itself was built, and supposedly ready for operation, but is it true that the question remains, who will take it on balance and how to take it further, and the water tariff? this is also something that i understand is still being resolved, but somewhere it can, somewhere it can be resolved, for some reason it slows down, as far as i understand, from people who have information from local residents, and people need water already, tell me please, is there really a problem, is it related to some technical bureaucratic things, well, i think we can talk about the fact that we have a unique history and situation regarding the construction of this water pump during the war, and we say... that every day dozens of drones, artillery, and hail are flying over
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nikopol, this cannot but affect the situation regarding the construction of this water pipeline, and we are talking about the fact that these are large main pipelines, of course, we, perhaps, during the war, never in our lives ukraine did not build, so of course it took longer time than planned, but there are relevant reasons for it to happen in this way... but it is built, it is buildable, it is built, and we expect its launch in the near future, the relevant works are already underway, what about what you can say, i'm not a specialist. in this matter, but we can see that the day is approaching when it can be, and of course, there is today the final stage on all technical issues regarding the coordination of tariffs, because the tariff will be, it is different in the territory of the nikopol district, because let me remind you that during the detonation by the occupiers of the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station, approximately 200,000 inhabitants who
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remained in the nikopol area at that time at some stage were left without water, and this whole almost year a little less... nikopol region was a big problem, because someone had drinking water, someone had technical water, and then it partially appeared in certain territories over time, and if the relevant works were carried out by state bodies, regional authorities, local authorities, someone still uses a lift, under imported water, so it is really a big problem because the heat is already very hot in the territory, as it is in ukraine, let's talk, so of course we all expect that it will be sooner... there was a note from this water supplier and he allowed our residents to receive the appropriate service, which is true, but there are no deadlines, there are no deadlines yet, i understand that perhaps it is not necessary to name them if you know them, well, let's be then it will be clearer to you how to speak correctly, but, yes, i think that the terms will already be when the relevant state authorities are competent and the relevant specialists who
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should launch it, they will name more precise terms so that we people do not mislead. well, actually, i thank you for your participation, thank you for your comments, we received answers to key questions, take care, mr. dmytro, dmytro bachko, acting as the head of the nikopol district council, well, it's really a big plus that the water supply was successful to build, of course, it must be protected now, but the issue of launching, taking it on balance, and the tariff that people will pay for water in this southern region, well, the southeast. but in in any case, to the southern region, this is also very important, and i hope that this issue will be resolved in the near future, and thanks , of course, to the people who were able to implement this project. well, now we will talk about what i announced: ukraine and the countries of latin america, it is very important, because these countries are economically and politically quite influential and quite important in the world, their position in
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relation to ukraine, their position in relation to the war, in relation to of russian aggression, it really is. is very important, and now ukraine is starting to prepare for this plan with a perspective for the coming years, and at the event held in the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, dedicated to the countries of latin america and ukraine, there was oleksiy geran, professor of political science at the kyiv-mohyla academy, and mr. oleksia, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, not only was there, but also spoke, well, that's about it, and you'll tell about it, because i wasn't there, i didn't see, as they say, but i know that you were invited, a very important topic, let's talk about... this specific were certain steps discussed, what expectations from cooperation with the countries of latin america, which are threats and opportunities, again, and i also know that dmytro kuleba, the minister of crown affairs of ukraine , said last year that this year, the 24th, could be called the year of ukraine, the country latin america, is it really so? look,
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the communication strategy of ukraine in the countries of latin america was presented, here i am... i will show how it is, how, excuse me, excuse me, this is how it looks, here, you see, ukraine is a state, there is the ministry of foreign affairs, here, and, well there, let's say, yes, here, you see tasks and so on, this is only a part, here 16-14 pages are the open part, in addition, there are more than 50... other closed parts, which is an internal document already with specific evaluations of work in each of the countries of latin america , and this is the first communication strategy for latin america, which was developed in ukraine, dmytro kuleb opened the event,
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latin american journalists were present, which is very important, he brought them now. from the revival fund to ukraine, and this, by the way, well, this is not the first latin american ukraine, latin american journalists who came to ukraine, there were also other delegations, which in particular met with president zelenskyi, i would say that last year, as the minister of foreign affairs himself says, it was the year of africa, yes, that is, 10 new embassies were opened . in african countries, this year is latin america, because we currently only have six embassies in latin america. it's argentina, it's peru, it's mexico, it's cuba, and now i'll say,
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brazil and chile, brazil and chile, yes, that is in chile, yes, by the way, chile, quite recently, recently opened, and there are plans to open. another embassy, ​​that is, the largest , well, it is most expected that it will be colombia, and colombia will be just a big power in latin america, and an embassy will be opened in uruguay, so there are plans for smaller countries, well, actually the key countries are assigned here, i'll just say right away, you can continue with this opinion, it's important for the audience to understand that we're interested in politics now. certain moments, trade, joint projects, some related to weapons, security, we now have bilateral security agreements, ukraine has signed with many countries of the world, it is interesting,
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again in this regard, that is, whether we will offer, or we should come to these countries with some offer, that is, is this exactly what this proposal was being developed, what do we want, please, oh, we want a lot from latin america, but now in the context, in the context of the same... then peace, then obviously the most we would like is representation from the majority of these countries , so that they are presented at the highest level, well, we we know that it will not work with brazil, unfortunately, that is, if there will be representation, it will not be at the highest level, but from mexico, on the second day, june 2, the elections in mexico, we do not know whether these elections something will change in the country, even if the same party is in power, because the current, current government of mexico, it
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actually voted for the territorial integrity of ukraine in the un, well , practically all of america voted for territorial integrity, that is, for the well-known un documents , but the question arises, the question arises, what is next and... and here it is very important for us it is important that we raise such topics that are close to us and latin america, that is, latin america is the principle of territorial integrity, which has not been violated there for many, many, many decades, but recently there was only an attempt by venezuela against guyana, well, we know that there it is clear that russia gave such an example, venezuela declared half of guyana as its territory because there is oil there, and even held a referendum on its territory among venezuelans, which
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was obviously a pseudo-referendum, everything was rigged there, but then venezuela nothing could not do because the territories, the principle of territorial integrity is very important for them, then nuclear-free, latin america is a nuclear-free zone and rights and human rights, that is, these are things that are important for latin america, because in the 70s, let's say, dictatorships prevailed in latin america, and now democracies prevail, well, with the exception of cuba, venezuela, partially, yes, cuba, venezuela, nicaragua and partially. all other countries are democratic, and human rights for these countries, for latin america, they are mean a lot since the
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period when there were dictatorships, i.e. chile, argentina, brazil, a lot of people, i'm just clarifying what dmytro kuleba said even earlier, that he plans in the second half of... the year make a tour of the countries of latin america again and is it possible, mr. miley, which president is it possible that at least someone will be present at the peace summit, or is there an understanding of who can be present at the peace summit, we have literally 4 minutes, but miley miley will definitely be, but it is important to us and we know that he is very fond of me to ukraine, however, it is very important for us here that everything does not focus on... for example, miley, because miley is right-wing, right-wing populist, in america, in south america there are quite a lot of left-wing governments, yes, some of them, by the way
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, also support ukraine, yes, the president. borych, he is a leftist, but he very consistently supports ukraine, so it is important for us to lead in a balanced way, that is , for example, there was an idea at one time to hold a ukraine-latin america summit, and we talked about it a lot, and it seemed to be discussed, in particular , as a place argentina, but if such the summit will be in argentina, then not many latin american... governments will come to it, well, lula from brazil will definitely not come, and he will not come, yes, but argentina will not come 100%, so a centrist country should be chosen, maybe it is uruguay, let's say, uruguay is also very favorable to ukraine in terms of territorial integrity, and the former president of uruguay, he is very famous in latin america, and he once spoke, and he said that uruguay is located between argentina, between brazil,
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between two powers. and there were attempts to eliminate uruguay as a state, to seize it, he says, in the end we survived, only because there are norms of international law, that is why uruguay is here, yes, it uses, it uses authority, and i am here for literally two minutes, i just want you also added, whether the question of how important or how difficult it is to overcome the influence of russia was discussed, well, we know that brazil, for example, is part of the brics, where there is the same russia, there is china and other countries. and there is my own understanding, although again brazil is not russia, yes we understand, but how strong is russia's influence and how difficult will it be to overcome it in the sense of imposing its agenda on both the parliament and the president, well, above all , on civil society and the political elite of these countries in latin america, russia's influence is strong, this is true in latin america, and they are coming out, especially brazil, they are coming out of the so-called multipolarity, again the tradition of anti-americanism is very strong
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there. that is why sometimes a paradoxical situation arises that i say that countries vote in the un as it should, but further some practical actions are more difficult, although, for example, the same argentina, it voted to exclude russia from the un security council. i would like to give a very interesting example of the ukrainian presence in latin america, the argentine diplomat of ukrainian origin, roberto kozak. so, he was such a latin american schindler, during the pinochet dictatorship, he saved attention, 30,000 hostages of the pinachet regime, 30,000, here is a ukrainian figure, and there were ukrainian figures who also fought for the independence of america in baliver, that is, there are also such figures and...
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i even recently published that simon petliura, well, in fact he was simen, yes, but then he changed his name to force, that's one of the versions, because he admired bolivar, yes, so there are certain historical traditions, and we hope, mr. oleksiy, unfortunately, our time is over, but i hope that the realities will be very good in relations, and i believe that you will play an important role in this. thank you very much, mr. oleksii, oleksii haran was with us, a ukrainian political scientist. professor of the kyiv-mohyla academy of political science, also the scientific director of the democratic initiatives foundation, well, let's wait for dmytro koleba's visits to the countries of latin america, because it really is a great commercial, great economic, great military power, and to attract them now to the ukrainian side is not, frankly, to the international side rights, and not simply, it is very important, although not simply, but literally in a moment of news, good evening, we are with ukraine. and
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now one second and we will start, so the representatives of the local authorities report about the explosions in odesa and kharkiv, on in the south, the air force warned about the threat of ballistic missiles in the east, the russians once again launched guided aerial bombs on the territory of the farm in the kholodnohirskyi district of kharkiv , a fire broke out, said the head of the region oleg synigubov. the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine has updated data on the consequences of the enemy attack on the kharkiv hypermarket, which occurred on may 25. in fact, 12 store employees and four visitors were among the victims of this terrorist act. two remain missing. let me remind you, on saturday the russians dropped on shopping center two manned aircraft


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