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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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needed by the peace summit and needed by other leaders looking at the response of the united states of america. it's not his presence, it 's just putin applauding, personally applauding putin, and standing up. roman, the absence of biden at the peace summit, will the scale of this forum be reduced, the absence of the president of the united states of america, or still, well, you have to understand that... obviously, the united states of america will do its best to have a high representation there, or the secretary of state of the united states of america, if possible the vice president of the united states of america, and how much of what zelensky says, how much it can be received in the kremlin, and there is no biden, so putin stands, applauds and says that finally we won, maybe putin organizes at this moment there is another forum with xijin pin there. with
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the countries of the conditional south of this region and will say: and we, we have our peace formula, there is zelensky in switzerland, and here we are somewhere, i don't know, in sochi, for example, we will organize such a forum. well, again, that's about how with the first question, there is diplomatic work, and there is the situation on the ground, and this does not mean that there is no need to do diplomatic work, because there was a word anyway. and i am to the point that it is better, in my opinion, if there is no biden, but there will be a holiard of american atakams missiles, here you see, i think we are not in the right, not in the right condition to be offended by the americans or to impose any conditions on them , it is clear that the highest representation is very cool, well, i don't really like such rhetoric of the president, why, because in... american
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the media already had many messages about the fact that on this date biden has another event, something he is collecting money there, well, plus they have another election, so if, if he suddenly does not come, then it seems that everyone and the rest do not have to come , well, i’m just talking about the fact that we cannot influence president biden, but in diplomatic rhetoric, i would still be more careful than... they say that the same opinion can be expressed in a different way, which i i mean, for example, that of course we want the connecting states to be represented on at the highest level, because we are convinced that any president of the united states, regardless of his surname for our country, but we will welcome any representation, especially since everyone knows on this planet that the united states support ukraine, that's me but i'm sketching from the head, well, you understand, this nuance. we just don't want our partners,
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well, they have, well, sometimes they have, how to formulate it legally and diplomatically, so as not to get a false impression about ukrainians and spoil the ukrainian side, well, there are nuances that lead to the fact that it annoys them, it annoys many of us too, once again it is absolutely justified, because these conversations about weapons, whether to beat powder or not...
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but in the offices, it happens on the ground, in the landings and on ukrainian soil, beyond any doubt, i agree with you, the chinese also have not yet confirmed their participation in the peace summit in switzerland, that is, the americans will participate in an unknown level , china has not yet confirmed, according to the spokeswoman for the chinese foreign ministry maoning, her country does not have specific information about this, so that share now with her, but it is clear that... some side will also choose such a middle position in order not to offend putin and to show the world that they have this so-called map, a peace map, although it is not a peace map, it is rather a vision beijing, what is happening in ukraine, it is wrong, well , forgive me, but after the so-called inauguration, putin began to fly around beijing, minsk, now he is in trouble. flies, it seems, to
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uzbekistan, well, that is, what is now left of putin's influence in the 24th year, that is, we always talk about sanctions. about sanctions economic, we are talking about the international warrant that is issued against putin, which limits him, but what if we look at him politically now, what, what putin has left, well, actually not so little, he has under 140 people under his command, who like it, don't like it, they are still a source of money for volodymyr. that is, all these visits, well, to china, of course, he went for a shortcut to knyazheny, then here is an attempt to emphasize that russia's influence in the so-called post-soviet space remains, although in fact they lost almost everywhere, especially in this
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region, because now we see footage from putin's visit to uzbekistan, these states are just beginning to focus more and more on china and... everyone actually understands this, but if we go back to this summit, you see, if everyone were to hold this pause, but if china will be represented at the level of ambassador, this is also already raising the flag, i'm just saying, let's do it, we are modeling ourselves, we, you are the ambassador of china to switzerland, i am his deputy, a world event in fact, all the processes. china is involved as a powerful state, it is involved in everything processes are involved, and here they, china, simply ignore it, they will have to make a report to their ministry of foreign affairs on this matter, that is
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, it may happen that the chinese at the level of their representative office in switzerland will raise flags, and we will accordingly say, you see, our chinese friends have joined us, so it may be... there may be such a possibility . another putin supporter, lukashenko, spoke to journalists and called on belarusian journalists to intensify propaganda and stated that independent forces and democratic values ​​are only western talk. let's listen to lukashenka. it is necessary to strengthen propaganda and counter-propaganda and ideological work. "i want young journalists to learn this, there is no need to be ashamed of such words and concepts, whether they are not there in the west, they are, just called another word, pr, that is, work with public opinion, the essence is the same, let them work with public opinion in their territory , i
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'm watching all this, and you know, i'm just remembering, probably in 1985 or 1986, when i was a junior and read what the members of the politburo said on tv. what it is necessary to deal with the press, there is the party organization, party literature, well, they are completely, but this is the worst option, what lukashenko is showing now, this is already, it is not even funny anymore, and it is just about simple, here they are completely, i understand that they set out to create a mini-soviet union, a mini-union state, that's understandable, but not only a mini -union state, because yes... what they're doing is just a bad remake of the soviet union, isn't it? well, back to the ssr, there are differences between the russian federation and belarus there is absolutely none, that is, they are doing something here, well, even in the west, a journalist and
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a pr person are still two different professions, and pr people usually receive a higher salary, that’s right, well, that’s how it happened historically, because it’s a slightly different job, but you see, they are all here... they are making it up to what point, that people who call themselves journalists, they should be the exposure of the press service, well, according to the administration of lukashenka or putin, that is , to sing deferrambas, to tell how cool he is, how young he is, how he gets younger like he is becoming more and more experienced, and in general, everyone who is against dictators should be hanged, destroyed, sent to the neighborhood in the belarusian version, that is, i even... i don't know what to say here, it's not about the zmi, in this case, thank you , thank you roman for the conversation, it was roman tsimbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, former vlaskor union in moscow, a person who has 100, 1200 subscribers on youtube, friends, we
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continue to work on the air of the tv channel and on our platforms in youtube and facebook , for those currently watching on these platforms, please subscribe to our platforms, take part in our voting, today we are asking you about this, would you agree to the presence of western troops in ukraine, yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have... the answer is more extensive and goes beyond these two classic answers, please write in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote: yes 0800 211 381 - 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote. at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world aviation. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast today. congratulations, mr.
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serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start, mr. yevgeny, with zelenskyi's words that despite the war in ukraine, ukraine was and remains a democratic state. 5 years of zelensky's presidency have passed, now the additional time of his presidency has begun, well, you can say that. and it will continue until the next elections are held and until until president zelensky transfers the powers to another newly elected president, i.e. after the war. so, let's briefly summarize what ukraine has gained and lost over the past five years under president zelenskyi? good question, we already talked about it with your colleagues, you know, it's really easy to take. and to stop at may 20, 2024 , it will be simply impossible, we
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will be fooling ourselves in this way, the situation is simply still in development, and i am a supporter of the fact that we evaluate already on the fact, that is why i always i say that we should evaluate the politicians who are still functioning. they have an opportunity to change their attitude, both with a plus sign and with a minus sign, but if we talk, then, you know, there is a certain logical trap here, because during zelensky's presidency , on the one hand, ukraine lost about 20% of its , well, not around 20%, somewhere around 12-13% of its territory. 7% of the territory was lost in 2014, but this is on the one hand, that is, we
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must first of all say that this happened as a result of large-scale the invasion of the russian federation, that i do not see it directly as zelenskyi's fault, that is, you know that it is his loss, that is , we can talk about a complex of various factors, but... i think it would be wrong to blame volodymyr zelenskyi himself . on the other hand, here too we have to say that this is our joint achievement. ukraine survived in these conditions, that is, even 830 days ago, we were already told by almost everyone that you, as a result of an attack on russia, on ukraine, you will simply collapse. and ukraine did not fall apart. and this too, on mine opinion, our common consequence, well, joint
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actions, simply in the conditions of war there is, on the one hand , the concentration of forces and means and powers in the hands of the president determined by law, to a certain sense, on the other hand, there is also a concentration of certain powers that... and the president, well, let's say so, passes under his belt, but i don't know, with all the peculiarities of ukrainian politics, that volodymyr zelensky, well, for example, gathered parliamentarians and told them not to vote or do something, right? well, you also follow the political order by day, that is, choosing, say, the passive position of ukrainian parliamentarians. this is their choice, including the choice of a large part of them, and it is also necessary to talk about it, as far as i understand,
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well, in any case, it will be, in my opinion , quite honestly and frankly, that these are the politicians we elected in 2019, and many of them for some reason decided to draw up, the parliamentarians decided to draw up their powers, the truth is, because they decided that it would be better for them now, although... in the period from the 19th year they did not think so, but they were fine, well yes and accordingly, well, that is, it is a complex, well , we, you know, we, if it didn't sound banal. we look at zelenskyi as a mirror of our expectations, our possibilities, and ours, well , here you are, having written zelenskyi without makeup at one time, you, i don’t think at that time expected that you would write a book about putin’s hatred of of ukraine, it is true, and beyond all doubt, beyond all doubt, mr.
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yevgeny, another story that is being very actively pedaled by putin, the legitimate putin and the illegitimacy of zelensky. today in once again, putin began to speak, he mentioned the dictators of neighboring countries, they pedal the topic of the illegitimate lukashenko, all these illegitimates , suddenly, he once studied at the law faculty, and by the way, zelensky also studied at the law faculty only in kryvyi rih, well, at least a diploma he already has a legal one, and of course in... in this situation a completely logical question arises, but perhaps we should put an end to these legitimacy and illegitimacy so that there is no such speculation, maybe it would be right to this is still a decision of the constitutional court, because when the dictators of neighboring countries try to play by the law there, it looks very , well, so disgusting, because the people who violated the world,
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world norms, international ones. agreements, the world order in general, they suddenly talk about some kind of illegitimacy of zelenskyi, is this decision of the constitutional court necessary so that no one there tries to accuse him of illegitimacy? i have only one explanation, a logical one, why the president's office did not turn to the constitutional court for a corresponding decision, because there was, i am i understand, danger. that there will not be a quorum in the constitutional court, and a situation will arise when the request will already be there, and accordingly it will be known, well, you know, as a classic scheme, that the press service of the constitutional court reports that this or that request has arrived, and there is no solution, and
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accordingly, russian propaganda would also start to make noise about it wherever it is... maybe i can say that zelensky is legitimate, and in my opinion, although i cannot, i think, be called a supporter of zelensky, but in any case his authority end with the acquisition of the powers of the next president, and you, as a specialist in the modern history of ukraine, will also know this. because i will remind you of a fact that seems to have been forgotten by almost everyone, after the orange revolution, when there was the third round of presidential elections, remember, at that time kuchma also overstayed his powers for several months, until february, until february 2005 , the inauguration and at the same time, and at the same time it did not bother anyone at all, the truth is,
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no one said that kuchma was already illegitimate, that let's get out... well, that is then there was negativity channeled there against viktor yanukovych for obvious reasons, well , the orange revolution, let me remind you, almost 20 years ago, just in the current situation now, when putin and lukashenko are starting to think about the alleged illegitimacy of zelenskyi, well, this is actually madness, and lukashenko there is no place to put a brand on it at all, but a case. with putin, the situation is, i would say, a bit more complicated, because he pedals this topic in order to shift attention from the fact that he himself was elected to the actual next presidential term, including 20% ​​of the occupied ukrainian territory, and this is definitely
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not legitimate, however, in any case in our eyes and in the eyes of millions and... other ukrainian citizens, this is beyond any doubt, and there is another the point about which i want to say that, accordingly, he, he pedals it in order to show that he, he is the president of russia, but what is bad that our partners from the seven, they actually recognized putin as the president, well, it was not none, that is , i understand what is possible in the future. in that it makes sense that their ambassadors will not hand over credentials, but at that moment the topic will be played out a bit, however, well this... it will happen in a few months, at best, that is, there was not such an immediate reaction as we in principle everyone expected, and as you know,
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the statement of the group of seven regarding the illegitimacy of putin was blocked by none other than anthony blinken, that is, the united states is not ready for this, this decision, at the moment, they are not ready to talk about the illegitimacy of putin, because they... . are clearly afraid, and putin, if you look at his statements of the last two or three weeks, he is already repeating the same thing: zelensky is illegitimate, there is no one to sign peace agreements with, he is speculating on this, which means that the political and legal system of ukraine must be determined, and even russian wikipedia has now written that the president of ukraine is ruslan stefanchuk. that is , they took a formal flight with a formally legal approach, not you, well, that is, we understand how it is done in the russian segment of wikipedia
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, it’s true, but for me these are all games, and when the honored lawyer of ukraine, i do not know why he was not deprived of this title, how he was deprived of the citizenship of ukraine, the honored lawyer of ukraine, viktor medvedchuk starts talking about the fact that zelenskyi is not... legitimate, it becomes clear to me, too, well, if zelensky, zelensky is on one side, and putin and medvedchuk are on the other side, which side will you be on? well, this is a rhetorical question, it is absolutely clear that medvedchuk is a state traitor and a person who plays on putin's side and talks about some constitutional norms, well, that's it in general, there's not even anything to say here, as a matter of fact. and about putin as well, here the only question is how the ukrainian authorities should show everyone how to push the denunciation that there is a decision of the constitutional court and
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there are no problems, although, well, you are right that there was such a story with leonid kuchma, and i very much i remember well, just this year 2004-5, i think it was something in the 20s, it seems that yushchenko was sworn in in february, if not... or january, and it seems that in january he was sworn in, yes, in january , it's his birthday in february, everything is correct, but look, putin was convinced, if we talk about the current war, about the great war, putin was convinced that ukraine would not join nato for at least 30 years, and it became known that scholz spoke with him, and he spoke about this before this great ... war, and about that meeting with putin, scholz spoke at the democracy festival in berlin, let's listen to this fragment, because it is a very interesting synchronicity. by the way, at that time, he called
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the fact that ukraine was on its way to nato a pretext for war. i told him: you know, in the near future this is not expected, probably in the next 30 years. i said this publicly, but it is based on this reason, mr. yevgeny, at that time scholz said that ukraine would not join nato for at least 30 years. and why now the alliance cannot clearly define the terms when ukraine can become a member of the north atlantic alliance, or not publicly invite ukraine to nato at the washington summit in order to spread all the dots of hope that putin's entire policy of deterrence, or according to the main argument why it started this one a big war, because the expansion of the alliance is underway, and to simply checkmate putin, you know, here you can quote another prime minister of estonia, the prime minister, kaya kalas, she said
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that it prevents us from helping ukraine in full , fear of russia, and i think this is the truth, and the truth is what it is. and accordingly, this truth should be perceived in exactly this way. another fact is that at the time of, say, the submission of ukraine's application to join nato, for many western politicians, it is, well, let's say no, not such a question, which is constantly on the agenda, and they, they went to the elections without... without without the whole question, they are not in their pre-election portfolio, there was no answer to
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the question of whether ukraine should be a member of nato . let's be honest, we didn't really have a definitive answer to this question until two years ago, did we? because ukraine submitted the application in response to holding an illegal referendum on their accession to russia in our occupied territories. that is, we initially had a trend exclusively of european integration, no one in principle talked about the prospects of admission, quick admission to. nato, and i am in favor of abandoning the so-called danish principle, well, such an anniversary principle that if nato is 75 years old, then they will definitely give us a piece of candy, well, in the form of a decision to invite ukraine to nato, they have it a little differently another works, they, they didn't have, you know, such a watch for the meeting of the 75th anniversary
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of the north. of the atlantic alliance, it's true, they look at it, i would say, more pragmatically, and accordingly, i think the key lies in internal changes, in the fact that to really work and show what we are and why we are valuable, i do not see, unfortunately, from ukraine, from the ukrainian leadership, the commune... the thesis that without ukraine both european and euro-atlantic integration will not be complete, and given the size of our country, and given the experience of confronting the russian federation, these are things that we should communicate as actively as possible, well, that is absolutely clear, and we will wait, of course, for the washington summit, what it will bring us, meanwhile, zelensky 28
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signed bilateral security in may. agreement with belgium, a day earlier with spain, today it became known that belgium will deliver 30 f-16 fighter jets by the 28th year, belgian prime minister alexander de creo announced this. let's hear what he said. these f-16 aircraft will be provided to ukraine as soon as possible. our goal is to deliver the first aircraft by the end of 2020. 24th year. everything that is provided for in this agreement is very clearly spelled out in it. it is for use by the defense forces of ukraine on ukrainian territory. mr. yevgeny, 30 seconds remain on the air, we will have planes at 16 o'clock no? to be honest, i hoped that they would still be in the spring, but, by the way, oleksandr dekro spoke about this, but now, well, there are literally a few days left, about...
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one hope will die, unless at night with may 31 to june 1. thank you, mr. yevgeny, it was yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. friends, we are working live on the tv channel and conducting a survey, today we are asking you about this, would you agree to the presence of western troops in ukraine? intermediate survey results, show us on the screen 90 6% yes, 4%, no, on youtube the ratio. yes and 5% no. in the second part of our program, we will have people's deputies of ukraine mykyta potura and oleg senyutka and yulia klymenko. see you in 15 minutes. news from our colleagues at the bbc awaits you ahead. we'll be back in the studio, stay tuned.
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the government of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu faced a wave of condemnation from the international community after the strike on a tent city in the southern gaza strip. then if... three more european countries recognized the state of palestine. so does he lose netanyahu's support for the west? this is the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast. jefer romerov works in a studio in london. israeli authorities have faced condemnation from international organizations and the european union for the deadly strike on the southern city of rafah.


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