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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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present coco discounts of 20% on tizin in may in pharmacies psylansky, bam and oskad. congratulations. somehow it so happened that in the last few weeks the main topic that is being discussed not only in russia, but in the world in general, is how ukraine and what exactly is being struck deep into russia in order to hit military targets there, and the actual discussion of this issue became like this, you know, the most important in general for all russian propagandists, they practically don't talk about anything anymore lately, they only talk about how to stop...
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this is a trend that emerged when western politicians, one after another, say that yes, ukraine should destroy military targets deep in the territory of russia. well, what they have already done, even last week, they started these nuclear exercises, which they now see as the main way to scare the west and stop the possibility of providing ukraine with greater, or actually, some kind of benefits. in order to actually destroy the russian force even there on the approaches to ukraine. the topic is so great and the expectations in general for these tactical nuclear exercises are so great that they have been absorbing it for a week and have continued to do so for the last few days as well, and there is a whole poem right there that kiselyov told about how they conducted training. i...
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now the first stage of training, belarus will join in the second. in fact, belarus has already been connected, but so far only in words, because putin specifically, in fact, his only purpose, why he went to lukashenka, was precisely to show that it is lukashenko who will also participate in nuclear exercises and that lukashenko is even more more stubborn than putin himself. well, it's called vain hopes to show that, because... everyone understands that
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lukashenka has absolutely nothing in this life , and even more so on the territory of belarus, and even more so with russian weapons located on the territory of belarus, lukashenka is absolutely independent, but putin came, putin showed lukashenko, and one of the key topics that they mentioned is the same nuclear exercises and belarus' participation in them, and now the fear is literally the world. this is an area where no failures, no mistakes, no coherence, for the sake of coherence these trainings that you asked about are dedicated. we are not doing anything special, we are preparing, we are training, we have to be ready, the world is unstable, it is dangerous, and we cannot miss the blow like it was inside the last century. well, some fabrications, as if
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someone attacked them, no, no one attacked them, they mainly attack, moreover, they are the ones who violate these exercises on the territory of belarus, they violated all the basic agreements that existed, because, as we recall, when ukraine got rid of nuclear weapons, belarus got rid of nuclear weapons at the same time, and there would be no nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus, and even more so no nuclear exercises, but you see, it is being violated. that's all, well, actually, this is a conversation about how it happened, what these are, well, it's interesting here that it's about the same iskanders that fly there, calibers, they then also mentioned the same, well, they use all this now against ukraine, except not with nuclear equipment, the only novelty is that they have shown that we are no longer just some we use these missiles there, it's not just...
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just an iskander, but it's like an iskander with nuclear stuffing, whether it was with nuclear stuffing or not, it's unknown, but all the propagandists were terribly excited. here it is loaded with a nuclear missile, without haste, but quickly without fuss and unnecessary movements, and this is already preparation for launch, and the ascent will begin in a moment. doesn't that remind you of anything? in any case, the association with something very masculine. well, you know, the trouble is, when only iskander stands up in the leadership of russia, probably the only way to somehow show himself and to make them happy, they have this or that, somehow or other , to move it somewhere there with some such things, well, well, and
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actually, besides this, i am glad that iskander, who only gets up to him. he also talked about how he, how he would like to have another small nuclear bomb detonated somewhere. weapons exist in order to use them, this is a quote from putin, but still, here we are conducting training of non-strategic nuclear forces, we will detonate at least something, or we will not detonate at all, well, at least some. well, actually, they are not going to do anything like that to test on these nuclear islands, he then talked for a long time about the fact that no, only when the west does something like that, then we
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will do it, well, but the greatest suffering, of course, from the fact that all this waving by these next iskanders, well, somehow no to which they did not lead, and this is just some kind of drama. which torments me that the americans do not believe, do not believe that they will use nuclear weapons, that is why we had to pull out something like that, move it somewhere, and the americans still do not believe, the americans have not noticed this readiness until now, the usa has not noticed movements around our nuclear facilities. no one took anything from there, did not transport it anywhere and... did not attach it to anything, no manipulations, everything was quiet, at least they did not notice anything there, the overarching task of future exercises to mark, get, bring, install, catch, feel these movements , managed, managed, well, while they
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were getting it, transporting it somewhere, in fact, suddenly the russians discovered that the same game can be played together, because the americans took it. conducted also on these similar exercises, and the french also conducted these exercises that the truth, well, you know, the americans didn’t talk about it for two months, none of them told how they were doing, what was going on somewhere, well, probably because they don’t have such propagandists, there is no such wild television, if, for example , they started saying this on cnn or some french tv channels, well, it would look kind of wild. and unreal, well , they just don’t have such a, you know, propaganda machine, that’s why they so quietly, just took, brought, and in this way actually responded to all these shouts, screams and driving and going back and forth some rockets. interestingly, after receiving
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information from us about the training of russian non-strategic nuclear forces, the americans also hurried to declare themselves in this subpoena. on the 14th. in may at the nuclear test site in los alamos, nevada, they conducted a so-called subcritical explosion, subcritical is when the explosive detonates around the nuclear charge, but it is controlled so as not to create a critical mass for a chain reaction, the french go there, we reported that last sunday the rafale combat aircraft of the french navy carried out a test launch of a supersonic nuclear. asmpa missiles with a blank warhead. in general, this is some backward thing. what else can be said? here for two years straight, they ran and told how they were going to conduct some training there,
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they dragged it here and there, here so without noise, somehow they took it so quietly and such a slap and everything went through. it remains only to say that it was all delayed and the explosion was not there and was not carried out like that and... the wrong rocket was flying, it landed in the wrong place, well, what else can be said, well , really, there is no one there to tell about the radioactive ash - no no not americans not the french, but everything is clear, well, on this background, and what remains in the end for the russian propagandists is to shout that this is probably already a hybrid third world war, well, in the end, what else can we say, because they have already been talking about the third world war for a year , it turned out not to be the third world war, but when nato suddenly started doing something, they were scared with screams that nato would attack us, now it turns out to be a hybrid. the third world war, because suddenly it turns out that a situation may arise when
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not only russia shoots somewhere with its with some iskanders and calibers, and all of a sudden all this can fly to russia, some similar things, that's why, despite all the training carried out, the hysteria continues, the hybrid third world war is gradually entering a hot phase. stoltenberg called on the countries of the alliance to remove all restrictions on strikes by western weapons on the territory of our country. we are not talking about new territories, we are talking about our borders, the borders of russia as of 1991. and suddenly, you know, it's very interesting that against this background it became clear that what they hired for the last 10 years... somehow it is not the territory of russia at all, because, well, what would there be to talk about, if in fact all this is happening
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and there are blows in a circle, and they seem to have written something in the constitution, no, that's all turned out to be a complete lie, which is not important even for propagandists, because now they say that this is the real russia, which means that it is not really russia and that is not considered, well , then who is all this talk about that... some exemption of historic areas, if a historic area is found - this is what in 1991, within the borders of 1991, everything else is not russia, not a non-russian territory, and it is not important at all, the only thing that is important is that russia, which is somewhere in the borders of 1991 and according to which, as if you can beat anyone and everything, and about which you can shout something there, and here are already shouts about how if there is something there, you know, they have also changed, because now they
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are crying that they will hit the countries nato, well, you know, of course i would like to look at it, but the very fact that the possibilities have somehow run out, what else can be done to do, it's interesting, now they are talking about how they will organize some kind of hybrid rebellion there, about the fact that... that they will give someone a weapon there, as if they are not doing it even now, as if all this time they have not organized rebellions in some countries, did not finance any subversive activities there, as if murders were not financed in western countries, all this was done by russia, and now they are doing the same thing that they have been doing for the last 30 years, and probably not 30 years, in general, the last 100 years, threaten... the sunset, well, you know, well it's funny, just funny, because it's called being scared, what they were scared by, what they're already
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doing anyway, if they think it's possible to strike deep into russia, then we still have the right to a symmetrical response to striking the points of concentration of the movement of these weapons on the territory nato. not only that, he says that it should not be in the air and on the ground, but we remember, there were american reconnaissance drones circling over sochi, it is obvious that they ... once we start shooting down all this flying bastard, what we are waiting, now to us stoltenberg revealed an extraordinary secret to us, well, i think that the houthis are just lucky now, now they will have so many weapons for legitimate purposes, they have to somehow defend themselves, how many years have they been suffering, so the houthis will have everything and in north korea from everything will appear, just everything that is needed, and of course the people of new caledonia have every right to fight france. the weapons that belong to them, with kayaks, are their weapons, and where they
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came from is a completely different question, and of course, how can one not tell about the fact that they will hit the headquarters of the apartment somewhere, that is, in they are telling it once again, well , let's listen, why not listen, of course, if stoltenberg says where to hit all of ukraine, we should also say, and where? in the event of a hypothetically possible exchange of nuclear strikes, what targets will we attack, well, for example, the new nato headquarters, and preferably on a day when everyone will be there. well, seriously, i would look at it, what will happen after that, i think that the russians did not like it very much, what will happen after that, well, in the background of all this, actually, what is it about, it is about only about intimidation, and what exactly is intimidation, as the russians see it,
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it seems to me, very much so, too, in this evening club of solov'ov freaks... they explained it clearly, let's also listen to it, just to understand what is being said, we must instrument fear, we must understand that the only way to somehow influence this public is their fear, not of retribution, and not even of their own death, of the unknown, the more opaque our politics, the greater their fear, they must be afraid, they must fall asleep not sure they will wake up, they have to turn on the news, not sure they won't read something very unpleasant there, whether it's an obituary, or a report of a purely industrial accident, or a rebellion, interestingly, it's
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the obituary of iranian leader raisin that hints , yes? well, then, who reads these obituaries and who do they frighten more, this is also interesting, and about creating uncertainty, well, actually they create it, they try, you know, in such a mysterious tone to hint that something this will happen if something, because something can fly into some strategic russian objects.
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well, it has already happened, it turns out, and what, what is it actually about, well, it is about radar stations that detect the very missiles that are supposed to arrive from western countries if there is a nuclear strike, for example, the defense publication. express notes that this defeat of these radars is a real blow to the strategic eyes of russia, and this blow actually happened, and these were stations in the kuban, there in armavir, in total three stations were eliminated, and what? and they only some legends literally tell
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that it was a nato plan. and this is part of the old nato plan, when the nato forces can strike after accumulating forces. approaching the russian border, that is, this movement of nato east. they also planned to build up forces and strike our entire missile early warning system with conventional weapons. and just the other day they made such an attempt. they hit ours. well , the effectiveness of the drone strike of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine against the station and the removal of the station from the damage has been confirmed over-the-horizon location station in
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the south-southeast, it happened on monday, may 27, except for varonizhen, which today... sh, radar, well, accordingly, it is the detection of intercontinental and medium-range ballistic missiles, now it is impossible, and what, and only there are conversations, and someone is no longer shouting, about some terrible things that are going to happen there, and meanwhile this is there, they are there in the persian gulf, they are supposed to reveal the red sea there, well, that is, they are really far from that, you know, and nothing, and that's it, and... just everyone spread their hands and they said: oh, ukraine hit there, so what is it about then, and who should be afraid then, i wonder? well, and in general, i will tell you that , of course, sladkov, who talked about the fact that there is some kind of nato plan that they were preparing
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in order to get closer, well, this is all complete delusion, but it is interesting how he talks about the purpose of this war, because what he is saying gives the impression that he is saying what they are thinking somewhere, he just doesn't have the sense to keep quiet, let's just listen, because... you know that some kind of explanation of the war, which simply gives an understanding of what it is, when we show the war and say that we must win, you think so, i think so, on the contrary, it shows in the world that russia wants war, and it must 'sure, we want war now, we want war, but we... we can't go abroad with our opinion. we cannot
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participate in the olympics. we will have women, powder workers, men and bakers taken away when we enter the strong and wonderful baltic region. we can not move around the world. our planes cannot fly over a large area. we are fighting for our history. we are fighting for our history, this is beautiful, that is, they attacked ukraine, and they also complain that as a result of the fact that they attacked ukraine, they cannot fly anywhere and no one needs them, and they are thrown out all around, and now they they are fighting for this, so that they are not thrown out, well, you know, it's late, well , the only option here is to leave, probably stop leaving ukraine, then it will be possible to say something. about being allowed somewhere, but somehow not before, but that's why i showed it to you, well, in addition to understanding this delusion, which, it's interesting that now he talks
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about what turns out to be, again, this is the whole game, you know, so that they were afraid that it can happen there, well, you can also play together, well , that is, it turns out that now russians and russian propagandists are most afraid of ukrainians, you know, i sometimes love russian propaganda. watch because it's like reading about what turns out we've taken over the world and now we're literally the scariest in the world because we're the only ones who can scare russians, according to feelings, all these endless actions of an escalating nature, the same talks about strikes on historical territory, strikes on nuclear early warning systems, this is from powerlessness and agony, it turns out that the army is at the peak of its potential, and if it will be
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able to strike at moscow, it will hit moscow, the ukrainian army is doing everything in its power, everything, if they have a nuclear bomb now, they don't care about the opinion of the community, about the balance of power, about... they will use this weapon on us, instantly , geopolitics on nato, they are immediate weakness is a temporary phenomenon, well , they don't have ammunition today, but there are a lot of fpv, but they are replenishing personnel today , i don't know if we can win on points, using boxing terminology, and not by knockout, well... of course it is paradoxical in this entire history that ukraine gave up nuclear weapons, fulfilled all agreements, literally eliminated even conventional
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weapons, and it was against us that all possible agreements were violated, it was we who found ourselves in a situation where they violated agreements with us, violated our trust, broke promises now they are afraid of us and tell us how terrible ukrainians are. that they can now take and bomb the brains, we can, we can, of course, we can, after all that you have done in ukraine, we can do it and we will do it, of course, as soon as we can achieve it, well, what can i say here , because the russians just deserved it all, but then again, well, fear is a game you can also play together, well, let them be afraid, after all, let them be afraid of us, if they're not afraid of anything, let them be ... ukrainians, let them not know what we can do tomorrow, let them think, and what else can fall on them, blow up, what obituary they can still read in the end.
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why not, well, and again, at the end, i can’t help but mention that the second topic, which was all this time, how they were advancing on kharkiv, so you think, the topic also suddenly ran out, here they were advancing on kharkiv, were advancing and suddenly did not advance, our offensive continues, and the ukrainians claim that we were stopped, what really? the assault is proceeding carefully, we are trying not to lose soldiers in this one to the butchery that opened today on the banks of the wolf river, as for liptsi, this settlement is surrounded by heights on three sides, we control two of these three sides, and today we really stopped the offensive there, because without an assault from the third side, the third of this height, we will...
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the next ukrainian region, i personally cannot, what the general staff knows and what it foresees, we do not understand at all, that is, now it is not even an offensive anymore, but just active actions, moreover, now they waiting for the ukrainian offensive in the kharkiv region. we see that the enemy is withdrawing very serious reserves in the direction of kharkiv. personally, i have the feeling that kyiv has decided to go to a-bank. everything indicates that the enemy is preparing a counter-offensive strike. not for defense, he gathers them in one point, but in order to try to push us back to the border. i urge you not to wait in the coming days and even weeks for some rosy news about our large and massive advance
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on... it may suddenly decide that you may have to wait for the advance of ukrainian troops to belgorod and kursk, so let them think, let them be afraid there, let them wait for the ukrainian offensive, after all, belgorod is not kursk, nothing terrible, you know, let them continue to be in this...certainty. see you in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. learn how to prevent the enemy from discording us. in the special topic about demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about
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