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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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i greet you, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur, and today we will talk about mobilization. on the 10th day of the new law on strengthening mobilization, people's deputies talked about changes. it turns out that the tsk system is not ready to accept the number of citizens who went to update their data. this was stated by the deputy. from european solidarity volodymyr aryev. he proposes to increase the period for updating the data of conscripts from 60 to 150 days. another deputy of the servant of the people, fedir venislavskyi, took this initiative calls pr. like, now there is no reason to believe that people will not have time to update the data - said uvenislavskyi in a comment to ligan. in fact, despite the fact that the ministry of defense has launched an electronic queue, and you can now update data in the application, the reserve plus under tsk is huge.
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queue, we took these shots near the trade center in kyiv and lviv the day before. take a look. in the morning , several dozen men are under one of the capital's tsk. in order to get into the military, some queued up long before the start of work. what time did you come? 27 was in line, signed up, came from 9 there was a reception. in the live queue, the record is kept on paper. is that you? did you come, did you write in the notebook or how did everything happen?
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war, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project, with olga len. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m.
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weekly saturday poll. helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso.
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greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following frames can you. news from the scene live, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svoboda live frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. today we will talk about mobilization. on the 10th day of work. of the new law on strengthening mobilization, people's deputies talked about changes. it turns out that the tsk system is not ready to accept the number of citizens who went to update their data. this was stated by volodymyr ariev, a deputy from european solidarity. he proposes to increase the period for updating the data
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of conscripts from 60 to 150 days. another deputy, the servant of the people, fedir venislavsky, calls such an initiative pr. like, now there is no reason, he thinks. that people won't have time to update the data - said owenislavskyi in liganet comments. the data can now be verified in the reserve plus application under ttsk huge queues. we took these shots near the trade center in kyiv and lviv the day before. take a look. in the morning , several dozen men are under one of the capital's tsk. in order to get to the military service station, some queued long before the start of work. what time did you come? he was in line at seven, he signed up, he came at nine , there was an appointment, in the live queue, the record is kept on paper, it is you who came, wrote down in a notebook or how everything happened, yes on a piece of paper and in live queue mode, and around 10 a.m. there are at least a hundred willing people on the list,
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the 61st 80th was recorded in the list, the 98th has been standing here since 9 o'clock, well, i signed up, but what's going on? no one knows the numbers, people are making up something, as usual, the 95th, but the 47th is coming, i think somewhere, i will get there at lunchtime, somehow it is necessary to allocate them according to times, so as not to stand here, it is not clear what you are waiting for, whether you will get there, if you don't get in, the admission to the shopping center is conducted simultaneously through the electronic queue, which works for a week in test mode, of men registered for a specific hour at this military checkpoint missed on time the first queue is around 10 o'clock, i signed up, came on time, everything works, they are called on time, that is, there were no problems so far, the queue works very quickly, in fact, i came at 9:30 and at 9:30 i was started, here are these all the people, they came without a queue, that's why they are standing, but the queue
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works surprisingly, however , not everyone managed to sign up via the internet, the internet is buggy, it hangs, in the electronic one, only data update is written there. and on other questions , no, last monday i arrived at 10 a.m., and i went to the office at 5 p.m., and i was enrolled in an electronic queue at 10, just few people accept, office 208 only accepts two people, and this is already a queue at another shopping center in kyiv, under the scorching sun there are also dozens of people waiting here, when you came, somewhere without anything, at eight the guys start recording, here , tsk employees perform registration in a live queue, and men first stand in one line to register, and then in the second, directly in the army. i have been standing for two or two hours, exactly, i made a note in my notebook, now they told me to stand in
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the second line, you are standing, there is no such connection not very kind to people, the heat is so hot, but how much longer to stand is unknown. i have been standing somewhere since 9 o'clock in the morning, the situation is progressing terribly, that is , the organization of work is very bad, there is no understanding, no advancement of the queue, it is like this, as a rule, people are guessing that they will get somewhere, i came to update the data, but i was sent to vlk, doctors are trying, honestly, that is, they are trying to let the people through simply a lot. some of the men say that they managed to bypass the long wait in line, because they signed up online. the electronic queue saved me. they made an appointment, they gave me three days, well, they gave me the right to choose, they even work on weekends, i signed up at 9:40, well, i went somewhere, i went straight to the checkpoint, there they said that
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i had an appointment and they let me through, well at least we didn't work like that, but it didn't work like that for everyone, men say, the online registration was faulty, and the electronic queues are already... nothing works, as a rule, well, i tried to register everywhere, the site just shows an error there , doesn't register, men can't get to the shopping center after the electronic queue either in lviv. i signed up for 8:30, but the military commissar said that the electronic queue is not working. i received an e-mail saying that i am registered, i will come again at nine , i signed up, twice, it does not work, today i have not signed up, i joined the live queue, my opinion is this, according to the law that they adopted , they just want to remove fines from people. the tv presenter managed to register in the electronic queue. to update the data at the tcc, however, the man was told by the military that
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the online queue does not work, he said on social networks. i signed up for the electronic queue at obolonsky tsk at 15:00, i came and was told that the electronic queue does not work, that it is in test mode, i say as in test mode, if i entered all my data there, where i am registered, phone number and email. i received some kind of confirmation, i said: well, you see, you passed the test, i congratulate you, i said, okay, what should i do, stand in line, take a ticket, i got to the shopping center much later than ootar dovzhenko, journalist and media expert , who also wrote about his experience. my appointment was at 8:15 a.m., as reception hours at the tcc are from 9 a.m., and to enter managed only about 11. subsequently, the tcc announced that the electronic queue will still work, but how exactly... how it will be coordinated with the so-called live queue, no one there has any idea. at the same time, according to him, the system
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needs drastic changes, and the employees of tsk are hostages and victims of this system, not the culprits. the current resource of tsc allows to receive 20-30 people per day. there are 20-30 times more people waiting in line in the yard. the system of former warlords is physically incapable and organizationally not ready to accept everyone new law obliged to clarify the data, to punish people for not fulfilling the requirements of the law, which are physically impossible to fulfill - nonsense, therefore, as otar dovzhenko suggests in the post, in the near future these legal norms will change or extend the terms of clarification for several months, but this , according to him, will still not solve the problem. iryna sysak, nikita isaiko, radio svoboda. well, here i will note that we have repeatedly, and today. including inviting a representative of the ministry of defense to our broadcast to talk about the mobilization process in general,
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about what the new law revealed, about the challenges, about the scandals related to the tsk, but we were refused a comment, and we don't know when the representative of the ministry of defense will finally appear on our broadcasts, and we will talk about that later to speak with an expert, mykhailo samus, director of the network of new geopolitical studies, joins our broadcast, mykhailo, good evening, good evening, look, in 10 days it is probably possible to do some very, very much. express preliminary impressions or summaries, what are your impressions of the operation of the law on mobilization? well, i will immediately comment on yours report, why wasn't there an analysis of how updates are made in tsnapakh? and we were literally in tsnapa last week, there were also queues not as long as in tcc, but were there too? well, look, first of all, reserve plus is working, i don’t know why, again , the report doesn’t say what’s more... it seems like a million people have already updated their data there, yes, we talked about it yesterday, mikhail, yes, well yes,
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but in one report there must be some sort of summary, that is, i, for example, am listening to this report, i do not know what was said the day before yesterday or yesterday, and that's why i had such a slightly distorted picture of the world that everything is bad, everything is gone, although where a million people were renewed then, what the ministry of defense reports about is not clear, that is, i can truly say that there are still many problems and... . and the problem is that those people who cannot carry out the necessary acts, respectively, in the tsc, because if you update the data, you can update it in the reserve, if you need to apply for just the armor, i understand that these people, they basically want to prove their status, mostly, yes for the most part, for the most part, it should also be said that these are the people standing in... all the queues, these are not the people who want to update the data, but the people who want to confirm their
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status, or the status of unfit, or, accordingly, the status, and then go to the vlk and confirm this status there, or confirm that they have armor, because it cannot be done accordingly, of course, and this has some significance, what is the difference, why are they standing there, well, of course, of course , which, which value, well, look when you update the data. er, that means that you are all, you have fulfilled your task according to the law, fulfilled your data, you can, accordingly, calmly continue, prepare for service, if you have a reservation, then you should go to the tsc, and of course, if we have a reservation, how many thousands have we reserved, you probably they talked about it in previous reports, 700,000 people, the minister of digital transformation said this just recently, 700,000 people, let's calculate how much time it takes in the tcc for
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700,000 people to come and go through the procedure, it's not just to update the data, it's a procedure in ago... to let 700,000 people pass through the vlk through the vlk is such a task. yes, but can we immediately clarify here, yes, should we then extend the renewal period, but today such a proposal was voiced by deputies from the opposition political forces. i think it's too early to do that, because if it's true that from may 18 to may 28 more than a million people updated their data, yes, then let's count at least in a month, if there will be... updated, for example, 3 million people, then is it worth continuing, it will be possible to create some kind of situation that really from some point, well, for example, there, two weeks before the end of the term, conduct an analysis, if indeed according to the calculations, according to the calculations of the same bodies of the ministry of defense, we will really have another million people who have not updated for
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some reason, that is, we will have 4 million, 5 million will remain, then indeed. it will be possible to continue, but again the question is why people who can just upgrade through the reserve plus well mykhailo mykhailo well for the sake of fairness we don't have statistics now and i don't have statistics but we hear a lot and impressions and posts on facebook and in social networks, we read about the fact that not everyone managed to update their data through the reserve plus, someone was announced in the application as wanted, someone did not work and still had to go to... that is, it is not a panacea reserve plus? well, look, if there are statistics from the ministry of defense, right? we don't say that the ministry of defense is lying, for example, i trust the ministry of defense of ukraine, i don't know about you, but if they say so, i always question any statement and check it, but you can't question it , what more than a million people have updated, this is the data
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of the ministry of defense, according to the data of the ministry of defense, so did you see it? or more complaints about how this system didn't work, and i will tell you that people say that there is nothing to complain about, the hotlines are not working, so i don't know where we can actually look at these statistics, updated, i updated in tsk, that’s how my friends upgraded to reserve plus, there were cases when in the first days they didn’t upgrade, but at the moment they all upgraded, i don’t know which ones you are talking about, of course the whole system, any system has failures, but well, that is, if there are about... problems, they must be solved, but i want to emphasize once again that 10 days have passed, 10 days, and here we can conclude that let's stop everything, continue and so on, i would still not make any categorical conclusions yet, in fact, in general, well, that is, we have slightly different problems now, russia is increasing its efforts, and in general, we will soon have
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a worsening of the situation at the front, and we are going somewhere wrong, it seems to me that we are walking, that is, i simply cannot understand what is going on opinion in this story, i.e. everything is bad, and the mobilization should be stopped and what to do, or where, whatever it is about, we as journalists consider it important to trace how the law on mobilization works, what challenges there are, what citizens complain about and ask the authorities about it , i just don't understand what you mean, no, i mean if there are statistics better. to talk about it, because in your report there were several, in our report, look, we were not mentioned, every other day we visit different locations throughout ukraine and talk to men who are standing in a queue, in a queue near the tsc. we did it before the law came into force, and we are doing it now, and what we can do, of course, this is not sociology, but what we can see with our own
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eyes, that the situation near the tsc has not fundamentally changed, as there were queues, as is coming... i see the statement of the people's deputies that the slips are written down like that, now i am already realizing that somehow everything is not working the way they planned, well, now we will try to somehow explain it with you, including how it should work, look, how about you, that is, has there been any structural change in the tsc, i.e. what could be counted on, that a law is being passed, and something is changing inside the tsc of these buildings. realistically in such a way that the throughput capacity of these tscs increases 10 times, or as the truth is, i have to hear that after the law on mobilization was passed, the workload of the employee is on the contrary. in tsc has increased many times over, and this, by the way, is also a problem that the authors of the law did not foresee for a reason, well, look, when it was predicted that millions
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of people would be updated in the electronic form, then in principle you can imagine that if we have a mobilization reserve of 4-5 million, for example, we are talking about this, although we will now check how many of us will update their data, this is a very important process, updating data, it is not easy someone is forced to do something, this... is very important in order to understand how much mobilization reserve we have in real, and not on paper or somewhere in some theoretical bases that have been preserved since the time of the soviet union and a little later, and after that already the general staff will be able to plan, how can you create new brigades, how can you raise the issue of demobilization, do you remember that there is such a question of demobilization, so before talking about demobilization, we should at least conduct an audit of how many we have? in general , conscripts, who can be mobilized, who do not have armor, who can serve for health reasons and so on, that is, this is a very important process, do you think that when or
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when this part of the work will be done, then in the government and in parliament will return to the issue of demobilization or setting clear deadlines services, but definitely not before, uh, definitely not before, because before that you can’t talk about it at all, because the general staff must have concrete numbers, for example, 5 million mob reservists from... we can call up so many of them , that means that those people, those military personnel who have been serving since march or february of the 22nd year, they can be replaced within such and such a period by preparing new brigades or new formations of brigades, i.e. the existing brigade must be, that is, another brigade must be prepared and actually replace those people who will go to demobilization, it's not such an easy process, and that's why i think that after 10 days, to raise... panic and create the illusion that everything is gone, i don't think it's the right process. we do not raise panic, we inform our audience about what is happening. too emotional, i want to emphasize, too
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emotional, omitting some details, that is, you don't say that these people came not just to update the data, but they came to solve various problems, that is, it should be indicated. the fact is that the officer who, the tcc officer who sits inside, in order to decide the issue of armor, it’s not a single second, why are there... queues, it’s several days of working with this person, it’s necessary, it’s also necessary to say that it’s not because the system somehow doesn’t work, the fact that people, you don’t it seems that it is mykhailo, can we talk about it a little more thoroughly then, you say, well, it’s not a matter of one minute, and the war is also running for the third year, maybe the law is just a year late, the system should have been changed earlier, reservations, maybe electronic should have been implemented earlier, by the way, they started talking about it literally today, it seems... c the government had a statement from a government official or from deputies, so maybe there is a more fundamental problem here? in general, look, in general, electronic registration of conscripts had to be done a
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long time ago, well, in any case, from the 14th year, we constantly talked about this, but if it was not done from the 14th year, it it does not mean that it is necessary to create the illusion that everything has disappeared now, i am talking about the fact that the law has been in effect for 10 days, and i do not see such problems that it would be possible to say that everything has disappeared. there are so many problems and the situation is such that it really cannot be solved a situation when, for example, the situation in the tsk has not changed structurally, no, the subordination of the tsk has not changed, no recruiting, special recruiting command has been created there, but there is what was, and the same officers, they perform the same, the same task , their load has increased, but the throughput has not changed in fact, and this means that it is necessary to approach this with understanding, and not just say: well, everything is bad, well, okay, everything is bad, then they did it 14 , i did not say that everything is bad, i did not say that everything is lost, this is your interpretation, i got this impression after your report,
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let's talk, let's talk about economy booking, you said it yourself, i confirm it, really, well, i don't confirm it sociologically, but when we interviewed people directly near the tsc, really most of them said that they came to confirm their reservation, some are studying, some are working, please tell me, how do you now have a... how should an economy reservation look like, well, i don't want to say ideally, because probably there are no ideals, but now i see a lot of initiatives from deputies, because they say that the army must be maintained for something, not everyone can be mobilized, it is necessary to somehow develop some mechanisms for armoring, maybe for someone to raise taxes, maybe for someone, conditionally he says, he will be able to buy it legally, what should it look like now, what are the options, maybe you know some examples from other countries? well, look, actually, absolutely right, you noticed, the war is going on for the third year, and it seems to me that well, we can discuss political issues for a long time suggestions or proposals of various deputies and
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so on. it seems to me that it is already too late to make any drastic moves, and it seems to me that no one among the deputies is actually going to make any drastic moves, remember, during the long discussions, this new law on mobilization, it included discussions on economic armoring, and in general different mechanisms, someone proposed to organize a lottery in general and so on, it seems to me that it is already too late to do this, in any case, to be clear, in fact the decisive moment... of the war, he is now passing, that is, what is happening now is real, it is preparation for war already in the 25th year, here is the law, which will finally work, it still has more to do with the 25th year, and if we we will pass this year, changes will begin not only at our front, they will begin globally, elections will be held in the united states, and then it will be possible to talk
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, in principle, about demobilization, and about... approaches to economic reservation, in general, the situation with economic reservation here very wide circles should still be involved experts, mainly economists, because it is not the business of the military to determine in what way who and whom will be booked, because the military cannot really say what is better, or as they say that if a person has a certain salary from... which you can pay a certain amount of taxes there, this is enough so that a person does not go to serve, and on the other hand they say, sorry, but there is just a cohort of specialists, if they are drafted now, then whole industries will stop, including miltech, military technologies, and this will be a blow to the defense industry, i, for example, know that at the defense enterprises of the defense industry
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, personnel are being mobilized and this is causing it. there is damage, so it causes certain problems for the production, development, etc., of weapons and military equipment, at the same time we see certain signals that there are some companies that absolutely have nothing to do with the defense industry or the economy, but they have influence on other issues there, for example, culture, whether it is important to preserve culture now or not, these are generally such questions, well actually... philosophical, of a national-creative nature, where politicians, experts, analysts, and philosophers should really gather and decide how we should act, when we talk about the examples of other countries, there were no such examples, in the 21st century in europe there was no such war and no nation neither the americans nor the europeans can tell how it is better, because they themselves say, to
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be honest, they themselves do not know how their nation would behave, how the dutch would go to tck, so no one knows how it will be, themselves, even the poles say, we don't know how the poles would reacted to such a situation when the war has been going on there for more than two years, and because the war has been going on for two or three months is one thing, one thing, even if it is of such a nature as ours, and if it has been going on for several years, it is already going on completely different perception, this perception is nationwide, the perception that penetrates into... all sections of the population, and here everyone should participate, and not just nod at the tsc. tsc, it is clear, there are problems there higher than the roof, but so that everyone understands, this is our common problem, it is our common national problem, because in we have a war, generally national, and even more so such issues as demobilization or economic, economic reservation. i will say for our audience that after all, we will return to the tcc today during the broadcast,
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i have another question for you, because you said that there is an alarming situation at the front, the other day volodymyr zelenskyi said that russian troops are forming new group near the ukrainian border, in particular, he said that it is about 90 km from kharkiv, what are your forecasts regarding the development of events on the front, i will quote again, it seems that the american the institute for the study of war said that russia allegedly achieved its goal when it planned to divert the attention of the ukrainian military from donbas, donetsk region and focus on their attention is on the kharkiv region, but how can the situation at the front develop in the near future? well, look, i don't know from which sources they get the information that it was possible to divert attention, i don't know what it means to divert attention, but if it was meant to divert ukrainian reserves, then if it succeeded, then we would now have there was a breakthrough in donbas, that is, the task of this operations with...


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