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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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during the broadcast, i still have a question for you about the front, because you said that there is an alarming situation at the front, the other day volodymyr zelenskyi said that russian troops are forming new groups near the ukrainian border, in particular he said that it is about 90 km from kharkiv, which your forecasts regarding the development of events on the front, i will quote again, it seems that the american institute for the study of war said that russia had apparently achieved its goal when it planned to divert the attention of the ukrainian military from... donbas, donetsk and focus their attention there on kharkiv oblast, how can the situation at the front develop further in the near future? well, look, i don't know from which, from which sources they get the information that it was possible to divert attention, i don't know what it is to divert attention, but if it was meant to divert ukrainian reserves, then if it succeeded, then we would now there was a breakthrough in donbas, that is, the task of this operation to... withdraw
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reserves, it has not ended, and indeed, they will try to go further north, create new zones of tension, put pressure on the ukrainian border, so that the ukrainian command really had to create new reserves, stretch the existing reserves and by sending them to the north, i think that while there are still attacks in the south in order to stretch our reserves by 1000 km and more, and i do not know, why does the institute... of war conclude that they succeeded, they managed to stretch the reserves, perhaps, but they failed to achieve the task of this operation, the task of this operation is to break through the front in donbas, they are not just playing sports with us, who will run next with reserves, the reserves are stretched in order to then deliver this blow in the direction of the main strike and achieve success. i, for one, don't see where the russians have struck and where they've been successful, they 've been pounding on... since last october when
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they started their offensive, they 've been pounding away with complete air superiority, we 're back again to our f-16s, pelting us with kababs, having the advantage in artillery, although this advantage is shrinking, having a huge advantage in personnel, but i do not see breakthroughs, i don't see entering the operational space or even achieving any major tactical results, so i wouldn't say they did. opened the case regarding the breakthrough of the border in the kharkiv region, well, it is true , of course, but if you think that the russians wanted to achieve such a breakthrough by investing such and such resources, well, okay, that’s it, it’s simple, then i bow my head to the russian commanders, if they conduct such an operation in order to wedge into ukrainian territory for 10 km, on two on two sections, yes, why then. this war
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they want to play with us, how many kilometers they can wedge into our territory, i doubt it very much, that is, they wanted to break through much deeper, they really wanted to conduct an operation that would force the ukrainian command to withdraw most of its reserves from donbas and start extinguishing the fire in the kharkiv region, not without allowing them to break through to kharkiv directly, because there is already 20 km, all this is not a small depth in fact by the standards of modern operations, quite small, if you have... especially the superiority in the air is complete, but this is not happened michael, yes. thank you very much, i just wanted to thank you for such an active discussion. mykhailo samus, director of the new geopolitical research network. we talked about the situation at the front and we talked about mobilization. thank you. thank you. well, as i promised, we continue the topic of mobilization. we continue the topic of the tsc, the work of the tsc. where to turn if the employees of tsk. violate
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your rights, well, in principle, where does this line pass, it is extremely thin, probably between the duty of tsk employees to ensure mobilization, which is very important during the war, and the rights of people subject to this mobilization. well, for example, the day before, in our, so to speak, journalistic community, the case that happened to the editor-in-chief of economic truth, dmytro denkov, was actively discussed. the editors reported that dmytro was received in the tsc for about a day, taking away his phone and means of communication that he was in the tsc. his colleagues found out after the journalist's parents wrote a statement to the police. after the publicity , dinkov wrote on facebook that he had joined the army and said that they were from the tsk came to an understanding after he was held for a day. the operational command of the south detained a journalist in odesa, they said that ninkov was wanted and that he had not updated his data. his colleagues, however, say that this is not true and that he has updated the data. and in fact, it was the same yesterday and today, there were a lot of criticisms of journalists, they say. when a journalist is detained in the tsc,
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it is written about everywhere, and when the rights of non -public people are violated, no one knows about it, so here i want to very irresponsibly declare that radio liberty systematically and consistently illuminates. topics related to violations of human rights, including violations by tsc employees. we made a lot of materials about it, we talked a lot about it on svoboda live and mini broadcasts, and now we see the need to return to this topic again. what changed after the law on mobilization was adopted, and which actions of the tsc are a violation of people's rights, and which are not, we will talk about this later, but first the material. during the two years of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, many video scandals involving representatives of territorial picking centers went viral on social media. the radio liberty donbas realities project classified them into three categories. in some cases, people react aggressively to attempts to issue them an allegedly illegal subpoena and refuse
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to sign it. this is july 2023. poltava fitness trainer roman zavoloka posted a video of a conversation with military personnel on social networks. they allegedly wanted to hand him a summons, but he did not take it. he said that the actions of the patrol were illegal, that he did not want to, i quote: kill people for money, later showed the middle finger to the soldiers and spat at one of them. then this video quickly went viral in the country. you stand, nobody here, nobody? for whom do you work, for what evil, evil you would be the first to expel you. but your police don't want to go to you, tich, goose, what kind of police are you, they don't listen to anyone, they only listen to themselves, and who are you, and i'm a human being, and why are you shouting at us, and why are you insulting a person, all from we won't talk to you any further, you
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're behaving a little unhealthily, it's worth noting that later according to the results of the examination, it was found that the fitness trainer was in a state of drug intoxication at the time of his arrest. the video category is footage where tsc employees exceed their authority, this video clearly shows how people in military uniform forcefully pull a man out of the bus, not paying attention to other passengers. these shots were filmed in odesa, but these were filmed in kharkiv, at a bus stop people became eyewitnesses to the conflict between representatives of the tsk and the police with other citizens. in a few seconds, one of the soldiers starts beating
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a man in civilian clothes. come on! god! the third category of video scandals is characterized as fake, where the events are not actually related to the delivery of summonses, they are used for propaganda, the relevant analysis of popular videos was previously done by the donbas realia team. for example, a fight, interpreted in social networks as the distribution of summonses, happened because of the filming of a civilian roadblock in odessa. nevertheless, the procurement center then recognized the excess of its powers. employees and in transcarpathia, an employee of the tcc beat his wife military it happened in a supermarket. the senior officer of the tcc was dismissed and criminal proceedings were opened. in any case, as the lawyers explain, representatives of the tsk or the military have no right to use force. as a rule, after such
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cases, the picking centers begin an official inspection. anastasia potapenko, radio liberty. i will remind you again. that we invited representatives of the ministry of defense to this broadcast, but we were refused comments, we, in particular, continue to investigate how the law on mobilization works, and just now let's talk about what challenges this new law poses for tccs, and how to distinguish when tccs violate human rights and when they do not. serhii demchenko, people's deputy from the servant of the people and representative of the committee on legal policy, joins our broadcast. good evening. good evening. you, serhiu, you are a lawyer, you are a lawyer. are you for yourself, how do you answer the question for yourself, in fact, who and in what way and in what way should ensure this justice, when the tsk on the one hand ensure the mobilization process, on the other on the other hand, it seems that
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they are violating people's rights, especially when they start assaulting people and pulling them into a fist, and so on, so how do you explain it to yourself or do you look for this middle ground? well, probably the golden mean, if from the end, yes to your question, it consists in the fact that all of us, all participants in the relevant negative... cases, which you have now shown on the video on your channel, all of us, all of us are members of one side, which must fight primarily with the enemy, and not with its own citizens, and for me it is clear and the indisputable rule that force should be used against enemies, not against one's own, in time of war. that's probably my main, uh, rule of thumb if, when i'm looking at these issues, the kind of, well, unfortunately, not-so- correct cases, to say the least, that you
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pointed out, i'd also like to say that the last the changes that the verkhovna rada voted on mobilization did not in any way change the grounds for administrative detention, if we are probably talking about it first of all, then all the norms that... regulate it, they have not changed in any way, they existed before these changes to the legislation and are subject to execution by all persons, and what do you mean by this, please explain what this means, they have not changed, they have not changed, well, for example, if you take, well, it is simpler, yes, the key word is detention, and in the murder law, which we adopted recently, it is accordingly administrative detention. it is recalled only in the case when the court decides on the possibility of applying a measure of influence
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such as suspension of the right to drive a motor vehicle, i.e. it is stipulated by the people's deputies of the verkhovna rada that a mandatory, mandatory requirement for the application of this limitation of this measure of influence must be... the impossibility of applying administrative detention, namely administrative detention, it is prescribed, its rules, who applies it, in the code of administrative offenses, there are corresponding norms, and they did not change in any way. the only thing i can say is that, well , the mandatory participation of the police presence has been added, when tsk employees hand out summonses, when they communicate... with conscripts, also on this topic
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perhaps we can talk about such a new obligation as to carry the appropriate documents with you, this is a military id, military obligations must be in your hands, and the right to check these documents has additionally appeared in addition to the police, to the representatives of the tsc, but i emphasize once again rules. administrative detention, its procedure, the persons who have the right to it, have not changed in any way, well, for example, there remains only one person, but in this case, who can carry out administrative detention, it is the police, you have keep in mind that tsc representatives cannot detain a person, or that without a policeman, they can be present when a policeman carries out the appropriate administrative detention, but this is not their authority. they themselves do not have such a right, and the only thing they recall
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is the resolution, again of the cabinet, which was adopted to implement this law, that the head of the tsc should ensure, carry out measures to help this detention, but the measures are not the participation of the representatives of the tsc themselves , there is physical, respectively, regarding, regarding, regarding military obligation, and such that the clarification to... this is a recent case, as again, as reported by the editorial office of ukrainian pravda, that their correspondent, journalist, or rather, the chief editor of economic pravda , was in the tcc without means of communication day, is it a violation or not a violation, because we actually heard a lot of such stories before, relatives complained that their relatives were detained and kept in the tsk without means of communication, look, in my opinion, this is a violation of the code of administrative offenses . because it implies provides for the obligation to notify
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relatives of such detention, this is a direct order of administrative detention, if correct, article 261, 260 of the code of administrative offenses, and which provides that the whereabouts of the relevant person who is detained must be immediately notified to his relatives , that is, this is a violation, if it was really kept unannounced to relatives? in my, in my opinion, yes, but again, you and i are talking about the general, general situation right now, if you take specifics. this situation is connected with journalist, it is clear that you need to have all the materials on hand to give a qualified legal assessment of this fact, but if again it falls under these general points, there are no nuances, i do not understand what they might be, maybe these employees could explain tsk, if they did not inform for what reason, maybe he did not contact us,
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by the way, to the operative team, maybe he did not say who his relatives were, yes, which is probably absurd. why would a person be silent, who are my relatives who could be informed, those moreover, i understand that his relatives, who were waiting for his arrival, were also worried, well, with the general information that i read about, we contacted the operational command of the south for a comment, we also did not receive a comment, now a general question, look, your colleagues, well, in particular the representative of european solidarity, came up with the idea that the deadline for updating data should probably be extended, because 60 days is not enough, we have here... expert mykhailo samus was with you, and he says that this everything is panic, only 10 days have passed, there is no reason to panic and put forward such proposals, but what do you say? i will say that it is too early to say that this time will really be enough for all the relevant conscripts to slow down, provide
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disclosures, disclose relevant information about themselves, i believe that if really in the course of... these 60 days, there will be clear signs of errors in the organization of the technical ones, first of all, which slowed down this process or somehow narrowed the possibilities of its conscripts to fulfill their duty for 60 days, then the verkhovna rada will consider this issue, it is logically, i do not think that anyone will say otherwise, but now directly talk about that. that this will definitely happen, i do not see such direct reasons, in my opinion, now the ministry of defense, first of all, the key person in this process is trying to solve the problems that arise at the beginning of this process as quickly as possible, to improve the process provision of disclosure of their
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data by conscripts, and so far accordingly legislative. i'm considering how well i don't know such a step for the future, what if this needed, then the verkhovna rada will already have a corresponding draft law, which it will be able to consider in a timely manner, and if again there are no such grounds, then this draft bill will remain a draft law in our country for literally a minute, but i have one more the question, if possible briefly, look, the law was passed, but it looks like nothing has changed in the structure itself, inside the tsc. the same number of people, the same capacity, as far as you as a deputy are concerned, the fact that we continue to see queues at the tsk and complaints from employees tsk that they simply do not have time to process such a mass of data, who and what should be done with it? exactly, it should look in such a way that there are no queues, or if they appear, then
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additional measures were taken by the relevant bodies of the tsc and from the ministry. the ministry of defense should be comfortable convenient services from the tsc for our conscripts, they cannot at the very beginning of their possible future service receive such discomfort or a negative impression either regarding the organization of their service during the draft, or regarding the treatment of them as persons with humiliation god forbid their dignity. from the side of tcc employees or other officials, i think again and again that this is the main issue, we have to understand, we are all on the same side, both tcc employees and military servicemen, by the way, we have to, we we must, if we want to defeat the enemy, understand that we are on the same side and respect
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each other and provide every opportunity to explain to each other in a calm way. within the limits of the law, each other's duties and rights, again each other should be accordingly, mr. people's deputy, a very short question, you have already updated your data, i updated my data even before this law came into force, i received a military id, and i still have time to update my data additionally, i will do it if additionally, but again after all, nothing has changed in my data, do you still have 50 days? thank you very much, serhiy demchenko, people's deputy from the servant of the people and representative of the committee on legal policy. we have everything for today, we talked about mobilization, until tomorrow. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zamai, we are starting two hours
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of air time, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? now , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrevecher will speak in more detail about what happened in the world, please give me the floor. two hours to catch up on economic... news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big ether. for the winter, a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso evenings.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politclub is broadcast on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and others. ukraine drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the
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eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday 20:10 at espresso.
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and we are starting two hours of air time. two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please give me your word, two hours to be aware of economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much, lina cheche. for information about the news of the culture of the presenters, which many became similar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. taking the wounded from the
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battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuation of the wounded. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasil. we are looking for 15-year-old kamila neronova from the kharkiv region. the girl lived in the urban-type village of kozacha lopan on the border with russia. at the beginning of the war , this settlement was occupied, but in september 2022 it was liberated. and about six months later, at the end of february 23 , information appeared about kamila's disappearance.
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it is not known where the girl may be now, maybe her were taken to the temporarily occupied territories, and maybe to russia, so it is very important to find out at least some information about the circumstances of kamila's disappearance. attention to the photo: the girl looks about 15 years old, she has dark hair and brown eyes. so, if anyone has seen camila, or knows where she might be now, call the emergency hotline immediately. at magnolia children's by number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write to the chatbot search services for children in telegram. we are also looking for 12-year-old vlad lyubichev, who went missing on june 1, 2023, and since then nothing is known about him. a boy disappeared
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in the city of vovchansk in kharkivska. region, if you know at least something about him, do not delay and inform us on the hotline at the number 11630, or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i emphasize that any, even the smallest details are important for the search. and as usual, i ask you to share the video on social networks, this really helps a lot in the search and it is possible that one of your friends or acquaintances may recognize. child and communicate important information. and i also ask you to look at the photos of the missing boys and girls, which are posted on the website of the children's search service. if you recognize any of them, please report it immediately to 11630. this is the magnolia children's helpline. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. of course, now the vast
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majority of children we try. search for, disappeared due to circumstances, somehow related to the war, but at the same time, as before a full-scale invasion, children often disappear due to running away from home. mostly boys and girls resort to this in adolescence, and the reasons here are very different: conflicts in the family, insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom . search service. of children has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about what you should do first of all to prevent your child from running away from home. one of these tips - parents' respect for the child. show respect for the child's personality, his personal space, and his belongings. often we do not notice how our children are growing up, and what was on...


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