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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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mobile operators in ukraine are free. of course, now the vast majority of the children we are trying to trace are missing due to circumstances somehow related to the war, but at the same time, as before a full-scale invasion, children often go missing because they have run away from home. mostly boys and girls in adolescence resort to this, and the reasons here are very different: conflicts in the family, insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive attention of parents. bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. service search for children has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about what you should do first of all to prevent a child from running away from home. one of these tips is the parents' respect for the child. show respect for the child's personality, his personal space, and his belongings. often we don't notice how our children
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are growing up, and what was... we can't go into the bathroom when he's there you can't rummage through his personal things without permission, you can't read his correspondence, it all violates his privacy, violates boundaries, makes him feel insecure and drives him to run away, drives him to seek safe places somewhere outside the house, do we need that? so, building a healthy relationship between parents and child. the child should have his own space, where parents should not interfere without consent. and most importantly, respect in adolescence is extremely important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report. we will launch all
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possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. you are watching the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time. i am natalya leonova. congratulations. ukraine has signed a bilateral security agreement with belgium, according to which belgium will allocate at least 977 million euros to support ukraine by the end of this year. the agreement was signed in brussels by president zelenskyi and prime minister oleksandr dekroo, and also provides for ukraine to receive 30 combat aircraft f-16 by 2028. alexander decro said that belgium wants to provide a certain number of f-16 fighters to ukraine already this year. stressing that international aid
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should be faster, more and better, so that ukraine can repel the invaders. we will talk more about this agreement, preparations for the peace summit in switzerland and prime minister decroo's upcoming visit to washington with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupyn and our white house correspondent yulia yarmalenko. greetings colleagues. congratulations. bohdan, the agreement provides for the provision of 30 b16 fighters by 2028 and the first. according to the statement, the party should come to ukraine by the end of this year. the agreement also provides for the use of these fighters only on the territory of ukraine. prime minister oleksandr decro repeated this several times while answering the questions of journalists in brussels. how does belgium explain its position and what could potentially change it? yes, actually, today at the press conference in brussels, where ukrainian president volodymyr was sitting next to him.
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zelenskyi and the belgian prime minister alexander decro, there were no overly broad explanations from the belgian prime minister. he only confirmed that even in the agreement signed by ukraine and belgium today in brussels, it is indicated that the weapons provided to ukraine should be used on ukrainian territory, but it seems that belgium and... other countries, maybe even the united states is now beginning to find itself in the minority among allies, among nato countries, because right now we see on the monitors the message that at the press conference, during the visit of french president macron, with german chancellor scholz, both leaders, the french president and the german chancellor said that ukraine has the right to strike at... in those places on
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the territory of russia, from where ukraine is being struck, we know that britain and other countries have stated firmly that ... ukraine has the right to strike military targets on the territory of russia, which is aggressing against ukraine, which started this war, and very convincing, i would say, for many, the increasingly loud arguments from the secretary general of nato, which were heard today, are also heard. ukraine, according to under international law has the right to self-defense, to self-defense, and the right to self-defense also includes strikes on targets outside ukraine, on legitimate military targets inside russia, and this is especially relevant now, because the heaviest battles are now being fought in the kharkiv region, near
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the ukrainian-russian border , and partly the border is actually a front, and therefore of course it will be very difficult and difficult for the ukrainians to defend themselves if they cannot hit military targets without... directly on the other side of the border, these could be missiles installations, it may be artillery, it may be airfields used for attacks on ukraine, if ukraine cannot hit these military objects, then of course it will be much more difficult for them to defend themselves. the issue discussed by the parties in brussels: the peace summit in switzerland. today, president zelenskyi said about the participation of 90 countries in the summit, however , it is not yet known what the representative level of participation will be. countries bohdan, what does ukraine expect from this summit and how important is this summit? first, regarding expectations, more earlier, and from the ukrainian side, and in fact, even the hosts of the organization of this event,
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the swiss government, stated that they do not expect that at this first high-level peace conference, as the swiss say. or at the peace summit regarding ukraine, as the ukrainians emphasize, they do not expect a peace agreement to be signed, for this, negotiations will obviously be needed in the end, at which russia would agree, obviously, to stop its war, but what ukraine and its partners expect and especially want is to show the world's unity when it comes to... isolating russia and to show that the world wants peace, ukraine wants peace, there is a way to this peace, a way through the implementation of the principles of the charter of the united nations organization, compliance with international legislation, international principles of peaceful
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coexistence of countries, so that this signal is obviously as convincing as possible, as loud as possible. ukraine insists that the level of representation should be both quantitatively and qualitatively as high as possible, especially at this initial stage, as ukraine obviously hopes for further peace talks, further peaceful meetings or conferences. and today in brussels, the ukrainian president strongly insisted that the united states, in particular... should also be represented at the highest possible level? i would very much like president biden to be present in person, and i know that america supports the summit, but you and i do not know at what level, i believe that, yulia,
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we heard a frank and persistent statement from president zelensky in brussels, how important is the personal participation of president biden, what is known. as of now about plans administration regarding the peace summit in switzerland? natalya, you know that the white house has not yet officially said yes or no to the question of whether president biden will personally participate in this summit, and our request to the national security council has not yet been answered. jake sullivan, us national security adviser, last week at a white house briefing also said that he had nothing to announce about the president's trips, but he did not miss the opportunity, did not miss the opportunity to... and once again emphasize that he personally took participation in the preparation of this summit, he, that is, sullivan, and also that the united states is a key player that helps promote the idea of ​​a just peace on the international stage, a peace that is based on the sovereignty and territorial integrity
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of ukraine. meanwhile, bloomberg, our colleagues citing their own sources, say that sources in the administration have told them that president biden will not personally participate in this after all. memory and who will be sent as a replacement is also still unknown, why? because president biden has it on june 15, when this one is scheduled summit, the beginning of this summit, he has another big... event planned, and it's known from open sources, it's a fundraising event, that is, a fundraising event for joe biden's presidential campaign, which will take place in los angeles on june 15 with the participation of hollywood actors julia roberts and george clooney. and now there are many calls from activists who say that president biden should cancel this event and take part in a much more important summit, but natalya, it's not that easy. we know that, for example, campaign... actblue is a company that supports democratic candidates and, in particular , joe biden's campaign, collects funds for them.
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it has already announced such a contest on a special portal, where it calls on americans, american voters to donate to the biden campaign, as an opportunity to win a trip, a flight to this event and to participate in this event with the participation of president biden, as well as former president obama and american hollywood actors , so again it seems unlikely that this event can be... canceled by president biden and not may simply lose the votes of the american electorate. now natalya, i tried a little to calculate myself whether theoretically president biden could make it to both events, and theoretically, purely theoretically, it looks like president biden could drop in, so to speak, to the summit for literally an hour in switzerland and, taking into account the difference there is still time to make it to the evening findraser in los angeles, but natalya, we do not know the exact schedule of president biden. we don't know what plans president biden has in los angeles and, more importantly, what the plans are his own presidential
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campaign is on his schedule. we will wait for this information. yulia, prime minister decro will meet with president biden at the white house this friday. what is known about the details of this meeting? it's interesting, natalya, literally today the white house announced that this meeting will take place immediately after the prime minister of belgium met with the ukrainian president, and the white house statement says that this meeting will be focused in particular on helping ukraine, that the united states and belgium still can do together, and in particular, it is also noted that they will talk about how these countries can make maximum use of russian frozen assets, and we know, natalya, that most of the frozen russian assets are currently in europe, and almost more than half of these frozen russian assets in europe are located on the territory of belgium, the united states has its own plan, how to use these assets as much as possible and... directly, probably, they want belgium to support them in this plan. thank you,
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colleagues, for your work. we were talking about a new one the security agreement between ukraine and belgium, preparations for the peace summit in switzerland and expectations from the upcoming visit of belgian prime minister alexandre decro to washington. bohdan tsyupin from london and yulia yarmolenko from the white house were in direct contact with the studio. from the center of the city of sumy to the russian border in a straight line is only 32 km, many experts believe that sumy will be the next direction of the russian offensive in an attempt to stretch the ukrainian defense line. this year, the number of shelling of sumy and the region increased many times, some settlements on the border with russia was practically emptied. olena adamenko about the situation in the region. residents of this yard in sumy experienced it for the first time. an explosion on april 11, russian troops hit a warm power plant half a kilometer away, the next
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day a guided aerial bomb fell on the factory, something fell nearby, in the previous two months, march and april of the 24th year, the number of shelling, the number of destruction and casualties already exceeded the entire previous 2023, among others, will suffer. the fifth city hospital in sumy, the boiler room of which was hit on march 6 drone shakhet. surgeon yuriy vedmid was on duty that night. i was near the window, and just as it happened, i heard the sound of this very shaheed and a strong explosion. in the window, of course, everything was as if in flames, and then everything was dark. the next day after being on duty , he left, my parked car, which was on the other side of the hospital, was damaged by debris that was able
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to fly through the seven-story building, well, other cars were also damaged, such was the force of the explosion. the epicenter of the explosion fell on the concrete building of the boiler house, which saved people from physical harm, but both patients and hospital staff were in a state of stress. we had to use all our psychologists that we have working. in order to bring the emotional state of both patients and our employees to the point where it is possible for a person to exist normally. children from the yard at the station are still working with psychologists. ten-year-old maria developed cards with psychological exercises, which she learned from specialists, and now herself conducts classes with classmates and friends. that the children understood that fear is normal. that's a feeling - it's normal, if you're scared, you want to laugh - it's normal, you want to cry - it's normal.
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not only the regional center suffers from russian shelling, but also the border area of ​​sumy. many villages, where else... in the winter, life was raging, now they are destroyed, says journalist alyona yatsina, who covers the events on the border. there are no twists, there is ice, again. for example, the velikopariv community - the village of popivka, 150 people lived there even this winter, i.e. agricultural enterprises worked there, and people lived, and everything was more or less normal, despite the fact that this village is on the very border. now there is not... there is not a single living person there, there are people who died this march, and they are still under the rubble of their own houses, and bilopol', which really amazes me, is a city, a city of 16,000 people, which as recently as march this year was a normal living city, as far as possible, already at the end of april, in may the russians destroyed it, that is
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, now there are no shops, no pharmacies, state institutions, local governments are closed. there is a little left and people are leaving en masse, because the city has become simply unsuitable for normal life. when fleeing, many people leave their pets behind. volunteers go to the border to rescue them. i saw animals that were locked in houses, abandoned, animals that were locked in cellars, in enclosures, and they sat there not for a day or two. there are such animals, people called us, they generally had the conscience to call and tell. i have a dog left there, well, it is there somewhere it's been a week, if she's already dead, you'll at least bury the body. kateryna managed to get about fifty abandoned dogs out of the border. the video of her and her friends rescuing a shepherd dog quickly went viral on social networks. it's a miracle, the dog opened the mosquito net
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on the window with its paw and claws, opened it, we pried it open with a screwdriver. and the window opened, it’s just a miracle, you know, we were in shock, the dog tore off the net with its paw, that is, the animal begged for help, and now it lives in a happy family, it is just infinitely loved, grateful people, new owners, but this story has forever stuck in our hearts, since the beginning of the year, as of the end of may in sumy and the region , only according to official statistics, at least one person died from russian shelling. 45 civilians and 114 were injured. olena adamenko, oleg demyanenko, mykhailo zayka, for voice of america, sumy region. until the 80th anniversary of the deportation of the crimean tatars , the crimean days passed in los angeles. works of art of crimean tatar artists, photographs and films dedicated to the deportation. all this was shown to the americans by crimean tatarstan and
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ukrainian community. khrystyna shevchenko attended the event. the anthem of the crimean tatar people sounds in the ukrainian cultural center of los angeles. crimean tatars came to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the deportation of their people together with the ukrainian community of the city. on the anniversary, an exhibition of paintings by the hodznik sadikh ajisalim on the subject of the forced eviction of an entire nation by the soviet authorities was held here. photos of people who survived the tragedy of deportation and presented samples of crimean tatar national clothing. ilmira tokhtarova, the founder of the organization of crimean tatar women says that such an event is taking place in los angeles for the first time. it is very important to remember precisely these tragic days, not to forget it and pass it on to our next generations.
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valei itself is also, now there are a lot of crimean tatars who have come to... the united states of america, the united states of america, and now they are here, and we should be here too, involving our compatriots in events of such a scale. the event was organized by activists of the ukrainian charitable foundation stand with ukraine. we make friends, we support each other one, the crimean tatars are always present at all the events organized by our foundation, they are present at all of them. protests, they speak out, they are the voice of the unity of ukrainians and crimean tatars. unfortunately, the word deportation is still relevant because we know how many millions of ukrainians... were forced to leave and how many were taken to russia, how many children were kidnapped, and all this is done by our common enemy russia, which wants to destroy our
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identity, both ukrainians and crimean tatars. a documentary was shown at the event tape 1944, in which victims of deportation tell about the tragedy of the crimean tatar people. on the night of may 18, there was a knock on the door, they gave 15 minutes to gather. and hung from their houses. accusing the entire nation of mass desertion of the anger of the red army and treason. in just a few days in may 1944, the soviet authorities deported 200,000 crimean tatars to uzbekistan and other regions of the ussr. according to historians' calculations, in the first three years after resettlement, from hunger , exhaustion and diseases, from 20 to almost 50% of the deportees died. almost half deported people died, and we were forcibly deported to uzbekistan and to siberia to the urals, then when everyone
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returned in 1989 and in 1991, after the collapse of the union, ukraine became independent and crimea became part of ukraine, we supposedly began to feel at home, therefore, now for us ukraine is ours. and we feel very at ease as part of ukraine. many crimean tatars present at the event refused to give interviews on camera. they say that the situation in the crimea annexed by the russians is very dangerous for their relatives. with the beginning of the occupation of crimea by russia persecutes the inhabitants of the peninsula for their pro-ukrainian and religious views, say the mejlis, the highest representative and executive body of the crimean tatar people. according to their calculations , more than 200 crimean tatars are illegally detained on the territory of crimea and russia. they are most often accused of terrorism and extremism. from los angeles , khrystyna shevchenko, bohdan shevchenko, for the voice of america. to thank the americans for
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their support in the war with russia. a group of ukrainian military musicians came to the usa with such a mission. among the participants of the tour are singers and musicians who took up arms with the start of a full-scale war, and then returned to music due to injuries. iryna shynkarenko and vyacheslav filyushkin attended their concert in washington. thank you, i just wanted to clarify a little more, i sang this particular song for this reason, i have a call sign, i had to sing something from
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this repertoire, you see, yuriy devoted almost all his life to singing, performed on the stage of the zaporizhia regional philharmonic, then as a solo artist , when the full-scale war of russia against ukraine began, the man stopped singing. on february 24, i was locked up like that. i realized that i can't sing anymore and i don't want to, that i have to go do something, change something, i went to the zaporizhia central military training center, i ended up in the zaporizhia military training center. from the first day of the war , the name of the italian opera singer became yuri's call sign. turns, yes in a turn, what am i worse than a turn or what? you understand, when i went to fight, i didn't think about the fact that i would sing. yuri became older. he fought as a rifleman mainly in the zaporozhye direction, in july 2023 he stepped on a mine and lost his leg, he survived several operations, prosthetics, rehabilitation and returned
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to the front again as a participant of the cultural landing project to support the military with his singing. 5-10 km from zero, where the boys can rest, where you can disguise yourself, where you can hide, well... there may be a cellar, there may be some kind of hut, there may just be a canopy made of masseti, and solemiya, i can sing i can sing to them, and wonderful world, and where else will they listen to such a thing, but at the same time, upstairs and the women are reaping, and red rue, with cultural violinist and soldier olga rukavich also came to washington by landing. she has been playing music since she was four years old. i had both violin and piano as a major at first, too, because i 've been doing symphonic music since i was 13, there were enough competitions.
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there were many interesting concerts, there were also trips abroad, there were very big plans , several serious competitions were planned, just at the time of the beginning of the war, the ibesa competition, for example, the izai competition, well, that is, serious competitions, but somehow it happened that the war began. at 22 years olga put down the violin and took up a weapon, mastered a grenade launcher, fought in zaporozhye, kharkiv... was wounded five times, as a result of one of the wounds she lost an eye. now, in parallel with studying to become a conductor at the kyiv conservatory, she is mastering a new military business. i 'm waiting for, let's say, my unit, which is currently dealing with drums, i'm just training very hard on this topic, and i think that as soon as there is an opportunity, i'll come right back, i've been waiting for this for a long time. military man and bandurist taras also came to the usa with concerts
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mykhailo tolyar, a pianist from the armed forces. as well as military officer and musician kolya sirga, head of the cultural landing project. with concerts, they want to once again draw attention to the war and thank the americans for their support. valeriya vovk from odesa, who studied at the american college of music at berklee and now lives in very cool opportunity because i'm not at home, i mean i can't, i mean, physically help as much as i would like to, and being there, so for me it's such an opportunity to meet everyone incredible people who have gone through so much and to whom i am grateful for everything they
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do. because they protect my home, to speak with them and carry out cultural advocacy for ukraine. military musicians plan to perform in several us cities, including new york and chicago. meanwhile, the rest of the participants of the cultural assault continue concerts on the front lines. kolya sirga says: now there are about 80 military personnel and several dozen civilians in the art project for the armed forces. 90% of the participants of the cultural landing party have combat experience that influenced their creativity. works daily. five groups are on the front line, one group travels around, civilians, is more engaged in reconning, and another group is engaged in hospital and rehabilitation facilities, about 20 events are held a day, the war changes it, so even what was sung there in the first the year of the war, i almost don't sing any of it now, it's only about me, i'm not talking about others, the situation is changing and you choose the words that will be relevant here now today, the participants of the cultural landing say that they feel a great demand for their performances, they
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they help in... veshkov to take a mental break from constant tension, viewers in washington say, the performances of the military are also useful abroad . this concert is absolutely wonderful and i loved the man with the call sign pavarotti. my daughter took the invitation to the concert and asked if we wanted to go. i said of course, because we are looking at what is happening there. it's horrible, it's just horrible and we hope it ends soon, it's for the best in the world. i think this event inspires people to think about it, continue to think about ending the war. music is the language of the world, and it unites us. iryna shinkarenko, vyacheslav filyushkin, voice of america. we will be on this. you watched
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the program of the ukrainian voice service.


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