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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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there is a great demand for their performances, they help the military to relax mentally from the constant tension, the audience in washington say that the performances of the military are also useful abroad . this gig is absolutely amazing and i loved the man with the call sign. my daughter took the invitation to the concert and asked if we wanted to go. i said of course. because we look at what is happening there, it's terrible, it's just terrible, and we hope that it will end soon, it will be the best for the whole world. i think this event inspires people to think about it, continue to think about ending the war. music is the language of the world, and it unites us. iryna shinkarenko, vyacheslav filyushkin, voice of america. with that, we will say goodbye, you
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watched the program of the ukrainian voice of america, chas tym. also join our daily briefings from monday to friday at 18:00 kyiv time on youtube and facebook, where you can ask your questions live to our presenters yulia yarmolenko and ostap yarysh. thank you for trusting the ukrainian voice of america service, i'm natalya leonova, have a good night and good morning there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on dolgit cream 150 g 20% ​​in pharmacies plantain bam and ochad there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on tablets valeriana bolgarska 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and ochad. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations,
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friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that challenge... drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. trump's second presidency for the world. will be
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terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they are guys from volyn proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, appreciate the ability to stand side by side with others. timami all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together.
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verdict with serhii rudenko. kharkiv oblast under intense enemy fire. russians can to prepare a new offensive on the northern borders. are the armed forces ready? the repulse of the aggressor in the sumy region, while the investigation of the breakthrough in the kharkiv region continues. 30 f-16 fighters by 2028. ukraine signed a security agreement with belgium, will there be restrictions on the use of belgian aircraft for strikes on the territory of russia? putin will give a standing ovation. zelensky warns of the negative consequences of absence. biden at the upcoming peace summit in switzerland. will the peace conference make sense without the highest representation of the usa and china. glory to ukraine. this is the verdict program.
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my name is serhii rudenko. i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk about today's forecasts of the minister of defense umerov regarding the deployment of troops by the russians in the north of ukraine, on the border with the northern regions of ukraine, as well as why biden does not want or cannot go to the global peace summit, how this will affect the course of this forum, which begins june 15-16 in switzerland, let's talk. about putin's latest statements regarding legitimacy, illegitimacy of zelenskyi, and most importantly, what goal is pursued by the kremlin grandfather. over the next hour, we will talk about all this with our guests, colonel of the ukrainian armed forces petro chernyk,
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journalist roman tsimbalyuk, and executive director of the institute of world politics yevhen magda. in the second part of our program, people's deputies of ukraine mykyta poturaev and yulia klymenko will be present. and oleg synyutka. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching the video of the destruction by the armed forces of ukraine of the russian tank t-90 breakthrough. the first drone stopped the car while it was moving, the second damaged the optics, and the following effectively burned enemy equipment. let's see, this is an enchanting video.
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the t-90 tank was burning brightly, this is, by the way , the sixth machine that was burned in the 47th separate mechanized brigade, and the operators of the unit. who deal with drones, glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, i would like to remind you that throughout our broadcast, we appear not only live on the espresso tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who now watch us live there. please
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subscribe to our platforms, take part in our survey that we are conducting today. we ask you the following: have you agreed to the presence of western troops in ukraine? yes no, if you would agree to the presence of western troops in ukraine, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes no, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if yes, 0800 211 381 no, 0800 211 382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will match the results of this vote, and we have our first guest peter on the phone. chernyk, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. colonel, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. colonel, let's start our conversation with the situation that is developing in the northeast and east. we are talking about both
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the kharkiv direction and sumy. volodymyr zelenskyi says that russia is gathering an offensive group near sumy in... region and he warned world leaders from kharkiv about this, how did it all happen, let's let's see russia is the only source of aggression and is constantly trying to spread the war. right now these days, we are defending 60 km northeast of this place, against another attempted russian offensive. russia is preparing to attempt offensive actions 90 km from here to the northwest. another group of troops is gathering near our border. he who does all this does not want peace.
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already today , in an interview with reuters, the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov said that russia is preparing to deploy another 300,000 military near the border of ukraine. i remind you that we are in touch with the colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, petro chernyk. mr. colonel, how do you assess the prospects of creating another northern front in ukraine? can it be neglected or not? can the enemy resort to the design of a small platform, say in the sumy region? yes, of course, does he have the strength and means to a certain extent. at the moment, the seiver group has up to 53,000 personnel, they have up to 400 tanks, up to 1,500 armored combat vehicles machines and up to a thousand artillery barrels, as well as multiple rocket launcher systems. in order to organize the same tracing operation as in the kharkiv region, in diameter up to three, well, a maximum of 7 k'. meters of these forces are enough, we well understand that we will have to divert our forces and means and
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strategic reserve in order to entrench this bridgehead as well. why does the enemy do this? the main reason is the potential summit to be held in switzerland, putin is showing the countries of the global south that he something worth, that he can do something, and will look for the keys to their hearts to sway them to his side. well, but you said 50,000 is enough. in order to organize an offensive for a small diameter of 7-9 km there , or could it be, for example, an encirclement, an operational encirclement of the city of sumy, well, they can bypass, let's say, where bilopylla and velyka piserivka are, and conditionally speaking, create an encirclement , is it necessary solely in order to distract our forces now in donbas and demonstrate to the whole world that he can do something can do, exclusively from diverting forces and... and you and exclusively demonstrate that he can do something in order to really fight for such a rather
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large city as sumy, not to mention the million-strong kharkiv, then it is necessary only on one direction at least 100,00 personnel, so if we take the two directions of sumy and kharkiv, then it is at least 200 thousand personnel, and this is a plus to what they have, we also remember that there are such phenomena as substitution, we every month we exterminate 26-29 thousand personnel, and mine the view that in... in may we will have an absolute record and will exceed the indicators of 30,000. so far, they do not dare to raise their mobilization indicators equal to 40-50, or even 60 thousand per month. do they have such potential? yes, of course there is. up to three million men are in reserve, more than 100 million kalashnikov assault rifles have been manufactured at one time. ammunition factories are working at full strength, which they can only work for the motherland, for putin for greatness. died, are dying and will die, but even they are not capable of deploying
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groups up to 300,000 at such a rapid pace, will they try so? well, that means they need at least a year to deploy groups of 300,00, do i understand correctly? half a year, my view is that until the fall, until the fall, if they dare to go out now for the summer for the indicators or in the indicators of 40 00, then in 3-6 months they can do it, well, but here... mr. colonel, if you compare that, what our enemies are doing and what we are doing, we are also trying to increase the mobilization resource, the mobilization law, rather, the law on amendments to the mobilization legislation entered into force on may 18, 2024, what and how it can change and whether it has already changed, but the very fact that a huge number of men, if i am not mistaken, the figure is only because one reserve plus program. reached more than a million in accounting, but this is an unprecedented phenomenon in our
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history, there was nothing like it, well, we have to understand that for 30 years we did not deal with our defense system, and such a concept as the preparation of mobilization resources in general in 1991, it was practically reduced to zero, then to give the correct answers with literally one change to the to to, let it be to the cycle of laws is not so easy, in my opinion, in order to understand me... whether the law works qualitatively or poorly, the law must pass at least halfway half a year, but in my opinion, the first results are still significant, it is an account of all the resources we have, and it is po... with these successes, which you said, that more than a million people registered in the reserve plus application, more one innovation which started from 18 may 24 2018, first-time convicts, ukrainian convicts will be released and are already being released from prisons for
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military service in the armed forces of ukraine, more than 600 people have already been released and have gone to the front. the minister of justice denys malyuska announced on the air of the edyni novini telethon that the convicts, who were mobilized with their consent, will serve in special assault units. let's listen to the minister of justice. as of now, these will be assault units, these will be units that, so far, consist exclusively of individuals who have served punishment, that is, they are monolithic units without mixing. with other military personnel, here i am not entirely sure that this is the best option, but again, the military is more visible, we have not yet reached the point of direct combat operations by these units, training is underway, maybe the situation will change later, and the choice to mix or not to mix will be made for another benefit. mr. colonel, at
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all times convicts were sent to the front, in different ways. sections, as you think, here is the current initiative, which fixed by law, respectively, that convicts can go through court and have their convictions removed and go to the front, how effective it is, how much potential it will give and what and what it gives to the ukrainian army, in particular, well, starting from the first figures of 613 people, this this is a full-fledged battalion, even a little, a little more, it's... the truth is quite good and quite a lot, if you understand that this is the first step, and if the next steps in the cycle, the 10th, 20th serial number will be the same, well then it can already grow to several tens of thousands, and this is actually a very serious force, i personally believe that this is an absolutely correct step, they are the same convicted citizens as all the rest, and
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if these were crimes of a minor nature, and the law is very clear, qualitative and correct, it is settled everything, then the task of all... citizens without exception is to defend their country, especially in times of existential challenge, and this is an existential challenge, either our enemies, or we theirs, and every person who will help beat the enemy, in my opinion, on weight in gold, everything is organized correctly, i stand on position, that it is really good that these are monolithic units and do not mix with the regular armed forces, or rather with other units, but what will be their real effectiveness in the field, we will see, more... one more news, mr. colonel: today the state the bureau of investigation is investigating the breach of the border by the russians in the kharkiv region, the level of support and staffing of units of the armed forces, the construction of fortifications, interaction between military units is being checked, in parallel the verkhovna rada of ukraine created a temporary special the commission that investigates the expenditure of budget
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funds for the construction of fortifications and the creation of drones, in your opinion, what might be the results of these inspections, i.e. are these abuses or incomplete fortifications, how widespread is it and should we frankly admit it, that we didn't have time to do it there, or we didn't have time in all directions, because of course there is a large russian-ukrainian and russian-belarusian border, and together it is 200 km there, and this is a large enough front line, a very sensitive issue and... on my view here is very played out very treacherously, and absolutely not justified, why? there were even thoughts that the first line of defense should have been, almost not along the line of demarcation, this does not happen in nature, and i will give a little historical parallels here, the line of the zyhvird is not the best line of defense in the wrong, or not the best line of defense, which in general was built by all
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times and peoples, was built for more than 10 years, i emphasize, this is with german scrupulousness, with gigantic resources and with such discipline that it is simply difficult for us to imagine, then we, ukrainians, who are used to living in illusions of pacifism, we would like to have such lines of defense as they were then, this does not happen, but we remember winston churchill's saying that war is a catalog of mistakes, yes, there are many, many, many mistakes, but in order to give a correct and accurate assessment this phenomenon, here we still need to move away from the principle of do no harm, so that we do not do what cannot be done by excessive analysis. let those people who have been officially appointed by the state work, let them give their verdict, let them put it on paper, make it into documents, so that there are accurate, guaranteed, the most important thing - vladimir putin often says that the current offensive in kharkiv oblast, and in general all actions,
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military actions in the northeast, in the north east, are meant in sumy oblast, they are connected with the fact that they they want to create a so -called sanitary zone, but for the accountancy state there are 5-10 km to ensure shelling of russian territory, not so. a lot of those russian shellings there from the territory of the sumy region, not so much from the territory of the kharkiv region, in the end we are on our land, but in this situation a completely logical question arises regarding the use of western weapons on the territory of russia and the creation of a sanitary zone on that side, that is , that there should also be a depth of 10 or 15 km on that side, so that the russians could not bring up artillery and shell white artillery. pylya, the great piserivka, kharkiv, or other cities located in the border zone, this is what delaying the decision
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by our western partners regarding the use of their weapons by ukrainians on the territory of russia can lead to. to the formation of another bridgehead, or even several, that's what all this can lead to, in the part of the sanitary zone, there is a lot of squirming on the part of the enemy, all of them. putin is trying to show that there is some such formula that will help to come up with something so that the territory of the russian federation will not be threatened, a real sanitary zone, this is when the parties agree among themselves and whether under international control or independently withdraw these forces and means, that's the only way no different, the conditional approximate sanitary zone was after the so-called minsk-2, but really then agreed on the removal of artillery from both sides at a long distance, and our enemy endlessly violated these rules? the problem of launching strikes on the territory of the russian federation with national weapons, first of all, with us weapons, because that is really all that is needed, is maturing and re-maturing, i will emphasize and
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explain why, the swedes really said: "use our weapons." and what is their weapon, this is the fh77 archer artillery, brilliant, excellent artillery, the installation in 10 seconds to a minute of time is deployed, in 10 seconds three shots and gone, but it is three shots, even if divi is running. then this is a column on the march, then the column that approaches the border is very good, very beautiful, but not what is necessary, it is necessary to destroy the group that is concentrated 90 km away and is growing, that is what is dangerous, they are for the first time, by the way, they began to do such things, and only the attacker gives the answer to this , why only the attacker, the enemy is not fooling, he does not sit in tent cities, he is dispersed in forest strips and forests, and we understand that drones... we do not fight in the forests , requires cluster ammunition. m-39, one of the varieties of atakamf, has in its configuration 900 v within 950 sub-elements
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m74, a kind of small tangerine, filled with explosives in a metal casing, at a height of 30-40 m above the target, decomposes in a diameter of up to 500 m and forms a wormwood of fragments at a speed of 100 m/s. well. in several thousand hundreds, and this is all that is cut down, that everything that can cut down a tree, including a living person. but when we start using such rockets to bombard the concentration of troops at those distances, then no one will be able to reach the border. well, then the question in general about this sanitary zone will disappear, because in the modern world, in modern technologies , talk about, well, we will take, cut down such a corridor between russia and ukraine, at the expense of ukrainian territory, the russians think, and it will not happen. there will be nothing that will threaten russian territory, this is also an illusion, considering the modern weapons that are available, considering the missiles, considering the drones, and considering the fact that sooner or later
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, after all, the western partners will agree to the fact that ukraine will use these western weapons at its own discretion, whether or not will it happen in the near future, what do you think, where is the point that will convince our western partners, they say, you decide further , it is your right there and your vision is a difficult issue and i emphasize once again in my position that non-western partners only have one country, the united states the united states is the whole problem with them, the whole problem is in the administration, well, as a problem, it is not a problem, they are what they are, they look at this war from the angle of their national interests, and we remember that as soon as there are some a breakthrough moment that can really change the front, and the use of missiles to attack ... at such a distance, plus the air force that is about to appear, can actually be the so-called game changer, then their alkogon medvedev immediately takes out the nuclear
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club , immediately, there is a full stop... the return honestly, i don’t know, and the americans, in my opinion, don’t know either, and that’s why they are so careful and don’t dare, that’s why it’s somewhere 50 to 50%, why do i say that, vividly i remember in june 2022, when joseph biden clearly said, i will not give ukraine f-16, because it the crossing of black, not even red lines, and this is an escalation of the conflict, f-16s are on the way, many spears have already been broken around them, they said the beginning of summer, and the middle of summer, and the end. well, we hope that in the cycle of dry weather we will finally hear the roar of this very high-quality engine in the air and its combat work, but there is another example, literally one and a half to two months ago, macron reflected that the entire foreign legion is entering ukraine almost tomorrow, there are some even now signing agreements about alleged instructors, although just literally an hour or so how long ago he said that it's not quite
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the case yet, that everything still needs to be thought about and the rhetoric that there will be no french troops in ukraine tomorrow, so it can be either way, i'll make up in reality, we gain patience and watch. thank you, colonel, for the conversation, this was petro chernyk, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live, please subscribe to our pages as well take part in our survey. today we ask you about this. would you agree to the presence of western troops in ukraine? well, the answer should be rhetorical, but what do you think? everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, write your comment if it does not fit into an unambiguous answer, and if you watch us on tv, you can pick up a smartphone or phone and vote by numbers: yes 0800 211 381, no, 0800 211 382, ​​calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program
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we will go here are the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with roman symbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, former vaskor unian in moscow. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate sergey. and traditionally, i invite our viewers to subscribe to roman tsymbalyuk's youtube channel. roman tsimbalyuk already has 12,000 viewers and subscribers. become his audience and you will get the same pleasure as i do from the youtube channel. roman tsimbalyuk. roman, let's start our conversation with the russian opposition, if that strange and it didn’t sound and wasn’t such a political oxymoron now, but well, if there is a forum of the russian opposition, which is held in lviv, then it’s obvious, apparently, those who call themselves the opposition, there is, or is it the opposition at all in russia, who is this opposition, or are they the people who gathered in lviv, because on friday we
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discussed... positions and somehow did not reach a consensus, what do you think, is it necessary, is there a russian opposition and is it necessary ukraine? well, first of all, we have enough enemies among the russians, we probably don't need to multiply them anymore. second, the russian opposition there is no, there is, she is not, and now we are talking about political emigrants, this is... completely different, thirdly, yes, we have a very skeptical attitude to the fact that these people can influence something, but fourthly, this does not mean , that this should not be done, no matter how strange it is, especially when we see people in military uniform who defend our country with weapons in their hands, i do not think that the passport itself should be the determining factor that those people are russian, they are the same soldiers as ours,
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and at least that in... everything shows in the course of hostilities, the situation is difficult, good ones here there are no solutions, i would simply break this situation down into two components: there is the fact that we thereby demonstrate that we can talk to the russians, that we do not have any grudges here or anything else, this is in such a broad context , including right before the peace that will be held next month in switzerland, this is what we have for... the fact that it will cause a certain disgust within the state, you know, not mistrust, but in places even a derogatory view, i think , that it is not necessary to do this, once again, we use all the means that are possible in in our policy, and this is in this forum, it means much less than any
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unit of the armed forces of ukraine. including rdk and?


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