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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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it was made by the poor, no, no, no, mr. sergiu, no, mr. sergiu, i am nothing, you know, i have the impression that once again the predecessors are to blame for everything, well, you have been in power for five years, well, the audience is just watching us, they comment on this and say how much poturaya will be called to the fact that they received the inheritance, five years, they received five, it will be objective, and potoraev will say that under poroshenko they really made a good cannon on... a bad chassis on krazivsky, with whom she, from whom she did not shoot, and the same one who fired at the changes, already shot from tatrovsky chassis, how many accusations were made by the ministry of defense that it wanted to put it on a normal chassis and how long it took, i have not forgotten it, and if the audience forgets, i will remind you, with neptunes, kabeluch, the situation was also not so simple, and the matter here is not about dummies, the fact is that every rocket must be taught to fly, and yes, mr. oleg, i... that all of ukraine should be
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grateful to those government officials who managed to finance and believed in the period from the 14th to the 19th year, and indeed the product, as the rocket engineers say, was almost ready, and it was possible apply it quickly, as for peregrine, i will once again remind the audience that when it was financed by the saudis under the name grom, the saudis allocated more than 40 million dollars, and the state of ukraine, it was not you. mr. oleg, it was not poroshenko's administration, it was earlier, but the state of ukraine allocated 20 million dollars, 20 million, for 20 million, even the design and construction documentation is not done by normal design bureaus, and what we have, colleagues, let's, yes , we have already left, we have started to discuss the technical nuances, engineers, stop, there will be a few more of you years in power, you will still have the opportunity to have this opportunity. tell me, well, i can
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make one comment, i think that we need to look to the future, not to the past, because we have many years ahead of us, let's say, armed, if not war, then conflict, and russia will not go anywhere , even after our victory, so now you need to focus all your technical knowledge on producing, start producing not wasteland, but raw production of everything. from shells to serious uavs and these technologies to remain in to ukraine, and did not migrate abroad, because here their life is not impossible, thanks to bep and all the various organizations that simply make the life of manufacturers in ukraine really impossible, that is why we have up to mass production of everything you described, and a lot of everything, what we need is still very far away, we have very few specialists who can supply a normal industry. your on
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a big stream. it must be done by all together, and those who understand the details, those who understand management, you who understand investments, and those who understand what technology will survive the war. this is a very complex and big conversation, unfortunately, it is not conducted much, at the moment, everyone blames the past, but no one knows how to do it in the future, so that ukraine is armed thanks to its weapons in such a way that russia does not even think about it , come a second time. thank you, mrs. yulia. i would like to remind our viewers that during the entire broadcast of our survey we are conducting and asking you whether you would agree to the presence of western troops in ukraine, meaning the troops of our western partners, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes no, if you have a smartphone or a phone, you can vote by phone 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will summarize it. voting,
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another topic on which the russian occupiers, the russian dictator putin, are speculating quite actively, he started talking again today about the legitimacy, the illegitimacy of zelenskyi, he started talking about the fact that he had read the constitution, and he mentioned that there is a right , which is a must to observe in ukraine, russia may not observe international law, and ukrainians should observe the extension of the president's powers in the constitution. and they say it is not said that speaker stefanchuk and the verkhovna rada are the only legitimate ones, a small fragment, i understand that many will be annoyed by this creature, but we have to listen, because he is talking about the illegitimate putin , he is talking about our legitimate zelensky, the constitution, the constitution of ukraine provides extension of powers, but only once.
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of the constitution of ukraine, which states that in this case... the powers of the supreme power, in fact, the presidential powers, are transferred to the speaker of the parliament, especially since under the conditions of martial law, the powers of the parliament continue. ruslan stefanchuk, by the way, has already reacted, saying that volodymyr zelenskyi will remain the president of ukraine until the end of martial law. mr. oleg, why is putin trying to delegitimize? that is, at a time when the legitimacy of putin is under great question, and well, in principle, it is somehow disgusting enough and, well, i don’t know what else to say to use in this situation, he is trying to question the legitimacy of our
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president, despite the fact that there is a consensus in ukraine that zelensky is a legitimate president, and in general i consider him not... well , there is no need to comment on the words of a dictator who kills ukrainians, who wants to destroy our state, another expert on the constitution of ukraine appeared to me, he does not deserve to have his words interpreted in any way, and he is nobody for ukraine today, he is a war criminal who is wanted by the criminal court today for the crimes he acted in ukraine, for which a corresponding arrest warrant has been issued, and i am convinced that sooner or later he will have a place in the gas on the bench. why he wants to sow discord in ukrainian society today is absolutely clear, because he wants to break our unity, he wants to break our common
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resistance to the enemy, and our answer should be very simple, this is unification around the armed forces of ukraine, this is help to the armed forces of ukraine. by the way. well, forgive me if i turn around, because it affected me in relation to krazis and the tatras, then i would not invest in the purchase of three expensive theaters, i would invest in the development of our own beauties, what we are talking about the localization of production, if we talk about not vtunas, then i would actually eventually attract to responsible, as the president says , the responsibility of those who stopped the work of the design bureau, which produces. no ptuns, i would certainly prosecute those who removed the clindrons from our air defense system and think about it, gave it back six months after the full-scale aggression of the beginning, but i again i say, this is a story that must
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be completed after our victory, today the country needs unity, today there must be a joint confrontation, we have no right today to listen to this kremlin... dictator, because he is nobody for ukraine, this an enemy of ukraine, this is a person who wants to destroy ukraine, i am convinced that we inside the country will find out for sure who has constitutional powers and who has non -constitutional powers, and this is by no means putin's business. thank you, mr. olezh, mr. nikita, i hope that you will not talk about neptune now and about what happened 5 years ago, let me remind you that the servant of the people and president zelenskyi is in power for the sixth year. well, president zelenskyi, then your entire party, look, this verkhovna rada, i apologize, yes, the majority, the majority is still in the verkhovna rada, but you tell me, mr. synyutka says that putin should not interpret the constitution of ukraine ,
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but we have a body called the constitutional court, and why did your team refuse the verdict of the constitutional court of. because going to the constitutional court is definitely playing into putin's hand, because we have elected legitimate authorities, we have a war, we have martial law, you can't hold elections during martial law, you can't hold elections during martial law , the vast majority of citizens say that elections during martial law, during war, are a waste. this is stupid, and to turn somewhere is exactly to behave like the cowardly leaders certain in the west, who, returning to the first question, constantly, when putin starts saying, i have nuclear weapons, and they are all oh, we are so
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scared, we are afraid, we are afraid, there is no, unfortunately, no, new, i am already silent about cherschel, there is no eisenhower, who in response to the first berlin crisis. just brought out the tanks and there is no hero of the second world war er kennedy, the commander of the torpedo boat of the hero, let me remind you, who knew exactly what the war was like, who just ... in response to the cuban crisis brought the nuclear forces of the united states to full combat readiness and said : either you get out, or we start a nuclear war, and commissar khrushchev got out, now, unfortunately, it comes out, i don't know what to call it, from the back door, something starts to croak there, and we are not only continuing here in our ukrainian studios, this is not an accusation against you, sir. you are right, this is journalistic work, but i fully support mr. oleg senyunko, who says that it is not necessary
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to discuss it at all, and at events they behave, this is the problem, instead of saying, get into your swamps, you will once again push yours out of the swamps ass, you'll get a nuclear missile in your ass. thank you, mr. nikita, ms. yulia, whether or not there is room for discussion at all, i am not saying the espresso studio, because we have a place for... in general, among lawyers, among people who understand constitutional law, maybe, maybe, we still need a decision of the constitutional court so that there are no such stupid throwaways, because i understand that putin is doing this in order to somehow delegitimize or question the authority of zelensky, can it somehow affect our other western partners, i mean... not the big players, not our big partners, the whole world, that he is doing
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some kind of special operation by his standards? well, i think that it is being done for two purposes: the first purpose is to destabilize the situation inside ukraine, and i want to tell you that the discussion among the political elite and the opposition, the ruling party, the constitutional court, lawyers... no, everyone recognizes zelensky as legitimate president, he is and will be the legitimate president until the end of the war, but this narrative is being poured into all telegram channels and various viber groups and various t-tok groups, if you see and follow these ipso and narratives well, you will see that it is being poured into mainly military and people. which are mobilized or will be mobilized, for what? in order for them to say that
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zelenskyi is illegitimate, and therefore we will not carry out his orders, because zelenskyi is not only the president, he is the supreme commander, so they are trying to do what the russians are trying to do, they are trying to undermine the actual legitimacy of zelenskyi for the military. thank you, on the other hand, they are trying to undermine the legitimacy of zelenskyi during the peace, before the peace negotiations, that is, before the peace summit, speaking to countries that are not very, shall we say, in the know, sowing these doubts, but in ukraine, among the political community and among lawyers , we have no doubts about the legitimacy of zelenskyi, well, there are none among journalists either, that is, we are simply in this situation... we react to the comments and accordingly we have a reaction
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to all this, it is good that we speak, those who see us both on youtube and on facebook, and possibly including and not only in ukraine, they clearly understand that going on here, very short thread, one at a time i hope minute for an answer, the bill banning russian churches in ukraine until the second reading. it is ready, i understand , there are no votes yet, why the verkhovna rada of ukraine cannot adopt this law in its final version, mr. oleg, i believe that the verkhovna rada has the votes, and here we must thank the committee on humanitarian policy, headed by mr. nikita, because they worked very seriously between the first and second reading and the draft law that is ready today. before voting in the second reading meets all international standards, complies with ukrainian legislation and
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in no way raises issues of freedom of conscience or any religious issues, because the issue of banning the fsb structure of kirill is a matter of national security, and really here is a question for speaker stepanchuk, why he still does not raise this issue in agenda, you know that unfortunately last week we had to from european salt'. to block the tribune and only in this way managed to put to a vote the creation of a temporary special commission on fortifications, because fortifications - this is life from... the military, the issue of this draft law on the banning of this kiriv sect is the issue of our spiritual life. i am convinced that this law should be on the agenda for the next plenary meeting. thank you. thank you, mr. olezh, and representatives of a number of ukrainian public organizations called on people's deputies to immediately adopt a bill on the banning of the russian orthodox church and a resolution on the decolonization
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of the names of settlements in ukraine. they emphasized in their statement. that these decisions depend on the exclusive leadership of the verkhovna rada, of the ruling majority, in recent weeks some ruling parties, the actions of the ruling party are more like inconsistency, outright sabotage, it is about the blocking of the monomajority in the verkhovna rada of the draft law on the banning of the russian orthodox church and the decree on the decolonization of the names of points, mr. nikita, you are accused of outright sabotage, yes, and it is very unfortunate, because in fact... our faction was the leader in the development of this law, and it really hurts to look at the true, absolutely true lines in this statement, because the fact that we are not able to pass a law on the banning of the so-called russian orthodox church, well why so-called, because it is not a church and it is not orthodoxy, and
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the fact that we cannot carry out the colonization of names, this means that in the third year full-scale... repetition e people do not understand for about why this war, for what this war and against what this war. mr. nikita, thank you, excuse me, two words, two words i want to remind you that the katsapnia is in all the temporarily occupied territories, what is it doing, it is returning the soviet names, dragging this lukich the bald to pedestals again, and so on, thank you, we just have regulations, sorry , as in to the verkhovna rada, mrs. yulia, 30 seconds. well, actually speaking, i am engaged in collecting signatures for the second reading, including together with my colleagues, since we collected signatures for the first reading in order to prove to the leadership of the verkhovna rada that there are votes, this is what we are doing now for the second reading , and in principle we have already collected 200 votes, i think that we will collect the remaining 40 votes or 26, and this
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will end the discussion about bringing it to the hall for the second reading. bunenko, nikita poturaev and oleg synyutka were guests of our today programs, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for. participation in the program, we had a great discussion, and i will remind our tv viewers that today we conducted a survey, we asked you whether you agreed with the presence of western troops in ukraine, the results of the television survey were 96 against 4%, it was a verdict program, serhii rordenko brought her, i say goodbye to you, goodbye. there are moments when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration, when ordinary water is not enough, there is reo, reo - water for for special medical purposes, there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on a paforty knife, 15% in pharmacies plantain, pam and oskad. there are discounts, represented by coco, may discounts on eden, 20% in pharmacies, plantain for you
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and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? now about what in happened to the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail. good evening, please. two hours to catch up. economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka dyadenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day guests, as well as distinguished guests of the studio.
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andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zema's broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening on espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, and model them. our future every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky on espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear viewers, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, my name is vasyl zema and
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we are starting this information week itself, and this information evening will be a lot of conversations, today we will talk about important information with our guests from the regions, today there were powerful shelling in nikopol region, there's a lot to talk about there, he also made war on kharkiv, and plus the plans of the ministry of foreign affairs. countries, how to drag your side global south, a more specifically, the countries of latin america, and also columns from my colleagues, a lot of important information, interestingly , we will learn from oleksandr morchivka whether tariffs will really increase and for which services, for which services we will have to pay more. about all this during the next hour and 45 minutes, well, about the situation at the front and all the topics that serhiy, well, about the situation at the front and all the topics that serhiy chose today for himself. which relate to the war in one way or another, he will tell you in detail now, sergius, good evening, please you have a word, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our
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viewers, today in our military section we will talk about the prospects of lifting the ban on the use of western weapons for strikes on military targets in russia, about new attacks by atakams and about the systematic shooting down of enemy aircraft with manpads, which a new one was added in the... armed forces for such a result, more on that in a moment. i will start by saying that the meeting of defense ministers of the european union countries started today in brussels, where once again, so far, at the political level, it has become extremely topical issue for ukraine is the cancellation of the ban on the use of western. for russian purposes on russian territory, the details of the final discussions are not yet known, but we know the consequences of the use of these samples of russian weapons in
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our populated areas, when we talk about such cities as kharkiv and provovchansk, we see how destructive it is russian weapons have consequences and this must be countered, so we already know that a number of nato and eu countries have publicly supported such important changes. to the use of western weapons, this includes, in particular , britain, poland, the baltic countries, the czech republic, sweden, the netherlands, some are against, in particular germany, while some european countries look to the united states, where also a number of congressmen have already raised the issue before the biden administration, so that crossed this line, which is actually now in favor of the russian federation. in my opinion, this heated discussion should end like this. a result that corresponds to military logic and our needs. it cannot be that the aggressor has advantages that are shaped by restrictions from
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our partners. and it is quite obvious that the armed forces must strike inside the russian federation with the entire arsenal of weapons that we have. however , yet another strike today, in particular there at night by atkams on the military. the object in the temporarily occupied luhansk is a video, and it is likely that this is the resort of the military school there, with the bases of s-300 or s-400, which the enemy also uses to strike our peaceful, peaceful cities, so we are waiting for further satellite details about consequences of these blows of the atakams. also, today there is a number of other positive news, this, in particular, was announced by belgium. about the readiness to transfer 30 f-16 fighters to ukraine. ukraine should receive the first planes by the end of this year,
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though. in general, the supply of all will stretch until 2028, in my opinion, this is too long, and i hope that it will actually be much sooner, in turn, the netherlands announced today that they will lead the initiative for the joint supply of the patriot system to ukraine, that is, the ministry of defense the netherlands offers such fast and close cooperation. with several partners, to assemble one patriot anti-aircraft missile complex with components from various european countries for the defense forces. let me remind you that we have three air defense systems of this type, one more was promised by germany, that is, the netherlands, one more in total, and in general we have a minimum need for new additional air defense systems paatriot seven units, as the president of ukraine spoke about.
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with. the defense forces currently use various systems to shoot down enemy air targets, including the 110th mechanized brigade stated that in less than a month she shot down seven attack aircraft of the russian air force su-25, not all shooting downs are documented, but facts and trends are important here, and we will talk about this with our next guest, mykola salamakha, retired lieutenant colonel, joins us , project manager in our homeland. the defense-industrial company energy 2000 is an expert in the field of armored weapons. mr. mykola, welcome to the espresso channel. good evening. i will still start our conversation from the air, and not from the ground, continuing this topic is related to the downing of russian su-25-110th brigade. i know that your company energiya 2 develops a number of
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simulators. including simulators for manpads, and one way or another you are simply forced to know the specifics of the use of manpads and the capabilities of these systems to shoot down enemy targets, and i would like to ask you in this segment what is evidenced by the fairly significant number of shooting down 125 military personnel of this brigade, is it because manpads have finally appeared, or has the training improved, or the safety of the russians. how do you explain it to yourself? means all three components: first, the saturation of the modern battlefield with means such as manpads , it is very large, why? because in soviet times, a motorized rifle division is about 110-120 portable anti-aircraft missile systems, but the experience of their use during training exercises, well... showed that out of
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a hundred launches, it is about three, a maximum of five hits, although tactical and technical characteristics stated that the probability of an impression is from 35 to 40%, and in principle, if the manpads department works as it should work, then three launches of one department, this is a missed target, but, unfortunately, there are fewer in life, but there are manpads means on the battlefield, secondly, the level of training of manpads operators, even in those units that train manpads operators, and directly in many brigades, which even have manpads simulators at the brigade level, be it a needle
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or a feather. whether the wallmen allow 3-5%, which in soviet times was about 10, or even 15%, but nowadays, that is, every 10th launch is still a missed target, but where there are separate, well, let's say so, unique specialists, someone has about five downed targets of different nature, these are the same shaheds, these are attack aircraft, these are helicopters, and there are even, well, unfortunately, they are no longer there, because that serviceman died, but he has 14 shot down aerial targets, so this is the second component of success and...


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