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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EEST

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two had negative conclusions of the public integrity council, and more than half of them the higher qualification commission, despite questionable integrity, recognized as suitable for the position and sent only 22 to dismissal, that is, in two-thirds of the cases, the higher qualification commission of judges throws all those facts and all those what was found concerning the judges, their dishonesty, their property, their previous decisions, and so on. then this is a bad number, but a catastrophic trend, because if it continues like this, then everyone is the chances that in a few months, not even years, the supreme court of appeals will reach the numbers of the previous supreme court of appeals kozyakov, who was actually dismissed for the failure of the judicial reform, when only 15 of the 3,000 judges who passed the qualification assessment were dismissed. several judges at once, who have negative conclusions of the state administrative court, for example, the judge of the pavlograd city district court'.
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serhiy babiy of propetrovs'ka region. in 2018, babia's wife bought a toyota chr car for almost uah 800,000. babii says that part of the amount belongs to his wife allegedly her mother gave it, he paid the other, but in the declaration the judge for some reason did not indicate either the mother's gift or his own. it was said, i give my mother the old one, and she helps me and you 50-50 50-50 to buy a new one. all. in 2013, the wife of serhii babiya purchased shares of the ebrd public joint-stock company for almost uah 110,000. according to the foundation, at that time it had no official income, the judge did not report such shares or income from their disposal in any of the annual declarations. the wife purchased these securities with my own funds, i had nothing to do with this operation, so i actually bought it for what, but sold it. okay, but where did she get these funds?
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this is the question. the wife always had her own free funds. the public council of virtue draws attention to the ties between judge serhii babii and the current people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, a member of the verkhovna rada committee on legal policy , oleksiy demchenko. in particular, together they were the founders of a law firm and even jointly own an office with an area of ​​111 m2 in dnipro. i stopped my participation in the association, communication with demchenko continued sporadically, as a formal sign i am a member of the working group of the ukrainian parliament on the issues of proper financing of the judiciary, which was created by the decision of the legal policy committee headed by mr. demchenko, from 2018 to 2021, a judge and members his family traveled to russia several times, according to...
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the public integrity council , babii crossed the border with the aggressor country at least six times and returned to ukraine in less than a week. babii himself explains it rules of border registration and allegedly incorrectly entered information into the system. the judge's file includes nabu's information and indicates the airport of departure dnipro, the airport of arrival sharmer, the section of the russian border. did you cross the border from russian? no, did not cross, did not cross. this explanation fully satisfied the vkk. in february 2022, serhii babii tried to become a member of the supreme council of justice. the ethics council thoroughly studied his biography and found him unscrupulous. the ethical council, which was involved the reform of the supreme council of justice, which, together with international experts, admitted that, more precisely , it did not give a recommendation on the criterion of integrity, recognized the judge as unscrupulous in fact. higher koliv commission of judges. at
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the qualification evaluation, he says: everything is great, a great judge, you can continue to work until the end of your days, in the updated, reformed judicial system of ukraine. often, the higher qualification commission of judges turns a blind eye to the judges' smearing of drunken drivers. servants of themis use a common drag scheme the term of consideration of the case, and then simply close it due to the influence of the terms. this is a well-known evasion scheme to avoid liability for drunk driving. as a result , we have accidents, fatal ones, including, literally not so long ago, there was a story about an 18-year-old girl who was killed by a drunk scumbag, sorry, behind the wheel, whose license was not taken away by the judge six months before, despite this the higher commission of judges is new, recognizes them as virtuous, so the supreme court of justice retained ada pedenko, the judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv, who, according to the calculations of the public council virtue was actually amnestied. 21
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drunk drivers and the judge of the slovyansky district court of the donetsk region, alina goncharova, who closed about 100 cases for drunken driving. judge goncharova, who has closed more than... 50% of the cases she had on drunk driving due to the statute of limitations, which means that most of the cases that you consider in this category, you consider so badly that they are closed and the deadline just pops up. last year, in november, the higher qualification commission of judges and the public council of virtue agreed on a joint list markers that indicate non-compliance of a judge or a candidate for the position of judge with the criteria of integrity and professionalism. as well as the principles of their application. however, vkks seems to have decided to ignore the agreements. drunk driving are indicators written in black and white in the criteria, which are jointly agreed by the highest commission of judges and the public integrity council, which are indicators of dishonesty. that is, both bodies
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agreed that if there are such cases, it is dishonest, the decision is contrary to the decision of the same body. if this the trend will continue. the entire qualification assessment, and therefore the general cleansing of the judicial system of ukraine, will be under threat. qualification assessment of courts is one of the priorities. the reset of the vcks was one, there was number two, the reset of the vcks grp with seven points that we needed to fulfill in order to obtain candidate status and open negotiations on accession to the eu. that is, in fact, if this reform fails, everything goes to that, then no... what kind of european integration will we have, well, that is, we will be in this limbo simply endlessly the number of years in candidate status and we will surpass turkey simply by this parameter, which has already been there for 25 years. so, currently, the quality of the work of the higher qualification commission of judges depends on whether
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the judicial reform will continue in ukraine, and thus the path to the european union. and for today i have everything. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. we are looking for 15-year-old kamila neronova from the kharkiv region. the girl lived in border village with russia. still of the urban type of the cossack lopan. at the beginning of the war, this settlement was occupied, but in september 2022 it was liberated. and about six months later, at the end of february 23 , information appeared about the disappearance of kamila.
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it is not known where the girl may be now. perhaps she was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or perhaps to russia. therefore, it is very important to learn at least some information about the situation. camila's disappearance. attention to the photo: the girl looks about 15 years old, she has dark hair and brown eyes. so if someone suddenly saw kamila or know where she might be now, immediately call the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free of charge. if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write in the chat. from the child tracing service in telegram. we are also looking for 12-year-old vlad lyubechev, who went missing on june 1, 2023, and since then nothing has been known about him. a boy disappeared in the city of vovchansk, kharkiv region. if
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you know at least something about him, no delay and call us on the hotline at 116.30, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i emphasize that any, even the smallest details are important for the search, and as usual, i ask you to share the video on social networks, it really helps a lot in the search and it is possible that one of your friends or acquaintances may recognize the child and communicate important information. and i also ask you to look at the photos of the missing boys and girls, which are posted on the website of the children's search service. if if you recognize any of them, please report it immediately to the number 11630, this is the magnolia child tracing service hotline, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. of course, now the vast majority of the children we are trying to find are missing due to circumstances
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somehow related to the war, but at the same time, just like before a full-scale invasion, children often go missing because they run away from home, that's what they do. important, boys and girls are in adolescence, and the reasons here are very different: conflicts in the family are not enough or on the contrary, excessive parental attention, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or... the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about the first things you should do to prevent a child from running away from home. one of these tips is the parents' respect for the child. show respect for the child's personality, his personal space, and his belongings. often we do not notice how our children grow up, and what was normal in behavior with a small child is completely unacceptable. behavior with a teenager, for example, we can't go into a teenager's room without knocking, moreover, we
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can't go into the bathroom when he's there, we can't rummage through his personal things without permission, we can't read his correspondence, it all violates his privacy , violates boundaries, makes him feel insecure and prompts him to run away, prompts him to seek safe places somewhere outside the home, don't we need that, so building a healthy relationship... between parents and child, the child should have his own space, where the parents go without consent should not interfere, and the main thing is respect adolescence is extremely important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible punishment mechanisms. ua criminals.
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there are times when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration. when ordinary water is not enough, there is reo. rheo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts presented by koko may discounts on voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oshchad. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss today, two hours to learn about the war, right now and about the war let's talk more, serhii sgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and now yuriy fizyk will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in
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wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, welcome please and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. guests every day, this is the shipping district of kherson, the inclusion is live,
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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now they see the main way to frighten the west is to stop the possibility of providing ukraine with greater or, in fact, some capabilities in order to, well, actually destroy the russian force that is there... approaches to ukraine, the topic is so great, and the expectations in general for these tactical nuclear exercises are so great, that they have been sucking it up for a week and... have continued to do so for the past few days also, well, there is a whole poem, which was told by kiselyov about how they conducted training, dismantled nuclear missiles in russia from warehouses, took them to positions, installed and hung them. what's going on? the start of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, in response to
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nato's plans to go to war with russia, how strikes from the south are practiced. it is impossible to allow any failures or mistakes, they will not hide over there across the ocean, for those who do not believe their word, it is obvious that now is the first stage of training, the second stage will connect white, in fact, belarus has already been connected, but so far that in words, because putin specifically, in fact, his only purpose, why he went to lukashenka was. in order to show that it is lukashenko who will also participate in nuclear exercises and that lukashenko is even more stubborn than putin himself. well, it is called vain hopes to show such things, because everyone understands that lukashenka has absolutely nothing in this life, and even more so on the territory of belarus, even more so with russian weapons, which are located on the territory of belarus
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, is completely independent of lukashenka, but putin visited, putin showed lukashenko... and one of the key topics that they mentioned is the same nuclear exercises and the participation of belarus in them, and now lukashenko is literally scared. this is an area where no failures, no mistakes, no coherence can be allowed. for the sake of consistency , these trainings you asked about are dedicated. we don't, we prepare, we train, we have to be ready, the world is unstable, it's dangerous, and we can't miss the blow, as it was inside the last century, well, some fictions, as if someone is on them attacked them, no, no one attacked them, they mainly attack, moreover, they are the ones who violate these exercises on the territory
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of belarus, they violated all the basic agreements that were there, because as we recall, when in... ukraine got rid of nuclear weapons, at the same time , belarus got rid of nuclear weapons, and there should not be any nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus, and even more so no nuclear exercises. but you see, all this is violated. well, and, actually, this is a conversation about how it happened, what these, well, it is interesting here that it is about the same iskanders who are there fly, hummingbirds, then they also mentioned the same ones, that's all. they are using everything now against ukraine, except for nuclear equipment, the only novelty is that they have shown that we are no longer just using some missiles there, it is not just an iskander, but it is like an iskander with a nuclear filling, it is not known whether it was nuclear-charged or not, but all the propagandists were terribly excited. here,
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the iskander operational-tactical complex is advancing to a combat position. here it is charged with a nuclear missile, without haste, but quickly without fuss and unnecessary movements, and this is already preparation for the start, just a moment, and the ascent will begin. doesn't that remind you of anything? in any case, the association with something very masculine. well, you know, the trouble is... when only iskander stands up in the leadership of russia, perhaps the only way to somehow show oneself and please them is to somehow move this somewhere with some such things, well, well, and actually, besides this, i am happy about that , that this is iskander, who is only
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getting up to him, he also told about how he, how he would like to blow up some a small nuclear bomb? weapons exist in order to use them, this is a quote from putin, but still, here we are training non-strategic nuclear forces, we will detonate at least something, or we will not detonate at all, well, at least we will test some small nuclear artillery charge on some abandoned polar island. islands, well, actually, they are not going to try anything like that on these nuclear islands, he then talked for a long time about the fact that no, only when the west does something like that, then we will... do, well, but the greatest suffering, of course, from that which all this brandishing of these next iskanders, well, somehow they did not lead to anything, and this is just some kind of drama that torments, that
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the americans do not believe, do not believe that such people will use nuclear weapons, so we had to pull out something like that, move somewhere, and the americans still do not believe. the usa still did not notice the movements around our nuclear warehouses, no one took anything from there, did not transport it anywhere and did not attach it to anything, no manipulations, everything is quiet, at least they did not notice anything there, the main task of future exercises is to mark these movements, get them, they brought it, installed it, hooked it up, felt it, managed it. well, while they were getting this and transporting it somewhere, in fact, suddenly the russians discovered that the same game can be played by two, because the americans
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also took and conducted these similar exercises, and the french also conducted these exercises, which is true, well, you you know, the americans didn't talk about it for two months, none of them told how they were doing, that it was rising somewhere, well, because apparently they don't have it. simply, such propagandists do not have such wild television, if, for example, they started such a thing to talk on cnn or on some french tv channels, well, it would look kind of wild and unreal, well , they just don’t have that kind of, you know, propaganda machine, that’s why they just quietly took it, brought it and in this way actually answered all these cries , screams and driving and to and fro some rockets. interestingly, after receiving information from us about the training of russian non-strategic nuclear forces, the americans also hurried to declare themselves in this subpoena. on may 14
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, at the nuclear test site in los alamos, nevada, they conducted a so-called subcritical explosion. subcritical is when the explosive detonates around the nuclear charge, but it is controlled. so, in order not to create a critical mass for... a chain reaction, the french go there, we were informed that last sunday a rafale fighter jet of the french navy carried out a test launch of a supersonic nuclear missile asmpa, with an empty warhead, in general, this is some backward thing, what more can be said, here for two years they ran and told how they would have some training there. carried out, dragged here and there, here so without noise, somehow they took it so quietly it was such a slap in the face and everything was done, it remains only to say that it was all delayed and the explosion
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was not there and was not carried out that way, and the wrong rocket was flying, it landed in the wrong place, well, what else can be said, well, really, well, there is no one there to tell about radioactive ash, no, no, not from the americans, not from the french, but everything is clear, well, on this background. and what remains in the end for the russian propagandists is to shout that this is probably already a hybrid third world war, well, in the end, what else can be said, because they have already been talking about the third world war for a year, it turned out that this is not the third world war, and when nato suddenly started doing something, here they were scared with screams, how nato will attack us, now it is a hybrid, it turns out to be the third world war, because suddenly it turns out that it can... a situation arises, when not only russia is shooting somewhere with its own with some iskanders and calibers, and all of a sudden all this can fly to russia, some similar things, that
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's why, despite all the training carried out, the hysteria continues. the hybrid third world war is gradually entering a hot phase. nato secretary general stoltenberg called on the alliance countries to lift all restrictions on... about our borders, the borders of russia of the 1991 model . and suddenly, you know, it's very interesting that against this background it became clear that what they have conquered in the last 10 years is somehow not the territory of russia at all, because, well, what would we talk about if... because now they
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they say, this is the real russia, which means it’s not russia at all, and that doesn’t count either, well , then for whom are all the talks about the fact that this is some kind of liberation of historical territories, if the historical territory turns out to be what the 91 , within the borders of the 91st year, everything else is it no non-russia, no non-russian territory, and it is not important at all, only ota, russia, is important. which is somewhere in the borders of 1991 and which seems like you can’t beat anyone and everything, and about which you can shout something there, and here are already shouts about how if something happens there, you know, they have also changed, because - now they are crying that they will strike nato countries. well, you know, of course i would like to look at it, eh, but the very fact that here i am...
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i have run out of possibilities, what else can be done to do, it’s interesting, now they are talking about how they will organize some sort of hybrid mutinies there, about the fact that they will give someone a weapon there, as if they are not doing this until now, as if all this time they have not organized mutinies in some countries, did not finance any subversive activities there, as if murders were not financed. the west , russia did all this and now they are threatening the west with the same thing they have been doing for the last 30 years, probably not 30 years, actually the last 100 years, well, you know, well, it's funny, just it's funny, because it's called being scared, what they were scared by, what they're already doing, if they think it's possible to strike deep into russia, then we still have the right to a symmetrical response to striking
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the concentration points of the movement of these weapons on the territory of nato. not only that, he says that it should not be in the air and on the ground, but we remember that american reconnaissance drones were circling over sochi, it is obvious that they are planning an attack. i'm asking for the 1500th time when we start shooting down all this flying bastard, what are we waiting for, now stoltenberg revealed an extraordinary secret to us, well, i think that the houthis are just lucky now, now they will have so many weapons for legitimate purposes, they have to defend themselves somehow. and of course, the people of new caledonia have every right to fight against france, the weapons that belong to them, the kayaks, are their weapons, and where they came from is a completely different question, and of course, how can we not tell about the fact that they will hit the nato headquarters somewhere,
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they will tell this story again. give, well well, let's listen, why not listen? of course, if stoltenberg says where to hit ukraine, we should also say where? in the event of a hypothetically possible exchange of nuclear strikes, what targets will we attack? well, for example, the new nato headquarters, and preferably on a day when everyone will be there. well, seriously, i would like to see what happens after that. this, i think that the russians would not like it very much, what will happen after that, well, and in the background of all this, what is actually at issue, it is only about intimidation, and what exactly intimidation, as the russians see it, seems to me to be very clearly explained in this evening club by solov'ov's madmen.


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