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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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since the plus years of independence , those ukrainians have been turned into independent people, and now it's hard to imagine what it's like to live in the soviet union, what's happening there now in the occupied territories, it's just a return to those times. mr. serhiy, thank you, serhiy lyshenko, a volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was with us, dear friends, at 8 am, which means that kateryna shirokopoist is coming with us and will talk about the news that happened recently . congratulations to olesya, congratulations to andria, already i will tell you about the successful work in a moment. ukrainian air defense at night and the new high-profile statement of the eu's chief diplomat josep borel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio for news time on the espressu tv channel. all but one of our ob' at night. the sky was destroyed over ukraine by 13
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out of 14 enemy shaheds, the air force reported. the occupiers launched drones from the primorsko-akhtarsk district. targets were shot down in the mykolaiv, kirovohrad and rivne regions. at least two people were killed and three others were injured due to enemy shelling of toretsk in donetsk region. three women were injured. all were hospitalized, the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin, said. in the evening, the russians dropped three guided aerial bombs on the city, targeting two high-rise buildings and an administrative building. meanwhile , the number of wounded from the attack on oleksiy vodruzkivka increased to seven, one more civilian was injured in virolyubivka of the kostyantynivka community. and in the kherson region , a 51-year-old man died due to enemy shelling. in the evening, the russian invaders stormed the village of havrylivka , beryslav district. it was reported.
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the head of the region oleksandr prokudin, other consequences of the russian strike are currently being clarified. satellite photos of the consequences of the airfield hit, aviation schools in occupied luhansk appeared in the photos released by radio freedom, visible traces of a large-scale fire, note that the place of fire is located to the north of the runway, on may 10 , parts of the nebo radar complex were located at the same location -m. it is designed to detect objects at medium and high altitudes. i will remind you, a series of loud explosions rang out in the temporary occupied luhansk on may 27. as reported by the head of the military administration of the region, artem lesogor, the infrastructure of the sturmaniv higher military aviation school and the aircraft repair plant, which is located nearby, were under attack. in the meantime , the espresso tv channel and...
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the irena koval charitable foundation are calling to join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th zsu brigade. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that are burning security and provide an opportunity to confidently go forward both during an assault and during reconnaissance. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. every hryvnia of yours is an important contribution to the support of defenders. on the front line in general, our goal is uah 2.5 million. invest in our victory. the first shells under the czech initiative will arrive in ukraine in the coming days. currently, 15 countries of the european union and nato have collected more than 1.6 billion euros for these needs. this was announced by prime minister denys shmehal. in in prague, he met with his czech colleague petr fiala, as well as with the prime ministers of latvia and denmark. of the irish and polish president andrzej
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duda, as well as the head of the ukrainian government emphasized the need for at least seven patriot systems and modern combat aircraft. shmygaal expressed hope that ukraine will start receiving the first f-16 fighter jets in the summer. in addition, the participants of the meeting discussed the issue of increasing the production of weapons and ammunition by the ukrainian industrial complex. about 90 from proceeds from frozen assets of the russian federation will be directed to the european peace fund for the supply of necessary weapons and military equipment to ukraine - said josep borel, a high representative of the diplomacy of the european union. at the same time, he noted that seven legal acts need to be adopted to allocate more than 6 billion euros. however , it is currently possible to do this, it is not possible only because european countries cannot reach a common decision. the united states, as
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before, does not support strikes on russian territory by american weapons, he said spokesman for the us state department. he emphasized that washington helps the ukrainian army with specific packages of weapons and is a leader in the coalition supporting the armed forces. the united states is also taking all measures to bring russia to justice. at the same time, the united states does not approve of strikes by allied weapons on the territory of erefia. instead, the french president supports the right of the ukrainian army to strike with western weapons. bases on the territory of russia, from which shelling of ukraine is conducted. this was stated by emmanuel macron during a joint meeting press conference with german chancellor olaf scholz in berlin. the french leader even took with him a map on which he clearly explained why the armed forces should respond with strikes
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on enemy territory. we support ukraine and do not want escalation, that has not changed. but how can we explain to ukrainians that it is not possible to hit the objects from which kharkiv is being shelled? we tell them: we supply you with weapons, but you cannot defend yourself. we must allow them to neutralize the military targets from which the missiles are fired, if we really we want to achieve our goal. to occupy consciousness in 2023, the russians created at least. 150 new mass media in the temporarily occupied territories, such data are summarized by experts, in particular, the reports of the roskomnad supervision testify about them. the newly created media are controlled by the russians to control the information space in the captured regions
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and promote russian narratives, among which the most common fakes are about russia's recovery of new regions, terror in ukraine and discrediting the armed forces of ukraine. not easy yes, russia has liberated you, it brings prosperity. at the same time, a different picture of ukraine is shown, that everything that is happening in ukraine, at the same time, it is all only destruction, chaos, terror of the civilian population, war, so to speak, to the last ukrainian, and in general ukraine will soon stop existence, so it is very good that you returned to russia, and also active propaganda works with narratives about... the army, well, the way the war is waged, so it is very important to show the ukrainian army as punishers, as militants, as terrorists. to counteract the invaders, the exhibition, unseen power, is coming to an end in the ukrainian house. the exposition on the fifth floor was dedicated
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to ukrainians who resist the russian occupation without violence. the organizers of the exhibition demonstrate the efforts of both individual citizens and entire groups on the occupied territories of the russian federation. the works depict various forms of resistance, including protest, building communities, preserving identity, and capturing the crimes of the kremlin in art. the exhibition can be visited until june 2. this is primarily to tell about reality occupation, about what people are facing and to restore the subjectivity of people in the occupied temporarily occupied territories, because we very often hear about the occupied territories, but we forget. about the fact that these are people, and these are our people, brave, even sometimes just, you know, desperate, people, well, if this is how they manifest their struggle, through there symbols, stickers, through inscriptions, first of all, they remind the world that
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there ukraine, and secondly, they remind ukrainians that our people are there. in prykarpattia , interesting leisure activities were organized for people with disabilities. in rehabilitation centers teach young people to embroider , weave and create beadwork. our carpathian colleagues also visited the workshops. they flow, draw, embroider. thus, in the ivano-frankivsk rehabilitation center, girls and boys with disabilities are engaged in creativity. most of the students' works decorate the walls of the institution. there are mosaics, beadwork, and drawings. about a hundred people visit the center every week. mrs. hanna comes with her daughter. they work together
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to create a hat on a special machine. our machine is so simple. and we on it, we knit from the hat and turn it by hand, it is not necessary here. electricity, nothing, there should be 160 circles and that's it, and then we tie it and it turns out a very nice hat, every time interesting master classes for young people are prepared by the head of the center. ms. maria says they like to get together and do something useful. finished products are donated to social institutions, boarding schools, or put up for auction. in the very near future, volunteers will be able to organize an auction and sell this painting on the internet in order to support our military, which, well, for what backs we are here. and people with disabilities realize their own. working in a so -called inclusive store, in this way they feel the value of their own talent and
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time spent, from prykarpattia ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk, espresso tv channel. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you at 10 o'clock. later, my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting for you on the air. don't switch.
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estoy morgen dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, i would like to remind you that we work for you in this studio today until 12 o'clock, and at this hour we traditionally remind you that we have a collection going on, the collection is huge, but i want you thank you, because yesterday you and i... we collected more than the day before yesterday, not much, by 1000 hryvnias,
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a small thing, but it is very nice, i thank you for responding, especially since i understand that the end of the month not everyone has received their salaries, salaries , pensions, there is nothing to contribute, however, i have thank you to all our viewers of the espresso tv channel, who care, who are scanning right now, because qr-codes appeared on the screens, scan card numbers under them and transfer their funds. the qr that is on top is the monobank qr code, the monobank card number is indicated below it, and the qr code below it is the privatbank qr code, and you can scan it if you have the privat-24 application on your phone , find the scanner function there, click on it, such a frame appears, and now you are pointing this frame at the corresponding box, or write down the card number, it is indicated. just under the qr code, don't be late, take a picture of the screen and then tell yourself as much as you can. i
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remind you that it does not have to be huge amounts, but these amounts must be daily, and that more people will transfer 10, 20 uah, 15, whoever has how much, someone can give more, please do not hold back, but our defenders from the 93rd crimean mechanized brigade of kholodny yar will receive atvs as soon as possible, and these atvs will save their lives. in a double way, because on quad bikes they will be able to evacuate them from the battlefield and on quad bikes they will be able to deliver ammunition to those who are defending us now, dear friends, yesterday we collected 47 00, not bad, we are moving on, very soon we will have one of the cards on already a million, by the way, for this morning, even before i reminded that we have a collection, one of our viewers just like that without reminders saw a qr-code right here in the corner, do you remember? so it happened, yes, that unexpectedly, the early birds have already donated, so we are in favor
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today they also collected some money, and i can already see that it is already falling into that monobank account, because i can track it faster, then i will have a summary on the private card, there were 297 thousand there yesterday, well, we have 944 thousand in the monobank , so there are some... 50 or so thousand uah separates us from 1 million on one of the cards, and in general we need as much as 4 million, so please do not delay and convey what... you can convey for our defenders, they need our help, and i will remind you that we have already started collecting the second million, and this accordingly, it will be half of the amount we need. the muskals shout that ukraine used western weapons to strike on russian territory, unfortunately, not yet on moscow, of course, but on the krasnodar region,
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and supposedly, ugh, they could strike there. whether it's true or not, we'll find out, we'll have our military expert, i don't know what happened there, i don't know, there's not much information so far, to be honest, here, well, i also said that it's a very interesting investigation, by the way, it came out in ukrainian the truth, which is so interesting for us as journalists, about roman kravets, angelina strashokulych, about how the president's office took control of the state agency ukrinform, here is the well-known oleksiy, also known as losha matsuk, who was appointed as this director and there, well, it's really interesting to read how it all happened, they fired all the disloyal people, brought in their own people, people from the president's office, introduced prisons, that is,
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when you just had to fulfill all the requests and requests of the informants. the president's office, for example, was not allowed there publish nothing about naev, for example, when they wanted to fire him, any information, i understand that the same applied to valery zaluzhny, he can easily assume that, in a word, just the triumph of democracy, the only marathon continues and continues and develops, no only on tv channels, dear friends, so... we have our next guest already on the phone, we will talk about the situation in sumy oblast, and not just there, yuriy zerko, the head of bilopolsk otg is already with us, mr. yuriy, congratulations , yes, congratulations to all, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, how did this night pass and this morning , bilopil is constantly under russian
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fire, tell us, mr. yury, about yesterday and this night in general. let's say so, it's quiet, it hasn't been like that for a long time, that er, well , the intensity of shelling has decreased dramatically in recent days, if we had, let's say, a few dozen parishes per day, then literally up to two dozen, that's what we had yesterday in the community , but in the city, thank god , there was nothing yesterday either, the last thing that happened was this the day before yesterday, a small shelling, when these active rockets flew in the center of the city and... destroyed many of our engineering infrastructure. and what about the enemy, what is the mood in sumy oblast? probably what everyone is thinking now, because whether a russian breakthrough is possible or impossible, omirav said about it, that the russians are preparing for a breakthrough and it may happen in the near future, that you know what
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they tell you, that you know about such pro gathering of russians and so on, people should be ready, people... should know the truth or not? well of course, people should know the truth, but people's mood is such that where can they get good tomato seedlings now, because it's time to plant and potatoes need to be wrapped, that's right, because you know, everyone is already tired of these constant rumors , there will be an attack, there will be no attack, that is, for a certain day , everyone is preparing there, someone leaves, then later it does not go astray, people come, that is, well, either a good mood or a bad one, let's just say it. has it already shown any indifference or is it just so-so no, this is not indifference, this is not indifference, people perfectly understand that autumn will come, we will have to say something, yes, it should be closed and preserved , but in the sense that people keep their finger on the pulse, that is, we understand that if god forbid there will be, well, something will happen, then this will be
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preceded by massive artillery fire and this will be a conditional sign of something bad there. uh, that's why people see that it's quiet, they see that it's normal, that means they're doing farming, doing their own business, of course they're in trouble, but at the same time they're fully monitoring the situation, that is, people it's just that people in our situation are already used to living in such conditions, and they roughly understand what and how where is happening, what, well, and also people have their own information, their own sources of information, of course, well, except fortune-tellers. torota and others, that is, they have information that there is not such a large crowd on that side, which would allow somewhere there to quickly try to enter this territory, because it is uh... well then it was not, let's say, then, if this it was possible for them to have such an easy walk, now it will clearly not be, especially in our country beilopilschi. in addition to the fact that people are engaged
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in gardening and reading some predictions about what will happen with the russian offensive, and whether it will affect sumy oblast, people in sumy oblast also find the remains of active rockets in their gardens, this is something new that the russians are firing with, do you have what about this well, i 'll tell you, now it's not that in the gardens, in any place where you go, whether it's a street, whether it's a central square, whether it's a house, someone finds himself there on the roof, on the roof, someone in himself near in the yard, near the car, near store, sometimes near the store there were debris that, for example, weighed 4-5 kg, well , hail flew near my house, it also damaged, let's say, a wall. the same fragment of the house where i live, but the icon icon stopped this fragment, you know, it was really like that, it was a small miracle, so
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these are all ordinary awards and awards can be found in anything, even fragments of glass or broken or split trees there , for example, from blows, whether it is metal fragments, whether it is shrapnel, that is, now it is difficult to say what is possible. what can't be found here on the streets of the city, usb plates, i understand that usb plates are now a running commodity in sumy oblast, well, we understand that yasby plates are very running, which are constantly missing, similarly there is always a cipher missing, we understand that because the roofs all are broken, but we also understand that a raft cannot save something even from an ordinary breakage, it just closes it, well... if, say, there is no film or a plastic window, then it is usually closed with a raft, but if it is wooden the window is covered with a film, that is, it is simply closed from the rain, closed there
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maybe from some non-elements that should not enter the house there, are there those people who are not waiting for the fact that now it is spring, summer, there are some works in... the gardens, they have already waved their hands at it to their garden and still decided to evacuate, well , there are a lot of such people, if i think that probably 80-75 percent have already left for people's places, that is, there are streets that are practically empty, there are five-story buildings, where out of 70 apartments, for example, there are only two or three or four apartments where people still live, that is the majority of people listened, and i already say on all the broadcasts that... they don't listen there linguistically when we call on people, well, to evacuate temporarily, but people listen, make decisions based on what they see,
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that, that they also hear what comes to them, god forbid there or behind or somewhere near the house, that is, a person sees that the situation is really very difficult, that the situation, well, they cannot influence this situation, on their own, that is, the best way out - is to leave this city in order to... protect yourself and your relatives, because there is not a single safe area in the city or practically any area where there are no attacks, that is, it does not matter whether it is shakets, or it is fabs, or it is hail, or it is artillery, these active shells, that is, it can be anything , whatever and whenever, it could be at night, it could be in the evening, so there's no specific algorithm so that we can, say, know, well, sometime, you know, in the 22nd year. it was monday, every monday we understood that these were cadets somewhere from rylsk coming, taking tests, and there it was like our fathers, for a few hours they they were shooting around the city, that is, every monday
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with such a group, they somehow understood what was happening, and now everyone is training, and this includes aviation and helicopters, because essays and the whole world are already connected here, what is the way out in the end for the region , for your community? repeat, sweetie, what is the way out, that is, how, how to live on, how, how will it be after, if the war continues for a long time? well, look, if the security factor allows, that is, that there will not be constant such massive shelling, of course, that people will partially return, will live, we are so we will be able to provide people with decent living conditions, because at the moment we have very big problems. pension rate, because you don't do post office, you don't do new post office there, uh, there are many social services or other ee there who left, uh, then, well...
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many shops closed, thank god, some pharmacies are open , some shops, i.e. basic goods can be bought, but of course there is not as much variety as there was before, so that people can buy, i.e. there are certain inconveniences, similarly we understand that there are certain inconveniences with transport connections, and with the same sums, for example, are the timetables for kyiv now changing, becoming less convenient and, well, less convenient for citizens, but in any case, well... we, we are strong people, like all ukrainians, i think that we will survive it with dignity and then rebuild. mr. yuriy, thank you for the conversation, yuriy zerko, the head of bilopolska otg, was with us, we talked a little about how the community lives in sumy oblast, which is constantly under russian shelling, now we are going to take a short break, thank you, almost 10,00 added for this
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conversation, actually. to our assembly for atvs, who hasn't made it yet, scan the qr code, we will continue to talk with military andrii otchenash, commander of the crew of the kara nebesna unmanned aerial vehicles of the fourth operational brigade of the rubizh national guard of ukraine, stay with us. fm: galicia. listen to yours. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. what is bahmud? bahmud
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is a place of fear. and the place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not lack of fear, bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end, our dnibra, children born in the era of independence, who are they, there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, these are boys, who never cry lem. mom, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. champions league final only on mego. europe slowed down
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a breather before the main match of the season. will real madrid end the tale of borussia with lunin in goal? find out june 1 at 10 p.m. exclusively on mine. haven't you seen the classic underpants or something? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? tractor in the field dir-dir. so why are we for peace? i remember bitergin. the morning will be without a hangover. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the ship district, kherson, live inclusion.
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bakhmut, let's tell you the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey in... repent and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys.


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