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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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then the inclusion is live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing: weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion on the evil of the day... with the help of a phone survey turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. pick up the wounded on time from the battlefield - it means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. on this atv war is the best
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solution for evacuating the wounded from the ground up. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yat. we are coming back, dear friends, and andrii our father, the crew commander of the kara nebesna unmanned aerial vehicles of the fourth brigade of the operational frontier assignment. national guard ukraine is already with us. mr. andriy, we congratulate you. good morning, studio. good morning , tv viewers, mr. andriy, you don't have light, or it's just such a location, we will have it now, i hope it will, yes, how are you doing now, the situation is great, relatively speaking, it's already the 10th in the dugout day, that's why even without the light, i get used to it, that's why i didn't even notice that it wasn't there at first, but you see, but... tell me, you say
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the 10th day in the dugout, tell me how to live for 10 days in the dugout for our viewers, for which war is far away, and some may have already learned to live without it, in fact, it's hard to explain because i'm probably just used to such conditions, here, but if you compare them to an ordinary standard civilian. life, there is an extreme lack of light, uh, due to the fact that you are constantly now in the dugouts for one simple reason, there are helicopters constantly flying around you, artillery shells are constantly flying around you, and you learn to get used to those conditions in order to be of maximum benefit and at the same time survive because after all, war is a place where no one wants to, sorry, kiss your butt, and the enemy wants to... destroy you, so accordingly
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you look for any opportunity to be as safe as possible, but at the same time bring the most the highest coefficient of effectiveness, so the actual first period of time was definitely difficult, due to the fact that it is quite difficult to be underground on a permanent basis, but nevertheless in the long run you get used to it, and plus it all depends on how well you prepare yourself positions how much you yourself... arrange everything around, you know, at the beginning of the war, everyone said that being a uav operator is safer than other professions, but i understand that in fact it is not true at all, at the beginning of the war it was generally as much as possible dangerous, due to the fact that we did not use different types of protection against electronic warfare systems at that time, which could find the exact location of the pilot and the exact location of the copter, respectively,
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as soon as they saw you, everything flew there immediately, absolutely everything flew there, that everything what will be replaced, we had a situation when we took off, and after literally a few minutes, tank shells, cartridges, etc. came flying at us, and that was two or three people at a time, when they tried to use cluster ammunition in large quantities against the accumulation of infantry, then just three people flew at us, so it was dangerous enough, they regretted it. unmanned aerial vehicle operators would not regret anything, the muscovites did not blame you absolutely and absolutely did not regret it, and we also have losses among operators among the fighters of the frontier brigade because of this, that's because it's enough a priority target, this is a target that can carry three types of danger, it is firstly to adjust the artillery, which is very important, secondly, to carry out reconnaissance, thirdly, to carry out direct destruction of the enemy, so eh...
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pilots of unmanned aerial systems - these are individuals who bring a sufficiently powerful benefit to any brigades, so we fighters of the border brigade, as pilots, gave very good results, respectively. the enemy tried to destroy us by any means, mr. andriy, you say that muscovites do not spare all kinds of shells, any weapons, just to destroy you, i will ask the ukrainians, who are now watching our conversation with you, not to spare money, because i know that you are constantly raising money, and now you have an assembly for mavics and fpv drones, and the goal is not small, 3 million uah do you feel a decline in the support of ukrainians now, how is the money coming in, because we are also conducting a collection, and this week i note, i can compare with my previous working week, that people can donate much less. in fact, everything
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is very situational, and you need to understand that people will donate the most when they start receiving salaries, etc., but two years of the war and... of course, everyone is very tired of the war, of course, the financial capacity of ukrainians during the war, it decreases a lot, but nevertheless, they continue to close the meetings, no matter what, ukrainians continue to be united and continue to help each other, because everyone, i think, every conscious ukrainian, every conscious citizen understands the intrinsic value of these donations, the intrinsic value of these meetings, that's why the meetings close sooner or later, and i i want thank you... to everyone who joins this meeting here, i want to thank you for always posting this meeting because it is extremely valuable, it helps us to defend our land, destroy the enemy and at the same time stay alive and intact, that's why i still look at this thing more positively,
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through the prism of the fact that the war has been going on for two years, and so it is possible that someone will donate a little less, but nevertheless, donations continue to gather, meetings are closed and this is great, but there is another side here these... yesterday i i read a post yesterday or the day before yesterday, a post by a comedian, who is also an iitian, who is also a volunteer and who supplies the front with banderomobiles, these are the kind of jeeps that they equip with special turrets so that bullets don't take them, and he says that actually these cars he... receives money, a lot of money from abroad for these cars, very often foreigners bring these cars themselves, because for them to come to ukraine, for example, somewhere there in uzhgorod, conditional or lviv, is almost already to visit front, for these foreigners, but nevertheless, people will notice, they are somehow there they are activated abroad, they are reminded
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that there is a war here, it is clear that those foreign people have more money, more opportunities to make money than we have, but he says that he recently sent several cars to the front. and the volunteers who drove these cars, it is clear that they were men, they are already in the army, and how to drive, they started commenting to him there, saying that maybe women would drive, someone, i saw a comment from a man that after a heart attack and i would drive the car, but i think it's better not to drive the car to some quiet town or the village, this is to the front, accordingly, this man may have a second heart attack, and for a woman it is not quite either. safe, there is also another issue when people quit, men quit their jobs, fearing that they might end up at the front, and when they quit their jobs, they don't get paid and they can't support or they can't support their families, which someone from
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that family transferred donations, and i am afraid that if we have here, when we want to collect money to help our army, we will not also have a slack because of it. in fact, fear has big eyes and you need to understand that a very big role in all this is played by the russian pso, which spends millions of dollars in order to create a kind of heartbreakingly terrible image of everything that is happening in ukraine, and it is obvious that the war, it is cruel enough , it is obvious that the war, it forces you to change your plans, adjustments, etc., especially since now there is a law on mobilization, which is extremely necessary, at least in order to somehow provide both the fighters of the frontier brigade and the fighters of other units of the defense forces ukraine's personnel, and this is extremely necessary so that, in principle, the front does not fall, it is necessary to understand that volunteering
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in any form should continue, and you should not be afraid to go to the front-line towns. due to the fact that, for example, when we are in front-line towns, for example, such as slovyansk, kramatorsk, druzhkivka, etc., these are quite lively, beautiful cities that have both cafes and restaurants. working and absolutely the entire infrastructure is working, at the same time it is quite safe and quite calm there, although the front is 30, 30 km away, that is because we, the fighters of the rubizh brigade and all the fighters of the defense forces of ukraine, are doing everything possible and impossible so that these cities, even the front-line cities, feel at least partially safe, as it was before the war, although it is, of course, very difficult to do, that is why it is necessary to inform and... again , it is necessary to understand that sooner or later
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a huge number of people will have to join the defense forces of ukraine, of course, not all will fight, but those who are sure that will not fight, those who have some kind of armor, those who have some health problems, they have to help the army, and those who understand that they can be mobilized, they just have to mentally prepare for it, because defending our land is simple a banal duty to keep our families, our families safe, so... you don't exactly need to hide, you don't exactly need to quit your job somehow in order to have money and feel just frankly at the level of a bum , ee only because you are afraid that you will be pawned, conditionally saying, to defend one's country, to defend one 's family, here it is necessary to change values ​​and to change some guidelines, due to the fact that, in my opinion, the life of my family, the life of my family is much more important than at that time. which i will spend eh in the army without conditionally any
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benefits, living, for example, underground, eh, if it worked like you say that people who have armor or have health problems, then they are included in volunteering, and other people who have health, they go and defend themselves, but practice shows, for example, i once lived in such a building where there were many pensioners, where there were some unemployed people, and they lived in this building in an apartment building. a multi-storey building, and everything was fine with them, and i came after work, took a brush and paint in my hands and painted the doors of the elevators, because they were described and described, washed them and so on, and so and so these unemployed neighbors, pensioners, came past me, some teenagers, and they said, my god, how beautiful, but no one picked up a brush and paint, that's why there are people in whom it somehow resonates, they don't... they really do something, and there are people who just they are waiting for it, when someone brought it to them on a plate with a little dove, as
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our neighbors say, unfortunately, yes, that is why there are actually such tools and coercion, as well as encouragement, surely that is how it is, mr. andriy, thank you very much for the conversation and thank you very much for your business, i would like to remind you that mr. andriy has actually been in this war for 10 years. 10 years, well, with breaks, but since the 14th year, since november 14th, since the 14th year, and this is actually a very, very big example for everyone. let's show our viewers what qr code once again, you can thank mr. andriy for what he has been doing for 10 years, not the first year of his life, thank him and thank his fellow citizens. 10 years of life in the war and the 10th day in the dugout, this is andriy otchynash, the commander of the crew of the kara
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nebesna unmanned aerial vehicles of the fourth operational brigade , successfully guarding your guard now and give it a little rest, thank you all, friends, let's take a break, we'll come back and next, we will talk about the situation at the front with our expert, military serhiy zgurets, stay with by us in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. learn how to prevent the enemy from discording us. in the special topic about demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov. corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens. interesting stories and quality analytics. with kraina, in the center of the main events. buy at press outlets. do it. i remember, the morning will be without a hangover, camera, your country is located in
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the region where during the great patriotic war the standing leg of a soviet soldier, we are not from this region, we will not leave. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on fenstyl 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. with faith in the future, persevering, every day. we strive to win and realize our dreams, overcome difficulties and obstacles to forge our victory. this is exactly what the films of the rivne
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international film festival city of dreams from june 5 to 8 in rivne, hall. chamber and organ music, come and watch ukrainian and foreign feature films and documentaries. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on dolgit cream 150 g, 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshkad. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and... the living world, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many , as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. hello, how are you there, it’s okay, slowly, they
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gave us nine new tanks, guess what, we’re now in... video communication, i ’ll give you a tour, come on, we ’ll be here for another two weeks , i'll take you for a ride, and not only on a tank, right here near the station in grohivka, i'll tell you that you're going to a student, well , yes, student, that's my callsign, right here near the station in grohivka, i'll tell you that you're going to a student you will be missed, nine there where. yes thundercloud, thundercloud, here, student, student, today you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy hears, be careful.
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dear friends, we are returning to the ether, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work for you in this studio, now serhiy zgurts, a military expert and director of the defense express publication, will talk about the situation at the front, mr. serhiy, we welcome you, good morning, congratulations i congratulate you, our viewers, mr. serhiy, i read that one of the experts mykhailo samus writes that in fact the russians have already reached... that distance in in the kharkiv region, where they can fire artillery just around the city, just eat them, they cannot deploy this artillery now because of the fear of losing their own guns, well, in principle, we have a lot of evidence that kharkiv suffers a lot from shelling, what are the prospects now?
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well, in fact, when we talk about such simple technical characteristics, we understand that... now there are from liptsi to kharkiv in the shortest sections there within 21 km and there are indeed samples of artillery that russia can bring there with a range of up to 25 km there and use the artillery to strike at kharkiv, but we understand that russia has had the opportunity to strike this city of a million people using the volley fire systems there. in particular, the smerch system there has a range of 120 km, we can mention guided aerial bombs, cruise missiles, so in any case here, relatively speaking, the threat to kharkiv existed even before russia launched this offensive there the northern direction of our border. in
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in any case, we now understand that russia will continue these actions in the direction of vovchansk and liptsi beyond... without the enemy's advance being stopped there, we know that our additional forces have been transferred, even in vovchansk we thought that the line of defense passed there there along the vovcha river, and the enemy is in the northern part, but we see a video where, relatively speaking, while the fighting was going on in the northern part of vovchansk itself, the enemy pulled up these tos flamethrower systems there, and we saw a video where he strikes just right in the northern part, that is, it says that our units hold plots in the northern part as well. rivers of watch. in any case, we now expect that the enemy will not abandon these plans to create a threat in the northern direction. maybe there is certain. group and the enemy will continue these attempts to advance in this direction, creating conditions for approaching kharkiv, but in any case we will repeat that
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the enemy's efforts to capture this city are not enough, but in any case these approaches are connected with the diversion of our forces from other directions, our reserves are one way or another on the enemy's goal, so that this direction remains difficult, like all other directions of hostilities, now we have eight directions there and for each . of them , the enemy is trying to push through, using this inertia of a situation where we had a limited capacity in ammunition, and now this situation is slowly starting to improve, but not as quickly as we would like. you know, yesterday there was information that belgium can transfer tens for us of their f16s, as far as this being a newer model, i understand that they went through a program, what 's it called, mid life, something there, something there for the f-16, but... is it, well, how much is it, how cool is this news? well, this news has both positive and negative sides, the positive sides are that, in principle, belgium has finally announced
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the number of f-16 aircraft that will be transferred to ukraine, that is, there the belgian prime minister said that 30 will be transferred f-16 aircraft, if you count together, which were promised by the netherlands and denmark and norway, then in general... 85 f-16 aircraft should be transferred to ukraine, if we take all four countries and 30 aircraft from belgium, this is just a large part of this potential arsenal, but - the first aircraft will be transferred this year - said belgium , i don't rule out that given the various political, military statements out there, these planes could be the first to appear in... as early as next month, given the number of announcements out there regarding pilot training and expectations and so on, but in any in the event that i was nervous again there, as usual,
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this is conventionally speaking, belgium is starting to talk about the fact that such non-there targets should be used to destroy enemy targets there in the airspace of the russian federation, that is, belgium is talking about precisely these restrictions, which are actually annoying, that is, not... the use of western equipment by, by objects that are on the territory of the russian federation, then in fact, even if we get there long-range missiles or other samples that we can, let's say, use in symbiosis with these platforms, which are airplanes f-16, these political restrictions actually, well , significantly limit the potential of the weapons that are transferred to us, and yesterday, by the way, well, the spokesman of the pentagon, rather the us national security council, yesterday, well, jim kirby repeated these theses, what is the essence of the fact that the approaches of the american
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side remain unchanged regarding the possibility of using american weapons there to strike russian objects deep in russian territory, this is precisely the component that is now so politically sensitive in view of our real reality, it does not take into account exactly the advantages of the enemy. which are created at the expense of those in red or some other lines that our partners have drawn for themselves. uh, the telegramgrapher writes that ukraine’s allies are asking zelenskyi to put pressure on zelenskyi so that he stops pressuring, respectively, some nato members and representatives, so as not to demand the impossible, i quote, namely, that at the next this year's summits... gave ukraine its own invitation to join the alliance? yes, i saw this post, i believe it is real
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this is, well, an alarming signal, because, relatively speaking, only clear, temporary indicators of ukraine's accession to nato are one of the important ways of ensuring our security, because our security can be guaranteed by full participation in... the alliance and these current security agreements, which are now being signed by the president of ukraine, they are, let's say, an intermediate step, where the partner countries pledge to support us, but when it comes to its real threats, real hostilities, in short, none of these countries does not take on the partner ones the risks that exist in the format of full-fledged participation of ukraine in the north atlantic alliance, so i think that these discussions should still be ... continue to raise them, i am not sure that the ukrainian side is unlikely to give up insisting on these completely logical goals, and on the other hand
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european. partners must understand, and as i see, they do not yet understand that the results of hostilities on the territory of ukraine, conducted by the russian federation, are what create systemic risks for the whole of europe and nato, it cannot be the case that, relatively speaking, all will end in a war on the territory of ukraine, if there is no help, there will be no adequate guarantees, then these systemic risks will spill over into europe, and one way or another, europeans will have to fight with much less dedication than it does. today , the ukrainian defense forces and the ukrainian ukrainian people, and also the associated afp frances reports that ukraine has allegedly used western long-range weapons more than once to attack russia, in particular in the krasnodar territory, now there is a lot of talk in russia about this topic, or it may be true, or is it such a thing, well, when we talk about long-range weapons, we know
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that we have... drones that are actively used there at a distance of up to 1,800 km, there are s200 systems that are used for strikes on to russian facilities and on the ground, in the air, we know the situation regarding the destruction of a50 aircraft there, but here these publications are rather related to the context of the use of patriot systems, because it echoes the publications in bild, where it is mentioned that after of how it was with the help of patriots a number of russian ... planes were destroyed there in the airspace of the russian federation, we remember this story there last year, when two fighters, three helicopters were destroyed there, at the expense of the patriot, and then bild, as bild writes, from the side there the american and german sides sounded harsh warnings to the ukrainians that missiles would not be transferred to the patriots if ukraine continued this tactic of using western to...
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aid, in particular the petriv complexes, so now, relatively speaking, these discussions extremely interesting, because we know that now ukraine is insisting, there it is preparing proposals, by the way, for the same nato summit, where it is proposed that european countries, in particular, take control or the possibility of using their air defense equipment to cover against enemy attacks part of the territory of ukraine, most importantly... it probably concerns western ukraine, adjacent to poland, where, relatively speaking, it is possible to cover our areas with complexes of patriots, because this will allow part of our air defense to be transferred to more critical directions, where we lack means of air defense, and all these discussions are related to the advancement to nato, and about the use of western aid and about not using the patriots, they actually now
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bring to the fore the issue of, shall we say, greater, greater understanding with our partners, because in addition to the transfer of western aid, we see that many discussions are taking place at the level where our european partners are trying to somehow distance themselves from those systemic, large-scale threats that ukraine faces, and in the future, all of europe. well thank you very much, mr. serhiy, for this conversation, serhiy zgurets was with us, a military expert and director of the defense express company, well... and we are approaching the national moment of silence. at 9:00 a.m., i will remind you that we remember all of ukraine those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression, and that there would be fewer such victims of the russian war against ukraine, dear friends, we remind you that our collection is ongoing, join in with your hryvnias, transfer them for our defenders, because it is they who defend us and their lives are important, and they protect our lives, so write them down.
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the card number is here the qr code is here in the meantime let's remember everyone with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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