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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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it is they who defend us and their lives are important, they protect our lives, so write down the card number, here is the qr-code here, in the meantime, let's remember everyone with a minute of silence, let's honor with a minute of silence the memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war, which is... and russia unleashed.
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the armed forces of ukraine are advancing in the north of kharkiv region, how are russian forces fighting for the lipetsk, who controls the settlement, what are the effects of security agreements? which zelensky so actively signs, or from them such an effect as from budapest memorandum: the exchange rate of the hryvnia, why it is cheaper, how will it affect the wallets of ukrainians, and will the government raise electricity prices and when? this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. and we start our broadcast with the situation at the front. the armed forces are advancing in the north of kharkiv oblast, and whether this is so, what is the situation there, we will talk further. so, the military has restored some positions
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in the north of kharkiv region, the american institute for the study of war reports, in particular at one of the russian bridgeheads on in the area of ​​the front in the area of ​​the village of liptsi, to the north of it, ukrainian forces took up positions along the wind protection strip, as analysts say, this is evidenced by the video published the day before by the national guard of ukraine. it shows how soldiers from the charter brigade , under fire, evacuate a wounded comrade along a strip of trees in a field. he noted that a day earlier. the american institute for the study of war also reported a slight advance of the armed forces in the fields north of liptsi. instead, in the russian ministry defense forces say that their forces are advancing deep into the territory in the north of kharkiv oblast. and the general staff of ukraine reported on the day before the battles near lybtsi and vovchansk. it is known from the reports that, in addition to other weapons, the russian military actively uses guided aerial bombs on both bridgeheads. marine corps. from the 36th
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separate brigade showed a video of the evacuation of residents from vovchansk, in which fighting is currently taking place, a group of nine senior people tried to get out on their own to the controlled zsu territory, the ukrainian military noticed them and escorted them with the help of a copter, and then met them and helped them recover in every possible way. people tell the horrific details of what they managed to survive.
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she was injured, some of the people who came out took her to the hospital with difficulty, they provided assistance, the medical staff provided the necessary assistance, one of the others is still in place, resting, well , on the 10th, in the basement, well, from the 10th, in the basement , no light, no water. animals,
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and then towards the end they set fire to the house, with us people with disabilities, three, injured. wounded, they killed their best friend with a drone, and where to bury them, we dug a hole, a garage, petya, because it's nerves, you don't need it. joining our broadcast is major mykhailo gologurskyi, callsign may, commander of the fifth operational battalion of the spartan brigade, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining, congratulations, good morning, tell us what the situation is in liptsiy, as of this morning, tell us about what positions are occupied by
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the armed forces of ukraine? yes, i understand that we are having a little difficulty with... net, i am i would like to remind you that we are adding mykhailo gologursky with the call sign mike to the broadcast, he is the commander of the fifth battalion of the operational assignment of the spartan brigade. now we will talk about the situation in the north of kharkiv region, as it is in the settlement of liptsi, in particular, and what is happening there. a guest returns to us. i hope you can hear the question now. tell us what the situation is like in liptsiy, and as of this morning, what positions they are occupying. of ukraine and is this settlement completely under the control of the armed forces of ukraine? under the control of the armed forces forces the positions are located on the northern outskirts of the settlement, and on the more
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eastern ones. can you tell me how and with what they are trying to advance. the russian military, how powerful are the russian groups there? well, they are constantly trying to advance in small tactical groups on foot, they don't use the technique at the moment, they are covered by artillery fire and they try to advance in marching order, but at this point in the last few weeks their advance has been stopped and they have lost ground by.. . in this period there was no, we are only moving forward, and these tactical groups of russian forces, how many are there, how many people are in this group, and do you understand how experienced these military are from the russian side? well, the groups are different, there
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are groups of about eight people each, they are experienced, trained, they are not mobs, so-called, but this... you see, we are talking to a military man who is currently in kharkiv oblast, and it is clear , that communication cannot always be guaranteed, nevertheless it is really important for us in this broadcast to find out what the situation is at the front, and in in any of our broadcasts , it is important for us to keep our finger on the pulse and understand what is happening during the russian... front, thanks to which, i don’t know, columnists, some programs, and what do you watch, who do you read, what do you listen to in order to understand
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what is happening during the russian-ukrainian war specifically there in the directions, if it interests you, write in the comments under our broadcast, and then on the air. i hope we will reconnect and talk with our guest, i will remind you that this is major mykhailo gologurskyi, his call sign is mike and he is the commander of the fifth battalion of the operational assignment of the spartan brigade, you are back, mykhailo, i understand that the internet is not very kind, but i thank you for joining, if possible, tell me about the peculiarity and the connection with the russian military, what are their tactics there, that is, they a... let these tactical operational groups there, what is their goal to gain a foothold, how dangerous it is for these the russian military, which, as i understand it, without special means there, they just go there on foot or go out to seize some areas, they go out on foot,
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their delivery is carried out with the help of loaves and these chinese golf hacks, but they are in a hurry about. and do you understand how many russian troops there are in this direction, how many are there? well, to be honest, i don’t really have such information, but i feel that there is a lot, a lot, because the enemy is constantly conducting assaults, they are constantly going, dying and they are followed by new ones, so there were quite a few of them here, well, in one of the broadcasts, you in... generally said that it is the impression that they do not end, well, yes, yes, it is really so, it
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will, well, it looks like as without an endless game, that is, they just go without stopping, no, well, with stops, when they suffer heavy losses, they are probably regrouping, and they are asking to do something new, but there is nothing new for us, so we are ready.. . for any scenario and enemy and always ready. tell us about the means by which russian works the army is in your direction. as i understand it, drones are actively being used on a massive scale, which is still in the area. calibers, use them. air bombs are guided and
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so on. mlrs, that is, all calibers, everything that the russian federation has, it uses everything. thank you for joining us, and although the connection is not very good, we were able to hear the main thing from you. thank you. major mykhailo hologurskyi, plaintiff, commander of the fifth operational battalion of the spartan brigade, and we talked about the military situation in the north of kharkiv region. and now to those you know, global political issues, ukraine will receive the belgian f-16 by the end of this year, this was recorded in the security agreement signed the day before by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and the prime minister of belgium alexander decro, the exact number of fighters that kyiv will receive this year is unknown, but so by 2028, brussels will give 30 aircraft to ukraine, will ukraine be able to use them for strikes? on the territory of russia and how these discussions are gaining momentum, radio liberty correspondent in the eu, zoryana stepanenko knows
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all details volodymyr zelenskyi was expected in brussels earlier, but these plans were slightly shifted due to the escalation at the front. belgium became the 11th country with which ukraine signed a security agreement. the document fixes the amount of assistance from brussels both in the distant and near future. during this year, kyiv can count on at least 977 million euros of military aid to ukraine in 2024 will also go to the belgian f-16. zelenskyi had the opportunity to visit the airbase where the planes are currently parked. belgium is updating its aircraft fleet with more modern equipment generation of american fighters, and as part of the modernization, 30 out of 45 f-16s are given to ukraine. their transfer will be completed by 2028, how many of these aircraft will strengthen the air power of ukraine already this year. the belgian government did not specify. in this agreement, we focus
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on what your military needs to protect its population. that means air defenses, artillery, armored vehicles, and of course, the f-16s we 've talked about in the past. these f-16 aircraft will be provided to ukraine as soon as possible. everything included in the agreement is provided for use by the defense forces of ukraine on the territory of ukraine. geography of the use of belgian. fighter jets, prime minister droo outlined against the background of the discussions surrounding the conditions for the use of western weapons, under which circumstances belgium would change its own, rfe /rl clarified with the head of its government, however, alexander de croo only repeated that the use of belgian f-16s is limited to the territory of ukraine . this position is radically different from that of brussels' partner in the aviation coalition, the netherlands. the government there supports greater freedom of action for ukrainian forces and. expects this from other governments. ukraine is waging a defensive war, and
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as long as it is guided by self-defense and the restoration of the country's territorial integrity in accordance with international humanitarian law, it is quite acceptable that they can strike targets in russia. from my point of view this should not be a subject of debate, hopefully other countries with a different position will change it. secretary general stoltenberg calls on allies to allow ukraine to strike targets in russia. the day before, stoltenberg raised this issue again. meeting with defense ministers of the eu countries in brussels, convinced them that ukraine's attacks on russia with western weapons do not involve nato in the war, because he considers it within the limits of kyiv's right to self-defense. summarizing the discussions, the head of european diplomacy reminded that the conditions for the use of weapons are determined by the state that shares them, and no one can force it to act in one way or another.
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burel said that there are countries inclined to relax the restrictions, to name which ones, or generally theirs. the number did not become, he noted that the process of making these decisions is ongoing. volodymyr zelenskyi in brussels reminded again that ukraine saw the concentration of enemy troops near kharkiv oblast and could not do anything due to the rules for the use of weapons from the west. they hit the same kharkiv just on people. you saw the construction hypermarket, people were just killed, children were cut to pieces, people were blown up. you cannot answer them with anything. even already you see the points, even from the development, you get maps, satellite images, you see where they stand, but you can't answer them. i think it's unfair. is there progress in the negotiations? with partners regarding the use of their weapons by ukraine. we inquired the day before from volodymyr zelenskyi, who a few weeks ago spoke about the lack of positives in this
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direction. now the ukrainian president is sure that he will see it as from some partners, whom he did not say. and thanks to the ukrainian production of weapons, which is already reaching targets in the russian hinterland. zoryan stepanenko, marek hajduk, radio liberty from brsel. the ukrainian army at least once used the petrio system delivered from germany for independent actions. such data is provided by the pild publication. however, they do not specify which targets were hit and where. however, as columnist julian ryobki notes, berlin and washington allegedly threatened kyiv to stop supplies. anti-aircraft missiles, if a similar incident happens again. ryobke writes that , theoretically, most of the russian airbases are within the range of the weapons that kyiv receives from western countries, but ukraine cannot use them for strikes on the territory of russia, the armed forces of ukraine is prohibited, as the publication emphasizes, the use of western weapons air defense against russian planes in the sky. the ukrainian military should wait until the bomber launches
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cruise missiles and they are over ukrainian territory to destroy them. let me remind you that earlier... commenting on the consequences of the strikes on kharkiv, zelenskyy called for western weapons to be allowed to hit russia, according to him, the armed forces know the exact place and location where the forces of the russian federation are concentrated. expectations are reality, this year ukraine will not be invited to nato, and zelensky was allegedly asked not to even talk about joining of the alliance with the leaders of the countries, the telegram publication writes about this, citing informed sources: the north atlantic alliance is afraid of being drawn into russia's war against ukraine, and the main skeptics in this matter, as the journalists write, are germany and the usa. at the nato summit to be held in washington in july, according to the publication, ukraine will not be offered anything that would help it join the alliance, and the us is not as concerned as germany, which is worried about the threat to other nato members from russia. therefore, as they say
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sources of the telegraph, ukraine was warned against setting deadlines for moving to nato. therefore, zelensky is asked not to demand a clear accession schedule from the members of the alliance, and despite this , ukraine will be offered a conditional bridge or a path to accession that will demonstrate the support of the alliance, this was a quote, and the sources of the telegraph publication say that such support from the allies will emphasize, i quote: the ability ukraine to choose its own future and will demonstrate that the path to membership of the hundred is getting shorter. well, here it is worth reminding that at the nato summit in vilnius. last year, two countries, france and great britain, sought to include the words of invitation regarding ukraine in the final statement of the alliance. now, the journalists write, nato allies will focus on strengthening the armed forces of ukraine, so that when the right time for membership comes, ukraine would be able to do it immediately. maria
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zolkina, a political analyst at the democratic initiatives fund named after elko kuchariv, joins the broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you. joined, good morning, if zelensky was asked not to even mention the subject of ukraine's accession to nato about the invitation, then this issue really scares, worries or confuses the usa and germany, what is this fear of being drawn into the war, the russian-ukrainian war in general, in your opinion? well, first of all, this is not news at all, because last year at the vilnius summit, where there was really an expectation that ukraine... would be given in the final communique, er, the wording that it hoped for, that it counted on, about the invitation to nato, not even at that moment, in the future, this did not happen precisely because of the position of the usa and germany. and even the conflict within nato arose because the eastern flank of nato, in particular poland and lithuania, latvia, they actively advocated it, even great britain supported it, so the position
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of germany and berlin has not changed since last year, moreover, after they were disappointed due to certain results of the ukrainian counteroffensive last year, more and more, they began to get used to the idea that, well, we will go straight to negotiations, and now we see that in fact... this track has become more active, that maybe we should think about it , before this to prepare, and nato, unfortunately, for ukraine still acts as one of the flags, well, which is important to leave for the time of negotiations, and from the logic of berlin, which fears more than the united states, even the beginning of a conflict between russia and nato, directly, because it is the german military standing, for example, in the baltic countries, but... according to the logic of washington, if ukraine is now granted membership in nato, then in their opinion, the war, or an invitation to nato membership, in their opinion, this will not end the war , but at the same time can lead to more
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greater escalation, so that russia will use it as a pretext for starting either conventional or hybrid military actions against nato member states. whether this logic is correct, not everyone even in nato agrees with it, but washington, berlin, and paris are really trying to clash with nato. avoid at all costs. in his memories of the meeting with putin on the eve of the great war, which the chancellor told germany the day before, and it was about the fact that the issue of ukraine in nato would not be on the agenda there for another 30 years, that's what scholz told putin, yes. this is the plan of germany and the usa, that is, they roughly know, orientate themselves, that ukraine will definitely not be in nato in about 30 years. if this is true, can this plan and this position be overturned by hawks from europe, paris and london? i don't see the possibility that , despite macron's latest statements, there will be any pressure from washington and berlin in order to change this
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position precisely in terms of ukraine's membership in nato, i see rather that france will be more concerned with strengthening european security and the possibility of its role in this, increasing its role in this security, namely that's why they're talking about their troops right now, because they, if any changes are going to happen, will happen at the national level, within the framework of their government or presidential direct decisions in great britain, it's also important to understand that they have now entered a very short, intense pre-election period, they expected an election this year, but did not expect it to take place on july 4, it is only six weeks into the campaign, the conservatives are losing, labor is almost certain to form the next government, and although in a position to support ukraine nothing will change with a change of government from the conservatives to... labour, but i wouldn't expect labor to be directly automatically there literally a few days
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after the election already acting from the position of such winners of the hawks and they will pressure, no, they will not do that , they will try to gain leadership in europe, it's true, because in europe now even macron's statements are related to the fact that there is a lack of leadership, when the united states has really retreated, taken a step back and ... has not been at the forefront of support ukraine in the last 7-8 months, it turned out that no one is ready to take on this responsibility among ukraine's other partners, and france is slowly taking over this role, but great britain after the elections will rather be a leader here in europe than leader in general, and put pressure on the united states, they will not. and what does such a request indicate, if it really is, as the telegraph writes, that it is zelenskyi. are asked not to push this topic regarding the invitation or joining nato, it is a certain irritant between official kyiv and partners? this is an irritant, because
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, unfortunately, they are not ready to provide this to ukraine, and despite all the attempts of ukrainian and not only ukrainian diplomacy, but also polish diplomacy to break through this wall, it is not possible to do it, the fear of conflict between russia and nato, it directly connected with providing us in a nato member country, in that logic, in particular of berlin and washington, which i have already talked about, and they, on the contrary, want to localize this conflict as much as possible, in this case leave it as a conventional conflict between russia and ukraine. the problem here is that this the tactics that they are using in relation to ukraine now with a delay, with the corresponding refusal of nato membership, it will lead to exactly the results that they are trying to avoid, because ... russia perceives this position as weakness, it exhausts ukraine, nato and specific countries are not preparing for a possible russian attack and are only now
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doing so. state defense orders for the 25th-26th year in quantities that are several times, in some positions ten times less than the amount of weapons that russia planned for the same years, that is, they are still did not understand, it is a big problem now for ukraine and for eastern, eastern europe, in general, that the western european partners of ukraine and the united states do not understand that this tactic of gradually weakening and exhausting russia is in fact. really does not give them the desired result. russia is adapting to the war, it has adapted, it has understood how to work, exhaust ukraine, and this actually gives russia a chance to prepare for hybrid or classic conventional attacks, in particular in the baltic states, possibly on the border of belarus with in poland, maybe in the baltic sea, it actually started with the possibility of trying to move the borders on the sea, where there is no land, where there are no people to occupy, but
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you can try to occupy a piece of... points of the sea, claim it as your own, as she did russia recently, but why does it happen that political experts, for example you, your colleagues talk about it and understand it, in poland there mr. sikorsky made many such important statements in support of ukraine in this sense, but washington and berlin even the third does not see this a year of a full-scale russian-ukrainian war doesn't show it to them, it's not an argument for them that russia is not exhausted, but simply... the country has its own logic, it is absolutely not the same as in ukraine, it is absolutely not the same, as in poland, that is why ukrainian experts sometimes enter into serious clinch debates with their american colleagues, with their german colleagues, because in their paradigm, for example, for the germans, the normal scenario for them is that one day relations with russia will be restored anyway , let it not be like before, but in working, normal order, and they
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cannot officially say it. because now it will be perceived absolutely as a call for some kind of return to buse as usual, but in their paradigm to avoid war with russia and think about the possibility of someday returning to relations with russia, this is normal, in american logic there are other approaches, they are not in principle are not afraid of russia, first of all, it is important to understand, that is, it is such a class, it is so absurd for the ukrainian listener, perhaps a complex, but on the one hand they consider china their main rival, they are really afraid of a war with china, if you talk to the americans and the british, they are preparing for 26-27, when they are afraid that china will attack taiwan, and they are now, at least, saying that they will not be able to stand aside in that war and they will be forced to help and give their military contingent for the protection of that part
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of the world, but russia... on the same level as china and a clash with china, they are not afraid, so they think that with some kind of game here, they should start preparing a little to negotiations, somewhere to give ukraine exactly as much as it needs for minimum defense and not to let ukraine into nato, not to invite, but they believe that with such careful steps they will balance somewhere, they do not want the defeat of russia, in particular the united states, it is already you can absolutely. to be clear, they don't want it, they are afraid of it, talks about the collapse of russia, which is desirable for poland, the baltic countries, ukraine, is an absolutely unacceptable scenario neither for berlin nor for washington, and because they are so see the future of russia in a different light than ukraine, poland, the baltic states, even finland itself, that is why they
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have been operating here for the third year now. those methods that do not help ukraine to win, everything is logical for them, it is illogical for us, because we have a different goal in this war. maria, in view of their logic, which you just explained, which does not coincide with the ukrainian logic, in this sense, what can be expected specifically there at this nato meeting. the telegraph writes that ukraine's allies will focus on strengthening of the armed forces of ukraine, so that when the time is right for membership, ukraine could immediately do so. what should it be, will it be something specific? ukraine will now focus on filling the security treaties it signs with individual nato member states with practical defense orders and cooperation. this will be a priority now for ukraine, because the agreement itself is even as ambitious as with great britain, without specific government decisions, without specific government defense orders for the supply of weapons to ukraine, without specific
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training programs, without... from specific programs from the strength of participation there is a lot.


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