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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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the reduced attention of the western audience to show what is actually happening in ukraine, what happened in ukraine, why it is happening in ukraine, especially in the context of counter-propaganda with russian informational aggression. prominent ukrainians became the voices of the ten-year history in the film. journalist and activist tetyana chornovol, founder of the taira volunteer ambulance corps, writer. all tyra, tatyana , the three named characters of this film, i.e. chornovol and roman, they are undoubtedly heroes, they are undoubtedly those people who for their the tribe, put the most precious thing, and the novel put...
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and life. the film tells about triumphs and defeats, challenges and victories, achievements and transformations that happened to each of us during these 10 years. there are all the events, starting from the maidan and ending with the current state of the war, and the main life of these three people, the life and death of one of them, the real heroes of ukraine. on the one hand, he is so historical, he simply retold. events, and on the other hand very emotional, because these events are told through people's lives, and i think that this is the key to understanding. work on the preparation of such a large-scale documentary work lasted almost a year. in the end, the film will be released in two versions: in ukrainian and in english, because, as the creators emphasize, the main goal is to reach the foreign audience and show the way ukraine and ukrainians have overcome over the years. the
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more films there are about the war in ukraine, the larger their audience will be, because each work of art finds its own audience, and people who may not have been affected by another film will be affected by this one, and those who were not affected by this film will affect something else, the main thing is that there is an author's point of view, that people see war as a tragedy, that they see people in war, and this is very important for the future. an american director of slovak origin became the director, scriptwriter and producer of the film. the espresso tv channel implemented the tape together with the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of the usaid media program in ukraine, which is implemented by the international organization internews and the zmi development fund of the us embassy in ukraine. for it will be a film of memories for us, that is, when we watch these shots, we will think where exactly i was, around which corner i stood on the same square when tv was taking place. or when
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the boys were shot, so these are memories for us, but we did it not to remind ukrainians of these 10 years, we did it to show this history and these stories to all ordinary citizens. the tape lasts for two hours and covers not only the stories of the heroes, but also the history of the formation of the state, visa-free eu, the creation of the ocu, the adoption of the law about language the first viewers. tapes share impressions, the archival, never -before-seen shots were the most impressive. since i myself live within these events as a citizen of ukraine, to say that i discovered something so new for myself, something was impressive, no, but i was very affected, completely unknown footage with roman, when i began to remember his whole life and.. . a year before the war, to
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be honest, i got goosebumps, i sat, watched, i looked at all the beautiful people, at taira, at svitlana paevska, at certainly, the footage of the chronicle of roman ratushny, and i realize that it has been 10 years already, i experienced some of these events in the same crimea, on the one hand, it is almost two hours long, and on the other hand, it is a time-keeping in one breath, our main task is remember and never allow a repetition. the documentary film 10 years of war is planned to be presented in cinemas at film festivals and, of course, on the air of the espresso tv channel, and several more exclusive screenings are ahead. dear friends, meanwhile, we continue to talk about the war, which continues, and mykola malogumush will be in touch with us, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-2010.
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in the meantime, you will donate atvs for our military, which will help evacuate the wounded from the battlefield and deliver ammunition. mr. mykola, we congratulate you. congratulations, glory to ukraine. mr. mykola we today we spoke with one of the defenders, who has actually been fighting for the 10th year with small breaks, with small returns to civilian life, a young guy, andrii our father, and here he is talks about the fact that he has been sitting in the dugout for the 10th day, because it is simply impossible to leave the world of god, because it could be the last moment of life, meanwhile, in the media, in the news feeds, there is not so much news from the battlefield that happening? on the front, well , first of all, we are talking about the fact that heavy, complex battles are taking place, and in various sectors there is systematic work by enemy drones, which have now mastered the situation of communication with artillery, with
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drones, precisely the strike group, and therefore in this the moment ours are revealed, for example, or the movements of the military, military equipment, and understand. blows are inflicted, but it just happens to be a really difficult situation, well, in a specific city, even in a specific area or shelter system. the front is much more complex and much more systematic in terms of both protection and defense, because we also detect these enemy attack points on the front line, that is, at ground zero or in the front-line zone, so we accordingly have control systems, including space, if global. group, radio-technical, er, computer, as at a close, so to speak, distance to the front, well, of course, front-line intelligence, which controls all sectors where the enemy is in a firing position, and here the mutual struggle is very powerful, and the intelligence forces, and missile systems,
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artillery, and indeed individual fighters, commanders have a very hard time, it will be difficult for them even to get out of a particular sector, and partly there is insufficient and. .. a system of combating the enemy and not only reconnaissance, but also fire equipment, ammunition, which, for example, in the kharkiv region, these efforts are already more concentrated, and the supply of which from western countries in recent weeks has also increased in the east, but for example, in the kherson region, this is a slightly limited option, that is why there are also problems, systematic countermeasures by the enemy, well, of course , constant strikes, especially here, there is no interaction between powerful means of reconnaissance and our artillery missile systems, which suppressed the fires of the enemy’s positions, this one of the main problems, this is also in kharkiv, this is also in kherson, where the enemy carries out constant strikes and precisely, to destroy them effectively, it is clear,
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to strike at the centers where they are located, where they are deployed, or where planes are launched, these are airfields, right here the long-distance format should work. missiles of our and foreign production, high-precision munitions that work must be online, well, of course, complexes with intelligence capabilities, not only drones, but also radio-technical intelligence, intelligence, radar systems, which are all already installed in the control and control system for the enemy, introduction fire and warning strikes, mr. general, i want to show you a video, it was posted by yuriy. tusov, this video, as it is claimed, near liptsi, this that very key village in the direction of kharkiv, so that you, if possible, could comment on what is happening here, i understand that the russians dropped four vacuum bombs aimed at a forest plantation, where the armed forces
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of ukraine were, meaning fighters, infantry, the most interesting thing is that video, when the russians rushed to storm this post. what was left of it, they were met there with aimed fire, they lost five attack fighters and retreated, and the landing is still under ukrainian control, but this is an illustration of how the fighting is now going on kharkiv oblast, what can you say that you see, well, first of all, we see that the enemy, having miscalculated in terms of tactical offensive operations, it was assumed that they would enter and capture vovchanskyi and move further for about 30... 40 km, overcoming our second and third lines of fortifications, which are really prepared, are not the first ones, about which there was a discussion, where really everything was not enough, the more under enemy fire we had to build, and of course, we stopped at our positions, which were early pioton and one more moment, sent combat units there
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some sectors, these are our guys, the commander and servicemen who have experience in such combat and the commander is new, who also worked very effectively in the south, so... that is why stabilization took place, but directly on the battlefield, the enemy uses various combination formats, not only assaults, in small groups, strikes in front of this cab, for example, by missile systems. and then an assault again, and then a retreat, respectively, and strikes again, and then special forces enters, that is, this is a combined model that we have already mastered, so today, in addition to these systems, other thermobaric ammunition, these are the ones that explode and of course, they create vacuum shocks on people who are not only in the trenches, but also in dugouts and in other places, these are sunbursts, which we are talking about, which really have shocks e- eh... and on the other hand , the fire ones, the ones that fire, how they count our people or our guys in the dugouts, we
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are also mastering this countermeasures, i will say frankly, we will not decipher which ones today, but we already know these methods of the enemy, know what they use there and that they pulled these up reserves, of course, we defend ourselves, and therefore this particular episode that we saw is that already experienced warriors have clearly worked out a model that prevents them from being neutralized. with these thermobaric bombs and other non-traditional systems, which they did not expect, that is why they went on the attack, i think no one can survive there, but we surprisingly survived, that is , experience and capabilities have already shown that we can work with them, on the other hand side, we use other means in exactly the same way, i will say frankly, on the kharkiv direction, and vovchansk, and the lypki directions, and others, we also smoke out trenches, from brandages by other very effective means, which today are used by special operations forces, already by our troops and
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special forces, and that will be another story, it is not for nothing that we showed without decoding that we also carry out counterattacks, neutralize the enemy , as he tried to hit us under this forestry, in the same way, we hit others, but these are already effective means of neutralizing them at the same strongholds, and also the video that we already showed, this is... this is video evidence of the destruction s-400 is the best of the russian air defense system, which was destroyed, in fact, if you believe the bilt, by atacoms, the old, outdated atacoms, which the americans finally handed over to us, it was written off , most likely in the 80s, developed, nevertheless, this attack tried the whole this protection of the installation itself, which is supposed to repel attacks, this and with... together with the crew, it is said that this is
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already the fifth s400 complex destroyed by ukraine during this war, well, we already have a good practice of destroying exactly 400 triumphs, as they call it, and it is clear that they declared that he does not reach and knocks everyone down the types of ballistic missiles, dear, american, british, french, that we launch, of course... ukrainian, but you are wrong, you really correctly said that already the fifth episode we are destroying in crimea, on different capes, so to speak , in the launchers, not only that, they were equipped with a protection system and itself, like the s-400, which is supposed to shoot down, and tanks, other radar countermeasure systems, and nothing worked, so it is clear that we will continue to destroy and the main strategy , destroy all resources that they are launching strikes at... us, this is the s-400, they have both a ground format and an air format, this is the s-300,
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especially now it is hitting kharkiv, there are many more of them, this is a less advanced system, but also huge problems and of course, launching strikes, where they are deployed, is another big topic, and of course, at airfields where planes take off, cabs are launched and others launch missile strikes, even though we have mastered this on territory, of course, occupied by the enemy, and stromshedov will say . it is already british and french already give permission to actually use it already hit the troops of the airfield launcher on the territory of russia and these 400 are also direct legal objects, we are deploying other systems, already our tactical missiles, which will hit these same 400, which are more effective, because we are rising to a new high-quality technological level, and as for the partners, i would directly note that they should not provide old stocks, as we already say... worked, or were in reserves somewhere, but the newest ones are those that will allow you to quickly destroy the enemy
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in all sectors and hit all the launchers installations on the reserve of the enemy, who will then have no chance not only to advance, even to hold on to the battlefield, which will create the prerequisites for our offensives, and they will also ask , sir, when we will have good news from the front, what should they be done with i wonder if by the end of the year it will be... the situation is very difficult, i think that today there are all the prerequisites for all the good news to come faster, in the course of three to eight months we must change the entire... palette of war , for this it is not just a matter of words, for this a lot of work is needed, first of all turn is a change in the strategy of waging war, on the one hand it is the protection of the border, because today it is extremely difficult, but the border is 1650 km, of course, this is the destruction of reserves, which we do from 1300 to 1750 every day, this is a huge
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loss of the enemy, more than half a million, it is already every family felt that someone had died in russia, and this is very effective. morally, but will act when we win directly at the front, in terms of driving them from our territories, this will already be a powerful blow to the situation at the front, and especially to the socio-political opinion in russia, they will already be different then thinks that the king is hungry and of course he does not have the resources to do anything, but for this , in addition to a new strategy, a new i directly said the art of waging war, it is not just, well, defense is important, the destruction of reserves is even more so , here are those prepared counterattacks. and in the perspective of a strategic operation, where the enemy is not waiting by other means, do not aim at the dragon's teeth and mines, and not at those sectors where they are waiting, but where they are not waiting in principle, where by destroying deep reserves, medium that no one will support then the enemy, there will be no reserves, strikes on the front zone, strikes of arrows from the flanks of your special operations special unit of various types, you will carry out sabotage at one moment, i
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emphasize not stretched out at the bottom, but one moment, over the course of hours, days and the like. and of course, other conditions are needed for this, this is a large aid that is currently being formed, it is necessary to speed up, speed up the package of the usa, the european union of nato countries as a whole, the kramshtan group is more of a plus, procurement, the third factor abroad, munitions in a big way, i would say a few three million of different types of both soviet and nato production, of course, these are target programs from specific countries, and we are not deciphering them now, but we are preparing with them... current weapons from the countries' own already real staff units, this will already be of higher technological level, and the fourth factor is the active, effective production by our military-industrial complex of various types of drones, and we are talking about 1.5-2 million, this is realistic to get at the expense of our production, purchases abroad, deliveries
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by the americans, the british and the european union, consolidated forces in this format. of course, these are our tactical missiles, which are drones, missiles that hit up to 200 and up to 300 km, we are already hitting, and we need hundreds, hundreds of these types, and the drones we are talking about are already hundreds of thousands and million, of course, this is the force that will create the prerequisites for war, if we use all resources, operational abroad, financial, and unofficial contacts, we have all the countries of the world, more than 100 countries, i just know my practice, we can do everything get, and this it will take several months of at least one hard job, of course, to deliver, master, and our military-industrial complex will work hard, then we will be fully armed with high-precision weapons, we will have unmeasured, frankly, ammunition, we will not save, but will use it according to the full program, destroy deep reserves of the enemy, that he will not know
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what to do without looking around, and then we will plan an operation where it is really needed, the crimean operation can be conditionally. destroying these s-400s, all the coast guards, and it will not turn into and including the kerch bridge, it will not turn into a fortress, but will turn into a trap for the enemy. one of the formats, i say, but there can be different formats, today it is important how our supreme command plans today, it is up to him today to solve these problems. the enemy, if he is even strong, and there are many of them, must be beaten by non-standard methods, this is the main principle, and he won in all wars. volodymyr zelenskyi in belgium inspected the 30 f-16 fighters that belgium is going to hand over to us, how technologically modern they are, precisely those f-16 models from belgium? mr. mykola, can you hear me? mr.
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mykola, well, first of all, we say really take it. are transferred, but the process is being delayed, we predict that by the end of the year there will be, well, at least a squadron or one and a half, so yes, indeed, it will sectorally strengthen our capabilities in the air, striking individual strategic objects on the territory of the occupied enemy, while they forbid us on the territory of russia, but in the process of fighting, for example at the front at the front and especially at the border, it will be strikes from our territories against the troops of the enemy, from the other side is beating. missiles of various types, sectorally, we still can't, we don't have such a number of planes, we won't have them, so that the engagements are exactly all over the front, only in certain sectors, where the decisive battles will take place. that is, by the end of the year, along with the means we talked about by receiving aircraft, we will add complex means of destroying missile systems, planes,
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helicopters, well, in part, maybe drones, although it is expensive to use them at the expense of aviation, i think that more air defense systems and aviation will be effectively used f-16, systems, medium ranges, this is our anti-aircraft missile system. radar systems for creating powerful electronic shields against missiles, against drones, against planes and helicopters. only a comprehensive solution will allow us to have priority. aviation will help a little, but will not yet have a powerful strategic value for our battles directly at the front. sectorally only. we need a minimum of 60, and if we are talking about 120 such 16 in total, so that we create a powerful fist of the air force, which kept all of russia in a state of terror, then we would definitely be able to use ground, radio-electronic, and aviation
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means to strike at a strategic level and drive the enemy's older territories, well, thank you very much for this conversation, we talked about the situation at the front, and it was mykola malomuzhe, army general, is with us. we meanwhile, we meanwhile remind you of an important announcement, even two announcements have for you, first, dear friends, your favorite, it is important under our broadcast, so find it, and to find it, find it on youtube is the channel of the tv channel, and we will now show you how it can be done, about such a small short video instruction, find the espresso tv channel on youtube, subscribe to this page and then you have the opportunity to watch. e espresso tv channel, which is broadcast in real time, which is on the air, or watch recordings, also in our programs, our author's projects or a short video, after all, search there too, and
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of course leave your preferences under the broadcasts or under our videos, for comment on them in any way, of course in cultural way, i call for at least this, because we are all grown-up cultured people, we are not like muscovites, oh. this is my first announcement, it means that if you subscribe, if you leave your favorite, then the espresso channel on youtube will be in the suggested list, and therefore more people will see, and the more people see, the more people will know the truth, because we have there are no dark people from the president's office here, we are telling the truth and we believe that it is necessary to talk about it in order not to slide into russia, and also that more people will see us, then more people will keep their hryvnias. of our defenders, and i will remind you who we are collecting for, we are collecting for our defenders from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of cold ravine, a little bit, today the collection
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is moving more slowly, because we helped our defenders in andrii otchenash's unit to collect another collection, 4 million, we need to accumulate in order to buy such atvs, which you see now on your screens, they evacuate wounded soldiers, and with these atvs... we, among other things, can deliver ammunition to the battlefield, on top is the qr code and the card number of the monobank, below it is the qr code of the private bank and the card number, which is also indicated, you can scan it if you have the privat-24 application and find the scanner function on it, click on it , a frame will appear, and point this frame at the qr code, you and i are getting closer to the monobank, on the monobank account to a million. we had 297 hryvnias yesterday with you, i hope that it has already become more, so we have already started collecting the second million, which is half of the necessary
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amount of 4 million, so i hope that you will one of those who will do, dear friends, and stay with us, we still have one hour of marathon ahead of us, we have interesting guests, interesting topics, and we will talk about it all, just stay with us. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. recors garden trimmer from rozpakuy tv, hurry to order at a special price, only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult- to-reach places, near fences, along lines paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and. it's simple and easy to branch. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and comfortable. even
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11:00 am
even women can use them, but just take a look. how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds and are virtually silent, no more heavy, bulky lawnmowers, oil or gas to fill up, just convenience, comfort and beautiful well-kept plot, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999, call! news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. an explosion rang out in kharkiv, mayor ihor terekhov announced this and urged residents to take shelter. there is now alarm in the region. the air force declared passes
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an enemy. russian bombs killed peace.


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