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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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thank you very much, thank you for your response, thank you for writing, some say that charity should be silent, dear friends, write in the comments if you have also donated, write about it, and we will definitely announce it, because people who remember that there is a war going on in our country and that our military needs our help, those who every time throw some money into collections or ours or some other, they deserve respect and deserve a good word, so everyone... to all those who are almost 20 00 today collected for this morning, my thanks to you, in the meantime join in, here is the card number, here is the qr code, if you can still donate, and we will talk about ecology and how the war harms ukrainian ecology, tetyana tymochko, head of the public organization of the all-ukrainian environmental league, is already with us, ms. tetyana, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, ms. tetyana, said the minister of protection of the environment and natural resources. ruslan
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strelets during a briefing at the media center of ukraine, that the damage that the russian war and russian troops have caused to the environment of ukraine, amounts to more than 962 billion hryvnias, this is crazy money, and how will russia compensate us for this money, this is the first thing, and secondly, how much will our ecology recover after all this? the state of the environment in ukraine... has been critical for years, if we talk about the impact of military actions, the russian aggression began in 2014, and already since 2014, ukrainian nature has suffered from military actions and shelling, from fires caused by the military actions of the russian occupiers , then in the 14th year russia occupied crimea and unique natural complexes there were violations of crimea. moreover, russia
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canceled the status of ukrainian reserves, national natural parks on the territory of crimea, and this led to the degradation of unique natural ecosystems. from the 14th to the 22nd year, the luhansk and donetsk regions suffered from shelling, from the constant movement of equipment, in the 14th and 15th years, during military operations in the mariupol region, the sea of ​​azov, many birds were destroyed, which at that time. .. were in the miatida national park, and already in the 22nd year this is a full-scale invasion, and this is 800 of nature conservation objects and territories are either under occupation or under shelling, under constant such explosions, fires, 3 million hectares of forest massifs are in such a terrible state, either burned or damaged by shelling. we just
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destroyed and destroyed entire territories, we were recently in the national nature park in svyati hora, in the donetsk region, this is a unique area, floodplain oaks that are 300-400 years old, and it was terrifying to look at these mighty trees that have withstood 300 -400 years and now suffer and destroyed by the russian occupiers, these losses are extremely large and they are not final, the figure that is now named, it only records... the territory, they have not been surveyed yet and the losses have not been established and taken into account, and certainly nature will need many years to restoration. we are talking about what needs to be restored and some unique objects of nature, unique birds, animals, have been destroyed, do you hear... the evidence of this, here i am
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before, before the invasion began, there were such movements in the world about , not to use airplanes, to save, to pollute less nature in order to switch to bicycles, and i wonder if all these environmentalists from the western world see what is happening in ukraine, do they talk about it, maybe organize protests. the world knows about the damage to the environment, ukraine, and the ukrainian government, in particular , the ministry of environmental protection transmits such information, moreover, it initiated the creation of a high-level working group co-chaired by andriy and margot wallström, who... is a well-known politician and environmentalist in
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the world, and it was these meetings that led to formation of a document called the environmental agreement for ukraine. eh, which is currently being considered in almost all the leading countries of the world and is supported, because it is there that the breakthroughs are being discussed, about this terrible environment, i can tell you that we have some of these losses for europe and the world, huh. i have already mentioned it, in the 15th year during the landing of the russian landing force on the belosarai spit near mariupol, this is on the sea of ​​azov, it was, it was in the spring, and a huge number of birds were destroyed, individual populations were very badly affected, because it was there
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there is a resting place for birds that pass through ukraine, there are three such international cross- border migration routes. when the russians blew up the kokhovskaya hpp, and it was a terrible ecological disaster, hundreds of thousands of animals, birds, reptiles, and aquatic organisms died just within a week, and this is not yet calculated billions in damages to the environment, and this is a blow to the ecosystem of not only ukraine , because 18 billion cubic. of fresh water, which is worth its weight in gold in other countries of the south, they were simply flushed downstream dnipro and got into the sea, leading to desalination of the coastal strip and marine representatives of the aquatic fauna died, at the same
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time those freshwater fish that got into the water with these billions of cubes, got into the black sea, they... also died from that that it was salty enough for them, the pollution and clogging of the coastal strip will reverberate for many years to come, the death of dolphins, thousands of dolphins die from the movement of russian submarines, from their fleet, from shelling, from explosions, dolphins lose their natural geolocation due to the work of sonar devices installed on submarines, that is, this again... these consequences for these unique creatures of the azov and black seas will reverberate for decades, the destruction of natural steppes in the luhansk and donetsk regions, the burning of forests, that's all
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the world knows about it, and the ukrainian government is working on it, and in the peace program. the role of peace of president zelenskyi is point eight, which specifically concerns issues of environmental security and environmental protection. the world knows about it, but it cannot always respond to these events, yes, you know, at one moment, and moreover, we are now talking about stopping this russian aggression in general, about its termination, and just then, it will stop suffering from this russian war and the environment. ah... the interesting, fantastic video was actually shot by a ukrainian drone, this is askania nova, somewhere in the kherson region, and we can see how the roe deer, the roe deer, it
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was probably filmed somewhere at night, they are running, and this is a russian mine, you see, the mines, the mines are glowing , but they glow in this range, well, the heart just freezes when you see a tsik. arranged hunting, not for the first time, when they entered askania, at the beginning, they first organized a dekun hunt, then they came to the point that each of these animals, that is askania nova, has unique collections of ungulates, which are known to the whole world, then they began to catch them and already in some markets, where... wild animals are traded, it has already been established that there are cases when animals were traded specifically for scania novi, russian poachers came here and began to profit from the capture of these animals, so in this situation, well, you know that, it is continuous
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as for the daily list of these destructions that the russian occupiers inflict on the russian nature, the ukrainian nature and the ukrainian environment, i am not talking about other as... which relate to the risks of the seizure of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, god forbid, an accident may be caused that will simply destroy a significant the territory of ukraine and will affect... all of europe and everything near the black sea, that is, the russian aggressors are causing terrible damage, and i emphasize once again, not only to ukrainian nature, but also to the environment, the european and world climate, actually about the climate, global warming, we don't talk about it at all, because we have other challenges, other priorities, but this war, it also affects, apparently, global warming. when we talk about climate changes, they are inevitable, they are
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recorded, confirmed by scientists, in 2015 the world community jointly adopted the paris agreement, which tries to change the attitude of countries to this issue and calls for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. of course, military actions on such a large territory as in ukraine. which now covers more than 1,000 km only in length, but these are 1,000 km that are occupied by war, military operations, every day hundreds of thousands of ruptures, explosions, fires that cause environmental pollution, this usually causes climate changes, for example, the explosion of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant led to changes in local, regional, let's say so, the climate, because it is undermining. this area of ​​200 km was occupied by the kakhov reservoir and it was, and
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it evaporated almost a billion cubic meters of water every year, and it formed this regional climate, when the kakhov reservoir is now destroyed, when there is no such moisture, changes are taking place, but instead nature is showing its strength, the bottom of the former kakhov reservoir, it is behind... growing vegetation, and this will be an unprecedented contribution of ukraine to our, well, general climate obligations, because the billion trees that the president of ukraine spoke before the war, it is already growing in front of our eyes in the bed of the kakhovsky reservoir, and if the government officials of ukraine have enough sense not to build a new energy monster and not to restore the kakhovsky hydroelectric plant. then we will have an undeniably unprecedented, unique one
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a case where a huge amount, a huge territory, more than 200 km, can be occupied by vegetation, natural forests can arise here, new objects of the nature reserve fund can be created here, there will be a huge amount of territory where this grown willow can become energy. an energy product for our renewable energy, and hundreds of thousands of hectares of m2 occupied by solar plants, wind plants can be installed here, that is, we can demonstrate to the whole world a unique case of grassroots restoration balanced sustainable development, development that allows the economy to grow, preserve the environment and give people the opportunity to live in this area, have a job and take care of their future. and what, by the way, about the
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billion trees? i can say that despite such significant criticism at the beginning of this announcement, it was before the war, i am all, i represent the all-ukrainian public organization, which has long taken care of the preservation of forest areas and green spaces, we supported this initiative. there is such an opportunity in ukraine, we have a lot of them unsuitable land, land that is not used, or land that was under industrial waste, or land that is on the border of different communities, or that is not used in agriculture, and we are convinced that such land could be free in order to to plant this billion trees, moreover, this program... started in reality, despite the war, the state enterprise forests of ukraine, now continues this
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action, more than 10 seed centers have been created, where seedlings with a closed root system are grown, which are accepted by more than 95%, where these are resistant to various changes, to various climatic changes and... soil , such seedlings are selected, and such seedlings are grown and planted. moreover, we had a whole discussion, and now we are, well, satisfied with the fact that... what the department of ukraine is planting in these seed centers is planting plants, our natural, autochthonous, not alien invasive, and natural ukrainian oak, and osochory , and poplar, and linden, these are all trees,
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and of course conifers, unequivocally, a significant territory of ukraine needs plantations. including them, and now they are being deported from ukraine uses a new technology of planting mixed forests, which in the future can become the basis for the formation, albeit artificially planted, of ecosystems where birds and animals will find shelter, that is, despite the war, this work is taking place, but the kakhov reservoir gives us the opportunity already... an additional billion trees will grow, and this will be a very serious, positive impact on the environment and the climate of ukraine. mrs. tetyana, thank you for the conversation, tetyana tymochko, the head of the public organization all-ukrainian environmental league was with us, we talked about environmental damage caused by russia's war against ukraine. dear friends, thank you for
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donating uah 20,000 today, even with a tail, it's only on one card. i am still waiting for an update of information about what is happening with us privately, let's remind our viewers in the meantime, we will show an announcement about what we are collecting for, maybe someone else who wants to donate and didn't have time to do it for our ether can actually transfer their money on atvs that will help evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, as it is now you see pictures on your screens, on top is the qr code and the card number of the monobank, below it is the qr code and the card number of the private bank, which you scan if you have the private application. 24, in it you look for the scanner function, click on it, the square, point to the qr code and transfer funds, as much as you don't mind, as much as you have, as much as you can share. one viewer wrote to us about what donatik told us and is already leaving, probably leaving, returning to work, dear friends, thank you to all those who were with us, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk
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worked with you, and now you have in mind the story about 10, about the film before... a documentary film about 10 years of war, which was presented by the espresso tv channel. let's see what kind of tape it is, a report about it, and in the end, then later you can watch the film 10 years of war itself, that's its name. 10 years. 10 years of hardening the ukrainian nation. espresso tv channel prepared a documentary about the key events of our history and extraordinary people who directly influenced its course. it is here that the ten-year history is documented, from maidan and to the present before the full-scale invasion. there are many documentaries,
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but there has never been such a clear, concrete chronology of this particular period, well, so far. "everyone will see in this film what they understand, or want to understand, and everyone will see something different, it was important for me in the context of the slightly reduced attention of the western audience, to show what is actually happening in ukraine, what happened in ukraine, why it is happening in ukraine, especially in the context of counter-propaganda". with russian information aggression prominent ukrainians became the voices of the ten-year history in the film. journalist and activist tetyana chornovol, founder of the tyra ambulance volunteer corps, writer svitlana povalyaeva and her son, fallen hero of ukraine, activist roman ratushny. all three named
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characters of this movie, ie tyra. er, tetyana chornovol and roman, they are undoubtedly heroes, they are undoubtedly those people who gave the most precious things for their tribe, and the novel also gave their lives. the film tells about triumphs and defeats, challenges and victories, about achievements and transformations that happened to each of us during these 10 years. there are all the events, starting from the maidan and ending with the current state of the war, and the main life of these three people, the life and death of one of them, the real heroes of ukraine, it is... on the one hand so historical, simply retelling the events, and on the other hand very emotional , because these events are told through people's lives, i think that is the key to understanding. work on
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the preparation of such a large-scale documentary work lasted almost a year. in the end, the film will be released in two versions, in ukrainian and in english, because, as the creators emphasize, the main goal is to reach the foreign audience and show: the more films about the war in ukraine, the larger their audience will be, because each work of art finds its own audience , and people who may not have been affected by any other film will be affected by this one, and for those who were not affected by anyone, this film will affect others, the main thing is that there is an author's point of view, that people see war as a tragedy, that they see people in war , and that very important for the future, the american director of slovak origin oleg garenchar became the director, author of the script... and producer of the film. the tape was realized by the espresso tv channel together with the public organization all-ukrainian democratic
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forum with the support of the usaid media program in ukraine, which is implemented by the international organization internews and the community development fund of the us embassy in ukraine. for us it will be the film memories. that is, we, when we watch these shots, we will think where exactly i was, behind by what... by god, i was standing on the same square when those things happened, or when the boys were shot. therefore, for us, these are memories, but we did it not only to remind ukrainians of these 10 years, we did it to show this history and these stories to all ordinary citizens. the tape lasts two hours and covers not only the stories of the heroes, but also the history of the formation of the state. visa free the eu, creation of the ocu, adoption of the law on language. the first viewers of the tape share their impressions. the archival, never -before-seen footage was the most impressive. i, because i
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i live inside these events as a citizen of ukraine, to say that something so new, i discovered something for myself, i was impressed, no, but i was very affected by the completely unknown, previously unseen footage from roman. when i started to remember his whole life and especially the year before the war, to be honest, i got goosebumps. i sat, watched, i looked at these beautiful people, at taira, at svitlana paevska, at definitely the footage of roman ratushny's chronicle, and i realized that it has been 10 years, i experienced some of these events in the same crimea, with on the one hand, it is long, almost two hours, and on the other hand, in one breath. timing, our main task is to remember and never allow a repetition. the documentary film 10 years of war is planned to be presented in cinemas, at film festivals and, of course, on
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the air of the espresso tv channel. and there are several more exclusive shows ahead. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution, garden trim rex from rozpakuy tv, hurry up to order at a special price, only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places, near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and comfortable. even
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women can use them. but you just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers tackle even the thickest weeds, and at the same time they are practically silent, more no heavy, bulky lawnmowers, oil or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well-kept plot, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only 999 uah, call, two hours to learn about the war and what the world lives on , two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people , in the evening for espresso. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:55 p.m.
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news time on the espresso tv channel in the studio. kateryna shirokpoyas works. now officially, sweden is providing ukraine with its largest military aid package worth 1.3 billion dollars. this was announced by the country's government. stockholm to hand over, in particular , a radar reconnaissance and control aircraft to strengthen ukraine's air defense. also sweden to support the formation of new brigades.


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