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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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facts and competent opinions. information marathon with mykola veresny saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. now officially, sweden is providing ukraine with its largest package of military aid in the amount of 1.3 billion dollars. this was announced by the country's government. stockholm, in particular, will hand over a radar reconnaissance and control aircraft to strengthen ukraine's air defense. also sweden to support the formation of new brigades.
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will give all his stock to the ukrainian army pbv-302 armored personnel carriers. in addition, the package will include air-to-air missiles, artillery ammunition and resources to maintain equipment that has already been transferred . meanwhile, the occupiers again attacked kharkiv oblast. a guided air bomb hit an open area near kharkiv. this was reported by the head of the region oleg synygubov. fortunately. there were no casualties. russians killed a civilian in selidovo in donetsk region. at night, the enemy dropped two guided aerial bombs on the city. instead of one of fragments of the body of a 54-year-old man were found in the destroyed houses. rescuers are still looking for a 14-year-old child. a woman was injured as a result of the attack. she was taken to the hospital. 10 private houses and a shop were also damaged in the city. russians killed two civilians
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in krasnopil, sumy region. there are also wounded people - reported the head of the local community, iryna yukhta. in the morning, the enemy launched a rocket attack on the center of the village. the impact occurred between the administration building and the cultural center. a forty-eight-year-old man died as a result of an enemy attack on the border chernihiv oblast in the evening, the russian invaders fired mortars into the semenivska community of the novgorod-siversky district. it was reported. guards, a fragment of one of the ammunition pierced the wall of a private house and hit the owner in the head, the man died in the hospital from his injuries. we have to convert all our people into donors, that is why the spresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking you to join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models maviks and five. pieces of ordinary
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quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, most importantly, they help save the lives of our military, we need to collect uah 2.5 million, this is not the time, it is definitely not the time to skip meetings. shooting in kyiv, the police detained the attacker who injured a passer-by on the street in the obolon district. first, the attacker pushed the woman. when other men began to stand up for her, he took out a stun gun and shot three times. one bullet hit him in the chest the victim, a 53-year-old man, was hospitalized. the violator turned out to be a kyivan. he was drunk, the perpetrator faces up to seven years in prison. the system of torturing prisoners was stolen from ukrainian colonies. this is stated by the state bureau of investigation. it is, in particular, about the bozhkiv
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correctional colony in the poltava region. according to the investigation, the employees of the institution systematically beat and intimidated the convicts and pressured them psychologically, and this abuse was filmed in general. among the recorded crimes of inflicting more than 200 blows on one of men information on death from beatings is also being checked. prosecutors informed four officials of the colony about the suspicion, they were threatened. up to 10 years of imprisonment, and the head of the institution is also accused of organizing extortions, the origin of his numerous apartments, office premises and luxury cars is being investigated. i would bomb moscow and beijing if russia invaded ukraine or china, probably taiwan. such an unexpected statement was made by us presidential candidate donald trump. this was reported by the washington post. as noted, trump said it's at... a private event he was hosting
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with his campaign's biggest donors. the publication writes that such a statement surprised the donors who were present at the event. us president joe biden may lift restrictions on ukraine's use of american weapons for strikes on russian territories. the washington post writes about it. this could become a new countermeasure against the aggressor that the us leader is thinking about. however, officials in the states believe that artillery and short -range missiles could have hit targets in border areas. the enemy from where the occupiers are attacking ukrainian cities, the article says. poland allows ukraine to strike with their weapons on the territory of russia, the country's ministry of defense said. they emphasize that in the current conditions , ukraine should be able to use the weapons it receives to neutralize all threats. also
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, the polish ministry of defense criticized the allies who impose appropriate restrictions on kyiv. let me remind you that earlier sweden, france and the netherlands advocated... ukraine's right to strike on the territory of russia. prime minister donald tusk of poland announced the restoration of the buffer zone on the border with belarus. local media write about this. the head of the polish government added that they plan to use all available resources to protect the border. according to tusk, the buffer zone will be located on a strip about 200 m wide from the state border line. still. the decision was made after a recent attack by migrants on a border guard who was stabbed. unseen but very important work: the weather affects everything from our well-being to our crops, so millions of people every day are interested in the weather forecast, and it is prepared
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by meteorologists, my colleague yaroslav goc knows about the work of the billotserk weather station. few people know, but for 150. two years there has been a meteorological station in bila tserkva, which is the oldest in the kyiv region. in total , there are 10 of them in the region. thanks to this small-sized site, residents of bilotserki will find out what kind of weather awaits them in the coming days, as if nothing special, there are white structures in the field, but in fact each of them is important and is used for different purposes. as says ms. olena, in general, seven people work at the station. people, five of them are technical meteorologists who take turns determining various indicators, and each of us reads them on phones, newspapers or on websites. the task of the meteorologist on duty is to go to the meteorological site once every three hours and take readings of the air temperature,
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the temperature on the surface of the soil, at the depths, observe cloudiness, visibility, atmospheric phenomena, measure the amount of precipitation, if... there was any, well, in winter it is behind the snow cover and freezing of the soil, we encode all this information and transmit it to the ukrainian hydrometeorological center in the form of a telegram every three hours. according to the specialist, in recent years our climate has changed significantly, winters have become warmer and the amount of precipitation has decreased. by the way, they are measured with the help of this device, which visually resembles a flower, inside a container with water flowing somewhere. this glass ball, which is actually called a heliograph, also attracts attention. it determines the duration of sunshine, that is, the time when the sun is above the horizon and not covered clouds a ray of sunlight through this ball is refracted and makes a gap, that is, if
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there was sunshine, there is a gap on the tape, if there is not, then of course there was no sunlight. and already at the end of the day, after sunset, they are on duty. processes these tapes and counts how many hours a day the sun shone. there is also a special section at the bilotserkiv weather station, where the temperature on the surface of the soil is determined with the help of a sensor, the depth is measured next to it, and the visibility at night is known with the help of this device. if you raise your head up, you can see those that set the direction of the wind. natalya is working on shift today, she just came to measure radiation. von, says, it should be done five times, then calculate the average number and enter it in a special form. we have a special radiometric table, which has a certain height, has perimeter restrictions, and it is in these areas that we must make these measurements. the radiation background
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is currently normal, we have not recorded any increases or jumps. then together with natalya we go to mini-towers. in which there are thermometers, but somewhat larger than we are used to seeing: minimum thermometer, maximum thermometer, dry, wet. after going around the weather station. the specialist enters all the indicators into the computer and sends them to kyiv, she says, they are tied to time, so you need to do everything exactly according to the schedule. weather forecasts greatly simplify people's lives, from organizing vacations to such simple thoughts as taking an umbrella. moreover, thanks to them, the armed forces can plan operations during combat operations actions yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso. church. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow
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the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you tomorrow, take care and stay with espresso. today in the program. verdict with serhii rudenko. kharkiv oblast under intense enemy fire. the russians may be preparing a new offensive on the northern borders. are the armed forces ready to repel the aggressor in sumy oblast while the investigation into the breakthrough in kharkiv oblast continues. 30 f-16 fighters by 2028. ukraine signed a security agreement with belgium. will there be restrictions? on the use of belgian aircraft for strikes on the territory of russia. putin will give a standing ovation. zelensky
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warns of the negative consequences of biden's absence at the upcoming peace summit in switzerland. will a peace conference make sense without the highest representation of the united states and china? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, about war and about our victory. let's talk about today's forecasts of the minister of defense umerov, regarding the deployment of troops by the russians in the north of ukraine, on the border with the northern regions of ukraine, as well as why biden... does not want or cannot go to the global peace summit, how this will affect the course
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of this forum, which begins on june 15-16 in switzerland, and let's talk about putin's latest statements regarding the legitimacy of zelenskyi's illegitimacy, and most importantly, what goal is pursued by the kremlin grandfather. we will talk about all this in the next hour to speak with our guests, the colonel of the zsu. petro chernyk, journalist roman tsimbalyuk and executive director of the institute of world politics yevhen magda. in the second part of our program, people's deputies of ukraine mykyta poturaev, yulia klymenko and oleg synyutka will be present. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching the video of the destruction of the russian t-90 breakthrough tank by the armed forces of ukraine. the first drone stopped the car while moving, the second damaged the optics. effectively burned the enemy's equipment, let's watch this enchanting video.
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a well-burning t-90 tank broke through, this is, by the way, the sixth machine that was burned in the 47th separate
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mechanized brigade, and the operators of the unit, who deal with drones. glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, i would like to remind you that throughout our broadcast, we appear not only live on the espresso tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us there. live, please subscribe to our platforms, take part in our survey that we 're running today, we're asking you if did you agree to the presence of western troops in u yes no, if you would agree to the presence of western troops in ukraine, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if yes , 0800 211 381, no, 0,800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up
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the results of this vote, and we have our first guest petro. blacksmith, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. colonel, i congratulate you, thank you, that you are with us today glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. colonel, let's start our conversation with the situation that is developing in the northeast and east. already today , the minister of defense of ukraine, rustem umyerov , said in an interview with reuters that russia is preparing to deploy another 300,000 troops near the border of ukraine. in connection, i remind the colonel of the armed forces of ukraine petro chernyk: mr. colonel, how do you assess the prospects of creating another northern front in ukraine? it cannot be neglected, or the enemy can resort to the design of a small one bridgehead, say in sumy region? yes, of course, does he have the strength and means to a certain extent for this? at the moment, the sever group
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has up to 53,000 personnel, they have up to 400 tanks and up to 1,500 armored personnel carriers. machines and up to a thousand artillery barrels, as well as multiple rocket launcher systems. in order to organize the same tracing operation as in the kharkiv region in a diameter of up to three, well, a maximum of 7 km of these forces is enough. we well understand that we will have to divert our forces and means and strategic reserve to capture this bridgehead as well. why does the enemy do this? the most important reason is the potential summit, which is to be held in switzerland by putin. shows the states of the global south that he is worth something, that he can do something, and will seek the keys to their hearts to sway them to his side. well, but you said that 50,000 is enough to organize an offensive for a small diameter of 7-9 km, or could it be, for example, an encirclement, an operational encirclement of the city of sumy, well, they can
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bypass, let's say, where bilopyllia and velyka pyserivka are, and conditionally speaking, create an encirclement, or is this necessary solely in order to distract our forces now in donbas and demonstrate to the whole world that he can do something, solely from distracting forces and you and exclusively demonstrate that he can do something, in order to really fight for such a rather large city as sumy, not to mention the million kharkiv, then you need at least 100 00 personnel in one direction only, and therefore if take two the directions of sumy and kharkiv, then it is no less... 200 thousand personnel, and this is a plus to what they have, we also remember that there is such a phenomenon as replacement, we eliminate between 26-29 thousand every month personnel, and my opinion is that in may we will have an absolute record and will reach exactly 30,000 figures, so far they do not dare to raise their mobilization figures to the level of 40-50, or even 60 thousand per
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month, or such a potential they have, of course there are up to three. men are in reserve, kalashnikov assault rifles of their time more than 100 million have been produced, the ammunition factories are working, at full strength, which they can work on, and for the family under putin , they died, are dying and will die, but even they are not capable of deploying groups up to 300,000 at such a fast pace, or they will try like this, well, that is, they need at least a year to deploy a group of 300,00, i understand correctly. half a year, my, my view, by autumn, by autumn, if they dare to go out now for the summer for indicators or indicators in 40 00, then in 3-6 months it will be them can do, but, mr. colonel, if you compare what our enemies are doing and what we are doing, we are also trying to increase the mobilization resource, the law on mobilization, or rather, the law on amendments
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to the mobilization legislation effective may 18, 24- oh year, what and how can he change and has he already changed? and well, the very fact that a huge number of men, if i am not mistaken, the number has reached more than a million in accounting only because of one reserve plus s program, but this is an unprecedented phenomenon in our history, there was nothing like that, well , we have to understand that for 30 years we did not deal with our defense structure, and such a concept as the preparation of mobilization resources in general since 1991. year was practically reduced to zero, then to give the correct answers with literally one change to the to to to to to the cycle of laws is not so easy, in my opinion, in order to understand... so qualitatively or poorly the law must pass for at least half a half half a year, but for in my opinion, the first results are still significant, it is an accounting of all the resources we have, and
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it started, but with these successes that you said, more than a million people registered in the reserve plus application, another innovation that began on may 18, 24 , for the first time in court. ukrainian convicts will be released and are already being released from prisons for military service in the armed forces of ukraine, more than 600 people have already been released and have gone to the front. minister of justice denys malyuska announced on the air of the telethon edyni novini that the convicts, who were mobilized with their consent, will serve in special assault units subdivisions, we will listen to the minister of justice. as of now, it will be. e assault units, these will be units that so far consist exclusively of people who have served their sentences, that is, they are monolithic units without
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mixing with other military personnel, here i am not entirely sure that this is the best option, but again, the military is more visible, we so far, they have not reached the point of direct hostilities, these units are preparing, maybe the situation will change later and... the choice about mixing or not mixing will be made on another advantage, mr. colonel, at all times , convicts were sent to the front, they were sent to different units in different ways, as you think, the current initiative, which is fixed by law, accordingly, that convicts can go through the court and remove the criminal record and go to the front, how effective is it, how much will it... give potential and what and what does it give to the ukrainian army in particular? well , let's start from the first figures of 613 people, this is a full-fledged battalion, even a little
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bit more, it's really quite good and quite a lot, if you understand that it the first step, and if the next steps in the cycle, the 10th, 20th serial number will be the same, well, it can already grow by several tens of thousands, and this is actually a very serious power. personally, i believe that this is an absolutely correct step, they, they are the same convicted citizens as all the rest, and if these were crimes of a minor nature, and the law regulated everything very clearly, qualitatively and correctly, then the task of all citizens, without exception, to to defend our country, especially in times of existential challenge, and this is an existential challenge, either the enemies are us or we are them, and every person who will help beat the enemy, in my opinion, is worth its weight in gold, everything is organized correctly, i stand by... what is really good is that these are monolithic units, and do not mix with the regular armed forces, or rather with other units , and what will be their real effectiveness in the field,
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we will see. one more piece of news, mr. colonel: today, the state bureau of investigation is investigating the breach of the border by the russians in the kharkiv region, the level of support and staffing of the units of the armed forces, the construction of fortifications, is being checked. interaction between military units. in parallel, the verkhovna rada of ukraine temporarily created a special commission that investigates the spending of budget funds for the construction of fortifications and the creation of drones. phenomenon and do we have to, well, frankly admit that we did not have time to do it there, or we did not have time in all directions, because... of course there is a large russian-ukrainian and russian-belarusian border, and together it is 200 km, and this is quite a large front line, a very
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sensitive issue and in my opinion there is a very rampant, very treacherous, and absolutely unjustified, why? there were even thoughts that the first line of defense should have been, at least along the line of demarcation, this does not happen in nature, and i will give a little historical parallels here, the zvihvirda line or not? the best defensive line, not even the best defensive line, which was built in general of all times and nations, was built for more than 10 years, i emphasize, this is with german scrupulousness, with gigantic resources, and with such discipline, which is simply difficult for us to imagine, then we ukrainians, who are used to living in the illusion of pacifism, would like to have such lines of defense as they were then, this does not happen, but we remember winston chechly's saying that war is a catalog mistakes, yes, a lot of mistakes, a lot. there is a lot, but in order to give a correct and accurate assessment of this phenomenon, here we still need to move away from the principle of do no harm, so that we do not do
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what cannot be done by excessive analysis. let those people who have been officially appointed by the state work, let them they will give their verdict, let them put it on paper, make it into documents, so that there appear accurate, guaranteed, most importantly, verified non-emotional facts, and then we will analyze. vladimir putin speaks quite often about the fact that the current offensive in kharkiv oblast, and in general, all actions, combat actions in the northeast, in the northeast , have. meaning in sumy region, they are connected with the fact that they want to create a so -called sanitary zone, but at the expense of the state there are 5-10 km to ensure shelling of russian territory, not so many of those russian shelling there from the territory of the sumy region, not so much from the territory of the kharkiv region, after all, we are on our own land, but in this situation a completely logical question arises regarding the use of western weapons on the territory of russia and so on.
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respectively, of the sanitary zone on that side, that is, on that side, it should also be 10 or 15 km deep, so that the russians could not bring up artillery, fire artillery at bilopil, the great piserivka, kharkiv, or other cities located in the border zone, that is, until what delaying the decision by our western partners regarding the use of their weapons in... on the part of the enemy, it is logical, putin is trying to show that there is some such formula that will help to come up with something so that the territory of the russian federation will not be threatened. a real sanitary zone is when the parties agree among themselves and whether under international control or independently
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divert these forces and means, that's all. no different, the conditional approximate sanitary zone was after the so-called minsk-2, since then they really agreed on the withdrawal of artillery from both sides at a long distance, and then our enemy endlessly violated these rules, is the problem of launching strikes on the territory of the russian federation ripening and re-ripening, in nato weapons, first of all the weapons of the usa, because that is really all that is needed, i will emphasize and explain why the swedes really said: use our weapons, and what is their weapon, it is artillery. 77 archer brilliant, excellent artillery installation 10 seconds to a minute of time is deployed, in 10 seconds three shots and left, but these are three shots, even if the division is working, then this is a column on the march, then already the column that approaches the border, very ok, very nice, but not what is needed, it is necessary to exterminate that group, which is concentrated 90 km away and is growing, that is dangerous, they
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started like this for the first time, by the way. and only the attacker gives the answer to this, why only the attacker, the opponent is not a fool, he does not sit in tent cities, it was dispersed in forest strips and forests, and we understand that we do not fight with drones in the forests, we need cluster ammunition, m39, one of the varieties of atakamf, has in its configuration 900 within 950 sub-elements of m-74, so -so a small tangerine, filled with explosive...substances in a metal casing at a height of 30-40 m above the target, decomposes in a diameter of up to 500 m and forms a wormwood of fragments with a speed of 1000 m/s, well, several thousand hundred and this is all that cuts out everything that can to dry a tree and a living person, including when with such missiles, we will start to cover the concentration of troops at those distances, then there will be no one to reach the border, and then the issue
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of this sanitary zone will disappear altogether. because in the modern world, in modern technologies...


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