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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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why is it that the enemy is not a fool, he does not sit in tent cities, he is scattered in forest strips and forests, and we understand that we do not fight with drones in the forests, we need cluster ammunition. m-39 is one of the varieties of atakamf, it has in its configuration 900 in the range of 950 sub-elements of m-74, a kind of small tangerine filled with explosives in a metal casing. at a height of 30-40 m above the target , it decomposes in a diameter of up to 500 m and forms a wormwood of fragments with a speed of 1000 m/s, well, in several thousand hundreds and that’s all it cuts out, that’s all that can cut down a tree and a living person , including when we start using such rockets to bombard the concentration of troops at those distances, then there will be no one to reach the border, and then the issue of this sanitary zone will disappear altogether, because in the modern world in modern... the technology to talk about, well
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, we will cut down such a corridor between russia and ukraine, at the expense of ukrainian territory , the russians think, and there will be nothing that will threaten russian territory, this is also an illusion, taking into account the fact that modern weapons that exist, taking into account missiles, taking into account drones, and taking into account the fact that sooner or later, after all, western partners will agree that ukraine will use these western weapons at its own discretion, or not? will it happen in the near future, do you think, where is the point that will convince our western partners, they will say: then decide for yourself, it is generally your right there and your vision, a difficult issue, and once again i emphasize my position is not the western partners , just one country, the united states of america, the whole problem lies with them, the whole thing there is a problem in the administration, well, as a problem, it is not a problem, they are what they are, they look at this war in terms of
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their national interests, and we remember that as soon as a breakthrough moment appears , which can really change the front, and the use of atakams missiles at such a distance, plus the air force that is about to appear, can actually be the so-called game changer, then their bear alcohol immediately gets a nuclear club, immediately, there goes the point no return, honestly, i don't know, and the americans, in my opinion, don't know either, and that's why they are so careful and don't dare, that's why about 50 na na... why do i say that? i vividly remember in june 2022, when joseph biden clearly said: "i will not give ukraine f-16", because this is crossing black, not even red lines, and it is an escalation of the conflict. the f-16 is on its way. many spears were already broken around them, and they said the beginning of summer, and the middle of summer, and the end of summer. well, hopefully in the dry weather cycle we will finally hear the roar of this very quality one two engine in the air and its combat work,
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but there is another example, literally one and a half to two months ago, macron reflected that the entire foreign legion is entering ukraine almost tomorrow, there some are even now signing agreements on alleged instructors, although just an hour ago how long ago he said that it is not quite the case yet, that everything still needs to be thought out and put into place, and already the rhetoric that the french troops in ukraine will be gone tomorrow, so it may be so and so... yes, how, how is formed in reality, we are recruiting patience and follow. thank you, colonel, for the conversation, this was petro chernyk, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live. please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about this. would you agree to the presence of western troops in ukraine? well, the answer should be rhetorical, but what do you think?
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everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, write your comment if it does not fit into an unambiguous answer, and if you watch us on tv, you can pick up a smartphone or phone and vote by numbers, yes 0800 211 381, no, 080 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. further, we are in touch with roman symbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, former vlaskor unian in moscow. and roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, sergey, i traditionally invite our viewers to subscribe to roman tsymbalyuk's youtube channel, roman tsymbalyuk already has 1,200,000 viewers, subscribers, become his viewers and you will get the same pleasure as i do from roman tsymbalyuk's youtube channel. roman, let's start our conversation with the russian opposition, if it was strange and... and it didn't
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sound and wasn't such a political oxymoron now, but well, if there is a forum of the russian opposition, which is held in lviv, then it's obvious, probably those who calls is there an opposition at all in russia, who is this opposition, or are they the people who gathered in lviv, because on friday we had a discussion here with yelia panamarov about good russians, bad russians, russian positions and somehow we did not reach a single opinion, what do you think, is it necessary , is there a russian opposition and does ukraine need it, well, first of all, we have enemies ... among the russians, we probably don't need to multiply them anymore. second, there is no russian position, there is, it is not, and now we are talking about political emigrants, this is completely different. third, yes, we have a very skeptical attitude towards
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that these people can influence something. but fourth, this does not mean that it should not be done, no matter how strange it is. moreover, when we see people in military uniform who defend our country with weapons in their hands, i... they think that the passport itself should be decisive, that these people have a russian one, then they are the same soldiers as ours, and at least everything shows this in the course of hostilities, the situation is complicated, there are no good solutions here, i would simply break this situation down into two components: there is the fact that we we demonstrate that we can talk with the russians, that we don't have any grudges here or anything else. this is in such a broad context, including before the peace summit, which will be held next month in switzerland, we have to record that this will cause a certain resentment within the state, you know, not mistrust, but in places even
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a humiliating view , i think that this should not be done, once again, we use all the means that you... are possible in our, in our politics, and this, this forum, it means much less than any unit of the armed forces of ukraine, including the rdk. well, tell me , do you think russia noticed this at all, well, you monitor their programs, they, they, they talk about it at all, don’t such forums exist for them, and in general they don’t consider these people there , as a real force that can create. as yelya ponomaryov told me, some government, well, in exile, relatively speaking, and sooner or later will bring these russian volunteer battalions to moscow, that is, they do not even consider such a possibility, although it is obvious that if systematically to work with those people who call themselves
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the russian opposition and to expand this russian volunteer corps, well general, i don’t mean the rdc, only siberia and the freedom of russia, then sooner or later it... may happen, but yes, well, at the moment there are no prerequisites for this, let's say so, diplomatically, but here is one more very important point, this does not mean that this should not be done, in general, well, i am not looking for good russians here, but i just want to record that in them in their homeland, all those who, with open faces, call to armed resistance to russian aggression, that is, which i call for... to kill the russian invaders on ukrainian soil, in russia, they are all terrorists and must be destroyed, well , this just needs to be said so that, well,
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there are enough examples of how putin kills his enemies, it just says that these people have a peberge, let's say so, but it does not mean that tomorrow, well... they will go to moscow on the ukrainian abrams, this must also be realized, i just mean that we, as a state we have, we have many officials, many different services, special services, several projects should be promoted at the same time, this is my humble opinion, even if it does not give this opportunity for a pro-ukrainian government to be in moscow, although who knows how it will turn out, it must be done... in this regard , we must look at our european friends, you see, they always play this game, in good russian ones, it infuriates us to a certain extent, if we look at this situation from
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the point of view of today's battles in vovchansk, this is understandable if we look with ease at the perspective there for many years , then it is necessary do. again, well, i think that's a comprehensive answer. thank you, roman, you mentioned the summit to be held in switzerland, the global summit on june 15-16. today , president zelensky announced that the president of the united states of america, joe biden, should come to the peace summit, and he said this at a press conference in belgium. let's listen to zelensky's arguments. i would very much like president biden to be there in person, and i know that america supports the summit, but you and i don't know at what level, i don't think it's a very strong decision, and i i believe that... president biden needs the peace summit and needs other leaders who
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are looking at the reaction of the united states of america. not his presence, this, this will only applaud putin, personally applaud putin, and standing. roman, the absence of biden at the peace summit will reduce the scope of this forum, the absence of the president of the united states of america, or still, well, it should. understand that it is obvious that the united states of america will do its utmost to have a high representation there, or a state secretary of the united states of america, is it possible to be the vice president of the united states of america, and how, to what extent what zelensky says, how far it can be accepted in the kremlin, and there is no biden, it means that putin stands up or applauds and says, well , we finally won, maybe putin will organize some more... forum together with sydynpin there with the countries of the conditional
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south of this region and will say, and we, our formula for peace. we will organize such a forum, well, again, here it is just like with the first question, there is diplomatic work, and there is a situation on the ground, this does not mean that diplomatic work should not be done. eh, because at first there was a word anyway, ah, i’m to the point that it’s better, in my opinion, let there be no biden, but there will be a juliard of american atacamas missiles, here you see, i think we’re not in that, not in that condition, to take offense at the americans or impose some conditions on them, it is clear that the highest representation is very cool, well, i don't really like such rhetoric... the president, why, because the american military already had there are many reports about the fact that on this
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date biden has another event, something he is collecting money there, well, plus they have another election, so if, if he suddenly does not come, then it seems that everyone and the rest do not have to come, well, i i'm just talking about the fact that we can't influence president biden, but in the diplomatic rhetoric, i would still be ... in a different way, what i mean, for example, that of course, we want to the united states was represented at the highest level because we believe that any president of the united states regardless of his last name for our state, but we will welcome any representation, especially since everyone on this planet knows that the united states supports ukraine, this is what i am saying off the top of my head, well... you understand, these are nuances, just not i want our partners, well, they have, well, sometimes they have, how
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to phrase it correctly and diplomatically, so as not to get a false impression about ukrainians and drink the ukrainian side, well, there are nuances that lead to the fact that it annoys them , a lot of us are also annoyed, once again absolutely well-founded, because these conversations about... weapons, whether to beat the parachutists or not, they are already sitting here, to be honest, and sometimes it seems to me that these conversations are only a signal to putin to stop manichela, because , because we have such and such a lever, because there are a lot of conversations, let's just see, but these signals, they are already sitting in the livers, or somewhere, generally far from us. the war is not taking place in these diplomatic offices, but on the ground, in landings and on ukrainian soil. without a
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doubt, i agree with you. the chinese too have not yet confirmed their participation in the peace summit in switzerland, that is, the americans will participate at an as yet unknown level . china has not yet confirmed. according to the spokeswoman of the chinese foreign ministry maoning, her country does not have specific information on this to share it now, but... well, it is clear that beijing will also choose a side, such a middle position in order not to offend putin, and ... to tell the world that they have this so-called map, a peace map, although it is not a peace map, it is rather a vision of beijing, of what is happening in ukraine, it is wrong, well, how, in my opinion, forgive me, but putin after the so-called inauguration began to fly around beijing, minsk, now he is flying to tashkent, it seems, to uzbekistan, well, that is, what is left
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of putin’s influence now in the 24th year, that is... we always talk about sanctions, about economic sanctions, we talk about an international warrant issued against putin, which limits him, but what if we look at him politically now, what, what putin has left, well, actually not so little, he has subordination to 140 people who like it, don't like it, they are still a source. money for vladimir putin, i.e. all these visits, well, to china, of course, he went for a shortcut to reign, then there is an attempt to emphasize that russia's influence in the so-called post-soviet space remains, although in fact they lost almost everywhere, especially in this region, because now we see footage from
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putin's visit to uzbekistan, they are just starting to orient these countries more and more... towards china, and everyone actually understands that, but if we go back to this summit, you see, everyone would like to hold this pause, but if china is represented at the level of an ambassador, this is also a flag raising, i'm just saying that let's model ourselves like this, we are, you are the ambassador of china in switzerland , i am his deputy, a world event. in fact, china is involved in these processes, as a powerful state, it is involved in all processes, and here the chinese simply ignore them, they will have to make some kind of report to their foreign ministry on this matter, that is , it may be the case that precisely the chinese on levels
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their representative office of switzerland will raise their flags, and we will accordingly say, you see, the chinese one... has joined us, so there may be such an opportunity here. another putin ally, lukashenko spoke to journalists and called on belarusian journalists to intensify propaganda and declared that independent societies and democratic values ​​are just western talk. let's listen to lukashenka. it is necessary to strengthen propaganda and counter-propaganda. that is, work with public opinion. the point is one: let them work with public opinion in their territory. here i am
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i look at all this, and you know, i just remember, probably 85 or 86, when i i was a young korean and i read that, that, that, that, or watched on tv, what the members of the politburo said there, what should be done with the press, there is the party organization, party literature, well, they are completely, but this is the worst option, that what lukashenko is showing right now, it's already, it 's not even funny anymore, and it's just that, they completely, as i understand it, took the course to create a mini-soviet union, a mini-union state, that's understandable, but no. .. only a mini union state, because what they are doing is just a bad remake of the soviet union or not? well, yes, back in the ussr, there is absolutely no difference between the russian federation and belarus, that is, they are doing something here, well, even in the west , a journalist and a pr specialist are still two different professions, and pr specialists usually receive
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a higher salary, that’s right, well, it happened historically, because it’s a slightly different job, but... you see, they’re mixing it all up here, what’s the point, what about people who call themselves journalists, they should be naked of the press service, well, according to the administration of lukashenka or putin, that is, to sing deferrambas, to tell how cool he is, how young he is, how he is getting younger, how he is becoming more and more experienced, and in general , everyone who is against dictators should be hanged, destroyed, send to okrestina in belarus. that option, that is, i don't even know what to say here, it's not about the team, in this case, thank you, roman, for the conversation, it was roman tsymbalyuk, my colleague. a journalist, former vlaskor unian in moscow, a person who has 1,200, 1,200 subscribers on youtube. friends,
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we continue to work on the air of the tv channel and on our platforms in youtube and facebook. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our platforms, take part in our vote, today we are asking you whether you would agree to the presence of western troops in ukraine, yes no. everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a more extensive answer that goes beyond these two classic answers, please write in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. yes, 0800-211-381, no, 080 211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program and we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have yevhen magda, executive. director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast today. congratulations, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes.
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let's start, mr. yevgeny, with zelenskyi's words that despite the war in ukraine, ukraine was and remains a democratic state for five years zelenskyi's presidency has passed, now the additional time of his presidency has begun. well , you can say that, and it will continue until the next elections are held and until president zelenskyi hands over his powers to another newly elected president, i.e. after the war. let's briefly summarize what ukraine has gained and lost over the past five years under president zelenskyi. good question, we've already talked about it with your colleagues, you know, actually. just take it and stop on may 20, 2024 it will be simply impossible, we will be fooling ourselves in this way, the situation
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is simply still in development, and i am a supporter of the fact that we should evaluate based on the fact, that is why i always say that we should evaluate politicians who are still... functioning , they have an opportunity to change their attitude, and both with a plus sign and with a minus sign, but if we talk, then here, you know, there is a certain logical trap, because during zelenskyi's presidency , on the one hand, ukraine lost about 20% well, no, not around 20%, somewhere around 12... it's 13% of its territory, because 7% of the territory was lost in 2014, but this is on the one hand, that is, we must first of all say
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that this happened as a result of a large-scale invasion of the russian federation, that i do not see this directly as zelensky's fault, that is, you know , that he lost, that is , we can talk about a complex of ee... different factors, but to lay the blame on the fault of volodymyr zelenskyi himself, i think, would not be entirely correct. on the other hand, here, too , we must say that this is our joint achievement, ukraine survived in these conditions, that is, even 830 days ago, we were already told by almost everyone that you, as a result of the attack on russia in ukraine, you will simply collapse. and ukraine did not fall apart, and this is also, in my opinion, our joint consequence, well, joint actions, simply, in the conditions of war there is, on
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the one hand, determined by law to a certain extent, the concentration of forces and means and powers in the hands of the president, on the other hand concentration also occurs on the side. certain powers that the president, well, let's say, passes under his belt, but i don't know , given all the peculiarities of ukrainian politics, what volodymyr zelenskyi, well, for example, gathered the parliamentarians, told them not to vote or do something, the truth is, well, you also follow the political agenda, that is, choosing, let's say, a passive position of ukraine. parliamentarians, it is theirs, including the choice of a large part of them, and it is also necessary to talk about it, as far as i understand, well, in any case, it will be in my opinion
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until... quite honestly and frankly, these are the politicians that we were elected in 2019, and many of them for some reason decided to form a parliamentarian, decided to form their own authority, it's true, because they decided that now it would be better for them, although in the period from the 19th year they did not think so, and everything was fine for them, well, and accordingly, well, that is , it is a complex, well, we, you know, we... no matter how banal it sounds, we look at zelensky as a mirror of our expectations, our possibilities, and our moment expected that you would write a book about putin's hatred of ukraine, right? yes, without a doubt beyond any doubt. mr. yevgeny, another
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story that is very actively... peddled by putin, illegitimate putin, and illegitimate lukashenko, all these illegitimate dictators of neighboring countries, they peddle the topic of zelensky's illegitimacy, today once again putin started talking, he suddenly remembered, that he once studied at the law faculty, well, by the way, zelensky also studied at the law faculty only in kryvyi rih, well, at least he already has a law degree. uh, and, of course, in this situation a completely logical question arises, and well, maybe we should put an end to this legitimacy, illegitimacy, so that there is no such speculation, maybe it would be right if this was still a decision of the constitutional court, because when the dictators of neighboring countries try to play by the law, it looks very , well, so disgusting , because people who violated
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the world... world norms, international agreements, the world order in general are suddenly talking about some kind of illegitimacy of zelenskyi, is this decision of the constitutional court necessary so that no one there tries to reproach him with illegitimacy. i have only one explanation, logical, why the president's office did not turn to the constitutional court for a relevant decision, because there was... as i understand it, the danger that there will be no quorum in the constitutional court, and a situation will arise when the request will already be there, and accordingly about it will be known, well, you know, as a classic scheme, that the press service of the constitutional court reports that this or that request has been received, but there is no decision, and accordingly, russian propaganda would also start talking about it. to beat wherever she
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can, i will say that zelensky is legitimate, and in my understanding, although i cannot, i think, be called a supporter of zelensky, but in any case, his powers end with the acquisition of the powers of the next president, and this is for you, as a specialist in recent history. ukraine will also be known, because i will remind you of a fact that seems to have been forgotten by almost everyone, after the orange revolution, when there was the third round of presidential elections, remember, at that time kuchma also overstayed his powers for several months, until february , until february 2005, the inauguration, and then it is nobody there was absolutely no slander, but no one
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said that kuchma was already illegitimate. come on, well, that is, then there was negativity channeled against viktor yanukovych for obvious reasons, well, the orange revolution, let me remind you, almost 20 years ago, just in the current situation now, when putin and lukashenko are starting to think about the alleged illegitimacy of zelensky, well, this this is a variety, in fact, and lukashenko does not have children on it at all... to put it bluntly, in the case of putin, the situation is, i would say, a little more complicated, because he pedals this topic in order to to divert attention from the fact that he himself was elected for the actual next presidential term, including for 20% of the territory occupied by ukraine, and this is definitely not legitimate, right?


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