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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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and at the same time, and at the same time, it didn't bother anyone at all, did it? well, no one said that kuchma was already illegitimate, that let's get out, well, that is, then there was negativity there channeled against viktor yanukovych for obvious reasons, well, the orange revolution, let me remind you, almost 20 years ago, just in the current situation now, when about illegitimacy, as if they are beginning to think about zelenskyi... putin and lukashenko, well, well, this, this is madness, in fact, and lukashenko has no place to put a brand on him at all, in the case of putin, this the situation, i would say, is a little more complicated, because he pedals this topic in order to divert attention from the fact that he himself was elected for the next presidential term, including by 20%. occupied ukrainian territory, and
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it is definitely not legitimate, however, in any case, in our eyes and in the eyes of millions of other ukrainian citizens, it is beyond any doubt, and there is one more point about which i want to say that, accordingly, it he pedals it in order to show that he, he is the president of russia, but what's wrong with ours the partners from the seven, they... actually recognized putin as the president, well, there were none, that is , i understand that in the future, a démarche is possible in the sense that their ambassadors will not present credentials, but at that moment the topic will be somewhat played out, though, well, it will happen in a few months, at best, that is, there was not such an operational reaction as we, in principle, all...
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expected, and as you know, the statement of the mass media group regarding the illegitimacy of putin was blocked by no one else, as anthony blinken, that is , the united states is not ready for this, this decision, at the moment, they are not ready to talk about the illegitimacy of putin, because they are obviously afraid of it, and putin, if you look at his statements of the last two or three weeks,... he repeats the same thing: zelensky is illegitimate, there is no one to sign with agreements on peace, he is speculating on this, it means that the political and legal system of ukraine must be determined, and even the russian wikipedia has now written that the president of ukraine is ruslan stefanchuk, that is , they went, formally-political, formally-legal approach, well, that is we understand how it is done in the russian segment
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of wikipedia, it is true, but for me these are all games, and when honored lawyer of ukraine begins, i do not know why he was not deprived of this title, how they deprived him of ukrainian citizenship, honored lawyer of ukraine, viktor medvedchuk begins to talk about the fact that zelenskyi is not legitimate, it becomes clear to me, to me too, when zelenskyi, zelenskyi is one. side, and putin and medvedchuk are on the other side, which side will you be on? well, here, this is a rhetorical question, it is absolutely clear that medvedchuk is state-owned a traitor and a person who plays on putin's side and talks about some constitutional norms, well, that's it in general, there's not even anything to say here, as actually and about putin as well, the only question here is how the ukrainian government should show everyone that '. to the nose, that there is a decision
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of the constitutional court and there are no problems, although, well, you are right that there was such a story with leonid kuchma, and i remember very well, precisely this year 2004-5, it seems to me that something in 20 dates, it seems that in february yushchenko was sworn in, if i am not mistaken, or in january, and it seems in january, in january, yes, in january, it's his birthday in february, everything is correct, but... but look, putin was convinced, if we talk about the current war, about the great war, putin was convinced that that ukraine will not join nato for at least 30 years, and it became known that scholz spoke with him, and he spoke about this before this great war, and about that meeting with putin that scholz spoke about at the democracy festival in berlin , let's listen to this fragment, because it is very interesting. to him: you know,
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this is not expected in the near future, probably in the next 30 years, i said it publicly, but he insists on this reason. mr. yevgeny, at that time scholz said that ukraine would not join nato for at least 30 years. and why now the alliance cannot clearly define the terms when ukraine can become a member of the north atlantic alliance, or publicly not invite to the washington summit. to nato in order to put all the dots of hope that putin's entire policy is for containment, or the main argument why this great war started, because the alliance is expanding, well, just put a check and to putin, you know, here you can
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quote another prime minister of estonia, the prime minister, kaya kalas, she said that she is hindering us. to help ukraine to the full extent of the fear of russia, and this, i think, is the truth, and the truth is as it is, and accordingly, this truth should be perceived exactly in this way. another fact is that at the time of, say, the submission of ukraine's application to join nato, this is still a measure for many politicians. them, well , it's, well, let's put it this way, no, not such a question that is constantly on the agenda, and they, they went to the elections without any questions, they are not in their pre-election portfolio,
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there was no answer to the question of whether ukraine should be a member of nato. let's be honest, that two years ago we did not have a final... final answer to this question, it's true, because ukraine submitted the application in response to holding an illegal referendum on their accession to russia in our occupied territories, that is, we already had there was a trend exclusively of european integration, no one in principle talked about the prospects of accession, rapid accession to nato. and i'm for that we give up the so-called danish principle, well, such an anniversary that if... 75 years of nato, then they will definitely give us a piece of candy, well, in the form of a decision to invite ukraine to nato, they work a little differently, they , they didn't have, you know, that sort of watch for the 75th anniversary meeting
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of the north atlantic treaty organization, well, they're looking at it, i would say, more pragmatically, and ... accordingly, i think the key is in internal changes, to really work and show what we are and why our value. i do not see, unfortunately, from of ukraine, from the ukrainian leadership, communication, theses that without ukraine there will be no european and euro-atlantic integration. in full, and given the size of our country, and given the experience of confronting the russian federation, these are things that we should communicate as actively as possible, well, this is absolutely clear, and we will of course wait for the washington summit to see what it will bring us,
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in the meantime on may 28, zelensky signed a bilateral security agreement with belgium a day earlier with spain, it became known today that belgium will supply 30 f16 fighters. to the 28th year, the prime minister of belgium , alexandre de creo, stated this. let's hear what he said. these f-16 aircraft will be provided to ukraine as soon as possible. our goal is to deliver the first aircraft by the end of 2024. everything that is provided for in this agreement is very clearly spelled out in it. it is for use by the defense forces of ukraine.
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learned director of the institute of world politics, friends, we are working live on the tv channel and conducting a survey, today we are asking you about the following, have you agreed to the presence of western troops in ukraine, intermediate? show us the results of the survey on the screen 96% yes 4% no on youtube the ratio is 95 yes and 5% no, gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trimmer recors unpack the tv, hurry to order at a special price, only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in
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, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our... today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of beloved presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests. studio events of the day in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for the intelligent
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and those who care, in the evening at espresso. greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, and in this part we will talk. about this preventive protection against russian terror. president zelenskyy asks western partners to give ukraine a chance to prevent tragedies similar to the one in kharkiv. what to expect from allies? looks like an outspoken sabotage. public organizations demand from the verkhovna rada an immediate ban on the russian orthodox church, which prevents the deputies from adopting. the long-awaited draft law. prolonged presidential term. putin and lukashenko repeat mantras
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about zelensky's illegitimacy. can the kremlin prepare the return of the vegan yanukovych? friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, would you agree to the presence of western troops in ukraine, meaning the troops of our western partners, yes, no, uh, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you sit in front of the tv and watch... us on tv, take it to smartphone or phone and vote yes 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce today's guests of our studio, they are people's deputies of ukraine, yulia klymenko from the faction
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golos, first deputy head of the parliamentary committee on transport and infrastructure. structures. mrs. yulia, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. good evening. mykyta poturaev, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, head of the committee on humanitarian affairs and information policy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. vice-president of the osce parliamentary assembly. mr. nikita, i congratulate you. thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. and oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, head of the subcommittee on issues ensuring activity. people's deputies of ukraine. mr. olezh, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. i congratulate you. so, ladies and gentlemen, as we ask our viewers and television viewers what they think about the presence of the troops of our western partners in ukraine, and it would seem that we are asking a rhetorical question, but we see that we do not have one hundred percent support for this issue, so in
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blitz poll format, very short, how about you? do you think, and would you agree to the presence of the troops of our western partners in ukraine, because this topic is already being discussed, it seems for the third month, if i'm not mistaken, let's start with mrs. yulia, well, i think that there are options, if we have the possibility of the presence of western troops, we can only welcome it. thank you, ms. yulia, mr. oleg, of course. because we are moving towards nato, and we are convinced that we will reach the time when, together with our allies, we will oppose any aggressive actions, primarily from the side of moscow, and i am convinced that the parliament, the verkhovna rada, namely the decision of the parliament needed for such the presence of western troops, nato troops on the territory of ukraine, will definitely vote and
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such a decision will be supported. thank you, mr. olezh, mr. nikita. well, i honestly don’t know why to hesitate here, this presence is certainly desirable, it has been desired for a long time, it has been barraged since the 20th year, in various manifestations, it can be ground forces, it can be air forces, well, there is room for us here to help and there is someone to help us and what to help us with, and certainly. i am also convinced that if there is a real desire, not a declaration, but real desire, then the verkhovna rada supports such a decision. thank you, mr. nikita, thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your very short and precise answers. let's start our main topics, this issue itself, and we have three of them. let's start with the first one - this is the use of western weapons on
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the territory of the russian federation, president zelenskyy called on the government partners to make a decision that will allow preemptive attacks on the concentration points of russian troops. let's listen to the president. many leaders, representatives of states and international organizations, public figures spoke with sympathy for ukraine and kharkiv, condemned russian terror, and it is important that such condemnation leads to complete cases'. left consequences, so that finally we have enough ppu systems to protect ukraine, our cities, and that our partners have enough determination for preventive protection against russian terrorists, as they would strike at any other terrorists, destroying them
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before they start destroying life. mrs. yulia tell me, please, the question here is only the determination or lack of determination of our western partners, or after all some, maybe others there are motives when our western partners, well , try not to give a direct answer that ukraine can use their weapons in strikes on the territory of russia? well, i think that there are rather only two questions that the western partners are asking themselves, whether there will be an escalation of the war and... and in what form it will be, that is , the use of western weapons, which are long-range and which are accurate enough, everyone is worried about we did not use it against the kremlin. and moscow, and the question of whether we will use it not only for, for example, warehouse and logistical destruction there russian chains, as well as for attacks on
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the group, including the leadership of russia, who are actually the main criminals who led to this war, so this is one question and another. the question is whether, shall we say, in response to our use of weapons , russia will use nuclear weapons? i think that this is the issue that worries our partners the most, since the kremlin has more than once threatened the whole world to use nuclear weapons against ukraine and not only ukraine. therefore , the question is whether to use tactical or strategic nuclear weapons by russia after it understands that the ukrainian troops are reaching the heart of dracula in the kremlin, or
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they are significantly damaging the russian troops and logistically, but mr. oleg, what do you think, in this story, well, of course, sort of arguments, fears, the world of battle. of nuclear weapons, putin and medvedev understand that the world is afraid constantly in the information field, they bring this topic into the information field that we will now use nuclear weapons, but if we draw analogies between what happened in the second world war ii, when the western partners provided weapons to the soviet union, there were no longer any restrictions, they did not say that you should not shoot at hitler's bunker there, because , well, that's not it... you can use our weapons, because it it will appear that we gave weapons to the soviet union there, and now you are killing germans on german territory, whether
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such analogies are appropriate and whether such associations do not cause in you these limitations or this indecision, or desire, perhaps still in some prospects to sit down at the table change with moscow and agree on peace, dedicated in secret. diplomats understand exactly why today it is so difficult for us to get a decision regarding the attack with weapons provided to ukraine by our partners on the territory of muscovy, and i am convinced that we should not blame our western allies today, but does ukraine need such a decision? it is obvious that we need it extremely much, because it is a question of our security, it is a question of preemption of very... many strikes that the muscovites, especially on the territory of kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast, are carrying out today from the territory of russia federation, therefore our joint task, and here
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we should not divide into presidents, parliamentarians, political forces, this is our joint task, and we finally demonstrated it in sofia at a meeting of the nato parliamentary assembly, which was also attended by the leader of european solidarity . poroshenko, that with joint efforts we are able to achieve such solutions, because the resolution of the nato parliamentary assembly says that such strikes in response to the aggression of the rashists are possible and necessary, and this is a very, very important step. i am convinced that just as we have come a very long way to get leopards and abrams to get hymers and long haulers. missiles for great britain and france, i am convinced that we will get sooner or later, not only the atakams, that we will also get the german tauros, but really it will have
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to be hard, very careful diplomatic work, and there is another question that we must not just ask ourselves, and we must act and act decisively, because in ukraine from 2014 to 2019 there were programs. which not only completed the production of neptune missiles, which are sufficiently effective, and which in the future provided for the possibility of their use not only on sea targets, but also on the earth-to-earth system. it is a pity that in the 19th, 20th, and 21st years we stopped funding the ukrainian sapsan program, these are just medium-range missiles, i am convinced that if we had not lost this time, we would have had it today. . medium -range ukrainian missiles, which would definitely be capable of hitting targets, just like ukrainian drones on the territory of muscovy, and no one would
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have been able to ban it then. and then it would be much easier for us, of course, to talk with our allies and receive from our allies these opportunities that they have today in their latest military developments, i think that such a starting point will still be the obtaining by the armed forces of ukraine, military by the air force of ukraine, f-16 fighter jets, because these are planes that are capable of... carrying air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, and i am convinced that together with those planes we will find a consensus western partners regarding the possibility of attacking objects on the territory of moscow. after all , the statements we heard today from great britain and sweden certainly inspire optimism that the countries of the western world, our partners , understand that there is another way than attacking
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objects, military objects, i want to... emphasize on the territory of muscovy, it will be simply impossible to stop the enemy, and this is our joint task. thank you, mr. olezh, and mr. nikita, how much are the arguments, or how much is what mr. synyutka says about these missile programs that were in in a different way somehow transformed after 2019, how did it affect our current capabilities and whether in this situation, when the president... it is quite logical to ask our partners that you will give us permission to hit the territory of the russian federation with your missiles, or whether our western partners are not speaking, listen, well, you also had missiles and had an opportunity, but you did not take advantage of it, did not prepare for war, and in principle, what claims should there be to us? well, let's make sure that i don't say harsh things now, not too much... from correct ones,
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so, well, first of all, i want to remind mr. oleg that i know something from dnipro about what is happening at the southern plant and at the southern design bureau, so nothing could fly there, mr. oleg, not in the 18th, not in the 19th year, just as bohddan could not shoot very well on the kraziv chassis, just as the neptunes did not fly very well, all this had already happened. to martial law already during the actual invasion, so there is no need, please, to tell our fellow citizens a different picture from what actually happened. now, as for our partners, mr. serhii, i want to remind you that our partners financed the disarmament of ukraine, systematically financed it, so it is not for sure, for sure not for them,
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for us to remind them about... something, because it was with american money that they were sprayed on scrap metal planes, let me remind you, there was such a small amount, so it was exchanged there for some mythical debts there for gas, so they gave it to moscow, and the rest was dusted with american money, because the americans were interested in ensuring that we did not have planes, but that's all there is to it limited? absolutely not, because under yanukovych, yes, under yanukovych, but again, with american money, a bunch of inlet complexes were dusted, together, by the way, with missiles, still soviet ones, which were supposed to carry tactical nuclear charges, yes, tactical nuclear charges in we were actually stolen by the russians, even before the signing of the budapest memorandum, but the launchers themselves.
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carriers were, they were dusted in the period from the 10th to the 12th year with american money, so i think that the allies perfectly remember who financed the significant disarmament of ukraine, i i will not mention the fact that any modernizations of our planes, mig-29s, our dryers, everything ukraine did, pulled for its own money, by the way, and during the presidency of petro oleksiyovych poroshenko, the money that was available. that's not all, there was, there was, and to peter oleksiiovych , let's lie, they were allocated and somehow financed too, but exclusively for their own, without any help from the west. now, regarding your question, mr. serhiy, i want to say that in support of mr. oleh, that there is no need to blame, but we definitely need to call a spade a spade, and the question of the use of western weapons on the territory, and
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is it against it? territory of muscovy -


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