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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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the launchers and the carriers themselves were there, they were dusted in the period from the 10th to the 12th year with american money, so i think that the allies perfectly remember who financed the significant disarmament of ukraine, i no longer remember that any modernization of our planes, mig-29s, our dry cleaners, ukraine did everything, paid for it, by the way, even during the presidency of petro oleksich. poroshenko, the money that was there, mr. olek, won’t let me lie, was allocated, somehow financed all of it, there was, there was, and there was also before petro oleksiyovych, but solely on their own, without any help from the west. now, regarding your question, mr. serhiy, i want to say that while supporting mr. oleg, there is no need to blame, but we definitely need to call a spade a spade, and the question of the use of weapons is western. on the territory, or there against
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the territory of muscovy, it is not a question of weapons and not of their use, it is a question of whether they are going to help us win the war, because as winston churchill said, after the incredibly successful dunkirk evacuation operation, he said: wars are not won by evacuations, wars are not won by evacuations, and therefore... there is no need, i think, there is no need to hold back and clearly put questions to our allies, then you honestly say that you want to help ukraine win, or is this just talk, because i you know, when, when it flies around kharkiv like this, well, again, it's not the first time, it's not the first time, it doesn't mean that we have to learn to live with it, no, we have to... show the whole world, we're not we want
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to live with it, and you tell us the truth, are you going to give us the opportunity to help, and to help and win, it means to beat the russians in the areas of concentration, wherever these districts are, in the temporarily occupied kherson region, or in zaporizhzhia, or in their territories, in the belgorod, kursk, and voroniv regions, because victory is won only in this way. everything else, i'm sorry, is chatter and nothing more, and the question and the answer to this question are very simple and honest, we have to demand, that's all, well, obviously, obviously, until the west clearly articulated that apart from the fact that they are not want the defeat of ukraine, they are ukrainians, they have to say what they want the defeat of russia, then it will be clearly and completely arranged. accents, and it looks like
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our western partners say that they do not want ukraine to lose, but at the same time they are not ready for the defeat of russia, that is , they are ready for some kind of hybrid peace, but not for defeat, this is probably in this a big problem, i understand that mr. oleg, you wanted to react in this way to what was said, of course, because with this respect for dnipro and kab pivdenne, i am convinced that this is pride. of ukraine, but we must be honest that bohdana, unfortunately or fortunately, has none there is no relation to dnipro, because the barrels there were produced in another city, the trigger mechanisms in another city, as well as the development of neptune, this is also not the development of kb pivdenna, it is the development of a completely different design bureau. well, if we talk about bohdana, then indeed the first copy of bohdana was produced in 2018 and... in
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2019, this self-propelled artillery installation was supposed to be put into production and actually produced in a serial version, so it began to be produced in a serial version think about it in 2024, a with regard to bohdana's qualities, the first time she was really used in combat conditions was the clearing of zmiyna island from enemies, when the self-propelled installations of our that were available at that time could not qualitatively reach the enemy on the snake, and bohdana did it. and did not do it in the 24th year, much sooner, and therefore to say that it was some kind of loss of someone once there, as it has been accused for the last five years, it is definitely incorrect, as for neptune, then it was and fate happened that on the southern coast of ukraine we just handed over
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equipment from the petro poroshenko charitable foundation and community affairs to help the division that sank the cruiser moscow. and we had a conversation with... the management of this division and with the representatives of the design bureau present there, who actually developed these things, so, well, i would really like for us to be correct, and we really paid tribute to those designers who in the 17th- in the 18th years, they did, conducted and indeed already conducted shootings and accepted them for use in the armed forces of ukraine, or as it is fashionable to say, put them into service, i i don't want to remember. these dummies who traveled just to make eye contact, because this is a completely different story, a story that will surely be heard after our victory, but we really must pay tribute to those designers, and the military and politicians who
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took the appropriate decision, and we received both bohdan and neptuna on the eve of a full-scale aggression, and we must honestly say that when there was a big... discussion in the parliament regarding the financing of the military program before a full-scale aggression, i would very much not like to return to this discussion in the 20th and 21st years, when there was a thesis that if we finance the army, we will not have money for asphalt. let's not talk about that today, talk today about how to unite the country and confront the enemy. without a doubt, i support mr. oleg, mr. serhiy, i'm sorry, but sir. you know, i treat you personally and many in your political force with respect and correctness, but my memory is not like that of a goldfish, honestly, so i remember, and now i can crawl, or mr. serhiy maybe, or ms. yulia, maybe search the internet and in a minute and a half
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find articles from the 19th year, when the question arose, and it was not put anywhere in the president's office, what should bohdan put on the tatra chassis. you remember that, i think you remember, and what were the accusations of corruption, not in krazivskyi, she did not shoot from krazivskyi, i am not saying that nkmz, i know where it was done, mr. oleg, her they did in skudar, no, no, no, mr. serhiy, no, mr. serhiy, i’m nothing, you know, i have the impression that once again the predecessors are to blame for everything, well, you’ve been in power for years, well, just us viewers are watching, commenting on it, it will be called to the fact that they received the inheritance, five years, five received, poturaev will be objective, and potoraev will say that under poroshenko they really made a good cannon on a bad chassis, on krazivskyi, from which she, from which
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she did not shoot, and the same one that fired at the shifts, was already shooting from the tatriv chassis, how long was the accuser of the ministry of defense that it wanted to put it on a normal chassis and how long it took, i have not forgotten it, and if you look... i forgot, so i will remind you, with with the neptunes, kabeluch, the situation was not so simple either, and the matter here is not about dummies, the fact is that every rocket must be taught to fly, and yes, mr. oleg, i am convinced that the whole of ukraine should be grateful to those government officials who managed then it was financed and believed in the period from the 14th to the 19th year, and indeed the product, as the rocket engineers say, was almost ready, and it could be used quickly. as for peregrine, i will remind the audience again that when the saudis financed it under the name of thunder, the saudis allocated more 40 million dollars, and the state of ukraine, it was not you, mr. oleg, it was not poroshenko’s administration, it was earlier, but the state
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of ukraine allocated 20 million dollars, 20 million, for 20 million even the design documentation for the project, normal design bureaus do not do and the fact that we have colleagues, come on, you will be in power for a few more years, you will still have the opportunity to tell this, well, mr. serhiy, can i make one comment, i think that we need to look to the future, but not in the past, because we have many years ahead of us, let's say, armed, if not war, then... and russia will not go anywhere, even after our victory, so now you need to focus all your technical knowledge on producing, start producing not wasteland, but mass production of everything, from shells to serious uavs, and these technologies
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, to stay in ukraine and not migrate abroad, because their life here is not impossible, thanks to bep and all the various organizations that simply... make the life of manufacturers in ukraine really impossible, that's why we have mass production of everything you described, and a lot everything we need is still very far away, we have very few specialists who can expand normal industry, production, to a large flow. it must be done by all together, and those who understand the details, those who understand management, those who understand investments, and those who understand which technologies will survive after the war. this is a very complex and large conversation, unfortunately, it is not conducted much, at the moment, everyone blames the past, but no one knows how to do it in the future, so that ukraine is armed thanks to weapons so that russia would not even think of coming a second time. thank you, mrs. yulia, i would like to remind our viewers that we are conducting a survey throughout the broadcast and
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asking you whether you would agree to the presence of western troops in ukraine, meaning the troops of our western partners, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes no , if you have a smartphone or a phone, you can vote by phone 0800 211 381, not 08021382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program. let's sum up the results of this vote. one more a topic on which the russian occupiers and the russian dictator putin are speculating quite actively, he started talking again today about the legitimacy and illegitimacy of zelenskyi, he started talking about the fact that he read the constitution and mentioned that there is a right that must be must be observed in ukraine, russia may not observe international law, and ukrainians must observe the extension of powers. president in the constitution, they say it does not say that speaker stefanchuk and the verkhovna
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rada are the only legitimate ones, a small fragment, i understand that many will be annoyed by this creature, but we have to listen, because he is talking about the illegitimate putin, he is talking about our legitimate zelensky. the constitution, the constitution of ukraine provides for the extension of powers. but only for advice. the constitution of ukraine does not mention the continuation of the president's powers. there is article 111 of the constitution of ukraine, which states that in this case the powers of the supreme power, in fact, presidential powers, are transferred to the speaker of the parliament. especially in the conditions effect of the law on martial law, the powers of the parliament continue. ruslan stefanchuk, by the way, has already reacted, saying that
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volodymyr zelenskyi will remain the president of ukraine until the end of martial law. mr. oleg, why is putin trying to delegitimize zelensky, that is, at a time when putin's legitimacy is in great question, and well, in principle, it's somehow disgusting enough and, well, i don't know what other word can be used in this situation. he is trying to question the legitimacy of our president, despite the fact that ukraine has the consensus that zelensky is a legitimate president, i generally agree, well, there is no need to comment on the words of a dictator who kills ukrainians, who wants to destroy our state, another expert on the constitution of ukraine appeared to me, he does not deserve to... his words interpret in some way, and he is nobody for ukraine today, he is
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a war criminal who is wanted by the criminal court today for the crimes he committed in ukraine, for whom an appropriate arrest warrant has been issued, and i am convinced that sooner or later he will be put in the gas on a bench present, why today he wants to sow discord in ukrainian society, it is absolutely clear, because he wants to... break our unity, he wants to break our common resistance to the enemy, and our answer should be very simple, this is the unification around the armed forces of ukraine , this is assistance to the armed forces of ukraine. by the way, if you go back , forgive me, because it touched me in relation to the kras and the tatras, then i would not invest in the purchase of the tatras from tredoroy, i would invest in the development of our own beauties, what we are talking about localization of production, if we talk about... about neptunes, i would actually eventually bring to justice
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those who stopped the work of the design bureau that produces neptunes. i would certainly prosecute those who removed the clindrons from our air defense system, and think about it, gave it back six months after the full-scale aggression began, but i say again, this is... a story that definitely needs to be dotted for two after our victory. today the country unity is needed, today there must be a joint confrontation. we have no right. today to listen to this kremlin dictator, because he is nobody for ukraine, he is an enemy of ukraine, he is a person who wants to destroy ukraine. i am convinced that within the country we will find out exactly who has constitutional powers and who has non -constitutional powers, and this is by no means putin's business. thank you, mr. olezh, mr. nikita, i hope that you will not talk about the neptunes now and
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about what happened 5 years ago. let me remind you that, servant of the people and president zelensky... year in power, well, president zelenskyi, then your whole party, look, the verkhovna rada, i apologize, the verkhovna rada, yes, yes, well , the majority, maybe the majority is still in the verkhovna rada, but you tell me, mr. synyutka says that putin should not interpret the constitution of ukraine, but we have a body called the constitutional court, and why did your team refuse the verdict of the constitutional court. regarding zelensky's powers, because turning to the constitutional court is definitely playing into putin's hands, because we have elected legal bodies government, we have a war, we have martial law, you can't hold elections during martial law,
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you can't hold elections during martial law, the vast majority of citizens say that elections during martial... during full-scale war, it's stupid, and to turn somewhere - this is exactly behaving like cowardly leaders in the west, who, returning to the first question, constantly, when putin starts saying: i have nuclear weapons, and they are all oh, we are so scared, we are afraid, we are afraid, there is no , unfortunately, no, new, i’m already silent about chershel, there is no eisenhower, who in ... for the first berlin crisis simply brought out tanks and there is no world war ii hero kennedy, the commander of a torpedo boat, a hero, let me remind you, who knew exactly what war is, who simply in response to the cuban crisis led to the full combat readiness of the nuclear forces of the united states and said: either you withdraw, or we
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start a nuclear war, and commissar hrushchev withdrew, now, unfortunately,... it comes out, i don't know what to call it, from the back door, it starts there something to croak, but we are not enough we continue here in our ukrainian studios, this is not an accusation against you, mr. serhiy, you are right, this is journalistic work, but i fully support mr. oleg senyunko, who says that it is not necessary to discuss it at all, and at the event they are discussing, this is the problem, instead , to say, climb into your swamps, stick out your ass again, you'll get a nuclear missile in your ass. thank you, mr. nikita, ms. yuria, is there any place for discussion at all, i am not saying in the espresso studio, because we have a place for discussion, generally in the midst lawyers, among people who understand constitutional law, perhaps, perhaps,
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we still need a decision of the constitutional court in order to not have these... they were thrown out, because i understand that putin is doing this in order to some way to delegitimize, or put zelensky's powers under question, can this somehow affect our other western partners, i mean not big players, our small partners, the whole world, that he is already doing some kind of special operation by his standards , but i think he is is being done... for two purposes, the first purpose is to destabilize the situation inside ukraine, and i want to tell you that there is no discussion among the political elite and the opposition, and the ruling party, the constitutional court, and lawyers, everyone recognizes zelensky as the legitimate president, he is and will be the legitimate president until the end
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of the war, but this narrative is flooded in all telegram channels. and different viber groups, and different tiktok groups, if you see and follow these ipso and narratives well, you will see that it is flooded basically military and mobilized people who are mobilized or will be mobilized, for what? for them to say that zelenskyi is illegitimate, and therefore we will not carry out his orders, because zelenskyi is not only the president, he is the supreme... commander, so they are trying to do what the russians are trying to do, they are trying to shake the actual legitimacy. for the military, thank you, on the other hand, they are trying to undermine the legitimacy of zelenskyi during the peace talks, before the peace talks, i.e. before the peace summit,
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speaking to countries that are not very, shall we say , aware of these doubts, but in ukraine, among the political community and among lawyers , we have no doubts about the legitimacy of zelenskyi, well, there are none among journalists either, that is, we simply... react in this situation on the comments and, accordingly, we have a reaction to all this, it is good that we are speaking, those who see us on youtube and on facebook, and perhaps, including and not only in ukraine, they clearly understand that happening here a very short topic, i hope one minute at a time answer, the bill on banning russian churches in ukraine. it is already ready for the second reading, i understand that there are no votes yet, why the verkhovna rada of ukraine cannot adopt this law in its final
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version, mr. oleg, i believe that the verkhovna rada has the votes, and here we must thank the committee on humanitarian policy , which is headed by mr. mykyta, because they worked very seriously between the first and second reading and the draft law. the project, which today is ready for voting in the second reading, meets all international standards, complies with ukrainian legislation, and in no way raises issues of freedom of conscience or any religious issues, because the issue of banning the fsb structure of kirill is a matter of national security, and really here is a question for speaker stepanchuk, why has he not raised it until now the issue is on the agenda, you know that, unfortunately, last week we with... were forced by european solidarity to block the podium and only in this way managed to put to a vote the creation of a temporary special commission on
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fortifications, because fortifications are the life of the military, the issue of this draft law on banning this kiriv sect is an issue of our spiritual life. i am convinced that this law should be on the agenda for the next plenary session. thank you. thank you, mr. oleg. and representatives of a number of ukrainian public organizations called on the people's deputies to urgently adopt a bill on the banning of the roc and a resolution on the decolonization of the names of populated areas of ukraine. in their statement , they emphasized that these decisions depend on the exclusive leadership of the verkhovna rada of the ruling majority in recent weeks by some ruling parties, the actions of the ruling party are more like inconsistency, outright sabotage, it is about blocking a monomajority in the verkhovna rada. of the draft law on banning the russian orthodox church and the decree on the decolonization of the names of points, mr. nikita, are you being accused of open sabotage? yes, and it is
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very unfortunate, because in fact our faction was the leader in the development of this law, and it is very painful to look at the true absolutely true lines in this statement, because what we are unable to pass a law banning the so-called russian orthodox church, why so-called, because it is not a church and it is not orthodoxy, and the fact that we cannot carry out the colonization of names means that in the third year of a full-scale invasion, people do not understand for about, well, why this war, what is this war for and what is this war against, mr. nikita, thank you, i have two words, two words i want to remind you that the katsapnia is on everyone. temporarily occupied territories, what does it do, it returns the soviet names, drags this lukich balsy to the pedestal again and thank you, we just have regulations, sorry, like in the verkhovna rada, ms. yulia, 30 seconds, well,
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actually, i am busy collecting signatures for the second reading, including together with my colleagues, since we collected signatures for the first reading in order to prove to the leadership of the supreme council that the votes are there, that is what we are doing now for the second reading, and in principle we have already collected 200 votes, i think... that the remaining 40 votes or 26 we will collect, and on this discussion on the occasion of bringing to the hall until the second reading will end, yulia klymenko, nikita poturaev and oleg synyutka was the guest of our program today, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, we had a great discussion, and i would like to remind our tv viewers that today we conducted a survey, asking you whether you would agree to the presence of western troops in in ukraine, the results of the television survey were 96 against 4%, it was about... the verdict program was conducted by serhii rordenko, i say goodbye to you, goodbye. laughter,
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listen to your own. have you never seen the classic underpants or what? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen, the tractor in the field dir-dir, so why do we have peace? camera, your country is in an area where under... during the great patriotic war the leg of a soviet soldier stood, and we will not leave this area, from now on in a new two-hour format about ukraine, the world, the front, society, you can
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express your opinion on the bad day by means of a telephone survey. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday from 20 to 22. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers, up to the saint victory anyone who pilots a uav understands iit. prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. bc ride, boys ride, atv
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- and the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv iv. greetings to all viewers of espresso yana yavomelnyk and this is news. the body of the deceased teenager was found at the site of the russian attack on selidovo in donetsk region. yesterday evening, the enemy dropped two guided aerial bombs on the city. one of them hit a private house. fragments of the body of a 53-year-old man were found immediately under the rubble.
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rescuers found a 73-year-old grandmother. women multiple injuries and contusion of the brain.


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