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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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actually, now anna yevo melnyk, our colleague, will be ready to share with us the most important information as of this moment. anna eva, we congratulate you, pass the word and traditionally ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. thank you, colleagues, the newsroom is ready to tell about the main events of this hour, and i will start with the attack of the muscovites on the kherson region. all details, further, stay with us. two people were wounded by the russians in the kherson region, the enemy attacked novodmytrivka from a drone, as told in the regional military administration, as a result of the dropping of explosives , the men received contusions, explosive and craniocerebral injuries, as well as shrapnel wounds to their arms and legs, they were given help. on
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the spot they refused to seal. the body of the deceased teenager was found at the site of the russian attack on selidovo in donetsk region. yesterday evening, the enemy dropped two guided aerial bombs on the city. one of them hit a private house. fragments of the body of a 53-year-old man were found immediately under the rubble. rescuers of the 73-year-old grandmother suffered multiple injuries and brain damage. she is in the hospital. today, rescuers found the body of a 13-year-old under the rubble. the boy, the head of the region vadym filashkin said. all fragments of the bodies were handed over to the police for further examination. 10 houses and a shop were damaged in the city. and one person was injured in kramatorsk, donetsk region. at night, the enemy made three airstrikes with an e-1 thunder bomb. more than 20 houses were damaged, the regional military administration reported. also, the administrative building, shop and express branch are under construction. i was in the kitchen, heard the explosion, but
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there was an explosion, it is clear that i was nearby because it was cracking, i went outside, there was dust in the air, and in our house, in our house, the sides of the explosion flew away. i was sitting in the kitchen, drinking tea, and suddenly there was a flash and immediately an explosion, i grabbed the child, my husband and went into the corridor. two men were wounded by enemy fire. in the dnipropetrovsk region, both are in the hospital, one of them is in serious condition, the head of the regional military administration, serhii lysak, announced. the enemy shelled the city with heavy artillery, the library, shop and power line were damaged. the number of victims as a result of the russian attack on a hypermarket in kharkiv has increased. as of 1 p.m., the regional prosecutor's office established that 54 people were injured. 19 died.
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the search operation is still ongoing. let me remind you that on may 25, the occupiers targeted the shopping center with two guided aerial bombs. anger and rage against the russians can be converted into donations. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation continue to collect drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is this eight improved models of mavics and. five ordinary pieces. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on security and provide the ability to move confidently forward, both during assault and during reconnaissance. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. every donation you make is an important contribution to support defenders on the front lines. the goal is uah 2.5 million. invest in our victory. i wish you health. we, soldiers of the 100th brigade art intelligence. we ask you to join ours. on drones and their
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components, which will help us in the future destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. kyiv region is increasing the pace of construction of fortifications and lines of non-explosive barriers - the head of the regional military administration , ruslan kravchenko, said. according to him, what and where to build is determined by the military command, all works are under their constant coordination, for complete obje. anti-corruption organizations were also involved in the tive and transparent analysis. they will conduct a full analysis of documents that do not contain state secrets. estimates, contractors, prices and field inspections. the use of state funds for the construction of structures is constantly checked by the security service of ukraine, the sbu, and nabu. moreover, the contractors who were involved in the construction of the fortification would be allowed to work only after a thorough inspection by law enforcement officers. technical supervision of
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the construction is carried out by specialists of the kyiv research institute of forensic expertise. russified education at school. in the zaporizhzhia region, the police have exposed another traitor. before the start of the full-scale invasion, a villager dmytrivka worked as a teacher of physics and labor training in a local educational institution. after the occupation, he became the director of the school, in his position he regularly told the students russian narratives and forced them to make stands in support of the invaders, the national police said. investigators informed him in absentia about the suspicion of collaborative activity, the man faces up to three years in prison. another channel of illegal transportation of men abroad was stolen by law enforcement officers in transcarpathia, the organizer of the scheme was detained at his place of residence, his classmate caught red-handed while handing over a $600 bribe to a border guard. for such
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money, he was supposed to facilitate the departure of four evaders to slovakia, but the law enforcement officer informed his command about the situation, the state border service of the state border service informs. cases have been reported as suspicious, and their so -called clients face administrative liability. law enforcement officers stole an illegal income-generating scheme from a mini-call center in a prison in zhytomyr region. the imprisoned resident of luhansk region intimidated the convicts and involved four more men in the case. they called people and pretended to be representatives of international organizations that provide financial aid. in this way, bank data were found out. inform the regional police. the accomplices managed to steal uah 35,000, the organizer was informed of the suspicion. he set fire to electric substations in odesa. the security service of ukraine detained an fsb henchman. this year, in
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april, a man poured five canisters of gasoline on the equipment of two local power stations. there were fires, a criminal saboteur from a neighboring country. of eastern europe, who was recruited by the russians special services, he involved his accomplice, who had a residence permit in ukraine, to carry out the tasks, he was arrested, the man faces life imprisonment, the organizer will be declared an international wanted man. ukraine needs to support the ethnic groups and peoples oppressed by the russian federation, according to the representative of the project of the university of free peoples, leontius. shepilova, we have already come a long way in separating from the russian federation, and we can share our experience with those peoples who can create their own statehood by separating from russia. about this spoke during the ukraine-remstein round table for enslaved peoples in the struggle for freedom. to provide the necessary
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information, to help the newly enslaved russia of the peoples to go as painlessly as possible on this path to the national revival of the national. unity, it is, well, it is even a guarantee of survival, even if we think further, at a time when russia will be deconstructed and independent national states will emerge, the very fact of their independence, existence will be a guarantee that russia will not be reborn, like this leviathan, which eats everyone around itself, that is why it is, in particular, a guarantee of our safety. they will help financially, the committee of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe on migration agreed. the decision on the payment of money to ukrainians who will return home, said people's deputy, representative of kuparye oleksiy goncharenko, this norm was added to a large report that is being prepared by the migration committee of parye for ukraine. only four countries
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sent money for the purchase of ammunition for ukraine at the initiative of the czech republic, namely canada, denmark, and the netherlands. and portugal - said the ministry of defense of the czech republic. the head of the department , yana chernokhova, called on her european allies to fulfill their financial obligations and make their contribution. i would like to note that at least 18 countries, mostly members of the eu and nato, have promised to send funds. more than half a thousand ambulances were destroyed, captured or disabled by the russian occupiers in ukraine, the minister said. of health care victor lyashko, benefactors from the canadian-ukrainian foundation decided to help our doctors. they bought and brought six ambulances to lviv. these cars are equipped necessary equipment to save patients in critical conditions. employees of regional
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emergency medical aid and disaster medicine centers in lviv, chernihiv, sumy and kherson regions will receive the machines. volunteers will bring four more carriages to ukraine in the near future. the foundation is a reliable partner, this is not the first donation for ukraine, before that 13 ambulances were handed over and are already working on the routes and rescuing people today. these are ambulances or emergency ambulances class c, class c equipment with all the equipment to provide emergency medical aid to both the injured and the sick, and to transport seriously ill patients, cars will help kherson oblast, as kherson oblast lost a lot of cars during the military operations. the news team is working. according to what is happening in ukraine and the world, i will talk about the main thing in the next issue at 16, you can always
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read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, support our youtube channel, see you soon! thank you, anniya vemelnyk, thank you to the news editors, but we inform about the most important thing, of course. the key story is now unfolding on the front of the russian-ukrainian war, we will talk about this and other things now with the deputy of the drushkiv city council, mykola dovbna, so we understand that it is not just hot in donetsk region now, it is hellishly hot, and the pokrovsky direction is now one of the a priority for the enemy, several mechanized attacks took place there. we understand that this is not exactly a friend. but glory to ukraine mr. mykola, glory to the heroes, congratulations to
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the spresso tv channel, congratulations to marta antin, congratulations to you, well, first of all, we would like to ask you about the news coming from the pokrov direction, so our glorious general staff informed that the enemy was trying to mount mechanized attacks, several, several pieces, maybe you have some additional information on that, well, as for military information, now... it is difficult to say something specifically, because, you understand, from the point of view of secrecy it is not necessary to say, but the general situation is that the assault is going without end, and what we hear is from the explosions, we hear it from the artillery, which does not stop its work for a second, and thank god that more and more often we hear our artillery, our exits in the direction that concerns the general situation near chasimyar... the fortification, which is artificial, the sivirsky channel,
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donbas, seversky donets donbas, it is now the most powerful fortification in donetsk region, and due to the fact that it is completely mined, chasivyar is standing, and once chasivyar is standing, the opportunity to live in kostyantynivka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, although to live in such a way that now you can see behind me. i understand that this is one of the latest arrivals now in the background. more precisely, the consequences of these arrivals in the background of you, can you tell us exactly what kind of place you are now and what happened there? i am in the city of kramatorsk, terrorist attacks were carried out again tonight, and here it is destroyed - one of the buildings is destroyed in the center of the city of kramatorsk, this is how the building looks like, which was working yesterday, businesses were working, shops, stores, atms were working, the enemy is slowly transforming. our cities, all cities, kramatorsk, drushkivka, kostiantynivka, in such destroyed objects, but despite all
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this, you know that it is surprising that people not only do not leave, but people return, and one more uh, my taka, my observation, uh , if you compare may 22nd, 23rd, 24th, then i will tell you that the number of children is increasing in our cities, which is very, very strange, but now... i see a lot of children returning with their parents , despite the fact that it is very, very hot, even hellish, in the chasivyar direction. if we talk about shelling by the enemy of time yar and not only time yar of kramatorsk, right? well, we were shocked, literally, shocked by the crime of borog, who dropped three guided aerial bombs on the kharkiv region, in particular on a shopping supermarket, fortunately, one did not explode, that does not make it any easier, that is, it is a war crime, deliberately committed against a civilian population, but would like
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to ask you about the situation with the same guided air bombs or faps that the enemy is currently dropping in your direction, unfortunately, unfortunately, this very verbal skirmish of the battle with drive f-16 and they do not really have these promises. continuation, unfortunately, ukraine does not have airplanes that would be able to cover the sky, and therefore kaba, which is constantly used by the enemy at the moment in the... direction, a little earlier, near pokrovsk, near ocheretyn, this is a problem, a problem with the armed forces for people, the civilian population, so once again through your channel i am addressing european leaders, i am addressing deputies at various levels, including senators from america. what i want to say is that what is behind me
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is due to what is delayed transfer f-16 including. i learned that at the end of the 23rd year, in the winter of the 24th, it will definitely be on the 24th in the spring, it will be summer soon, now there is talk that supposedly on the 24th we will receive on the 16th, while we are not heaven forbid, what is behind my back will be a permanent such, such a state of this ukraine, if it suits someone, if people believe that those who are sitting now in europe drink... the right to enjoy life is considered the norm, then well, we will endure like this, but we wanted democracy to win, not totalitarianism, this is totalitarianism. we completely agree with you, mr. mykola, can you describe to our tv viewers what a guided aerial bomb attack is, what kind of explosion it is, but just explain in simple words so that people
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understand what you feel? i, i witnessed one such... impact and unfortunately it happened in the superintendent, a controlled aerial bomb came to the cemetery, very very large, as they said, about 1.5 tons, it is a hole about 15 m in diameter, from three to 5 m deep, depending on where asphalt or soft soil falls, this is a terrible force, an explosion and everything is scattered around, is collapsing, that is, it is quite... a terrible thing that cannot be completely used to, and but you have to live in such conditions, people live, people are engaged in business, i want to look at it very interestingly, hello, yes, we can hear you, sorry , look, a man has a completely destroyed shop, he is restoring it, he
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is trying to rebuild something, and this is at a time when again the information about... that taxes will be increased, that it is necessary to pay taxes on land, i would like whoever makes these decisions to come here i tried to open my trading point, buy equipment, then let it disappear, then i went through all these thorns now, and i understood what business is like in donetsk region, anywhere, in kharkiv region, in kherson region, in zaporizhzhia, where there, really, but it is necessary to provide people with food and medicine and the same. and people invest the last of their money, take risks, business is business, and we would like support from both the national and local authorities in this regard, and not the accumulation of debts related to land or real estate tax there and so on. we agree with you, mr. mykola, because we understand that if it were not for business and the infrastructure that business itself creates, people would not
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stay, because people cannot stay in cities and towns where there is not even a pharmacy. grocery store, it is logical, and actually, and we agree that the government should help, and not make life difficult for those entrepreneurs who continue to stay there, so you described how the arrival of kaba looks like, in general, every day, as i understand it, every god's day cabs are arriving, and how many of them can be in a day, in particular in your community? well, you know, it’s worth it, i can’t say that every day they fly into the city , but twice for you... you understand that it is absolutely impossible to predict where the next rocket will hit, because yesterday three rockets landed in druzhkivka, this city , where i live, and they hit absolutely civilian
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objects, again it was lucky that there were no people there, that people left. actually you go to sleep knowing that you can't wake up, you uh, well if you walk around all the time with this awareness that every wave is on maybe maybe it is the last one, but people get used to it, and what is behind my back, i say once again, and the destroyed building, and the building that is being restored by all the businessmen, this is an example of how to treat... .your work to your country, which you must love, and again i appeal to the european leaders, look at the conditions in which people work, people do not put their heads down, people do not raise their hands, people do not ask for a change. people do not ask for an agreement, people want to live in ukraine, in their native country, in the way that they are consider it possible to live, we deal with everything ourselves, both with the authorities and with
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problems, give us the opportunity to protect our land. mr. mykola, what is the situation with local self-government, here the key story is money in order to promptly solve all urgent needs, we understand that cities like druzhkivka and not only druzhkivka, they are under constant attacks, some cities under larger, greater concentration of fire, some less, well, but in any case the question of funds for prompt response to the needs of residents, how about all that? mr. antin, this is a painful issue, because in small cities there is not enough money, and the authorities are trying to do everything possible to ensure the life of the city, water, gas supply and everything else for the cities to function. the city, and if the money becomes a little more, other things begin, when money is invested in cobblestones, is invested in
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incomprehensible, absolutely incomprehensible repairs and so on, so everything depends on whether the head of the military administration in one place or another is appointed by decree of the president , how much he corresponds morally to the principles and the position that exists at the present time, as far as... general provision is concerned, the military administrations are coping, given that the war is going on, they have coped with the exposures that the war has made them, but these repairs, repairs schools are completely incomprehensible, in some places, i repeat, cobblestones and there are suffocations, there are a lot of questions that raise many questions about where it is better to divide and redistribute money, and in this regard i want to say about mobilization, everyone perceives mobilization as a way to catch some guy somewhere on the street and send a military commander and then to the front. no, mobilization is completely
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different things. mobilization is the reorganization of the country on military lines. mobilization is the mobilization of all resources, economic first of all, because what is in the country, for victory, is the reconstruction of factories that can make shells and so on, this is the reconstruction of the economy. number, and we have a very narrow perception of mobilization, especially mobilization, which, well, i don't know about you, but our svimats did not fail to cope with the challenge when people started to go to update the data, it turns out that it is impossible to do this, because queues, well, this is a problem in general, unfortunately , all over the country now, yes, mr. mykola, we have been adopting this problematic law for six months, we have been adopting this problematic law for six months, and you... it turns out that not even little things like software, and from that, well, that's sad, but how can we defeat the enemy then in the trenches, if we can't do, well, things that we should
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have done back in the 22nd year. mykola dobny, deputy of the drushkiv city council, was in touch with us. thank you, mr. mykola, ot in fact, mr. mykola was in kramatorsk and was in the background of the building that was actually damaged as a result of an enemy strike. we understand that business, although it is difficult for him, continues to be there, and shops are open, and pharmacies and everything else is working, but it is difficult for people to conduct their business in such extremely difficult conditions, and actually mr. mykola mentioned the possible revision of taxes announced by the government, yes and the actual tax burden on entrepreneurs, in particular in pro-frontline cities, it will also increase, we hope that the state will somehow find a way to help them. which now are in the frontline regions. now we will have a short break, after it we will continue our broadcast with vitaly portnikov, we will talk with him, of course, about this,
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i would say, just now the top interview that he gave on mark feigin's youtube channel. well, we will actually ask mr. portnikov about all this in just a few minutes, so stay with us. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmers from unpack tv, order now at a special price. only from uah 999. kors dreamers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places, near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with the function of a lawnmower. light and comfortable. even
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even women can use them, but just look at... how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds, and at the same time they are practically silent, no more heavy, bulky lawn mowers, grease or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well -kept area, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999, call, the fourth has arrived , and now... we will include vitaly portnikov, a journalist, host, political spectator, laureate of the shevchenko prize of ukraine, in our broadcast. glory to ukraine, vitaly, glad to see you, extremely. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, i understand that you are already so internally something strained, hoping that, i hope you do not think that we will talk with you only about your great battle and the crushing defeat of madame latinina, no, we will talk about complex
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things. well, but anyway, on behalf of our audience.


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