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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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even women, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds and are virtually silent, no more heavy, bulky lawnmowers, oil or gas to fill up, just convenience , comfort and a well-kept area, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999, call, it's half past four, yes, and now we will add to our broadcast vitaly portnikov, journalist, leading political viewer, laureate of shevchenkivska awards of ukraine. glory to ukraine, vitaly, i am extremely happy to see you, glory to the heroes. well, i understand that you are already somewhat tense inside, i hope, i hope, that you do not think that we will only talk to you about your great battle and the crushing defeat of madame latina. no, we're going to talk about
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complex things, but anyway, on behalf of our audience, first of all, we'd like to say thank you, it was brilliant, it was compelling, the only thing, you know, it's a little bit unfortunate that so many people paid attention to those things , which you talk about only after this conversation, but in any case it was an extravaganza, and i hope, antsin, that you and i will live to the time when the ukrainian audience will not perceive... russian publicists or journalists or anyone as authorities, to some that we need to reach out to, that we need to somehow convince in our wiring, this will be the end of our post-colonial thinking, the reaction to this conversation we had with mrs. latinino just showed that we still have a long way to go before that, but the inner feeling it was that latynina, she had some sort of mini... task, relatively speaking, in
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order to change certain discursive fields, ukrainian, or it was simply sewn into her at the level of her personal perception of reality. i think that this is her perception of reality and not only hers, it is the perception of reality of that part of our compatriots who still live in this imperial discourse, and they can absolutely sincerely consider themselves patriots of ukraine. i have already heard the argument literally in a few minutes. before ours broadcast about the fact that the historical events of the 17th and 18th centuries cannot be dragged to the 21st, that ukrainians in the 17th century did not know that they were ukrainians, and therefore had every right to wish to take place in the empires in which they lived, accepting the identity of those empires, well, and so on and so on, we have a lot of such people, hundreds of thousands, and you just have to understand that, and of course for these people the argumentation to our russian interlocutors is much more. more convincing than
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our argument, especially since these people are trying to operate in the russian language, as a language of communication, as a language of their own identity, and here they also meet russians who speak words that are understandable to them, understandable, i would say in terms, this is a serious problem, it should not be underestimated, i completely agree, well, just talking about the 17th century , so we understand that the basements were not what... was called the russian imperial idea, it was the 17th century, yes, well, maybe even the 16th century, but it was not only the 18th century, when it is natural, people do not even know imagine how the identity differed people who lived in ukraine on ukrainian lands during, let's say, the grand duchy of the commonwealth of lithuania, from the identity of people who lived on the territory of the moscow principality, and by the way, there is a beautiful novel about this... uh, valery shevchuk,
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which shows how a monk who went from an orthodox monastery to moscow simply for money, for some donations, walked around the territory of this moscow principality with wide-open eyes, because he thought that he had come to his own, and to strangers he stayed abroad, it turned out that they were strangers in moscow, and i believe that every person, even in those times, made a clear choice whether to take on this foreign identity. and in this way to achieve success, or to remain by yourself and thus remain on the fringes, it has been since ancient times, you should not think that it began only after the spring of the peoples of some one there, so i agree, and the second moment, we understand how true in the 19th century russia tried to turn around and trample what they failed to do, for example, in the 18th century xix century, so i recently studied polemics, correspondence polemics jacob's head. who was a member
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of the russian troika, quite a distinguished gentleman during the period when he was a member of the russian troika, well, the key work is rusalka dniestrovaya, well, then he renounced the greek catholic church, he left, left the priesthood, moved to vilna or to vilnius, and in every way served the russian imperial idea, talking about what, about the unified russian people, and we understand that on this, russia wanted to trample on its own borders that it could not completely destroy even on the territory of the russian empire itself, and therefore hatred towards austria-hungary. was that the austrians did not give them the opportunity to trample it, and here we immediately come to the golden september of 1939, when the participation of the soviet union in the occupation of poland was explained by the interests of the ukrainian people and their statehood, destroyed by the
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same russians, only under red flags , well, in 1920, that is, russia first destroyed one ukrainian freedom, that of western ukraine, so it was formulated as release, yes, well, we understand that the hyrkins of that time, they were in no way inferior to the hyrkins of today, they, they are shooters, yes, well, and we understand that this is the imperial approach to embroidering history, well, this was precisely demonstrated in latin, i just i don't understand, well, she, as if she does not participate in the talk show of kisilov, solovyov and her with them, but from the other side. this is the concept of a liberal empire, which anatoly chubaits once spoke about. we remember that it is with this concept that the russian liberals, let's say, we went to the elections for quite a long time. there was a competition between two concepts, not a liberal empire, this is what we see,
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the putin version, but which establishes its power by force, and a liberal empire, which establishes its power by subterfuge, but both of these concepts of empire presuppose non-existence. ukrainians and belarusians and the colonized status of other peoples, ukrainians and belarusians simply have the difference that they are simply russian, relatively speaking, all others simply have to occupy such a place that they occupy in present-day russia, relatively speaking, evenks and tatars, that’s it, the whole difference, mr. portnikov, you know that there are very, very many people on social networks right now, well , they don’t hide their delight, but everyone is also interested in why mr. portnikov agreed at all... to this discussion and how did this idea of ​​holding this discussion even arise, people are interested to understand the beginning of this whole story, how did it happen that you had this battle? firstly, i am constantly, as you might have noticed, talking to my russian colleagues who are not pro-putin
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positions, and this is part of my work, which i have been engaged in since the late 80s, early 90s, i speak with, if you will, with post-soviet society, by the way, i will tell you right away that... right there, citizens of russia there were never many among my audience, and now, even if you think that many russians watch this broadcast, you are very wrong, there are no more than 8-9%, it's just so that we understand the situation, but there are many people in the world, who know the russian language, and for me the opportunity to speak russian is an opportunity to address these people according to this with hrobovsky's will, impoverished peoples are leaving the mind, the name of vid... all my senses , this is, if you like, my journalistic program, i use every language with which i can communicate in one way or another with these goals, if i could speak catalan, i would also speak catalan, so that's the case, but this idea of ​​controversy is not my
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idea, it's true, it's ms. latinino's idea and she proposed this conversation, and then when i thought that such a conversation was on my ... the site or on its site will look strange, that's why that we have diametrically opposed positions, she offered this neutral platform, mr. feigen kindly agreed to hold this conversation, and that's how it all happened, so i went to this discussion completely consciously for one simple reason: i was interested in what ms. julia's arguments after our exchange of views, which were, as i repeat, completely diametrically opposed, because i believed that we had nothing special... because our worldview, it is on different planes, and i was just curious what should come out of it from this discussion, maybe i i don't know something, maybe i don't understand something, maybe i missed something in 25 years of living in russia? it is, if you like, a child's
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curiosity, which i don't know yet, well, unfortunately, i did not discover anything new for myself in the discussion itself, and in its consequences, which you see, i try not to.. . to speak out, not to speak out about this discussion, but my dear opponent, she is speaking out after the fact, i am also very surprised by this, because if she wanted to continue our conversation, she should not... accounts behind my back, i haven't said a word and i won't because i think it's incorrect and rude to the people who are talking to you. and did you expect, mr. portnikov, that there would be such a stir around this actual battle? no, what else did i say, and ancinyu, i will tell you that i think it is, i would say, an echo of our post-colonial consciousness, when suddenly people see that it is possible to talk. with those whom they consider to be some kind of special authorities, simply
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thanking, excuse me for the soviet term moscow registration, which turns out to be possible there to talk absolutely without any barriers, without looking down and other such things. i have never understood why it is necessary to speak with fear, but notice that we are in such a situation all the time, every presenter from moscow, who came to work in russia on the ukrainian airwaves, was always perceived by our compatriots, from the oligarchs to the audience, with admiration: god, he came to work with us from moscow, our hands are shaking, our legs are shaking, my god, savik shuster himself, i’m sorry, can you imagine how the moscow generals were perceived in the relevant audiences and environments, that is, it is generally about the fact that they lost themselves with the help of what is called imperial authority, and imperial authority
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is not only tanks, but also money, in what there was a problem, let's say that let's say, let's say, matvigo speaks polish, or i, we can conduct broadcasts in ukrainian, it's true, and we could always work on the air in ukrainian, although in fact there is the career of matvya from moscow, and my career from moscow the era is nothing in terms of level and... and not in russian, on us were not watched with such, i would say, i don’t know, enthusiasm, and it also surprised me, because i always asked, let’s say, the television managers of various large tv channels there, ukrainian-speaking people, and tell me, if i didn’t know, i want to speak on the ukrainian airwaves in the ukrainian language and... your respect for me as a professional is less than for people who do not want to and
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do not know how to speak this ukrainian language. what it is? this is the inferiority complex, which was actually the master of our airwaves for ten years. our viewers watched the main political program of the country, which was hosted by a russian-speaking presenter who spoke brilliantly in lithuanian. what language did he learn russian, but he did not learn ukrainian, and now ask why he did not learn it, and therefore, if he did learn it, then he was not interesting to his employers in ukraine, the liberal concept of the empire, so we understand that putin's is tough model, it plus or minus is clear to everyone, these are crimes, crimes and crimes, but there are possible consequences for crimes, we don't know when it will happen, well but we have no doubt, well, at least i do, that is, in the historical sense. perspective, this is the rigid model of the russian empire, it is doomed, but
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it is a liberal model, it can be transformed, well, accordingly, if we return to the main danger that it contains, in particular for ukraine, what is it, so we can lose our main a battle, a battle for identity, and again to perceive oneself as some kind of secondary material. to russia, and i have been saying all the time since 2014 that there is no identity from an insult, identity only happens from desire, from love, from a political or cultural intention, you cannot switch to the ukrainian language, just thinking that you are annoying the russians in this way, but they shot a missile at me, i will speak ukrainian, and if the missiles do not hit me for 10 days? why should i bother with this, and this issue
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is very important, because we believe, and even the ukrainian-speaking community, i would say, that identity can be obtained through hatred, but there are such events in the east, they will understand how bad russia is, and will switch to ukrainian began to do so, began reaction and say, we started to hate. hate russia, began to hate moscow because they attacked us, yes, and as far as i understand, they will not return to the imperial format, well, the question is that... people can simply return to the russian language, simply because that the russians will not bypass them, they rearranged them, let's say this, the russians will be indifferent to them, and the russian language will be easier for them from the point of view of using it in family conversation, talking with children and so on and so forth, i'm talking about it, to us you need to work with society so that people understand that ukrainian is a value, so that we don't say: it doesn't matter
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what we defend at the front, we defend the territories, it doesn't matter what language we will be after. this is what you say: we are not defending the territory, the territory, of course, too, but we are defending the identity that we have in our heads, this is what we are defending, because the enemy is not fighting for our territory, do not deceive yourself, he wants that on this there were no ukrainians in the territory, he just needs to occupy this territory in order to carve out this identity, because we are here yes, mr. pornnik, and this is an important shift in emphasis, and that is why our task is to make this identity come from desire, not from hatred, from love, and not from... the desire to annoy someone abroad, you understand, and what to do, people who cross the ukrainian border, they are fluff, and they start talking in russian, because i'm sorry, iranian women who leave iran, take off their burqas, you can now go to a night club, that's the same thing, you can now go to night club and sing
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russian pop songs, it can't be mr. vitaly, but look, on the other hand , we have a lot of military personnel who... uh , use the russian language and, relatively speaking, after the war is over, the military personnel will speak, as you say, well, in general, he will say: well, i defended this state, i have the right to speak the language i want to speak, and we, for example, i, as a civilian, i have nothing to oppose this person, i understand that she risked her life, i do not can tell her what language to speak, even, of course, you can't tell her what language to speak man, and all compatriots. who were not at the front, it is simply necessary to clearly understand that if ukraine remains a russian-speaking state, then all the protection of this country by the russian-speaking citizens who are at the front today will be nullified, because sooner or later they will find themselves in the hands of russians and subordinated to those people , against which they fought, and it will happen without a war, this is the first, second, we are not talking about the fact that we have to press some switch, and
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the next day everyone must speak the ukrainian language, we must talk about a well-thought-out state politics about education in the ukrainian language, about the work of state institutions in the ukrainian language, about the promotion of ukrainian culture, the ukrainian language, about all those policies that provide a civilized state with the supremacy of its language over a foreign language, it is all very simple, and by the way, we must also develop an appropriate position on in relation to national minorities, when people who want to preserve their own culture, from hungarian to... after the war , russian, but we are talking about ethnic russians who would like to know their language and culture, not about these fictional russian-speaking ukrainians had such an opportunity, and in this way we will bring the russian language in our countries to exactly the state in which it should have been, to the language of the national minority.
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we are talking about officials, but our ministry of education and science has now begun to actively implement various novelties. in particular , regarding the unified state qualification exam in the education system, yes, well, it will apply to those who are studying, but we have officials, why not, for example, drive them all through the same edi, force them to write, for example, the same dictation of national unity with an electronic signature, maybe it would work that way, but i'm afraid that kabin would not agree to it, about the russian language as a language of instruction, now it would be strange for you and i to talk about what you know, we have to... learn the russian language as a language of instruction, especially in schools with russian as a language of instruction now almost not left, but after the war, when it will be different atmosphere, maybe the number of people who identify themselves as ukrainians, let's say, ukrainians of russian origin, may increase, we don't know, now to these people, i don't think they would like to declare it, you know, even if you are
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ukrainian of russian origin, do you live in kharkiv or odesa, bombs fall on your house every day... rockets, you are now thinking about the fact that you need to teach your children russian, i am not sure, you understand, but the post-war post-war period can should such a need arise, we have to meet it to be ready, like any democratic european country, well, well, this will also be a very serious challenge, well, in my opinion, it is necessary to speed up certain ukrainian-centric processes, things that concern not only language, culture and so on, well, but it is such a long history, i see marta... i want to have a little more time to talk about geopolitics, because this year is important and the next year will also be important, the washington post published new statements by donald trump. sir vitaliy, and actually, well, trump once again distinguished himself with loud statements that he was ready it would even be given to moscow and beijing if he were the president of the united states,
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conditionally, if the invasion there happened during his term of office. we understand that now we are getting closer to the heated phase of the election campaign. how do you advise ukrainians to perceive all the statements that can come from both donald trump's and john's mouths right now. biden, so that we correctly perceive and interpret them for ourselves? well, first of all, you and i are not voters, we have to wait for the results of the elections. secondly, what donald trump says is a statement from closed meeting with donors, so that's what he really thinks. this is not a rally. it says, answers no, in principle, to the question, but what can he really do. and when i say that if donald trump is elected , world war iii could start, i am also looked at as crazy. well, the fathers of the ... donald trump's statement, they testify to this in a big way, we think, how is he going to convince vladimir putin, he 's not going to convince him, he's just a man with, i would say, an inflated ego, and if
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this ego is also emphasized by the position of the president of the united states, he sincerely believes that if he makes an offer to putin, then putin must accept this offer, and if putin does not accept this position, he can act by force, because putin will be afraid of him, and in this regard. i would say, i would compare the 2019 election in the united states, if trump is elected, to the 2019 election in ukraine, when volodymyr zelensky was elected. first, there will be attempts to negotiate, then, when it becomes clear that putin does not want to negotiate, it will be drastic cooling of relations, and then there could be a force strike, i don't know whose russia against america or america against russia, or let's say russia against american facilities in... i won't say now, and each will assume that the other will be scared, but , since both live in their own world, that trump, that putin, i think
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that no one will be afraid, and the third world war will simply begin, i do not know if it will be in north america as well, or only on the territory of europe, let's say, the rivals will exchange strikes, including nuclear, well, tens of millions of people will die, ukraine will simply be one of the theaters of this war. not the most important thing, by the way , and we will be witnesses of such a process, it may be for the next two or three years, because again, we, we are always counting that putin has a rivet in his head, that he will be scared, that he will understand , well, remember that the ukrainians were also sure of this in 2019, do you remember, otherwise putin would attack? remember, well, that's exactly what donald trump can think, that putin can't attack him, because putin understands the difference between weight of the united states and the russian federation, and then it turns out that putin does not understand anything, you know? and it will be too late, it will not
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matter, when a strategic nuclear missile flies at you, relatively speaking, and you begin to realize that it turns out that putin has not understood anything, then it is already too late, you just have to run, hide in a bunker around the white house literally two minutes left, my favorite section: letters from our viewers, in particular, well... a broken phone at the same time, there are people there irregularly they ask some things, well, the question was addressed to me, but it was redirected to portnikov, and people say, is it true that portnikov said that the war will last until 2030, but i don't have time to keep track of everything vitaliy says portnikov, so i am redirecting, no, i said that the russian -ukrainian war could last for 20-30 years of this century, i did not say that it will end in 2030. this is an optimistic forecast. and i would like to remind you that the russian-ukrainian war is already ongoing in the 10s and 20s of the 21st century. well, simple i remind you that it started in 2014, this is
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the last decade. i just never said what intensity war it would be, high or low. i did not say that this war will not have pauses. it can all be. however , the probability that the russian-ukrainian war has no end is very high. and by and large, all intelligence analysts, i would say. world services, for the first time in the weeks after russia's great attack on ukraine, compared it with the syrian conflict in terms of length, not you, what has already been, what will be, and we are now only we are experiencing only the first 2.5 years of this conflict, it is very little, then there will be years, years, years and years, we just need to learn to live in war, not in peace, forget this word, how how... the norm and understand that the norm of existence of ukrainian statehood is the norm of existence in a long-term conflict to the exhaustion of the neighboring russian federation, after which the territories of both countries may
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look like territories. thank you, vitaly kortnikov, laureate of the shevchenko prize, was in touch with us, well, in simple language, our ukrainian, not only ukrainian genius, well what, now a short break, after it watch the news. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saws from unpack tv are just for you, they will cut trees and bushes with ease, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, this is the perfect tool. for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order now. free delivery is available. check with consultants. cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. it's all you do in one motion with strong saws. just look how quickly they cope, even with thick branches. strong forks are easy to use and mobile. once and
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, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. big ether. of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening.
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greetings to everyone from espresso, i am naeva melnyk and the news editorial office will tell about the main thing for this hour, starting with the situation in kharkiv in... a series of explosions rang out, the correspondents of the public service report. earlier, the air force warned about the use of drones by the russians. the white house has officially confirmed that the united states will participate in the global peace summit in switzerland, initiated by ukraine, said administration spokeswoman karin jeanpierre. however, will the president himself come to the event?


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