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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm naeva melnyk and the news editor will tell you about the main thing for this hour. let's start with the situation in kharkiv. a series of explosions rang out in the city, according to the correspondents of the public service. earlier, the air force warned about the use of drones by the russians. the white house officially confirmed that the united states will participate in the global peace summit in switzerland, initiated by ukraine. administration spokeswoman karin jeanpierre said. however, will the president himself come to the event? usa joe biden, she did not specify
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so it is not yet known who will be the representative from america. 710,000 citizens of ukraine were removed from warrantless searches thanks to the reserve plus application, deputy minister of defense of ukraine kateryna chornogorenko reported. according to her , people had this status if they violated the rules of military registration or ignored summonses, then the tsc turned to the national police. the number of such appeals is about 25%. many servicemen, whose data were not digitized in a timely manner, also received wanted status. two people were injured russians in the kherson region were attacked by the enemy from a drone in novodmytrivka. according to the regional military administration, as a result of dropping explosives, the men received contusions, explosive and craniocerebral injuries, as well as shrapnel wounds
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to their arms and legs. the body of the deceased teenager was found at the site of the russian attack on salidovo in donetsk region. yesterday evening, the enemy dropped two guided aerial bombs on the city, one of them hit a private house. fragments of the body of a 53-year-old man were found immediately under the rubble. the rescuers of the 73-year-old grandmother received multiple injuries and a contusion of the brain. she is in the hospital. today, rescuers found the body of a 13-year-old boy under the rubble, reported the head of the region, vadym filashkin. all body fragments were handed over to the police for further examination. 10 houses and a shop were damaged in the city. kyiv region is increasing the pace of construction of fortifications and lines of non-explosive barriers, the head of the regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko, said. according to him, what and where to build determines the military command. all works are under their... permanent coordination.
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anti-corruption organizations were also involved for a complete objective and transparent analysis. they will conduct a full analysis of documents that do not contain state secrets. estimates, contractors, prices and field inspections. the use of public funds for the construction of structures is constantly checked by the security service of ukraine, the sbu, and nabu. moreover, the contractors who were involved in the arrangement of the fortification were allowed to work only after approval. technical supervision of the construction is carried out by specialists of the kyiv scientific and research institute of forensic expertise. offered a bribe for closing the case. the owner of the company that repaired the shelter in one of the universities will appear before the court. the investigation established that the construction work was done poorly, after which the director of the enterprise, in order to avoid responsibility, tried to negotiate with the law enforcement officer and... offered him $500,
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the kyiv city prosecutor's office reported. he refused the money, and the director was detained while handing over the bribe to him faces up to eight years of imprisonment. yeah, ok, thanks. russia's intervention in brussels searched the assistant of a member of the european parliament, who is suspected of spreading russian propaganda, writes the reuters agency. investigators inspected the house and offices of the suspect. according to prosecutors, this was part of ... an investigation into a case in which members of the european parliament were approached and paid to spread russian propaganda through the voice of europe news site . you can beat. finland allowed ukraine to strike with its weapons on the territory of the russian federation. the minister of foreign affairs of the country made a corresponding statement. lina valtonen. according to her, russia is waging an illegal, aggressive war here. ukraine
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has the right to self-defense, in accordance with the un charter. lithuania will allocate 13.5 million euros for the purchase of air radars. precautions for ukraine, they will be transferred within the framework of the german coalition for the search for air defense means. minister of defense laurias kaščunas told about this decision of the government of lithuania. according to him, this year's goal is to send four radars to ukraine. i would like to note that in april, germany launched a global initiative to find additional means of air defense for ukraine. to protect a soldier from a drone, more than 800 portable and man-made electronic warfare systems were manufactured by the ukrainian company kvertus during the full-scale russian invasion about the latest means that help save the lives of our military in the material of my colleagues. trap in the air or means of electronic
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warfare. this invisible obstacle has become an integral component of modern warfare. need protect the lives of the ukrainian military and the infrastructure of the state from enemy attacks. in simple words, what is electronic warfare? these are devices that help in the fight against drones, they generate an interference signal, transmit this signal into space through the antenna and thus neutralize the drone. the main task of these tools is to prevent drones from completing their tasks, and the tools successfully cope with this. since 2017, the ukrainian private company kvertus has been engaged in development and production. slaves and intelligence. and during this time she became one of the largest manufacturers of these products. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the company has produced more than 8,000 units of the rev. the kwertus range meets the most diverse needs of the military: from
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anti-drone rifles and backpacks for infantry to stationary systems for the protection of important objects. in our line there are portable means for soldiers who are in russia, such as backpacks, there are three of them.
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it was they who gathered the military, volunteers, representatives of charitable foundations and businesses to talk about the means of electronic radio fighting and intelligence that save and involve them in helping ours. in fact, we are the ones who are called to carry out the tasks and orders of the military, because they are better, it seems to us, know what they need, they are at the forefront, they are users, yes, but in order for this work to be as effective as possible, then just such measures and
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a maximum of technical information are needed, because when a person is educated, he knows what is present on the market, then he is able to choose the best for his conditions, because in fact. from such the lives of fighters and the quality performance of combat tasks depend on technical means today, the distance to you is 800 m, the height is 130, the satellites have fallen and the control is interrupted, ema statnyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. and espresso tv channel. iryna koval's charity fund continues to collect drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five pieces of ordinary quadcopters, they are eyes in the sky that burn safety and provide the opportunity to go confidently forward, both during assault and during
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reconnaissance. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. every donation you make is an important contribution to supporting defenders on the front lines. the goal is uah 2.5 million. invests to our victory, i wish you good health, we, the soldiers of the 100th brigade of artillery intelligence, ask you to join our collection for drones and their components, which... will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, ether will continue, marta olyuarnyk and antin borkovskyi, and i will meet with you already fr the 17th the third, this time
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international investment forum investment took place in kyiv. the organizers say that the idea of ​​the form appeared six months after the full-scale invasion, the market began to revive, and businesses were looking for capital investments, so it was important to create a platform for communication and economic stimulation. this year , more than 35 top speakers and more than 700 investment visitors joined the forum. they saw that we can be useful. in this case, in uniting people for economic power, because it inspires others, other businesses, because it organizes workplaces, because it enables networking, some kind of feedback, new contracts and just in such lively communication, which helps the faith in our country in its indomitability. the full-scale russian invasion shocked ukrainian business, but entrepreneurs began to quickly adapt to the new realities, as emphasized by the company phoenix invest, which represents a group of companies for the construction
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of cottage towns and management in the format of holiday complexes, the war pushed more people to direct resources specifically to the western regions of ukraine, so the investment attractiveness of bukovel and other resorts has increased. the domestic demand in ukraine has, of course , increased for bukovel, as there are no other recreational areas in ukraine now that would be as safe and provide an opportunity to reload in... anxiety in big cities, we are thinking about infrastructure, competence, equipment rooms, that the guests have a calm, safe and comfortable rest with us. one of the largest markets that was actively developing until the beginning of a full-scale invasion, this is a free land market. it continued to grow during the war. land is a safe investment, say zeminvest, because it, as a resource, will not disappear, on the contrary, according to the experience of the intentions of neighboring poland, it will only become more expensive. the market capacity at the time of its opening, that is, at the time of 2021, is about 25 million hectares, at the price that
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was at that time for 1 hectare, the market capacity was about 27-37 billion dollars, that is , according to us, already at the start, it is extremely a large market, at a price of 600 dollars, which is a fairly normal indicator for ukraine after 5.7 years, the market capacity has increased by three to four times, business representatives. they say, by investing in real estate, you can also invest in socially significant projects. upgrade is a company that builds hotels all over kyiv, as the owner says, they decided to build not only new ones, but also to transform old houses into hotels in order to revive the old capital of kyiv. we see that in kyiv there are many, well, simply unreal objects, but they are in this current state, they simply either hang in the balance, or the former owners don't know what to do with it, and they actually spoil the appearance of kyiv a lot, so for us it's also a social manifestation, besides the fact that it's an interesting
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income story. during the day, the participants of the forum learned more about the trends, realities and prospects for the development of the investment market in ukraine . forum, which will be held in the fall. on the 15th, the information day of the tv channel continues for the fourth time, well, now we will be joined by ivan kyrychevsky, a military expert of defense-express, glory to ukraine, mr. ivan, we congratulate you, good day, glory to the heroes, well, what, a key event as far as our of our defense capabilities, this is a signal from sweden, i understand... that it is not even a question of the size of this aid package, which will reach
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there, i don't know, 1 billion 200 million dollars, no, the key story is about providing us with a long-range radar aircraft, like that it's called tracking or something like that, well , at one time, our fighters destroyed two such russian ones, and for the russians it was an extremely serious loss, and here sweden says that it will help, now i'll call it... that's right, a radar reconnaissance and control aircraft asc 809 890 , which will give ukraine a completely new radar intelligence and combat control potential. reign against the whole in the air and at sea. so, mr. ivan, what do you think this means? and, as far as we understand, the transfer of such an aircraft to us means that it may not be in our sky, but may, for example, base itself in the polish or czech, romanian or french sky. you have a word. forgive, first of all,
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if you consider the speed of detection. here is the saab 340 plane, it has a range of 450 km for large air targets, and this plane is specifically for tactical aviation operations, the question always arises here, and which russians, well, let's put it this way, well, in order not to miss a step in the trial, the swedes are giving us this plane radar patrol precisely so that our v-16 in the sky is better saw planes with guided aerial bombs, for example, which were dropped there on kharkiv or on our front positions, here at the same time a rhetorical question arises, and how can you see russian planes in the sky over poland, i hoped that there would simply be a further radius of action there simply, well, you understand , the further range is just when there is an airplane there, there are three centers that can fly in the area of ​​the baltic sea there, for example, kaliningrad, and there you see the same planes that take off in vain, well, here it’s just a story that exactly from
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you know, planes can fly somewhere on the territory of nato that can detect these strategic bombers, which... take off there, respectively, there will be a certain surprise for everyone at the same time, that roughly speaking, the first information about the take-off of strategic bombers is from the murmansk peninsula are our nato allies first receiving from angelis airport, because they have the appropriate capabilities, and then they are already sold to us on an instance basis, here the swedes at the same time hint that they are giving us a radar reconnaissance aircraft just for tactical link, because there are three centers, in fact, it can see at 800 km, which the americans themselves testified, here we are talking about only 450 km, but for the sake of justice, we have to compare that in fact the target detection range of the russian x50, which was then forced to confirm the russians themselves, it is 200-300 km, that is, by and large, we got, well , firstly, not just a better aircraft than the russian a50, and secondly, it will not have to fly so close to be in the zone of damage, that is here at least you can definitely be calmer about that
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plan, whether or not the russians will get it, well, fortunately, the chances of getting it in our sky are much less than what we had. chances to get the same a50, that is , we understand that this is the first such aircraft ukraine will receive, and we do not have analogues of such an aircraft yet. you know, i even have to say that, until this day, our army has been marching for 33 years, our state, in fact, and this should, in theory , be a reason, where you know, for a general national celebration, you know, for everyone for a billion dollars, i’m sorry, for a billion hryvnias to buy champagne, well, because it is literally, i'm talking about it right now, because the first thing is trying to create your own radar jet aircraft. we had them back in 1992, and there were actually negotiations with the swedes to, you know, get a similar system to what they are giving us back in 2008, certain projects on radar aircraft of the tuzgor radar were even in 2021 on the basis of an 178, but everything rested on the banal, there is no money, lack, because one such
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plane, as the swedes give us used, it costs more than 200 million euros, and even with the current defense costs, we use it... but we can't afford it, accordingly, well , they give us this plane, it's not just there, you know, there are no analogues or something, it's literally such a crazy enhancement of the capabilities of our aviation that it's a reason to literally shine all over the country drinking champagne, well, we will not drink champagne, but we hope that the f16 will soon be in ukraine, and now it looks like there is some preparation for receiving these planes, we hope that they will be here from week to week, and if ... honestly, i would like to day by day, but i want one thing, but it looks completely different in practice, i also wanted to clarify with you about the possibility of hitting russian targets on the territory of the russian federation, we now have certain positive signals from finland, we have a positive a signal from poland, we have a positive signal from
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france, and we understand that little by little, but there are countries that are already speaking publicly. that they do not mind if ukraine, within the limits of those tasks that are set to defend itself, can hit certain targets on the territory russian federation. but there is one point, so to speak, and that point is that those countries that speak out about this, saying that in principle they do not mind us using their weapons, well, very often it turns out that they didn't deliver anything particularly far-reaching, yes, but what 's happening with the uk's position. great britain and northern ireland, i still can't fully figure out what the british mean, they allow, they don't allow, wait, dodge and so on, mr. ivan, you know, let's go here... with most of such small things, because here we immediately have the idea that if we are talking about the permission to use western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, then it is immediately to feed some russian military
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facility there in the belgorod area, with a shedova curtain or atakams no less, but we can't just imagine the scale of this political barrier, it was actually about ensuring that no western projectile, relatively speaking, would fall on the territory of the russian federation, starting with that. we can even take the position of the belgians yesterday everyone wondered collectively how it is that they do not allow... at 16 in the sky to destroy the whole sky over russia or on the territory of russia, let's remember that the same belgians expressed claims, and it is so that their machine guns, soldiers use armed russian positions during another raid on the territory of the belograd people's republic, that is, that is where such pettiness begins, there was even an episode last fall, when, you know, it was a real holiday for our soldiers on the territory of sumy oblast, which succeeded allocate at least two bohdans as a 155 mm caliber artillery system and tell the russians on the other side to stop their terror at least for a while, because it is obviously not possible to use the western arches of the 155 mm caliber system for this it was,
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accordingly, that if it seems at first glance that someone from these small countries, let’s call it that, medium-sized countries , allows them to use their shells, cannons, anti-aircraft missiles, other ammunition, short-range missiles, that is the first the view does not look very good, yes, but on the other hand it is at least satisfies our basic request about... russian troops moving towards our border, if only still on the territory of the russian federation, because now we have a problem with exactly that, that what we are given there in terms of munitions on the battlefield , it was not possible to use it to destroy the russians even before crossing our border, now this ban is being lifted, as for the british, in fact , everything seems to be quite straightforward with them, they, when great britain hinted that she allows you to use your weapons... on the territory of the russian federation, then at first it was all about the fact that there is ammunition for the battlefield, and accordingly, maybe they will not object if their anti-aircraft missiles fall on the territory of
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the russian federation, and if we talk about something more long-range, then we simply overlook such an episode that on the territory of the same bilhorod , jet drones flew from our side, that is , our analogue of the jet shaheed, and even the christians themselves suspected that this a jet-setting counterpart to shahed, but of british origin. well, that is, perhaps on the part of the british there are some, you know, objections to feeding the russians to stormshedov directly on the territory of the russian federation, only one thing can be done, there are not many missiles, and as for the british, well, the british demonstrate a complete lack of barriers , mr. ivan, look, there was still information, the western media are writing about the fact that allegedly ukraine has already used western weapons several times for strikes on the territory of russia, and apparently the last time this was during the attack. in the region of krasnodar in the south of russia, but they do not specify which object is in question, and the german newspaper bild says that the armed forces at least once used the american
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patriot system, which came from germany, to take measures against russian planes that are attacking ukraine, don't you think that now it can be a certain information duck in order to actually block consideration of this issue, because ukraine promised its allies... and partners that it would not to do this until they allow it, and the fact that this information is now appearing, or is it sometimes not appearing in order to discredit ukraine now and actually prevent the countries that support us from giving permission for the use of these weapons ? i do not think that in this case the opinion of the authors of a particular bill, in particular ryobka, is such a destabilizing factor that, in principle, we can block some or other political initiatives, i so suspect that the bill in this case... refers to episode with briznuyu of oran bryansk air defense, because let's remember, for a month our air forces kept an intrigue, but thanks
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to what factor there were three russian planes at once, it seems that two helicopters of specific types became heavier than the ground and fell and could not launch an attack on our land, then only there it was highlighted in one of the official videos that yes it was a patriot and they were able to arrange it, because at that time there were various such even fantastic proposals that it was mig-29s that appeared in our country... they can launch missiles, but to them 120, which is actually not quite technically possible, this is how it turns out, germany decided out of spite to remember this episode, you see, we, and they did not allow us to shoot down the planes of their patriots on the territory of the russian federation, we went for it, maybe this is just a counter move from the germans, why did they give us they don't want to give the taurus, but as for the british or other countries there, which are gradually removing there, let's say there are some barriers there regarding whether it is possible or not to be their weapon on the territory of the russian federation, then i don't think that... it must act as some kind of powerful destabilizer factor, because you know, if it were to try now, judging by the tangential signals, the expansion of the western participation in the war against
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ukraine, this is, let's say, so much ... an expected event, which, let's say, the coming of the new year, which should happen 1 january 2025, just here, let's say, at a pace, the question is at a pace, how it should all happen, well, because if there are even different, let's say, misunderstandings, whether we will have french instructors or not, but the fact itself , that similar stories have already been talked about, respectively, and by the way, it should be mentioned the story that why can western countries still not dare to allow western countries to strike there... on the territory of the russian federation, well, because it is necessary to provide the corresponding capabilities there, intelligence guidance and the like, but if their military will gradually expand their help us, then, let's say, the problem with the entire directive will be removed in principle, accordingly, the barrier itself, if it were to feed the russian invaders in the belgorod area with western missiles, will be gradually removed, you just need to show some patience, drastic changes like the ones we are currently observing, unfortunately they are not happening, it may take even a year, but we
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will wait for it, mr. ivan, look, the important story is actually when we talk about foreign instructors, well in this case we are talking about the french instructors, yes, the signals went out, the signals are powerful, there was even feedback from some of our public figures. we understand that this is a serious story, because it removes, so to speak, certain moral and psychological restrictions on the part of our friends, that is, their military will come, on the other hand, this will also reduce the number of logisticians. will make the process cheaper and so on and so on, what do you think, will it be possible, for example, to invite, in addition to the instructors, additional instructors who would work not only, for example, there with artillery equipment or with equipment, i do not know infantry combat there, well, but for example, some of these more powerful units, someone already quite successfully joked that they said, how to learn
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a french phrase, you don’t... you can to start drawing red lines in front of putin there himself, he realized that it is possible to play the same word games as putin, because when putin began the invasion of eastern ukraine in 2014, there was already talk about something, not about the personnel of the russian military , and about the instructors, there are vacationers, other euphemisms, respectively, and we cannot rule out different stories about the fact that here too... there may be euphemisms, that is, all the more so that in this case the french are also interested in borrowing combat experience , that is, they are not simple when there, for example, they are taught that they are training our military there for some reason, they are just interested in taking over something from our military, so right here, let's record one moment at the same time, that a message from macron sounded in the air, that it seems that somewhere there we made a premature statement, he is very sorry there, and he intends to talk about all the points regarding further military cooperation
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during the visit of president zelenskyi. who to france on june 6, but here let's do it, i just pointed out that you have to be very careful about you know, those euphemisms that the french leadership will now use, because there may be a lot of things that are actually pleasant for us sewn up, but sound fresh, because at first glance, well, the instructor, well, he will just teach, but, well, the instructor can have a lot of meanings, right, uh, yes, yes, yes, well, and we understand that maybe, in addition to the french, additional countries will step up, and maybe it can become, well... really a certain precedent, in particular, what concerns the organization in a new way of these or other units, well, well, the story is more important than it seems that march is a bachuch initiative, mr. ivan, they announced to us that there will be a million shells, they should start arriving soon, sometime in june, and it is said that by the end of the year, ukraine should receive half a million shells within the framework of this initiative ,
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the first few tens of thousands of shells. already in the coming days, this was the quote of the prime minister of the czech republic, petr fiala, the military circles, who are saying, have we already started receiving shells from the tea initiative, or not yet, or are we still waiting, i suspect that this is the problem that do not speak nothing, purely because you have to keep the whole story a secret, from that, something interesting came out yesterday, a very specific combination, indian shells, pakistani shots in general at tanks, but well... for us, by the way, petr pavel is not specified which projectiles he could look for, because we also need tank projectiles, by the way, and where would it be possible under what specific conditions to create a situation where our tankers can show in the photo an indian projectile, a shot of pakistani production and it's all in the tank t-72 received from the czech republic, here you just have to understand something, maybe when peter pavel tried to go public...


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