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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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the first several tens of thousands of shells in the coming days, that was the quote of the prime minister of the czech republic, petr fiala. ee military environment, what are they saying? have we already started receiving shells from the tea initiative, or not yet, or are we still waiting. i suspect you that this is the problem that they don't say anything, purely because they have to keep the full story a secret, something interesting came out of that yesterday, a very specific combination, indian shells, pakistani shots in general at tanks, but come on by the way, petro pavel did not specify exactly which shells he can search, because we need tank shells, by the way, and where would it be possible, under what specific conditions, to create a situation where our tankers can show in a photo an indian shell, a pakistani-made shot, and all this on a t- tank 72 received from the czech republic, here it is still necessary to understand something, maybe when peter pavel tried to go public... well
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, the public space all took the initiative to call on us to throw as much money as possible to get as many shells as possible for ukraine, well, maybe he not understood, then after the fact i realized that certain information cover-up operations had to be carried out here, well, because the russian intelligence services are groping everywhere and they are trying to interrupt all these deliveries, accordingly, i now offer any statements that are made by the czech leadership regarding the pace of projectile deliveries, well you just know how to perceive a remake of the movie armed harrow, but the real criteria... how quickly these shells arrive can be seen on the battlefield, because if indeed our military has stopped complaining about the lack of shells, oh well there are complaints about fortification, well, maybe that's exactly the problem, that the projectiles solve the problem more than, well, unlike the same engineering fortifications. by the way, what concerns engineering fortifications, perhaps you have seen some additional fresh analytics and in general communicated with relevant, i don't know , construction, military construction specialists. we understand the profile
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in such a way that one story is, for example, the north, the second story is the east, but at one time many high-ranking persons, officials, yes, assured that is being built according to those schedules, and now the flight review begins, so mr. ivan, we understand that close to the border or to the line of fire, building something so serious, well, it does not turn out very well, but there is a second, third line of defense, yes we understand that servicemen work on the line of fire themselves. that's what these or those fortifications do, the problem here is what it is, let's separate the two components here, the first component is really that somewhere in the military-civilian administration, well mildly so to speak, they do not complete it, and they do not complete it to the extent that it arouses the interest of the relevant specialized structures, one problem, on the other hand, it must be understood that even if we were all honest and knowledgeable in white gloves and were guided by the public good, then, unfortunately, but they would not have given fortifications... the effect that would be expected,
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because, even if we recall this traumatic experience of the counteroffensive in the summer of 2023, the russian defense line turned out to be strong not only because the russians persistently dug up the fortifications, it turned out to be strong because the russians persistently planted minefields there, unprecedented in the history of density, they had an advantage in the air, they had a lot of lancets, accumulated shells, er, there the organization of the troop management system was rearranged accordingly , in other words, you know, as long as we have the same f-16s purely to cover combat formations and additional anti-aircraft missile systems, well , on the one hand, it turns out that we have to strike very carefully, so keep an eye on the progress building fortifications and beating, conventionally speaking, with lines of those who cannot cope, on the other hand, to understand that until we have at least parity in the air, all these fortifications, they will not give the expected effect, and here we are, mr. ivan, what is the matter we have mines, so we have already talked about artillery shells, but the situation has changed. well, because
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mines are minefields, well , why do we still not have such pleasure in placing them, so that with such density as the russians planted in the south, but on the other hand, let's say so, in the course of the battles in the east, in particular in zavidyka and other directions, the russians had many reasons to complain that, as they say, the mine danger has increased, there is no place for armored vehicles to move, it would seem that these mines came from us, but nevertheless they came from somewhere, but all this should work in a complex way, because then... in the east there was a problem that there were a lot of mines, but there were no long-term fortifications, here it turns out the opposite, we are trying to make long-term fortifications, but dense minefields so that the russians could not overcome them, that's obvious, well maybe there is not enough, so we have to work out, we have to find a balance, otherwise we rush from extreme to extreme, sometimes there are too many mines, then we simply try to dig fortifications somewhere, but we have to look for the middle ground, that is, fortifications and mines. thank you, ivan karychevsky, military expert. defense
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express was in touch with us, now we will go on a short break, but by the way, i want to remind once again that our collection for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade continues. so please follow this qr code and donate any amount, it doesn't matter how much, it's important that you know from the bottom of your heart and with good intentions, and there are no small contributions, so please get involved, you have the option to do it with a qr code, or if our editors now point to the whole the screen also includes bank card numbers, then there will be no price for them. i want to remind you that 4 million hryvnias is a rather ambitious goal, but with your efforts. with your help, we have already closed more than one collection, so this time too we count on your support and help. well now a short break, after it we continue our information day, stay with espresso. tired of heavy and bulky
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there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. from saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko. day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two
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hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as respected presenters. guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the information day of the tv channel continues. that there are quite a lot of events today, mykhailo tsymbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, will be in touch with us now, literally in a second, mr. mykhailo will join us and we will analyze with him what is called the internal ukrainian situation, in particular regarding the legislation and its implementation, well, what are we waiting for now mr. mykhailo tsimbalyuk, we will inform you about the important events of today, we understand that there are many of them, and we had the opportunity to actually communicate with ivan karich'. a military expert on the approval of strikes on the territory
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of the russian federation in order to prevent a new possible attack by the russians on the territory of our country, and now we will already add mykhailo tsymbaryuk, people's deputy of ukraine, to our broadcast. mr. mykhailo, we are glad to see you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. well, mr. mykhailo, i have a question for you for the first time, not only as a people's deputy, but also as a deputy chairman. tska on matters of fortification and so on. yesterday we talked with the secretary mykhailo bondar, and he said that there were already several meetings, that is , the management team was chosen and so on, well, but we are all waiting for the first fruits of this work in ukraine. so, how will this work be organized, will it concern only the kharkiv region, or will it be possible to analyze the general situation in certain border regions, for example, with the republic of belarus. undoubtedly, the tsk has already started its work, we have already taken several directions to
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implementation, first of all we are analyzing all the information from open sources, including your colleagues, people's journalists, we are analyzing everything that people's deputies voiced and others politicians, and public figures, military. there is also a large array there, we plan to carry out an inspection, first of all we invite, there is already a specific date for the next meeting: the leadership of the cabinet of ministers, the ministry of finance, infrastructure, and in order to find out how much and when funds were allocated for fortifications, as well as for drones, everyone knows the story when funds were withdrawn from local... budgets and directed specifically to the purchase of unmanned aerial vehicles.
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we will check all fortifications along the border with by the russian federation and the republic of belarus, because of the large volume of work, er, the task is very responsible, it is resonant. we, we plan to communicate in the near future already with... representatives of the ministry of defense, engineering troops, general staff, in order to establish what the standards were, what the area of ​​responsibility, where the military, and where the local civil administrations, and we will, as possible , to inform public society, but most of the meetings will take place behind closed doors, because they will documents with e-e special access, i.e. with secrecy mode. that is very correct sir. mykhailo, on the other hand, we understand that it is you, this is really a titanic
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work that must be done, and accordingly we understand that the secretariat of this commission should also be strengthened, yes, because, well, in order to process, it is not easy to write requests there, this can be done by assistants of people's deputies, well, to certain departments, yes, but still process this information, that is, so to speak, balance the debit with the credit plus, we understand that the funds could be allocated not only under... one program, and this is a huge, huge amount of information, well, our society and our government are interested in everything happening honestly, quickly, well, and as productively as possible, tentatively, when would it be possible , in your opinion, to wait for the first signals of this or that, well, if we are talking, for example, about kharkiv oblast, we see that the dbr has already started working with the command staff of the 125th brigade and with the corresponding superior. command, right? well, we would like to ask you to tell us a little bit about the vision situation in kharkiv oblast? well, first of all i want
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to say that the situation is really difficult, in addition to inspections, use of funds, quality of performance of these works, we will involve specialists, experts, such a decision has already been made regarding the quantitative and qualitative aspects. there are no problems with the composition of the secretariat , the assistants of the people's deputies will join, you correctly said, but the secretariat will work separately and in a tense mode, so... that, i think, there will not be any great difficulties in this, but in terms of the deadline, of course, we plan to spend for now meetings once a week, but field trips will also be carried out, including to the kharkiv region, including other territories, the tsk itself will work in separate
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groups, not all together, as they say, with kop we will go... to in the combat zone, we also plan to study the need of the armed forces and other defense forces in fortifications and the need for drones and other air defense systems in order to form a specific state order, and this includes the task of a temporary special commission, task as well as how to improve the legislation, other by-laws of the cabinet of ministers, the ministry of defense, infrastructure and other departments in order to transfer the economy to military lines as soon as possible and to study all the needs and ensure the needs of the armed forces and defense forces, i.e. once again emphasize the difficult task , i think that in a month or so we will be able
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to inform about how the work is progressing and what can already be said, in the coming days we will invite to the meeting of the tsc the heads of law enforcement agencies who have to inform tsc what has already been done, what criminal proceedings, what results. in addition, everything that will be worked out by the tsc, obtained, using this opportunity, i invite everyone who has certain information to send it to the tsc, so that we can analyze it and, if signs of a criminal offense are detected, to send such materials. to the law enforcement agencies and demand a thorough professional investigation from them in the shortest possible time, in general the tsk was created for six months, but already in advance i am sure that in six months we will not we will be able to complete such a large volume of work and we will ask the verkhovna rada, after reporting for the first half of the year, to extend the term of its
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activity, because, i emphasize once again, the suspicion will be large, a large volume. works, tska has, among other things, a preventive value. i already have personal information that some mountain contractors who did not have time to complete their work, but reported on completion, immediately continue to perform and improve the quality of work. i believe that this is small, but it is already an achievement of the work of tsk was just created. mr. mykhailo, look, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that this thesis... the sc included two deputies from the banned party opposition platform for life, one has already been removed from this tsk, but the other will be there, it seems. i would like to know from you, according to what principle this tsc was formed, who decided who will be part of this tsc, because you mentioned that law enforcement officers will also be invited, and quite secret
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data may be discussed there, yes, which essentially have contain state a secret, and if these meetings... will be attended by people from the opposition platform for life, then there are certain fears that this information may fall into the wrong hands, what do you think about it, and can you explain to our viewers, exactly according to principle are these tscs formed? i can explain, first of all the tsc is created according to the regulations of the verkhovna rada with the formation of proposals, i emphasize all factions and groups, that is why the tsc was created precisely on such legislation. legal grounds for all factions of the verkhovna rada group to submit their candidacies. after voting, in order for the members of the tsc to work efficiently and have permission to authenticate secret documents and get to the places of military conflict, they must have a special permission to work with secret
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documents. as of this morning , not all members of the temporary special commission have yet been appointed. admission regarding people who have been expelled, no one has been expelled from tsk yet, but there are two applications, for exit, only after a separate additional resolution, which must be voted by the session hall, these people can be expelled and they will be replaced by other people's deputies, such candidates have already been submitted to date, and we expect that at the next session the parliament... will vote on the expulsion of the two people who wrote statements, they will be replaced, other candidates should come in, and in the event ... their admission to the state secret, they will start full-fledged work of tsh. i am sure that not a single subordinate will be able to negatively influence the work
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of the tsk from the inside, because all decisions are made collegially, and a special unit in the verkhovna rada, which is responsible for the regime of secrecy, will clearly monitor and warn all those who have access to state secrets, what can be... disseminated, what cannot be, and there are certain requirements that i would not like to announce to the general public today, mr. mykhailo, well responsibility, in particular , whose would it be, i.e., the sbi, nabu, bep, sbu, and so on, and so on, well, we have quite a lot of bodies, yes, but we understand, well, that someone has to take it upon themselves, so to speak, responsibility, to fill out protocols, there, to walk, i don't know, with a tape measure, to measure there in the depths. in width and so on, well, because this is not only an analysis of what happened on paper, but also the removal of factual data, well, the investigation depends on
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the criminal case, criminal proceedings, according to which article, but what we know, criminal proceedings in this direction are already carrying out dbr when it comes to military and war crimes, when it comes to abuses in the building sector. local military administrations and other contractors, there is an investigation, including the security services and the national police, we are we will study everything that is an array, but i emphasize once again, taking into account the wide range of activities of fortification structures and the production and manufacture of drones, this will be enough work for all law enforcement agencies, because all of them have... their own jurisdiction in the investigation of such crimes, and, of course, the responsibility of the prosecutor general's office, whose leadership
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is also invited to the tsk meeting, and we will listen to what they have already done in this case. moreover, we know that there is also a mandate from the president of ukraine, who personally visited on construction or from fortification structures in kharkiv and other regions, let's see how they implement the laws, i mean law enforcement officers and the instructions of the supreme commander-in-chief of president volodymyr zelenskyi. mr. mykhailo, a couple of minutes ago, i don't know, a little more, more than an hour ago, we spoke with the deputy minister of defense of ukraine kateryna chernogorenko on the air of our tv channel, and she reported quite resonant news that 710,000 ukrainians. without reason, they had a wanted status in the oberig registry, and so did the ministry of defense stated that this error has been fixed by the reserve application and advises to
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re-authorize to see the updated status. how do you assess the digitalization process at the moment and, let's say, whether it will be possible to solve all the urgent problems, in particular, when we are talking about queues for tccs and joint ventures in the near future, and whether the period will still be extended to, for example, 150 days from 60 minutes for an answer, i think not, i approve of this application, by the way, i joined it myself, and tomorrow i plan to go to tsk and personally see with my own eyes how it is there is happening, i want to pass the vlk, like every citizen, a man of military duty and conscription age, and at the same time communicate with those who will be among the citizens at the reception and with the employees of the tsc, yes, there were many inaccuracies and there continue to be, digitalization
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only begins seriously and professionally, but it is already important that we have finally moved to the digital, where there will be data of conscripts, and simplified work on their production, entry of additional documents, etc., i... do not believe that it will be continued term because there are certain circumstances of a special regime of martial law, i think that the improvement of the system in just a few weeks will give the opportunity to work more efficiently both to tsc employees and to citizens to update their data and pass the vlk, there will be additional problems with the vlk, i admit, there may be some continuation of the thesis . we will talk next time, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo, tsymbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was in touch with us, antin and i are saying goodbye to you for today, tomorrow we will see each other in this studio, as usual in the same one
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bam and savings. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see. saturday political club, every saturday at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating wounded soldiers. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero
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to life on atvs. for the 93rd brigade , a cold ravine in the direction of chasiv. greetings to everyone from espresso, yana yavomelnyk and this news. at least eight wounded as a result of russian shelling of lehman on donetsk region, according to the head of the regional military administration, the occupiers shelled the city three times, damaged three two-story buildings and three administrative buildings. emergency services are working at the places of arrival, the authorities are urging people to evacuate. and two dead in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region. in the afternoon, the russians attacked an ambulance with a kamikaze drone
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. its 54-year-old driver died


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