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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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just to destroy the city in a chaotic manner, and this is already a goal that can be said to have a hybrid nature, psychological influence and, well, attempts, i would say yes, somehow , to undermine some such psychological resistance of the population and, well, to sow chaos, something rather , some kind of, that is, some kind of terrorist goal in its essence, well, at least they want to. to turn kharkiv into a conditional gray zone in order to worsen our opportunities in general along the entire front line, because in addition to the emotional impact, which will be, if such a thing happens, oh my god, we understand that the big the number of people who mess in kharkiv, they will have to leave, i think there will be a partial forced evacuation of at least children, well, if there is a danger of extra-lithic shelling, well, we hope that it
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will not come to that... but we have to prepare for the worst scenario, it's this normal rule of thumb when we prepare for the worst case scenario, it doesn't mean we expect it, we mean that uh, if we're prepared for the worst, then anything that's not the worst will be fine for us because we've prepared for the worse, that's why everything seems to be eternal here, they will succeed, won't it be possible that what will happen there, what is their goal, well, until they have added there, well, at least five more times to the post... as much as is already there, then we can expect that they will surround or capture kharkiv is not worth it, but they will try to bring the fortifications that we have there closer, well, again, we are leaning on anti -aircraft defenses, we are leaning on f16 planes, because the fortifications , no matter how well they are built, if the russians will use them glide bombs, there are fab-250, fab 500, fap-1500, then this bomb will destroy even a lot.
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there is a well-built fortification, well, yes, avdiivka at least showed it absolutely accurately, that the question was that there was a beautiful line of defense, but even when aviation and bombs are used, it doesn’t help much, it just deters a little, except that, you know , that, well, in pursuit of their absolutely essentially terrorist goal of attacking kharkiv, the russians, well, not only influence us there, they also, in principle, have something... must, well, must something has to change in the perception of this russian aggression among our allies, and now we see that these discussions about whether it is absurd, when the whole of ukraine is sitting and waiting for russian troops to gather near the border and start invading across the border, have intensified. what is basically happening with us, well, since 2014, you are wonderful. you know, the same situation was in
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zelenohirya when they were shooting, it is 2014, summer, the russians are shooting across the border and attacking our troops, which are on ukrainian territory in zelenohirya, they are shelling them with cannons, by the way , the defender of kharkov at that time, then today, general drapaty, who was not yet a general, was there, and here they, our troops in that place near the border on... got into literally the same situation as the russians there the guns are also standing calmly, they are calmly firing across the border, and we are just watching this whole picture and thinking what will happen next, but now 10 years have passed, the situation is essentially the same, the russians are gathering near the borders, and we are waiting to see where they will go next move on sumy region, kharkiv region or somewhere else, or maybe they will go somewhere else, and this should somehow change the perception of our allies. to a certain extent, we can see, yesterday
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there was such a, well, rather resonant statement by french president macron, who said that yes, ukrainians have the right to use western weapons to attack russian military targets on the territory of russia, he said this in the presence of scholz, yes, well, that is, the leader germany, which is categorically against this, as we know, that is, it is already an interesting discussion, but also... i want to talk now, but sweden is handing us over help, and we are there, what we see there, very interesting things we see there, we see radio reconnaissance and guidance aircraft acc 890, we have never had these aircraft, just never, we always wanted to get them, because they allow you to see at a distance of 450 km what is happening on the territory of russia, and this... strengthens the air defense
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of ukraine, it also includes air-to-air missiles, rb-99, which can be used against aircraft and ground air defense systems, etc. until they practically gave away their entire supply of tracked armored personnel carriers of a certain brand and 155-caliber artillery shells, and let's say a whole bunch of different things, that is, there is a billion dollars, if i'm not mistaken, it's euros, euros, even more, there's a billion euros, the total aid to sweden in general is 3.78 billion euros from... for this entire period, and i wonder what this aid, this package of aid and all these discussions tell us about, what next, what can we expect in general, well, you know, to me, it seems to me that first of all, there is, well, come on,
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well done scandinavians, they, let's remember what denmark did, the kingdom of denmark, that they gave us all their, let's say, there was not much artillery there, but everything that was given, even mortar systems. well, now sweden is also following the same path, so this is good news, they understand how dangerous russia is for these countries , including, so they understand that it is better to help us with weapons, finances, including, than to use already its soldiers, its armed forces in order to to restrain russia's advance on that territory, well, i don't know, the finns are slowing down for some reason. although they should remember well what happened there during the russian, soviet-finnish war and how much it is the soviet union, how dangerous it is, well , do they have something there, well, let's see about the permission or not, well, you
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know, you raised the topic that there is a lot to talk about here, well, let's try briefly, to give her permission or not to give it, well, i think, but we keep saying... to attack with western weapons, well, so far scholz does not give us permission to use taurus missiles, which we do not have, well, what are we talking about, well, it does not give permission, it means it does not give, it does not give missiles, it means it does not give, germany is in the first line in terms of the help that is given to us by our, among european countries, therefore it is not necessary to quarrel with him, he does not want to, something is stuck somewhere in his head, well, so be it, we will continue the conversation, we will give arguments, but which side is here... you see before the missiles scalp and stormshead scholz, that is why britain said that they don't mind us using their missiles against the military objects, on the military, on russian military objects, wherever they are, let's use this word to attack the territory of russia, we don't need it on
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the territory of the russian federation, from the word in general, as they say, to attack military objects objects where they were not located, temporarily occupied, on the territory of russia, on the territory of belarus, in antarctica, on... that field, it does not matter according to all international laws, we have the right, we have the right to do it, i would say even more , we this is our duty, then we go to the french, we go to scalps, they also gave the go-ahead that they were not against us using it on military objects, even negotiations began and it was discussed which objects we should destroy first of all, with the americans, it’s like, well, there’s some kind of politics here a little, well, maybe a little american. we're a little confused because blinkin, the secretary of state, says it's our right to shoot, the spokesmen, the president of the united states says no, it shouldn't be done, the speaker, who has been blocking our aid, johnson for several months
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says that in general it is necessary to wipe the earth from the forest for moscow there, that is, they give contradictory information from the united states, from official sources, this is not propagandists telling, it is all well... people of the first rank, let's say this, civil servants, and therefore you can choose the information you like the most, that's why it's interesting, stormshed, excuse me for interrupting, we just literally have a little bit of advertising left, and stormshed's scalp, if you say, well, really, what they can, where they can get, well, if to assume that, for example, there is no longer this problem, so we can use them, but you can look at the ttx, there... they can fly there 200, 300, 400, again, this is a lot of modification, these missiles , this is not one such rocket, but a single sample was made there, you know, f16 there are 15 modifications, well,
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for example, that is, depending on what rockets will be sold to us and we will shoot and choose there, in us all goals are prescribed, we even set priorities, which goals we must... destroy first of all, which is the most dangerous for us, well, then it depends on the weapon, if there is such a weapon, we will destroy, if there is none, then we will destroy what we can, where we can reach, we need to reach as far as possible ... the more you, the more it will be useful for us, and harm for the russians, and the last one, if i understand it that way, is there no time left? well, if i may, literally briefly, literally briefly, well, i would make a very simple argument for those who do not want us to attack the territory of the russian federation, well well, we entered the borders of our country in the 91st year, and the russians, for their part, will continue to shell us with artillery or shells, can we destroy their artillery and theirs? is it also not possible, or let them shoot, well, it’s a simple question, the logic is, we turn on the logic simply, it’s very strange,
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that is, they are standing and shelling our cities, and what should we do, well, on such an intriguing note, when we all thought about scalpheads thanks to you and actually, where can all this together with the storm scalp stormshadows fly, we are going to take a break now and let's come back and talk later. eh, i guess so more about the chasivyar with our other guest. thanks to oleksiy hetman, who joined us and intrigued us a little. so there's a pause on the spresso tv channel. oh, there are no potatoes, you will bring them, it's already an asin. have dr. tice's liver and get back to work. ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for joint and muscle pain. natural ointment alive. a costume from dr. tice. fm: galicia.
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stories and high-quality analytics, with the country in the center of the main events, buy at the points of sale of the press, hello, how are you there, and norms, quietly, so the new tanks gave us whole nine pieces, guess what, now turn on video communication. i will give you a tour, but come, we will stay here for another two weeks, i will take you for a ride, and not only on a tank, but here near the station in grozhovka, you will say that you will be allowed to go to a student, well, yes, a student, then my call sign is like this, right here near the station in grohivka, i'll tell you that you will be admitted to the student, yes, nine there, yes, nine there. thunderstorm, thunderstorm, here, student,
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student, today you do not observe information security, tomorrow you will be visited by gasmen, the enemy hears, watch out. so we return to our conversation, i will remind you once again about our collection for the repair of armored vehicles, please join it, because this is the repair of armored vehicles in the combat zone, you see here the qr code, you see the account number, very important, the repair directly happens in the gray zone, on the line of contact, bmp tanks, whatever, what
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is fighting practically at the front and what is really constantly. there are our defenders, so please join, half is already with your help, and we really hope that it will still be possible to close it completely and it will be much easier for our fighters to fight armed than to watch from here and there how the russians are trying to storm, well, i really hope that our guest will be with us now, so we will talk about... actually the chasivyar, because you saw in our map that in this area, the russians are trying to storm, they entered certain areas of the city, they are trying to go there, moreover, they also, well, not very well, there were enough such, well, fierce, i would say,
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assaults and advances a little south of the temporal ravine. and in principle there they also succeeded in what they had not succeeded in the last, i don’t know, for six months, probably that is where the people of ivanivka and klishchiivka pass, of course, in klishchiivka our forces of the defense forces of ukraine are located on the heights around klishchiivka, and this makes for russians staying in klishchiivka itself, that's it you can't even say that it's a settlement anymore, it's just, well, you know, ruins, that is , it's not very comfortable for them there, but nevertheless, they are trying to storm there, but oleg kalashnikov, the head of the press , joined us in principle service of the 26th artillery brigade named after general khorundzhy roman dashkevich, i greet you, mr. olezh, good evening, and i wanted to ask you what you actually know about the operational situation in the area of ​​responsibility
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of your brigade, in particular, as i understand it, it is near everything is happening in the time rush, i am already i told a little about what was there... the russians are trying to storm all this time, but where are our positions in fact now, what is the channel preventing them from there, were they able to cross somewhere, they couldn’t, what is going on, they couldn’t come to the channel, they they are trying to do this, but we stop them, and if someone does break through, then he is destroyed accordingly, but today it should be noted that they have increased the assaults precisely... with a mechanized component, if before they used it less, that is, i i would say yes, if we took more care of the equipment, then on today they are trying to break through our defenses with such small armored units with infantry, of course, that is
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, both tanks and armored fighting vehicles are directly used, it should also be noted that the intensity of artillery fire has increased. that is, they increased the number of direct shots from the barrel artillery on our own, for the time being, yaer shade, and the number of mortar mortar damage also increased, we still have to take it to heart, because we are talking more about the medium-range artillery there radius of action, amine missiles, which work directly at zero, play a very important role both in defense and directly in assault actions. that is, the situation is, i would say, more intensified in terms of intensity. and of course, they do not stop their attempts to attack where, in principle, they did this time, which is klyshchevka, andriivka, the direction of ivanitskyi, the direction of bohdanivka-kalinivka, and directly, of course, chasiv. but the fact that they increased, you say
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artillery mortar fire, it means that they brought some additional forces there, or well from gave them a ride, how can you understand it, that is, it’s just like that, well , they have such an accent there, it can be understood that they started to simply waste more shells, that is, one gun there can fire, let’s say, 50 shots per day , but today it has already started to fire 80-100 shots, that is, it can be said that they have increased the supply of bk, well ammunition directly. that is, they still attach great importance to our shade of the front, which is why they are trying to increase something so resourcefully, to say that they increased the immediate number of themselves. systems, i can't say that, although at the time when the ardeiv operation ended, some artillery units
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were indeed moved in our direction. well, here we can assume that they just hope that some of our parts were removed from the time abyss, and this window of opportunity to storm opened in them. well, maybe, if so, let's not confirm or say anything about it right now , but... i think they were hoping the kharkiv operation is a distraction, and now a window of opportunity has opened for them, i understand that this window of opportunity has not opened much for them, well, at least in the time frame itself, because for now, you see, they cannot make much progress there, absolutely no, because the units did not roll over from here, those units that protect this direction, they stay in place, and as for the window of opportunity, i would say this: that when they found out that america had unblocked our aid and it would already be coming to us they come intensified their assault actions also so that we
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would not have time to uh be provided with everything we need, in the amount that we need, and this is exactly what they tried to take advantage of, but today it is this window of opportunity, as you say, for them it closed mr. oleg, please explain... how dangerous the situation with the tick was, in general, because it used to be, let's put it this way, i would call it a gray area, although there were some of our units and everything, now, can be said in klishchiivka, well, ours there are no units in fact, as if the russians managed to do something there more than usual, and for them this south is very important, because without it they cannot... implement this, you know, their maneuver, if they were to cover chasivyar, but that that they got stronger there, the fact that they still had successful
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assaults there, how dangerous it is for us, how much this situation is, well, it is such that it can be reversed, it is not possible, what do you think about this, really they reinforced this particular direction, they threw there like motorized rifle regiments. territorial troops, there we can observe two full-fledged brigades - 72 and 88, their infantry, and also there are their battalions storm z and storm e, semi-criminal. if we take this direction, in general, this is our southern flank. precisely because klyshchyvka, andriivka, and ivanovske are holding on, they cannot cover the times as from the flanks, that is, this flank turns out to be for them. is still closed, and this prevents them, of course, from taking a half-circle of time and trying to storm from several directions, and also, of course, this is
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the front, the front line, which is a combination of and of course, this flank is also important to them in order to carry out the same offensive actions, it is directly, like the direction of pokrovsky and also the direction of toretsky, what would be critical for us there? defense, that is, in order to prevent the further advance of the enemy, you mean, right on this southern flank, klyschivka, andriivka, this is the area, what would be the most important thing to secure or strengthen there now from your point of view, and if to take it that way, i would say so, because our brigade is a celorist. brigade and nevertheless, it is still recognized that artillery is a side of war and has a key, key role during hostilities, so i would
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say that of course these are projectiles, these are shots, that is, in the quantity in which it is possible , because the infliction of fire damage is very dense, it restrains the enemy, destroys him even before he begins direct offensive actions, well, if in... already directly on the battlefield, then mortar shots are also very important and in general, any provision that helps us to keep the defense, to stop to destroy the enemy, this also includes the latest it technologies, these are the same drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, i would also add any technical component here, the same order, well, of course. we need to cover the sky here so that we still have, if at least not an advantage, then so that the enemy could not operate here at all, well, as far as i understand, the tick itself
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finds ... after all, in such a lowland and so far more let's say these hills above it are still held by our troops or not, or am i mistaken, explain this story a little, it it is just the opposite, it is a height from which bakhmud itself is controlled, and bakhmut itself is a city, it is really in the bottom, so when we freed klyshchivka andriivka, we created a problem for russian units... the problem for logistical communication is bakhmut-gorlivka, also for that area, which is generally behind the railway, that is, the tick is still in this very location, it is the dominant height, ugh, that is, in fact, it is quite critical, well, such a place, which for on us would it was still desirable to fight back, as far as i understand, both tactically and
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tactically. in terms of plan yes, not in strategic terms, of course, in tactical terms, yes, and i wouldn't say that they completely took this height, i wouldn't say so confidently, you can't say that, not everything is so simple, our guys are there yes, they are holding on, really very hard, because no matter what, the enemy is numerous, trying to press us, press us, and they, like what we observed before, they really do not regret. their people, personnel, they throw them, as it was before these waves, they are going, if earlier we could observe that during their attacks they tried to identify our firing points in order to hit them with fire from the same artillery, but today they are trying to somehow slip through, at least one or two people , to gain a foothold there, and then they attack these people again, er... from
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the group, let's say, only six or eight people can survive there, but for them it is already a success, even if two people are dug in there somewhere, for them this is a success, that is , their losses are quite so significant, but they are not on them they weigh in and try to put pressure on us, and actually chasivyar himself is interesting, tell me a little about him, what is happening in the city itself, how many people can be there now, is there... still a civilian population, how is all this happening there? well , the city itself, it is simply being destroyed today, destroyed by any means, before that we observed a fairly significant number of cabs being used, there were up to 30 to 40, but then we could recently observe the same way active fire systems work, precisely during the salomuyar, that is, as a settlement itself, a priori it is
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a ruin. but if we take the local population that remains there, according to official data , there were more than 600 of them there, today i will not say how many exactly, because i am not sure that they can be counted now, but they are really there, they are really are there, just as i had to observe it in bakhmut, they are hiding there somewhere, there are such people who are really waiting. and this peace of theirs in ruts, that cap they have here and there is turned here and there, there are such people who remained from without any hopelessness, because they really have nowhere to go, especially if they are still sitting there and waiting, i am very grateful to oleg kalashnikov, the head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade, who joined us and told us quite like this, well a lot of interesting and new things, stay tuned to the
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espresso tv channel. our time is up, we'll meet in a week, but we still have a lot of news to come. the passenger was detected invisibly by the law enforcement officers, which other country allowed us to shoot with its weapons on the territory of muscovites and what flew into while occupied donetsk. the news editorial team collected the main events of the day, what is going by, with you annayeva melnyk, my congratulations and...


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