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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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that, relatively speaking, the germans and americans are forbidden to use, to use their weapons to attack the enemy, and even in the airspace of the russian federation. the question arises as to how to create air defense around kharkiv, if restrictions are imposed on the same patriot complexes that we expect from our partners. is there any way out of this impasse? well, first of all, it is necessary to solve this issue, in america itself, in itself. in congress, mcfaul, the head of the security committee, well, the republican one criticizes the democrats, biden and his administration, regarding the fact that they do not give permission, regarding the fact that ukraine is given old weapons, but taiwan will be provided with only modern ones, taking into account the fact that, well, we know how the americans behaved when there was this a ban on what we mean, well there... 300 million fire fighters
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were found somewhere in their pockets and supported, and the same israel was provided with the f-35, and two types of bombs were also provided in the course of this, and it is clear that the f35 - it is many times more expensive than the old one the 16th, here, but all this was happening, so it is definitely necessary to work at the military-political, diplomatic level, from the point of view of the possibility, well, something there can decide on this matter there, well, our old s300, but missiles are needed, there is a problem here, i.e. we need a long-range complex, if the american patriots forbid or the french will go there, the range is less, but still the british gave the go-ahead for the use of weapons, but we see that this does not happen, despite this, that is, the americans all exactly this situation is controlled and... they don’t give the opportunity, and then you have
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to keep in mind that if they go over kharkov now, the russians have organized a very powerful intelligence system, and if these not -so-good maneuvers, not anti-aircraft missile complexes come in , they will be behind them a separate hunt, and we see that they have also formed separate strike complexes in themselves, which include, you see, our... armed forces were destroyed by a50, two pieces of il-22 from the same systems, because the russians split the a50m into two planes and on ill-22, and the swedes have it done on one, because the technology is more high level, that means if they can't use it, that's why they use their arlan 10 and others and hit later with an iskander and all this was discovered in online time. online they drop unmanned points
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directly on iskander batteries and they hit, we know examples when they hit our helicopters like that, for example, which were close to the contact line, well, on a number of other objects, that is, they also implement their reconnaissance strike complexes without applying 50 because they are afraid they will be shot down, that is the fight is a counterattack and it is necessary to cover if these batteries appear as a complex, but they will appear there if... they can hit, that is , shoot down the same su-34 carriers on the territory of the russian federation, or hit again, well, what can you do to beat with scalps and stomshedl, if there are permits, before these su-34s take off, i.e. on warehouses of guided bombs, on airfields where they are located, i.e. in one way or another, taking into account what means we have, our own, domestic drone strike.
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devices, so the same attacks, you see, these are american weapons, so they if they said, we do not promote the application, but the responsibility there is on the ukrainians, so this military-political struggle, let's say, is at work. mr. general, we are now seeing a russian eagle on video, which is actually one of the elements of this intelligence-strike complex that you talked about, and the question arises, how to... scale the destruction of these eagles, because there are not so many reports , we see that they are going astray, or can we go astray, what are the best ways to intensify our efforts, well, in this direction? we, we can knock them down anti-aircraft missile, artillery, with complexes, and here we really need such intelligence, information, as it can be from all anti-aircraft, anti-aircraft defense aircraft. then we can
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shoot them down with airplanes, it would be even more effective if the f16s came in at least, that is , we can shoot them down in this way. we can use electronic warfare systems in this regard, that is, they exist, but they change, because the russians are working, adjusting, finding countermeasures to our electronic warfare equipment, and so on, but such equipment exists, it’s just a matter of in order to scale the influence on it, it is necessary to scale the means of the corresponding anti-hail defense, and in this there is a question if we ... now move from the north to the west from the point of view of the concept, which is now also proposed by ukraine and apparently has the preliminary agreement of poland, while what is the general political one, about using the complexes of nato countries, there in
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the west, to cover part of our territory, to what extent such a concept is technically feasible, do we have interaction, or is it actually political again the limit will stand. first of all, what do you think about this concept? unfortunately, it is already standing, because the poles offered, the americans do not give the poles such an opportunity, and the poles suffered and their people, we remember, died, and that is , russian air attack vehicles flew into the territory of poland and romania, as well , and that's why, you see, they're slowing down, postponed this issue to the washington nato summit, and... which will be considered, why not earlier, it's not clear, and we actually proposed proposals on this matter at first for a large-scale war, that's why we will close the sky of ukraine, yes, they can't with their own, let's say, the presence of their military, let them provide the means, but here
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the question arises, whether from the territory of the same poland, the same romania, well, when did these means of attack fly there. then we also remember that they took to the air, well, they included their anti-aircraft missile complexes, long-range and radiation reconnaissance means, and also took to the air fighters, both polish, by the way, f16, and american, that is, all of this it is possible to work, there are means at the appropriate range, there are technical possibilities on this occasion, and it is possible to solve it and the organizational issue, here stands. this, unfortunately, is a political issue that the americans cannot decide on. mr. general, thank you very much for the professional explanations, i would like to remind our viewers that it was ihor romanenko, doctor of technical sciences, retired lieutenant general and founder of the charity fund "close the sky
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of ukraine". these were the main military accents of this day, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl dzyma, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zgurts, thanks to his guest, and we continue the great ether, there is a lot of interesting and important information ahead, but now i am asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in all weathers day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment. which is very important for the continuation of hostilities, for the safety of our military and for defeating the enemy, we are talking about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone, mobile, repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment.
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our goal remains the same, uah 630,000, and i want to say that we have already managed to collect uah 370,605 with your help. well, i believe that we... will close this need in the near future, thank you very much for every donation that you allocate to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, we will continue to do this, and now i will add to guest speech dmytro lantushenko, head of the public relations service of the 117th separate territorial defense brigade, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, today the enemy attacked sumy oblast, we will talk about sumy oblast in particular, the shelling of krasnopill, five injured, two killed, after that the enemy also struck at... the srednobutsk community, please tell us in more detail what kind of blows the enemy is hitting, and also about the consequences, if it is already known there, maybe the information has somehow changed, either please, yes, unfortunately, today once again sumyshchyna was under shelling by rioters,
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terrorists, all that you mentioned today in the official press conference, it really happened and the krasnopil community was under shelling, rocket bombs, and airstrikes on the object. of civil infrastructure, unfortunately, there are wounded, and there are dead, dead, and the same situation in other communities, that is , every day the border of sumy oblast and... a little deeper into the center of sumy oblast, these are the communities that are completely shelled , and although we note the actual decrease in the number of shellings in recent days, they are remain very intense, the enemy has increased the use of fpv drones in recent days, and the day before yesterday in the velikopysarovsk community there were two hits on two civilian cars, they were completely destroyed, it is fpv drones and... the same enemy uses weapons absolutely everywhere in all communities
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of sumy oblast, which are on the border. i understand that the territorial defense brigades, perhaps from what i know from my colleagues who serve today in the armed forces of ukraine, specifically as part of the tro brigades, are not so equipped with equipment, like, let's say, there are mechanized brigades or marine brigades or otherwise, but in any case, the forces and means are there, if not with you, then with yours ... and sisters in arms, and so i cannot help but ask, understanding the situation that has developed now, the situation is such that the enemy is accumulating, in particular we were talking about manpower, i don't know about the equipment, and that the issue of the enemy offensive on sumy oblast, it is not removed from the agenda, at least now, maybe it is not so urgent, but it remains, and today we hear information from our partners from nato member countries, which one by one they begin to say that they allow their weapons to strike. on the territory of the enemy, well, first of all, of course we are talking about close strikes, it is not thousands of kilometers there, but in relation to sumy oblast, without
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naming any locations, opportunities, in principle, if there were means, artillery, long-range, mlrs or something there was still such an effective one, and it was possible to hit the enemy with it, are there any points that can be hit today and, so to speak, significantly reduce the fighting. the ability of those parts that, say perhaps, in the long run, look now to try to enter sumy region. i will tell you this, for today, this is the issue of permission to use foreign weapons, it is actually for sumy oblast one that can preserve, without further ado, the life of border communities. i communicate every day with the civilian population, i communicate. every day with our defense guys, for example, the attack uav company of our 117th brigade, they
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work on the enemy almost every day, they send me video confirmation, i see there the excavators are destroyed, i see there the destroyed construction equipment with which they are also digging in, i see how our epividrons fly in, fly into the trenches towards the enemy, but to my question, where is the enemy's armored vehicle destroyed, they answer me, yes, it is a little in... and we do not get it by ourselves, by our own forces and means, the same applies to our mortar battery, which works constantly every day, but we understand that the issue of work efficiency is also a question of destroying not only the personnel, not only keeping their forces in tension defense and means, questions the destruction of armored vehicles itself, unfortunately, we are limited in these resources today, and therefore to all those... who are thinking today, whether to grant a permit or not to grant a permit, i would recommend going to velika pyserivka,
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going to yunakovki, going to the middle of buda, in shostka, to see the border of sumy oblast, this is all that is being destroyed by armored vehicles, artillery of the enemy, to which today, unfortunately, the defense forces stationed in sumy oblast, they cannot reach them, we work every day, we respond, but... it's a question of survival of the borderland, so it's a question, that is, me i just want to clarify, that is, relatively speaking, some kind of long-range artillery of the partner countries, it could be effective, i am not talking about cluster charges, maybe there are other high-explosive charges or something else , i don’t know what they will shoot with, but that is at the level of sau, it was already worked at the level of, let's say, high-quality rocket systems of volley fire, which, relatively speaking, hit at 40-50 k'. are we talking about such distances, or something that requires, say,
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cruise missiles? we are not even talking about cruise missiles, we are talking about repulsing that cluster, which today is located in different directions near the border of sumy oblast. we are talking about the fact that they are gathering there, maybe they are gathering in order to go to sumy oblast and so on, but the main thing here is to understand that the defense forces are there, and... you really talked about the limited resources of tro there is, but today there is a correspondingly full communication between the defense forces that are in the supshchyna, we understand what we have... and our brothers are next to us, we understand what equipment they have, there is a full exchange of information, believe me, we are absolutely sure that they will help the whole tpo, repel any escalation that could theoretically be, but we can work so effectively, and today our guys say, who work with reconnaissance drones, they say that we see this technique, the ravine, which
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is located there 10, 15, 20 km from the border, and we are ready... and this will increase the safety, firstly, of life activities, and secondly, it will increase the peace of mind for the people of sumy, because speaking, conditionally saying, any rszvchoo could help here. i you know, sir, we have very little time, but i am literally brief, so there is not one question, are fortification works being carried out, secondly, the threat of the drg, that is, on the border of chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast, enemy sabotage and intelligence groups are working, how do they manage to resist, if possible , well, fortifications can be shorter, because this information is obvious. not to disclose, or at least the work is ongoing, but more on the drg, if possible briefly too, on fortifications we work both day and night, a lot of people work, a lot of structures, and well, here i am in it in the plan, i see certain changes and they are positive, as far as the drg is concerned, i will also provide statistical information, in recent days
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, the defense forces have not recorded any manifestations of border crossing by the enemy, i thank you, first of all, for your service, for your work, and thank you for speaking frankly and commenting dmetro lantushenko, head of the public relations service of the 117th separate territorial defense brigade, here is the truth , here is the truth of a person who today actually expects an enemy attack as part of his brigade, and there i am i understand there are mechanized brigades, maybe there are tank brigades, maybe there are some other brigades, i don't know, but there are definitely enough forces and means, but it is clear that these forces and means would work better against the enemy, mixing up his orders. destroying his plans, destroying his infrastructure, there are bombs that quite seriously penetrate shelters, there are bombs with cluster charges that can destroy personnel, the same helicopters, there are different, different weapons, and give permission today, and we everyone understands that they did not come to the sumy oblast for a picnic, but there was information that there they train their recruits, even if
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they train someone there, to kill our communities, that is, they train theirs by killing us. civilians, first of all, what is important here now, yes, but it is coming, and that is why this issue of granting permission to use nato weapons to hit russians on their territory is important, and it is not about scalps, not about stormtroopers, not even about those tauruses, which we can't wait for, no, we are talking about self-propelled artillery installations, such as, say, the suzanne, or those that have three smoks, and the american m777, or about the french, great, the swedish, by the way, there are also. sau, the most technological swedish sau in the world, by the way, i want to say, and several such installations could significantly change the plans of the enemy in this situation, significantly change the plans of the enemy, and the defenders of the kharkiv region repeatedly said that yes, if there was an opportunity to hit the enemy then, when he was deployed in these offensive formations, they do not move together with the trenches, they leave the trenches and move in certain formations in the offensive,
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military art, there are its own laws, and i they have not a small specialist, but everyone understands that together with... a cop you will not run, you have to grow out of him, and this is already a target for defeat, so it is clear that the situation would have been obviously different, unfortunately, blood first of all, the civilians of kharkiv region, secondly, our defenders, who did the impossible, stopping and stabilizing the front line, sometimes even driving out the enemy, advancing this front, this is done with blood, skill, sweat, sacrifices, but everything could to be completely different, this is a question of what, yes, ukraine should receive the right to use long-range artillery. rocket salvo fire systems, which , by the way, our partners have enough of, for an approximate impact of hail, it is 40-50 km there, then it would be important for us, and again, these are the words of a person who, today, is waiting offensive, so the enemy today usually accumulates more manpower on the border areas, there is also the possibility to attack from chernihiv oblast, where the border with sumy oblast is from this
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kursk oblast, well, but in any case, this is a very important question, and today we will about this... by the way, serhiy zgurets said that the key issue here is that we should receive good, supposedly there is some good, but it must be recorded, you understand, so that we can refer to it in case of something, get good from our partners from the united states of america, because their, let's say, ah, self-propelled artillery installations are quite effective, we also have permission, i think from finland, but now we 're moving on to another topic, we'll talk about why not manages to destroy the enemy in his narratives and in his... influence on the consciousness of people inside the country, what prevents this, oleg slabospytskyi, public activist, mr. oleg, i congratulate you, and i congratulate you, good day, well, let's... talk about why the law on the ban of the russian orthodox church, and there is also the point that we have a law on decommunization,
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decolonization, it is not fully implemented , even a resolution was written for the cabinet of ministers on decolonization, but again there is a certain brake here, we we will talk about decolonization, decommunization a little later, that's why that this is such a time-deferred influence, conventionally speaking, from the fact that now a certain city is called, that somehow no one will die from it, but from the negative influence of agents in cassocks, people really die, both physically and morally, why on your opinion, certain people, influencing their majority in the verkhovna rada, by all possible means, sometimes even completely stupid, sorry for the word, but they are here, trying to stop and, as they say, put the brakes on this law, this law. well, look at me, it's ongoing now it is the 10th year of the war with russia, and it is unacceptable that
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we allow a branch of the russian orthodox church, a branch of the fsb, to exist unhindered in ukraine , both religious scholars and public activists have talked about this more than once, and in general, i think that this is already the case a lot of analytics. we must understand that now there are more than 800 branches of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, some of which are located in the temporarily occupied territories, and with the beginning of the full scale only about seven hundred parishes transferred to the lavocu, that is, you yourself understand that 800 branches of the russian orthodox church are very important a resource used by russia on the territory of ukraine. for the influence of their agents, in fact, from all points, the sphere of life of ukrainians, we saw this last time, when, accordingly
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, the illegal construction of the mafia on the foundation of the tithe church in the city of kyiv was dismantled, therefore, according to me, at the moment, both people's deputies and civil society should mobilize their resources in order to show that there is a request, 63... percent of ukrainians support the complete ban of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, as well as the resolution of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, which calls for the roc to be treated accordingly as an ideological extension of putin's regime. recently, even on may 6, the parliament of the republic of estonia called for treating the russian orthodox church as a full-fledged, let's say, subject that carries out military aggression. russia, despite the fact that in estonia, i was there at one time on a business trip, there is also a part of the country, it is a small country, there are a lot of russians who have been living there since soviet times,
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who do not even want to learn the estonian language, well there are problems there, i.e. flocks, like that they say, there is, and this influence is also significant there, it is quite significant, but in ukraine it is significant not only because it is a moral influence, i don't know, i think that these stories are quite alive when the fallen heroes are refused to be sung in the orthodox church. there are such moments, i know, when there is a village, and there is a church of the moscow patriarchate, and another church is too many dozens of kilometers away, and of course, no one will take the fallen hero there, they say here, but we won’t, well, and these and a plus to the fact that they give information, they become, not what they become, but remain agents of the enemy, who in one way or another are sometimes activated and imposed by kremlin narratives, sometimes openly, simply openly talk about it, and here the question is what mykola knyazhytskyi, one of the authors of this law, writes about the fact that this , bill number 8371 on amending some laws of ukraine regarding the activities of religious organizations in ukraine, was voted on in the first reading back on october 23, but they are now
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going so far as to send it to the third reading, so we are not sure , what will the votes be, then let's guess at a certain date, then let's wait for something, then let's study public public opinion about this, that is, but even here, people have questions: you have a joint... business with them, you baptized children there, in you have some other connections, did one of you commit to something to russia, why is there no understanding of this, and here the question is whether it is as of now, or whether it is purely ignoring this requirement of this draft law, the requirements of the time above all, by individual politicians, whether it is society or not ready, you talked about sociology, but isn't this society ready for there not to be those churches that are openly linked to russia , directly legally connected, please, i think that society is ready, on the contrary, it shows both sociology and in fact our last appeal of public
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organizations. with whom we stood together in the revolution of dignity, including in order for us to have a single, local ukrainian church, therefore we must understand that currently the influence of the russian orthodox church in ukraine remains very large, and precisely the lack or unwillingness of the verkhovna rada to vote for this draft law, it is very revealing, because it means that the influence of political the roc remains on our people's deputies, we know that there are several people's deputies who are still in the servant of the people faction, who do not hide their, let's say, their love for the roc and protection of the roc, so for now we just have to choose whose side are you on, that is, because there is already a difference to be played there, or let's
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postpone this question for sometime, it won't work, because you have to understand... that this war, it is not being waged only at the front, but even now it is being conducted in the rear, including, if we are talking about agents of influence, the russian orthodox church. i'm literally just recently there was a bright christian holiday, easter, and then there were holidays, and i noticed, i went to mykhailivskyi zolotoverch and the cathedral, there were a lot of people, well, first of all, frankly russian-speaking, i'm not saying this in a negative way , many people came to kyiv now, this is such a story, but you can see when... people, let's say, went to the russian orthodox church, well ukrainian the orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, because it is visible, people there wear headscarves, if a girl, say, or a woman is wearing trousers, then she also imposes this headscarf, because it was decided there, well, in the orthodox church in ukraine, this has never been done was, and it can be seen, but these people come to mykhailivskaya zolotoverkhia and there are no problems, by the way , history shows that when i passed by the moscow patriarchate of the church in podil, there were almost no people there on easter, and
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mykhailivskyi was crowded, so... then it's not a problem for people, they came, they made a mistake, the candle was put, listened to, changed, i don't know, that's all, there are no questions, and here only the most important thing, in your opinion, is the last question, in your opinion, which should be a turning point for this to be put to a vote, so that this law is voted on in the second reading and as a whole, the question is then when the president will sign it, we know that the president could sign the law banning the import of russian books from ukraine for a very long time in a timely manner, but he signed the time the question is that this the law then... a lot long time no sign, but what could be the turning point? i believe that, as with other legislative initiatives, very often the turning point is the activism of people, the activism of society, you have to express your opinion, you have to write about it on social networks, if necessary, you have to write a video message, you have to go out in your communities and say that we want
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the russian orthodox church to be banned. in ukraine, because without pressure from society, unfortunately, such legislative initiatives are never accepted. currently, the state is checking whether society is ready to be proactive, and we need to be proactive in order to push the bans of the russian orthodox church. you know, i myself have no answer, it's just that i went to vyshhorod in the winter, i was invited there to present a book, and i had to speak to the relatives of those who died in 24-22 at the beginning of its creation. and told me a story about the moscow church, which continues to operate, moreover, that the son of this priest transferred to the orthodox church of ukraine, everything is fine, and the father continues, he is ukrainian, but continues to serve and be there, as they say, in in this russian company and they ask, they say, why don’t you transfer, well, everyone, everyone is for everything, he cynically tells the people who represent the security service of ukraine there, some more, some more, he says, yes, and he says , and you will give me a guarantee that it will be here in two years,
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well, that is, frankly... he says, if the russians come again, and i, well, i am the roc, uoc, mp , and this is him, then, what he thinks, he tells people about it, that's what the problem is, and this shouldn't happen, and even when legally they won't be, well, you can think whatever you want about what will happen in two years, but this is no longer there, so thank you very much for commenting on this important question, thank you for joining our heter, oleg slabospytskyi, a public activist, was with us, we believe that the verkhovna rada of ukraine will be able. to vote for this, literally in a moment of news: good evening, we are from ukraine, well , we are starting, at least eight injured as a result of the shelling of the russian shelling of leman in donetsk region, according to the head of the regional military administration , the occupiers shelled the city three times, damaged three two-story buildings and three administrative buildings, emergency services are working at the landing sites,
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the authorities are urging people to evacuate.


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